HomeMy WebLinkAboutC36300 - 2018 Swing 'N Hops - FG Creative, Inc.CDNTRdCT � NO . �530[}
�ITY �� PALN! D��Ef�T
SP��I,�L PR��1�A�+1S DEP�I�TM��1T
��.JBh+111`TED ��':
HPPF��VA� �F �O1S ,SWfN� 'N H��3 ,STf2�ET F�ARTY AND
l��y Lawrence, Nlanag�ment Ar�al��t
,1u1� �3, ���7
Draft �ontract with F� ���ativ�, inc.
Pr���sai from �� �reative, Inc. �
B� Mir�ute A�otian, appro�re�th� followCng:
'1. �w�rrg +N Nop�s �S�re�t P�ri�r scheduled for �aturda�,;February �, �41�;
�. F�oad clo��re on �I Pase� betw��r� �ari Pabl�.�venue and Larkspur Lan� #�r
the event;
�. �ons�mptionJP�ssession of A�coholic Bevera�es on P�rblic Property
Purs�ant to Palm Desert fV�t�nicipal �ade �.�$.04�x.
�. Awafd cor�tr��t to F� ���ative, Inc. fo� professfonal �vent rr�an�gem��t �nd
f1l�rke#irlgfpUbfiC !'�18�#ior1S;.
�. Au#h�ri��� �ta#f to fnali�� th� negotia��ons �f'tfne ���ject cont�a�t wi�h ��
�reative, Inc, ar�d ���ho�ize M��or to execute �ame, su�j�ct to the
satis�a�:#i�n �f the �ity �t#omey; arrd
�. ,�u#�orize �xp�nditure in tfn� amor�n� o# �4Br4�� pa�a�l� to F� �reative, In�.
from Acrount f�o. 110441 B-��061 �1.
CommEtte� Recommer�dation
At lts meeting of .iur�e 7, ��'�7, �he Hotel and �lgnature �vent� �ornmltt�e reoefvad a
prese��ation ar�d recap.of the February 4, 2�97 ��+v�rrg `!V Nops� �tree# Party and ex�ressed
su�port for the �ver�t �o �e h�eld agairi in �0'I8.
Strateqic Plan OF�lectiv�
�ppr�val o� the �018 �wrr��r `N N�ps ��r�e� P�rf�r woulc� help address the followir�g priorities
as spe�ified �fn t�e ��tp'� ����-�0�� �tra#egi� Pfan, �rr�is�orr P�frr� Deser# — Forwarr#
— E�onomic �evelopme�� Pn�ri�y �1�. �:���e�te ar�d attr�c� e�tertainment and events
to erihan�e ar�d expand #he Palm'D�ser`k e�onom� and I�fe�tyle.
—� Parks an� Recreation P�ior�ty �� Make recreational and exercise op�ortunities
avaifable in all pu�li� spa���.
— Ni�rkefing and Tourism Priority f�o. �: ��ow existing e�ren#s ar�d develo� new events
#� enhar�ce the �ies�rability of PaEm Deserk a� a�ear-��ur�d�destir�a#i�n.
�0'18 SSNJN� `N �fDPS STR��TP.4RTY
JULI( i3, ��17
The �na�gural �wr`r�g�°N Nap� �tree� P�r�y, heEd ir� 2�1�, was develo��d as � f��tured Firs�
IN�efrer�d ever�� for the month of Fel�r�aary. The event took place on �I Paseo, between �an
Pablo A�+enue and l.arlc�pur Lar�e, ar�d �av� more than �,0�� atte�de�s frorr� the �oachella
Vallep and the s�uthem �alifarnia re�ion:� The event was pi�oduoed b� �i�y staff with
�ssistarice fr�rr� F� �reative, In�. and �ad a budget of $��,00�,� Activities i�cluc�ed dance
instructiot�, live music.from a svtiring dance band, a classic car sho�nr, ar� activafions, and
f��d, beer, �nd ��taiC offerir�g� from local vendors. .
In an effort to make second a�nual �wfr�g `N Nops 3�re�� Party mare �u�oessful than #he
previous �e�r, the �ity �otan�il aut�r�rized � �udg�t of $4�,��0 #ar the event 2�r�d #he �ity
contra�ted with F� �reati�r�, Inc., with � f��rlg�t of �1,�4� for event management ar�d
marketing�publi� relati�ns ��4,0�4 wa� #�eld back for sp���al ev�nt .�n�uran�e ar�d oth�r
in�idental� to be handfed b� th�e �i�y as r�eed�d�..The �0�17 event �aw an �stimated �,�0�
atten�iee�, at�d �n add�tian �� th�e f�rst ��a�''s a�tivit�es, �o�e r�tail �an�i #ood veric�or� w�re
�dded;.�iong wi#� a�n in�reased nu�aber of ir�tera�tive a�k di�pia�s. Tf�e larger danc� floor
was a�it, �r�d the la�out �f th� evenf in yeneral was more desirable than the �reviaus �+�a�:.
�1� a�irs� INeek�r�d event, it was �ecided that �he�e is va�ue in cantin�ing �� hold this
featured�event. A� s�ch, staff i� €ec�uestin� �ity �ounc€1 approva� ta close EI Paseo b��wveen
�an Pa�10 A�rer�ue ar�d Larkspur Lane for the e�rent on �aturda�, .Febr�ary �, �0��.
�dditional��r, due t� the incl�sion of b�er garder�s and c�n�Umptio� �f �alcoholic�t�everag�s
a� the ev�nt, �ity �oun�i� ap�roval is re�u�r�d for �ons�mptionlPossession of Alcoholic
Beverag�s on Publ�c P�operty Pursuant�to Pal�n D�sert �Aunicipal ��de �.58.040.�
�i#y sf�ff i� on�� �g�in ��ting to �on#ract for �rofess9�na� �ve�rt plan�ing an�l
marke#in�Jpubli� ra�ati�ns servi�e� #o� th� �D�8 event. T�eref�r�, on June 8, ���7, and
,�cane ��, ��17, a Request for Pro�osal� [RFP} with a budget of ���,�DO for.pr4fes�lonai
event mar�agerr�ent and �arketingl�ub�i� relation� services f�r t�e �0'�8 �wirrgr "N Nops
�#reet Party was published €n th� De�ert �un and posted o� the �ity'� w���it�. �ea��d
pro�os�ls w�r� d�� t� the ��ty �f�rk on Monday, June "E9, ��17. In re�ponse to the RFP,
iwo proposals were received, �rte from F� �reative, Inc..(Pa�m Des�r�, ��liforn��}; �nc� the
othe� from b.:Pl�mp �ons�ltin� ��tevens�n Ftar�ch, �alifor��aj. .
Both agencies s�bm�tted Emp�ess�ve pitches outlinir�g unique and in€�ov�tive id�as ��r th�
�0� 8 event. U�irtg the proposa� crtteria scoring ��r�tem ou�lined ir� th� RFP, F� �re��ive,
Inc.,scor�d;hi�her th�n D. Plurr�� �onsulting du� to titeir�l�cat�on �r�c� experien�e w�rking
with governmental agencies.. �taff'is comfo�table with the outcome an� believes tha� F�
�reative,.lnc. is a.strong can�lidate for the contract due to their pr�ui�us expe�ienc� with the
event. �orz�� of the uni��� ideas that �r� b�ir�g �onsidered for t#�i� year ai�e incorporatang a
�harity e�lementr d�n�e and �osturi�� conte�ts �v�th raft7� �rizest �and i��Cus�or� of faod tru�k�.
��18 SWf�V� `N �f�PS STR��TPA�#TY
JUL.Y 1�, 20�7
F�s�a� Analv�is
�i#y �ouncil approved a t�tal of �50,0�� far tE�e �018 �rv�rrg �`r� Hops �tr�e� P�rty� event in
the FY 17l.18 b�dget. ���fif is� r���rr�mendin�� awarci af con�ract to F� �r�ative, Inc.:��r
prof�ssioe�al.�vent �r�n�gem�nt a�d.r�ark�ti�€�fpublic relatior�s servi�es,ir� the �mour�t o�
$�8,0�0�: T�e remaRning $�,��� wial be �ut a�ide fot special �vent insur�nc� and ot�ee
in�ide�t�fs to ,be h�ndled b�r the �ity as �eeclad. Funding i� available in Accaunt No.
�u� itted By:
Amy �awr ce �
N1ana���nent Anal�st
Re►ri�w�d: � � �
.. � ��
Fra�fcie iddle� � �
Dire�tor�� ��cial P�ograms
� ���� }
.- n Moare
Director� of Frnance
I�u r�a ia,�
�it�r Nlanag�r
�ontract [Vo. C�6300
This Agree�e�t is �ade an[f.entered In#o thls 1�"�' d��r of.�f�rl�r, ��17, b� an� be#ween
t�r� �ity of Palim Desert,� �l fl'1LJ�lICl�}�I �COr�.70C�tIOxIF or�gan��ed �nder �he ��ws of tha �fate af
�alifomia, with its �rincipaj p�ace of f�u�ir�ess at ��-�10 Fred War�ng Drive, Palr�� �7e�ert,
�alifomi�, ����� {°'�ity') and FC'ai �r��tiv�, �nc., �, �orparation, w�th �i�s� pri�icipal place of
f�usine�s����7�40�0 Alessandro, �ui#e, �, Palm Desert, �A 92�fi0 (���onsuftant'). �ity ar�d
�ar�s�ltant are so�netimes individuall�r referr�d t� her�ir� �s 'P�rty' 2�nd co�le�t�vely as
�. . F�E�ITAL3.
�.1 �onsu[tant.
�onsultant de�ire� to perform �ncf assume re�ponsil�fli�y far the provisior� of certain
professional event managerrtent, marketing, and publi� rel2�tions consultir�g serva�es
�ec�uired by ti�e ��ty on t�e ter�n�� an�l conditi�ns set fiarth �in this Ag�e�ment. ��ns�l#arit
re�resen#s #hat it ks �xperienced ir� �roviding professfor��f �rrent management, marketing:
2�nd public rel�tians c�ns�lting s�rvE�es to public cli�nts, and is �amiliar wit€� �h� pl2�n� of �it�+.
2.� Project.
��ty �iesires to an�ag� �onsultan� to render sucl� �rofessi�nal ev�nt rr�anagemee�tx
matketir�g, and pu6EEc relatio�n� cons�lt�n� services�� for �h� February �, ��18 �wing `fV
Nop� �treet Party project {"Project�� as set farth in �his Agreement.
3. SERn�s.
�.� �cope of �ervi�es ��td Terr�.
�.1.1 �eneral �co�e o� �ervices: �on�u�tant promise� and agrees to fumisF�
to the �ify afl �abor, ma#erlals, tool�, equipmant, services}. and anc€dental and customary work
n�ce�sary to,fully and adequatel� supp[y the professior��l e�rent planning, marlceting, and
pu6fic relations �onsulting servi�es n�ce�sary for t�e Pt�ject {���ervice�"): �he �ervices �r�
m�r� partic�larEy d�scribed in Exhibit u�" attach�d h�ret� and incorpor2�ted herein by
re�erence. Afl �ervices sha11 b� subject ta, and perf�rm�ti in accord�nce with, t}�i� Ag�`eemer�#,
the exh'ib�t�� attached here�o and �incorporat�� h�e�in by r�ference, ar�d' �II���i�Pli�a�fe �ocal,
state anci federal C�ws, rul�s a�d r��uiations.
�.1.� 7errr�. T�e terr� of #�is A�re�m�nt shall b� f��m Jui�r 13, �Q17 to
February �, �OiB, or upon com�letion of the Pr�jec# �r�d its wr�p-up, unless earli�r
t�r�inat�d as pro+ri�ed herein. �onsuEtant �hall complate �the ��rvices within t�e term of tY�is
Agreement, anc� sl�al� �ne�t any other �stablished schedufes and dead��nes.
�.� Respot�slE�ilit�ea of Consu�tant.
3.�:� Inde�er�dent__�or�tractor; �ontr�P anc! Pa�rner�t_of �ubordir�ates. The
.�enrices shall b� performed'by �onsultant o� �nder �ts supenr�sion. �onsultar�t wi�� d�ter�iir�e
the means, methods and detail� of p�rf�rmir�� the��ervice� subject to tF�e rec�+�ire€��nts �f this
Agreemant. �it� re#ains �or�suE�ant or�: an i�deper��e�t con�ractor basis �nd n�t a� an
�r�plo�+ee.� �ansul�ant re�afns #he r��ht to perforrr�'simf�ar �r different servi�es �or others du�rin�
the term af this ��reeme�rt. Any� additi�rral persor�nel performin� #he �ervices und�r �his
Agreerr�ent or� b�ha�f of �onsultar�t shall al�o not b� emp�a�ree� o� �it�r and �hall at all �irr�es ��
�under �onsul�arrt"s ezcE�sive d�rection and con#rol. hfeither �it�r, n�r ��r�y of its offici�ls,
offic�rs, dire�torsz �m�loy�es or agents sha11 have contr�l aver the condu�t o� �onsuftant or
an�r of ��nsultant"s officer�; emplayee�, or ager�t�, e�cce�t �s. set far#h in #his Agreeme�rt.
�ons�l#ant s1�alE pay all wagas, .salaries, and o#her arr�ounts due such personnel ir� connection
wit��#Y�eir perf�rrr�an�e of..�ervi�es un�fer thi� ,��reem�nt and a� r�c�ulr�d b� law. �onsul�ant
shall be resp�n�if�le for all repor#s and obliga#i�ns respec#ing su�h addition�l �ersonnel,
ir�cf�ding, but .r�ot lir��ted ta:; soc�al �ecurity taxes, �income tax �withholding, unem�loymer��
i€�surance, disabifity insuranc�, and workers' compensation �nsur�nce.
�.�.�� �cY�ed�le o# �eivi�e�. �on�ultant shall perf�rm th� �ervices
expeditiot�sl�+, withlr� t�� � term of #his Agraement, and in a��or�ance � with the �chedule �f
�ervices set fortk� in Exhibit ��8�� a#ta�hetl hereto �,��i ir��orpor�t�d herefn by ref�rer��e.
�onsultant represents tha� it has the profess�onal and technacal �ersonr��l required to perform
the �erv��es �ir� conforr�ance with such �onditions. Ir� order to facilitate �onsul�ar�t's
cor�forr�ance with the �cF��du�e, �i�� shall resp�n� to �onsult�r�t's subrr�ikt�E� in ��imel}+
m�nner. l.l��n r�t�u��t of �it�, �onsultant shall provide a more detaifed ��he�lule o�
anti�i�at�d performance to mee# the �chedu�e of �ervices.
�.�.� �onform��ce�#� -A��ficable �a��lrements,. AE� work prepared by
�onsultant shajl fae sub�ect to the a�proval of ��ty.
�.�.4 �ubsti#utior�. of Kev Pe�sori��l. �onsultant has �r�pre�ented t� �it�r tha�
c��#ain k��r p�r�onn�C ati+ill perform and caor�inate tF�e��ervices �nder this Agre�m�r�t. �h�uld
one �r m�re �f �uch personnel becor�ae unavaila�le, �o�rsul�a�t ma� substitute �ther
personnel of �t least eqt�al �ompet�n�e upon wriften approval of �i#�. �n the �ve�t t�a� ��ty
and �onsu[tar�t �annot ��.gree �,s to the subs#i#utior� of 4ce� p�rsonnel, �it� sY�all be er�titled to
#erminate this Agraemant for cause. As dlsc�ssed be[ow, any�personr�el w�-ro fail �r refuse to
perform t�e �ervE�es in a mar�ner acca}�ta�fe to #he �i#y, or wh� ar� ��t�rmine� by the �it� to
be un�oo�eratEva, Incompater�t, a threat to the adequate or tim�ljr �ompf�t��n af �h� �raj�c� ar
a th�eat to the �afety of per�ons or proper#y, shall be prarr,ptly rem�v�d fr�m #he Project b�r th�
�onsultant at the reque�t of #ha �ity. The Cce� personnel for per�om�ar��� �f �#his Agreement
a�e as follows: �tephan�� Creena.
�.�.5 �itv`s Rer�resenta#�ve. The �ity� nere�y desigriates Am� L�wr�r��e,
1�lar�agetnent Analyst, ar her desi�r�ee,.to act.a��it� represen#ative in a11 matters pertair�ing�ta
#he administr�tio� and perform�nce of this �greement ��"�fty's. Re��ese�tative"}. �onsuCt�nt
shall noi a�cept direction or orders' f�om any person other #han the �ity. -[1+1an�ge�, �it�s
�FCepre�en�ativ� ar her designee. �ity's �e�res�n#ative sh�ll h�►�� the power to acf or� b�l��lf �f
the �it�r for r�v�ew and approvaf �f all prod�c�� submitted�b� �onsultar�t, �u# n�t the a�,�h�rity
�o enlarg� the ��ope �f Work or �hange tl�e tot2�l compensation due t� �ansultan# unc�er this
Agreement. The �i�� �lanager sY�alk be authorrzed to act �n �it�s �ehalf ar�d �o e�ce�ute a11
n��e��ary d��urr�ents �which increa�e the �cope of 411ark or change t�ie �onsultant's total
com�ensatian, su�j�c� to th� provisians con#ain�� in �ec�ion �.� o� this Agreemen#.
�.�.6 ��nsuatar�t's Re�resen#ative. �or�sultar�t herefo}r [fesigns�#es Trash�
1rVrtEcawer, or hisl�er cte�ignee, �o �ct as` i�s� re�res�ntative. for the perfo�mance� of this
Agre�ment {"�on��ltant's R��r��entative�). �onsultant'� R�pr��entativ� shall have ful�
�uth�eity to r��resen# and act .on behalf �f the �onsultan� for al1 purposes und�r thi�
Agreem�nt. Tfn� ��nsultan�'� Repres�ntativ� sh�,ll ��u�ervise �nd dir�ct t�e �ervic�s, �,sir��
�islher�be�t skill and atten�ior�, and sh�all�be re�por���ble f�r all.means; method�, t��hniqu�s,
seque�ces, and procedures and #or the satisfactory c�ordir�ation o� afl portion� o� the �ervic�s
under this P�gr�erx�er�t. � .
�.�.� �aordinatia� �f ��rvic_e�: �onsuftant agrees to wo�}c closely wi�h �ity
staff ir� the performance of �ervices and s�alE b� available to �ity's staff, consult�nts �nd �kher
�taff at al� times.
�.�.8 �tandard ofi �are: Perform�nca of Em�fovees. ��nsultan� �hal[ perform
all �ervices under t��s Agreerr�ent �n �, skiGlf�l �d �orr�pete�t m�nn�r, �ansist�r�t with the
sfanda�ds generall}+ recognized as�being employed�b� professianals �n�tY�e s�m� dls�iplfr�e Ir�
th�.�ta�� of �aliforn�a. �or�suEtant �e�resents and m�ir�tains �hat it i��skalled in #he profe�sional
cal€ing n�cessary to per-€arm the ��rvices.� �or�s�lt�r�t �n+arrsnts th�t ��ll etx�plo�+�es and
subcon��il#a��� .sh�fl have . sufficient s�Cil� an� expenenc� to� p�rfarm the �ervices �ssigrie� t�
thern. Finally, �onsultant represents #hat it, its emp[o�ees and subcor�sultants t�ave all
Ifc�nses, .perrr7its, q�ali�ications and ap�rovals of whatever nat�re that are le�ally req�ri�ed t�
perform the �ervi��s,���nd th�t su�Y� li�e�ses �nd �ppro�l�ls sh�l1 b� malr�tai�ed t�r�ugnou# the
term of this Agreem�nt. As � provided for in the � inder�nification � provisi�ns of. #hfs Aa�reament,
��nsulkant shal! perform; at;i#s ow� �o�t and�expe�se and with�ut reimburserr�ent�fror� #he
�ity, an� s�rvic�s ne��ssary to cor��ct errors or ornis�ions vut�ich �ar� ca�sed b� th�e
�ar�s�ltant's�failure to comply wi#h the s#andard of cafe �rovid�d #or herein. Ar�� e�'n�l�]ree vf
the �onsultar�t �r its sub-consul#an#s who is ��termEned by the �i�y to be �urtcoop�rative,
�n�ompeten#, a threat to the adequate or tirr�ely comp���#i�r� �f t�e �'roject, a threat to the safety
of persor�s o� prapert�+, or an� er�,�l��ree wi-Go fails or refu�es ta p�rfar� #he �ervices `in a
martne� ���ept�ble to the �ity, �h�ll be promptl�r remav�d�from the Projact b� t�e �onsultant
and shalf not f�e re-ern�loyed t� perforrrx an� of the ��rvi�es�or #o wor�C on #he Project.
�.�.� Laws afld R��ufations. �on�ultant �h�ll�keep its�lf tull}+ inforrr�ed o� and
in compliar�ce with all la�al, �#a#e and federal laws, rules and re�ulations ir� an�r rr�ar�ner
affecting the performance of the Project ar the �ervices, inc�udir�g all �a11��HA r�quir�ments,
and sF�all �ive all notic�s re�uired by law.. �on�ult2�nt s��ll be li2�ble for�a[� viola�ior�s of such
faws and regula�ions in ��nnect�on with ��rv���s. If �onsultant perforrr�s an}+.work knorvin� i#
to be cor�trary to.such I�ws, rul�s �nd r�gula#ions, �ons�altar�t shall f�e sofely responsible for �II
co�ts arisir�g th�refrom. �o€�s�ltan# shalf defencf, indemnif� and ho�d �i#�, its .offi�ialst
directors, af�icer�, emplo�ee�, 2���nts, �r�d volur�t�ers free and harmless, . pur�uan� to t�e
ind�mnificatio� provision� of #his A�reement, fr�m �n�r c€aim or li�bilit� �rising o�t of �r�}�
��ilure or �Ileg�d fail�re t� compl�r wi#h suc� laws, rr�l�s or reg�latians.
3.�.�� Ins�rr�n��. �onsuat�n# ���II �ot �ommen�e work under thi� �4�reement
until it has provid�d evidence satasfa�tory to the �ity�#hat�it Y�as secured �jl'insur�n�e �'ec�uired
t�n��r this se�tior�. In. additior�, �onsultant shall �ot all�w an� sub�onsultant to commer�ce
work or� ar�� subcontr�,�t unt�l� i# h�� �Or�vE�e� evidenc� sa�isfactory to #C�� �it�r tl��t the
subcor�sul�ant ha� se�ured al� ir��urance required�under tliis �ectian.
Utifit�out limiting �or�s�alta�t's indemnification �of �i�y, and pri�r to. corr�mer��er��n� o# Wo�'I�,
�OnSUlt��t �h�[I obt�ir�, pro�ritf6: �nd m�,ir�t�i� �# itS owr� �xpense �iuring t�� tet�rn of th�Es
Agreemer�t, policies of irisurar�ce of the type ar�d amoun#� �es�rabetl I�elow and� in �, torrtti
satisfac�ary to ��t�. �it�r ma}+ at its cli�cretion adj�st in�urar�ce req�€irements.
G�eneral Liability insurance: �ons�ltant sha11 �aintain �ommercral.�ener�f �i�bility �nsur�nce
with coverag� �t I���t as bro�� �s InSur�nce ��rvic�s �ffice ��rm �� 0� 0�, ir� an amount not
less ti�an �1,00�,000 per. accu�rence, $�,���,��� genera€ aggregate, for bodil� injury, pe�sor�a�
injury, �nd propert� darnaga, includiin� without limitat�on; blan�et contractuaf liabklity.� Defer��e
�os�s �hall be paid ir� �ddition to the lir�its. The policy sl��!] cor�tafn r�� endorsements or
pravisions �i�niting coverage for ��} contractual liabili�y; {�� cross li�,bili#�.ex�lusf�n for �laims or
suit� ��b�r or�e insured a�ainst �nother; or {3� contain any o#her� �xclusian �ontr�ry to the
Agreement. -
�lutomok�ile L�al�ilitv Ir�suran�e: �ar�suitant �haCl verif� that a11 of i�s e�nplo�ee� a�d
subcontractors carry au#amobile ir�suran�e covering bod�fy �injur]r �.nd propert� d�maga for all
activiti�� of #he �on�ultar�� ar�sin� out of ar �n �onr�ection witY� work ta be performed �nde� t�€s
,4gteem�nt, i�c�uding cov�rat�e for an�i.hir�d, non-owned ar rer�t�d vehicles, witk� #he minirr�um
lirnits�r�qu�ted b� t�e �t�t� af �afifornia. I� the ir�stanc� where the vehicles are awned �y a
b�rsines� �i.e.��ubcor�t�a�tor� than a�ommerciai aut� p�l���r�is requi�ed, in ar� am�unt �ot less
than �1,000,0�� combined �ir�gle li�-r,it. An� spec€al circumstance that d�viate� frarr� #hese
requirem�nts wRil r`�equire the �i#y'� Risk hA��a�er ap�roval.
Warkers' �orn�en�ation Insura�ce: �or��ul�ant sh�ll m2�int�ir� �lVorkers' �or��en�atior�
In�urance {�#atutory Lirr�it�}� �nd �mpl�y�r's Liability� Insurance {wi�h limi#s �f �t fe�st
��,��0,���}. �onsultant shall�subE-nit to �i��, aEong w�th tlie ce�#ifi�at� �� insurance, a 1Naiver
of �ubrogatio� er�dorsement In favor of #he �ity of Palm �ese�t, �ts officer�i agent�t em�loy�e�
and vo�un�eers.
�##�er provisfans ar requirernents
1r�surance for �ub�on�uitants: All��ub�on�ultant� shall be included as ad�itional�insure�s
tander �he �onsult�nt's policle�, or the �on�ultar�t shall 'be respansible for ca+�sing
�ubconsultants #o purchase tYie approp�ia#e insur�r��e i� �o�-nplianc� wit� �F�e terr�,s of #h��e
Insurance Requirer�ents, ir�cludit�g add�ng the �ity a� a� P�dd�tion�l� In�ured to the
�ubconsr�l�ar�t's palicies. �onsultant �hall.�r�vitfe to �ity s�tisfa��ory ev€dence as requir�d
�nder In�uran�e �ectian �f this At��eemeri�.�
Proof a� Insurar�ce: �or�sulfar�t sl�afl �rovlde cerkif�cates�o� ins�rance to �it�r a� avidenc� of
the in�uran�e covera�e req�ired h�r�in, alon� �vith a waiver of �ubroga�ior� endorsemerit #or
w�rkers' comper�sati�n. Insu�n�e �ertificate� and end�rsement mu�t be �a�prov�d b�r �it�s
Ri�k Mar�ager pri�r to �orr�men�ement af performance. T�e �ert�ficate��an�l endotsem�e�#s �or
each insurar��e ��I��}� s��ll.be.signed l��r a persor� a�thorized b� that�insurer to i�ind c�v�ra�e
an its behalf: �urre�t �erkifi�a�iorf �f insur�n�e sh�fl be kapt on file with �i#� at all tiR-nes during
�he �erm of� thi� con�ract. ��ty �eserves the r�ght to rec�uire �or�plete, c�rtifled �opfes o� al1
required insurance policies, at ariy time.
Duratian of �overa�e: �onsultant.shall procur� ar�ci r�aintain for the duration of the contract
insurance a�ainst cfaims fo��injuries to persans or damage� ta p�aperky, which Ena�r arise from
or irt �onr�e�tion with th� p�rform�nce of the Work hereunder b� �on�ultant, his ag�nt�,
repre�en�at�ves, er�plo}+aes �ar subcons�ltar�ts.
�itv's R�h�s of ��nforc�m�nt: In th� �vee�t an�r poC�cy af insurar�ce req�ired und�� tF�is�
Agreemen� do�s not c�mpiy witF� th�se specificatio�� ar is canceled and not re}�laced, �ity i�as
th� ng�t but not tF�e duty to obtai� t�e ir�s�ran�e it deems ne�assary €�nd �r��r pr�mjurrk p�itl b}+
�ity ur���� be promp#1]r relrr�burse�! b}+ �onsufta�t �r��it� will w�t€�ha1d �arriour�ts sufficient to �a�+
pre�niurYi f�o�n �on�ultant paym�n�s. In 4he alternativ�, �ity ma� �ar�c�� this ��reem�nt.
Ac�et�table Insurers: ,�II insurar��e poli�i�s shall ��e is�ued #�� an in�urai��e cor�pany
cu�rrent�y autY�ori�ed by tYie Insurartce �arr��missioner to transact I��si�e�s of ir��Urance in fhe
�tate �f �2�lif�rni2�, wit�t �r� assig��d p4lic�r�r�lders" Rati�g af A- �ar �igh�r).and Financial �i�e
�ate�ory �lass 111 (�r farger}�in. accardance wi#h the lates�� edition of'Be�t'� I{e�r Rating �uide,
un�ess otherwise ap}�r�ve� by the �ity's Risk Manager:
Uhfaiver of �ubra�ation: All in��tance caverage ma�ntair�e� or pracured pur�uan# t� this
ag�eement �h�alf be enclorsed to waive. subr�gation against #he �ity of Palrr� Da�ert, its elected
or a}�pointed officers, agents, affi�f�ls, �mpl�yee� �nd �olunt�ers or sl��fl spe�ifiC�l�y �llow
�or�sultat�t or others proviciing ir�surance evidence ir� cor�pliar��e witi� �I�ese sp�e�ifica�Rons #o
wa�ve #heir ri�ht �f recovery pri�r �t� a Ioss. �onsultant hereb� waGves its own righ# af recovery
agains� tl�e ��t� of Pa�m- D�s�et, and �F��l1 r�quir� �imita�r wri�ker� expre��� wa�v�r� anc[
insuran�e cla�ses frarn each of its subc�nsuffar�ts.
Ertfor�emer�t �# �antract �rovi�ian� �f��e� Est�p�el�: �ons�ltar�t scknowledges an� sgr��s
that any actual �r afleged.f�ilur� o� the }�ar# �f t�e �ity to'inf�rrr�.��n�u!#�nt �f r�or�-��mpli�n��
with an�r requirement imp�se� na add�t€onal obl�gation� �r� t�e �i#� nor does�it wa�ve ar�� �ights
Pr�mar►r and Non-�o_ntributin�_Inst�rance: A�I ir�surar�ce cov�rages shall be primary and
any other ins€�ranc�, d�ductible, o� sel�-insurance maintain�d b�r the:indemnified parties shai�
r�o# contribute with this pr�mary ir��ur�,r�ce. P�I��ies sl��El contain or �e. �ndarsed to confain
such �r�vision�.
Reauirem�r�ts Not Limi_. t�n�:. R�quirem�n�s �f �pe�ific co�r�ra�e f�atur�s or limi�s�contained
i€� tC�is��ection are r�ot�in��nded as a limi#�tion on coverage, I�mi�s at other r�qu�rer��nts,�or a
waiver o� an� c�v�rage �ormall� pro�rided b� any i�r�suran�ce. �pecific refer�r�ce t� a given
coverage �feature i� for purposes af �larification �nl�r as it �er#ain� �t� a�iven issue and �s no#
in�endad ��r an�r pa�Ey or insured to be �Il�ic��f�si�e, or �o the.excluston of other cov�rage, or a
w�iver �� ar�y #Ype.
Notice of ��n��llati�n: �on�ultant agree� to o�lEge i�s insuranc� ager�t or b�oker ar�d
ir�se�rer� to provide t� �ity�witE� a thirty ��Q� daj+ nati�e� of. �ancellation �except for n�np��rrnent
�or��w}-t�cf� a ten� {10} �a}+ r�otice is requi�ed} or nonren�wal af coverage for each �equired
coverage. �
Additionaf Inse�red �tatu�: �er��raf 3iaf�ility, Au#omobile �iabilit�, and if app�icable, Pollutior�
Li2�bility, poli�i�s sh�2�li provide� or be �r�dorsed ta provide th�at tfn� �ity of Palm D�sert �r�d i��
offic�rs, offi�ial�, �rr�pl��r�es, an� agents �h�ll be a�diti�nal in�ured� with r���,rd #o li�bili�y and
defense of �ui�� or cfairns arising �out of the perf�rmance of the �4greement, under such
po�i�€es. l`h€s pr4vfsion shal] 2�Iso �p�IJr #o any+ ex��ss liabilit�+ policles. �
�itv's I�i�ht ta R�vis� ����ifi�atPons; T�e �it�r�reserves #h� raght at any time dur'rng.th� term
�f th� contr�ct ta �hange the �rr�ounts an� �y�es of fnsuran�e re�ulred b� gi�ring the
�onsultant ninet� �94� c�a}+s�advar�ce +uritten�r�otice of such chan�e. If �uch� �hange.rest�lt�.in
�ubst2inti�l ac�ditionai cos� to tY�e �onsul�arrt, the �ity and �on�ultant m�y rer�egotial�
�orisul#ant's co�rip�nsation.
�el#-Insured Retentions.: 1�n����C�-i�sured r�t�n#ion� mus# b� d�cfarec� t� �nd ap�r�ved b�
�ity. �it�r reserves #he righ# #o��ec��ire that salf-in�ured rate�tio�s��a elimir�atec�, lowered, or
repi��ed ��r a�educ#ible. �e1f-i�su�an�e wal] not be �onsldered� to �ompl�r witk� #�ese
�pe�ific�tior�s unless ap�roved b}+ �it�.
Tlme�v Notice af �laims: �onst�3t�n# �h�ll a�lve �it� �rornpt ar�d tirnel�r no#i�e af cfaims �ade
or siaits instituted tha� arise .out of or result from �ansultant's �er#�rmance under�� t�is
�lgr�e�nent, and that ir�v�lve or ma}r involve co�r�rage under� an� of. #he re�uired I�at�ilit�r
��,fe :�onsultant��l���l �x�cute.an� maintain��ts �vork so �s to avaid injury or damage to an�r
p�rsan ar }�r�perty, I� �afrying �out i�� �ervice�, ti�e �on�ultan# �hall a# a!I �imes b� i�
�ar�,plian�e wi#h all�applicabfe Io�al, �tate and federal law�, rule� and regulations, and shal!
exercise aE! ��cessary precautions for the safafy �f empCo}�ee� ap�ro�r€a#� to the r�ature of the
wor4c a�nd the �onditions under wl�ich the wor4c:fs to be pe�forr�e�. �a#etjr �pre�autions, �where
ap�licable, ��hall incluc�e, but sY�all r�ot be� li�ited #o: {A� adequa#e �ife p�o#ection anc� lifesaving
equ�pmer�t. and pro�ecEure�; �B� instructa�ns :in a�cid�ni prevantion far� �Ei ��er�ipla�ees and
subconsultants, such �s safe �valkways, scaff�l��, f2�lf p��tectio� i�dd�r�, bri�lg�s, �2�ng
pfanks, con�ined spac� pr�cedures, tr�r�ching and sharing, eq�ipm�r�t a�d oth�r safety
�I�v��e�, equigment and wearing apparel as are necessa�y �or lawful�y requi�e� to pr�vent
accide�ts�or:inJ�rles; ar�d {�} a�le�uate faciiitie� for the proper ins�ection and maintenanca of
a[I safety rneasu�es_ - ..
Additional Insurar�ce: �or�s�ltant s�al€ also proc�re� and maintain, at its owr� c��t an�
�xpense, an�/ adtli#ional kinds af insurar�ce,�whl�h �n its awn �ud�ment ma�r be �ecassary for its
proper. �ro�ec�iari�ar�d prosecut�on of t�e work. �
�.3 ��es and P�ym�n��.
�.�:1 C.�r1'N�ensation. �onsu�tan# �h�ll �'eC�ive �ompensation, in�l�ding
authorized reim�ursemer�ts, f�r all. �ervices renc�ere�f ��[ter tk�is Agreemer�t. �he to��1
c�mper�sation shail �q��l F�rt� Qne Thousand ��f�ofla�s (�4S,Q00�. Extra 1Nork rx�ay be
autCn�riz�d, as m�t�ally agreed upon, arr� if authori�ed, will be�.comp�n's�ted �t a rx��tu�lfy
agreed upon iate.
3.3.� Pavment of �orrx�ensation.� T�e fir�t Ten TY�ousar�d Dollar �$10,�00�
payment s�al€ �e due b�+ A�ag�st 1�, �01�., T�re second Twe�rty Or�e Thousand Doll�r
(�21,000� pa�rr�er�t s�ial� be due b� D�cember 1, �017. The fan�t Ten Thousand �Dollar
��10,Q00� pa�ment sha11 b� dua or�� February 9, �018. �i�y.�hall, wifhin �E} da�rs o� receiving
such invoic�,� revE�w �F�e invoic� arrd pa�r �II non�disputed��nd.sppToved �h�r�es th�reo�. If
the �ity d��putes�ar��r of��ar��ultant's fee�, th� ��ty shall give wr�tt�n r�otic� t� ��n�ul#ant within
�hirty �3�� d��s o�.receip# of an in�roi�� of ��� dispu#ed fees set fortl� tl�ereiri.
3.�.� Reimbursem�nt for E�c�enses. �onsult�r�t sha�l not be reimbursed�#vr
any �xpens�s unfess ar�thori��d in wri�ing by �ity.
�.�.4 �xtra 1+Vork.. AE �n� ti�e durir�� �ha terrr't of #I�i� Agree�er�t, �i#� r�a�
reques� tY�at �a�s�ltar�� perform Extra Work. A� �sed hereirr, 'Extra 1Nork' r�eans� an}� �work
which 9s de#err� ined fap �ity to be necessary for the proper �ompleti�� of the Projec#, but which
the Paeties did �ot reasonabl�r an�icipate would be neces�ary at the exe�ution o� thi�
Agre�men#. ��n��ltant shall no� p�rf�rm, nor �b� compen�ated fa�, �xtra Wori< witF�aut
authori�ation from the �ityF as appli�abie, per the Pafm Desert �+1�nicipal �ode.
3.4 Acco�tnt�ng Re�ords.
3.4.1 INaintenanc� and in�ne�tion. �onsultant �hall maintaie� com�l�te an�
���ur�te re�ord� wi#i� �espect to aCl costs� and exper�s�s incurred under �this Ag���men#: A11
such re�ords s�all.be.clearl�+ identifiable. '�ons�l�ar�t sh�ll �Rlow a rep�'es�n#ati►ra of ��ty d�ring
normal�bu�iness�hours ta examine,�audit, ar�d m�ke.trar�scripts�or �opies�o#.su�h re�ords and
a�j� �tF��r documents �r�at���purs��n� to t�is Agree�enx. �on�ultant sY�all allow it�spectior� of
al] war�c, data, docum�nts, proceedings, and a�tivEties re�a�ed f� the Agr��ment for a period of
t�r�e �'�} years fr�m t�� �ate�o� final payment �nder this Agreerr�en�. �
3.� G�eneral Provisi�ns.
�.�.� Termination of Aareement.
�.5:1.� �rounds for Te�mir�ation. �aty rrNay, b� w�iiten notl�e to
�on�ultant, termknat� the whole�or ar�y.part of tf�is Agreement at an� �€me artd without cause
by givin� writt�n r�otice to �onsuCt�nt �f �uch �ermi�t2�tior�, �nd s�ecifyir�g #he eff�ctiv� d�te
th�reof, �at feast s�ven �{7} .days before the effecfive. �ate �o� �uch termin�tion. U�on
ter�ination# ��n��iltant �hall b� comp��sa��d or�ly f�r thos� services which have beer�
a�e�uately �ren�er�d to �ityt a�d �onsultar�t s�all be er�titEed t� n� furth�r compensa�ion.
�onsul�ant ma�r rrot tarminate t�i� Agreement exc�}�t for cause.
3.5.1:� Ef�e�t of �Ter��r�ation. If thi� Agreemen# 1s ter�jn�ted as p.rovided
hereGnr �ity ma�+ requ�re �oris�altar�t to pr�vid� ail ftnisi�ed or unfinished Docurrients and D�t�
and �th�r inf�rmati�n of an�r kir�d peepared b}+ �on��lt�r�t ir��cor�necti�n with #he per#ormance
�f ��r+rices un�er thi�.Agreement. �onsultant shall be.required t� provide such do��ment �nd
�ther information wi�hin fifteen����} da�� af #he request.
�.5.1,3 Additian�K �erv��a�. In the event this �4greement�i� terminated in
who�e or in part as provided herein, �ity ma}+,procure, ��on su�h term��and En such manner as
it ma� cfete��nine ap�ropria��, servi�es sim€I�r to those terrr�ir�ated.:
�.5.1.� Force M�ieur�. The �i#�r m��r c�ncel tl�a Ev�n� if p�r�ormance o#
the Project.is rendered infeasible�by the occ�rren�e of Fo��e �+1a]eure. For purposes of this
A�reement, Forc� �+lajeu�re s�alf inean a�cause o� event �h�t is b��+and the reasonaf�Ce controi
�f tEi� �ity, �ncRudir�g, but not limite� �o, �cts of �otf, fires, f�o�d�, ra�i�, h�avy winds;
earthquaka, expl�sions, riotst �wars, s��ot��e #ef��rism, vandalism, a��ident, restraint of
gove�nme�rtr goverr�merrtal�acts, injun�t�on�, destruction o� the pr�mises, and other Ir�Ce events.
Irt tha event af a Force 1�lajeure can�el�ation, t}�e �ity snall �rovide �onsult�nt with as much
advance notice as is pra�ti�ab�e. �o€�sultant shall �e�c�u�1� Ert �11 ��ntr2�c#s wikh subcor��ractors 2t
provi�i�n a[I�w€ng for cancellatioi���n the �veflt �f.Force Ma��ure.
�.�.� Defiver�r o# hi�#i�es. �I� �otices �et�'�i##ed or rec�uirad undar thi�
Agr�ement �h�ll be give�:t�,the re��ectiv� parties at the �oflowing addre��, or at such otner
addre�s as �h� respect�ve parti�s �a�r provid� in wr�t�nt� far this purpose:
�or�suCtant: F� �r�ativeF Xnc.
�4��O.Ale�s�ndr�, �uite �
F�alm Des�rt, CA ����4�
ATT�1: �tephania Creene, ���
�it�: �ity of Pafm Desert
7�-5� � Fred Vtilaring Drive
Palm �esert, �A 9���0
ATTfV: Amy�Lawrence
�u�h notice �hall be deerr�ed rrrade when persanally deli�rere� or w}-r�n r�aiCe�, forty_
eight {�8} hour� affer deposit �n the U.�. 1�+1ail, first ciass postage pre�aid ��nd addressed #o
the pa�Cy at its ap�licab�e address. Actual noti�� shall be d�emed�aclequate notice on the da�e
actual no�Ece occurred, fegardless of the me�hod of service.
�.�.�; Qwn�r�hip of M�,t�ri�,1� �.nd �nnfid�nti�lity,
�.�.3.� C�ocuments � Data. L�cer�sina of I�te�la�tual Pro�e�fv.- This
Agreern�r�t crea�e� a nor�-exclusive and perpetual li�ens� fo� �it�r to �4�}+, use, rraodif�r, reuse,
or su�license ar�y and al€ �o��+rig��s, desi�r�s; and other irrtellectual proper�}� emt�adi�� �ir�
plan�, �pecification�, �tudi�s;� drawings, es�imates, and� �th�r documants� or works vf
au#horship fixe� in ar�y tant�ible medi�im of �xpression, including but n�t limit�d to, ph��ic�j
drawings and �ata magneticall� ar otherwi�e r�c�r��d on cam�ut�r diskett�s, which �a�e
pre�ared or caused ta �ba pre�ared b}� �or�sultant under this �4greemen# �("Do�u�ent� �
Data'). �ons�ltan# �hall r�quEre al1 s�l��or�sultants #o agrea.in writing �that �€ty is granted a
. .. . . _.. .. _ ..
nOn-�x�lUSiv� �nd pBrp6tUal �[i�et�SB fOr �n� DO�.��en#S c� Data the ���consul�ant prepare�
under�this Agreement. �onsultar�t rep�esents and warrar�ts that ��r�suf��,nt I�as #�� legai.rfgF�t
to licen�e an�r and all Docu�nents & Data. �ons�ltant make� no .�uch re�resentatiart �,nd
w�rranty� in regard t� Document� &�ata whicY� were prep�reci:by desigr� p�ofes�ionals other
tfnan �ortsultant or provided to �onsultant b�r tF�e �ity. �it�+ shal� n�t b� I�mi#ed in �n�r w��+ in its
use �f the �]�cufn�n#� $� b�t� �t ar�y�#�me, provided that arr}r suc�r�r�se no� withir� #he purpo�es
intendad �� this Agreement shall be at �it�r's ��fe r�sl�.
�,�.�.� �onfidenti2�li#�. All Jde�s; rrGemor�nd€�, �peclficati�r�s, �ians,
procedures,. �rawing�, desc�iptions,� computer prograrn data, in��t .record r1�ta, written
inf�rmatio€�, and oth�r� D�cum�r�ts & D�ta �ither �reated by �o� provided to �onsultant �in
connection witF�.�the �erformar�ce of #his Agreemen# shat! �� held canfident€al �y �onsultar�t.
�uch ir�aterials' s�al€ not, without the prior wntten cor�sent of ��ty, be used by_ ��nsuf#�nt for
an}r purpos�� �t�er #h�n th� p�rEorm�nce of the �erv�ces. Nor shali sucY� materiaGs be
discGose�1 #a �an� pe�sor� or entit}r r�ot conr�ected with the performar�ce of the �ervice� or the
Proj�ct. �lotFiing fumish�� t� ��ns�lkant vti+hich is otherw��e knowr�� to �onsultarrt or is
genarafl� �cnown, or has becom� knowr�, to the ralated irtdu�try shaEl�be �l�eme� co�tfiden#ial.
�ansulta�r�t shall n�t �s� ��t�r's name or.�insig��a, �hotogr�pn� of �he Proje�#, or any p�rblicit�
�ertainin� to th� �ervi�es or the Pr�ject ir�� an�r magazine, #rade paperr news�a�er, televi�ion
or radio produ�tior� or other simiiar medEum without th� prior writter� c�nsent of �ity.
3.5.� �oo�elrataon: �urther Acts.� The Partle� �hall #ully cooperate wrth one
an�ther, and shall take arr}r additiona! ac#s or �€gr� any ad�ii#ion�f doct�ments �ts m��r be
r�ecessarY, a�pro�ariate, ar conv�nient to attain t�e p�r�oses of #�ii� Agreemerit.
�.�.� Attornev's Fees. If either �ar�y �omm�nce� a� actior� a�ainst the atC��r
part�, either Gegal, a��ministra�f�+e or otl�erwise, aris�ng au# af .or fn �onnection w�th th9s
�gr�emer�t, the prevailirrg �a�y in s�ch.fitigation sha[I be entitled to have and recaver trom tY�e
losing party re�sonable attomey's fees ar�d all ot�ar cos#s a� such act�or�.
�.�,� Ind�mnificatRor�.
�.5.�.� ��o�e of fndemnitv. Ta ti�e f�11e�t extenk per�nitted b� ,�a��v,
�or��u�t�nt �sh�ll de�end, i��lemnif� and Fiold �the �EtyT its �irectors; �ffici�ls, affi�ers,
emplo�iees, vo�unteers and agen�s� �ree and harriiless from any ��nd all claims, demands,
causes.of �ction, costs, �xpenses, Eiabilit�r#.fos�, dama�e ar ir��ury�of�an��kir�d, in �aw or equity,
to. pr��ert�r or persons, includEng wror�gf�l dea#h, i� any manner arising out of, �ertaining+ta, .or
ir�ci�ent �o an�+ allege� a�ts, .errors or omiss�ons, .or� v�rilJful �mis�onduct af ��r�suttant, �ts
offi�iais, officers;� err�plo}�ees, sub�or�tra�tors, consultants or agents �ir� conr�e�tior� inrith. #h�
perf�rmance of �he �ons�ltar�t's �ervi��s; the Proje�t ar this Agreement, incEuding w�thout
�imitation the pa�+rx�e�� of a11 consequential damages, e�cpert w�tr�ess fees �and attorne}+s fees
and other F�iated costs an� expenses. �lo#wEthstan�ing #he foregoing, to the� extent
�onsultar�t"� �ervice�� are subject to� �iv�l �ode �e�.t�on �78�.8, the ab�ve in�emnity shafl b�
I€mite�, #a the extent r�quired �� �ivil �od� �ectiar� �78�,8, to �laim� that ar�se out of, per�ain
to, or relate ta tha r�egfi�an�a, re�kCessr�as�; .or v�r]!]f�i mis�ond�tct ofi the �onsulta�t. �
�.�.�.� �dditiortal �ndemni�v Obli�a#ians. T� tY�e fullest extent permitted
I�y law, �or�s�ltarrt sha11 defend, with couns�l.of �ity'� cha�sing and at �on�ultant's own �o��,
�xp�flse and risk, an� and all claims, sui�s, ac#ions of oth�r �roceedir��s of eve�y kind c�v�red
b}r ��ctior� �.�.�:� that ma}r b� brought or instit�te� agair�st �itjr or �its �irec�ors, af�icials,
offic�rs, ern�loyees, v�1u�t��rs�ar�� a�ents. �or�su[tant ��a11 pay�and��atisfy..an�r ju�gtner��,
awarcl ar de�ree tnat ma�r be rer�dered agains� �ity �r� �ts directors, o�ficaal�, office�s,
emplo7reas, vofur�teers and a�an�s �,s part ofi an�.sucl� c�aim, suirt, actior� or other pro�eeding.
�or�s�,ltant s�a�l �Iso:rei��urse �ity for �he �ost of an�r settl�ment paid �b�r.��ty or it� dire�tars,
�ffic�al�; �f�icer�, emplayees, agent� or vol�anteers as part of �any �uch c�a�m, suit, ac#�or� or
other prace�ding. �uch re3i�b��sem�nt s[�all inclu�e payment f�r �it�r's .attorne�r's� fees and
c�sts, incl��ing expert witness fees: �onsul#ar�� shalf reim��urse �i#�r and its diEectors, offEciafs,
officefs, �mpfo�r�es, agerrts, andfor volunte�rs, for any and all fegal expenses and costs
incurr��l b� each �o� them in cannectio� therewitF� or in enforcing the ���ndemnit�r hereEn
provicled. �onsultant's obii�ation to fndemni�y�shall not be restr��ted to ir�surance. pro�eeds, if
a��, re�eivetl b}r �he ��ty, its dire�tars, offi�ial� offi�ers� e�pGo�+ee�, a�ents, or �roiun�eers.
�.�.7 Entire Aareernent. ihis Agreemen� contains #he entire Agr�er�er�t o� tk�e
parties with respect 1� the su�ject r�a#ter heE�of, and s��ersedes all prior n�go�iatior�s,
understandings�or agreements. �7his Agreem�r�t rr�a�r ar�ly be modified�by a writir�g si�ned �y
both �ar�i�s.- .
�.�.8 �ove�r�ir�a Law. T�is Agreement s�all be �overned �y�the law� of tY�e
�tate o� �alifornra. V�nue sY��l€ be ir� Rive�side �ounky.
�.�.9 Tirr7e �f Essence. Zime.is of the essence for ea�h and every prov��ior� �f
this A�reement. �
�.�:�O,�itv'� Riaht ta Emnlov �ther �onsultants. �it� ����rv�s ri�ht to em�lay
other consul�ar�ts in �onne�tior��wi#h thi� Project.
�.5.� i�uccessors and l�ssiqns. This l�greement sh�ll he �aindir�g or� #�e
su�cess�r� and a��€gr�s of t�e parties.
�.5.1�.A����nmen# or Tr�nsfer. �onsu�Xant shall ;not as�igr�, hypot�eca#e, or
transfer, either directly or, �y o�era�for� of law, this At�reemenf ar ar�y €n#e�est ��reir� without th�e
�priar wri#�e� con�ent af the �Gt�. An� atter�pt t� d� so shaR] be null a�d vaiol, and ar�y
assfgnaes, h�r��#he�a#es ar transf�re�s s�alf a�qufre no rlght or fn#eres� by rea�arr of su�h
af#empted assigr�ment, �ypothecati�n ar transfer: ..
�.5.1� �onstruction; Referenc�s; �a�tions. �ir�ce tF�e Par#��s �r th�i� agents
have participated fully in 2he pr�pa��#i�n �f thi� Agreeme�it# #he language �f t�is Agreemer�t
�hall be �construed �irr�pl�, a�carding ta its fair meanin�, and nat strictly for or aga�nst any
�ar#�. An�r #erm referen�fn� #i�e, da�rs or period for p�rformance..shall be�deemed�caEendar
�ta}�s� and not work d�ys. Ala raferences to �onsu�t�nt ir�cl�de ail per�o�nel,. errMployeest
agen�s, and �ubco�sultant� of �onsultant, ex�ept �s ot�erwis� specEfied rn �his �greer�ent.: All
referen��s to �it�r include its elec#ed officiais, officer�, �mp�oyee�, �gentsr snd �olunteers
exc�pt as� otherwis� specified in this Agreement. Th� �a�t�or�s of �the various a�icles and
paragra�Oh� are for canvenience a�d ease �f reference �nl�r, afld do not define, li�it, augr��r�t,
or descrGbe th� s�ape, ��ntent, or i�tent o� this Agreemer�t.
�.�.1� Amendment: Mo�lificati�r�, f�o sup�lemer�t, modifi��tion, or �mendmer�t
of t�i��Agreerrten� �hall be binding.unl�ss executed in writing and �i�r�ed by both P�rkies.
�.�.1� 1Naiver. �lo waiver�of any defaulf shall constitute.a waiver �f ���r oth�r
defaulE or breach, wl�ether� of �h� same ar atfn�r c�venar�t o� cond�tion. �lo waiver, benefit,
privilege, or.��ervice voluntarily g9ven �r performed �� a Party ��all ��ive #he ❑#her Party an�r
�ontra�tual rights by cust�r�, estoppel, or oti�erwise,
:�.5.1fi No T#�ir�f-f�ar#�r Beneficiarie�. T�er�� �re no inter�ded th€rd park�r
beneficiaries of an� r�ght or ob�i�ation as�ur�ed �y th� Parties.
��.�.17 lnvalidity; �everability. If an� p�r#ion �f thi� Agreemen4 i� decl�red
i�valid, �11ega1,�or otherwise unenf�rcea�l� b�r a co�rt of comp�t�nt jurisdicti�n, the remaining
pravisions �hafl �ont�nue in full force an� effect.
�.�.18 Prohi�itec� Interests. �onsultan# ma�r�t�ins �nd warr�n#s fh�t it h�ts not
empl��ed nor r�ta�nad anyr com�an� or persor�, �o��er thar� a bor�a fide er��la�ee wor�Cir��
sof�l�r far �onsultanf, to solicit �r secur� tl�is Agr�em�nt, Fut�l�er; �onsujk�n� warr2�nts tha� it
Cn�� n�t ���d ��r.has'it ��re�d #o p�� any compa��r ar person, other than a�bofla fide empf��r�e
w�rking �olely for �onsultant, an�r fee, �omrr�ission, perc�flt�ge, bro�erage f��, gift ar �ther
cansideratian co�t�ngent upon or re��ltin� fram the �ward or making o� this Agteemen�. For
brea�Fr �r viofation of this wa�ran�y, �ity shall have the right �a rescie�� this 1��r�ement wi�h�ut
liabrlity. Far �he t�rm o� �his Agreerr3�nt, no m�r�ber, officer or�emplo�e� o� �it�r; durEng the
t�rrri �of his or her servic� with �ity, �shall have any direct �nterest in #his Agr�ement, or �btair�
an�r present or ar�ti�i�ated material benef�t arising tC��r�from..
�.�.�9 �qual�OpportunitY Em�loVmer�t. �onsultan# represen�s thai it is an equal
ap�or�ur�it� employer a�ci it shall no� discriminate against any s��consultant, �r�pl���e or
ap�lEcant #ar arnplo�rmertt t����u�e of r��e, relt�ion, colar, national origin, handicap, ancestry,
�ex, or age. �uch �on-d€scrimir�atior� shall�include, b�t not be. fir�'�ited tot �al �c#ivities �'e�ated to
initiai employment, upgradir�g, demotior�, tra��fer, recruifm�r�t or recrui#ment aciver�Esing, layoff
ar terminatiarr.
�.�,�D Labor �erti#icatior�.: B� its si�nature hereunder, �onsultant cartifies tha� it
is �w�re of #he provision� of �ec�ion 37QO.of the �alifornia Labor��ode whi�Y� req�ire every
emplo�rer #o be insured again�t liability for Wor�Ce�� �omper��a#ion, or to ur��lertake seff-
i�suran�e in accordance with th� provi�ions of tl��at �ode and agrees to comp�y wi�h such
provisior�s b�fo�e carr�mencing the p�rf�rmance�of #he �enrice�. �
3.�.�� ��thor�tv to Enter A���errtent. �onsultant �as �tl req�aisite power and
authority #o.cor��uck�it� business�ar�d to exe�ut�, de�iver, and p�rform the Agr��ment. Each
Parfy w�rr�nts th�t th� individuals who have signed this Agreement have th� I�g�1 �ow�r, �ight,
�nd ���thori�y to make t�iis Agre�*ment and bind �a�h respect�ve.Party.
�.5.��.�o�n#�r�arts. Thls Agreema�t ma�+�be sign�d in �ounter{��rks, e�ch of
uuhich shall cor�stitute an ari�inaf.
�.� Sub�ontracting,
�.6.1 ��ior ���roval Reauired. �or�sulkant �l�alE not sub�ontract �r�� �artion of
khe work req�ired b� this�A�r��rr���nt,-excep� as expressly stated herein, wit�out prioe written
��pr�v2�i af �it�+. �ubcor�tr�cts, if ar�y, shall corrtain a provisian maki�g th�m sub�ect to all
provisions stipufated Er� #his Agreeme�t, �
J�n �. Harr�iEc
Rachel�e D. F�lasser�
City Clerlc
Best B�st 8� �4rie��r LLP
�it�+ At�orr�e�
F� �reati�r�, rn�.
�kephanie Creene
�fnief �x�cutiv� �ff��er
�xHi��r ���a��
$��RE QF $�RVI�E�
�wing "�1�Hops �t�eet ParEy as parE �f the �ity of�Palm Desert's rnv�thly Firs# We�kend even# �chedule,�
FirsC Weeken[i is �n� �conomic develo�pTn�nt tool far the �ity �af �alrr4 Des�rt intended to attra�t visitors and
laca�s !a� P€�Irn Deser# far evank based programing tha�t �cc�rs �n the� first �w�ekend of the rn�nzh
No+�ernbe� T A+fa�+ �nnu��Ey. FErs# I�Yeekend �s a cele�rati�n o# arts and �ulku�e iri Paam �esert �nd has #h�#
�nclutles m�nthly� I�rge�sc2le.eve�ts and�.f�siivals ela�g w�th ofh�r srnaller evenxs inter�ded t��bri�q
members of �#he �o2chell� Valley �r�d southern �2l�farr��a eegi�€�:.to Palm desert.: Incl�ded ir� First
Week�r�d are f�stivafslstre�t falrs, art walks and receptions, interactive artslliancls on pm]ec#s, art t�urs.
class�c c.�rslcruisir�g, dance, theater, film, rn�rsic, culinary programming, and 4eatured �vents.
�he �wing `N Hvps $tree# .Party will b� �eld vn �a#urday,. F�bruary�3: ��i8, ar� �E. Pasev be�reee�
L�rk�p�r l�ne and �an �abka Ave�ue. The event is �nkended to a sv�+ing dan�e band, a classi� car show
provkded b�r EI Paseo �ruise night,� inkaractive ar# sta#ions; two be�r g�rdens, faod ven�tars: re#ail v��dor�,
a phata booth, dence� in,�-tru�#ion, �,nd is ar�ticipaxr�d #� b� €�##ended by 2,��0 �r rr�ore p�ople.
Ft�s��r�ai�ilitie� af �ity: .
The �i1y �� Palm �eser# shall Fra+�� fir�al reviewand ap�rovai on all Event budgefs,�artis�s, vendorsx
spa�saesl�ips, and advertising, and shall s�pply and pay or �rovid� for the fallawing for E+ient. �
— �pe�ial eva�t insuranc�;
— P�lice senrices; .
— Fire services;
� Waivir�g o� a€�y.�3ty based #ees;
— �r�ff�ccontrolplan;� �
— Trash and r�cycfing recept�cles;
— Event lago;.
— Restr�orns, i� n�t sectired �t�erwise;
Resp�nsiF�ilities �f �ontract�f:
�ontractor will pfan�and execut� said event c�ardinatiar� and hinr�g a� vendors and c�ve�in� al! c�sts for
the coordination and hlri�rg of tne followln� activitfes
—�veni layou# anc� al� event ren#als; �
— All permi�s including.� but not limited, to those w�#h the Riversi�e �ouniy Mea1#h Departrnent,
Qe�artmen� o# A1co}ial a�d Beuer�ge �ontrol, and �ify �f Palrr3 D�ser� �
5treet closur�s �
— M�sician(s) st�d all other vencf�r� ir�cluding, #�ut not �imited to fo�d, dance ir�stru�ion, reteil, arf;
— W�rk wt�h �� �asev mercha�ts.� �nd �lher vendors i# ne�es�ary. t� �reate an ares f�r toad �aoths
and re#ail ven�l�rs;
—.��ge set-up� managernar�t, �nd equiprnant for mus�� �nd d�n�e comp�r�en�s;
. — �pofls�rshi�s;
��oci�l medi� �vrork with exis#ing F�cebook p�geJ;
— Dance cofnponen# ta incCr�de instruction, c�ntest and o�treach to regional �ance groups;.
— Lirnited c#e�ort� match the tfi�erne;. � . . . . .
— Seating and tables as necded for b�er garcfens anc[ dance�ar�a;
— Two (�) #�eer r�ardens�and winelc��ktail trailers; #� #�e campl�tefy fen�ed and rnanitared (Venda�s
will be s�liing �,loo��l}�,
-�lassic �ar �ho�rto�include �ars that re�resent tF�e tim� period;.
. Art component;.
- F�estr�oms;.
- �et up and clean-�p of trash and recycling receptacles;
— $faffing for a�1 covrdin��ivr� �nd m�n�,gement;
—� �rapY�ic r�esign services �or ads, �ack �arcls, and other b�an�ingladvertising ltems as riecessary.
All senrices must be camplete on da� of event, �aturday, Febivary 3; ��18.
SVbTf(5b by FC Crpol e Inc
Junc 19 2017
nuw�ni�uo�ei�crzoir r�momamnnae•nioi�aioFnomnimo�maxo�
lapin iemmereflimb [ m velm xnrt, en nxeo leom.vm • www feownrr.com
1. Transmittal Letter
To Whom It May Concern: lone ro, 2017
FG CrealNe. Inc, a 100$ womonrnvned California Corporation, is pleased to
bmitnor d hlicatens to cm opa
acompletely manage and coordinate the third Swmg'N
Hops Street Prt on February 3, 2018
FGC is the firm thof was an integral pan of the team that developed thin concept
and provided these services for the Inaugural event In 2016 and again In 2017,
including the brand/tago design and creeper of all marketing materials,
activation of the space with art projects and damp can and the garnering era
eraged media plan that induded radio, outdoor and other efforts at little to no
cost. As proven, our eam Is uniquely quelitietl to provide the expanded scope of
work inclusive of more semi increased music art and vendor participation
and overall event management CGC also developed the concept of addingpaid boothspaceselect vendors to Inches stretch
etch the. budget and provide
more enjoyment for
FG Chances has enjoyed along and $I nce4ml hstay with me City of Form creed
as the agency of recMd for El Peep DID since 2002 calm Desert First weekend
shared 2014 Palm Desert Aquatic Center simm 2014, and numbi other above
since c unnception in 2002
As the sole owner And CFO of FG Cleanser 1, Stephanie D-Greene would be. the
direct contact and the individual who will separate witch the G1y and oversee the
team of FCC scoff members and contractors, and am unhorsed to brad FCC to
all agreed upon conceptual resurrectional
NO Creative oho conflnna that we meal all City insurance requirements and have
current cehlflcotes on file for our ether effects , that can be updated and amended
to Nude us needed addlnanally Loured eruilices, as they relore to the pmpomd
event Since we secured the appropriate Insurance for MC Inaugural Swi g'N
Hops everit a well or, for all other projects
x grn o. we believe IM1UI IM1ese ellolfs ale fn
formacsle n to the 01D
It is with grant ble.phe that we submit wr qualifications fa once, again work Mth
City Stott to develop and execute A truly memorable and successful ever for
Palm Dowd
Stephanie D Greene, CEO
2. Experience of Firm
Similar Project I. Swing 'N Hops 2011
References: city Smtf/oabere,M1 cliokmon/Amy, iawrenae
Our Scope of Services: Complafemanagememof incevenuorvcarain
onju nchDn with Oly Staff and First weekend cammillee FGC was responsible for
taking the Inaugural event and growing If, bofM1 In scope and one. New elements
• Updated sourcing demand, conflnuoM1on and expansion of media per mendarto
• Increase in media posting and Interactions
• Adding mithalI ve ad elernenh.
• Revising the layout of elements to activate more of the event once.
• Enlarging the dance floor and stage
Hall new hPlop tables, colorful linens. new endor bwlb lams
• Reconflguringthe Classic Car Show to moxincehadic flew
Raconllti antl enlarging the Beer Gddi for end iuser enjoyment.
ciao sing ma number and quality al the food and ve.mi booths.
In its read ndyear .this event almost doubledInaees, verc Pmtevent surveys
Intlicatetl very positive reception by both attendees, ventlors, and EI Posed merchants
Total Budget: $43.g00
.Imllcr Project 2 Swmg'N Hops 2016
References: City staff/oeborahc6ckman
Our Scope of Services: complete development and management of the event In
conjunction with Cry Staff and Fist Weekend committee FCC was Integral in
derelaprng the concept, the burger allocations, the braodiog and graphic design,
antl coordinating all aspects arid all team members. Theewos no budget fora media
buy, however `GC decided tosell boon space, and regardless media padnersM1lps
ihallncWtledrodlo, pnntandoutdoor The event went oft very smoothytherewerenp
orpmblsms The event wosvcb well received and attended
Total Budget: $30igos
li 5H f 4nni 1151 *Enr�
bpe'•'en we'iel is �.
Social Media Slats
Jan I Feb 4, 2017
144,120 unIqueJmpressibi¢
254 new FBfans
23W- pwf koe
9 It n
ci 4aamo
1 �_
2, Experience of Firm (donut)
Similar Projects
Over the lost 15 years, FGC has been Involved with d variety of large scale
events. Including two AHA flood Balls, Woman Loaders Fomm "Gtlz knght oat"
armlet merchant events for El Peace BID, and FGI Annual Gala Luncheon
• Sleohonie Greene has Over 15 years of experience deyereang large
scale events Iron 1986 2002 for shopping centers In the Southern Colroornla
market from "Project Fees a1 Wa4mintler MAIL eOnRSling of over 100
animals living on exhibihn the hell for J maOih Iv Foohlan Shows
encompnging top national brands, loom tonal rupees and haute coutuR
Budgets ranged from $50,O00 to over $400,MO. Stephanie also served on the
Initial cohmAtee for The Ai l of Food & Wine in 2003and the Rust year pf
Fashion Week LI Ppseo.
• Incen sprociva.r' Mda has 12 years of event planning and management
experience and served as the Auction Chair and member of the Steering
Cohmi0ee for the Annual Gallo of her Imt placepf errlpfoyhlent La Jolla
Country Day School This event had over I,000 people and raised $500000
fartne school meta managoa every aspect ham logrcecs, entering rind
conlraclshovel llinerarres. auc4ons keyriole speakein entedairmail, grid
ticket sales She has alsomanaged and planned ,evanh ranging from high
eve pmcutive zemmbn, ip mmpnny annual meetings godsend
International marketing seminars Iotal budget range from 55,000 $I00,000
--caniseireco. JeaphaseverByaarsotexpenenceccordinatingavanety
ofevcrrh She o sekcwith rian al local non -profits, Including Junior League.,
and has been responsible for motor unceising efforts
bbf.,e�. m r�SMny
2. Experience of Firm (cant)
Our Scope of Services: Rom development of event themes, to creation of
logos and all graphic design planning entenmment overseeing event renmis.
set up, Public Relations and social media, FGC has earned and maintained a
stellar reputaffon for being on Integral pod at several event roamv
Total Bolger Budgets have ranged from $5, a to well over$300,000 Funds
raised averaged $W 000-$100.000
ReyPersor Key personnel with FGC over the lost 15 years Include Cindy
Coarnoweq, Jeff Day and leadership and planning by Stephanie Greooc-
• _ - CRE�V M
3. Project Approach (conk)
Our Approach FGC will approach his project in line monnerwe address all efferp
far our clients, with enthusiasm, dedentlen, segainer ion and the desire to oversee
every detail In conjunction with the stellar City staff cud Fri Weekend cornuthee
Wohave means, secured Initial bids and letters of intent from equipment rental firms,
beer garden opeinbrs and many of the vendor booths.
OrganizationFGC would develop the team, laid by irlcia Wltkower and Jean
Merriam Using our cloud- based project management perform, Rollo, we would set
up all areas of responsibility, assign tasks, meet with vendorsbegin to sail ads and
develop the overall scrape of l he even l within 23 weeks. FGC is well knownfor
IBvefQgiog budgets to achieve high levels of Involvement by vendors ontl partners
for the lowest budgets.
Event ManegemenY. FGC will Tape the event team with In-house staff,
consultants as noted, and City Soft as determined In initial planoiag meelings, the
team will be managed via regular updates and progress recoils.
Innovation and unique Qualifies - Why FGC?
• the proven success of securing sponsorships with local media partners.
• Working wit vendors to achieve the best pnceswRh the best level of
• FGC's longsendingrelationship with City of Palm Desert and stellar history of
providing hap notch service fora variety of tasks
• FGC's I5-year history working with the merchants on El Pasco.
• FGC's 15 year history, of working with clients of all sAgs hero in the Coachella
• FGC'slearn, composed of professionals from a variety of large ruche markets,
and backgrounds In working wit national clients.
• FG(' re.nownod soacvee with social media and Integrated publicity efforts.
New Ideas for 2016 Based on the recap meetings from the 20 V even}, fallowing are
Itleas and suggested areas to revise for the 2018 event
• Retain The Swing Dance theme and recommend l he some band
• Move the time to 12pm to Spm
• Fit lip lattice toning on front of stage
• Emand the Beer Gardens to indude wine and ciders
• Revisit this Photo Boo i concept, wth an Integrated Oft area
• Continue to place the Classic Cars in key entry areas
• Expand base of food vendors and possibly Food Trucks
• Add Ice cream, pretzels, lemonade. etc
• Add mom seatingautop tables to encourage length of stay
• Add more Shade areoi
• Investigate street performers/stri sor ke¢, etc.
• Encourage CVWD to have multiple water trucks
• Add more hair & make up stations
• Add Contests for ChAlsl g/outPh & for variant dances_
• Develop adze packages with local merchants and businesses
• Continue to expand the messaging to the dine markets and
encourage overnights stays
4, nfsreofa tFess: Avallob, try FGContfapates spending 21 of the hours in the
startup phase for team meetings and strategy sessions. m well as negiIir g lot
rentals and other Cori ailed elements Approximately W, will be used to update
graphic6 negatiate media purlefs Wh it booth vendo5alld develop the PR and
sc Flat media strategies. = will be dill led to Coordination and oversight
Rfroaghout the ruching and the final 00%will be devoted to the last 3 weeks and
the day of the overt
cal ..H ira"y
4. Qualifications
Project Managers
• Stershanle Greene_ Stephanie Greene is the CEO of FG Creative a local
morkeling/advedoing/PR/Online agency that has been working with Valley
businesses and non profits for over Is yours. She bngon hot minor in
pdvrnsing in the LA area as a Media Buyer and New Business Development
manager, spectalmng in res s enhpl real estate and stgapmg ceNerz. She
moved into managing the marketing efforts of shopping centers as a
Certified Marching Director for carte¢ ouch an Fofiron Poland, Wosirrmste*
Mall and toslin Mahenturce. After Itholshe headed up markefing affairs at
Sp011lgtt 29 Casino, on the team that took the small local casino through The
expansion, and into a now Ed an rump 99 t7mmn. She ro undP.d FG Greatrvo
in 2002. and heads up ri team of trial spaalisis and profem0nah working
wilt local and regional clients such as El Pasco City of Point Desert
Arrowhead Regional Medical Center and many more. She has been
navigating fro. media seen locally, rogionally and new penalty for over 30
yeas hntl her background rnCludre past d cum inch as The Irvine Company,
Orange County Per forming Ads Centel.ondolhers falena Cetlified
Ma[kP.tin9 DirP.efor �ICSGf pntl 4 a grptivafe Of Laatler5hip COOCM1BIIa VaIIP.y
12001f She has served on humorous booms and has spearheaded fGC's
involvement with many, local non profit organ cations
• Tilag W tlknwer Managed every Aspect or the 2011 Swing'N Hops event
She worked within ire budget to mnx3Tlz t all opportunities to open the stree'
to enfice met alterdees and admix ri p erl an embark e-She oveRaw the
vendor booths and secured sponsorships for the 20I6 Stang 'N Hops event
Prior a working wtrb FCC. Tdcia worked win I a Jolla Country Day School as
I heir Annual Fund Mdnoger or prior to Ihal al UCSD and al fIIVmino
Mndlcal Dnvicns.
-1 �.RCF\1(Vf
\jam.,, Lm4Xxy
4. Qualifications tcont,
What Sets FGC Apart
Our Success In being the lend avant managers of Swing Hops
2016 and 2017, from concept through execution
Coordinate all aspects of the morselling fur El Panic
• Increased the budget by securing booth condors_
Generated Event Sponsors with media partners
• Leveraged media buy with partnerships.
Onnershad tremendous publicity coverage
Our 15-yearI It In the Cool Valley, working with a vntlety of
olganimtonsbusinesses and entities_ Our connections run deep
-, --Top Notch Consultants
FGC has a keen eye forrecognhing what Talent could be brought In to
help with aspects of an event to make It better. Last year we brought In
Nioole Poppar (formally with the Chamber) to help us secure vendor
booths and other sponsor imps The year prop we. brought Audrey (teed
In to help us with the A/V and stage management.
wmA m�a•rg
}5. Addendum -Budget
'iih''.'.''.5-.;-_. PROPOSED BUDGET
A nk.n F'At A.j,k. ew...: Ann, AApose 2017
Thank You!
o In closing, the entire FGC team and our partnerconsultants
are thnlled to be considered for this project with the City of
Form Desert and First Weekend
Based on our success in coordinating and managing Swing
IN Flops for the past Me years, we already have confirmation
on several returning booth participants, Classic Cars, and
other key elements.
o And we've already been researching avariety of new,
engaging interactive art concepts to add to the event, using
more at the space and creating a new excitement and vibe
to make Year 3 bigger and better)
We look forward to hearing from you very soon.
Experts in Marketing