HomeMy WebLinkAbout22 C41770 Riverside County Animal Control ContractCiTY COUNCiLACTION
CITY OF PAL �' �ATR _ n�'O$" j�2�
DEVELOPMENT SER � ����r�'�''"`�, �E`'"�' 6,,;��wA4, K.��
A135F'I!T• Nw�e
MEETING DATE: July 8, 2021 vr�iir�r� nv:s�1�'a� ���
Original on Tile with City Clcrk's Of�ce
PREPARE BY: Pedro Rodriguez, Code Compliance Supervisor
REQUEST: Consideration of approval of Contract No. C41770, a three-year
agreement for animal control field and shelter services to the County
of Riverside Department of Animal Services (County) in an amount
not to exceed $350,000 annually.
By Minute Motion:
Award Contract No. C41770, a three-year agreement for animal control
field and shelter services to the County in an amount not to exceed
$350,000 annually. Said contract shall renew automaticaliy in one (1) year
increments from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2024, subject to final review and
approval of the City Attorney.
2. Authorize the Mayor to execute the above-referenced Agreement.
3. Approve exception to bidding requirements as provided for in Section
3.30.160 (J) of the Palm Desert Municipal Code.
Funds will be available in the proposed 2021/2022 budget for Professional
Services, Account No. 1104230-4309000. Funding for subsequent years will
be appropriated during the annual budget process.
Backaround Analvsis
The City of Palm Desert partners with other Coachella Valley cities and the County in
sheltering lost, abandoned, and unwanted animals at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus,
which is operated by the County. For the actual field services, each of the participating cities
elects to either provide their own services or to contract with the County to do so. Palm Desert
has historically contracted with the County for animal control services.
The contract under which the County currently provides service is a three-year agreement,
which will expire on June 30, 2021. The proposed contract would continue to combine field
and shelter services in one (1) contract. The proposed agreement would continue services
through June 30, 2024. Services provided to the City under the agreement include sheltering
services, animal control fieid services, responding to calls for service, issuing dog licenses,
inspecting kennels and catteries, removing dead animals from the right-of-way, and
July 8, 2021 – Staff Report
Contract No. C41770 Animal Control Field and Shelter Services Contract
Page 2 of 3
investigating reported animal incidents and complaints. A copy of Agreement No. 21-009 is
attached for your review.
The proposed contract rates for (FY2021/2022) will increase from the current rates in the (FY
2018/2021) contract. In February 2020, the City received notice from the County of increased
rates. The areas with the most significant increases were for animal control officer’s hourly
rate, overtime-hourly rate, and animal sheltering services. In August 2020, a staff report was
submitted to the City Council as a request to acknowledge and approve the rate increase.
The rate increase for the proposed contract (FY2022/2023) is based on the new full cost
recovery rates approved by the Board of Supervisor in January 2020. The full cost recovery
rates will be incrementally phased in over two years. The first phase increase was in January
2020 with the final increase scheduled for FY 2022/2023. The total cost for this proposed
three-year agreement will be $1,050,000.
The cost of the new contract could fluctuate primarily due to cost increases or decrease in
overtime, the increase or decrease in cost for sheltering services, operation & maintenance.
The County will provide updated rates based on actual cost by March 31 of each year for the
following year’s budget. Below is a breakdown of the proposed contract cost per fiscal year.
Animal Control Officer
Hourly Rate
Overtime Hourly Rate
(estimated, billed on
$21,645 *$20,892 **$23,180 ***$23,180
Daily Sheltering Rate
$116,400 *$29,670 **$36,340 ***$36,340
Shelter Operation &
(this fee will not increase)
$6,076 $1,201 $1,201 $1,201
License Processing
(estimated, billed on
prior year actual)
$20,000 $16,970 $17,400 $17,400
Wildlife Impounds
(new charge effective 1/2020)
$7,980 $1,380 $1,380 $1,380
Deceased Animal
Removal & Disposal
(new charge effective 1/2020)
$1,656 $4,340 $4,340 $4,340
$340,321 $287,300 $336,977 $336,977
July 8, 2021 – Staff Report
Contract No. C41770 Animal Control Field and Shelter Services Contract
Page 3 of 3
Please see Agreement 21-009, Exhibit C, Page C-1 for a Full Breakdown of the Cost
FY2021/2022 *$102.33 hourly
rate @ 2,080 hours
*$142.12 overtime hourly rate @
147 hours
*Sheltering rate $25.80 per day
@ 115 animals (average of 10
kenneling days)
FY2022/2023 **$121.70 hourly
rate @ 2,080 hours
**$157.69 overtime hourly rate
@ 147 hours
**Sheltering rate $31.60 per day
at 115 animals (average of 10
kenneling days)
FY2023/2024 *** Rates will fluctuate base on increase or decrease in services.
The Riverside County Department of Animal Services Continues to provide satisfactory
services. Field officers respond to calls for service in a timely manner and are responsive to
both City’s calls for service as well as the public. Animal control officers and their respective
supervision provide the City with updates on matters requiring staff intervention in order to
maintain a high level of customer service to our constituents. Sheltering services continue to
provide a satisfactory level of services as it relates to pet adoptions, issuance of licenses and
caring for sheltered animals. Staff is unaware of any persistent customer service complaints
or lack of response to service calls.
Fiscal Analysis
Since the County gave proper notice, staff budgeted sufficiently for Fiscal Year 2021/2022 and
this request does not require any additional appropriations. Funds for this request are available
in the FY21/22 Budget in Account No. 1104230-4309000.
Robert W . Hargreaves
City Attorney
Eric Ceja
Eric Ceja, Interim Director
of Development Services
Janet M. Moore
Janet Moore
Director of Finance
Andy Firestine
Andy Firestine
Assistant City Manager
City Manager, L. Todd Hileman: L. Todd Hileman
ATTACHMENT: 1. Riverside County Department of Animal Services Agreement No. 21-009
2. Correspondence from County dated April 23, 2021, Re: contract rates
3. August 27, 2020 Staff report
4. Contract No. C37190
5. Cost increase chart for FY19/20 to FY20/21
Agncmcnt N��. ? 1-OU9
made and tntered intu as of July I, 2021 ('`Et'�ecti<<e Date") by and between the CITY OF Palm
Ucscrt, a Charter City ("C11'Y"), a�id the COUNTY OF� RIVL'•ItS1UL•', a political subdivision of
the State of California, on behalf of its Department of Animal Services ("C'OUNT�'''}, collectively
referreci to as the "Parties" ancl individually as a"Party".
1�V!lER�AS, CITY dcsires to contract with CUUN'I'Y to provide animal field and shelter setti�ices
for the purp�se of safeguarding the health and safety of CITY's populatiop and the health and
safety of it, domestic animals;
VJHEREAS, CITY dcsires to prornotc thc humanc trcatmcnt of animals;
WII�RL'AS, CUUN'I'Y ha� the personnel and experience to provide such services and is willin�
to enter intc� a contract with CITY fc�r the provision of such sen�ices subject to the te►-ms and
conditions fi�r compensatic�n as hereinaf'tc�r set forth; and
NUW, THCRGFORL•, for and in considcration of thc rnutual covcnants, conditions and advantagcs
hcrein statcd, the Partics hereto agrce as follo�vs:
A. Recitals:
1. Thc aforcrncntioncd Rccitals arc truc and corrcct and incorporatcd hcrcin by this
B. County Obligations:
1, C011NTY shall provide the field and shelter services within the corporate li►nits of
CITY as c�utlined and spec:ified in Exhibit A, Scope oFAnimal Field Services, attached
hcrcto and incorporatcd hcrcin by this rcfcrcncc; and Erhibit B, Scopc of Animal
Shelter Senrices, attached hereto and incorpor�ted herein by this reference.
C. Gih� Ubligations:
1. CITY shall reimbtuse t'OUNTY for the services performed and the expenses incurred
as set forth in Section III., Compensation, and Exhibit C, Pay�ment Provisions,
attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
2. In ordcr fnr COUNTY t� pro��idc thc full seope of servires to CITV under this
Agreement, �vithin six months follov►�ing the Effective Date of this Agreement,
CITY shall adopt the current �•erbatim language of tl�e regulations, provisions,
and ratcs found in Rivrrside County Ordinance Nus. 534, 560, 630, 71G, 771, and
87R ("Animal Contral Ordinances»), and shall amend its CITY municipal cade
AKrccmcnt No. 31 •UU9
H�hen COUNT�' amcnds its tlnimal Cuntrol Ordinanccs, from timc to timc.
CUUKTI' shnll providc the verbatim language to the CiTY that shall be adapted
into CITY's municipal codes. Nohvithstanding the foregoing, CITY retains all
legislative authorit�� pertaining to the regulation uf animais within its jurisdiction.
The Eiiective Date c�f this Agreement shall he f'rom July I, 2021 and shall �crminate on June 30,
2U2� unlcss tcrminat�d carlicr as providcd hcrcin undcr Section V1, Tcrmination.
C'ITY shall reimburtie COUNTY for the service� rerfc�nned and the expenses incurred in
accordance �vith thc terms of' Exhibit C, subject tc� any applicable changes in the rates and f'ces
adoptcd by thc Board of Supervisors of CUUNTY.
A. CITY shall indemnify and hald hamile5s the County of Ri�rerside, its Agencies, nistrir.ts,
Special Districts and Deparlments, their respective director,, ai'ticers, Board of' Supervisors,
clected and appointed officials, employees, agents and representatives frotn any liability,
r.laim, damage or action ���hatsciever, based or as�erted u�on any actionti of CITY, its officers,
emPloyees, tiubcontract��rs, a�entti or representativeti arisin� out c�f' or in any �vuy relatin� to
this ngrccmcnt, including but not litnitcd to property damagc, bodily injury, or dcath or any
other element of any kind or nature �vhatsoever and resulting from any reason �vhatsoever
arising fre�m the negligent or willf'ul aclion� by CITY, its of'ticers, agents, employees,
subcuntractors, agc�its or rcprescntativcs of this Agrccmcnt. CITY shall dcfcnd, at its solc
expense, all costs and fees including but not limited to atto��ney fees, cost of im•estigation,
defense and tiettlements ur awards of all Agencies, Districts, Special Districts and Dep�rtments
of thc County of Rivcrsicic, thcir respcctivc dirc�tors, ofliccrs, Board of Super��isors, cicctcd
and appointed officials, employees, agents and representati�fes in any such action �r claitn or
action based upc�n such alle�ed acts or amissions.
f3. �4`ith respcct to any action or claim subjcct to indcmnit7cation hcrcin by CI"I'Y, Cl'fY shall, at
its sole cost, have the right to use counsel of its own choice and shal) have the right to adjust,
settle, or campromise any such action or claim �vithout the prior consent of CnUNTY;
pro��ided, howcver, that any such adjustment, scttlemcnt or compromise in no manncr
�vhatsoe��er limits or circumscrihes C1TY's indemnification to C'OUNT�' as Set forth herein.
CIT1"s obligatiim to def�nd, iniiemnif'y and hold harmletiti COi1NTY �hall be subject tn
CUUNT�' havin� given CITY written notice within a reasoneble period of time of the claim
or of the commencement of the related action, as the case may be, and inforniation and
reasonable a;sistance, at CITY's expense, fi�r the cief�nse or settlement thereof: CITY's
oblisation herew�der shall be satistied �vhen CITY has provided to COUNTI' the appropriatc
fonn of dismissal relieving C'OUN'I'Y fi•�m any liability for the action or claim involved.
Agrccmcnt No. ? 1 •U09
C. The specified insurance limits required in this Agreement shall in no way limit the CITY's
c�bligations to indcmnif'y and hold harnilcss CnUNTY herein from lhird �arty claims.
D. GnUNTY �hall indemnity and hold har�nlcss the CITY, its Agencies, Districts, Special
Uistricts and Ucpa�rtments, their respective directors, oft7cers, City Council, electcd and
ap�ointed officials, emPloyees, agents and representatives from any liability, claim, damage
or action whatsoever, based or asserted upon any actions c�f COUNTY, its c�fticers, emplayces,
subcontr�ctors, a�ents or representatives arisin� out of or in any way relatin� to this
A�reement, including but not limited to �roperty d�mage, bc�dily injury, or death or any other
elemen� of any kind or nature whatsoever and resulting f'rom any reatic�n whatsoevcr arising
from thc ncgti�cnt or �villfiil actions by CUUNTY, its officcrs, a�cnts, cmployccs,
subccmtractors, agents or representatives of this Agreement. C'OUNTY shall defend, at its sole
expense, all costs and f'ees including but nc�t limited to �ttorney E'ee5, cost oF im�estigation,
dcfcnsc and sctticmcnts or a���ards of all Agcncics, Districts, Spccial Distri�ts and Dcpartmcnts
of the C'ITY, their respective directors, officers, C'ity C'ouncil, elected and appointed officials,
employees, agents and repretientatives in any tiuch actian or claim or action based uron such
allcgcd acts or o�tiissions.
F. 1��'ith respect tc� any acticm c�r claim suhject tc� indemnificaticm herein by COUNTY, C(�UNTY
shall, at its solc cost, havc thc right to usc counscl �f its uwn choicc and shall havc thc right to
acijust, scttic, or comprotnisc any such action �r claim ��rithout the prior conscnt of CI�I'Y;
�r�videci, �lOVdeve�, that any Surh adjustment, settlement or compromise in no manner
whatsoe�cr limits or circumscribes COtJNTY's indemnification to CITY as set forth herein.
C'OUN"tY'S obli�ation to dcfcnd, indemnify and hol�i harmlcss CI"I'Y shall bc subjcct to CI'IY
having given C'OUNTY �vritten notice within a reasonable �eriod oFtime of the rlaim or of the
commencement of the relateJ actiun, as the case may be, and inlormation and reasonahle
assistance, at CUUNTI''s expense, for the defense or settlement thcreof. COUNTY's
obligation hereunder shall be satisfied when COUNTY has provided to CITY the appropriate
tonn of�dismissal relie��ing CITY f'rom any liability f'or the action or claim in��olved.
F. The specified insurance limits required in this Agreement shall in no way limit ihe C'OUNTY's
c�bligations lo indemnif'y and hold harn�le5s CITY herein from third �arty claimti.
CUUN�I'Y agrees to maintain the follo�4•ing insurance coverage durin� thc ter►n of this Agree:ment:
A. �Vorkers' Compensation:
COtINTY shall maintain Workers' Compensation Inst�rance (C'overage A) as prescrihed by the
laws uf' the State of Caliti�rnia_ The policy shali include Empl��yers' Liability (Coverage B)
including Uccupational Disease with limits not Iess than $l,UOU,UUU per person per accidcnt.
13. C.ommercial Ceneral Liability:
Agrccmcnt No. 21-009
COUNTY shall maintain Commercial General Liability lnsurance coverage for claims which may
arise f'rom or oul of' CntJNTY's perfi�rmance c�f its obligaticros hereunder. This covcrage tihall
havc a litnit of liability not (css than $1,UUU,UOU per occurrcncc combincd sin�lc limit.
C. Vehicle Liabilih�:
If vehicles c+r mobile equipment is used in the perforn�ance of the obligations under this
Agreement, then COUNTY agrees to maintain automc�bile liability intiuranc� f'or vehicleti provided
by thc CUUNTY for usc undcr this Agrccmcnt. This covcragc shall hav� a limit of liability of not
less than 51,00�,�(10 combined single limit.
D. Cencral (nsurancc Provisians — All Lincs:
l. Any insurance carrier prc�viding insurance co� erage her�under shall be admitted to the
State of Califoniia and have an A M LiLST rating of not less than A: �'III (A;$).
2. The insurance requirements contained in this Agreement may be met ���ith a progr�m(s)
of self-ItiSUC3tiCC.
1�ti'itliout limitin� or diminishing thc CITY's obligation to indemnify or hold thc COUNTY
hannless, CITY sh�ll rrocure and maintain c�r cause to be maintained. �t its �ole cost and expense,
thc following insurancc covcra€c's during thc tcnn of this Agrccmcnt. As respccts tu thc insurancc
section �nly, the C'OUNTY' herein refers to thc Cottnty of ki�•crside, its Agencies, Districts,
Special Districts, and Departments, their res�ective directors, officers, Baard of' Supervisors,
c�r�ployccs, cicctcd or appointcd ofticials, agcnts or rcprc:scntativcs as Additional Insurcds.
A. Workers' Compensation:
If the CITY has e►nployees a� defined by the State of C1lifoniia, the CITY shall m�intain stariitory
�Vorker's Compensaticm Insurance (Coverage A) �s preticribed hy the lawti c.�f the State of
California. Policy shall i�fcludc Employcrs' Liability (Covcragc B) including Uccupational
L)isease with limit5 not less than g 1,UOU,O(10 per person per accident. The policy shall be endarsed
tc� waive subrogation in favor c�f The C��unty of' Rivertiide.
B. Commercial General Linbility:
Commcrcial Gcncral Liability insurancc covcragc, including but not lirnitcci to, prcmiscs liability,
unmodified contractual liability, products ARCI completed operations liability, personal and
ad��ertising injury, and cross liability coverage, cc�vering claims whi�h may arise frcym �r out of
CITY's performancc of its ubligations hcrcundcr. Policy shall na�t�c thc COUNTY as Additiunal
lnsured. Policy's limit of liability sh�ll not be less tl�an $2,000,000 per occurrence combined single
limit. if such insurance containti a general aggregate limit, it shall aPPly separately to this
agreement or be no less than t�vo (2) times the occurrencc lirnit.
C. Vehicle Liabilitv:
If vehicles or mobile equipment are used in the performance of the obli�ations under this
Agreement, then CITY shall maintain liability insurance for all cnvned, non-o��med or hired
vehicles so used in an amount not less than $I,UUU,U00 per occurr�nce cotnbined single limit. If
Agrccmcnt Nu. 21-UU9
such insurnnce contains a general aggregate limit, it shall apply separately to this agreement or be
no less than t�vo (2) times the occurrencc limit. Pc�licy shall name the C(�tJNTY as Additional
ll. General Insurance Provisions — All Lines:
1) Any insuranr.e carrier providing insurance cc�vera�e hereunder shall be admitted to the
State of California and have an A M BEST rating of not less than A:VII (A:8) unlcss such
requirements are waived, in writin�, l�y the Countv Risk Manager. If the Coutity's kisk
Manager waives a reyuirement for a particular insurer such �vaiver is only valid for that
specitic insurer and only for one pulicy terrr�.
2) Thc CITY must dcclarc its sclti-insurcd retcnti�n for cach covcragc rcquircd h�rcin. lf any
such self-insured retention exceed SS00,040 per occurrence each such retentian shall have
the prior �vriUen consent of the County Risk R�Iana�er before cc�mmencement of operationti
undcr this Agrccmcnt. Upun notit7cation of sclf-insurcd retcntion unacccptablc tu thc
CC)UNTY, and at the election of the County's Risk Manager, CITY's carriers shall either;
I) reduce or eliminate such selC-insured retention as respects thiti ,4greement with the
COUNTY, or 2) procurc a bond wt�ict� guarantccs paymcnt of losscs at�d relatcd
investigatians, claims administration, and defense costs and expenses,
:3) CITl' shall cause C1T1"s intiurance carrier(s) tc� furnish the County of Ri��erside �vith either
1) a pr�perly c�ccutcd original Ccrtificatc(s) of Insuran�c and ccrtit7cd original copics of
Endorsements effecting coverage as required hercin, and 2) if requested t� do so thereto,
sho��ing Such insurance is in full force and effect. Funher, said Certificate(5) and policies
of insurance shaU contain the covenant ot'the insurance carrier(s) that a minimum ot�thirty
(30) days written noticc shall bc givcn to thc Cotuity of Rivcrsidc prior to any modification,
cancellation, expi�ation cir reduction in coverage of such insutance. 1f CITY insurance
carrier(s) policies do nc�t meet the minimum notice requirement f'aund herein, CITY shall
cause CCI"Y's insurance carrier(s) to h�niish a 30 days' Notice uf Cancellation
4) In the event of' a material moilil7cation, cancellation, expiration, or reduction in coverage,
this Agreement shall tcrminate fortln;�ith, unless the C'ounty ot Riverside receives, prior to
Such effective date, another properly executed origin�il Certificate c�f fnsurance and original
cc�pies of' endorsements or rertitied original pulicies, including all endorsements and
attachrncnt thcrcto cvidcncing covcra�c's sct forth hcrcin and thc insurancc rcc�uircd hcrcin
is in full force and effect. CITY shall not co�tunence operations tnitil the C'OUNTY has
been furnished original Certificate(s) of Insurance and certified original copies vf
cndorscriicnts and if rcc�ucstcd, ccrtiticd original policics of insurancc including all
endorsements and any and all other attachments as required in the Section. An individual
authorized by the in5urance carrier to do so on its behalf shall sign the ariginal
endorsements for each policy and the Ctrtiiicate of InSuranct.
5) It is understood and agreed to by the parties hereto that the C'["['Y's inst�rance shall be
contitrued as primary insurant;e, and the CC)L1NTY's insurance and�or deductibles andit�r
self-insured retention's or seli=insur�nce programs shall not be construed as cuntributory.
6) If, during the term of this �greement or anv ehtcnsion thereof, there is a material change
in the scope of services; or, there i5 a material change in the eguipment to be used in the
Agrccmcnt No. ? 1-UU9
perforn�ance of the scope of work; or, the terni nf this Agreement, including any extensions
lhereof; exceeds tive (5) years; the CnUNTY retierves the ri�ht tc� adjust the type5 of
insurancc and thc monctary limits of liability rcquircd undcr this Agrccincnt, if in thc
C'ounty Risk Mflnagement's reasonable judgement, the amount or type of insurance carried
by the CITY has becamc inaclequate.
7) CITY shall pass down thc insurancc ubligations containcd hcrcin to all ticrs of
subcontractors workin� under this Agreement.
R) The intiurance requirements contained iu this Agreement may be met �vith a program(s) c�f
self-insurance acceptable to the CUUNTY.
9) CITY a�rccs to notify CUUNTY of any claim by a third party or any incidcnt or evcnt that
may give rise tc� a claim arisin� from the perforn�ance of this Agreement.
A. �ither Parry may tenninate this Agrcement ���ithout causc upun no carlier than six (6) months
advance written notice served on the other Party stating the extent and effective date of
B. If a six (G) month notice of termination is served on the other Party, after receiving said notice
c►f tern�inaticm, COUNTY shall stop work under this Agreement on the te��atiinatie�n date
spcciticd in thc noticc of tcr�tiination; and aftcr tcnnination, CITY shall ►nakc paymcnt tu
C'OUNTY tor perforn�ance up to the date of tern�ination in accordance with tliis Agrcement.
If either Party is unable to comply with an�� provision of this Agreement due to causes beyond its
rcasunablc control, and �vhich could not havc bccn rcaso►�ably anticipat�d, such as acts uf God,
acts of war, civil disorders, or other similar acts, such Party shall not l�e held liable for such fzilure
to comply.
Any AIIICIldlllCIltS, includin� but not limited to altcrations, �•ariations, or supplcmcnts, to the tcrms
of this Agreement Shall be in writing anc� signed by the Parties hereto, and shall have the api�roval
of the Board of' Supervisors oi' COtJNTY and CITY's City Council. Any amendrnents �� ill be
prescntcd to CITY's Cit_y Managcr prior to CITY's City Council appruval.
'I'his A�reement, including any exhibits, constih�tes the entire A�reement of the 1'arties �vith
respect to its subject matter �nd supersedes all ��rior and contemporaneous representations,
propusals, discussions and communications, �vhether oral or in �vriting.
lach p�ra�raph or provision of this AGRLEML:N1' is severab(e from each other provision, and if
any prc�vision or part thereof is declared invalid, the remaining provisicm� shall nevertheless
remain in full force and effect.
A�rccmcnt Nu. 21-U�9
COUNTY shall maintain and keep record5 of all expenditures and obligations incurred j�ursuant
to this Agreertient and �I1 incomt and fecs received thereby acc�rciing tu gcnerally recogni�ed
ac�otulting principles. Such records andlor animal control operations of C'C�UVTY shall be open
to inspection and audit by CITY or its authorized rePresentative as is deemed necestiary hy the
CI'1"Y's City Manager, or designated representative, upon wriiten noticc to COUNTY.
1'his tlgreement between the I'arties is intended for thc mutu�l benefit of the t�vo signing f'acrtics
c�nly. Nc� rightti are created under this Agreement in favor of any third party or any party ��•ho is
nut a direct signatory to this Agreement.
COUNTY shall not discriminate in tlie provision of se�vices, al(ocation of benefits,
accc�mnu�dation in facilities, or emplayment c�f'rersonnel on the basis uf'race, ethnicity, reli�ious
creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, physical disability, mental dis�bility, medical
condition, marital status, sex, SCXL1flI OI•ientation, or fiender identity in tlie performaiice of this
A�reement; and, to the extent they shall he fc�und to be applicable hereto, shall comply �4•ith the
provisions of the Califi�rnia Fair Employment and Housing Act (Go��. Codc 1290Q et. seq.), thc
l�cderal t'ivil Ki�hts Act of 1964 (Pub. L. R�-35�) and thc Amcricans �vith Uisability Act of 19)U
(42 U.S.C'. 12101 et seq.).
A. The Panies shall attempt tc� resolve any disputes amicably at a���orking level. I1� that is not
succcssiul, the dispute shall be referred to the senior managemcnt of thc; Parties.
B. Prior to tiling any le�al action related to this Agreetnent, the Parties shall be obligated to attend
a mediation session in Rivcrsidc Cuunty bcfore a netrtral third-party mediator. � second
mediation session shall be required if the first session is n�t Successfiil. The Parties shall share
the cost of'the mediatians.
C. This Agreement shall be governed hy the laws of the State af California. Any legal action
related to the perfi>rmance or interpretation of this Agreement shall be liled only in the Superior
Court of thc Statc uf Calif'ur��ia lucatcd in Rivcrsidc, Califor�iia, and thc P�rtics waivc any and
all provisions of la�v providing for a change of venue to another location.
ThiS Agreement shall be binding upon CQl)NTY and i►s �uccess�rs. Neither thi, Agreement nor
any part thereof nor any moncys due or to becane due hereunder may be assigned by the Parties
w•ithout the prior written cansei�t of the other Party. CITY and CC�[INTY herehy agree to the full
performance �f the covenants conlainecl herein.
Agrccmcnt Na. 21 •UU9
All correspondence and notices required or contemplated by tl�is Agreement shall be delivered to
the res�ective Partics at thc aadresses set f��rth below and are deemed submitted two (2} days aflc�r
lI1CIC dCpOSlt lfl tI1C UI11tCd Stc�tCS Illdt�, posta�c prcpaid:
Dcpartmcnt of Animal 5cr�ficcs
Attenti�n: Director
68S I Van Buren Bc�ulcaarcl
Jurupa Val(ey, CA 9?S�9
City of Palm Dcscrt
�ttention: City Managcr
7�510 Fred 4Varing Drive
Palm Desert, CA 9226�
C'OUNTY's Director of Department of Animal Services, or designated representative, �hall meet
as necessary to discuss cc�ntract perf��rn�ance �vith CITY's City Manager, or ctesignatEd
The Section and other headings contained in this Agreement are included for the pumose of
convenient ref'erence only and shall not restrict, amplif'y, modii'y ur othcrwise af7ect in any ��+ay
thc mcaning or intcrprctation uf this Agrcctncnt or thc cxhibit� and schcd�ilcs hcrc[o.
This Agreement may be executed in any number of rounteipartti, each of which shall be deemed
an original, but all ol' which together shall constitute c�ne and thc same Agrcement, binding on all
of thc Partics.
The ���aiver by an�• Party c�f any breach c�r violation by anc�ther Partv of any provision oF this
A�reement or of any right or remedy perinitted the �vaiving Party in this Agreement (a) shall not
waive or bc constn�ed to waive any subsequent brcach or �•iolation of the same provision, (b) shall
not �,vaive or be construed to ���ai�•e a breach of vic�lati�n of any other provision, and (c) shall be in
writing and may not b� presumed or inf'erred f'rom any Party's conduct. E�ccept as expressly
providcd otherw�ise in this Agreement, no remedy conferrcd by this A�reement is intend�d to be
exclu�i�•e of any other retnedy, and each and every remedy shall be in addition to every other
reme�y granting in this Agreement or now or hereat'ter existing at law� or in equi�y, by statute or
othcrwisc. Thc cicction uf any onc or rnorc rcrncdics by a Party shall not constitutc a�vai��cr of
the right to pursue other a��ailable remedies.
The COUNTY is acting as an independent contractor tc� the CITY under this Agreement. Each
Party to this Agreetnent shall have no po�ver to incur any debt, obli�ation, or liability on behalf of
annther Party ta this A�reement.
Agrccmcnt Nu. ? 1-UU9
The Parties shall cooperate fully with one znother, 1nd shall take any additi�nal acts or sign any
additional documents us may be necessary, apJ�ropriate or cc�nvenient to attain the purposeti of this
[Signaturc Provisiims on Fc�lic�w°ing PageJ
Agrccmcnt Nu. 21-U09
!N ��VITNESS VI.'I IEREOF, the Pa��ties hereto have caused their duly zuthorized representatives to
exccute this Agreement.
a Po(itical Subdivision uf
thc State of'C'alitornia
Karen Spiegel, Cliair
Board of 5upervisors
Kecia R. Ilarper
Clerk of the L3oard
Grcgury P. t'riamos
Cuunry Counscl
nan�en C. 7,iegler
Deputy County• Crn�nsel
a Chartcr City
By: ---
Kathleen Kelly
City C:lerk
City Clerk
C'ity Attorney
Agrccmcnt No. 21-U09
Thc County of Ri�•crsidc, un bchalf of its Dcpartmcnt of Animal Scrviccs ("C UUNTY"), agrccs
to pro� ide thc following animal tield services for the City of Palm Desert ("CITY"):
Thc animal ficld scrviccs to bc pro��id�d by CUUNT'Y for CITY �vithin thc corporatc limits of
CITY shall include the fullo�ving activities:
1. Field Ser��i�e Assistance: Responcl to all calls for field service assistance pursuant to
the priority of calls as described in Seetion C belo��=.
2. Imnoundment: Impound dogs and livcstock found at largc and collcct such impound
fecs ati established in the appropriatc CITY municipal code.
3. Proner Care and Treatment: Provide humane care and treatment to any stray c�r
abandoncd animal impounded by field persannel in accord��icc �vith State of California
("Statc") laws and regulations.
4. Animal Bites: Invcstigate reportcd bites by animal,. COUNTl' shall respond to all
reported bites by dogti, cats, or by suspected rabicl ur �vild animals. COUNTY shall only
be respon5ible for administrative proceedingti resulting therefrom.
Ouarantine: Quarantine all animals suspected be rabid and;br that ha��e bitten a person
as prescribed by the California Compendium of Rabies C ontro) and Prev�ntion, the State
law, and COI.►NTY policy.
6. Stra�� and BarkinQ Animal (Vuisaneel Comnlaints: Res�ond te� and process nuiti�nce
complaints, including stray and barking animal camplaints. C011NTY shal) only be
responsible for administrati��e enforcement proceedings resulting therefrom..
Dead Animals: Rcrnovc dcad animals from thc public right-of-«�ay cxccpt in such
cases where an animal is on a state higha+ay within CITY limit�. In such cases,
COUNTY shall immediately (or as soon ati practicahle) nc�tify the State Department of
Transpo►-tatian bv telephone, facsitnile, email or other means.
b. Return of Imuounded �lnimals: Encoura�e the rctur�i of any lostlstray ani►nal
impoundcd by tield personnel while in the field to the ri�htful owner, subjcct to the
payment ot' impound f'�es. Ensure an opportunity for members c�f' th� �ublic tc� repon
lost and found animals online.
Agrc�mcnt Nu. 21-U09
9. Kennels and Catteries: COUNTY shall inspect and issue licenses to operate dog
ken�iels and catteries ���ithin CI'1'Y pursuant to CIZ'Y's niunicipal codes, and collect fecs
in conncction thcrcwith. All fccs for liccns�s to operatc dog kcnncls and cattcrics shall
bc rctaincd by COUNTI'.
10. Issu�nce ot Warnings and Citatiuns: F,nfvrce all a�propriate provisionti of CITY's
municipal code as necessary, includin� the issuance of warning notices or citztions, for
violations �f the provisions of said municipal eode. COLfNTY� SIIaII OIIIy bC CCS�70IlS1bIC
for administrativc cnforcc►ncnt procccdings resulting thcrcfrom.
1 1. Service to Public: Prc7vide service to the public on matters covcrec� in this Agreement
comistent with estab(ished policies and proredures that promote courteous and efficient
service and good public relatians. Other policies and procedures notwithstanding,
COUN"1'Y, in processing any type of cotnplaint or request for service, shall indicate to
thc callcr tl�at a responsc can bc cxpcctcd as per Section E bclow.
12. Field Services Related to Canine [.icenses: CQUNTY tihall verif',y canine license
status when respondin� to reqtte5t5 for service or when responding to c�mplaint5 about
animal behavi�r. The Animal Control Officer, as part of the officer's regular �nimal
contrc►1 duties as defined by, but not limited to. the terms of this A�reemcnt, shall
conduct liccnsc inspcction activitics during animal control invcstigations to asccrtain
thr number of unlic�nsed dogs, to license ,uch dc�gs, and to ti�ster cornpliance with
CIT1''s municiral code.
13. ��1'ildlife: COL]NTY �vill not impound free raaming wildlife unless it is a danger to the
community, unhealthy, injured, or part c�f an animal cruelty or animal bite case.
14. �lutual r�nim�l �Velfar� Pi•ograms: lf' mutually agreeahle bet�veen the Parties,
COLTNTY and C'1TY shall wc�rk together to establish animal welfare programs that
benefit the animals and residents of CITY.
15. C(�U�TY ���ill perforn� humane iiivesti�ations of suspected animal neglect and cnielty
and will bc responsiblc for in��cstigati�n, citation and preparing matcrials for
16. CUUNTY and CITY will work tugcthcr on cducational outrcach, proitiotion of
spavineuter and vaccination clinicti, other o«mer surrender diversion programs,
res�onsible pet ownership and adoption programs and activities.
17. In cas� of a disaster, C(7UNTY and �ITY �vill ���ork collaborati��ely on animal needs
and communicatian as it related tc� rescue, retiponse and recovery efFortS.
Agrccmcnt No. 21-UU9
'I'hc CUUN'tY shall house Cli'Y's animals at thc Coachella Vallcy Animal C.'ampus, or othcr
County operatcd shcltcr at thc County's discrction, as sct forth in Exhibit B.
COUNTY sh�ll provide aninlal control �•ehicles and equip them with the appr�pri�te animal
control boxes mounted on the truck chassis and �vith �n air conditionin� unit mounted on the
animal control tn►ck boxcs for usc in thc pro��ision of scrviccs as sct forth in this A�rccmcnt. Thc
CUUNTY shall 1'ucl and maintain said vchicics.
COUN I'Y shall file a report ��rith the appropriate la��• enforcement agency «�ithin t�,venty-fo�u• (24)
hours if an impoundcd animal is missing �r suspcctcd t� havc bccn stolcn frorn an anitnal control
vehicic ur while in COUNTl"s cust�dy. COUNTY shall indicate on the p��lice repurt the
circum5tances of'the animal's disaPpearance.
1. "Scrvices" arc those eniorcemcnt activities rendered by C(�IJNTY pursuani to the relevant
sections of'CITY'ti municipal code und related State law, and are atisemhled for into two
categories: F,me�gency and Non-Fmergency.
2. "Priority Rankin�" rcfcrs to thc ordcr of priority with �vhich a call �vill bc handlcd. All
calls �vill go dircctly to thc dispatchcr or assigncd cicrical staff for rclay tu thc Animal
Control Olficer. If'a call is `'exceptional," a set ti�rth in Section F below, it,hall be ref'erred
to the supervisor for evaluation �nd processing.
The follo�ving �iefinitions of "Regular Se�vice I[ours," "Limited Seivice II�urs' and
"Holidays" are intended to identify the broad time frames during �ti•hich specitic levels of
scrvicc will b� providcd.
"Re�ular Service Hours" �re between the hours c.�f' 7:30 �m tc� 5:00 �m, Monday
through Friday, Holiday� excepted.
b. "Limited Ser��iee H�urs" are; betw�en the hours of S,UU pm tu 7:3U am, Monday
through Friday, all day Saturday, Sunday and on Holidays.
c. "Holidays'' are thc>se days as establi�hed by the COv'NTY and the CiTY where the
CITY or COUNTY is closed for sen�ice on a business day that �ti•ould �thenvise be
a re�ular service day.
�. Field s�n ice activities shall be performed daily and generally based un b�th the Priority
Ranking and the time a call for service is received in accordance with this Agreement. All
Agrccmcnt No. ? 1-009
calls involving imminent danger shall be responded to within 4irty (GO) minutes if
reasonably possible, subject to consideratio�is involvin� the time of day, traffic conditions,
or othcr circumstanccs. An Animal Control Ufticcr shall respond to anirnal mcdical
emer�encies and other em�rgencies involving danger tu humans within thirty (3�) minute;s
c�r less during Regular Service Hours, anil �ailhin sixty (CO) minutes or lE�ss during Limited
Sen�ice Hc�urs and Holidays. CITY acknowledges that response time may be affected by
traftic congestion or other hindering circumstances uncontrollable by COUNTY.
COUN1"Y shall provide a means for respondinfi to calls for ser��iee that tal:c place during
Litnitcd Scrvicc Pcriods �vhich arc of an cmcrgcnt naturc pursuant to this Exhibit A. Ficld
ser�•ice personnel may be assigned tu patrol and perfurm other service tield task� as defined
by COUI�'TY and CITY.
Tele�hone Service: The CC�UNTY shall respond to telephone calls for field sen�ices
durin� Re�ular Se►-��ice ! lours. Calls shall be re�eived by the COUN'fY ans�verinb service
during Lirnitcd Scrvicc Hours and on Holidays, as notcd abovc. Calls answcrcd by thc
answering tiervice �vill be handled on an ernergenc;y basis as uutlined in this Exhibit A.
The disPatcher andlc�r clerical support st�tff'shall maintain a detailed record c�f all requests
Fc�r service, bc�th emergency and re�utine, received during Regular Service Hours and
Limited Service Iiours, including time and date, when d�e calls were qnswcred, and the
disposition of those calls. Records of these calls shall be maintained for at Icast thirty (3U)
Ci. The GITY and C(�UNTY �►gree that �ny incident rerorts tc� the COUNTY by resiclents c�r
throu�h eme�gency services involving a dangerous, aggressi��e, ��rild, injured or sick animal
constitute an emergency and require immediate action by the COLINTY pursuant to this
Agrccmcnt. Calls for scn�icc receivcd durin� Limited Ser��ice Ilours that arc not of an
cincr�;cnt nature shall bc answ�crcd by an answcring scrvicc and refcrrcd to call-back un thc
next business day during phone center operational houn. These calls �vill then he scheduled
fi�r respcmre in accc�rdanc;e ���ith this Fxhibit A.
7. Calls Considered Emer�encies to be IIandled N'ithout Uelav:
a. Animals endangcring hcalth or safety of the community.
b. Policc Dcpartrncnt rcqucsts for scrvic:c
c. Sick or injured stray animals
d. Animals in distretis
e. Humane investigations that are life threatening. (T7ependin� on immediate
ti. Calls Considered Non-Emer�encv to be Handled during ReQular Service �tours:
a. Pirk-up confined, healthy, titray-animals
b. Dead animal remo��al
c, Quarantine investigations
d. Leash la�v enforcement
e. Nuisance anitnal itivestigations
f. Aermit investigations
Agrccmcnt No. 21-004
The Director of Animal Control, or dcsignce, may, on a case-by-case basis, authorizc variations
of priority when circumstances require.
G. LICENSE FEES (Scction 2 ot Rlvcrside Countv Urdinancc 6301
Licenses shall be issued upon receipt of all licensing requirements including payment of the
licensc fees at the samc ratc as establishcd in Section 2 of Riverside County Ordinance No. 630
and are subject to change as amended by COUNTY's Board of Supervisors, from time to time.
Rabies vaccination certi�cates shall be collected from area veterinarians and downloaded into
COUNTY's database after the data has been scrubbed of inconsistencies. Reminders of licensing
requirements shall be automaticaUy generated and mailed to dog owners. Those owners who fail
to comply may be subsequently issued administrative citati�ns. Remittance options include th�
wcb licensing portal on COUNTY's website, www.rcdas.or�. COUNTY shalt verify dog license
status when responding to requests for service or when responding to complaints. COUNTY
shall also provide an automated or manual verification system whereby owners can verify the
status of their animal's licensc by telcphone.
CITY authorizes COUNTY to issue and collect the fees for canine licenses and retain the license
processing fee on any and all canine license revenue generated by CITY residents ciuring the
term of the Agrecment. All fecs collccted for canine licenses shall be accounted for by thc
COUNTY on a monthly basis and the C4UNTY shall credit to CITY the net amount of license
fees collected for each month. For purposes of this Agreement, the net amount of license fees
shall mean thc total amount of licensc fees collected in a month less thc sum total of $10 per
each canine license issued and shall be separate and apart from the monthly compensation rate
due and payable by the CITY as required in Exhiblt C. Pavment Provisions. CITY shall be
responsible for a one-time con�ersion fec for new data entered into COUNTY's licensing
Agrccmcnt No. 31-U09
Thc County of Rivcrsidc, un bchalf of its Dcpartmcnt of Animal Scrviccs ("CUUNTY"), agrccs
to provide ihe follawing �lnimai Shelttr Services for the City of Palm Desert ("CIT�"'). All
capitalized ternis set forth herein are defined in See�ic�n B belc�w.
1. Shelter Location: Thc CUUNT'Y shall maintain C1TY's animals at thc Coa�hclla Valicy
Animal Campus (`'Shelter'), or other sheltcr operated by COUNT'Y at COUNTY's
Tl�e C'OUNTY shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of its shelters and
the carc of the animals on a h��enty-four (24) hour basis.
2. Shelter Hours of Operation: COIJNTY shall maintain hours of operation at thc Sh�lter
tc� pravide maximum public access te� the anim�ls, to the extent possible.
1, Animal Shcltcr Scrvicc�" shall includc thc following activitics and scr��iccs:
a. Impuundment, admittance, receipt ot; care ol; eustody c�f and�'or tceding ot'any and
all slray animalti.
b. Redemptinn, treatment, Sale, adoptian, andl�r disposal of all animals.
c. Counseling and advisin� animal o�vners.
d. Postin� on Shelter's «�ebsite of photographs of all ne��,�ly impounded animals and
idcntifying each animal indi��idually.
c. Ensuring that all dogs, four (4) months and oldcr, rcicascd frort� thc CUUNTY tu a
resident of Counry of� River:sid� are licensed, micr��chipped, and spayedlneutered
and, if not licensed, ta sell license to the c����ner or other person taking cu5tody of
such dog. In accordanre with COUNTY ordinances, require the n�icrc�-chipping of
released animals at the on�ner's expense.
f. Humane euthanasia of animals as lawfi�l and necessary, includin� the creation of a
log dctailing thosc anirnals that arc cuthanizcd and thc rcason� for such cuthanasia
on an animal-by-animal basis. T'his log shall include whether the animal �vas
unheallhy and:'or untiuitahle for adoption.
g. Proper disposal of dead animals at the rate as set forth in Exhibit C', Payment
h. "Care" in�ludes, but is not limited to providing a safe, temporary refiige for any
animal impounded, and providing needed medical services for injured:'sick anirnals
or transfer c�f'animal to the apprupriate agency.
2. "Adoptahle Animal" shall mean an animal eight (8) weeks of age or older that at or
subsequent to the time the anin�al is impounded or taken into possession, has manifested
no sign of disease. injury, or congenital or hereditary condition that adversely affects the
Agrcc►ncnt No. ? 1-U09
health or temperament of the animal, or that is likely to adversely affect the animal's heatth
in the fi�ture. Uo�s declared "vicious" or "potcntially dangerous" under State andlor local
laws shall bc dccmcd unadoptablc.
"Treatable" shall mean an animal �vith a medical condition such as skin problems, bad tlea
or skin infestations, a hrc�ken limb, abscesse�, �r problems that may be treated �vith
appro�riate resourcey, holdi�g space, treatment andlor time. "Treatable" shall also �nean
an animal with behavioral conditions that may be cc►rrected with time and proper training,
such as chasin� animals/objects, food afi�ression, ctc.
"Untrcatablc Animal" shall m�an any animal that is irrcmcdiably sut�cring from a scrious
illn�ss or physical injury ur behavioral condition and shall not be helc� for owner
redem�tion or adoption,
"IT11�7UUilC�eC� Allllllil�" shall include animals found running at large, remc�ved from private
property, or that are taken into the shelter by COUNTY or law enforcement.
"Seized AnimaC' shall include animals that are confiseated under Penal Code 597.1 fi•om
an o�vncr ��nc�n urdcrcd by a court of �ompctcnt jurisdiction, �vhcthcr thc scizurc ���as
determined justificd or not, �vhen exigent circumstances exist.
1. Treatment of Animals: CUUNTY' sliall provide adeqt�ate care and trcatment of C1TY's
animals whilcs in custody of CUUNTY to cnsurc that i►npoundcd aniit�als arc providcd
���ith humane and appropriate levels of care, including a clean environment, f'resh �vater,
adequate nutrition and apPr<��riate inedical care.
2. Level of Ser��ice Provided: C'OUNTY sliall provide Animal Shelter Scr��ices as dcfined
in this Agreement. COUN7'Y's policies and procedures for Animal 5helter Serviccs shall
bc bascd un �tandards andlor guidclincs dcrivcd frorn rcputablc animal carc organizations
including, but not limited to, the Numane Society of the Uniled States, American Humane
Association and American Veterinary Medical Atisc�ciation.
3. Teedin� Protocols: All animals shall be fed in amounts appropriate to meet their
nutrition�l nccds.
�. Disease Control and S�nitation: COUNTY shall maintain the Shelter in a clean an�3
sanitary �undition. COUNTY's policies and procedures may include beneficial standards
ancilor guidelines derived from reputable animal care c�rganizations including, Uut not
limited to, the Humane Society of the United States, American Iiumane Association and
American Veterinary Medical Association.
5. Pravision af Personnel and Supplies: COUNTY shall provide personnel, supplies,
materials, medication, pharmareuticals, and eyuipment, including forn�s and report5, tc�
perfarn� all aspects of the Animal Shelter Services described herein.
6. Holding Periods: COUNTY shall hold all stray-irnpounded animals, not othcrwisc ownc;r
identitiable, for the holding periods as required by State la�v.
Agrccmcnt No. ? 1-UU9
7. Euthanasia: Ilumane euthanasia services shall be prc�vided as required for impounded
animals held at the Shelter for the lawfi�l number nt days, if such animal is not ceclai�ned
by thc animal's owncr and is dccmcd not adoptablc by CUUNTY. Untrcatablc Animals
that are irrernediably suffering fre�m a scrious illncss or severc injury may not be held 1'or
owner redem�tion c�r adopticm. nnly euthana�ia methods aprroved by lhe American
Veterinary Medical Atisociation shall be u5ed. Records shall he kept for a�eriod of not
less than three (3) years on each euthanized animal shall include the follo�a�ing infonnztion:
brecd; sex; color; wei�ht; other distinguishing characteristics; date, time Al1CI IOCStl011
whcrc animal4vas found; mcthod of cuthanasia, and r�ason for usc of mcthod.
R. Quarantine: CnllNTY shall quarantine, as preseribecl hy the CaliFornia Ce�mpendium ot'
Rabies Control and Prevention, State law, a�id COUNTY policy, all animals sus}�ected of
being rabid, or involved in a bite investigation.
Impoundments and Ouarantines: CUUNT'Y �hall housc, fccd and carc for all anirtials
impounded and/or quarantined at the Shelter. Quarantined animals may be quarantined ai
the owner's home or an alternate location.
9. Animals Surrendered bv their Owners: Any pet surrendered by the owner to an Animal
C'ontrol Officer and transported to the C'OtTNTY shelter shall incur prevailing owner
surrcnder ct�arges. Such fees shall be collected from the o�a�ner and conveyed to the
CUUNTY, or bc chargcd dircctly tu thc CITY at thc cstablishcd stray animal ratc.
a. Animals Surrendered b� their Clh�ners: Uwner Surrendcrs �vill bc impounded on
a casc by casc basis. Divcrsion pro�rams will bc ot�tcrcd to assist �a�ith pct rctcntion.
CITY shall direct their a�nstitucnts to consult with COUNT'Y t� surrendcr their pet.
C�UNTY will e�f'fer CITY'ti constituents assititance thrc�ugh divertiion rrc�grams.
10. Any pet surrendered hy the owner to an Animal Control Oflicer and transported to the
CUUN-I'Y shelter shall incur prevailing owner surrender char�es. Such fees shall be
collcctcd from thc owncr and convcycd ro thc COUNTY, or bc chargcd dircctly to thc
CITY at the establitihed stray animal rate. CIT'Y Animal Control Of'ficers shall reter
�onstituentti requestin� tc� surrender their animal to GOUNTY f'or a diversion consultation_
CITY shall not acce��t owner sui-renders in the field prior to the constituent consulting the
11. �Vildlife: COUNTY Anicnal Contrul Ufficcrs will work with constitucnts to cnsurc public
safety while maintaining wildlif'e in the wild. Cn[JNTY Animal C'�ntrol Ofticers �vill
tria�e ��rildlife repc�rt5 to determine the appropriate respcm5e. V1,tildlife wil) be imp�unc�ed
if there is a public safety hazard, if the animal's welfare is at risk, if the animal is injured
or orphaned, if the animal has been involved in a bite, or involved in an animal cruelty
12. Vicious and Potentiallv DanQerous DoQs: Any dog declared or deterniined to be vicious
or potentially dangerous and in c;ustody c�f COUNTY either under impounciment c�r
quarantine shall be deemeci unsuitable for adoption and shall not be released except as
required by State law or at the Director of Animal Services' discretion.
Agn;cmcnt No. ? 1-UU9
13. lncomin� Animal Identification: Incoming animals sliall be diecked immedi�tely for
collar tags and scanncd for microchip by qualificd Shcltcr staff within onc (1) hour of
arrival to the Shelter. Shelter staff shall make all attempts to notify owners within t�v�nty-
fi�ur (24) hour; of'an Impounded Animal delivereci by CITY tc� CQUNTY. Animal Control
Officers shall attempt to return animals in the field pri�r to delivering the impounded
animal to the shelter. Animal C'ontrol Officers shall scan animals in the field for
microchips, calt pllone numbers on tass or research license numbcrs in an effort to retinite
animals in thc ficld.
14. IncominQ Animal E�aminations/Assessments: A cursory exam of' an animal shall bc
performed �vithin hvelve (1?) hours, except during Limited Service Hourti when the
examination ���itl be perfom�ed within twenty-four (24) hours. Incoming animal
assessment shall include the following:
a. A physical cxarnination to dctcrminc if a rncdical condition cxists �vhich rcquires a
veterinarian's attentiun
b. Routine vaccinations and de-worn�ing, as needed
c. External parasite treatment, as needed
d. Uocument the animal's incoming w�eight
e. Scan for microchip idcntification
f. Establish uniquc idcntificr fur thc animal
g. Documcnt any identifyin� icatures or abn�rmalities. Thc COUNTY shall properl}�
document c7n an animal-by-animal b�5is that an examinatianlaxsessment hati been
1 S. Enforcement: Lnforcc all relevant provisions of C ITY's municipal code and State law as
may bc applicablc tu animals houscd, kcpt or maintaincd at thc Shcltcr.
1(. Adoption: Animalti identifecl as being available fc�r adoption sh�ll be u�� f��r adoption in
the shelter or off-5ite location, or by po5ting online.
17. Suav and Neuter: COUNTY shall ensure that all do�s and cats adopted from the Shelter
are spaycd or ncutcrcd, or that adcquatc provisions arc madc for such spaying or ncutcring
if COUNTY transfers any animals, c�r ii'an adopted animal is unable to receive spaying or
neutering due lo a medical conditicm_
ln accordance with Califarnia Food and Agricultural ("F&A") Code Sectivns 30503 and
31751.3, if veterinarian emplvyed at the Shelter certifies that a dog or cat is tao sick or
injured to bc spayed or neutercd, the COUN"fY shall collect a spaylneutcr deposit from the
adopter or purchaser and this deposit shall be deposited into a se�regated fi�nd rnaintained
b}1 the CnUNTY. The deposit shall be fully refunded t� the adopter or purcha,er ii' proof
c�f sterility iti �rovided within thirtv (:i0) butiiness days from the date of surgerv, at which
the deposit is forfeited in accordance �vith F&A C'ode Sections 3�503 and 31751.3. S�ay
and neuter deposits shall only be used by the COUN"1��' for canine and feline spay and
neuter programs.
Agrccmcnt Na. 21-UU9
18. hlicrochinuin� In accordance with California Fo�d and Agricultural ("F&A") C�de
Sections 31108.3 and 31752.1, COUNTY shall cns��rc that all do�s and cats bcing
rcclai►ncd, adoptcd, or transfcrrcd to a nc��� owncr arc microchippcd with currcnt
information priur to Icaving the sheltcr.
19. Communit�� Adontion Purtners: C�UNTY shall comply �4•ith F&A Code Section� 311 �8
and 31752 that provide that any stray dog or cat that is impounded "shall, prior to the
c:llillc�[1c�S1A Of tI1Rt 81]1I11aI bC fCICASC'd t0 a IlOt1PCOflt, as dcfined in Section SUl(c)(3) of the
Intcrnal Rcvcnuc Codc, animal rescuc or adoption organization if rcqucstcd by thc
organi��tiun priar to th� scheciuled euth3nasia �l'that animal. The public or private sheher
may enter intc� cc�operative agreements with any animal organization or adc�ption
organizaticm. The public or private shelter or organizaticm must be approved by COUNTY
prior to the transfer of any animals. In addition to any required spay or neuter deposit, tl�e
public or pri�•ate slielter, at its discretion, tnay assess a fee, not to exceed tl�e standard
adoption fcc, for ani►nals aduptcd or rcicascd."
20. Foster Gare Placement: Certain �nimals may be placed in C(�UNTY's ti�ster care
placement program so to improve animal care, give certain animals a better chance of
adoption, and lift the spirits and mc►rale �f staff�ind v�lunteers.
? 1. Communih� Cat Pro�ram (CCPI: CC�UNTY shall deternline a cat's eligibility for the
CCP. If it is dete��nined that a cat is eli�ible, the cat �vill be spayed��ncutered, vaccinated,
and cartippcd. Uncc cat has rcco��crcd, thc cat �vill bc rctun�cd to placc of origin.
22. Drue Fnforcement A�encv (DEA1: COUNTI' shall cam�ly with all Drug Fnfc�rcement
Agency (i7F.A) regulatinns regarding storage, record-keeping, im�entory, use, and disposal
of all controlled substances.
23. Staffing and �'olunteers: CUUN'I'Y shall recruit and supervisc all necessary personnel
for thc officc, kcnncl, vctcrinary and othcr arcas of thc Shcltcr. 5tafting shall includc any
and all f'ull ur part-time personnel and shall include the recruitment, ,upervi;iem and
assignment of vc�lunteerti in suitable Shelter-related activities. Perscmnel em�loyed at the
Shelter in the perfo�mance of Shelter-related activities shall be designated as COL.�NTi'
employees and any and all ��olunteers engaged in Shelter activities shall participate in
aetivities desi�nated by COUNl'Y and shall be under tlie auspices ot COUN"I'Y. Use of
vuluntecrs at thc Shcltcr shall bc dctcnnincd by CUUNTY.
24. hlissinQ Animals: COUNTY shall notify an apprt�priate la��r enFvrcement agency
immediately of any animal missing from the Shelter that had previously heen impounded
and.�or in protective custody.
25. CITY Access: COUNTY shall pr�vide access of the entire Shelter to the authorizee�
representati��es of'C[TY during Regular Sen•ice Hours or at such c�ther times upon written
AKrcemcnl No. 21-UU9
2G. Livestdek and ['owl Care: COUNTY shall provide food, care and shelter to livestock and
fowl, either at the Shelter or at another location, �vhen such animals cannot be carcd for at
thc Shcltcr.
Costs ol' housing any livcstock or fo�vl, regardless of Sheiter location shall be charged tu
the e�wner ot' lhe �nimal, i f knc>wn. 1f' the animal's o�vner wishes to redec�m the animal, the
owner shaU first pay all applicable fees and charges at the Shelter; except as c�therwise
reqiiired by law, then and only, �4•ill the COUNTY authorize release of the animal.
COUNTY sliall notify CITY in �► riting «�lien said erpenses reach the amount of $S,UOU or
griatcr per incidcnt. Such cxpcnscs shall not cxcccd thc acnount of $25,ODU per incid�nt
unless authorized in 4vriting by CITY.
27. Animul Disqos�tL• CCIUNTY shall prohibit any animal «rhether de�d c�r alive, �vhich has
been impounded, in custody, or in quarantine at the Shelter to be given away, disposed of,
traded, sold or in any manner given o��er to another person, or�anization or entity for
cxperimcntation, rcgardlcss of purpusc. COUNTY shall bc responsibic for thc disposal of
animal remains in its custody or control, subject ta applicable State la�vs.
1. ComnensaHon for tlnimal Shelter Services: Additional compensation for Animal
Shcltcr Scrviccs may bc rcquircd. Additional costs for I�rgc animal shcltcrin� arc incurrcd
a� $20 per animal, per day ti�r horses and cattle, and $ I 2 per animal, per ciay ti�r s��•ine,
goatti and sheep in arcordanre with C'QUNTY's Animal Control Qrdinances �tnd shall be
billed based on actual Sheltering on a monthly basiti.
2. lmnound/nuarantine I+ees: CI'fY shall be ►•csponsible for all costs associated with any
and all ani►nals scizcd within thc CITY buundarics and brought to CUUNTY which arc
held in Shelter, including facilities that have agreements �vith the COtJNTY to prc�vide
additic�n�l shelter services under the supervitiion of the CCaUNTY. Thiti includes, but iti not
limited to, animals held in as�ociation with any criminal prosecution of animal abuse and
welfare cases, animals being held as evidence in a court tiling, or rabies quarantine. The
CUUN'I'Y agrees to assist thc C1'I'Y in seekin� reimbursemcnt from the owner by
providin� invoiccs for all scrviccs providcd. All scrviccs pruvidcd to cach animal invol��cd
shall be charged as ol'the current date includin� but nc�t limi►ecl to the ti�llo���ing: IMP I-
collec[icm; State Fine 1-cc�llection, Board collection- all fees due; QT Be�ard collection-if
ai�plicable; Rabies Vaccination collertion- iFapplicable; DA2PPV collection; Bnrdatella
collection; microchip collection; any and all medications provided to each animal; and
personnel charges. All fees ���ill be in accurdance «rith the COUN"CY's current fee s�hedulc.
Outreach r�ctivities: GITY shall work w�ith COLJNTY to promote re,pc�nsible pet
c��vnership, lost and found animals, mutually agreeable animal �velfare programs,
SpaylNeuter Services, and adoptinn of animals through its o�vn educational �utreach, and
through its own social media pages. If requested by Cl"1'Y, the daily flat rates for
cducational outreach events, ��accination clinics or spay/neutcr clinics shall be bi(led based
actual outrcach days scheduled at the rates below:
Agrccmcnt No. ? 1-UO9
a. Vaccination or Spay/Neuter C'linic: The cost includes staff, vaccinations and
mierochips, free to constituents �vith a t��•o hundred (200) animal cap per
cvcnt. T'hc clinics arc billcd on actual usc.
b. Fducatic�n Outreach Event: The cc�st to staE'f'an outreach evenl fi�r the purposc
of educatin� CITY constituent5. The outreach eventti are billed c�n actual
Agrccmcnt Nu. 21 •UU9
City of Palm Dcscrt ("CITY") shall compcnsatc thc Co��nty of Rivcrsidc ("CUUNTY") on a
monthly basis all fers �nd rates in acc�rdance with the COCJNTY's current fee schedule as set
fi�rth hE`low:
A. Animal Field and ShelterinQ Services Rates*
Animal Control Officer
QuAntit,y� Amount
i �z i 2,x��
Total Ycuri,y
�2 i?,x4�
L'stitnated OveMime 147 $142.12 S20,892 S 1,741
- , ..
Animal Sheltering* I 15 �25.��iday S29,C70 S2,�73
Wildlit-e lmpounds I� $138 51,38Q $1 l5
Deceased Animal Pick-Up 62 $7U �4,340 $362
Al1C� �15pO3i1�
Operation & Maintcnancc* l 15 S 10.44 S 1,2U 1 $1 UU
License Processing Fec 1,654 S 1 U.2G 516,97U S 1,414
� 1'otal Cost , i 5287,300 ' $23,942
*Ycarlv cost csti►natc ba�cd un statistics provic�cd by C"ITY of its prior ycar's irnpound ratc uf
1 15 stray dogs and cats per year, based on an average of ten (10) kenneling days. Rates are
established by the Eioard of Surervisors and are tiubject tc� chan�e as amencied by COUNTY
frurn tirnc to timc.
City shall be provided with actual impound statistics each montti that detail thc; number of
animals impounded and the num�er of kenneling clays.
l,arge Animal Sheltering: $20!animal (horses, ponies, cattle) per d�y of shelterin�.
Large Animal Sheltering: $12/animal(s�tirinc, �oats, shccp) per day of shcitcring.
Q. Collection of License Fees
CI'1'Y' atithorizes COUN'1'Y to issue and collect the fees for canine licenses and retain the license
�rc�cessing fee on any and all canine license revenue generated by C1TY resident5 during the
tcrrn of the Agreernent. All tces cullected for canine licenses shall be accounted for by the
C'OUNTY on a monthly basis and the COUN'fY shall credit to C[1'Y the net amount of license
fees collected for each mcynth. For purposeti of this �greement, the net amounl of license feeti
shall rnean thc t�tal amount uf license fees c:ollected in a month less the suri� total of thc license
Agrccmcnt No. 21-U09
processing fee per each canine license issued and �hall be separate and apart from the monthly
a�mpensation rate due and }�ayahlc by the CITY as set forth above in Section A.
C. Impound/Ouarantine Fees
CITY shall bc responsiblc for all costs associatcd with any and al( animals scizcd within thc
CITY boundaries and brought to C'OUNTY held in the Shelter, including facilities that I�ave
agreement� with the C(��JNTY to prc�vide ad�litic�nal shelter �crvices under the supervision of the
CUUNTY. This includcs, but is not limitcd tu, ani►nals hcld in association with any criit�inal
prosecution of anin�al abuse and welfare cases, animals heing held as evidence in a court filing,
or rabies quarantine. Th� GOUNTY agrees t� assist the CITY in tieeking reimbursement from thc
owncr by providing invoiccs for all scrviccs providcd. All scrviccs providcd to cach animal
involved shall be char�ed as of the current date includine but not limited to tlle following: IMP 1
- c:olleclion; State Fine 1-ce.�llection, Bo�trd callecticm- all f'ees due; QT Bc�ard collectic�n-if
applicablc; Rabics Vaccination collcction- if applicablc; DA2PP�� collcction; Burdatclla
collection; microchip collection; any and all medications provided to each animal; and personnel
D. Optional Ser��ices at Citv's Request
1.Vaccination or Spay/Neuter Clinic: Thc scr��icc provided hcrcin shall bc frce to constitucnts.
with a t���� htuidred (200) animal cap per ��accination clinic, or thirty (3U) spay and�or neuter
surgerias per shay�`neuter clinic. Billed on actu�l use.
2. Education Outreach Event: Thc cost for stalf'an ��utreach evenl lor the purposc oi'cducating
Cl'IY constituents. Billed on actual use.
County of Riverside, California
Apri123, 2021
City of Palm Desert
Attn: Todd Hilleman
73510 Fred Waring Drive
Palm Desert, CA 92260
Re: Contract Rates - Recommendation to the Board of Supervisors
Dear Mr. Hilleman,
Department of Animal Services
Julie Bank
Director ofAnimal Services
As many of our City partners already know, the Riverside County Department of Animal Services, and
all County departments, received a directive from the Board of Supervisors (the Board) to reach full-cost
recovery on all contracts. Board Policy No. B-4 requires that County departments recover the actual cost
of providing services. This includes all contracts with our partner Cities where the Department of
Animal Services (the Department) provides field, shelter and/or licensing services to the City.
The County has not achieved full cost recovery in its Animal Services contracts for several years. As a
result, the County has been subsidizing the contract Cities for many years which continues to be an
unsustainable model for the Department. In January of 2020, the Department recommended that the
Board increase the Animal Services' rates but that they be incrementally phased in, so that the Cities
would not be subjected to an immediate full increase. At that time, the Board approved an initial rate
increase, which reflects the current rates and first-year increase.
The Department proposes to continue the incremental increase in rates over the next two years to
achieve full cost recovery for the actual cost of the County providing animal services to the contract
Cities, consistent with Board Policy No. B-4. New rates for this fiscal year, as shown in the attachment
to this letter, will be recommended to the Board on Tuesday, June 8, 2021. If adopted, these rates will go
into effect on July 8, 2021, unless otherwise indicated in a City's agreement. Note that if approved by
the Board, the rates will change, again, next fiscal year in the attempt to accomplish full cost
Another important reminder: Animal Services will continue to bill its City partners based on actual
impounds, rather than the previously used projection format.
Riverside County
6851 Van Buren Blvd, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509
(951) 358-7387 • FAX (951) 358-7300 • TDD (951) 358-5124
Website: www.rcdas.org
' •
County of Riverside, California
Department of Animal Services
Julie Bank
Director ofAnimal Services
Animal control officers continue their strong efforts in the field to reunite pets with their owners — and
residents are urged to do the same. Our shelter team works tirelessly to find animals new families
quickly which decreases their length of stay. These actions lessen costs for City partners since, of
course, the efforts reduce the number of impounds at the shelters.
Finally, please be advised that the Department of Animal Services will soon be proposing amendments
to Ordinance No. 630 and Ordinance No. 771. These Ordinance Amendments will streamline processes,
increase efficiency, and update practices to be in line with what is practiced nationwide. We encourage
your City to timely adopt any updated versions of these County Ordinances once adopted by the
Riverside County Board of Supervisors.
The County Department of Animal Services appreciates the opportunity to continue the positive
partnerships that we have developed with your City. If you have any questions or want to discuss this
further, please contact Stefanie Rubio at SARubio(c�rivco.ore or (951) 358-7545.
Julie Bank
Director of Animal Services
Riverside County
6851 Van Buren Blvd, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509
(951) 358-7387 • FAX (951) 358-7300 • TDD (951) 358-5124
Website: www.rcdas.org
,' •
Department of Anlma[ Services
AN/MAL s'ERV/CES Julie Bank
County of Riverside, California Director ofAnimal Services
� '�' � � � �
ACO (Hourly Rate)
ACO (Overtime)
$83 � $102.33
$111 $142.12
$121.70 + CPI
$157.69 + CPI
Daily Sheltering Rate
License Processing Fee
Riverside County
6851 Van Buren Blvd, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509
(951) 358-7387 • FAX (951) 358-7300 • TDD (951) 358-5124
Website: www.rcdas.ore
Last edited on Apri123, 2021
[This page has intentionally been left blank.]
MEETING DATE: August 27, 2020
PREPARED BY: Ryan Stendell, Director of Community Development
REQUEST: Request for acknowledgment and approval of new rates for Riverside
County Animal Control Field and Shelter Services as required by
Contract Number C37190. The estimated total contracted amount is
$340,321 annually.
By Minute Motion:
1. Acknowledge and approve the new rate schedule provided to the City in
February 2020 (attached), and as required by Contract No. C37190.
2. Authorize a Change Order in the amount of $15,206 forfinal payment for Field
Services for Fiscal Year 2019/2020.
Funds are available in Account Number 1104230-4309000 for both Fiscal Years
2019/2020 and 2020/2021.
Strateqic Plan
The requested action does not specifically relate to a Strategic Plan goal or objective.
Backa�ound Anal�sis
In 2018, the City Council authorized a three-year agreement with Riverside County to provide
Animal Control Field and Shelter Services. A summary of applicable sections and exhibits are
� Section 3 Comqensation: Specifies reimbursement to the County based on rates approved
annually by the Board of Supervisors and specified in Exhibit C.
• Section 4 AvailabiVitv of Fundinq: Acknowledges that the obligations of the agreement are
bound by limited funding for reimbursement costs.
• Exhibit C Pavment Provisions: States that the City wiU be provided updated rates by March
31 each year for the foAowing year's budget.
At�gust 27, 2020 - Staff Report
RivCo Animal Control Field & Shelter Services
Page 2 of 2
The County rates remained flat for the first two years of this three-year agreement. However, in
February 2020, the City received notice from the County of increased rates. The two rate
categories of the significant increase relate to Animal Control Officers and Animal Shelter
Services. Below is a matrix of estimated increases by billing category:
Animal Control Officer
Shelter Senrices
License Processing
Deceased Animal Removal
Wildlife Abatement
Current Cost �
$127, 026
$66, 930
$0/No Current Charge
$0/No Current Charge
$7,980 I
$1,656 I
Net Increase
$5, 655
$49, 470
$8, 000
$7, 980
$1, 656
This is the final year of the three-year agreement, and City staff will be discussing with the County
all options for reductions in cost in future contracts.
Fiscal Analvsis
The fiscal impact of the increased rates takes the contracted amount from $228,000 to $340,000
annually. Since the County gave proper notice, staff budgeted sufficiently for Fiscal Year
2020/2021, and this request does not require any additional appropriations. The purpose of this
report is to allow the Council to formally acknowledge and approve the new rates from Riverside
County pursuant to Contract Number C37190.
Additionally, staff is requesting a one-time payment of $15,206 to close out Fiscal Year
Robert W.
City Attorney
/Z�.ssx cff..Y.�../I
Ryan Stendell
Dir. of Community
City Mana�er, Lauri Aylaian:
New Cost
$172, 640
���m. ���u .�1ndy Firestine
Janet Moore Andy Firestine
Director of Assistant City
Finance Manaqer
ATTACHMENT: 1. Contract Number C37190
2. Correspondence from Riverside County
PALM DBSSRT, C,+«FoaN�� 9zz6o—i57g
rEL:76o 346-0(II
.luly 12, 2018
Ms. Stefanie Rubio
Riverside County Community Health Agency
Department of Animal Services
6851 Van Buren Boulevard
Jurupa Valley, Caiifornia 92509
Dear Ms. Rubio:
�"l l ��
5ubject: Contract No. C37190 — Three-year Aqreement for Animal
Control Field and Sfielter Services
At its regular meeting of June 28, 201 S, the Paim Desert City Councit, by Minute Motion,
1) Awarded subject three-year Agreement for Animal Control Field and Shetter Services
to Cou�ty of Riverside i� an amount not to exceed $240,U00 annuaify — said contract shafi
renew automatically in one-year increments from July '!, 2018, to June 30, 2021 � subject
to final review and approval of the City Attorney; 2) authorized the Mayor to execute said
Enclased are three original Agreements as executed by the City of Palm Desert. �nce
fufly executed by your agency, please fotward one originat to us for our file.
If you have any ques#ion or require any additional irrfoRnation� please do not hesitate to
contact my o�ce.
Enclosures (as nated)
cc/enc: Pedro Rad�iguez, Code Comptiance Supervisor
Finance Department
Info@cicrofpatmdcsert. org
THIS AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL SERVICES {the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and
betwcen the CITY OF PALM DESERT, hereinafter "CITY", and the COUNTY OF R[VERSIDE, a
politicaJ subdivision of the Stete of California, on behalf of the Department of Anima[ Services hereinafter
"COUNT'Y", coilectively hereinafter referred to as "PART[ES".
COUNTY shall provide aU services as outiined and specified in Exhibit A, Scope of Animal Field
Servises and Exhibit B, Scope of Anima! Sheiter Services, attached hcreto and by this reference
incorporated herein.
This Agreement shail be effective on July t, 2018 through lune 30, 2Q19, renewable automaticatly in
one (l) year increments through June 30, 2021, if mutually agreed upon by the PARTIES.
CITY shall reimburse COUNTY the cost of rendering services hereuncier at ratcs established
by the Rivecside County Board of Supervisors as spccified in Exhibit C Payment Provisions
attached hereto and incorporated he�ein by this reference.
!t is mutually agreed and understood that the abligation of the CITY is limited by and
contingent upon the availAbiiity oF CITY funds for the reimbursement of COIJNTY's fecs.
In the event that such funds are not forthcoming for any rcason, CITY shall immediately
notify COUNTY in writing. COUNTY shall be entitled to reimbursemcnt of costs for work
performcd, in accordance with Exhibit C.
5.1 CITY shal! indcmnify and hald harmless Lhe Caunty of Rive�side, its Agencies,
Districts, 5pecial Districts and Departments, their respective direcWrs, officers, Board
of Supervisors, elected and appointed officials, employees, agcnts and �epresentatives
from any (iability, claim, damage or action whatsoever, based or asserted upon any
actions oFCITY, its officcrs, employees, subcontractors, agents or representatives
arising out of or in any way relating t� this Agreement, including but not fimited to
property damage, bodily injury, or death or any other element of any kind or nature
whatsoever and resulting from ar�y reason whatsoever arising from the negligent or willful
actions by CITY, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, agents or representetives of
this Agreement. C[TY shall defend� at its sole expense, all costs and fees including but
not limited to attorney fees, cost of investigation, defense ar�d settlements or awards
of all Agencies, Districts, Special Districts and Depactments af the County of
Rivecside, their respective directors, officers, Board of Supervisors, elected and
appointed officials� emplvyees, agents and representatives in any such action or claim
or action based upon such alleged acts or omissions.
Page i
5.2 With respect to any action or claim subject to indemnification herein by C[TY, C1TY
shall, at its sole cost, have the right to use counsel of its own choice and shalt have the
right to adjust, settle, ar compromise any such action or claim without ihe prior
conscnt of COUNTY; provided, however, that any such adjustment, settiement
or compromise in no manner whatsoever limits or circumscribes CITY's
indemnif cation to COUNTY as set forth herein. CITY's obligation to defend,
indemnify and hold harmless COIJrITY shat! be subject to COUNTY having given
CITY written notice within a reasonable period oF time of the ciaim or of the
commencement of the retated activn, as the case may be, and information and
reasonable assistance, at CITY's expense, for the defense or settlement thereof
C1TY's obligation hereunder shall be satisfied when CITY hs�s provided to
COUNTY the appropriate form of dismissal relieving COtJIVTY from any liability foc
the action or claim involved.
5.3 The speci�ed insurance limits required in this Asreement shal) in no way timit or
circumscribe CITY's obligations to indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY herein
from third party claims.
5.4 COUNTY shall indemniFy and hold harmless the City of Patm Desert, its Agencies,
Districts, Special Districts and Departments, their respective directocs, offieers, City
Council, elected and appointed officials, employees, agents and representatives
from any liability, claim, damage or action whatsoever, based or assened upon any
aclions of COUN'TY, its ofticers, empioyees, subcontractors, agents or representatives
arising out of oc ia any way relating to this Agreement, including but not limited to
property damage, bodily injury, oc death or any othcr element of any kind or nature
whatsoever and resulting from any reason whatsoever arising from the negligent or witfful actions by
COUN?Y, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, agents or representatives of this
Agreement. COtlNTY shall defend, at its sole expense, all costs and fees including but
not limited to attomey fees, cost of investigation, defense and sett[ements or awards
af atl Agencies, Districts, Special Districts and Departments of the City of
Patm Desert, their respective directors, ofEicers, City Council, elected and
appointed of�icials, employecs, agents and representatives in any such action or claim
ar action based upon such alleged acts or omissians.
5.5 W ith respect to any action or claim subject to indemnification herein by COUNTY, COIJNTY
shalt, at its sole cost, have the right to use counsel af its own choice and shall have the
right to adjust, settle, or compromise any such action or ctaim without the prior
consent oFCITY; provided, however, that any such adjttstment, settlernent
or compromise in no mannec whatsoever limits or circumscribes COUNTY's
inde+nnification to CITY as set fortl� hereir. COLlNTY'S obligation to ciefend,
indemnify and hold harmless CLTY shall be subject to CITY having given
COUNTY written notice within a reasonable period of time of the claim or of the
commencement of the related action, as the case may be, and iaformation and
reasonable assistance, at C�UNTY's expense, for the defense ar settlement thereof.
COUNTY's obligation hereunder shall be satisfed whe� CO[JNTY has provided to
CITY the appropriate fonn of dismissal relieving CITY from any liability for
the action or claim involved.
5.6 Ti�e specified insurance limits required in this Agreement shalI in no way limit or
circumscribe C�UNTY's abligations to indemnify and hold harmless CfTY herein
from third party claims.
Page 2 • -_ . _ ._ _
6. INSURANCE: COLINTY agrees to maintain thc following insurance coverage's
during the term of this Agreement:
6.1 Workers' Compensation:
COIJNTY shaii maintain Workers' Compensation Insurance (Coverage A) as
prescribed by the laws of the State of Califomia. Policy shall include Employers'
Liability (Coverage B) including 4ecupational Disease with limits not less than
$1,000,000 per person per accident.
6.2 Commercial Generat Liability:
COUNTY shal! maintain Commercia! General Liability insucance coverage for ciaims
�vhich may arise from or out of COUNTY's performance under this Agreement.
This coverage shail have a limit of liabitity not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence
combined single limit.
6.3 Vehick Liability:
COUNTY agrees to maintain automvbile Iiability insurance for vehicles provided by
the COUNTY for use under this Agreement. This coverage shall have a limit of
liability of not less than $1,000,OQ0 combined single limit.
b.4 General Insarnncc Provisions - A[I lines:
6.4.1 Any insurance carrier providing insurance coverage hereunder shall be
admitted to the State of Califomia and have an A M BEST cating of not less than A: V(l l(A:8).
6.4.2 The insurance requirements contained in this Agreement may be mei with
a prog�am(s) of self-insurance.
C1TY and C(}UNTY reserve the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause,
upon one hundred eighty (I80) days advance wcitten notice stating the cxtenl and effective date oP
termination. Upon receipt of any notice of termination from CiTY, COUNTY shall immediatety cease
a!t services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved in writing by CITY and COUNTY.
COUNTY shal! be entitied to compensation for all services rendered prior to termination and for any
services authorized in writing by C[TY thereinaher.
S.l In the event the COUNTY is unable to comply with any provision of this Agreement
due to causes beyond their control such as acts of God, acts of war, civil disorders, or
other similar acts, COUNTY will not be held liable to CITY for such failure to comply.
8.2 In the event C1TY is unable to comply with any provision of this Agreement due to
causes beyond their control such as acts of God, acts of war, civi) disorders, or other
simi[ar acts, CITY wiil not be held liab{e to COUN7'Y for such faiture to compIy.
No alteration or variation of the tertns of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and
signed by the PARTIES hereto, as authorized by their respective governing badies, and no oral
understanding or agreement not incocporated herein, shall be binding on any of the PAR'tiES hereto.
lf any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or
unenforceable, the remaining pcovisions wi(I nevertheless continue in ful) force without beirtg impaired
or invalidated in any vvay.
Page 3
COUNTY shall maintain and keep recvrds af all expenditures and obtigations incurred pursuant to this
Agcecment and all income and fees received thereby according to generatty recagnized accounting
principles. Such records and/or animal control operations of COUNTY shaU be open to inspection and
audit by C1TY or its authorized representative as is deemed nccessary by the C[TY Manager or the
authorizcd representative of the C1TY Managcr upon reasonable notice to COLINTY.
This Agreement between CITY and COUNTY is intended for the mutuai benefit of the two
signing PART[ES only. No rights are created under this Agreement in favor of any ihird party
a� any party who is not a direct signatory to this Agreement.
During the perfotmancc of this Agrcement, COUNTY agrees that it sha!! not disc�irr�inate
on the grounds of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, physical
disability, mental disability, medicul condition includiog the medical condition of
Acquired [mmune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any condition related thereto,
marital status, sex or sexual orientation in the selection and retentian of emplvyees and
subcontractors and the procurement of materiais and equipment, except as provided in
Section 12940 of the Govemment Code of the State of California. Funher, COUNTY
agrees to con%rm to the requirements of the Americens with Disabilities Act in thc
perfo�mance of this Agreement.
14. 'VENUE:
Any action at law or in equity brought by eithec of the PARTiES hereto for the purpose oE'
enforcing a right or rights provided for by this Agreement shall be tried in a court of
competent jurisdiction in the County of Riverside, State of California, and the PARTIES
hereby waive all provisions of law providing for a change of venue in such proceedings
to any othec county. In the event eithe� party hercto shall bring suit to enforcc any term
of this Agreement to recover any damages for and an account of the breach of any tenn
or condition of this Agreement, it is mutualiy ag�eed that the prevailing party in such action
shall recover all costs thereof including reasonable attomeys' fces to be set by the coun
in such action.
lt is mutually understood and agreed that this Ag�eement shall be binding upon COUNTY
and its successors. Neithec this Agreement nor any part thereof nor aay moneys due or to
become due hereunder may be assigned by COLlNTY without the prior written consent
and approval of C[TY. CITY and COUNTY hereby agree to the full perFormance of
the covenants contained herein.
Any amendments, including any supplements, to this Agreement shall be in writing and
shall have the approva( of the Board of 5t�pervisors of COl1NTY aad the CITY
Council. This is the entire Agreement for Animal Services and supecsedes
any prior written or ora! Agreement inconsistent herewith. Any amendment wiil be presented
to the City Manager prior to CITY Counci! appcoval.
Page 4 --.-
17. NOTiCES:
Atl caaespondence and notices reyuired ar contemptated by this Ag�eement shatl be
delivered to the respective PART(ES at the addresscs sec focth bclow and are deemed
submitted one day after thcir deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid:
Depahment of Anim�l Services City of Palm Desert
Attention: Director Attention: City Manager
685I Van Buren Bouievard 73-510 Fred Waring Drive �
Jurupa Valley, CA 92509 Palm Desert, CA 92260
or to such athe� add�ess(es) as the PARTIES may hereinafter designate in writing.
iN W{Tf�'ESS WHEREOS, the PARTfES hereto have caused theirduly authorized representatives to
execute this Agreement.
Cbuck Washinston, Chairman
Board of Supervisors
Kecia Harper-Ihem
Clerk oithe Board
Gregory� P. Priamos
County Counsel
Amrit P. Dhillon,
Depury County Counsel
Dated: June 28, 2018
City Cterk
Page 5
I 8-U07
The County oF Riverside, hereinafter referred to as COLiNTY, agrees to provide the following animal field
services for the City oF Palm DeserE, hereinafter referred to as CtTY:
1. Definition of �eld Services: The Animai Field Services to be provided by CO[JNTY for
CITY within the corporate timits of ClTY shal! include but not be lirt�ited to the foUowing
1.1 Field Service Assistaace: Respond to atl calts for field service assistance pursuant to
the priority of calis as described in this Exhibit.
1.2 Ympoundment: Impound all animals found at large and collect such impound fees as
as referenced in Riverside County Ordinance 630, codified at Title 6 of the Riverside County
Municipal code or appropriatc City Municipal Code.
1.3 Prouer Care and Treatment: Provide care and treatment to any stray or abandoned
animal in accordance with State la�v and local ordinances.
1.4 Animal Bites: Investigate reported bites by animals. COUNTY shall respond in
person to afl reported bites by dogs or by suspected rabid or wild Animals. As part of
this response, COUI�iTY shalt contact and interview the bite victim (or the victim's
parent(s) or guardian(s) in the case of a minor) as part of the bite investigation
].5 Ouarantine: Quaranti+ne, as prescribed by State {aw and County Ordinances 630 and 771,
codified at Title 6 of the Riverside County Municipa! Cvde, or any successor thereto
(hereinafter referred to as "Riverside County Code Title 6") all animals suspected
to be rabid and/or that have bitten a person or othcr animal.
l.G Strav aad Barking Animal Comnlaiats: Respond to and process stray and barking
animat complaints as referenced in Riverside County Ordinances 630 and 878, codified at
Title 6 of the Riverside Couniy Municipat Code, or appropriate City Municipal Code.
1.7 Dead Animals: Remove dead Animals from the public right-of-way except in such
cases where the Animal is on a state highway witbin C1TY limits. In such cases,
COLtNTY shall immediately (or as soon as reasonably practicable) notify by
telephone, facsimile, electronic mail transmission or other means the State of
California's Department of Transportation.
1.8 Return of Imnounded Animals: Encourage the return oFany losdstray Animal
{impounded by f+eld persanne{) to the rightful owner in the field, subject to thc
payment of impound fees.
1.9 Licenses for po�s: County shall issue dog licenses for City residents at City's
cequest. All fees collected for dog licenses shall be acconoted for by County and
c�edited to City on a monthfy basis, provided, h�wcver, that County shall retain the
sum of $6.00 for each dog license issued hereunder. County shall verify dog license
status when responding to requests for service or when responding to complaints
about anima( behavior. The Animal Controi OFficer, as part of said officer's regular
animal control duties as defined by, but not limited to, the terms of this Agreement, shaf 1
conduct license inspection activities during anima) controi investigations so as to
ascenain the number of unlicensed dogs, to ticense such dogs and to foster comptiance
with CITY's Municipa) Code. County shall also provide an
automated or manuat verifcation system whereby owners can verify the status of their
Page 6
Animal's iicense by telephone.
1.10 Kennels and Catteries: C011NTY shalt inspect and issue liccnses to operatc dog
kennels and cat�eries within CITY pursusnt to C1TY's municipal codes, and
collect fees in connection therewith. A!t fees For licenses to operate dog ken�els and
catteries shalf be retained by COUNTY.
1.11 Issusnce of Warnines and Citations: Enforce all appropriate provisions of Riverside
County Ordinances, codified at Title 6 of the Riverside County Municipal Code, including
the issuance of warning notices or citations as necessary for violations of the provisians
of said Riverside County Ordirianccs and Municipal Codc Title 6, Statc (aw os City Municipal
1.12 Service to Public: Providc service to the public on matters covered in this Agreement
consistent with established policies and procedures that promote courteous and
efficient service and good public relations. Other policies and procedures
notwithstanding, COUNTY, in processing any type of complaint or request for
service, will indicate to the caller that a response can be expected as per Section 6
2. Shelter Care and Disaosition Services: The COUNTY will house CITY's animals at the
Coacheila Valtey Animal Campus Shelter, or other County operated shelter at the County's
3. License Proccssing_
Compensation for License processing shall be based upon actual licenses processed and licensing
pcocessing rate. License processing costs shall be billed monthly and total resulting compensation
may vary from estimated Agreemeat cost.
4. Provision of Vehicles aud Radio Eauinment: COUNTY shali provide animal cQntrol
vehicle(s) with the epprapriate animal control boxes mounted on the truck chassis and with
an air conditioning unit mounted on the animal control truck boxes for use to provide
Agreement services. The COUNTY shal) equip fuel and maintain said vebicles.
5. Missine or Stolea Aaimals: COUNTY shal! file a report with the Riverside Sheriffs
DepaRment withi» 24 hours if an impounded Anima! is missing or suspected to have been
stoien from an animal control vehicle or while in CQttNTY custody. COUNTY shal!
indicate on the police report the circumstances of the Animal's disappearance.
6. Prioritv of Fietd Services:
6.1 Defialtions: Services afe those enforcement activities rendered by COUNTY
pu�suant to the relevant sections of Rivecside County Ordinances, codifed at Tiile 6
of the Riverside County Municipa! Code, and related State and City codes and are assembted foc
expediency into two categories: Emergency and Non-Emergency. Prio�ity Ranking cefers to thc
order af priority with which a calt will bc handled. All calls will go directiy to the dispatcher or
assigned clerical staff for relay to the Animal Control Officer. If a cali is "exceptional;' as
defined in Section 6.4 of this Exhibit, it will be referred to the Snpervisor for evaluation and
processing. Field service activities will be performed daiiy and generally based upon the priority
ranking and based on limited service hours in accordance with Agreement or part-time ofticer.
All calls involving imminent danger scenarios wiU be responded to within 60 minutes if
reasonably possible, subjeet to considecations involving the time of day, tcaffic eonditions, or
Page7 --�-�-�—�_._.._._._ ._._�—
I 8-007
other uncontrollable circumstanccs. An Animal Contro! Officer will respond to animal medical
emergencies and other emergencies involving danger to humans within 30 minutes or Icss during
rcguiar service hours, Monday through Friday. and within 60 minutes or less on Saturdays and
Sundays and after regutar service hours and halidays. C[TY acknowledges that response time
may be affected by traffic congestion or other hindering circumstances uncontrollable by the
COUNTY. COUNTY sha{1 provide a means for responding to calts for service that take place
duric�s limited service periods (as defined below) which are of an emergent nature
pursuant to this Exhibit. Fietd service personnel shalt be assigned to patro) and other
service field tasks as defined by COUNTY a�d C1TY. Thc fol{owing dcfinitions of"regular
service hours," "limited service" and "holidays" are intended to identify the broad time frames
dnring which specific levels of service will be pravided. "Regular Service Hours" shall be
deemed to mean between the hours of 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, holidays
excepted. "Limited service" shall be deemed to mean between ihe hours of 5:00 pm ta 7:3Q am,
Monday through Friday, all day Saturday, Sunday and on holidays. "Holidays" as
herein sha!! be those as estabtished by the COUNTY and the CITY. The COUNTY
shall answer all telephone calls for Field Services during phone center opecational
hours. Calls shall be received by the COUNTY answering service after hours and on
holidays, as noted above. Calls answered by the answering service will be handled on
an emcrgency basis as outlined in this Exhibit. The dispatcher and/or cterical
support staff shail maintnin a detailed record of all requests, for service, both
emergency and routine, received dnring regutar service hours and after regular service
hours, including tima and date, when the calls were answered and the disposition df
those calls. Recocds of these calls shail be maintained for at least thirty (30) days.
The CITY and COtJNTY ascce that any incident reports to the COUNTY by
residents or through emergency services involving a dangecous, aggressive, wild,
injured oc sick animal constitute an eme�gency and require immediate action by the
COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement. Calls for service received aRer nortnal business hours
that are not of an emergent nsture shall be answered by an answering service and referred to call
back on the next husiness day during phone center operationul hours. These calls will then be
scheduled for response in accordance with this Exi►ibit.
6.2 Catls cansiclered as Emergencies to be handted Without Delav:
6.2.1 Animals endangering health or safety of the community.
6.2.2 Police Depancnent requests for service.
G.2.3 Sick or injured stray animals.
b.2.4 Animals in distress.
6.2.5 Humane investigations — life threatening. (Depending on immediate
b.2.6 Venomous snakes
6.3 CeUs Cunsidercd as Non-Emereencv t4 be handled durin�,Re�!nlar Business
b.3.1 •Pick-up confitted, healthy, stray-animals.
6.3.Z Dead animal removal.
6.3.3 Quacantine investigations.
6.3.4 Leash law enforcement.
6.3.5 Nuisance animal investigations.
6.3.6 Permit investigations.
6.4 Exceptions:
The Animal Controi Dicector or the deputies of the Animal Control Directoc may,
Page 8
on a case-by-case basis, authorize variations of priority when circumst$nces require.
COUNTY shall provide a written report witbin five (S) business days of making a
detetmination thAt a vari�tion in priority was required. Qualifying incidents will be
determined by the responding officer.
7. Tranning; COUNTY shall provide advice and assistance in setting a humane trap for an animal at
large or a wild animal on pubfic or private property, utiiizing a CITY or COUNTY trap or the residents'
private trap. COUNTY shall not be required ta move belongings or maintain on-premises surveiliance,
unless in the opinion of the Director of Anima! Serviccs or the responding Animal Control Officer there is a
direct, clear and present danger to human Iife. The C(TY has purchased traps for the above meniioned
purposes to be used only for CITY residents.
Traps will be evailabte to CiT'Y residents on a fi�st-come, first-secved basis. COl1NTY can provide C1TY
residents with traps at no charge and will bilt the CITY monthly for trap rental at the cost of twenty dotiars
($20.00) per week and two dollars ($2.00) for each additional day if CITY requests edditiona) traps. Billing
for trap service will be submitted to the C1TY monthly in aRears. COUNTY is not required to provide
vector control services under the provision of this coatract.
8. Local Shot Clinic: When requested by CITY, COUNTY shall conduct two (2) shot clinics per year
within CITY limits as determined by CITY staff. Each shot clinic will consist of one (1) Veterinary
Surgeon, one (I) Registered Veterinary Technician, one (1) I.icense Inspector and one {I) Office Assistant
[1 for a total of six (6) hours of service (5 hours at the clinic and one hour driving time). Additionai shot
clinics within ClTY limits m�y be provided at said rate and upon mutual agreement between CITY and
COUNTY. Cost of said cEinics will be outlined in the annual budget for each Fisca{ Year.
9. OualiFcations and Traiain� for Animal Control O[Ccerlsl and Animal Care Technicians(sl:
Any persons employed by the COUNTY for performance of animal control services u�der this Ag�eement
are not employees of the CiTY nor are they entitled to any of thc rights and benefits associated with CtTY
employment. But, in the event and to the extent that COUNTY employecs may lcgally requirc official
C(TY status or deputization in order to carry out their duties under the contract including enforcement of
laws pertaining to animal control, the C1TY hereby bestows upoa them such limited of�icial status.
All COUNTY employees shai! be fngerprinted and photogcaphed, and a background check shall be made
by the CITY up�n request. Animal Control Offcer and Animal Care Technician job descriptions shall be
provided to C1TY upon request. Atl Animai Control Officers and Animal Care Technicians must possess
and hold the follawing licenses and certificates:
9.1 California Driver's license.
9.Z Anima{ Control Officers must be certi�ed by the Commission on Peace Otficer Standards and
Tcaining (POST) pursuant to Penal Code section 832 (PC832)
9.3 Animat Control Officers must attend twenty (20) hours of classroom trainin� covering animal
regulations, animal handling and animat care withi� six (6) months employment.
Page 9
The County of Riverside, hereinafter referred to as COUNTY, agrees to operate and provide the following
Aaima! Shelter Serviccs for the City uf Patm Desert, hereinafler referred to as CITY:
1. Shelter Location: The C�UNTY will house ti�e C1TY's animats at the Coacheita VaUey Animal
Campus, located at 72-050 Petland Place, Thousand Palms CA 92276 ("Shcltcr"), or other shelter operated
by the County of Riverside at County's discretion. The handling of these animals will comply with the
ternts of tbis Agreement. The county is responsible for the maintenance and operatian of the shetter, and the
ca�e of the animals on a 24-hour basis.
2. Contract Performancc: COIJNTY's Director of Department of Anima) Secvices, or appointed
designee, sball meei as necessary to discuss contract performance with the CITY's City Manager or
uppointed designee.
3. Sheiter Scrvices:
3.1 Treattnent of Animals: Adequate care and ireatment of animals while in custody at the Sheltcr
to ensure that animals impounded are provided with humane and appropriate levels of care including �
clean environment, fresh water, adequate nutrition and appropriate medical care. •
3Z Saav and Neuter: Ensuring that all dogs and cats adopted from the Shelter are spayed or
neutcred, or that adequate provisions are made for such spaying or neutering if COUNTY transFers
any animals, or if adopted animal is unable to receive spaying or neutering due to a medicat condition.
In accordance with California Food and Agricultural Code Sections 30503 and 31751.3, if a
veterinarian employed at the Shelter certifies that a dog or cat is too sick or injured to be spayed or
neutered, ihe COUNTY shall coUect a spay/neuter deposit from said adopter or pucchaser and said
deposit will be deposited into a segce�ated fund, which will be maintainect by the COUNTY. Sach
deposit wi(1 be fully cefunded to the adopter or purchaser if proof of sterility is provided within
30 business days from the date of surgery, at which the deposit is forfeited in accordance with the CA
Code 30503 and 31751. Accordingly spay and neuter deposits may only be used by the COUNTY for
programs to spay or neutec dogs and cats.
3.3 Voluateer Pro¢ram: Maintenance of a program to provide for the panicipation of
Volunteer's in pro�rams retating to animals.
3.4 Eaforcement: Enforce all relevant provisions of County of Riverside County Animal Control
�rdinances, codified in the Municipal Code at Title b, AN[MALS, and
State iaw as rnay be applicable to animals housed, k�pt or maintained at the 5helter.
3.5 Incomin� A;nimal Identifcation: lncoming animals must be checked immediatety foc collar
tag, and scanned for microchip by quaiified Shelter staff within ane hour of arrivat ta the Shelter.
Shelter staff shall make all attempts to notify owners within twenty-four {24} hours of the animal
impound by C4UNTY.
3.6 Ouarantine: COUNTY shall quarantine, as prescribed by law, aIt animals suspected of being
rabid, or involved in a bite investigation.
3.7 Irnaoundments aad Ouaranti�es: COUNTY shall house, feed and care for all animals
impounded and/or quarantined at the Shelter.
3.8 Incomia� Aaimal Examinations/Assessments:, A cursory exam will be performed within
twelve (l2) hours, except after regutar business hours when the examination will be perfarmed within
twenty-four (24} hours. lncoming animal assessment must include the following:
3.8.1 A physicat examination to determine if a medica! condition exists which
Page 20 �- -• -
requires a vetcrinarian's attention
3.8.2 Routine vaccinations and de-worming, as needed
3.8.3 Externat parasite ireatmettt, as necessary
3.8.4 Document the animal's incoming weight
3.8.5 Scan for microchip identification
3.8.6 Estabiish unique identifier for the animal
3.8.7 Documertt any identifying features or abnornnalities. Thc COUNTY shall prflperly
document on an animal-by-animal basis that an examination/assessment is performed.
3.9 Behavioral Assessments: Behavioral Assessments of Shelter animals will be
conducted in accordancc with guidelines established by the Departmen► of Animal Services.
3.10 Adontion: Animals identified as being availab{e for adaption are pIaced in adoptable areas of
the Shcltec.
3.1I Communitv Adoution Partners: Califomia Food & Agricu{tural Code, Sections �1 t0$(b) and
3! 752{h) state any stray dog/cat "that is impounded pursuant to this division shaN, prior to the
euthanasia of that animal be released to a nonprofit, as defined in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal
Revenue Code, animal rescue or adoption organization if requested by the or�anization prior to the
scheduled euthanasia of that animal. The public or private shelter may enter into coopecative
a�rcements with any animal organizaiion or adoption organization. tn addition to any requiccd spay or
neuter deposit, the public or privatc shclter, at its discretion, may assess a fee, not to exceed the
standard adoption fce, for artimats adopted or releesed."
3.12 Foster Care Placement: A foster care placement program assists the Shelter by improving
animal cere, giving certain animals a better chance of adoption, and lifting the spirits and morate of
staff and volunteers.
3.13 Vieious Dogs: Aay do� declared or determined to be vicious/dangerous and in custody oF the
Shcltec either under impounciment or quarantine shall be deemed unsuitable for adoption and shalt not
be teleased except as required by taw or at the Director's discretion.
3.14 Euthanasia: Provide humane euthanasia service as required for impounded animals held at the
Shelter for the lawful number of days, if such anirt�at is not reclaimed by said animat's owner and is
deemed to be not adoptable by COUNTY. Animals that are irremediably suffcring from a sc�ious
illness or severe injury may not bc held foc owmer redemptian or �doption. Only euthan�sia methods
approved by the American Veterinary Medical Association shall be used. Recards wi{I be kept for a
period o3'not less than three (3) years on each euthanized animal iactuding the foltawing information:
breed; sex; color; weight; other distinguishing characteristics; date, time and (ocation where animal
was found; meihod of euthanasia and �eason for use of inethod.
3.15 Drus Enforeement A�c�cv,(�EA): Additionally, the COUNTY must comply with al! Drug
En%rcement Agency (DEA) regutations regarding storage, record-keeping, inventory, use, and
disposai of al) controlled substances.
3.16 Feedin� Protocols: All animals sha11 be fed in amounts appropriate to meet their nutritional
3.17 Staffin and Volupteers: COUNTY shall recniit and supervise all necessary personnel for the
offtce, kennel, veter�nary and other areas of the Shelter. Stat�ing shall include any and all full or part-
time personnel and shall include the reccuitment, supervision anct assignnsent of volunteers in suitable
Shelter-related activities. Pecsonnel cmployed at the Shelter in the performancc of Shetter-retated
activities shall be designated as COUNTY employees and any and all volunteers engaged in Shclter
activities shall participate in activities designated by COUNTY and shall be under tile auspices of
COUNTY. Use oF voluntccrs at the Shefter shal! be determined by CQUNTY on beha[f of CITY.
3.18 Holdia� Periods: COUNTY shall hold all stray impou�ded animals, not otherwise owner
identifiable, for holding periods as �equired by law,
Page ii
3.19 Missin� Aaimais: COUNTY shall notify police immediatety of any animai fou�d to be
missing frum the Shclter that had previously been impounded and/or in protective custody.
3.20 Hours of Operation: CQUNTY shall maintain hours oFoperation at the Shelter to provide
maximum public access for the animals, to the extcni possible.
3.21 Disease Control and Sanitation: COLJNTY shall maintain the Shelter in a clean and sanitary
condition. COUNTY's policies and procedures in this at�ea may inctude beneficial standards and/or
guidelines derived from reputable animal care organizations inciuding, but not limited to, the
fol{owing: Humane Sociery of the United States, American Humane Association and American
Veterinary Medicat Association.
3.22 Pcovision of Persoanel and Su�nlies: COUNTY will pravide personnel, supplies, materials,
medication, pharmaceuticals, and equipment, including forms and reports to perfarm aU aspects oFthe
Shelter Services program.
3.23 CITY Access: COUNTY shall provide access to Lhe auihorized representatives of C1TY ta the
cntire Sheiter during normal business hours, and at such other times upon reasonable aotice.
3.24 Livestock and Fowl Care: COUNTY shall provide food, care and sheltec ta livestock And
fowl, either at the Shelter or at anather location when such animals cannot be cared far at the Shelter.
Costs of housing any livestock or fowl, regardless of Shelter location shall be charged to the owner of
lhe animai, if known. If the animal's owner wishes to redecm the animal, thc owner shall first pay a!I
applicable fees and charges at the Shelter; except as otherwise required by law, then and only
then, wi11 the COUNTY authorize release of the animal. COUNTY shall notify C1TY in writing
where said expenses reach the amount of $5,000 or greater per incident. Such expenses shaH not
exceed the amount of $25,000 per incident unless authorized in writing by CITY.
3.25 Animal Disnosal: COUNTY shall prohibit any anima) whether dead ar aEive, which has been
impounded, irt custody, or in quarantine at the Shelter to be given away, disposed of, traded, sold or in
any manner given over to another person, organization or entity for experimtntation, regardless oi
purpose. COUNTY shatl be cespansible for the disposal of animal rcmains ia its custody or controt,
subject to applicable laws.
3.26 Gevet of Service Providcd: COLJNTY wiU provide Shelter Services as de�ned in ibis
Agreement. COUNTY's policies and procedures fo� Shelter Service shall be based oa standards
andlor guidelines de�ived from reputable animal care o�ganizations inctuding= but not limited to the
following: Humane Society of the United States, American Numane Association and American
Veterinary Medical Association.
3.27 Animals Surrendered bv their Owners: Any pet sur�endered by the owner to an Animal
Control Ufiicer and transported to the COUNTY shelter shaH incur the prevailing owner sucrender
charges. Such fees shall be collected from the owner and conveyed to the COUNTY, or be charged
directly to the CITY at the established stray anirnal rate for tt�e shelte�.
3.28 Licenses for po�s: COUNTY shafl issue do� licenses for City residents at CITY'S request as
fotlaws: CfTY will providc tags to COUNTY and coordinate the tag numbers to be used with the
COUNTY licensing department. All fees collected For dog ticenses shall be accounted For by
COU�ITY and credited to CITY on a monthfy basis, provided, however ihat COUNTY shal! retain
the sum of $6.Q0 for e�ch dog ticense issued hereunder, A onc-time data conversion fee may be
applicabte if C[TY data is new to the COUNTY (icensing database.
4. Com�ensation:
4.1 Comaensation for Shelterin�,
4.1.1 Compensation for shelter services shall be based upan esiablished cate for shelter senrice
at specified primary shelter location and prior year impounds of dogs and csts. An annual rate
shatl be established based on these factors and payable monthly in 1/12�' incremcnts. Additional
Pags 22 �------
! 8-OU7
costs for large anima! sheltering are incurred at $20 per anima) per day for horses and cattle and
$t2 per animal per day for swine, goats and sheep in accordance with ordinance and wilt be
billed based on actual sheltering on a monthly basis.
4.1.2 C1TY will be responsibte for a!1 costs associated with any/all animals seized within the
CITY boundaries which are held in Shelter, including facilities that Agreement with the
COUNTY to provide additional shelter services vnder the supervision of the Cl�LJNTY. This
includes animals being held as cvidence in a court filing or Rabies quarantine. The COIINTY
agrees to assist the ClTY in seeking reimbursement fcom the owner by providing invoices for all
services provided. All services pcovided to each animal involved will be charged as of the
currcnt date including bat nat limited to the following: iMP 1- coflection; State Fine 1-collection,
boa�d collection- al! fees due; QT Board collection-if appiicablc; Rabies Vaccination coflection-
if applicable; DA2PPV callectiort; Bordatelia coUection; microchip cvllection; any and all
medications provided to each animat; and Personnel charges. Al! fees wiH be in accocdance with
the COtlNTY's current fec schedule.
4.2 Comnensation for O�erations aad Maintenanre: Compensation %r Operations and
Maiatcnance shatl be based upon rate for shetter service at a specified primary shelter location and
three prior fiscal year impounds of dags and cats. An annua! rate shall be established based an these
factors and }�ayable month(y in 1/12°i lncrecnents.
4.3 License Processin� Compensation for License processing shall be based upon actual licenses
processed ond license processing cate. License prucessing costs shall bc billed monthly and tota!
resulting compensation may vary from estimated Agreoment cost.
4.4 Outreach Activitics: Dai1y flat rates educational outreach and shot clinics �vill be billed based
on actuas outceach days scheduled. Compensati�n accounts for full staff time to provide scrvice For
one day. The maximum time possib{e will be afforded for actual outreach activity; however actual
outreach activity time will bc �educed by travel and preparation time the day of the eveni.
5. Definitions:
S.l "Shelter Services;' as used in this Agrec�ncnt shall include, but is not limited to, the
following activities:
5.1.1 lmpoundment, admittance, receiving, care, custody and feedin� of any and all stray
domestic animals. Livestock, exotics and the impoundment of wildlife as may be delivered
and�or ceceived at the Shelter until an appropriate wifdlife agency can bc contacted and the
wildlife then transferred ic�to their cusEody.
S.1.Z Redemptian, treatment, sale, adoption, andlor dispasal af any and a!I animals.
5.1.3 Counseling and advising animaI owners.
5.1.4 Each animal shall be identiFed individually and photographs of all newly
impounded animats shall be posted on the Shefter website.
5.1.5 Ensuring that al{ dogs, four months and older, reieased from the Shelter to a resident of
Riverside County are licensed and, if not (icensed, to sel{ license to the owner or other person
taking custody of each such dog. [n accordance with COLlNTY ordinances, require the micro-
chipping of released animals at the owner's expense.
5.1.6 Humane euthanasia of animals as Iawful and necessary, including the creation of a!og
detailing those animals that are euthenized and the reasons for such eutEtanasia on an animal-by-
animal basis. This log sha11 further state whether the animal was unhealthy �nd unsuitable for
5.1.7 Proper disposaf of dead animals.
5.1.8 Care and maintenance of tt�e She{ter facility, inciuding land end buildings.
"Care" inctudes, but is not limited to providing a safe, temporary refuge for any animal
Page 13
impounded, and providing needed medical services fo� injured/sick unimals or trunsfer of anima!
to the appropriate agency.
5.2 "Adoptablc Animal," shall mean those animals eight weeks of age or older that at or
subsequent to the time the animals are impounded or othcrwise taken into possession, have manifested
no sign of disease, injury, or congenital or hercditary condition that adversely affects thc health or
temperament of the animal, or that is likely to adversely affect the animal's health in the future. Dogs
declared as "vicious" under State and/or iocal laws are unadoptable.
S.3 "Treatable," shal! mean an animal with a medical condition such as skin probicros bad flea or
skin infestations, a broken (imb, abscess, or problems that may be treated with appropriate resourccs,
holding sgace, treatment and/or time. "Treatable" shal! atso mean an animal with behavioral conditions
that may be correcEed with time and proper Eraining, such as chasing animals/objects, food aggression,
5.4 "Untreatabte Animal," shall mean any animal that is irremediably suffering from a serious
il(ness or physical injury or behaviorat condition and shall not be held for owner redemption or
5.5 lmpounded animals include animals found running at large, removed from private
property or that are taken into the custody by COtJN1'Y or law enforcement.
5.6 Seized animafs: animals that are confiscated from an owner when ordered by a court
of competent jurisdiction, under Penal Code 597.1 whether the seizure was detetmined justified or not,
when exigent circumstances exist.
Page 14
I 5-007
C[TY shatl pay to COUNTY on a monthiy basis arrears, with a mvnthty billing and accounting thereof
by COLINTY to C1TY those fees as established by County of Riverside Ordinances 534 and 630 codified as
Riverside County Code of Ocdinances Title 6-Animals; relative to the services to be performed under this
Agreement as follows: '
l. Animal Field Services:
l.l One FTE (Annual) Animal Control Officer: 1 x$t27,026* _$12T,Q26lfiscal year
Full-time 40 hours per week
*The cost to provide one full-time Animal Control Officer to service an area for a total of 2,080 hours
� per fiscal year, including a factor for direct and indirect overhead and all operationa! expenses.
This cost does not include overtime. Payablc monthly in 1/l2'h increments ofS10,585.50/monthiy.
1.2 Estimated Overtime Services: 195 hours x$82= �a16,000/fisca! year
The cost to provide after-hours services (evenings, weekends and holidays) is charged hourly $82
(minimum call out 2 hours). Estimate is based on past experience. To be biiled based on actua(
1.3 Animal Control '�'argei Area Sweeps: $2,460 per target sweep
{The cost to provide 5 officers for 6 hours to pecform target area sweep, to be billed
based on actual usage as requested by City.)
2. Animal She[ter Services:
2.1 Animal Shettering Secvices: 582 x$115* = SG6,930/fiscal year (F1�
Payable in t/12`� incremcnts of $5,577.50/monthly.
(Fixed ratc bascd on past Fiscal Year impounds muttiplied by the sheltering rate'` at
Coachella Valtey Animal Campus)
2.2 Operational and Maintenance (0&M) Costs: 582 x$14.44*=$6,076.08/Fll
Payable in l/12�' increments of $506.34/monthly.
(Fixed rate based on past Fiscal Year impounds multiplied by the 0&M rate *for
Coachelfa Valley Animal Campus)
2.3 Large Anima! Sheltering of horses and cattle at $20 per animal per day of sheltering
{Additionai cost billed on actuals)
2.4 Large Anirna) Sheltering of swine, goats and sheep at $ I 2 per animal per day of
sheltering (Additional cost bitiea on actuals)
3. Liccnse Processin�
3.1 The CITY wil{ authorize the COt1NTY to collect and retain any and a1) canine licensing fees.
All fees collected for dog licenses shalt be accounted for by COUNTY
and credited back to the C11'Y on a monthly basis, COUNTY shall retain the sum of
Sb.00 for each dog license issued hereunder. Estimated amount based on past Fiscai Year licenses
2,000 timcs 56.40 a S12,OOQ/FY
4. Outreseh Activities: Daity flat rates far education outreach and shot clinics will be billed based an
actual days scheduled. Compensation accounts for full stafftime to provide scrvice for one day. Thc
� — •�-- •-- Page 15
maximnm time possible witt be afforded for the actuat out�each activity; however actual outreach activity
time will be reduced by travel and preparation time the day af the event.
4.1 Two Shot Clinics: Two x$2,783* _�5,566/F'Y if requestcd by City
*The cost for staff, vaccinations and microchips, free to constituents with a 200 cap per event flat rate
biiled on acival use.
4.2 Education ouiceach event $2,553* per event flat rate bilted on actua) use.
'�The cost to staff an outreach event for the purpose of educating City constituents.
5. Summary oi Compensation for Animal Services: The foil�wing chart
summarizes the fees to be char�ed by ihe COUNTY for animal services pursuant to this A reement.
Regular Field Service
Over-time Fie1d Services'(Eslimated)
Totel Fie1d Services
Shelter Service••(Fixcd)
Operation & Maintcnancc••
Total5fietter Services
License Processing •�•(Estimated)
Totat for aN services'�a+*
Rates ace subject to change as adopted by the Board of Supervisors
S 1 b,Q00
S 12,000
The scheduled compensation payabie to COUNTY for ai[ services as set forth in this Agreement is two
hundred twenty eight thousand thirty two dollars ($228,032} for the pe�iad commeacing July 1, 2018
through June 30, 2019, renewable automatically in one (1} year increments th�ough 3une 30, 2021, if
mutua[Iy agreed upoa by the PART[ES. The CITY will be provided prior year impound rates by March 31'`
each year for fotlowing year budgets through June 30, 2021.
*Field services may fluctuate based on actual on cal! usage.
�*Shelter service and Operation Maintenance (O&M) fixed rates are adjusted for each year of A�reement
by the foifowing formula: Prior three fiscal year dog/cat impounds times the shelteringlO&M rate. The
formula establishes a fixed rate that wiIt be payable in 1J12'h monthly increments. The CfTY will be
provided prior year impound rates by March 31 S` eacfi year for following year budgets through June 30
'"**License pcocessing costs may fluctuete based on actc�at number of licenses processed.
****Total may fluctuate based on actuals for the fisca! year.
Page 16 �
Contract No.C37190
MEETING DATE: June 28, 2018
PREPARE BY: Pedro Rodriguez, Code Compliance Supervisor
REQUEST: Consideration of approvaf of Contract No. c3�190 , a three-yea�
agreement for animal control field and shelter services to the County
of Riverside Department o# Animal Services (County) in an amount
r�ot to exceed $240,000 annually.
By Minute Motion:
1. Award Contract No. �3Z � qn a three-year agreement for animal control field
and shelter services to the County in an amount not to exceed $240,000 annually.
Said contraci shall renew automatically in one (1) year increments irom July 1,
201 S to June 30, 2021, subject to final review and approval of the City Attorney.
2. Authoriza the Mayar to execute the above referenced Ag�eement.
3. Approve exception to bidding requirements as provided for in Section 3.30.180 (J)
of the Palm Desert Municipal Code.
Funds will be available in the proposed 2018M 9 budget for Professional Services, Account
Na. 1104230-4309000. Funding for subsequent years will be approp�iated during the annual
budget process.
Strateaic Plan Obiective
This item is not associated with any identifiable objective within the Palm Desert Strategic
8ackarou�d Analvsis
The City of Palm Desert joins with other Coachelia Val(ey cities and the County in sheltering
lost, abandoned, and unwanted animals at the Coachefia Valley Animal Campus, which is
operated by the County. For the actual field services, each af the participating cities elects to
either provide their own services, or to contract with the County to do so. Palm Desert has
historicalfy contracted with the County for animal control services.
The contract under which the County currently provides service is a three-year agreement,
which wii! expire June 30, 2018, The proposed cont�act wautd continus to cembine field and
June 28, 2018 — Staff Report
Contract No. C37190 Animal Control Field and Shetter Services Contract
Page 2 of 3
shelter services in one (1) contract. The proposed agresment would continue services
through June 30, 2021. Services provided to the City under the draft agreement include
sheltering services, animal control field services, responding to calls for service, issuing dog
licenses, inspecting kennels and catteries, removing dead animals from the right-of-way, and
investigating reported animal incidents and camplaints.
The proposed contract will decrease $827 per tiscal year, for a three-year totat savings of
$2,481. The cost of the new contract could flucivate primarily dus to cost increases in over-
time, the increase in cost to� shelter services, operation & maintenance. The cost for field
services will remain the same far the teRn of this contract. There is no escalat9on clause, so
the rate will be held constant tor three {3j years.
Inciuded with the esiimated annual cost of $228,032 is a contingency of $12,000 per year for
the fluctuation of variable cost for shelter services and over time.
Be1ow is a break-down of the p�oposed contract cost.
Proqosed Contract
-� ,, - -'
: FY 181! 9 FY 19/20 FY 20121 totsl
from previous �
contract over
three year perlod
Regular Field
Over-tirne Fietd
(estimated, bil(ed
on actual)
Shetter Sen�ices
Shetter Operation
8 Maintenance
P rocessing
(estimated, bil{ed
on actuat)
$127,02fi $127,026 $127,026 $381,Q78
16,000 16,000 16,000 48,000
fi6,930 66,930 66,930 200,790
6,076 6,076 6,076 18,228
12,000 i 2,000 12,t}00 36,OOU
$228,032 $228,032 $228,032 $684,096
f 1.692)
($2,481) ,
June 28, 20i8 — Staff Report
Contract No. G37190 Animal Control Field and Shelter Senrices Contract
Page 3 of 3
Fiscal Analvsis
Funds for this request are availabie in the FYi6119 Budget in Department i 104230. There
is no fiscal impaci related to this report.
� rl►�
�� �����
Robert W. Hargreaves Ryan Stendell et Moore Lauri Aylaian
CitV Attornev Dir. of Communitv Dev Director of Finance Citv Mana e.�r �
ATTACHMENT; Riverside County Department of Animal Services Contract #18-007
MEE G DATL ' � �
AYESs n�
ABSENh 1� r
Orl�n�l oa FiEe rrttk Cit�► k'e Of'lice
Increased cost from Fiscal Year 19/20 to 20/21
Increased cost for ending of fiscal year 19/20, (March 1, 2020 thru June 30, 2020)
Animal Control
Current Cost
FY 19/20
New Cost
Increased Cost
One full time officer
40 hours per week
2,080 hours X
$61.07= $127,026
2,080 hours X $83
Overtime Current Cost New Cost Increased Cost
195 hours X $82.00 $15,990 195 hours X $111 =
Animal Shelter
Current Cost New Cost Increased Cost
582 impounds X
$66,930 582 impounds X
$200 =$116,400
License Processing Current Cost New Cost Increased Cost
2000 Renewals X
$12,000 2000 renewals X
$10.00 = $20,000
Deceased Animal
Current Cost New Cost Increased Cost
No prior charge $0 114 X $70.00 per
Wildlife removal,
Current Cost New Cost Increased Cost
No prior charge $0 12 X $138.00 per
animal = $1,656
Total Current
Annual Cost
Total Cost for Fiscal
Year 19/20
Total Increase for
Fiscal Year 20/21
Increased Cost
Animal Control
Current Cost
New Cost Per
New Cost Per
Increase in
One full time
officer 40 hours
per week
$10,585.50 $172,640 Divided
by 12 months
$14,386.67 3,801.17
Overtime Current Cost
New Cost New Cost per
Increase in
195 hours X
$82.00 = $15,990
$1,325.50 195 hours X
$1,803.75 $478.25
Animal Shelter
Current Cost
New Cost New Cost per
Increase in
582 impounds X
$115 = $66,930
$5,577.50 582 impounds X
$200 =$116,400
$9,700 $4,122.50
Current Cost
New Cost New Cost per
Increase in
2000 Renewals
X $6.00
$1,000 2000 renewals X
$10.00 = $20,000
Animal Removal
Current Cost
New Cost Increased Cost
per month
Increase in
No prior charge $0 114 X $70.00 per
$665.00 $665.00
Current Cost
New Cost Increased Cost
per fiscal year
Increase in
No prior charge $0 12 X $138.00 per
animal = $1,656
$138.00 $138.00
Total Current
Cost $18,488.50 Total New Cost
Per Month for
remainder of
fiscal year 19/20
$28,360.09 Total