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Res Nos. 2017-56 and 2017-57 - President's Plaza III Assessmnt-Levy
�ES�LLr�ox x�s. �017=5� � �7 �ITY �F P�L111� p���i�'1" �FFI�E.�F THE �IT�' TF��ASUF��R �TAFF REP�RT I�EC�I�E�T; APPRDVE TF�E MANA�E�lJENT a��TRI�T RLAN �OR, AND �F2�3ER TH� LEUY AIV� �O�L��7[�N �� A�����EMENT� WITHIN, THE PF2E�IDENT'� PLA�A ill �����f2TY AnlD�BU�iNE�� I�+1PRO1lEMENT D��TF2E�T F�F2 Ff��AL YEAR �017�20�8. �U8N11TTED Bl�: �T�ornas J. Metz, Depu#� �it�r Treasurer ��NTF�A�T�R: INilldan Finan�ial �erx+ices DAT�: Jr��� 1�, �p�7 �ONTENT�'� Bour�d�ry �ul�p Re�ofution No, ���7- 56 Resolut�on No.�.�Q17� 5� Engineet's P�nnu�l Lev�+ Report far Fi�cal Year. ��17l20'� 8(Firta�} Re��rrirr�er�dati�n V1�aive fur�her reading'and adop�;: 1.. R�solutior� �!�_ �0�7-_5.�:..; approving the h+lan�gement District Plan far�the pre�itlent's Pl�z�. Il I P�opert�r ��n[i Bu�ine�� Improvement Distric# fo� Fis�al `�`ear �0'�7J�018. �. Resolu#ion No, ����7-�� , orderin� t�e fevy �and �vlle�tior� of a�nnual assessments within �th� Pre��deni's P�a�a III Property �anci Improvement Dist�ic# for. Fiscal Year 20171�018. �trateaic Plar� Oble.ctive Not Applf��bl�, Backqrpund The Pr�siden#'s Pl�z� Ilf Pr�p�rt�r and Busir�es� fm��ovemen# �istrict (��P� III") wa� ar��irrall�r form�d �ir� �iscal �`ear� ��0�1�0�� far a five-�ear� term, A rnajori�y� of pro�erty �wners �ubseq�entl�r �r�#ed �to rer�ew PP �III f�r #hr�e additional fi�e-year terrt�s,� the���rrent ane being frarr� �iscal 1'ears �016l�017 to��0�0����1,- PP III is er�tering ir�to ti�e �ecor�d��re�r of �h�t t�rm. PP III incl,udes.�r�perti�� that are Iocated south of�Palm Deser� Dr�ve at Highwa� 1�1,:and �oet�i of E! �'aseo, befween �ew Highway 7� and olc� Highwa�r 74,� ... ..� �taf# Report Rer�ew�l of Presiden�'s Page � of � Jul�+ 13, �4fi7 ���� iir ��i� The �G�y of Palm Qesert ���ii�°� �Ilec#� annual �s�es�ments frpm PP I II properly owne�r� to ��� far I�ndsc�tpe mair�t�n�r�ce, street swe��ingr �r�d p�rking�fv# IigF�ting within the common�parking �ot areas. _. . 7h� anly rn�dification t� th� P� III �udget will �e the �Ilowed thre� percer�t {�°�,� cost-�fYl�vi�g 2�d�ustments �hat wer� built int� th� cr�rreni five-�rea� plan w�i�ch th� �roperty owr�ers ap�r�ved. '�h� atta�hed resorutions wlll approve n�xt tis�al �r��r's M�n�g�rne�t Distri�t P���, ��rd B�II�w the �i#y �o I�vy and collect the a�sociated annual a�ses�ments�wk#�iir� PP III.. . �taff recor�mend� appravaE of b�th resolutions. Fiscal Analysrs The asse�smer�t anci maln�enanc� �f PP III, �urden. Prepared By: collection of the �u�l levy arnount �will f�nance both ongoEng �nd ��S�Ci�t6d St�ff CO3�S, t'�living th� �i#y G# ��j� firt�r��ial ���� � Thomas J. Met� De�uty �i#y Trea��rer Ap�roved By: �� aur� ���rlaiair� ��- �€ty, Mar�a�er tjrr� Department Head:. �� �� M. Mao�e Director. of �inance f �ity Trea�urer H:l14YOFkD 20471Ld�L DI9TR�CT5IPUB�1� HE�4RI�1C;5FY 20Y6 PR��IDENT'9 PLA�� ill� �TAFF REPOR7.doc m 6e is PRESIDENT PLAZA No. 3 • � VICINITY MAP ��c�: �o�� PF���IDE�IT PL►�A I��. � :.�_. � t � VI�I NITY MA� FtE��LUTI�N �EO. �017_ �� �RE��LUTI�N �F THE� ��TY ��UN�IL �F� THE� �I�Y ��� P�LNI ��SERT, �ALIF�l��IA, APPR�VIN� THE IJlA1��1���11�IVT DISTRI�T _ .. . _ .. . .. . .. PLI�N �OI��TliE.��tE�ID�NT'� PLA�A I[1�RR�PERTY,Af�l� BU�INE�$ IMPR�11E�1�HT AS�E��NfEH'f [�I��'1�1�7, �I��AL. YEAR �Oi712018 The•�i�yr Coun�il of�the �ity=of Pa�m Desert (hereafter re��rred:to as the�"�ity ��uncil"� does resolve a� folCows; 1NHEF��A�, ir� Fisc�l;`�'ea�' �0161�017 the �ity �ouncil.p�rsi.rant to���e provisio�s of `�rop�r�y.�ar�d. 8�rsrrress �Jm�rovemer�� D�s�,rr�t. Law af ,?9�, P�rt �� of �r"v��+or� � J8 of �he ,S�ree#s arrd Hryrhways �ode of �af�farrr�a �hereaft�r refe�rred #o a� ;#h� "�od�°�, �nd in acco�dance with the provi�iori� of the Ca�rfor�r�a ��rrst��u�lor�� �4r#l��e �flJfD candu�ted �aroceedings,for�he.forma�ian�of the Aresidant'� Plaza III'Bus�ness �mprav�mer�t Distric#� �here�fter�re�err�d.to �s the �"Distri�t"), ar�d t�� levy o� annual assessments connected therewith; �and, WH�R�AS, on:,luSy 1�, �016 the �it}� �oun�il�h�ld�a full �r�d fair p�blic hearing ,����rding the forrnatian�of the District and.the establishmerr� af ar�n�al a�ses�rrtet�#s �►nd . .. _ . . .. . . _ .. the m�xir�ur� �ssessrr�ents re�uired to pay.the rri��ntena�ce and se�vice� af�landscaping, lighting,;refuse c�li�ct�on �nd �II �pp��#en�nt fa�ilities and ope�'ation� ref�ted th�ret� ��r � .€ive:�rear periad �eginr�ing Jul�r 1,'�O���and ending .�une �Ot ���1 pursua�t.to th� �od�; and, VYHEREAS, ��or� ,00nclusiar� o� �he �public �earing of J�ly 1�, �p1� the� �i#y Go�n��l ta�ulated th� �p�operty owner� as.sess�ne�t protest ball�ts re�urned� and byr resolution car�frrr�ted`th�,t rr��,jority�,�rot�st �id�n�t �x�s# �r�rl t�y resolu#ior�.��,PProved the N1an�agernent Dis�ri�t Plan, appo�nted ar� A►dvisory B�ard for the Dis#rlct, �ardered #he form�t�on .of the Dist�c#, and arc�e�ed #he� 7evy �and ��ollection of the first ar�nual assessm�r�is; ar�d, � _ . .. VYHEREASt pursuar�t �ta the ��ade, the �ity���oun�El :appointed the Presiclent's . Pla�a � III ��orrir�itt�� a� ��he �Advisory Baard for the � Distric;t� ar�d this. AdvisoEy � Board �hall cause,#o�be prepared ar�:etin�ral,Nlanagerr�ent�District Plan (hereafter referred,t� as the "Aeport� �ach fi�caf•�ear far whi�h ass�s�merr�� are to be:levied anr�.�coll�cted, said Report �hall �s.filed with�th� �ity �lerk'�,nd sh�ll �oiitain::�2�n� proposed��h�r�ges�#o.tkie Drs#rict boundary; �t�e.�irr�pravem�nts and activ�ties to be pravided;. the estimated casts �and method`o# assessri�ent; tl�e amount of an�r su�lus�o� defi�it;�and.contributions f�om Oth�r��OI�f1C�S; �r1Ci, - - - � � � RE��LUT10N N�. ��17- .5� WWERF�, purs�ant to the �ode, the°Advisory.Board has��a�as�d to be prepared a Aepork in cortr���tion v�ri�h t�te Distri�# des�ri#�in� the proposed�improvements,:s�rvEces, e�enditu�'e� �nd �ssessrr�en�s to be lev�ed for Ftscal Year �017l��18,:and fifed w� �he �i#y �lerk�af the �i#y of PaI�i�Desert and tha. �ity �lerk has presented�to t�e �ity �oun�il su� Report er�t�tled "hAariagem�nt Dis#ric� Plar�..for the Pr��i�ent'��.PI2�� 111 Property �.nd Bus�ness I�pro�rer�en# �4ssessmen� �i�trict, Fis�al 1�ear �017l�018"; and, 1�M1fMER�A�; Th� �ity Co�ncil �as �arefulf�r examir��d and reviewed�the�Re�ort as :pr��er�ted, and is satisfied wi#h eac#i and all �f. the items and doc�as�e�ts as se# f�r#h _. :. . . .. ... . __ .. . ._. therein, arid�,f�nds.that t�ie...r�vy.�of�assessrrients �as b��n spr�ad.�n�a���ord�nce�wi#h t�re ,�pec�al��er�e�its re�einred from the im�rovernents, opera#ion,-mai�ter�ance �nd �ervices�to .i�� ���F�mr�ed, as set forkh in�said Report. �1�1N� THEREF�RE BE 17 R���LI�ED, D�'CEF�I�INEDt AND ��D�R�� Blf THE��I'TY ��IJN�IL F�Ft=7H� DI�TRICT� AS F�L�,�W�: �ectiar� 1. The a�ave r�citafi� are true and correct. ��c#ior+ �, The h+lar�agement� District Plan as �rese�#ed, consists of the #ollowing: A. A D�s�ript�o�:of the Dis#rict boun�ar��s �nd all proper�i�s ben�fi#ing from the irr�provement� ar�d services.. B. ��es� ri�# �on � o� ,.[�nproveme r��s an�� `s�r-vi�es ta b� provjded � by th e D istr��:'t. . �. The Annual�Budget (Estirnates�.of �ost� and �x�en�es�o� �ervi�es, �peration� and A�lain#e�ance),. D. Th� �istri�t Rall .�ont�inir�g t�e� L�vy of Asses�rnents f�r �a�h Ass�ssor Parc�l wit�in th� �istrict; Section �. The Repo�t,��s presented, is here�y approved .ar�d�is ordered to.b� f�l�c� ir� the �ffice of �the �ity �leric as a pem7anent record and �� rert�air���open to pu�l�c ir�spectio�. . . Sectivn 4. The �ity �ferk shall certify to the-passage �a�d'adoption of this Re�olution, ar�d �he rr�inute���f thi� rneeting shall so re�lect #rie preser�tation of and f1na� approv�l o� the �Repoit and app�in#r�en# �f #h� Dis#rict A�visv.ry Bq�rd. �` � � RESOLUTIOf� N�. ��17- �� PI�SS�D, APPR�VED, AHD �4D�PTED at a r�gular rnee�ir�g of the Palm Desert �i#y �auncil, held on this da�r of ,��17, by th�.followirrg vate ta wit: AY�S: IV�E�: A��EIV7: AB�T�41 IV ED: JAN �. H�RfVI�C, h+1�Y�R �IT1f OF PA�f�1 DE��R�, �ALIF�RNlA ATT�S�: RA�H�[�LE D„�CLA��EfV, �ITY �LERI� C�TY OF PAL'M DE�ERT, �ALfF�RNIA 3 _ I�E��LUTI�N 1�EQ. ���7- 57 F��S�LUTI�fV �F TH� �ITY ��l�f��IL OF THE �ITY �F PALN[ ��SERT, �ALIF�RHIA �RD�R1fV� THE�L�IfY �llVD ��LL��TI�{V �F A�SES�M�{�CTS F�R 7H�� PR�SiDEN7'�� PLAZ�4-1[1 PR�PERTY AHD ���INE�� liU1PROVEMENT AS�E�$hJ�EN7 D�STR1�'f,�F1���4L�YE�4R �Oi 71��18 Th�e �ity �o�ncil of the ��ty �#,Pajm Desert,��aliforn.ia �lnere�ft�r r�f�s�red ta �s the "�il�r �our�cEl'°� F�ereby,finds, de�erm.ines, res�lves and orders as folfaws: �YH�REAS, or� July ��, �O�B the �ity �o�ncil called artd dul�r held a:pu�Gc hearing and properky owner° protes# batla# proceedings for #he Presiden�'s� Pia.zs� III Property and �Busir�ass Improvernerit�Asse��rrtent Di�trict �her��,ft�r ref�rr�d #o �s the "�i�t�i�t"}.p�,rsuant t� #he pravisions of Pr�vp�r#y �r�d.B�rsr'raess ��m�ra��r�aerat D1�tr�fci L�w of ' f 9��1, Par# � o# D1t���i�rr' XB �f th� �#re�#s �rrd F�ig�r�vays �ocie � of CalrForrria� �hereafter referred �a as the �Code�� ar�d the �a�r�orr71� ��rastrtr��ior� Artr�f� �C�l�D, �or the p��p�ase of pre�ent�r�g to �he qual'rfis� �prope�tjr awners �.with€n #ha D�stri�t the� annual levy of assessments and a rnaximum �ant�ual asse�sm�nt ov�'r ��fiv���re�r p�riod begir�nirtg Ji�l�r 1, �0118 and ending �lune .�0,;:�0�1, f�r the��osts and expen�es:asso�iated with the :mainter�an�� and �p��'�ti�r� of��and��aping, li�h�#Er�g, r��us� �allec:t3or��ar�d�all appurk�r�ar�t fa�ili�ies refate� theret�; arid, .. WW�REA�, th� lanr#own�rs of record�tu�#hin th� Di�tnc;k �s of th�'�los� of the Publi� �[earing�#�eld an July 1�t.��16 did �as# thei� ballots resultir�� i� the approval �f the ,Distri�t.fo�m�ti�n �n���nriu�l levyof ass�ss�ents re�at�d t��reto; and, WHEREA�,.the��ity ��uncil, p�rsuar�t to�t�e ��de did�b�r previous Res�l�atior�s #ormed the I�istrict, and approved� a` 1�lanage�ent District. Plar� � in connection �with �the f�rrr�ation.af the D�strict and �appoir�t�d an A►dvis�ry �oard ��a� s�ail �ause.to be prep�red an ann�al �i�part re�arding the� Di�tr�c't #of t�� �ity �our�il°� �pproval,� �nd, �1NH�R�J�S; the��4dvi�ary Baard ha� he3d a�rr��eting for reviewing'and approvin� #he pr�posed �budget for-�iscal Year 2�17l2�18 �nd Y�as prepared a Repart �n co�inec#ion with #h� �is#ri�:i for.Fiscal lf�ar �017l2�18, and filed i+vith th� �ity �lerlc of;the �ity of�PaIm Desert ar�� tk�� ..�ity �ierl� �as preserited #o �the �Gty ��uncil �u�h Re�ort_errtitled °Management District �lan for� the Presitlent's Plaza III Property and Bu�Eriess lrnprov�m�rrE P�sses�ment Dis�rict, Fis�a� Year 2��1�f��1�;°° and, - i�M1fHEREAS;'�he �i�ty �our�cil�has �arefull� �x�mir�ed �nd�+r��ri�we� #�� Repork 2�s presar�ted, and by �ravio�� resolution �ias approved �aid�F�eport: � - RES�LUTI�Id N�.��017- �� �I��VYt li-[�REF��tE, BE� 17 I���OLVED, DETERI�INED, AND �R��F��� B�l THE �I'a"Y ��U�I�iL F�R THE DI�TRICT, AS FOLL�IN�: �ectian�i. The�abave recitals are true and correct. Secti�n �. The �ity �o�n�ll desi�'e�' #o f�vy ��ct .colle�t tY�e ar�n�al. assessmer�t for Presid�n�'s Pla�a 111 Praper#y.and Business Improvern�rrt �ssessment District for Fis�al Ye�r ��171�0� 8 pursusr�t to th� provi'si6ns �of thie C�de. - - - � Section �. Ba�ed ��or� its review of the h+lartage�nent District Plan, a cop� of whi�h F�cts been preser�ted to the��Cty �o�n�il and filed with tY�e �i�}r �1e�#c;,the��i�3,r �ouncil.here�y #i�ds���td d�termines that: � A. ihe territ�ry of I�nd �nrithin the Dist�ic;t xnr�ll re�eiv� specia! benef�ts frorn the operatior�,� rnaEr���nanc� and servi�ing ��f �the �mprav�ments �nd ap�urt�r��nt f��ititie� locat�d with�n the I�o�andaries of the Drs�rict. B.� °Distrrct incl�des ail of ��he land� so ben�fik��; �nd �.. 7'he�net �aurtt to be assessed���on the lands with�n th� D�s#ri�# in ac�ardan�e wit�i the p�oposed b�adget for-lhe �scal year corr�men�ing July 1, �Q�7 and ending June �0, ���8'�s �pportioi�ed b� �#orrnula and rnethod'whi�h��airly dis�ri�utes tY�e�net amo�rit a�io�i� a11 ��ligible p�t'��Is in pro�aortion to.;the sgecial benefits to b� re�eived b�r� each paroel frorn�tf�e irrtproverr�ents ar�d servi�es. �. Tn� ���������,t� .. cansistent.witti.the withir� the Distri�t. 3o c�escribed`tn the 1�1lanage�nent�Dist�ict Pl�rti are ass�ssments so� ap�rov�d b�r:tk�e property awners Sectior� 4, Th� Report and �s�e��rii�nts as�pre�en�ed t� #h�� �ity �oun�i� and on #ile in th� oi#i�e of th� �ity.�leri� are he�eby.canfrrrned as filed. Sectton 5. i�e �ity��oun�if h�reby arder� �he im�rov�men�s to�be rnade, and �the �evy �and collectiafl af annual assessm�r�ts to'pa� f�r those �mprovemer�ts �to�be presented #o the ���ur��y �Auc�itorl�ants�aller �of� Riversitle fo� Fiscal 1'ear ��0171"�018. The �o�nty ��ditorl�ontroll�r shalf er�3ar ° on �he �aea�ty Tax � Roll opPosite ea�h parcel af , land ° th� amo�rrt o# �evy, and �u�h �tevie�. s�alI be �olle�ted at �the sarne tirrre � a�d�: i�n the sam� .. .. _. .. ... .._ . _ . _ _ . manrter,as the �our�ty�tax�s��re �olle�#�d. After �allection�by the �ounty,.the n�t�am�unt of #�e �evy sha�l be paid to the �ity Tre��urer. �e�t�ar� G. Th� �ity �TEea�u�er shall d�posit all mon�}+ representing as��ssm�r�#s oolCect�d b� the �o�nty for�the�District to tY�e credit:of a fu�d�for the. Presider�t's PI�� III Propeity and �usiness Improveman# Assessrry�nt. Dist�ictt and su�h m�ne�r sY�all b� �x��r�ded onl� for the improverne�nts descri�ad ir� the A�lana�emen# Distr+�:t Plar�: � RESOLUT��TL N�. �0�7- 5� S��#��n 7. The ��opti�r� of this R�sol�tion con�titute� the D�s�rict levy f�r th� Fiscal Ye�r oommer�cing Jul� 1, �4� 7 and ending J�ne �0, ��18. �e�#iv� �, The �ity��l�rk is hereb�r authorized and directed to fil� t�e ievy with the �ounty Auditor u�on adoption of �his Reso��tion. � �AS$�b, �IPPR�I�EQ, AI�D �4DO�T�D thrs� d��+ �f . ��17, b�+�the foliow�ng ►rate�to wirf: AYE�: N��S: RB��fVT: AB���41 IV E D: JAfV �. �iAf�Nll�, MA'f�R �ITY �F PALN1 DE�ER� A"f�`I'E�T': � - -- - RA�HELLE D. �L���EN, �IT�' �LERF� �ITY �� PP��N1 �E�ERT 3� � � �I�y �f ��Il�n ����r�� s� . - - .� . �� , _ � ' Y T �t�-�,.� �� -Pr���d�r�� � ��1���.�1�1 Pr�p�rty��r�� � _, � � `� Bu�in��� �rr��r�v�r��nt Di�tr,i��� �� , � .� � �� } � �.y ��- .� r 1r . � � •� T � y + ' � � � �� ;� �� �~ : { ,.� �� .����I��'�� �IV��[VEEF�'��f�[VUJ�L L�11Y F�EP�RT`� . ��. . .. _ �� - �� ,�"�=�x�: .���i �4, z��,� . :�* �. �f � f. �� �Y � � �rJ �+� '� •ti � '�2� �1 ! �� � � +}'i���' ' i' � ��iy "�� , +� �! � �R � � �, � � �J �' �i� 1'F� ��� � _ �,,� � �� � ; � 0 � ��- �-.���. : �� .� Y. . � .ti +�� _ �fJ , . _'�� �� . "' �.a., � , - .� "• � � . i j � # �r�� .� x� � �, � � � � � � ` 1 * �1�1 �,l.�A��l j� F�nar+��a� ser++[ces r������ ���u���vr� ����,����.:..�...�.:......:::� .....::.:.....�..:........x.........................,...,.................. � � ntroductiori Di�tr��t I��n�wa�l Pro���s �� DE��RIPT€�N OF THE DI�TRI�T .. ..................................................... � Di�tr��t Boundary Imprav�m�nts and Act}vities �pecial Benefi�� of the I.mpr�tirements a��d Activities � � � tV1 ETHOD �� �PP�F2TIONh+1�NT .....,.,... .................... .. ..... .. .. .......................7 . . . .. . . . _ _ ..... . l�1�th�d�of Apportianmer�t Rational� Parking Lo� Irx�p�ovem�r��s and �ervGoes hllethod��of App�rtior�r'r'��nt �al�ulations A�portionment o� �ir�ct �o�ts �ppo�tionment of Inclirect �Adr�inistrationlReserv�) �ost� T�tal Annual �4ssessrnent Annual Budget A�justm�nts 7 7 � 7 8 8 8 D���RIPTI�N OF BUD�ET ITEM� IN TAB�� �,. .. ... .. ........ �I Q DI�`��� ��11��1� �O��S Indlr�ct Ber�efit �osts ��drr�ir�istratlonlF�ese�ves� Levy Breakdawn Di�tri�t �#ati�ti�� Di�tri�t Bu���t �� 'I 0 � �� 7� �12 A�PEN�IK A —A��E��N1ElVT DIA�f�AM .......... ..... .. ....... 14 APPEh3DiX � —A��E���VIENT F�OLL ..............�.:..:.................�..........,......... "I� ��17�2�9�8 P�eside�t'� P�axa �11 P�op�e�#y ar�d Bu�iness Improv�ment €]istrict P�ge 1 ����LDAf� � � �v� ry i e�v [ntr�du��i�n Tl�e �i#� of Palm D�sert {"��ty") formed and e�tafalished the Pre�ident's Plaza III Prop�rt� and Bu�iiness Impr�►rement Assessment Disfrict �("Distri�t"� beginriing �in Fiscal Yea� ���'�1���� �o provid� improvern�r�t� a�d activit��s t�at confer �pecial be�efts upa� r�al pr�p�rty w�#hin #€�� t��undaries of the Distri�t. The D�s��i�t was establisY�ed an� levie� p�rsuant t� Property an� Busir��ss Im�r�v�rnent �Di�tri� Law af 19��, Par� T of Divisior� '18 0# tt�e �alifarnia �#��e�s �n�i Hig}iways �ode ("Actp}, Purs�ant to tY�e Act, property owners wi#hin the Distri�t subrr�itted a �igned peti#iori requestir�g farma�ian of the �District.� The Qistrict wa� suc��ssfully formed for a terrn of five years ar�d a rr�axirnum assessmer�� w2s ap�r�ved b� th� property owners thro�gh ar� �s��ssrn�nt ballot praceedir�g,. canduct�d a��o�ding #� pr�visiar�� af th� ��lifo�nia �on�tit�tior� �rticle ?{1[ID {"Pro�as�tian �'18p}. Fis�21 Year��0�51��0� �v�s� the fifth year of the #�r� of �he Dis#rict. Under the provisiar�s of the Act, �tF�e �r�oper�y ow�iers witfiin #�� �istr�ct rna�+ rer�ew the �istrict for a maximum terrt� of ten. ('I�} �rears. �ue�uant.to #he �ode, and the prouision o� the ��liforni� �onsti�utEon, the prope�#y �ow�ers withRn the Qistri�t approv�d the �ontinua#ion �f the Dis�rict and as�essmer�t far ar� �ddition2E �ve y�ars and or� June.'��t�', ��16 the �ity aut�orize� the�fur�ding for impravemer�ts and a�tiviti�� authar��ed �v�+ithin the Qisteict ��r a peri�ci of five years� (��scal Year� ��'I6l��'17 thraugY� ����1�0�'Ij. TY�€s h+12►��geme�# Di�tr��t Rlan �"PEan"} de�cribes #h� D�strict� impr�v�rn�r��s artd acti►ritie�, m�thod of ap�ortionment, the propased assessment� �or�the �urrent �sca� }+ear, ar�d tl�e:r�axirn�m asse�sment propo�ed fof #he five-�eat duration of �he .renewed District. The .pEo�osed �ssessrnents� are basec� or� tfne estimated cas# to �rovide the improvemen#s, act�tir�ties, �nd ope�2�tions tY��t provid��a direc# �n� �pe�«t ben��t to� praperties witEiin the Di�trict. �he c�s�s��� impr�vernerits, ac#ivi�i�st �r�d ope�ati�ins in�lude a!I exper�dit�r�s, �eficits, s�tr�luses, .re�renues, and re��rv�s. � . �fne word "�rop�rtyt" far t�e purposes af this Pl�n, refers ta real prapert}� situated wi�hin th� Distr�ct, and ident��ed � a� .ar� individua� �r��xerty a� parcel assignec� its� own Assessa�'s Parcel Numbe� ��APN} b�+ the �ounty of F�iverside A�se�sa�s �if�ce: The �ou�ty of Riuersi�e A�d�farl�or�troiler use� APf�s to identify an the �ax �011 parcels ar�d properties ass�ssed for tax�s, �pecial a�ses�ments, ar�� fees an� �harg�s. . �»��'I�� ��C1�1N�� ��'����� A written �petition of #he pr�perty owners with�n #h� �is�ri�t� representing more th�n �0 per��nt of t�e propa�ed as�es�m�r�t #� fae I�v��d wa� .�uf❑rr�itted t� the Pa�� pes�rt �i#y �ouncil to initrate formation proceed'ings. TE�e �it� �ouncil �in�tiated pr�ceedin�s �ar the formation of the Distric� b� adoptin� a r�salut�an �O17���18 P��sident'� F'fa�a III P�operty and Buainess Improuement �istric# Pag� � � �VIL�D��I � ; � L.i . � FinanciaE Son+'�ce� e�cpressir�g Gts an��ntion ta f�rm th� District.� �h� re�alution of interitiar� ref��enced the �nginee�s �eport and the Management Di��ri�t Pfa�, and noticed the tirr�e and place of a�u�lic #��arrng or� the formatiarr af the Di�trict and levy of assessrnent�. � 1Nthin.not les� ##�an farfy-fi►re {��) da�s and nof mo�e than�ni�et�r (9�} da�+s of adopt�ng th� r��ol�tior� of int�ntEon, t�� �i�y �ouricil �h�fd a�ubfic h�afing on the rr�att�r of forma�i�r�, ar�c� caused noti�e #o tk�e pro�erty owners pursuant fo �ection �49��.� of the �ov�rnrr�en# �ode. Public r�atices and as�es�ment bal�o�ts �Pr�perfy owner. protest �all�ts} were.m�if�d t� ��ch pr�per'Ly owner 2�# le�st �� da�rs pri�r t� the publi� h�aring pursuant t� Arti�l� 7CIIID of��t�i� �aliforr���a �anstituti�n. �1t the p��alic hearing the �it�r �ouncil.pravi�ed tl�e p�bGc ar�d property owrrer� wi�h an oppo�#unity to pro�+ide oral protests and wratken protests prior ta tC�� ad�pti�r� af tf�� E�gin�er's F��p�rt and the hA�n�g�m�nt D�st�ict Pfa�.�P�r�uant to �F�� L&f1�0iTlf& LOf?3�1�iJ�fOf7 A�fC�� �i�fD; �the �i�y �I�r�c or�its d�signat�d alter�at� #abulated pro�erty owner �s�es�m�nt balRats re�eiv�d €rori� �r�perty �wner� �nd detertrtined that ma�ority pratest did not exi�#. P�rsuant to �he Act,� #he ��ty �o�r�cil a��oii�#ed an �wn�r'� Assa�iation {"A�so�ia#ian"� {�r �he Qistric't.. �t�is �4s���i�tion sh�ll t�ake ye�rl�+ �ecomrnendations �o the �ity �our��il or� the �xpendit���s of rev�nu� d�r�v�� fram tfn� l�v�r of assessm�nts anc� �n th� �lassifi�a#ion of �r�perties as applicabie. This Assoc�ation �hall ca�se ta be prepa�ed a report �a�h.fis�al �ear for whicY� as�es�r��n#s are to b� kevie� ar�d collected. Said anr�ual repor# shall be fil�d with tF�e �ity �lerk a€�d shall �contain: an� proposed chan�es to the district b�ur�dary; th�� improv�m�nts an� act�irGti�s �o b� provided tha� �rear; .t�e e�t�ma�t�d costs for��hat �rear; #he m�#�ad �f �s�essm�nt; the amount a� ar�� surplus or defi�i�; ar�d �on�ributior�s #rorr� otl�er sources: Th� �irty �ounc9l ma� approve #he repart a� �ubm�tted or as rr�odifi�cl. �017l20f8 Prest�ent's Pla�a IIE �roperiy anct Business Improv�ment �istr�ict P�ge � ��1L�DAI� � �nanc�a� S�rv;c�os ❑����`j����� �� ��� �������� �IS#1"I�� ���Irl���"]� Th� Distri�t c.�nsists of all. parc�ls I�cated ir� �he c�mmercial �usin��s �ar�� known a� the F�r�s��ent's Pla�a III v�rithin the �it� of I�alrr� Deserk, �ounty of F�iver�ide. The ��strict �nclud�� �ix#een �1�) a�se��ed camm�rcial parc�ls: The t��undary �f th��Dis#ri�:t��nd th� �arcels the�eir� ar� gen�r�![y locatetl �outh �� Pa1m D�sert Driv� at Highwa�+ ���; I�orth of E� Pas�o; 1N�st of. �a�e Lanet and Eas# af Old Higfnway 74, and includ�s the Palm a�ser# P�rkir�� L�� —� le�s� parcel to tF�e �ity of PaCm Des�rk located �out#� of Highwa�r� �'I�; East� of �lew Highwa� �4; and 1Nest af �fd Highwa� 74, lr�r�pr�v�r�rr�nts and A���i�ri���� In ar� ef�ort to enhan�e and'impr�ve busir�e�s o�portunitie� and th� appearan�e o� tfn� area �Cnown a� #he Pre�ident's Plaza I II, tF�e �lgenc� provided fun�ls for �h� rer�ovatror� a�d capital improvemer�t a� the pa�kir�� lot ar�d �ands�aped 2�re2�s reiated to thi� �ommer�i�l �usine�s center., I� �orijun�tion wi#h t�is renovation, Pre�id��t's Plaz� III Pro��rty��nd Business Impr�v�men� ��s�r€ct,+�+as formed in �0�� to provi�� and �ns�re the �ontinued� operat�or� �ar�d maintenan�e �� the i�p�ouem��t� after the r�n�vation� had b��� compie�ed.:1n �006, #he property owne�s f�r�ewe� the Dist�i�# for anoth�r five (�� }ear term, In ��10, th� properi�+ owners re�ewec� th� �i��r�ct far.an adc��tian�� five ��}. �ear ��r�n. Ir� ��'IB, the �rapert�+ awners renewed the District far another ad�itio�al five ��} year ter�n; th�refore, the a►sse�smer�ts ��nerat�d wil� cor�ti�ue �his mainte�ar�ce. It �a� beer� d�t�rmined #h�t all the pr�p�rt�es within th� District r�c.�ive s}�ecial and c�ist�nct b�t�efits fr�rr� tl�e i�n�ro�r�m�n�s and actGvities #o foe funded t�rrou�h �he assessrnent�, The impr�vei�e�ts include th� r�ece�sary a�#i�r��ies, s�rvices, aperatians, admir�is#r�tior�, ar�d rx��ir�ten�nce required #o I�e�p #he im�t'��e�'n�nts in �ati�fa�t�ry condition i�cluding a�l necessary labar, rnaterial, and e�uip�ent. The serv�ices ma�+ i�cl�de, I�u� are r�at lirn€�ed �o,� reg��ar mainter�an�e, rep�ir; :fem�val or r�pl�c�m�nt of all o� �r��r p�rt af the im�roverr�ent� incl�ding�rerrtaval o# trir�ir��r���, r�bbi�h, dei��is �r�d �th�r solid waste; ar�d, providirt� for t�e growth; heaith and beau��r of lar�c�scapir�g ar�d �igh�ting in�ludin� �ultivation, �r�mming, spra�r�ng, f�rtilRzin� or �reating for �lisease ar darr�ag� �s well a� s�app�yir�g necessary ��rrigation and elec�rical er�ergy. The specifi� improvem�nts an�l activiti�s incl�ade: P�rking lo� lands�aper] �r�a�: ir�cl�ding, #�ut nat lirnited ta, �ro�nd �ov�r, shrubs, trees,� plants, irrigatior� and drainage s�rster�s ar�d assacaat�d a�p�r#ertant facil�iies; � Parkii�g I�t ligh�ing facilit�es: i�cluding, �ut n�t limi#ed t�, bulbs, fixtures, p�les, wiring, and electrical er�erg}�; and, �0'ET��018 President'� Plaza III Pro�e� and B�sin�ss Improveme�t �istrict P�g� 4 ��� �,�.. ��1� F4i1Bi1C191 S�7viC$S • Debris rerr��va1: i��luding, �uf n�# lirni��d to, �egular m��hanical sweepir�g �f ihe parkirtg lo�. The ��sts 2�so�iated with tMe improvements are equitabl}� s�re�d ar�ong �he benefiting par�els �wit�in the District utilizing the m��hod of apportior�r��nt des�ribed in the Nlefhod of Apportaonrnent sectian of tY�is Report. Th� total f+�nds collec�ed sha11 b� dis�er�ed and �sed for �he s�rvice� and operations pravided ta t�e �istrict. �p��ial ��n�fits �f �h� Ir�pr���m�nts and A�tiv�aties As�e��ed properties withir� the District receive s��cial benefits �rorn or�e o� rnore of t�� improv�rnents and activities f�n�ed thraugh the Di�tnc� as�e��ments. ���c'rfic�ll�, li�h#ing and �ar�dscaping amenities w���iin the parking lot, anc� re�ular sweepin� �f�the parking la�. Th� ��e�ial bene�ts af lighting (�arlcin� lo� lightsj ate. the �onv�ni��ce, saf�#y, and securit�r of propert�r, ir�provem�nts,� and goads. �peci��all�:� 'i . Ef�h2flC�d d�t�f��f�C� O� ��lrTl� 21T1{� til� �[C� �0 �]OIIC6 �]I`OtBC�I011; �., In�reased nighttirne safet��fo� patrons and empl�y��s; �. Improved visi�iGt�r for �edestriar�s and �ot�ri�ts; 4. Ir�proved ingress ar�c� egress to pro�erty; �.. Reduoed vandalism ar�� ot�er �riri�ina� acts ar�d darx�age #o improvem�nt� ar prope�ty; 6. Er�har�ced aesthetic ap�eal of tY�e �arf�ing area a�� the properties that :are asso�iated wi#h tk�e parki�g area; 7. I�cre�sed promvt€on �f b�sine�s ac#ivitie� and op}�or#uniti�s t��ring nightkime h��rs; and, 8. The �pecial enhanoemer,t to the value of� �ro��r#y, which re�ul#s fr�m t�e �bov� benefits. 'The benefi�s associated with iandscap�d islands �nd rne�ians w�thin th� p�rking Eot�are sp��ifica�ly: i 1: Improv�� a�stheti� appe�l of th� parkin� area�and n��rt�� par�ei�; �. Irt�tproved t�ust cor�trol; 3. EnY�anced acfaptation of #he urban environrx�ent within the natural �nvir�nr�ent; 4. Improve� �rafFc circ€�Eation; �. A posative representatior� of the businesse� with�n �h� Di��r��#; � � ��"E71���8 President's P�az� llJ Pro�erty an� �usiness Improver�-�ent Diskric4 Page � � ° � �I1��L�DAI� � ���� � B. �entf�liz�d loca#ions far refuse coll�ctian facili#ies� and, �. ��e s�eciai enhar���met�# to #he�val�e of pra�e�-ty, which res�lts.�ro�-n the above ber�efit�. � Park�n� !ot sweeping i� an essen#ial anc� �ece��ary ac#�vity ��� all pro��rtie�� �arki�ular��r cammer�ial properties. This irn�rav�ment is �un�ed tY�rau�h #Yie �s��ss�ner�ts �ol�l� for #h� sp��i�l ben��t of p�oper#.i�� within the Di�tnct. The bene��s assocra�ed with this �ervic� �re: �. EnF�anced aesthetic ap�ea�l of�the parking area.and the �ropert�es that are as�a�iated w�th the. parking area;�. �.� Improved dus# c�ntrol; 3. The �pe�ial enhar��emer�t ta the ►ralue �f prop�rty, w�i�h r�suPts fir�m ti�e a�ove benefi��. The or�-going operation a�d r�a��tenance of the lan�s�aping,� I[�hting and sweeping improvements pr�vide na measu�rable g�ner�l b�n�ft to ath�r �araperties ou#side the Distr��t or ta tY�e publi� at 12rg�. Th�re#ore, #hes� irr�peovem�nts ar�d #he correspandii�g as�essment� have been �identified a� 1�0°lff special beneft to parcels.within the �istrict. R ��17f�018 President's P[aza III �rop�rty an� �us[rress Improve�ent Distnc� �age6 r �1����1 ■ � � FFr�encial �eg ����"1�[� ���1�]��1"�I�1"�fl"��1�� i����1�� Of J�l�]���'i�01��17��1� f���E�t'1��� 7he �osts of the Distnct ir�provements �ave ea�h be�n appo€tioned k�y a formula and �-nethad, which fair�y distributes the net amaunt t� be a�ses�e� a�an� all ass�sse� par�els in proporkion to #I�e est�ma�e� special benefits #o be r��eiv�d b�r each par�el frorn the irnprovements: �c����?�' �O� �17?��iD1��f����;+^ �1?C� ��I'Vf���^ A€� a�se���d parcel� with�n the Pre�icler�t'� Plaza III �BID hav� use af, and a�cess #o, a centraEized �arking facilit�r (lot} that provides access, parking, ar�d deliv�ry ai-eas for the bu�in�sses and par�eis withir� tha Di�trict.. Becau�e the parking �area ��� a cen�ralrzed facrlit�r �sed a�d accessed� by a�l pro�erties within the District,� ea�h par�el's b�nefit is based on #he �i�� o� such parcel. Tl�erefo�e, it has b��� de#ermin�d that a fair an� �ea�onabie refl�c#i�r� qf ��cl� parcel's benefit �ar the parking lot ir=�rp�ovements �I�ali be based or� the ��pro�cimate si�e, �n �quare feet, of �ach par�ei, �eth�d �f App�r�i��nn�n� �al�ulatr�n� The Tatal Direct �asts of t�e �ark�n� lot improvemen�s and servi�es �re apportiar�ed to ���h parcei w�thin the�Di�trict based or� each p�rcel's lat �iie in sc��are feet. Ir� �dditi�r� to a�ar�e1'� Tatal Direct� �ost, each parcel i� assessed for I�i�tri�:# adminis�ratior� expenses and a r�s�rve #und �oll�ction �Ind�r�ct �osts). The Indi�ec# �a�ts for ea�h par�l ��v� �ee€� apportioned in the same �nar�ner a� To�al Di��ct �osts. 7herefor�, ��ach par�eC's Total Ar�nual Assessrnen� is ths sum af it� pra��rtionate �hare �f the �ota� Direct �o�ts and �otal �ndirect �os�s. Appor�iarrrr�er�� of Dire�� �os#s The Tatal Direc� �o�#s estima#ed for parking ,fot €mpravem���s and s�rvi��s {maintenance� are k�ased on the estimated a�tri�al costs to mair�#ain #he �a�dscaping, lightir�g, and inechani�al sweepin� of the parkii�g tot wit�in Pre�id�nt's PI�z2� I Il. The Tot�l Di��ct �os#s are divided �y #he sum a� the square foatage af all �arcel� v�+ithin �he Districf in �rder ta establish a rate per p�ecel ��uare ��ot. 7Eiis rate m�ltipfi�d b� each par�el's square faotag� �quai� th� �arcel's ��oport�onate shafe of the:parking lot m�'ir�#enan�e �osts �rounded to #he �eares� e�ren p�nny).� Th� ra#� �rovid�d'Rr� Tah1e 'f��is far Fiscal `�ear 2�17l2�18 onlv. �1e�se refer to t�e_ Di�trict Bud�et {Yabf� 41 for �u#ur� assessrr�ent rat�s.� To#a1 Dr"rec� �ost! Total3qua�e Foof��e � F��te per'S[�u�re �oot J4a�e �r P�r�el3q�rare Foota�e = Dr"re�� �ostAssessmerr# �orr�porrer�t ���71�V1� P�esident's Plaza.IlC Pr�peTky afld Busin��s Im�Orovarnent �i�trick P�ge 7 _!������1�� � F'u�ancial8snrlces �� A�tlpor'##of�f#��r�t Of 1r�[f��+eCt ��kdr�?fr�fSt�t�Of�lR��erVe� �oStS To �er�sure the im�rove�ents, ac#ivitie�, an� �erviaes pravid�d an� funded �hrough.tMe Di�trict�.�are contGriued, each parcel will �e asse�sed�far.adr�i�istra�tive and reserye �osts (�ndirect �ostsj. These In�irect �osts ir��lud� �all ��cpen��s rela�eol' to the a�imintstration, af �the District as, weEl as the ��ollect�on of m�ney ��owar�is a�Res�rve Fun�: The Res�nre Fun���oliection:is pro��sed #o be�slig�itl� �und�r. t�ii�ty..�ercent���7:Ov°la� af th� a�nual Total Dir�ct �osts�of the D�strict. �imilar ta th� rnethod of ap�ortionrnent �ar Total Direct: �os�s, . the District's indi���t �osts ar� apportioned �to ea�h �ar��l bas�d on each pa�c�l'� lot s��e in �q��r�_ fe.�#.. The ��t� pr�vid�d ir�� Ta�le' �� is fo�..Fiscar �'ear �Q1�l2��8 only. Pkease refer ta th�� Di�tric� Budaet fTable �4� far fu#u�� assessii�ent rates. � To�al l,�dr"r��# �ostl T�#a! Squara Footage = I4at� �i�� Sguara F..oat f�a�e �€� Parcef �guare Foo�age = �rrdirec# ���t Assessr�ier�t �omporierrt ` .. Ta�le �::Indlre�# �ost Propo�ed �►ss��s�e�t ar�d F�at� To#af Arrr��a! As���Sm�rr# Ea�l� parcel°s Total �4nr�ual Asses�ment is t�t� �ur� of �he�r proportro��te �hare �f the Direc�.�osts and� I�di��ct��osts. Th��p��oeding des�ription of th��.�iet�od of app�rtio��n�r�t��utlin�s �h� .�stim�ted �o�t �r�d rat�� ap�lied for�#�� Di�#ri�t���n: Fiscal l�ear �������8�.7he rate �rovi�ed in 7�bl� 3�Es for FEs�al `�ear ����l�4�8 onlv: Please� refer to the Distr�ct Budaet �Tab1a �� far f�t�re a�sessment rates.. 2�� 7f�018 President'� �la�a I�E �raperiy and B�sine�s Irnpr�vet�enf D�str�ct Page 8 Ta�le 't: Dire�# �ost Proposed Assessrnen� anc! Rate � � V�ll L�DAI� � � Finanei�l Servi�es Dir��t �vs� �a�� + ���ire�t ��,st �a#� = T�ta# �a#� �a�r �qiiare Fao# To#al Ra�e �r P�rce! �qr�are Foo�a�re = T��a! Parcef �4ssessrrren� TabEe �: Total �ost Pro�osed Assessrrren� and F�ate " aia-ect�.ost�DUlazintur'r►-.. . �InQ �f��t�COS#5��: . . . . . r ��at�l'��asts`:kJaxirrium � :; �:,� �S,'238:. � .� � � � � ���; <�fd;d�4 � � . ' �$ . , . $�: � 42�,E`r4'3� � �-$ �_Q�4� �_���'8; �.0�0: Ar�rrual Budge# �kdjusfrr�en�s ,For the f�ve years of t�e term o� the. PBfD r�ne�lval, ann�tat-assessm�nts�'rnay be .�dj�sted b� t�i.� P{�sE�e�nt's R�aza III PBfD awners' ��ss�ciation up to �three. percer�t (�°16�. per �rear. Actual anr��a� adjustmer��s rr�a�r range from zero percen� ��°r6�� to�ti�ree p�r�ent {3°l�}.� Adj�s#m�n�s ma�+ differ �rom��+ear #o �ear depending. on t�e service needs �id�n�ifi�d by the �w�ers' -assa�i�ti�n. In �n�i ever�t, asses�mer�ts �will�nat ex�eed the�l�ve�s ilfustrated b� th� District B�adget�(Tabl�� �). �#�y a�n�a� �t�udget surpl�s or�rieficit �nr�ll be accrued �nto the f�llowir�g }reaf's �PBID�bu�g�t. �ssessmen�s will be set a�c.�r�kr�gly, within #h�'�onstrai�ts:af t�e annual ad�ustme�t, ta adj�st far ��,rpi�s�� .or d�fici� that are carried fotward. 20��Y�U1 B President's Pfaza III Prop�rtjr anr� Buskrress Imprr�vernent District Pa�e J `� V'V�LI.D��! �,,,� �nanaal �dC�s D���rip�i�n �f �udge� It�rr�� In Ta��l� 4 Dir��t 8������ ���ts� �weep�ng Services: 1Nee�cl� �lear�ir�g of the parf�ing I�t and gutters. u�ing � contrac�ed, mechan�z�d servi�e. L�r�u����pe �orr�ra�� Nfar"rr�er�arr�e: Includes a11 regularly ��cheduled lab�r, material �e.�. pipe, fertEiiz�r, ins�c'ti�ides�, and e�uipr'��r�# �'equir�d to prop�ri�j. marnt�in an� ensure tl�e �at�sfactory concliti�n �f �11 landsr.a�in�, ir�iga#ion and �r�inag� s�st�m�, and a�p�rte�ant fa�ilities. P�fl lands�apin� irr����v�rr�e�ts within the DEst�ic# ar� cor�tract�d for maintenance an�l servi�� on a reg�lar ba�i�.� Th� f�'�quen�� �rtd speckfic mafr�tenan�e and operatians reqUired within thre �i�trGct wifl be de#ermir�ed b� �i�y �#aff. L�ghtrrr� J�e�a��r �rrd A��r"rrt�r�ar�ce: This itern in�lud�� r�pa�fs that ar� not norm�fly inclu�e� in the �rearl�+ rr�ainter�ar�ce �ontract �ost�. 7his may €r��lude repa�r �f d�rnag�d am�niti�� d�e t� va�dalism and starms, as. weC� a� pi�nned up�r�des, whi�F�� �ouCd in�l�de �epC��ing li�f�t�ng .materi��s or ren�vation� af ligh�ing ��rstems. Larrd�cape #���ar"r ar�d �i+�a�nt�narrce: This i#em include� re�airs that are r�at normall�r inclu�e� �rn tt�e �rearl}� maintenance �or�tr��t �osts. �€s ma��r in�l�de r�pair of �a�aged amenit�es clu� �ta vandalisrn and starms, a� we11 a� pla�n�d upgr�d�s, which �ouEd ir��lude replacing plant materials or renavation of ir�igatian s��tem�: L�r�tlsc�p� tl�frt�es -Wafer: Utility cast to fur�isF� w�#er for r�q��fed I�nds���� irrigation. �#reet #,eghtr'r�,y �l#i��ttes -���ec�rr�: T�e��urni�hir�g of ��ectrici#y required �ar t�e ope��ti�n and mair�tenan�e of the lig€�ting facifiti�s. The �ity �ont�act� for the fuEnish�ng of it�.eleCtr��ity for str��#�lig}�tir�g, whicY� in�ludes norr�,a� mair�tenan�� anc� bulb replac�men�. Thi� ��s# dae� n�f in���d� r�p��fs ar r�placement �f damag�d fa�ilities due to vandalism, a�cident� or �to�ms. L�rrc�fsca�e �1tr11tres - Elecfrr"c: U�ilitj� �ost for fum�sF�in� �f �le�tricit�r r�q�ir�d ��r t�e op�rat€on af the irrigat�on systems a�� landscape mainter�an�e. lnd�r��� B�n�fi� ���� {�#dr�inistra�i�nlF��s�rv�s� Dr�#rr�t �cfmr'r���tratr'�rr: The cost to all de�artmer�t� an� staff of the �itY,. �or providir�g the �oordinatian �f Distric� servicest �pera#ior�s and rnainter���c� of th� Dis#r��t, response to pu�fi�. �oncer�� and edu�at�on, and pr�cedures a�sociated with th� ��vy and coll�ctior� of a�sessrne�t�. ��is �ost aEso inci��es c�ntractin�� witY� p�ofess�onaGs ta prov€cfe additior�al adrninistrative, �egal, �r er�gir�e�rir�� �e�v�ces spe�ific �to the District. �0�71���8 Pr�e�ident's �laza III Property �nd B�sir�ess Grnpravement Distr��t Page �0 �1NxLLD�I� � Fn i al S€�rvioesF �ourrfy��#drrrr'r�is�ratior� Fee: Th�s is tE�e ac#ual cost #o #�e bi�trict far the �our�ty to �ojlec� Dist�ict assessrr�ents an th� pr��erty ta�c bills. ShEs ch�rge. is based �r� a flat rate per #ur�d numbe�: • �ourrfjr Per Parce! F�e: 7�is is the �o�t to the Di�trict far #F�e �our�ty to collec� assessmen�s�on��he propert�r tax bills.:This charg��is ar� a per assessrnent basis, a# �0.4'� �er asses�mer�t�.an�`i� in addit��on to t�� �ount� Admi�i�tration F��. ��veratr'r�g I4es�rv� Furrd �all�c��an: The �pe�ating F�eserve Fund pf��ride� far° collecti�r� o� funds tv oper�te the District� for each fis�al �+��r, from tY�e #i�e periad af J�1y '� thrau�h January wher� the �aunty provides the �ity with the #�r�� �in�tallment of assessr�-rents �oflec�ed fram the proper�y tax bill�. The �perat�n� Res�rv� Fun� �lirniri�tes th� nee� for the �i#� to #rae��fer fur�ds fro�m no�-District �accaun�s to ��y �ar Distric� �harg�s durE�g tf�e �rst half a� each �sc�i yea�. The �peratir�g Reserve Fund rrra� al�o be used to offs�t ar�� t�n#�rese�n costs su�h �a� repair�, legal fees, revenu� deficit�, o� incr�ased ca�t� due ta inf�a�i�r� �r �or�tract�ai agreements that a�e. greater than origina[��r piannec�. T�e �pe�ating R�serv� Fun�f ��I��c'tior� a€n��nt�i� �light��r mor� than th��e and a half p�rcent ��.�4°l�) af #he annual T�tal Direct �osts of the Distr�ct�in Fi��a! 1'ear ��17l2�'18. Parkr"rrg Lot lF�airr#errar��e Furrd �oNec�r"orr: `��� Pa�l�i�tg Lat f�laintenan�e Fund pravides fund� for �he sealing �nd re-stri�iing o� t�e par�Cing Io� af�er the fourkh �+ear�of the renewal #errr� of the District. ��e parking fot's tofar s�rface area is approxirr��t���+�18�r��0 �quar� feet. D�rin� becember 2005, tF�e District'� �os# of s�afir�g �nd re-s�riping tlie parkin� lot w�s $��,��� �15.� cer�ts per �quare foat muitiplied b�r �7'�,��0 square f�et of surfa�e area� �nd i#s �ost o# r�pairs within th� pafkir�g �ot vuas $�4,30� �for 8,��� sq�ar� feet vf �urfa�e are�}; f�r � total �o�t a� ���,���. Th� ��ost of sealing �n� re-strR�ir�� the park�n� lot°� tota! surface area of '� �4,0�� square feet wauld hav� be�n appro�cimat���r $�8,�v�� ('i �.� ce�ts per squ�r� faot multiplied b�r '18�,�0� �quare feet o� sur�ace area}. �ns�rarr�e: �t�is line ite�r, �upp�rts i�s�tranc� costs �or the operation of tfne Di�tti�#, L��r� �r���Ccf�v�rn Tata! Dr's�rr'�# ���ts: This �is the �sum. total �� �I� �U�g���� Qif�C# �n� �ndire�#' �osts. D»��i�� ���#iS#I�� To#a1 P�rc�l�: T�e #��al �umbe� of par�el� �vithin the �istricf, .T'otal Parce�s #o Letiry: The #atal number of parc�ls wi�hir� the District tha# wi�] be a��e��ed:.l�an-a�sessed lats or parceGs include �as�rnents, �ornrn�n ���as, �n� parcels within the b�ur�daries of the District�that �ur�er�tl}r do no# benefit ffom t�ie impr�verr�ents and ►�hi�h are t��# ir��lud�d in t�e Totaa Parceas t� L�v�. �{��7l20�8 President's Plaza ila Pr�perty and Be�siness I�provarnent Distfi�t �ag� 11 ��I LLDA�I � Firt�r�Gi�1 �Crvic� To#a1 ��r�e�s Sq�r�re Foo#age: Thi� i� the surn totafi �f the assess�d {�a{��I�' square foo#age appli�d ta each a�sess�d par�el wit�iin �he D�strict. [.e�r� f�srte ��r Alr��t ��s�s p�r �c���r� �oo#: T#�is ��no�nt re�resents t��� Rate f�r Dir��:t ��sts bei€�g ��pI3�� t� �ac� �ss�ssed �ar��l'� indi�rid�al 1ot �Sq��r� footage. �h� Levy F�ate p�r Direct �asts i� th� res�ilt o� �dividing �he �s#irnated Total Direct �a�ts for that��ear b� the �um of th� Dis�rict'� Total Parc��� �quar� Foot�g�. 7fne rate.i� calcui�ted t� �aur decirnal piaces., �.�v�r Rat� �er �rrr#�r�e�t. �os#s per �qi��te �o�#: This arr�o�n# r�pres�nts t�e F�at� f�r IndiEect �asts �eir�g a�pli�d ta ���h �������d p�r�e!'� indtvidual� lot� �q�,are footage, T�e Levy �ate �e� I�dir��t �ost� �s the result of diiri�ing th� ��timated.Tatal rndirec't �o�f� �for�t�at �ea� by the sum o� th� Disiric:t's T��al Par�e�s �quare Fo�tage. The rate is �aiculated �o four de�ir�al places. Totaf Le�r� #�a#� ��r �c��ar� Foo�: This amour�� repre�ents. th� Rat�. being ap�I�ed ta ea�h. a�ses�ed �ar��l'� ind�v��ual �at sq�,ar� �aotag�. �h� Lev}+ Rate pe� �qu�re �oo� ��.t�ie result of �ivid'in� the es#ir�at�d �ota� Distri�t �osts for that �ear by the sum of the DG�trict's Tafal Parcel �quare Foa�age. The ra�� is calculated to fo�rr decimal piaces. D��trl�� Bu�la��t The D[strict Budg�t ��own on the f�fiowin� tabie (Tab1e �4)t lists tne .estimafed costs of p�oviding th� va�iaus impr�vem�n�s�anrl services wit�in the Di�tri�#.�The �osts and #he resul#ing rat�s for .Fiscal Y�ar �0��1��17 througY�� Fi�cal l�eat �020l2��'I are 6�sed on th� estim�tec! c.�s#s to provide the'irnprovements arrd servi�es f�r��ach. �ear.. Dire�t �o�ts, D�strict:and �ount� ►�d�anistrat�on �o�t�, ar�d lns�arar�ce �os#s a�� adjusted �or the three p�r�en� {�°lo} infl�tE�n fact�r. The awne�s' ass�ciati�n, �ppai�ted by ti�e �ity �ouncil, will anr��all�r review the District �o�ts and make r��or�menda#ions for any criar�ges or a�justments to the ��rc�get.: �h�r�ges #a the budget cou[d result ir� changes to tl�e ar�r�ual assess�ent, but t�� r�sulting tatal asses�m�nt ma�r n�# exce�d #he maximum rates �staY�Rish�d in thi� Repa�k withaut fir�t o�tainin� �r�perty own�r a��r�val thro�,gY� ass�ssment ba��ats. �0�7��Q�8 Presi�errt's R�aza IIE Prop�rty ar�� �usine�� 1�m�roverr�ent �istnc# Page 9� � . . , �. .� ... . . Dff�Ct C4StS �waeping �er�ces LandsC.�� ContrdCt �12inker�a.nce� ti�hti�� Repai� ��h�la�ntenance L�ndSC.�pe I�e�ir &� F��i�tenanCe Land�cape U#Glities - V'later � �treet �ighking U�iliti�s - �lectric �and5�a�e Ut�lities - �[e�tric SubtoEal Qtr�ct Costs �r�af�r2cf �os�s bi�triC# AdrniniStr�#i�n Gaun�y Adm�nistratian Fee Caurity �P�r Parc�! Fee Operaking R�s�n�e F�nd fia�leetiorr� Parking Lot Ma3rrten;�[re �U[rod Collectton �M° 11f�R�,$ Subtok�l IndireCt Cosi� ��%if ��'r��i ��,� � - �g��f �}15�� �4StS �alance to Lei�yr. Drs�rr�t �€atrsf�cs� To�al �arCels TotaC Parcel s �To� L�vy . ��tal Pa�e�els �quare F�ota�e .. . . � L�v}+ f�ate per Dife�t ��o�ts pe� �q Ft Ley+:Ra�e �er fndireck �osts per �� Ft - - .� .. . ��te1 Le�,y Rate per �quare Faof O�c1�t1n� Rescri�c Fr�r�d 8 afaracc Pre�ia�� �alarrce � Ending Hal�nce �a�kl�7S7 Z{}� �l�7€Gri<3�71G�t' ��JF1Q �27��f7�E Pre�iau� �alaerce �ndin� SaGanoe � •R ; 5, 537 $ � 5, 37fi � 8,229 fi,�48 1.G�6� � �� 3; 4,84� �;7Q� � 2, 768�. 2,fi6� 6,50� 5,31�i; fi92 672, �iL�G7. �� G����� :� � 4,845 $ 4,7Cld �$ �242. 23� �41 �1 �,U�00 1,�� 6,200 fi,�OQ ��,�76� , 2,0�� � T�;A04 �$� �1�,'I'S�° � � $ � $ � S S 5 5 �2,fi,�33� $ 41,�i'�� 5 42,�3 $ �}1,812 � 16 16 453,�56 0.0622 � Q,Q316° $ 0.0940 � � '16 ,i 6 4�3,956 0,060� �$ 0,031� � 0.091� �� 9,�6 $ 8,�6�6 � �0.�6� $ 9.066 � 45,74� $ 41,94�: $ 5t#,34�: $ 49.�4� �� 5, 637 $ fr;��9 1,fi�fi1 �4�845 � . 2;768 6,.506 59� �f� .� d,&45 �� :�4� �:4:1 1,OOD 6��00� � iiiJi � 'I 4; �04 $ �?LFS1Y�} � 42,fi�3 � ���� �� 453, �9 � � �_ �622 .$ �.031�8� $ Q:09�44 $ �,T03 $ 6,d�� 1,7��. � �,990 2,8�2 6,7Q1 .T�3 ��� � 4.� .� �2� 4� 1,0p� ' �FG� �F��� ��FVF� �� �F��� � 43��0.5 � ;1fi �� ��JF�� � �10. $ U.U32� � �.ir� $ 5,8T4 $ 6,£s08 1,76� �,140 �.BC�T 6,90� T3�4 #;�.7,J� � �,'140 $ �2�7 41 1,OfJ[l 6.�00 L�L�V 14,9�1 S; ���� � 4�,798 � .6,�50 �, 6w84�� 1,8i5 �.�,294 3,�2�- �7T1� 75� 37ViV� � ��,�� 265 41 '7,��' .6, 2G0 � � ii G� 1�,�8' ��� �� 4�, 825 - �1& "16� ifi �fi � 453.9�8 4�3,95fi � V_�� ��� �_�W �,Q32fi S �.�32 ��.Q9�6 � 4.�0�� 9,0� � 1�,Of�6 .� 9�,060 � ��,06�6 �O,OGG� .� 1"�,O6B �. _92,06� ��. 73,Ofi6 �8,14� ' � �4,34� � . �60,54� . �: _ 66�74� 5�;3�2 � 60,542 � f�6.74� S _72,94� I�xirr�m�n�ual�ss�s5men#s foe dir�# �ps�, district Rnd cpunty �dirinis#r��ion, �nd insurance ara adjustad hy 39fi framthe preuiaua Fecal Year far Flscaf Years 2�1 Cr2Q97 �hrough 2d��2Q2i. 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