HomeMy WebLinkAboutPrelim Design-San Pablo Avenue Corridor�ITY (�F PALII� DE�EF��' DEP�RTf�E�1T �� �On+lMlik�l�1� �E11�����+1ENT �TAFF i�EPORT F��QUE�T: RE(,��l��T F�R APpF�OVAL OF THE PF�ELCl�11fVAR�' DE�I�f� F�R IN1PR�1�Eh+1EiVT� TO THE �AN PAB�� AVE�JUE ��F�RlDO�, AhlD DIF�E��' ��AF� TO PREPAR� FINAL �DfV�TI��l�T�ON DRAWI�1�� �IJBNJETf�D B`r`: �ATE: ��NTEI�T�;, F�e�ommendation Eri� �eJa, Prin�cipai Planner .lul� 'I 3, �0'17 Fir�al �esign �oncept for �an Pablo Avenue B}r fu�inute Arlot�on: Ap�rove the. Fir�af ��Preliminary Design for th� �an Pab�a Avenu� �orridor {�orridor} ���n, ar�d dir�ct the Public Vtifork� Depar#ment to aammence w9th the preparation af constn,cti�n drawings for fhe bui�c�-�uk of the �arridor. �tr�teui� Plan ��fe�tives The im�rovements t� the �orrid�r fulfi]E prGoritie� identified in th� �it�s ���t��i� P�an,. in�fudin� the foliowir�g: + Land Use - Priority 4: ��rea#e a mfxed-r�sa crty �ore �rr��egra��rrg shoppfrrg, d�n�rrg�, lndg�r�g, and ho�s�r��." � Tour�sm and h�iarketing —� Rriority 'I;: °I�prove a�cess �o Pa�m D�sert arrd r�� �t#ra�tior�s to er�t�arrce the �as� �fli{�s��1�." + Transp�rtatfon — Pr�orit�r �: "�reate walkabfe r��fgh#orhoo�r� ar�ri areas irv�fhfn Deser# that �va�la� r'r�cfude.resrcler��iaf, r�ta�l, servfces arr�# errapl�ymen� �erafer parks, recr�at+arr ar�r! �perr space �� red�ce ��h� use of fow vc��rp ar��}� veF�r��es. f * Tra�sportatior� , Priority �: "`De-errrp�ras�ze sir�gfeJfow�c�uparr�y �ehicfes �ptr`rn�z� rrrodes of travel �b+�s, carpool, g�If�cart, hr'cy�le �r�d pedestr�an):" Backqrou�d P�frrr s. an d araaf The �it�r's �en�ral Plan ider��i#�es �an Pab1� �venue as a trar��forrn��ional aorr��or th�t hefps ta facilitate �he deve�opr�ent of a�"downtawnlcit� center." �f�apter 14 pr�vides three de�ign options for the �uture road-diet configuraEion� ar�d� enhanced ped�s�rian infrasfructure. I€� f1+1��r ��1 fi, a� p��t o� the outreach efFort ta promote and d�r�'ror�strate the tr�nsformatian of th� C�rrid�r, the �it�+ hosted an 11-d�� "V��ior� ��r� P2�blo' event. Fe�dback fi-om #h� comr�unit}r, es�eciafl�r fr�m �urrour�dfng residents, was ov�nr�helrningl�r po�i�iv�. �f tho�e surve�r�d, 9� �err,e�t supportet� perrnar�ent sfreet irr�prov�ments aGong thfs c4rridor, ar�d S� p�rcent s��p�rted the addi#ion of r��rrdab�u�s. � S�a�f R�part �an Pablo A+renue �orridor �rt�provements �age � �f 3 Ju1� 13, ��7 7 At the �onclu�ion of th� event ar�d ak tl�e direction o� rnterirn �ity Ma�a�er Jus#in �+1��arth�j, ar�. ir�ternal t�am of �it7r st�ff�members wa� farmed to discuss the ultimate oonfi�uratian, themes, �unclir�� sources, a�n� tim�frame fo� #he �orridor improvem�nts: �h� team is �amprised o�' rt�embers with �varfous badc�rounds and �xper�iset and ir�cfudes r�presentatives fr�m #he �ity h+1�ri�ger's O�fice, Planning Divi�ior�, Public 1Norks [�epartmer�t, Finan�e Department, Economic Develo�men� Depar#�n�nt, � Publi� Art, an� �pe�ial Pr�grams. Tr-�e .intent of the �taarrr �nras to devefo� a�reliminary plan t�a� ��ompli�hes #,he visi�n f�r tF�� �orridor, �coaun#s far existing con�litions, and accounfs for oth�� �ify goa�s, �uch as an everit space, publ�c art, �and �can�mlc developrnent incentiv�s. 1n J�I�r,��0'l�, tF�e �ity �oun�il approved a contract with �argenf�Towr� Planning t� afd the team in thi� revi�w# �r�d in Jul}�, 2�� 7, the�r �dded the �orridor.pr�je�:t to ��the �ity'S Five- Y�ar �aplta� Cmpr��r�m�nt Prograrr� ��IP);�llstin� it a,s hi�� iir�portance. The plar� befare the �ity �o�r�cif toda�r represent� the�coll��tive effarts of�tF�e,�an Pablo tearr� ��TP�, �nd E�as been vetted wi�h the �it�r�N9anager#.Pub[ic Wo�ks Dire�tor, and �or�mur�ity Developr�en# I]irector. Discu�sior� The concept�ial de�ign of tF�e �orridor projec� represents a yearl�n� �tudy of different d��lgn options and irade-nf�s ba�ad or� �he ex��tir�g driv�way�ae�� roadwa�j configurafior�s, ar�d gr�de chang�s a�or�g the corrfdor. fn parki��lar, the. design accommodafe� exis#ing dri►+�wa�r conditions on the �#reet w�ife acco�npfi�hing �he averaii vision 2�nd inter�t f�r fF�e �orr�dor �s spe�i�ie� ir���th� ��r�era� Plar�. The preliminary de�f�n emph�sizes pedestria� and bl��r�fe� s�fet�r thr�ugh �nl�ar�ced infrastruct�,r�, }�rovides �dditianal on�sti�et parkEr�g alon� #he er�tire ��r�gth of tF�� corrfdar, incorp�ra�e� �ew s[�ade �rees for a�dad ambfanoe and �oolir�g, and inc�rparate� addi#io�ial recreational �paoe in �roxi�ity t� exi��ing neig�borhoods. Traffi� �afety impr�►remer�ts �r� afso �nc�rporated int� the oo��eptual de�ign, su�h as i�ca#ir�g pedestri�n �r�ssings a# �ppr�priat� infersecti�ns, providing three roun�-a�bouts a# mare tra�r�led inter�ec�tions, ar�d provtdir�g a physical barrie� between bic�c�ists ar�d v�h€cles nortJ-r of Fred �lVaring Drive. �e �reliminary desigr� addre�ses grade �F�ar�ges �r� tha comm�rcia[ aa�e of �an Pabla Avenue by p�av��ing ar� interesting syst�m a# retaining wall�. The re�aining wall s�rst�rn p��vides a de�i€�e�l �u�lic spaoe �or ��destrians,.and pro�+fd�s Comrr�er�ial ter�ar�ts the abflity t� have an out�loor presence alor�g tf�e str��t. Ecor�omi� develo�men# �ncentives and �rograms tor�how th�se spaces are �tilR�ed by tenants�are curren�C�r being �is��r��ed �nd will i�e fntroduoed at a lat�r date. T�r�e�'ame arrd Phasr'rra: �f ap�ro►r�c�, the �i�y's Publ�c 1Nork� Dep��#.ment w€II b�gin design of the cor�tr�Ct do�uments for the ultimate bu�ld-out condi#ion.�or the �orridor,.and�icl��tify �ontr�ctor� t� perf�rm �the work �#hrough th� �it�%� .F�equesk for Pro�osal� �RFP) prooess. �f�ff �� exploring the po�sia�lity of a�de�ign-�ui�d conf��ct" to exp��ite thi� pro�ess. Cer�er��l}r, roadws}r �roje�t� are discou�a�ed fram ocaurr�ng during the seasor�; kher�f�re, �#�ff is requesting appro�ral t� work�out�ide the normaC sumrner oonstru�tRora window. �h� �taff Report �ar� Pablo �4v�nue Comdor Im�rovemer�ts Page 3 of 3� ,�uly ��, �017 cor�str�,�tion phase af the projec# wil! �e extensive ar,d. �t�ff will exped�te the d�vel�pment �f � ti�e �orrEdor as m�ch a� poaaib�e. Public Jr�aut Infarmatior� related t� the pr�lirr�ir�ary plan � is availabfe. on the �ity's websit�, an�l a publRc ou�reacF� meeting is s�hed�led to be h�ld an Jufy 'I'I, �017. �taf� wilf provide the �it� �ouncil urith an update on c�mrnents r��eived fr�m the c�rnmunity �eetang. Fl�car Analvsis �iven the sc.ope;.Eength of th� aarridor, ar�d timeframe fo b�gin c�n�truction, s#aff estimates tha� alf stre�t improver�er�ts for �h� or�e-mEle �tret�l���f roadway will�ra�ge f�m $9 rr3illion to $��� milGo�. ��,ntiin� sources f�r the pr�je�t have b�en ��d�ntified a�tl ir��lu�1e us�e o# �th� �it�s �ommer�ia3 �ore Bor�d Fur�ds, �ivic �enter Park �Improve�ent Bonds Funds, Art in Publi� Plaoes F�rrrds, and �oa�h�lla Va��e�r �4ssociatior� a# ���remr�ents for �11 �ink related impraoveme�ts. - �ubmii#e� B�: . �� Eric �et�, Prin p I P�anner � Q�partment Neaci:� Ryan tende�l, pire�#or of.�ommunity D�veiopme�r�t Re�riewed: . ,..� � � �' - - fu� �reer�►v��d,.Dir�ctor of�Publi� Work� ana^IV�oore, Dir6cto f Financ.� �pproval: . �a�r� �y�aian, �it� hAanager MATCH SHEET#2 - MATCHSHEET#2 n/ 02 J !ail A- S I f . ' 0 `. _________ __ SHEET 1 of 7 (50 Scale) MATCH SHEET#3 .I� -MATCH SHEET k3 R/W- A SHEET20f/(50$cale) MATCHSHEET#1 I MATCHSHEET#1 / MATCH SHEET#4 t� !`1.r A��j Il ilahn i MATCH SHEET#4 I �Jl R/W I.it. .. l'r i1.1 WU7 R/W- SHEET3of7(50Seele) MATCHSHEET#2 '�',I �IOi�" <..} MATCH SHEET rig MATCH SHEET #5 MATCH SHEET #5 06 A __... - M ---------------- V SHEET4of 7(50Scale) MATCHSHEET43 I I .r_______ ... .J y - - Ilia � II � � I IVIi II I JyI MATCH SHEET#3 MATCH SHEET #6 MATCH SHEET #6 SHEET5M7 50Sc 1e MATCHSHEET#4 �,�� Y MATCH SHEET #4 MATCH SHEET,MY MATCH SHEET V C c c SHEET6of7(5OSmle) MATCH5HEET#5 N m { SHEET MS AL F� `z i r ' �I II � SHEET 7 of 7 (50 Scale) MATCH SHEET,tt6/ MATCH SHEET #6 SAN PABLO NORTH K6a _ Two-way cycletrack (west sides), parallel parking (west side), diagonal parking (east side) /a 41 i '� SAN PABLO CIVIC CENTER 07 One-way gcletracks (both sides), parallel parking (west side), diagonal parking (east side) A � _"_„_GLRS SAN PABLO CIVIC CENTER GATEWAY o6 Resin ping, new sidewalk (west side) and enhanced landscaping SAN PABLO NEIGHBORHOODS os id Buffered Bike Lanes, Parking both sides, Multi -Use Trail (move west se curbs 12' inward) A pp / nn odL I1.1111K " SAN PABLO NEIGHBORHOOD GATEWAY oa Buffered Bike Lanes, Parking both sides, landscape median move east side curbs &'inward) A 1_ SAN PABLO TOWN CENTER (Shown through typical Pasgp Widened Sidewalks &Shopfront Terraces, Suffered Bl keLanes&Parking Median (move curbs 15' outward -both sides) SAN PABLO SQUARE 02 Widened Sidewalks & 5hopfront Terraces, Two -travel lanes each direction, buffered bike lanes (move curbs 16' outward -both sides) A trtr r.� trtr trtr e 0 SAN PABLO GATEWAY o1 Widened Sidewalks & Arcades, Two -travel lanes each direction, buffered bike lanes, landscaped median move curbs 16' outward -both sides] A{ ❑❑❑❑ DFIDFI