HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1363D D D ORDINANCE NO. 1363 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING PALM DESERT MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 2.34.010, TO BASE COMMISSIONER AND COMMITTEE MEMBER · APPOINTMENT TERMS UPON THE FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, the City of Palm Desert has undergone a comprehensive review of its commissions and committees; and WHEREAS, th,e Palm Desert City Council previously approved in concept the recommendation to base the commissioner and commission member appointment terms upon the fiscal year; and · WHEREAS, City staff will incorporate all approved revisions into the bylaws, which will be presented for City Council consideration at the conclusion of the comprehensive review. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Palm Desert, California, does hereby ordain, as follows: That Section 2.34.010 of the Municipal Code of the City of Palm Desert, California, is hereby amended to read, as follows: A. The beginning date for all terms of appointment to any city committee or commission will• be July 1 and the ending date will be June 30, with the exception of appointments made to fill unexpired terms of office, or appointments made to fill new positions created during the year, but which will all be ultimately based upon the calendar year thereafter. Following expiration of the term of office, and if requested by city counQil, each member shall continue to serve until either he or she is reappointed or his or her successor Js qualified and appointed. PASSED AND APPROVED, by the City Council of Palm Desert, California, at its Regular meeting held on the 25th day of February, 2021, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: HARNIK, JONATHAN, NESTANDE, QUINTANILLA, and KELLY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ATTEST:'- ~~1??d--3/f@);l.J GRP:CFbRQGrlA, AGTING CITY CLERK ......_____ - CITY OFPAL.M DESERT, CALIFORNIA � � fi ,tlesert . � � Sun � ' . n�� �,s� �� , , RQ�QF OF - � P BCICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PO Box 23430 Green Bay. VVI 54305-3430 Tel: 760-7784578 / Fax 760-778-4731 Email �. legalsClhedeser�sun.com OROINANCE NO. 1363 GITY OF PALM DFSFRT 73510 FRED WARING DR PALM DESERT CA 92260 I nm over ihe aee uf IS ye.us old, a citizcn ofthe United Stntzs mid no� a part�� to, or hnvc interest in this matter. I hereby certify that the attnched advcrtisemcnt �ppctircd in said ncwspaper (sel in typc nut sinullcr lhan nun paricl) in cach and entirc istiue of said neti°spaper �nd not in anti supplement thcrcu� on the ti�llo�vin_ dates. Io �vit: U3/I�/�021 I uckno��dcdeo that I am a principal cicrk of'thc primcr of �fhe Desert Sun_ printed and published weekly in (he City ol Palm Springs, Counry of Itiverside. State ofCalifornia. The Desert Sun wus adjudicatcd a Ne�vspaper ofgeneral circulation on March 3l, 1988 hy the Superior Court of thc County of Riversidc, State of Califomia Case No. 1U1236. I certily under nenaln� o� perjury. under Ihe laws of the St.ite of C.difornia, tluit the forcgoing i, true and con�cct.. Cxecutcd on ihis 12th of March 2021 in Grccn 13a��. WL Countv uf E3rown. ( i ..I �'. _.1 � ---`��/ � `L � �\i�, ; �' 7 DECLARANT � Ad#-0004641252 PO: This is not an invoice # of Affidawt.r 1 AN OP�INANCE Of THE OTY COUNCIL OF THE Ory Oi PALM �ESENT, CALIfO0.NIA, NMENDING PALM DESfPT MUWCIPqL <ODE SERION 2.3<.010, TO BGSE COMMISSIONEP AND COMMITTEE MEMBER APPOIMMENT TERMS UPON THE FiSCAL YEAN. W MENEPS, �he City ol Palm Desert has wdergone a mmp�ehe^tive review o� lu commisslen: ana �omminee:; and wHeacns, ine raim oe.erc ory <o����i p�e��o�siy av�,o�ea �� ;o�<evr me re<- entlation ro base the mmmusioner antl mmmisswn member appom�ment tern s upon t�e tlxal yexr, antl WHEflER4 Ciry rtaH will in orporate all appwvPtl rtrvisions Into fhe Dylaws. which will be piesented !or Ciry Gouncil mnsitleratlon at tbe mntluzion oi Ne mmpreM1ensive review. NOW, � n�d�Nd�, �ne Lrry towcil ol (he City ol Falm Deurt, Calitornia, does hereby ortlaln, as tollows: Tbe� Se�iion 23i0�0 0l tM1e MunluVal CoJe al �he Gry ul Palm f���urt, c�mo�ma, ��. n�,��y .,m��d�a �o �o.,d. �, ro.iow,� A. The beginning dare for all [erms of appmntment m any ury mmmrttee o will be luly I and the ending tla�r will be lune 30, wlth rt�e r¢ep� rbn ol3ippointmenh made m fili i nexpleed terms oi ofh�q o app Immems made b fJl new positons oeated during tFe year, but wh¢M1 will ull be W�i- matety based upon ihe calenAar ycar tM1ereafler. Followlnq er0������on ol the term of oHlce, aM l reQuezteE by nty tovnGl, ea<M1 member shall mntlnue to umll eiMer ne or she h reappulmetl or nn or ber suae�sor is qoalitied an� appoinMtl PASSED AND APPROVE�, by tMe Ciry Council of Palm Oesen CaLtornia, a� us Pegular meeting held on t�e 25tF day oi Febmary, 202t. by rhe loibwing vo�e, �owlc AYES- HARNIN,/ONATNAN,NESTAN�E,OUINTANILLA,and NELLY NOES: NONE ABSENi: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE KATHLEEN KELLY. MNYOH AIIESP GnnCE L. qOCMA, ARING CITY CLFPK CITY OF PAIM OESEPT, ULILORNIA Publlshed�. 3/12/ID21 ORUINANCE N0.7369 AN OPDINANCE OF THE CITV COUNCII Of TXE [RV OF PpIM DESERT, Gl1FORNIA, AMENDING P�LM DESEqT MUNICIFAI CODE SEITON I.3l.O10, TO BASF COMMISSIONER AND COMMRTEF MEMBER APPOINTMENT TERMS UPON THE RSCAI YEAN. WHEREAS, the Ci[y ot Palm Desert has untlergone a comprehensive review of Its mmmissions and mmmittees; and WHENEAS, the Palm pesert CiTy Council previously approved im m�cep[ the rec- ommendation to base ffie commissioner and mmmisslon member appointment terms upon the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, Clry stafr will incorporate all approved revisions inm the bylaws, which will be preuntttl for Ciry Cowcil mmidention at the mnalusion ot the <anpmhensive review. NOW, THEREfORE, the Ciry Council of [he City of Valm Desert, Califomia, tloes hereby ordain, as follows: That SeRion 2.34.010 of the Munitipal Code ot the Cky of Palm Desert, Califo nia is hereby amended to reatl, as follows: A. The beginning tlate fm all terms ot apPointment m any ciry mmmittee or mmmission will be luly 1 and the ending date will be lune 30, with ffie excep- tion of appointments made to fill unexpired terms of office, or appointmenu made [o fill new Oositions created during the year, but which will all be Wti- mately based vpon the calendar year thereaher. Following expiration of [he term ot oHlce; and It requerted by <ity council, ea<h member shall continue to serve until either he or she is reappointed or his or her v<cessor is qualified and appointed. VASSED AND APiPOVED, by Ihe City Cowcil of Valm Desert, Califomia, at its RegWar meeting held on the 25th day of February, 3021, by the following vote, to wiC AYES: NARNIK, IONATHAN, NESTANDE, QUIlRqNILLA, and KELLV NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE KATHLEEN KELIV, MAYOP ATfEST: GRACE L ROCHA, ACTING CITY CLERK CITYOiPALMDESERT,WJfORNIA PyplWiaE;D/11/Ip2�