HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 Res 2021-07 CVAGSTAFF REPORT CITY OF PALM DESERT CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE MEETING DATE: April 8, 2021 PREPARED BY: Christopher Gerry, Senior Management Analyst REQUEST: Adopt Resolution No. 2021-07 approving participation with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments for regional homelessness services in the amount of $100,000 for Fiscal Year 2020-21. Recommendation By minute motion, Adopt Resolution No. 2021-07 approving participation with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments to provide regional homelessness services in the amount of $100,000 for Fiscal Year 2020-21. Background Analysis The City Council has previously funded homelessness services coordinated regionally through the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG). For years, the City contributed funds annually to CVAG for the operation of Roy’s Desert Resource Center, which permanently closed in July 2017. Since then, CVAG has allocated its regional financial commitments for other homelessness services. In December 2018, the Desert Healthcare District/Foundation approved a dollar-for-dollar match contribution of a minimum of $100,000 per jurisdiction toward regional efforts to end homelessness in the Coachella Valley. Subsequently, the Desert Healthcare District/Foundation and CVAG are requesting from multiple jurisdictions, including the City of Palm Desert, financial commitments in the amount of $100,000 each. The request and supplemental information can be found as Attachment A. In addition, to formalize the proposed financial commitment, City staff recommends adopting the resolution found as Attachment B. Finally, City staff would like to thank the Desert Healthcare District/Foundation, the Coachella Valley Association of Governments, and participating jurisdictions for their support in mitigating homelessness. Fiscal Analysis The fiscal impact is $100,000, which was previously included in the Fiscal Year 2020-21 General Fund budget for this purpose. April 8 , 2021 Regional Homelessness Contribution Page 2 of 2 L EGAL REVIEW DEP T. REVIEW 'R.OOOl"tW . rtCU-fVeaNiW N/A Robert W . Ha rg re aves Todd H ileman City Attorn ey Ci ty Manag e r City Manage r L. Tod d Hile m an : L . Todd HHeV\A.,/ilV\, Attachment A. Funding Request B. Resolution No . 2021-07 FINANCIAL REVIEW 9,:,.,,,.,t,;f' '111 . '11101:n,e, Janet Moore Director of Fi nan ce C ITY COUNCTLA ~TION A PP ROV ED __ V ______ DENTED _____ _ RECE IVE D OTHER _____ _ ASS ISTAN T CITY MANAGER :Anay :Firestine And y Firesti ne Ass istan t City Ma nag er MEE TI _N"G DATE ~~ UJ ~ AYES : t:lttm i ~ . .Jonidfian .&esfaii}p GW@Dtll@ , -r ~/J'J NOES : NQ ni/ 1 7 A BS ENT: _N-:O""ih:::--f.:-:--:------------ A BSTA IN: None V ERIFTED_B_Y.._: ----R[?"TU'<.-,:::--,/-S_r._s ______ _ Original on File with City Clerk's Office � +' :�ii' S�',a'.sf:.'►��r1''� ��'4`=..11 .r+'�"9�'f"-.� : �e''�ii�`�.1 -�al i�":3 � ' �� �� January 27, 2021 Mayor Kath[een Keliy City ot Pa�m �esert 735'i 0 Fred Waring Drive Ralm Desert, CA ��26fl Mayor f{e�ly, �VA� The Caachel�a VafEey Asso�+atior� of G4vernments �CVAG} has a fQr�g hisfary af warking wifh its member cities to heip kzarrteless indiv�duals and families in t�e Coa�helfa Valfey_ I am writing today ta re��est tha# the City of Paim Desert corstinue its support for the �V Fiousing �irst pragram with a�1 da,a40 CQtltf�i]UtlDfl t�15 fISC�� j1E&1', CVAG's wark t� tte�p the hQmeless dates �ack alrr-«st 24 years, first in the f�rm af partnerships wi#h lacal chur�hes and then aperating an emergency overnig�t sheater in north Palrr� Springs. We knovv that there is no or�e-si�e-fits- aE! salution ta addressing homelessness. In �Oi 7, after thoroughfy s�anning the lands�ape of existir►g farms af heip avaiEat�Ee ir� Coachel�a Vailey, CVAG launch�d th� CV Housing First �rogram, �7UEI�{fTl� �fl � SlfCC255fLiI ft�tEOli�l rrzodel. The underiying p�ifosaphy af this program is fhaE on�e sflmeon�'s housir�g stt�aatiors Y�as stabilized, tt�ey are abie ta focus their attentio�t orr issues that lead to f�ecaming hoir�eless ir� the first pface, like maintaining emptoyr-nent and dealing wit� addictia� ar mental health issues. CV HousEng First uses a cam�inati�n of strategies — in�luding ra�id rehousing, oufrea��, crisis stabilization ur�its and athe� suppgrtive serviGes — ta car�nect uns�eltered hameless indiViduals with housing ❑�portunities they can sustain over time. This pragram has heen in�redi�O�y su�cessful. An inciependent anaEys�s by [he Health Assessmer�t ar�d Research for Corr-Ert�unities �HARC, Inc.} found that b�twee� July 1, 20') 7 anci June 3�, 20'i 8, CV Hausing Fitst served 4Q'f c�ier�ts — and more than eight aut af every 7a peaple exited the pragram ta permaner�t housir�g. Anoti�er 11 percent went ia t�mparary hausir�g. FiAF2C also found t�at clients' average montnly in��me more than da�ble�f ffar�-i $529 to $1,496. In October 2Q19, �he Desert 5un released its awn analysis of the tirne ittakes vafiaus pr�grams to mave people ir,to a new hame in F�iverside County. The newspaper`s repQrting s�awed that w�iEe i# could talce some pragra��s up tg 118 cfays Eo get sameone ur�der a raaf, CVAG had by fa� the rr-Eosf successfu! turnara�and at a mere three days. The Desert Surs ana�ysis alsa found that thraugh CV H�using First, 55 per�ent of homeEess peapEe entered ir�ta lor�g-term housing situations after com�leting the program, �vith the use of �risis sta�ilizatian units heing key to that success, ❑uring a client's 6�-ta-9� day stay in one af these units, case managers pravide supporEive services and w��k to cannect #hem with a long-term hausing salution. This strategy has reducec! the average length of hamelessness in Caachella Ualley by ❑ffering low-f�arrier heip needed by ho�eless indivicivais wha are resistant to mass shelter snd �enri�e5. This year, we are ready ta make an even greater impact in aur cammunity. fnstead of paying a cantract�r to operate the pragrar�, the CVAG Exec�tive Cammittee has mflved the pragram in-hQuse relying an an ef�ective com�ination ❑f �ross-trair�ed staf� workir�g ir� close callai�oratior� with iocal law enforcerrier�t anc! p�bf3c F�eaEth partners to focus an fhe "frequeni f�yer" users of pubiic services. By helping these inciividuats — iypi�ally the harciest, most shelter- resistant chranicalEy homeless people - get oT� #he streets anci ir�to programs, we ca� reduce the air�aur�t of public funding spent on in terms o# hea[th care and social services Ci1v ni BLViN� • CITY 01 CGSH[[yf7AL GT� • Ci�v a� Cr�r,�s-i�ii.� • C,ry o� �7rs�.Pr Hor 5vnivcs Crr� r�� luo��.� Wri i � CI7t' OI" �yplp •�iTY C]I Lq QLI�NTA • CIzY CfF PpLM DCSCRI • CITI' 6F P�Li•1 SPRINGS � CiTV C71 RA�JCN6 MIRAGF � COL1NiV QF RIV£RSIOC AGl1A �AI If�NTE BAMD GF �ANl11L! A jall]IANS • GABAr�t� BntJO pF �ISSIfiP� INl7iANS Their stories are tefling • A 53-year-ald womars — battling chror+ic physical and me►�tai heaith issues — fir�ds hers�if living an the streets far six yea�s. Init�alty resistant to heEp, a caseworker i�uifcls trust aver repeated vistts with her. She �ets a do�tor, Cvnnected to varsaus soc�al services ar�d �Itimateiy finds a horne �n a serrior iiving apartment. • A man who encied up homeless arnid a farr�ily dispute gets cflr�nected tQ sociai servi�es, reconne�ts with his da�aghter ar�d fir�ds stat�le housing. + An oider �au�le find themselves in a cyc�e �f homelessness far nearly a decade, unaware af the pragrams avaifable to iherr�. They get maved into a shor#-term apartment, quafify far hene�ts and secure a vouc�er far Secfiars 8 hausing. 8ut we �ars't help these paopfe with�ut the conttnued supp�rf ❑f our member jurisdictians. �his is why CVRG is making sts anr�uai request to Coack�efia Valiey's citi�s anrf tri�a� governrn�:nts ta contrit�ute $1 �fl,�Q�fl ta the pragram. The�e cantributions have gone twice as far i►� recent years khanics to a daliar-fc�r-ciallar matcl� by the Desert Healthcare ❑istrict! Four�datian, whose� Baard mem#aers and siaff t�ave recagnized the €inks between addressir�g home�essness and acfdressing mental health. CVAG is c�rrently in the process of requesting cantinued fur�ding frorn the Distr;ctl Foundatian Soard ar�d we are working with the Cat�nty to canti�ue its stro�g suppart for the program. At the sa:rse time, we're working ta halster au� services, inclu�ir�g a grant-tunded, mo�ile access center that wiU bring help aut in the field wi�ere homeless peo�le are 3acated. Hameless�ess is a complex issue, and it takes a viilage — ir��luding our ciiies, aur Caunty, regiana! gQvernment, and �a�fnering organszations — to successfully acidress this issue. I fook forwarcf ta your �ontinued partnershi� in the form af a�70D,000 contrik�ution ia CV �lau�ing First. Please dan't hesstate to contact me at tkirkCcr7.cvaQ.ora ❑r at �76D} 3,46-1'f27 if I ca� provide addi#i�nal in#ormatian ar support. Sin�erely, � r Tom Ki�k, CVAG Executi�e Director CC: Cauncilmember Sabby Jonatha�, CVAG Hamelessness Committee repcesentative Desert Healthcare Oistri�tJ �oundatiar� ,: i��s' .� �r F . • �� �� �VAG -1- RESOLUTION NO. 2021-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARTICIPATION IN COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS HOMELESSNESS PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) and its Homelessness Committee are tasked with addressing homelessness within the Coachella Valley and finding alternative shelter / housing for homeless individuals and families; WHEREAS, CVAG operates a regional homelessness program focusing on housing, which is the model to serve homeless individuals and families; WHEREAS, CVAG requests $100,000 from local jurisdictions in the Coachella Valley as an annual contribution to continue to identify and implement ways to mitigate regional homelessness; WHEREAS, CVAG and its Homeless Committee will continue to identify and implement ways to mitigate homelessness once assembling funding from local jurisdictions and the Desert Healthcare District/Foundation; WHEREAS, the City of Palm Desert remains an active partner with CVAG, Desert Healthcare District/Foundation, and other local jurisdictions to mitigate homelessness in the Coachella Valley, which includes contributing funds in the amount of $100,000; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Palm Desert, California, as follows: SECTION 1. Supports the regional collaboration and the continuation of identifying and implementing ways to mitigate homelessness through regional partnerships. SECTION 2. Authorizes the expenditure of $100,000 for the City of Palm Desert’s participation in the regional homelessness program for Fiscal Year 2020-21. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 8th day of April 2021, by the City Council of the City of Palm Desert, California by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ________________________________ KATHLEEN KELLY, MAYOR CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: _________________________________ GRACE L. ROCHA, ACTING CITY CLERK CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA [This page has intentionally been left blank.]