HomeMy WebLinkAboutPP 84-43 COMMERCIAL CENTER/PARK VIEW DRIVE 1984 PRECISE PLAN 4..1� TENTATIVE TRACT - ZONI=: CHANGE I PARCEL MAP VARIANCE U.U.P.REFER FO: � APPLICANT:--,&A> crc t� ✓vN4 / LOCATION : REQUEST: EXISTING ZONEGf PREPARATION PROGRESS DATE BY COMMENTS APPLICATION RECEIVED 8-24yg3oe SP' LEGAL. PUBLICATION SENT li-- 2 �t NOTICES SENT FIELD INVESTIGATION DEPTS. NOTIFIED BUILDING Av ENGINEERING FIRE POLICE RECREATION & PARKS SCHOOL DISTRICT DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ROOD CONTROL uni L i' _' �, A o"If PRELIMINARY MEETING (� STAFF REPORT —�-� FINAL PLAN APPROVAL \/I elt} 021 V6 PRECISE PLAN (6) LANDSCAPING PLAN (5) PLAN. DIRECTOR MOD. (6) HEARINGS & ACTIONScc cc m� DATE ACTION VOTE REVIEW BOARD HEARING P.C. HEARING PUBLISHED . PC. Pi![_31-IC HEARING ti APPLICANT NOTIFIED C.C. PU13LIC HEARING ORDINANCE NO. RESOLUTION NO. EFFECTIVE DATE RECORDED FOR DATA- BANK ZONING MAP CORRECTED PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1000 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A PRECISE PLAN OF DESIGN TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A COMMERCIAL CENTER AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PARK VIEW DRIVE AND HIGHWAY I11.---- CASE NQ PP 84-43 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Palm Desert, California, did on the 16th day of October, 1984, hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider the request of BIRTCHER-DUNHAM for approval of a negative declaration of environmental impact and precise plan of design to allow construction of a 165,000 square foot one story commercial center (restaurants, retail uses, and offices) on 13.7 acres located at the southeast corner of Park View Drive and Highway 111, more particularly described as: APN 640-020-010 APN 640-040-001, 006 through 010, 015 through 019 portions of lot B and lot C, Desert Paradise Tract APN portions of 640-020-011 and 012 WHEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of the "City of Palm Desert Procedures to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act, Resolution No. 80-89", in that the director of environmental services has determined that the project will not have an adverse impact on the environment and a negative declaration of environmental impact has been prepared. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said commission did find the following facts and reasons to exist to justify the granting of said precise plan of design: 1. The design of the precise plan will not substantially depreciate property values in the vicinity. 2. The precise plan will not unreasonably interfere with the use or enjoyment of property in the vicinity by the occupants thereof for lawful purposes. 3. The precise plan will not endanger the public peace, health, safety or general welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Palm Desert, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the commission in this case. 2. That approval of Precise Plan 84-43 is hereby granted for reasons subject to the attached conditions. 3. That a negative declaration of environmental impact is hereby approved. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Palm Desert Planning Commission, held on this 16th day of October, 1984, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: DOWNS, RICHARDS, WOOD, AND CRITES NOES: NONE ABSENT: ERWOOD ABSTAIN: NONE -/ s— - l� B F �CRITE , Chai'rinan ATT X RA ON A. DIAZ, Se ret r Am -1- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1000 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PP 84-43 Department of Environmental Services: 1. The development of the property shall conform substantially with exhibits on file with the department of environmental services, as modified by the following conditions. 2. Construction of the total development may be done in phases; however, each individual phase shall meet or exceed all municipal code requirements to the degree that the city could consider each phase as a single project. 3. Construction of a portion of said project shall commence within twelve months from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted by the planning commission; otherwise said approval shall become null, void and of no effect whatsoever. 4. The development of the property described herein shall be subject to the restrictions and limitations set forth herein which are in addition to all municipal ordinances and state and federal statutes in force, or which hereafter may be in force. 5. Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearance from the following agencies: Coachella Valley Water District Palm Desert Architectural Commission Riverside County Department of Health City Fire Marshal Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agencies shall be presented to the Department of Building and Safety at the time of issuance of a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 6. All existing electrical distribution lines, telephone, cable antenna television, and similar service wires or cables, which are adjacent to the property being developed shall be installed underground, if practicable, as a part of the development from the nearest existing pole not on the property being developed. 7. Parking lot lighting system shall be designed to comply with municipal code requirements with light standards to be maximum 20 feet high. Lights to be down- shining box type light and provided with the shields facing residential properties. Plans, specifications, computer lighting print-out to be approved by city during architectural review process. 8. Six foot high decorative block wall shall be provided along east property line. 9. All buildings adjacent to Highway I II shall be setback 30 feet from street property line, with a 20 foot landscaped setback provided for parking areas adjacent to Highway 111. 10. Along Park View Drive, a ten foot landscaped setback shall be provided for parking areas. 11. All parking areas adjacent to streets shall be screened by a three foot six inch decorative wall, unless grading or existing improvements provide desired screening. 12. Cholla Drive and Cactus Drive where part of subject property shall be formally vacated prior to issuance of any permits. 13. Hammerheads or other approved turn-arounds shall be provided at the westerly termination of Cholla Drive and Cactus Drive to the satisfaction of the city. -2- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1000 14. Ten foot landscaping strip shall be provided along east property where abutting residential properties. 15. Location of driveway(s) on Park View Drive shall be reviewed for traffic safety and relocated as necessary to satisfaction of city. 16. All driveways on Park View Drive shall be provided with a minimum 50 foot entrance throat. 17. Applicant shall grant and accept cross access easements for circulation and parking with property to south on Highway 111. 18. Entire driveway on Highway 111 shall be constructed with first phase of project. 19. Any combining of lots or modification of lot lines shall be completed prior to issuance of any permits. Department of Public Works: 20. Drainage and signalization fund fees, as required by city ordinance, shall be paid prior to building permit issuance. 21. Drainage facilities shall be provided, per Ordinance No. 218 and the Master Drainage Plan, to the specifications of the Director of Public Works. 22. Storm drain construction shall be contingent upon a drainage study by the private engineer that is approved by the department of public works. 23. Full public improvements, including traffic safety lighting as required by ordinance and the Director of Public Works, shall be installed in accordance with city standards. 24. Improvement plans for water and sewer systems shall be approved by the respective service districts with "as-built" plans submitted to the department of public works prior to the project final. 25. Complete improvement plans and specifications shall be submitted, as required by ordinance, to the city engineer for checking and approval before construction of any improvements is commenced. The subdivider shall submit "as-built" plans prior to acceptance of the improvements by the city. 26. Landscaping maintenance on Highway Ill and Parkview shall be provided by the property owner(s). 27. Existing utilities on Highway 111/Parkview shall be undergrounded per each respective utility district's recommendation. 28. Traffic safety striping on Highway 111/Parkview shall be provided to the specifications of the director of public works. A traffic control plan must be submitted to and approved by the director of public works before placing pavement markings. 29. Complete grading plans and specifications shall be submitted, as required by ordinance, to the city engineer for checking and approval prior to issuance of any permits. 30. Dedication of right-of-way on Highway 111/Parkview shall be done prior to issuance of any permits and approval of plans. 31. Installation of curb and gutter and matching paving on Highway I I I/Parkview. 32. Waiver of access to Highway I II except at approved locations shall be granted to the satisfaction of city. 33. Offsite improvement plans to be approved by the public works department and a surety posted to guarantee the required offsite improvements prior to issuance of any permits. -3- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1000 34. Installation of one-half landscaped median in Highway Ill or cash payment for one-half the cost of landscaped median at the option of the director of public works. 35. Traffic analysis to be prepared for the project to address the specific impacts on existing networks (streets and intersections) and the proposed mitigation measures recommended for approval by the city. 36. Size, number and location of driveways to Public Works specifications with only a maximum of three driveway approaches to be allowed to serve this property. 37. Applicant shall pay for the installation of signalization at the intersection of Painters Path, Highway 111, and Park View. Applicant may request of the Palm Desert City Council that the cost of said signalization be credited against his required contribution to the city's signalization fee requirements. The applicant may enter into a reimbursement agreement with the city should the cost of signalization exceed the funds required by the city's signalization fees. 38. All conditions of Caltrans shall be met. City Fire Marshal: 39. Install a water system capable of delivering 3000-4000 GPM fire flow from any fire hydrant for a 3 hour duration in addition to domestic supply. The computation shall be based upon a minimum of 20 psi residual operating pressure in the supply main from which the flow is measured at the time of measurement. Fire flow requirements will depend on built-in fire protection provisions of buildings. 40. Install Riverside County super fire hydrants so that no point of any building is more than 200 feet from a fire hydrant measured along approved vehicular travel ways. a. exterior surface of hydrant barrels and heads shall be painted chrome yellow, and the tops and nozzle caps shall be painted green. b. curbs shall be painted red 15 feet in either direction from each hydrant. C. hydrants shall not be located closer than 25 feet to any building. 41. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the developer shall furnish the original and three copies of the water system plan to the Fire Marshal for review. Upon approval, one copy will be sent to the building department and the original will be returned to the developer. 42. The water system plan shall be signed by a registered civil engineer and approved by the water company, with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system in PP 84-43 is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Fire Marshal." 43. Prior to delivery of combustible materials to the building site, the required water system shall be installed, operating and delivering the required flow. 44. Fire lanes will be required. 45. All buildings 12,000 square feet will require an approved fire suppression sprinkler system. 46. Any portion of a building beyond 150' from emergency vehicle access will require that building to be sprinkled. 47. A turning radius of 401is required on all access roads. 48. Additional fire protection requirements may be necessary when the applicant submits specific plans for consideration and approval. -4- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1000 Planning Commission Condition: 49. Left turn access from Highway Ill onto the project shall not be granted at this time, pending traffic analysis. -5- NOTICE OF DETERMINATION Negative Declaration TO: (X) Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, J - ' r p OSecretary for Resources County of Riverside 1416 Ninth St., Rm 1311 4080 Lemon Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Riverside, CA 92502 �F r S 9 FCrj FROM: City of Palm Desert N SFr, 73-510 Fred Waring Drive �cn' �Eg fRcf8 Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the public resources code. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LW PROJECT TITLE/Common Name: BIRTCHER/DUNHAM� — —� DATE OF PROJECT APPROVAL: October 16, 1984 NOV 2 91984 STATE CLEARINGHOUSE NUMBER (if submitted): N/A UERKo Ihn ROARDOr SUPEW..'!5M exunry of kw�tcnde,blase of Ca:ilprnla CONTACT PERSON: Stan Sawa, Principal Planner F,y6Zau �, O �rimA: Assistzr;r. PROJECT LOCATION: Southeast corner of Parkview Drive and Highway 111. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 165,000 square foot commercial center. This is to advise that the City of Palm Desert has made the following determinations regarding the above described project. 1. The project ( ) will, (X) will not, have a significant effect on the environment. 2. An environmental impact report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. A copy of the environmental impact report may be examined at the above city hall address. X A negative declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to provisions of CEQA. A copy of the negatie declaration may be examined at the above city hall address.. 3. Mitigation measures (X) were, O were not, made a condition of the aproval of the project. 4. A statement of overriding considerations ( ) was, (X) was not adopted for this project. �� iUATTi �Y� �O'Avv�i� Signature Title Date Received for Filing Please return date-stamped copy in the enclosed envelope. Mountain Villas Homeowners Association C/o/ J & W Management 73320 E1 Paseo Palm Desert , Ca 92260 October 12 , 1984 Planning Commission City of Palm Desert City Hall Palm Desert , Ca 92260 Re : Hotel development 7. 27 acres Dear Gentlemen : I am satisfied with the efforts made by Birthcher Dunham in regards to set back from the rear wall of our property and the raising of the wall three feet and the incorporation of the ten feet of green area along the rear wall between our properties . I feel this development should increase the proeprty values for our development . I would like to recommend to the Planning Commission that they approve this project . 6 ri `/�l yours , C Mark Simon Mountain Villas Homeowners Association secretary/treasurer StRVICES CITY. ��,1VtR0 LP�7 DESERT OF. PA r MINUTES PALM DESERT PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 16, 1984 Moved by Commissioner Downs, seconded by Commissioner Richards, to adopt the findings as proposed by staff. Carried 3-1 (Commissioner Wood voted nay.) Moved by Commissioner Downs, seconded by Commissioner Richards, to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 998, approving PM 20212, subject to conditions as amended by Chairman Crites. Carried 3-1 (Commissioner Wood voting nay.) Moved by Commissioner Downs,. seconded by Commissioner Richards, recommending approval of C/Z 84-15 by the . adopting of Planning Commission Resolution No. 999. Carried 3-1 (Commissioner Wood voted nay.) G. Case No. PP 8/� 4-43 - IRTCHER-DUNHAM, Applicants Request for approval of a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact and a precise plan of design to allow construction of a .165,000 square foot one story commercial center (restaurants, retail uses and offices) on 13.7 acres located at the southeast corner of Park View Drive and Highway 111. Mr. Sawa reviewed the staff report and recommended approval of the proposed project. Mr. Cablay clarified that the condition #37 was contingent upon the approval of the Gene Sally precise plan regarding signalization. Commissioner Downs and Chairman Crites expressed concern regarding the signalization and occupany by the applicant. Mr. Cablay indicated that the money for the signalization was not included in the budget. Mr. Diaz replied that the applicant could be conditioned to pay or bond for the signalization of the intersection for his fair share as determined by the director of public works. The applicant could then apply to the city council for reimbursement. Commissioner Downs agreed with that except for the limit on tenant occupancy. Chairman Crites opened the public testimony and asked the applicant to address the commission. MR. CURT DUNHAM, applicant, asked for and received clarification of the suggested condition. Mr. Dunham felt that the project did not warrant a traffic signal and felt that not having left-turn access would hurt the project. Commissioner Downs suggested deleting condition #37. Mr. Diaz indicated that the new condition replace #37 and add that the applicant may request that the cost be credited against his signal fees. Chairman Crites clarified that the traffic analysis would determine if the project needed a traffic signal. Commissioner Downs indicated that the traffic signalization and occupancy should be two separate issues. Commissioner Richards stated that he would like the signal there, regardless of any traffic study. Commissioner Wood asked Mr. Phillips if the commission could condition the applicant to install a signal without the analysis. Mr. Phillips recommended having the study done. Mr. Cablay explained to the applicant that the traffic study could work in favor of the applicant with regard to a median break in Highway 111. MR. DUNHAM then described the proposed project. -6- MINUTES PALM DESERT PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 16, 1984 MR. HAVER asked that on condition #13 the word on-site be stricken. Commission agreed. Mr. Haver asked for clarification regarding the installation of the curbs and gutters along the ditch on Park View Drive. Mr. Cablay replied that it was only required on the undeveloped frontage. Chairman Crites asked if anyone wished to speak in FAVOR or OPPOSITION to the project. Ms. Sara Miller, 72-440 Cholla, expressed concern regarding the sewers, flooding, and the power poles. Mr. Haver replied that at that time there were no plans for sewer hook-up. He explained that the proposed when approved will provide safe ingress and egress. Mr. Cablay indicated that with the elevation, flooding should not present a problem. Chairman Crites closed the public testimony and asked if the commission had comments. Commissioner Richards spoke against having more small shops and felt that the area should be saved for larger projects. He thought, though, that the project was attractive and said he would vote in favor of it. Commissioner Downs indicated that with the deletion of #37 he was in favor also. Mr. Diaz stated the proposed revised wording for condition #37. Chairman Crites also indicated the addition of #39 that no left-turn access into the project be granted at this time pending a traffic analysis. Action: Moved by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner Downs, to adopt the findings as presented by staff. Carried 4-0. _ Moved by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner Downs, to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 1000, approving PP 84-43, subject to conditions as amended. Carried 4-0. H. Case No. PP 84-38 - CRS DEVELOPMENT, Applicant Request for approval of a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact and a precise plan of design to allow construction of three industrial buildings with a total of 38,240 square feet in the S.I., S.P. (Service Industrial with a Scenic Preservation Overlay) zone on 2.34 acres located at the northeast corner of Cook Street and St. James Place. Mr. Smith outlined the salient points of the staff report and added two conditions for Fringe-toed Lizard fees and potential mutual access of the driveway. Staff recommended approval. Chairman Crites opened the public testimony and asked the applicant to address the commission. MR. CHUCK STRAUS, CRS Development, concurred with Mr. Smith's outline and agreed to the conditions. Chairman Crites asked if anyone present wished to speak in FAVOR or OPPOSTION to the project. Hearing none, he asked for a motion. Action: Moved by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner Downs, to adopt the findings as presented by staff. Carried 4-0. -7- }yE 13) Waiver of access to Hwy III except at approved locations shall be granted on the final map. 14) Offsite improvement plans to be approved by Public Works Department and a surety posted to guarantee the required offsite improvements prior to (recorda- tion of the final map) . 15) Installation of one-half landscaped median in Hwy 111 or cash payment for one- half the cost of landscaped median at the option of the Director of Public Works. 16) Traffic analysis to be prepared for the project to address the specific impacts on existing networks (streets and intersections) and the proposed mitigation measures recommended for approval .by the City. 17) Size, number and location of driveways to Public Works specifications with only 3 driveway approaches to be allowed to serve this property. 18) No occupancy to be granted until traffic signal at Hwy ill and Parkview Dr./ Painters Path is energized. Barry clellan, P.E. ARC:BM/lo 4 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM City of Palm Desert OCT 3 0 lc`;i TO: Director of Environmental Services ENVIRONMENTAL . ......: FROM: Director of Public Works CITY Of PALL, SUBJECT: PP 84-43 Birtcher - Dunham DATE: October 5, 1984 The following should be considered conditions of approval : 1) Drainage and signalization fund fees, as required by City ordinance, shall be paid prior to building permit issuance. 2) Drainage facilities shall be provided, per Ordinance No. 218 and the Master Drainage Plan, to the specifications of the Director of Public Works. 3) Storm drain construction shall be contingent upon a drainage study by the pri- vate engineer that is approved by the Department of Public Works. 4) Full public improvements, including traffic safety lighting, as required by ordinance and the Director of Public Works, shall be installed in accordance with City standards. 5) Improvement plans for water and sewer systems shall be approved by the respec- tive service districts with "as-built" plans submitted to the Department of Public Works prior to the project final . 6) Complete improvement plans and specifications shall be submitted, as required by ordinance, to the City Engineer for checking and approval before construction of any improvements is commenced. The engineer shall submit "as-built" plans prior to the acceptance of the improvements by the City. 7) Landscaping maintenance on Hwy 111/Parkview shall be provided by the homeowner' s association. 8) Existing utilities on Parkview/Hwy 111 shall be undergrounded per each respective utility district's recommendation. 9) Traffic safety striping on Parkview/Hwy 111 shall be provided to the specifications of the Director of Public Works. A traffic control plan must be submitted to and approved by the Director of Public Works before placing pavement markings. 10) Complete grading plans and specifications shall be submitted, as required by ordi- nance, to the City Engineer for checking and approval prior to issuance of any permits. 11) Dedication of right-of-way on Hwy 111/Parkview shall be done prior to issuance of any permits and approval of plans. 12) Installation of curb and gutter, matching paving and sidewalk on Hwy 111/Parkview Dr. � p ' City of Palm Desert Department of Environmental Services Staff Report TO: Planning Commission DATE: October 16, 1984 CASE NO: PP 84-43 REQUEST: Approval of a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact and a precise plan of design to allow construction of a 165,000 square foot one story commercial center (restaurants, retail uses and offices) on 13.7 acres located at the southeast corner of Park View Drive and Highway 111. APPLICANT: BIRTCHER-DUNHAM 73-080 El Paseo, #101 Palm Desert, CA 92260 I. BACKGROUND: A. DESCRIPTION OF SITE: The 13.7 acre site, which is made up of a number of parcels, is irregular in shape with frontage on Park View Drive and Highway 111. Along Park View Drive, a high concrete bank has been constructed along the property line since the street also functions as a drainage channel. The site is basically vacant except for some desert shrubs and power poles which cross it. B. ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: North: Rancho Mirage-residential/single family and C-1 Commercial South: PC (4) SP/Vacant East: R-I/Vacant West: PC (4)/Commercial C. GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: Resort Commercial. D. PERTINENT PREVIOUS PROJECTS: DP 10-80 and 138 C - Robert McLachlan - 49 unit motel and athletic club on the easterly portion of this property. Approval has expired. IL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A. GENERAL: The proposed project's primary use would be 30,000 square feet of restaurants in four buildings. Other uses would consist of 102,000 square feet of retail, including a 32,000 square foot anchor use, and 33,000 square feet of office area which is the maximum amount permitted by code. That maximum is 20% of the total gross floor area. B. SITE DESIGN, CIRCULATION, PARKING, AND ACCESS: The four restaurants are provided adjacent to Highway 111, with the retail buildings in the middle of the site with the office area near the rear or east property line. The code requires a thirty foot front yard set back from property line for buildings. This will need to be provided with the set back for the parking area at least twenty feet. Along Park View Drive a setback of ten feet PP 84-43 Continued would be acceptable because of the raised curb which tends to screen the parking area from the street. The parking areas adjacent to and facing the streets will need to be screened with a wall and/or berming. Access to the site is shown on Highway Ill at the southern property line. This would be a common entrance with the property to the south which is presently undeveloped and unplanned. It has been indicated that a hotel is being planned for that southern site. Presently, two driveways are shown to Park View Drive. Parking would be spread out throughout the site and around the buildings. Parking spaces are shown adjacent to the east property line which abuts residential properties. The proposal based on the information submitted complies with the required parking requirements for the PC (4) zone. Staff has several concerns pertaining to this area. Access to Parkview Drive will need to be carefully analyzed due to the following factors: 1. Lack of visibility due to curve near west end. 2. The high bank or curb that is installed for flood control restricts visibility. It may be necessary to have only one driveway on Parkview. Public works department is requiring a signal at Park View Drive and Highway Ill that would need to.be energized before completion of the project. As in the previous project, Cholla Drive through this property would have to be vacated. Additionally, Cactus Drive would also need to be vacated. In the previous case additional landscaping and an on-site hammerhead for he dead end street were required. Staff feels this is still desirable and has recommended conditions addressing these concerns. C. ARCHITECTURE: The architectural style of the project is Spanish in nature with exterior meterials consisting of stucco walls, brick, wood trim, and tile roofing. The project will be similar to El Paseo Village which was designed by the same architect. The structures would be one story in height with the height around a maximum of 20 to 25 feet. Exact heights have not yet been indicated on the renderings that have been submitted. D. EXTERIOR LIGHTING: Because of the residential properties to the east and across Park View Drive in Rancho Mirage, staff is recommending that lighting adjacent to the east and north property lines be designed to minimize glare and over spill. E. UTILITY POLES: Utility poles criss cross the site and adjacent sites. These poles will need to be undergrounded as required by municipal code requirements. III. ANALYSIS: A. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL OF PRECISE PLAN: 1. The design of the precise plan will not substantially depreciate property values in the vicinity. Justification: The use is attractive and acceptable from a design aspect and compatible with other uses existing in the vicinity. The commercial zoning on two sides will be enhanced by the proposed project. The perimeter landscaping and wall treatment as well as the minimal -2- PP 84-43 Continued vehicle access on Park View Drive insure that the project will have no substantial adverse effect on property values. 2. The precise plan will not unreasonably interfere with the use of or enjoyment of property in the vicinity of the occupants thereof for lawful purposes. Justification: The surrounding land on two sides is zoned for a commercial use and owners would not be deprived the use of their land, nor would they be negatively impacted by traffic due to improvements to adjacent streets and ability to handle increased traffic. The land across Park View Drive has no access.to Parkview Drive and a wall along the east property line will provide adequate privacy. 3. The precise plan will not endanger the public peace, health, safety, or general welfare. Justification: The project is designed in a manner that will not endanger the public peace, health, safety, or general welfare due to compliance with code requirements, and compatibility with surrounding properties. Staff feels the findings for approval can be justified in this case. B. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The director of environmental services has determined that the proposed project will not have an adverse on the environment and a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact has been prepared. IV. RECOMMENDATION: Staff feels with minor modifications as recommended by staff, the proposed project would be acceptable. Therefore, staff recommends: A. Adoption of the findings. B. Adoption of Planning Commission Resolution No. , approving PP 84-43, subject to conditions. V. ATTACHMENTS: A. Draft Resolution B. Legal Notice C. Draft Negative Declaration and Initial Study D. Comments from City Departments and Other Agencies E. Plans and Exhibits Prepared by Reviewed and Approved Am -3- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A PRECISE PLAN OF DESIGN TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A COMMERCIAL CENTER AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PARK VIEW DRIVE AND HIGHWAY 111. CASE NO. PP 84-43 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Palm Desert, California, did on the 16th day of October, 1984, hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider the request of BIRTCHER-DUNHAM for approval of a negative declaration of environmental impact and precise plan of design to allow construction of a 165,000 square foot one story commercial center (restaurants, retail uses, and offices) on 13.7 acres located at the southeast corner of Park View Drive and Highway 111, more particularly described as: APN 640-020-010 APN 640-040-001, 006 through 010, 015 through 019 portions of lot B and lot C, Desert Paradise Tract APN portions of 640-020-011 and 012 WHEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of the "City of Palm Desert Procedures to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act, Resolution No. 80-89", in that the director of environmental services has determined that the project will not have an adverse impact on the environment and a negative declaration of environmental impact has been prepared. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said commission did find the following facts and reasons to exist to justify the granting of said precise plan of design: 1. The design of the precise plan will not substantially depreciate property values in the vicinity. 2. The precise plan will not unreasonably interfere with the use or enjoyment of property in the vicinity by the occupants thereof for lawful purposes. 3. The precise plan will not endanger the public peace, health, safety or general welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Palm Desert, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the commission in this case. 2. That approval of Precise Plan 84-43 is hereby granted for reasons subject to the attached conditions. 3. That a negative declaration of environmental impact is hereby approved. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Palm Desert Planning Commission, held on this 16th day of October, 1984, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: BUFORD CRITES, Chairman ATTEST: RAMON A. DIAZ, Secretary /tm -1- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PP 84-43 Department of Environmental Services: 1. The development of the property shall conform substantially with exhibits on file with the department of environmental services, as modified by the following conditions. 2. Construction of the total development may be done in phases; however, each individual phase shall meet or exceed all municipal code requirements to the degree that the city could consider each phase as a single project. 3. Construction of a portion of said project shall commence within twelve months from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted by the planning commission; otherwise said approval shall become null, void and of no effect whatsoever. 4. The development of the property described herein shall be subject to the restrictions and limitations set forth herein which are in addition to all municipal ordinances and state and federal statutes in force, or which hereafter may be in force. 5. Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearance from the following agencies: Coachella Valley Water District Palm Desert Architectural Commission Riverside County Department of Health City Fire Marshal Evidence of said permit or clearance from the above agencies shall be presented to the Department of Building and Safety at the time of issuance of a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 6. All existing electrical distribution lines, telephone, cable antenna television, and similar service wires or cables, which are adjacent to the property being developed shall be installed underground, if practicable, as a part of the development from the nearest existing pole not on the property being developed. 7. Parking lot lighting system shall be designed to comply with municipal code requirements with light standards to be maximum 20 feet high. Lights to be down- shining box type light and provided with the shields facing residential properties. Plans, specifications, computer lighting print-out to be approved by city during architectural review process. 8. Six foot high decorative block wall shall be provided along east property line. 9. All buildings adjacent to Highway 111 shall be setback 30 feet from street property line, with a 20 foot landscaped setback provided for parking areas adjacent to Highway 111. 10. Along Park View Drive, a ten foot landscaped setback shall be provided for parking areas. 11. All parking areas adjacent to streets shall be screened by a three foot six inch decorative wall, unless grading or existing improvements provide desired screening. 12. Cholla Drive and Cactus Drive where part of subject property shall be formally vacated prior to issuance of any permits. 13. Hammerheads or other approved turn-arounds shall be provided on site at the westerly termination of Cholla Drive and Cactus Drive to the satisfaction of the city. -2- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14. Ten foot landscaping strip shall be provided along east property where abutting residential properties. 15. Location of driveway(s) on,Park View Drive shall be reviewed for traffic safety and relocated as necessary to satisfaction of city. 16. All driveways on Park View Drive shall be provided with a minimum 50 foot entrance throat. 17. Applicant shall grant and accept cross access easements for circulation and parking with property to south on Highway 111. 18. Entire driveway on Highway 111 shall be constructed with first phase of project. 19. Any combining of lots or modification of lot lines shall be completed prior to issuance of any permits. Department of Public Works: 20. Drainage and signalization fund fees, as required by city ordinance, shall be paid prior to building permit issuance. 21. Drainage facilities shall be provided, per Ordinance No. 218 and the Master Drainage Plan, to the specifications of the Director of Public Works. 22. Storm drain construction shall be contingent upon a drainage study by the private engineer that is approved by the department of public works. 23. Full public improvements, including traffic safety lighting as required by ordinance and the Director of Public Works, shall be installed in accordance with city standards. 24. Improvement plans for water and sewer systems shall be approved by the respective service districts with "as-built" plans submitted to the department of public works prior to the project final. 25. Complete improvement plans and specifications shall be submitted, as required by ordinance, to the city engineer for checking and approval before construction of any improvements is commenced. The subdivider shall submit "as-built" plans prior to acceptance of the improvements by the city. 26. Landscaping maintenance on Highway III and Parkview shall be provided by the property owner(s). . 27. Existing utilities on Highway 111/Parkview shall be undergrounded per each respective utility district's recommendation. 28. Traffic safety striping on Highway 111/Parkview shall be provided to the specifications of the director of public works. A traffic control plan must be submitted to and approved by the Director of Public Works before placing pavement markings. 29. Complete grading plans and specifications shall be submitted, as required by ordinance, to the city engineer for checking and approval prior to issuance of any permits. 30. Dedication of right-of-way on Highway 111/Parkview shall be done prior to issuance of any permits and approval of plans. 31. Installation of curb and gutter and matching paving on Highway 111/Parkview. 32. Waiver of access to Highway 111 except at approved locations shall be granted to the satisfaction of city. 33. Offsite improvement plans to be approved by the Public Works Department and a surety posted to guarantee the required offsite improvements prior to issuance -3- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. of any permits. 34. Installation of one-half landscaped median in Highway Ill or cash payment for one-half the cost of landscaped median at the option of the director of public works. 35. Traffic analysis to be prepared for the project to address the specific impacts on existing networks (streets and intersections) and the proposed mitigation measures recommended for approval by the city. 36. Size, number and location of driveways to Public Works specifications with only a maximum of three driveway approaches to be allowed to serve this property. 37. No occupancy to be granted until traffic signal at Highway 111 and Parkview Drive/Painters Path is energized. 38. All conditions of Caltrans shall be met. City Fire Marshal: 39. Install a water system capable of delivering 3000-4000 GPM fire flow from any fire hydrant for a 3 hour duration in addition to domestic supply. The computation shall be based upon a minimum of 20 psi residual operating pressure in the supply main from which the flow is measured at the time of measurement. Fire flow requirements will depend on built-in fire protection provisions of buildings. 40. Install Riverside County super fire hydrants so that no point of any building is more than 200 feet from a fire hydrant measured along approved vehicular travel ways. a. exterior surface of hydrant barrels and heads shall be painted chrome yellow, and the tops and nozzle caps shall be painted green. b. curbs shall be painted red 15 feet in either direction from each hydrant. C. hydrants shall not be located closer than 25 feet to any building. 41. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the developer shall furnish the original and three copies of the water system plan to the Fire Marshal for review. Upon approval, one copy will be sent to the building department and the original will be returned to the developer. 42. The water system plan shall be signed by a registered civil engineer and approved by the water company, with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system in PP 84-43 is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Fire Marshal." 43. Prior to delivery of combustible materials to the building site, the required water system shall be installed, operating and delivering the required flow. 44. Fire lanes will be required. 45. All buildings 12,000 square feet will require an approved fire suppression sprinkler system. 46. Any portion of a building beyond 150' from emergency vehicle access will require that building to be sprinkled. 47. A turning radius of 40' is required on all access roads. 48. Additional fire protection requirements may be necessary when the applicant submits specific plans for consideration and approval.- -4- z 73-510 FRED WARING DRIVE, PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 TELEPHONE (619) 346-0611 CITY OF PALM DESERT LEGAL NOTICE e CASE NO.R 84-43 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public- Hearing will be held before the Palm Desert Planning Commission to consider a request by BIRTCHER-DUNHAM for approval of a negative declaration of environmental impact and precise plan of design to allow con- struction of a 165 , 000 square feet one story commercial center ( restaurants , retail uses and offices ) on 13 . 7 acres located at the southeast corner of Parkview Drive and Hwy 111 , more particularly described as : APN - 640-020-010 APN 640-040-001 , 006 through 010 , 015 through 019 portions of lot B and lot C , Desert Paradise Tract APN portions of 640-020-011 and 012 M A G N S 1 A - FALLS �1.. i' RANCHO MIRAGE C' !T '�IMI ' E L i_ 5 -- __- ------- I al i". I TV 1 PROJECT SITE P' _7, --_- S.F ;, . , - C— I vlfw DpI'i R02 I 'J P.R.- I _ as 4. A H D S. P 12 000 L t- - P.R. 22 4 ) �BRUSNWOOD O R-I C P.C. < R 11 12,000 (4). — V 12,Q00. n c,•� . - \ 5 .. R-2 S.F — — A FRED WARING �oDRIVE SAID Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday , October 16 , 1984 at 2 : 00 pm in the Council Chambers in the Palm Desert City Hall , 73-510 Fred Waring Drive , Palm Desert , California , at which time and place all interested persons are invited to attend and be heard . Ramon A. Diaz , Secretary Palm Desert Planning Commission PUBLISH: Desert Post October 5 , 1984 Cu$n'J�r oil � , nD®=c&n{a 73-510 FRED WARING DRIVE, PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 TELEPHONE (619) 346-0611 NEGATIVE DECLARATION (Pursuant to Title 14, Division 6, Article 7, Section 15083, of the California Administrative Code). Case No: PP 84-43 Applicant/Project Sponsor: BIRTCHER-DUNHAM 73-080 El Paseo, #101, Palm Desert, CA 92260. Project Description/Location:tion/Location: Approval of 165,000 square foot one story commercial center restaurants, retail uses and offices) on 13.7 acres located at the southeast corner . of Park View Drive and Highway 111. The director of environmental services, City of Palm Desert, California, has found that the described project will not have a significant effect on the environment. A copy of the initial study has been attached to document the reasons in support of this finding. Mitigation measures, if any, included in the project to avoid potentially significant effects, may also be found attached. RAMON A. DIAZ DATE Director of Environmental Services RAD/tm I INITIAL STUDY CASE NO. PP 84-43 Environmental Evaluation Checklist, Comments, and Possible Mitigation Measures (Categories pertain to attached checklist) 1. •EARTH - Conditions and Impacts B. The development of the property will result in compaction and overcovering of the existing soil which consists primarily of decomposed granite. C. The site will be graded and the surface relief features changed by paving, planting, and construction of buildings. Mitigation Measures: B & C Development of property shall conform with city regulations and ordinances pertaining to grading and drainage. 3. WATER - Conditions and Impacts B. Because of grading and development anticipated, it can be expected that there will be changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, and the rate and amount of surface water runoff. Mitigation Measures: B. Same as 1-B & C above. 16. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION: A, B, C & D It can be expected that the proposed project will generate additional traffic and demand for parking. Mitigation Measures: Street improvements as required by the City of Palm Desert and Caltrans will mitigate any potential adverse transportation impacts. 23. LIGHT & GLARE: There will be parking lot lighting provided throughout the site. Mitigation Measures: Parking lot lighting system shall be designed to comply with municipal code requirements with light standards to be maximum 20 feet high. Lights to be down-shining box type light and provided with shields facing residential properties. Plans, specifications, computer lighting print-out to be approved by city during architectural review process. CASE NO P0 -43 ENVIAOMMEXTAL SERVICES DEPT. INITIAL STUDY ENVIRON3MXTAL EVALUATION CHECKLIST NOTE: The availability of data necessary to address the topics listed below shall form the basis of a decision as to whether the application is considered complete for purposes of environmental assessment. ENVIRONMENTAL. IMPACTS (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers, possible mitigation measures and comments are provided on attached sheets) . Yes Maybe No 1 . Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic. substructures? \— — — b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction, or V overcovering of the soil? — — — c. Change in topography or ground surface relief features? d. The destruction, covering, or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of \ . soils, either on or off the site? V 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Air emissions or deterioration of ambient air . quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? — — c. Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? 2, Yes Maybe No 3. Water. Will the proposal result in: a., Changes. in currents, 'or the course or 1' direction of water' movements? "` . b. Changes in-absarpt-fon rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and-amount of surface water runoff? C. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? d. Alteration of-the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? e. Change in the quantity of ground waters, J either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? f. Reduction in the amount of water other- wise available for public water supplies? _ �+ 4. plant Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of plants (including trees , shrubs , grass , and crops)? \ , b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, — — or endangered species of plants? C. Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? 5. Animal. Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds , land animals including reptiles , or insects)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of animals? c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? V d. Deterioration to existing wildlife habitat-? 3. Yes M�be No 6. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in ::the rate of use of any natural resources? b. Depletion of.,any non-renewable natural resource? 7. Energv. Will the proposal result in: -a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? `v_ . b. Demand upon existing sources of energy, or re- quire the-development of new sources of energy? S. Risk of Upset:' .'Does the proposal involve a risk of an explosion or the release of , hazardous subst?nces (including,' but not limited to, pesticides , oil , chemicals,, or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? _ 9. Economic Loss. 'Will the proposal result in: a. A change in 'the value of property and improvements endangered by flooding? b. A change in the value of property and improyementsrexposed to geologic hazards — beyond accepted community risk standards? 10. Noise. Will the proposal increase existing noise levels to .-the point at which accepted community noise and vibration levels are exceeded? 11. Land Use. Will_the proposal result in the a teration of the present developed or planned land use of an area? y _ 12. Open Soace. Will the proposal lead to a decrease in theramount of designated open space? 13. Population. Will the proposal result in: a. Alteraticn off' the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human Population of- the City? b. Change in the population distribution by , age, income,' l-eligion, racial , or ethnic t" group, occupational class , household type? 4. ` Yes _Maybe. No 14. Emoloyment. Will the proposal result in additions new long-term ,jobs provided, or a change in the number and .per cent employed, unemployed, and underemployed? _ _ \' 15. Housing. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in number and per cent of housing units by type (price or rent range, zoning category, owner-occupied dnd rental , __ etc. ) relative to demand or to number of families in various income classes in the City? b. Impacts on existing housing or creation of a demand for additional housing? 16. Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal / result in: ,\ a. Generation of additional vehicular movement? v b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or \ ' demand for new parking? v c. Impact upon existing transportation systems? _ d. Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? e. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles , bicyclists, or pedestrians? 17. Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for, new or altered governmental services in any of the following areAs: \ a. Fire protection? b b. Police protection? I , c. Schools? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? _ e. Maintenance of public facilities , including roads? f. Other governmental services? 5. Yes Maybe No 18. Public Fiscal Balance. Will the proposal result in a net change in government fiscal flow (revenues less operating expenditures and annualized capital expenditures)? 19. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or alterations to the following utilities: r a. Power or natural gas? b. Communications system? C. Water? — d. Sewer or septic tanks? — e. Storm water drainage? f. Solid waste and disposal? 20. Human Health. Will the proposal result in: a. The creation of any health hazard or Potential health hazard? — b. A change in the level of community health �r care provided? 21. Social Seriices. Will the proposal result in an increased de,and for provision of general social services? \ 22. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in: L b a. Obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public? b. The creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? c. Lessening of the overall neighborhood (or area) attractiveness, pleasantness, and uniqueness? I 23. Li ht and Glare. Will the proposal produce new I ight or g are? 24. Archeological/Historical . Will the proposal ` result i—n an a to na n of a significant archeological or historical site, structure, object, or building:' — — 6. Yes Maybe No 25. Mandatory Findings of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment or to curtail the diversity in the environment? b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental .goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future. ) c. Does the project have impacts which are indi- vidually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small , but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant. ) d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings , either directly or indirectly? Initial Study Prepared By: �Poln� `P�.11Jcl.�r b[.Atilf��i� �• 111 �r _ �� r / `�r_` / A ~ I1��1 � klq di 'll •wl k �, • ;,apt°' 3;• i3J1�iS♦� �, [I Yiii i•'"��' • .1 �I��II : 11;, fl<♦ c. I s V 1 �► �:=��1�I�� ���{,�� ,I,,�,li�� III, ���, a ` • \�\1�♦� f ' \I .Rwe r 1 ��� • �A?;:SAC,t - i . .Iy, vj Mill IJtti K!z ..,� I •`\�:� III II�Cf;. :a a _ FI Vsell im.. 'wi� w 1 +IIPJ• wT ` -I1 [ � t R y�� � RECFIVED SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA �S COMPANY 3700 CENTRAL AVENUE • RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA R.W. RIDDELL SEP 17 1984 Eastern Division MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 2200, RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92516 Distribution Planning Supervisor ENGtnLLiti.v,, u_., l IIVIENT CITY OF PALM DESERT September 14 , 1984 Nearest Location of Gas Main: Gas available in Hiway 111 and Parkview Drive within subject area City of Palm Desert _ 73-510 Fred Waring Drive - Palm Desert, CA 92260 Re: Case No. P. P. 84-43 4 EhP4r pni�.;:r.�i�rt� ScriVIC� Gentlemen: cr rc;_rt This letter is not to be interpreted as a contractual commit- ment to s_ Its the proposed project; but only as an information service. intent is to notify you that the Southern Calif- ornia Gas Company has facilities in the area where the above named project is proposed. Gas service to the project could be provided from an existing main without any significant impact on the environment. The service would be in accordance with the Company' s policies and extension rules on file with the Calif- ornia Public Utilities Commission at the time contractual arrangements are made. The availability of natural gas service, as set forth in this letter , is based up on p on present conditions of gas supply and regulatory policies. As a public utility, the Southern Calif- ornia Public Utilities Commission. We can also be affected by actions of federal regulatory agencies . Should these agencies take any action which affects gas supply or the condition under which service is available , gas service will be provided in accordance with revised conditions. We have developed several programs which are available, upon request, to provide assistance in selecting the most effective applications of energy conservation techniques for a particular project. If you desire further information on any of our energy conservation programs, please contact our Area Market Services Manager, P.O. Box 6226, San Bernardino, CA 92417, phone (714) 884-9411 . 4� R. W. Ri ell Distribution Planning Supervisor City of RANCHO MIRAGE q�L2 ifeia� 69-825 HIGHWAY 111 RANCHO MIRAGE CALIFORNIA 92270 TELEPHONE (619) 324-4511 September 25, 1984 Stan Sawa, Senior Planner City of Palm Desert 73-510 Fred Waring Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 RE: Case Number P.P. 84-43, Birtcher-Dunham - 165,000 Square Feet Commercial Center at Parkview Drive and Highway 111. Dear Stan, Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments on the referenced proposal . In general , it would appear that with the amount of restaurant and retail floor space proposed, considerable traffic will be generated by this project. I would suggest that a complete traffic study be conducted to ascertain the extent of the traffic impacts and recommended mitigation measures. As you know, in Rancho Mirage we are completing a Traffic Impact Study for the adjacent Annexation No. 2 area, located on the north side of Parkview Drive. One of the prime recommendations of that study was that the Parkview Drive/Highway 111 intersection be signalized. Certainly, the development of the Birtcher- Dunham project should be conditioned on the applicants providing the..traffic signals for that intersection. While the landscape treatment proposed for the corner and the Highway 111 frontage is ample, the landscaping shown for the majority of the Parkview Drive frontage is very narrow. Also, the location of the westerly driveway on Parkview is located on a curve and would probably create a safety problem. The main entrance drive off of Highway 111 straddles the project property line, implying that other development is anticipated on the adjacent parcel to the south. Please keep us informed if you receive further requests for development of this area. Also, I would appreciate a copy of the Staff Report on the Birtcher-Dunham project, when it is prepared. Please call me if any further information is needed. Sincerely, I David Abrams, AICP Director of Planning DA:dko cc: Al Cablay Public Works Department W'AT,Eq ESTABLISHED IN 1918 AS A PUBLIC AGENCY �V COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 1056•COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236•TELEPHONE(619)3962651 DIRECTORS OFFICERS RAYMOND R.RUMMONDS,PRESIDENT LOWELL O.WEEKS,GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TELLIS CODEKAS,VICE PRESIDENT BERNARDINE SUTTON,SECRETARY JOHN P.POWELL September 17, 19 84 VICTOR HARDY,PAULW.NICHOLS REDWINE AN DSERRIL ATTORNEYS STEVE D.BUXTON File: 0163. 11 ': 0421. 1 ' •0721. 1 J PQ Department of Environmental Services City of-Palm Desert E7.1 Post Office Box 1977 " Palm Desert, California 92261 Gentlemen: Subject: Precise Plan 84-43, Portion of SW14, Section 18, T5S, R6E, S.B.M. This area is protected from stormwater flows by a system of channels and dikes, and may be considered safe from stormwater. flows except in rare instances. This area is designated Zone B on Federal Flood Insurance rate maps which are in effect at this time. The District will furnish domestic water and sanitation service to this area in accordance with the current regulations of this District. This area shall be annexed to Improvement District Nos. 54 and 80 of Coachella Valley Water District for sanitation service. There may be conflicts with existing District facilities. We request the appropriate public agency to withhold the issuance of a building permit until arrangements have been made with the District for the relocation of these facilities. Yours very truly, Lowell 0. Weeks General Manager-Chief Engineer RCM:ir cc: Riverside County Department of Public Health 46-209 Oasis Street Indio, California 92201 TRUE CONSERVATION USE WATER WISELY 46-M PR1CXLY PEAR LANE. PALM DESERT,CAUFORNiA 92200 TELEPHONE (714) 346-0611 LEPA=C OF BUII DING & SAFETY PRELimmam R=4 OF PLANS MLS IS N= A PLAN CHECRI fir: If2 CCH2ENTS: ` E )Q C CN BEFORE ANY FV mm CCM.NLS CAN BE MAZE, ALf ==IAL numw= IS ilE= FOR REVZ f... CC CI= ARC rrrFCtT RAL DRAWINGS AND SP=71CATIONS C29= STR XTURAL DRAWINGS AND CALaZATME MCL= H.V.A.C. , EIF,LZRICAL AND FLU-27M PLANS & SPEMMATICAV CC 1n= TITlE 24 FIg12GY COP=A=l L)OCII-lFl`TTATId.1 CMO= GRADING PLANS -p oz�x C'-, c3/&/1 V" .JOE AI.QLB�O, M. ➢A1E DI CTOR OF BUILDING 6 SAFETY PROOF OF PUBLICATION This space Is for thA County Clark'sFlling Stamp (2015.5 C.C. CT9T STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Riverside OCT 1 1 1984 CITY OF PALM DESE4t'PIRONMENTAL SL„tif.,LS I am a citizen of the United States and a CITY OF PALM resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to Proof of Publication of or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the CASE NO 84-43 ............. ................................. ............RF•$FrRT..RQ$.T.................. CRY OF PALM DESERT .........................................•....:.•... LEOALNOTICE CASE NO.6"3 a newspaper of general circulation, printed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the P lm Desert Planning and published Hi—weekl a Quest by ....."""" iy• • .......... BRTCHER-0UNHAM for approval of a negative declaration of emirom In the City of ...P mental Impact and precise plan of f�}!¢..Q.@sort............ deei to site.00nsnrctt0n01 County of Riverside, and which news. C5.000�aeeoatoneetH"a paper has been adjudged a newspaper uses and offices) on 13.7 acres Paf�e located at the southeast corner of of general circulation by the Superior Fennel"Drive am Hwy.i 11.more Court of the County ve State of of Riverside, pankuarfydescdbedes: APN 640020-010. APN 640040- 001,ODS through 010,016 through 019 ponlons of lot B and lot C.Des California, under the dateof.,}0(5., )9 6.A an Paradise Tract.APNpenionsof .. 640-020011 and012 Case Number 83658 SAID Public Hearing Mll be held on •......; that the notice, Tuesday,October 16.1984 at 2:00 of which the annexed is a printed copy (set P.M.In them City lCh.73-51 In the Palm Desert City Hell,T&S10 Fred In typ Waring Drive. Pafm Deserts e not smaller than nonpareil), has Gelltomla,at Which time and place been published in each regular and entire ell interested persons are Invited to issue of said newspaper and not in any mendandbe.heard, Ramon A.Dlaz Secreta supplement thereof on the following dates, Pa oesen to•Wtt: Planning Commission (Peb.D.P.Oct.S.1994) ..................1 sfs............................ all in the year 19-04. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Is true and correct. Dated at,,,,,,Pala. Desert....... ........................... California,this.5th....dayof.pGti.„ 1984 �SI atur m T L o rn ffq GgbNUAla Na11111N111 maw MNGWNIrM11 CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE o s m C7 BUREAU, INC. _n " -F=C� TI w Legal Advertising Clearing House 120 West Second St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90012 "' — C:) Telephone: (213) 625.2541 0 Ill rMY4al08 Ild6 a AL►nHM I11tlI"nM Wb"MM/W IW two. 73-510 FRED WARING DRIVE, PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 TELEPHONE (619) 346-0611 CITY OF PALM DESERT LEGAL NOTICE.' PIP CASE NO.R 84-43 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Palm Desert Planning Commission to consider a request by BIRTCHER-DUNHAM for approval of a negative declaration of environmental impact and precise plan of design to allow con- struction of a 165 , 000 square feet one story commercial center ( restaurants , retail uses and offices ) on 13 . 7 acres located at the southeast corner of Parkview Drive and Hwy 111 , more particularly described as : APN 640-020-010 APN 640-040-001 , 006 through 010 , 015 through 019 portions of lot 8 and lot C , Desert Paradise Tract APN portions of 640-020-011 and 012 IRA NCHO MIRAGE CITY LIMIT" MAGNESIA - -FALLS _ gnaw Cliv-Oc on4!� �E15`EP -�:YGO .. P.R.-7, S.P. ESE ET'afJ ''• PROJECT SITE n !L __ P.R.-71 S.P YIEw DRIVE 1 = 1-g 12O00 0 r i P.R. - > Eu a I AHD S.P_ 5 - 2 0 0 0 L :' ;% ' Jj`?J.1 f RR. 2Z /' ': 4 )� �BRUH WOOD < - " R.I ' OO P.C. S.P. --�� `�. �- N 'a 12,000 t3 (4). _._ .. D ;\-�A!rA N�AN HA- p' I2,dOo m •t 91 A R-1I 112 000 FRED WARING DRIVE SAID Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday , October 16 , 1984 at 2 : 00 pm in the Council Chambers in the Palm Desert City Hall , 73-510 Fred Waring Drive , Palm Desert , California , at which time and place all interested persons are invited to attend and be heard . Ramon A. Diaz , Secretary Palm Desert P.lanning.. Commission PUBLISH: Desert Post October 5 , 1984 r FA ®® W SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA gqS COMPANY 3700 CENTRAL AVENUE • RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA R.W. RID DELL _Fr r� q(��^ Eastern Division -- r ( IJ 4 MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 2200, RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92516 Distribution Planning Supervisor ENGINEE,,,;� : �_c'�iAi TENT CITY OF PALM DESERT September 14 , 1984 Nearest -Location of Gas Main: Gas available in Hiway 111 and Parkview Drive within subject area City of Palm Desert 73-510 Fred Waring Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 Re: Case No. P. P. 84-43 198 ENVIRONAM-NTAL SERV Gentlemen: `'il , OF - IC PALM, DESEICES This letter is not to be interpreted as a contractual commit- ment to serve the proposed project; but only as an information service. Its intent is to notify you that the Southern Calif- ornia Gas Company has facilities in the area where the above named project is proposed. Gas service to the project could be provided from an existing main without any significant impact on the environment. The service would be in accordance with the Company' s policies and extension rules on file with the Calif- ornia Public Utilities Commission at the time contractual arrangements are made. The availability of natural gas service, as set forth in this letter , is based upon present conditions of gas supply and regulatory policies. As a public utility, the Southern Calif- ornia Public Utilities Commission. We can also be affected by actions of federal regulatory agencies. Should these agencies take any action which affects gas supply or the condition under which service is available, gas service will be provided in accordance with revised conditions. we have developed several programs which are available, upon request, to provide assistance in selecting the most effective applications of energy conservation techniques for a particular project. If you desire further information on any of our energy conservation programs, please contact our Area Market Services Manager, P.O. Box 6226, San Bernardino, CA 92417, phone (714) 884-9411 . i R. W. Ri ell Distribution Planning Supervisor A City of RANCHO MIRAGE 69-825 HIGHWAY 111 RANCHO MIRAGE CALIFORNIA 92270 TELEPHONE (619) 324-4511 September 25, 1984 Stan Sawa, Senior Planner 2 ' opl City of Palm Desert 73-510 Fred Waring Drive EN'�"•Ltotlrr!°.w CAL sEE:vlccs Palm Desert, CA 92260 cn-� OF PALIA DESERT RE: Case Number P.P. 84-43, Birtcher-Dunham - 165,000 Square Feet Commercial Center at Parkview Drive and Highway 111. Dear Stan, Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments on the referenced proposal . In general , it would appear that with the amount of restaurant and retail floor space proposed, considerable traffic will be generated by this project. I would suggest that a complete traffic study be conducted to ascertain the extent of the traffic impacts and recommended mitigation measures. As you know, in Rancho Mirage we are completing a Traffic Impact Study for the adjacent Annexation No. 2 area, located on the north side of Parkview Drive. One of the prime recommendations of that study was that the Parkview Drive/Highway 111 intersection be signalized. Certainly, the development of the Birtcher- Dunham project should be conditioned on the applicants providing the traffic signals for that intersection. While the landscape treatment proposed for the corner and the Highway 111 frontage is ample, the landscaping shown for the majority of the Parkview Drive frontage is very narrow. Also, the location of the westerly driveway on Parkview is located on a curve and would probably create a safety problem. The main entrance drive off of Highway 111 straddles the project property line, implying that other development is anticipated on the adjacent parcel to the south. Please keep us informed if you receive further requests for development of this area. Also, I would appreciate a copy of the Staff Report on the Birtcher-Dunham project, when it is prepared. Please call me if any further information is needed. Sincerely, David Abrams, AICP Director of Planning DA:dko cc: Al Cablay Public Works Department ATEq ESTABLISHED IN 1918 AS A PUBLIC AGENCY ��STRICt COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 1058• COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236•TELEPHONE(619)39&2651 DIRECTORS OFFICERS RAYMOND R.RUMMON DS,PRESIDENT LOW ELL O.WEEKS,GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TELLIS CODEKAS,VICE PRESIDENT BERNARDI NE SUTTON,SECRETARY JOHN P.POWELL September 17, 1984 VICTOR B.HARDY,AUDITOR PAUL W.NICHOLS REDW INE AND SHERRILL,ATTORNEYS STEVE D.BUXTON File: 0163. 11 0421.1 0721.1 Department of Environmental Services 1984 City of Palm Desert ECfi'V NI?4LAd lF,� •-s rIGyg Post Office Box 1977 OF Palm Desert, California 92261 Gentlemen: Subject: Precise Plan 84-43, Portion of SW4, Section 18, T5S, R6E, S.B.M. This area is protected from stormwater flows by a system of channels and dikes, and may be considered safe from stormwater flows except in rare instances. This area is designated Zone B on Federal Flood Insurance rate maps which are in effect at this time. The District will furnish domestic water and sanitation service to this area in accordance with the current regulations of this District. This area shall be annexed to Improvement District Nos. 54 and 80 of Coachella Valley Water District for sanitation service. There may be conflicts with existing District facilities. We request the appropriate public agency to withhold the issuance of a building permit until arrangements have been made with the District for the relocation of these facilities. Yours very truly, Lowell 0. Weeks General Manager-Chief Engineer RCM:ir cc: Riverside County Department of Public Health 46-209 Oasis Street Indio, California 92201 TRUE CONSERVATION USE WATER WISELY 48-m PR1C%LY PEAR LANE, PALM DESERT.CALIFORNIA 92260 TELEPHONE (714) 346-0611 IF.PARno?r OF BU=nM & SAFETY PEIMMITATtY REV i OF PLAITS TS NOT A PLAN a=l EEVELCRIM: g � 1 CMIMS: BEFORE ANY FMMIER CaV IMM CAN BE Imo', AIIDTTZONAL IlSOFW= TS IIE= Fit REST=?.. . AND SPECM7ZATIM Ca4= STMXTURAL DR4MUS AND CAL XAMIS . CMIF= II.V.A.C. , ELECTRICAL AND PLUM= PLANS & SPECn=ATM S CCi�i TTLIB 24 FI = OJNSERVAT=l DOCUMI=M Q CC IP= GRADIM PLANS .TOE ALQ�7O, SR. t DATE DI CTOR OF BUILDING 6 SAFETY -<:��uu ..its �,.��'.•�.., ��,,��fi/"�•�' 'era:°•�� a`'.• `'il li4Pt tit hp. ow it JEW- Err • �➢•W� � i�l rrsF; • fin 1 { s• � �;� _ `air, x � �►'� � ,i;-;.$ '� ai ,.p��1`b •LrTl/1/,V 10 ® WIN- 01 1 M1 ty 1 `I ,. N.OUR H _.a o I ;2TA. tom ► _ i ,� `� . \(�" l�"�� ,I"i wx IN mail az,i,rav _ - - - E - FI O O� _ o Jr ® H a r r Q SITE DATA acres 13.7 0 building footage 160.000 s.f. r r par f.king 812 spaces anchor(a) 20,000 s. <.� retail r) 70.000 s.f. r office (o) 45000 s.f restaurant(rt) 25.000 s L rt 0 E rt rt rt N 00 HWY IllIN PAUL THORYK & PARTNERS. INC. (J' 'i ~ RIVERSIDE COUNTY �E—CAL, uw.. FIRE DEPARTMENT �pd + ,.P IN COOPERATION WITH THE C UNTY - CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY ,�.. RIVERSIDE ..... .u' DAVID L.FLAKE FIRE CHIEF 210 WEST SAN JACINTO AVENUE September 26, 1984 PERRIS,CALIFORNIA 92370 TELEPHONE:(714)657.3183 RANCHO MIRAGE FIRE STATION Ramon Diaz 70-800 HIGHWAY III City of Palm Desert RANCHO MIRAGE, CA92270 73-510 Fred Waring Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 Reference: No. P'M;20212 Applicant: D & D Development Dear Mr. Diaz, The following fire protection requirements are in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code and Life Safety Code standards. 1 . Install a water system capable of delivering 3000/4000 GPM fire flow from any fire hydrant for a 3 hour duration in addition to domestic supply. The computation shall be based upon a minimum of 20 psi residual operating pressure in the supply main from which the flow is measured at the time of measurement. Fire flow requirements will depend on built-in fire protection provisions of buildings . 2. Install Riverside County super fire hydrants so that no point of any building is more than 200 feet from a fire hydrant measured along approved vehicular travel ways . a. exterior surface of hydrant barrels and heads shall be painted chrome yellow, and the tops and nozzle caps shall be painted green. b. curbs shall be painted red 15 feet in either direction from each hydrant. c. hydrants shall not be located closer than 25 feet to any building. 3. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the develloper shall furnish the original and three copies of the water system plan to the Fire Marshal for review. Upon approval , one copy will be sent to the Building Department, and the original will be returned to the developer. 4. The water system plan shall be signed by a registered civil engineer and approved by the water company, with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system in PM 20212 is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Fire Marshal ." 5. Prior to delivery of combustible materials to the building site, the required water system shall be installed, operating and delivering the required flow. 6. Fire lanes will'„be required. 7. All buildings over 12,000 square feet will ,require an approved fire suppression sprinkler system. 8. Any portion of a building beyond 150' from emergency vehicle access will require that building to be sprinkled. l Ramon Diaz 9/26/84 PM 20212 . Page 2. 9. A turning radius of 40' is required do all access roads . 10. Additional fire protection requirements may be necessary when the applicant submits specific plans for Consideration and approval . Very truly yours, GLEN J. NEWMAN Acting Fire Chief `-rkLk, `-qc C6�lYt e Q Q� By, MIKE MCCONNELL Fire Marshal dpm cc: Jim Zimmerman ELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR Q 3 Drainage and signalization fund fees, as required by City ordinance, shall be paid prior to (recordation of the final map) (building permit issuance) . Drainage facilities shall be provided, per Ordinance No. 218 and the Master Drain- age Plan, to the specifications of the Director of Public Works. XStorm drain construction shall be contingent upon a drainage study by the private engineertnut isapproved by the Department of Public Works. Full public improvements, including traffic safety lighting, as required by ordin- ance and the Director of Public Works, shall be installed in accordance with City standards. Improvement plans for water and sewer systems shall be approved by the respective service districts with "as-built" plans submitted to the Department of Public Works Xprior to the project final . Complete improvement plans .and specifications shall be submitted, as required by ordinance, to the City Engineer for checking and approval before construction of any improvements is commenced. The engineer shall submit "as-built" plans prior to the acceptance of the improvements by the City. All private streets shall be inspected by the engineering department and a stan- dard inspection fee shall be paid prior to (recordation of the final map) (any per- mit issuance) . /\ Landscaping maintenance on Ht0 . M aYVJi2 L&) shall be provided by the (home- owner' s association) (property owner) . Existing utilities on be undergrounded per each respec- tive utility district's recommendation. Traffic safety striping on ��, 1L� ,l ) shall be provided to the specifications of the Director of Public Works. A .traffic control plan must be submitted to and approved by the Director of Public Works before placing pavement markings. Complete grading plans and specifications shall be submitted, as required by ordi- nance, to the City Engineer for checking and approval prior to issuance of any per- mits.Dedication of -tit=e right-of-way on ( pwgutee') shall be done prior to issuance of any permits and approval of plans. Installation of curb and gutter, matching paving and sidewalk on 104--k, t)I PJ 0AZ Waiver of access to except at approved locations shall be grant- ed on the final map. Close unused driveway with full heighth curb and gutter. Offsite improvement plans to be approved by Public Works Department and a surety posted to guarantee the required offsite improvements prior to (recordation of the final map) . Full improvement of interior streets based on (60' residential )(private)(industrial ) street standards asestablished in accordance with Chapter 26, Section 26.40.040, C.P.D. Code. Installation of one-half landscaped median in I or cash payment for one-half the cost of landscaped median at the option of the Director of Public Works. Traffic analysis to be prepared for the project to address the specific impacts on existing networks (streets and intersections) and the proposed mitigation measures recommended for approval by the City. -- _ -_ Installation of sewers to serve this project. Size, number and location of driveways to Public Works specifications with only 3 driveway approach(es) to be allowed to serve this property. No (new) requirements. (Original conditions apply..) /1 � • �.►_v�l�-vim - Pp �1--�-3 o 3 D' •se4la Gk, -PoboYo.., �� (o� lS�oGk- Wa� — �ytq t?-P�• i s�w.y as - - a 1 CAL e+.-. RIVERSIDE COUNTY 1p1Elf Ilk FIRE DEPARTMENT y C UNTY "` IN COOPERATION WITH THE or .,\ CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY - `o RIVER SI DE:..,.,,.i: DAVID L.FLAKE ��"irEMr of FOa� FIRE CHIEF 210 WEST SAN JACINTO AVENUE `e �ESER� 2370 September 19, 1984 TELEPHONEF7O 4N6 793183 Ramon Diaz V\RONOF paL RANCHO MIRAGE FIRE STATION City of Palm Deseryt� 0 HIGHWAY 111 73-510 Fred Waring Drive 9 RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Reference: No. PP 84-43, Applicant: Birtcher and Dunham Dear Mr. Diaz, The following fire protection requirements are in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code and Life Safety Code standards. 1 . Install a water system capable of delivering 3000/4000 GPM fire flow from any fire hydrant for a 3 hour duration`jin addition to domestic supply. The comp- utation shall be based upon a minimum of 20 psi residual operating pressure in the supply main from which the flow is measured at the time of measurement. -Fire flow requirements will depend on built-in fire protection provisions of buildings . 2. Install Riverside County super fire hydrants so that no point of any building is more than 200 feet from a fire hydrant measured along approved vehicular travel ways. a. exterior surface of hydrant barrels and heads shall be painted chrome yellow, and the tops and nozzle caps shall be painted green. b. curbs shall be painted red 15 feet in either direction from each hydrant. c. hydrants shall not be located closer than 25 feet to any building. 3. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the developer shall furnish the original and three copies of the water system plan to the Fire Marshal for review. Upon approval , one copy will be sent to the Building Department, and the original will be returned to the developer. 4. The water system plan shall be signed by a registered civil engineer and approved by the water company, with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system in PP 84-43 is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Fire Marshal . " 5. Prior to delivery of combustible materials to the building site, the required water system shall be installed, operating and delivering the required flow. 6. Fire lanes willCbe required. 7. All buildings over 12,000 square feet will require an approved fire suppression sprinkler system. Ramon Diaz 9/10/84 PP 84-43 Page 2. 8. Any portion of a building beyond 150' from emergency vehicle access will require that building to be sprinkled. 9. A turning radius of 40' is required on .all .access roads . 10. Additional fire protection requirements may be necessary when the applicant submits specific plans for consideration and approval . Very truly yours, GLEN J. NEWMAN Acting y�ct�iiLn /�gFire Chief I�jj-I 1 ' i I �.e (,x By, MIKE MCCONNELL Fire Marshal dpm cc: Jim Zimmerman 73-510 FRED WARING DRIVE, PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 TELEPHONE (619) 346-0611 REQUEST FOR COMMENTS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CASE NO(S): PROJECT-:-- -- APPLICANT: Enclosed please find materials describing a project for which the following is being requested: / 'lJl�AJ� e0c .,4 rXR x_ je zv -;vAD 5- AeW Sip �T. e"aM.r fi<Rcia� C��/TE+� ptv /3. 7 �/la?ES zo W7 ,4T THE fpr/TN46-JT ----- O The attached data was prepared by the applicant and is being forwarded to you for comments and recommended conditions of approval. The city is Interested In the probable impacts on the environment (including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, noise objects of historical or aesthetic significance) and recommended conditions of approval based on your expertise and area of concern. Your comments and recommended conditions of approval must be received by this office prior to 4:30 p.m. 9-2/-4*Jy , in order to be discussed by the land division committee. The land division committee (comprised of director of environmental services, city building official, city engineer, fire marshal and a representative of CVWD) will discuss the comments and recommended conditions of approval and will forward them to the planning commission through the staff report. Any information received by thls office after the receipt deadline will not be discussed by the land division committee. Sincerely, RAMON A. DIAZ DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES RD/Ir Attachments ni CACC OU�Tlnwi a. en vim r-r�u uv.,Tr STATE. ITS SUPPORTING THE REQUEST _ PRECLSE PLAN (15 Copies) Please state why the proposed precise plan should be approved based upon public necessity, general welfare, or good zoning practice. For the betternent of the shopping and cony ercial convenience of residents of Palm Desert and Rancho Mirage and to provide services for the proposed hotel. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 1-5, 10-19, 24-28 of Desert Paradise Tract in the Southwest quarter of Section 18, Township 5 South, Range 6 East, San Bernardino Base and Meredian, as recorded in Book 3B of Maps at Page 24, records of Riverside County. California. Also that portion of the Southwest quarter of said Section 18 being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of Lot 29 of said Tract; THENCE South 58' 51 ' 56" West a distance of 506. 43 feet to a point on the Northeasterly right-of-way line of Highway 111 ' said line being 50. 00 feet Northeasterly of when measured at right angles to the centerline of said Highway 111 ; THENCE North 31008' 04" West along said right-of-way line a distance of 615. 00 feet to a point on the southerly right- of-way line of Parkview Drive, said line being 44. 00 feet Southerly of when measured at right angles to the centerline of said Park:view Drive; THENCE North 43°52' 47" East along said right-of-way line a distance of 125. 70 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the Southeast and having a radius of 456. 00 feet. THENCE Easterly along said curve and Southerly right-of- way line through a central angle of 450 22' IB" an arc length of 361 . 10 feet; THENCE North 0° 44'56" West a distance of 4. 00 feet to a point on a line that is 40. 00 feet Northerly of when measured at right angles to the centerline of said Parkview Drive; THENCE North 89` 15' 04" East along said South right-of- way line a distance of 340. 70 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 1 of said Desert Paradise Tract; THENCE South 0°06' 48" East along the West line of Lots 1 , 14, 15, 26 and the West line of Cactus Drive a distance of 503. 51 feet to the Point of Beginning. - YAIe�--- ------------ Chaav RCE 9503 CJH: mmm 0661101 August 24, 1984 OR N�I= Aia -- -- -- I 0 72#&"o Nbolf A3 ll/ s n _.. 'on _ snwtor - LQ Vd v � I _ (J / RICHARD MDRENO MINOOL=S %M/161/C� 2183 JOYCE DR. 43PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 PART, CA. 92260 640-032-007 640-033-015 BOBBY SNYDER ROBERT KNAUF 72445 BRUSHWOOD DR. 43510 JOSHUA ROAD PALM DESERT, CA. 922601 PAIN DESERT, CA. 92260 640-0321-008 640-033-016 JOSEPH SALVO occ i peNT 2133 SOUTHRIDGE DRIVE ,y.aos 4 o zr�A PAIN SPRINGS, CA. 92262 DK7�4�a gyy�o 640-033-007 CL AYTON PREBLE 71447 ESTELLITA DRIVE RANCHO MIRAGE, CA. 92270 640-033-008 ` 0. B HISCOK P. CHARLES HAVER AND ASSOCIATES P. O. BOX 74-390 HWY. III PALM DESERTT,, C C A. 92261 PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 640-033-009 I DARYL PHILLIPS CHARLES HAVER AND ASSOCIATES 16069 SHERLOCK LIB 74-390 HWY. III HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA. 90649 PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 640-033-010 i DONATE 60/ CHARLES HAVER AND ASSOCIATES 75255 STARDU T IAf 74-390 HWY. III TNDIAN WELLS, 92210 PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 640-033-011 - i DONALD ALLEN Charles Haver and Associates P. O. BOX 256 74-390 Hig1way 111 PALM DESERT, CA. 92261 Palm Desert, CA. 92260 640-033-012 SALLY WADE 43600 JOSHUA ROAD PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 640-033-013 JAMES SCHIEBMEYER 43570 JOSHUA ROAD' PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 640-033-014 73-510 FRED WARING DRIVE, PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 TELEPHONE (619) 346-0611 CITY OF PALM DESERT LEGAL NOTICE CASE NO. 84-43 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Palm Desert Planni'Ing Commission to consider a request by BIRTCHER-DUNHAM for approval of a negative declaration of environmental impact and precise plan of design to allow con- struction of a 165 , 000 square feet one story commercial center ( restaurants , retail uses and offices ) on 13 . 7 acres located at the southeast corner of Parkview Drive and Hwy 111 , more particularly described as : APN 640-0202010 APN 640-040-001 , 006 through 010 , 015 through 019 portions of lot 8 and lot C , Desert Paradise Tract APN portions of 640-02.0-011 and 012 i RANCHO MIRArE LIMI-7 MAGNESIA — FALLS --- --- f �¢ M/ 9 rr"HOJECT SITE - lW P.R.-7, o S.P C— I I ; ,RMM VIEW G✓I � R�I 10 r 2 1 e 0 R—i - ` �. A H D S P- 92 0^G L\ .. .4k?aiiiiTfPi: J��T' _ _ -O 1 -. _ S ^ c 9✓ c P.R. 22 Hwotoo o R-1 oc P.C. 12,000 0 (4). D �\ R-'I 1 -J�f N�ANITA p— � �. �.� J 2 2 000 s•' Rv2'S.F — FRED WARING DRIVE C_ I SAID Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday , October 16 , 1984 at 2 : 00 pm in the Council Chambers in the Palm Desert City Hall , 73-510 Fred Waring Drive , Palm Desert , California , at which time and place all interested persons are invited to attend and be heard . Ramon A. Diaz , Secretary Palm Desert Planning Commission PUBLISH : Desert Post October 5 , 1984 73-510 FRED WARING DRIVE, PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 TELEPHONE (619) 346-0611 ' CITY OF PALM DESERT LEGAL NOTICE CASE NO. 84-43 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Palm Desert Planning Commission to consider a request by BIRTCHER-DUNHAM for approval of a negative declaration of environmental impact and precise plan of design to allow con- struction of a 165 , 000 square feet one story commercial center ( restaurants , retail uses ands, offices ) on 13 . 7 acres located at the southeast corner of Pa'rkview Drive and Hwy 111 , more particularly described as : APN 640-020-010 APN 640-040-001 , 006 through 010 , 015 through 019 portions of lot B and lot C , Desert Paradise Tract APN portions of 640-020-011 and 012 RANCHO MIRA( E C: -Y LIMI' MAGNES : A - FALLS 01anEmu -T---- ---__-- _- ---- r` I Ic II PROJECT SITE II J P.R.-7, a C- I `/IFw D+If - 12 0 O 0 po III AHD SP L S. o )2 0^0 P.R. 22 R-I P.C. ia - w _ O (4). S.P. - f ��. _ a I 12,000 a 12 000 FRED WARING DRIVE SAID Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday , October 16 , 1984 at 2 : 00 pm in the Council Chambers in the Palm Desert City Hall , 73-510 Fred Waring Drive , Palm Desert , California , at which time and place all interested persons are invited to attend and be heard . Ramon A.. Diaz , Secretary Palm Desert Planning Commission PUBLISH: Desert Post October 5 , 1984 1. V �-� ,tip P M ¢. Q�F . . Ald'AYS.:. ®AgOr ®� TR7savT7_Tn-�c�- � O'Qo o, 2 OCT y OCT-2'64 �S CODE POST OFFICE BOX 1977,PALM DESERT,CALIFORNIA 92261 /9 8 4 cA OF Y ''p8 69a193 .� . .. REilR pf ip O f PDR ASSOCIATES ^TRc 1600 DOVE ST. #130 NO SUCH _� LONG BEACH, CA. 90ao7_ IN LONG �H.�—�— I 640-020-007 t � ;0 S.POSiAuDt OCT-2'84 2 0 _-— POST OFFICE BOX 1977,PALM DESERT,CALIFORNIA 92P91 '•Q4 T.`��,,. e UU � P.e , , �U 38193 r ST _- ATTEMPTED-NOT KNO 1. AODBESi � rucHA� no NO SUCH SUCH NUMBER 43540 JC HUA ROAD VACANT �.- PALM D FRI, CA. 92260 11EEUSE O L 640-0 3-015 fhpilu 0 JRYI x :ITIALS f P M a e AtA.AY-3 s 2 O C T- r 9 B A 6 DE �$Q.w, cma 1 ��9b °• .ri . OCT-2'8< yj•UE����1 1�� `i I, POST OFFICE BOX 19A,PALM DESERT CALIFORNIA 92261, � { P.6.83A 9. is -iONPLN ATTEE9PTED• 1 75255 - TARDUST rAi IJDI KND,.t IND w�Is, CA. 9221�NSUFFICIENt 403 0? 4"�-� t0 SUCH 11Uq c T 640-0 3-011 VACANT EXPIRED ,_. .� _ ""° MARJORY M. TUREEN JOSEPHINE MCCLIFF SARAN MILLER 74934 S. Chateau Cir. 43421 JOSHUA ROAD 72440 CHOLLA DRIVE Palm Desert, CA. 92260 RANCHO MIRAGE, CA. 92270 PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 618-291-006 618-301-013 640-031-005 PAULINE MORROW JAN MITCHELL THONGS WAYNE BOX 234 595 MADISON AVE. 72435 CHOLLA DRIVE CEDAR PINES PARK, CA. 92322 NEW YORK, NY. 10022 PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 618-291-002, 003 640-020-003 640-031-011 LOUIS FERNBERG FAR WEST SERVICES, INC. ROBERT SCHELLY 20696 S. WOODLAND RD. 2701 ALTON ST. 72445 CHOLLA DRIVE SHAKER HEIGHTS, OH 44120 IRVINE, CA. 92713 PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 618-291-004 640-020-005 640-031-012 CAL WEST REAL ESTATE FUND PALM DESERT,TERRY HIIIDERSON DRIVE 92260 T WILLIAM CHASE 4401 ATLANTIC AVE #400 T2450 CACTUS DR P. O. BOX 181 LONG BEACH, CA. . 90807 RANCHO MIRAGE, CA. 92270 I 618-2917005 640-020-006 640-031-013 I i ROY RA DR.SANDERS PDR ASSOCIATES �� HAROLD STEELE 72311 1600 DOVE ST. #130� 4407 VILLAGE RD. RANCHO MIRAGE, CA. 92270 LONG BEACH, CA. 90807 LONG BEACH, CA. 90807 618-301-001 640-020-007 640-031-014 CHARLES BERRY j' JOE COELNO DSL SERVICE COMPANY 72335 BARBARA DR. 12890 S. WALKER AVE 21791 Lake Forest Dr. #200 RANCHO MIRAGE, CA. 92270 ONTARIO, CA 91761 E1 Toro, CA. 92630 618-301-002 640-020-008 640-032-001,006 VINCENT EDDY ROBERT CLARK DONALD FAULKNER 72361 BARBARA DR. 14805 S. MAPLE ST. . 72435 CACTUS DRIVE RANCHO MIRAGE, CA. 92270 GARDENA, CA. 90248 PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 618-301-003 640-020-009 640-032-002 JOAN LONDNAOD JAMES JOHNSON HERBERT ELKIE 305 W. SUEY RD. 74180 DESERT STAR 72445 CACTUS DRIVE SANTA MARIA, CA. 93454 PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 RANCHO MIRAGE, CA. 92270 618-301-004 640-031-002 640-032-003 LINDA MACPHEE LEONARD HUTCHINSON CO= VASQUEZ 72407 BARBARA DR. 407 44th WAY 72450 BRUSHWOOD DR. RANCHO MIRAGE, CA. 92270 LONG BEACH, CA. 90807 PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 619-301-005,006 640-031-003 640-032-004 CITY OF RANCHO MIRAGE MABEL DAYTON DONNA OWENS 69-825 HIGHWAY ill 72450 CHOLLA DR. 72440 BRUSHWOOD DR. RANCHO MIRAGE, CA. 92270 PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 PALM DESERT, CA. 92260 618-501-012 640-031-004 640-032-005 �, RTIPICATION OF PROPERTY OWNER'S LIST (To be filled out by applicant) CITY OF PALM DESERT Department of Environmental Services 43-275 Prickly Pear Lane Palm Desert, CA 92260 Subject: Birtcher - Dunham Precise Plan Gentlemen: 1� Charles J. Haver do hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the attached list sets forth the names and addresses of the following persons as they appear on the last equalized assessment roll of the Riverside County Assessor. Sincerely, Charles J Haver Printed Name _74-390 Hiahwav 111 Palm Desert CA 92260 Address 619-346-7481 Phone Number Dated August 24, 1984 in the City of Palm Desert California. 5&prature CASE NO. C_. Environmental Assessment Form TO THE APPLICANT: Your cooperation in completing this form and supplying the information requested will expedite City review of your application pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. The City is required to make an environmental assessment on all projects which it exercises discretionary approval over. Applications submitted will not be considered complete until all information necessary to make the environmental assessment is complete. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1 . Name, address, and telephone number of owner, applicant or project sponsor: Birtcher-Dunham 73-080 E1 Paseo Palm ITesert CA 92260 619-346-0690 0 2. Name, address and telephone number of person be contacted con- cerning the project (such as architect, engineer, or other repre- sentative) : Charles Haver and Associates , 74-390 Hwy. ill Palm Desert, CA. 92260 619-346-7481 3. Common name of project (if any) : 4. Project location (street address or general location) : Highway 111 between Parkview and Fred Flaring Dr. 5. Precise legal description of property (lot and tract number, or meets & bounds) : See attached 6. Proposed use of the site (project for which the form is filed; describe the total undertaking, not just the current application approval being sought): Restaurants, Banks Shops and Offices I 7. Relationship to , .arger project or series of pro __ts (describe how this project relates to other activities, phases, and develop- ments planned, or now underway) : Hotel complex planned to South 8. List and describe any other related permits and other public approvals required for this project, to go forward, including those required by the City, Regional , State and Federal agencies (indicate sub- sequent approval agency name, and type of approval required) : None EXISTING CONDITIONS: 9. Project site area: 13, 5 Acres (Size of property in sq. ft. or acreage) 10. Present zoning: PC W SP (Proposed zoning) : PC (4) SP 11 . General Plan land use designation: Resort Commercial 12. Existing use of the project site: Vacant 13. Existing use on adjacent properties: (Example - North, Shopping Center; South, Single Family Dwellings; East, Vacant, etc. ). ONorth Storm drain Commercial & Single Family Dwellings ; East Single Family Dwellings,• West •- Restaurants ; South - Vacant 14. Site topography (describe): Vacant 15. Are there any natural or manmade drainage channels through or adjacent to the property? NO YES xx 16. Grading (estimate number of cubic yards of dirt being moved): 20 , 000 C.Y. 17. List the number, size and type of trees being removed: None 18. Describe any cultural , historic, or scenic aspects of the project f site: None 19. Residential Project (if not residential do NOT answer) A. Number and type of dwelling units (Specify no. of bedrooms) : B. Schedule of unit sizes: C. Number of stories Height feet. D. Largest single building (sq. ft. ) (hgt. ) E. Type of household size expected (population projection for the project) : OF. Describe the number and type of recreational facilities : G. Is there any night lighting of the project: H. Range of sales prices or rents: $ to $ I. Percent of total project devoted to: Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % Paving, including streets. . . . . . . . . . . % Landscaping, Open, Recreation Area . . . . . . . % _ r C 20. Commercial , Industrial , Institutional or Other Project: A. Type of use(s) and major function(s) (if offices, specify type & number): Restaurants 30 , 000 S .F . Retail 90 000 S.F. Offices 45 , 000 S F . B. Number of square feet in total building area: C. Number of stories 1 Height 20 feet. D. Largest single building (Sq. Ft. ) 20 , 000 (Hgt. ) 20 E. Number of square feet in outdoor storage area: F. Total number of required parking spaces 701 number provided 753 G. Hours of operation: 7 : OOA.M. to 2 : 00 P .M aH. Maximum number o° clients, patrons , shoppers, etc. , at one time: Unknown I . Maximum number of employees at one time: Unknown J. If patron seating is involved, state the number: unknown K. Is there any night lighting of the project: Yes xx No L. Percent of total project devoted to: Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 . 3 Paving, including streets. . . . . . . . 50 . 9 Landscaping and Open Space (Recreation). . 20 , 8 YES NO 33. Generates controversy based on aesthetics or other features of the project. [ ] Additional explanation of "yes" answers attached. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation, to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements and information presented are true and correct to the best of my,knowle\dge and belief. Pal �c �$ _ 1� U� �tA ►►� Ae (print or Type For m &/ 2)//� � Signature Date INITIAL STUDY FEE : $30. 00 (Make check payable to the City of Palm Desert and sub- mit with this form. ) r Are the following items applicable to the project or its effects: Discuss below all items checked yes (attach additional sheets as (� necessary) . - . `�- YES NO 21 . Change in existing features of hillsides, or substantial alteration of ground contours. XX 22. Change in the dust, ash, smoke, fumes or odors in the project vicinity. XX 23. Subject to or resulting in soil errosion by wind or flooding. XX 24. Change in ground water quality or quantity, or alteration of existing drainage patterns. xx 25. Change in existing noise or vibration level in the vicinity. Subject to roadway or airport noise (has the required acoustical report been submitted?) XX 26. Involves the u�a or disposal of potentially hazardous materials, such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives. XX 27. Involves the use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy. XX 28. Changes the demand for municipal services (police, fire, sewage, etc. ) xx 29. Changes the demand for utility services , beyond those presently available or planned in the near future. XX-- 30. Significantly affects any unique or natural features, including mature trees. x 31 . Change in scenic views or vistas from existing residential areas or public land or public roads. xx 32. Results in the dislocation of people. xx inRw HOT P2�GI�i P1.t11J DLOOWVDOM FORM d3pa- ant d znT5 uoM6nt6 68MOS� ° �u��uwem,� ��n080®uo >a Birtcher-Dunham Applicant f Ixease rent) 619-346000 t E1 Paseo Suite 101 r•upnon• Mailing Addr�alm Desert, CA 92260 S+ot• Zip-Coo• -try �_DUES7'. :DescrtD• so•clfic nature of oporovot requested I Construct 45,000 S.F. office space, 30,000 S.F. restaurant and 90,000 S.F. retail bldqs. -,ROpe-RTY DESCRIPTION: 13.4 AC oarcel @ SE corner oarkview and hiqhway 111 640-020=010- 012 R por. 011 ; 640 - 031 0 ool , 006 to 010, ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 015 to 019. PC (4) SP EXISTING ZONING �moerfy Owner Authorization The und•relgned $fore$ mat they • 1M Owner Is) of me property descrlt»O herein and MfeDy glV0 author- 1zat10 for the filing Of this p of On. Xnature Do son of Olt Ito D11111es relative to any deed restrictions Agreement absolving rho City 0! Po 00 BY MY SIGNATURE O THIS EME NT, Absolve De eirolwDlTO DO"o�all liabilities KrnDed regardingr any deed restrictions Si z -L Sl 51g na,ure D e Applicants Signature Data ' Signature ' 4ocepted by )R STAFF USE ONLY) Erm rpnmentol Status ❑ Minisreriul Act E A No (�f� ❑ Cotegoncol Exemption CASE 17 woes ❑ Negative Declaration Reference Coss No. ❑ Other �t ""Ra 4 Ix PR$GI PI..S/J a 2LOCA4U®PO ®O8(►� : speT4oment ou, 30- pOeauaoCaoq dOdGeO®co Birtcher-Dunham Applicant. lpeaw nntl 619-3460690 730�0 E1 Paseo Suite 101 •lepnone Hailing Addr w 9226D halm Desert, CA Ztp-Cods JIry Stots - oc�0E5`. O•srro• specific naturo of 000rwdt r•auested I Construct 45,000 S.F. office space, 30,000 S.F. restaurant and 99,000 S.F. retail bldqs. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION : 13.4 AC oarcel @ SE corner oarkview and highway 111 640-020=010- 012 R por. 011 ; 640 - 031 0 ool , 006 to 010, ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 015 to 019. EXISTING ZONING PC (4) SP 'rap troy Owner Aurttorizonan TM`u++p '9nod stores ;n thelKot t ocher sl of m• property described herein and nereby give author. ' ll natu Agreement 0Deplvnng the City a! Porm D• of all hd alUnet tative tlbe C t any Coed Palm Desertrestrictions all liabilities regorOhtq any dNd rettriCtlOhe 00 BY MY SIGNATURE On IS AGREEM dr may be dpW�cab� to m• oroberry described herein Date Z Signal Applicant's Signature I D to Signature n "e Accepted by )R STAFF USE ONLY) E"MI'lrtlental Status U t V\ ❑ Ministerial Act E A No �� (29 ❑ categorical Exemption l�i/��� UVOo r J ❑ Negative Declaration Reference Caw No. ❑ Other P VTY LIB PAL N DDC SERE FORK Mo. � 9Q,0��1�0®�1 fP -R9 : d(spert oe�oR 01 s mommwwo®w4�0 �O�w�oCw� ��n��0®ao a Birtcher-Dunham Applicant. ( D'98 runt) 61 9-3 4 606?d 73090 E1 Paseo Suite 101 ele phone `.foiling AadrMm Desert, CA 92260 zip-Code -1 ty State OEOVEST' Dascrroe specific mature of oporwof requested I Construct 45,000 S.F. office space, 30,000 S.F. restaurant and 90,000 S.F. retail bldgs. .ROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 13.4 AC oarcel 2 SE corner oarkview and highway 111 640-020=010- 012 R por. 011 ; 640 - 031 0 ool , 006 to 010, ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 015 to 019. EXISTING ZONING PC (4) SP Prooerty Owner Authorization Tra undersigned states mat tray are the Owner(f) of the property doccribod he a feby QIVe dYtnor- .ratlon for the filing of t I application. l a e 2i D Agreement absolving the City of Palm Desert of all iooll'ties relative to any deed restrictions 00 BY MY SIGNATURE ON AGREEMENT, A ve me City of Polm Desert of all liabilities regarding any dead restrictions t noy be applicable M the oroparty described herein. Signature of Applicants Signature Zz Signature Date Accepted by: >R STAFF USE ONLY Ermronmentol Status ❑ Ministerial Act E A No (� ❑ Categorical Exemption CASE INQo ❑ Negative Docloration ❑ Othdr Reference Cass No. rMnrnNcn�a. se„w<se . s•• at _ t Im FROM: Jittmnn A. Raz DIRECTOR ENV. SERVICES I PLANNING EXT. 481 TO: Y/x.' 605-ATNE5,4'i W-1" 73-510 FRED WARING DRIVE 346-0611 PALM DESERT,CA 92260 r i' C.G. D1111" S 1 73-090 El Palm Desert,,CA CA 92260 4ed 1LV8! )619)346.0690 JUL 2; 1984 �H�rftOnlnnr:r�r, July 20 , 1984 Mr. Ray. Diaz , Director of Environmental Services City of Palm Desert P:O:. Box 1977 Palm Desert , CA 92261 RE: Parkview and Hwy 111 Project Dear Ray : I enclose for your files copies of the letters and exhibits that we have sent to the eight homeowners that are involved in the street vacation of Sushwood and Manzanita Drive' s. If you have any further questions please don ' t hesitate to call . Very truly yours, 4 Curtis G.4DunZ— CGD:bc enclosure i j I 1 I J C.G. DUNHAM 73-080 EI Paseo,pl Palm Desert,CA 92260 (619)346-0690 I July 19, 1984 Robert Schelly 72-445 Cholla Dr. Palm Desert , CA 92260 Dear Mr. Schelly : My name is Curt Dunham and I am a developer that has built many of the fine buildings on E1 Paseo in Palm Desert . At the present time I am working with Birtcher Company to masterplan the property on Highway 111 and Parkview. Our planning will involve the abandonment on some streets that are on the existing map. The access to your property will remain exactly as it is right now. All the existing homes will not be affected- in any way. If you are interested in seeing what we are doing . to beautify the area and to plan a really first class devel- opment please feel free to stop at my office from Monday through Friday. If you would like to meet personally with me please make an appointment . We have plans that can show you what the project will look like when complete .. Don' t forget , if you have any questions please do not hesitate to meet with me personally or give me a call . Ver u rs , n Curtis Dunham Birtcher-Dunham CGD:bc Enclosure C.D. DUNHAM 73.090 El Pasta,#1 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619)346-0690 July 19 , 1984 Terry Henderson 72-450 Cactus Dr. Palm Desert , CA 92260 Dear Mr. Henderson. My name is Curt Dunham and I am a . devel.oper that has built many of the fine buildings on E1 Paseo in Palm Desert . At the present time I am working with Birtcher Company to masterplan the property on Highway 111 and Parkview. Our planning will involve the abandonment on some streets that are on the existing map . The access to your property will remain exactly as it is. right now. All the existing homes will not be affected in any way. If you are interested in seeing what we are doing to beautify the area and to plan a really first class devel- opment please feel free to stop at my office from Monday through Friday. If you would like to meet personally with me please make an appointment . We have plans that can show you what the project will look like when complete. Don' t forget , if you have any questions please do not hesitate to meet with me personally or give me a call . Very truly yo s , AisG.ur unham Birtcher-Dunham CGD:bc Enclosure C.D.DUNHAM 73.060 El Passe,91 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (619)346-0690 July 19 , 1984 Ms. Mabel Dayton 72-450 Cholla Dr. Palm Desert , CA 92260 Dear Ms. Dayton : My name is Curt Dunham and I am a developer that has built many of the fine buildings on El Paseo in Palm Desert . At the present time I am working with Birtcher Company to masterplan the property on Highway 111 and Parkview. Our planning will involve the abandonment on some streets that are on the existing map. The access to your property will remain exactly as it is right now. All the existing homes will not be affected in any way. If you are interested in seeing what we are doing to beautify the area and to plan a really first class devel- opment please feel free to stop at my office from Monday through Friday. If you would like to meet personally with me please make an appointment . We have plans that can show you what the project will look like when complete . Don ' t forget , if you have any questions please do not hesitate to meet with me personally or give me a call . Very trul ours , Curtis G. Dunham Birtcher-Dunham CGD:bc Enclosure i i I i i C.6.DUNHAM 73-060 B Passe,91 Palm Desert,CA 92260 (519)346-0690 i July 19, 1984 Harold K. Steele 4607 Village Rd. Long Beach , CA 90808 Dear Mr. Steele : My name is Curt Dunham and I am a developer that has built many of the fine buildings on E1 Paseo in Palm Desert . At the present time I am working with Birtcher Company to masterplan the property on Highway 111 and Parkview. Our planning will involve the abandonment on some streets that are on the existing map. The access to your property will remain exactly as it is right now. All the existing homes will not be affected in any way. If you are interested in seeing what we are doing. to beautify the area and to plan a really first class devel- opment please feel free to stop at the office from Monday through Friday. If you would like to meet personally with me please make an appointment . We have plans that can show you what the project will look like when complete. Don ' t forget , if you have any questions please do not hesitate to meet with me personally or give me a call. Very truly Apurs, Curs G. Dun am Birtcher-Dunham CGD:bc Enclosure C.G. DUNHAM 73-060 8 Paseo,91 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (519)346-0690 July 19 , 1984 Donald Faulkner 72-435 Cactus Dr. Palm Desert , CA 92260 Dear Mr. Faulkner: My name is Curt Dunham and I am a developer that has built many of the fine buildings on E1 Paseo in Palm Desert . At the present time I am working with Birtcher Company to masterplan the property on Highway 111 and Parkview. Our planning will involve the abandonment on some streets that are on the existing map. The access to your property will remain exactly as it is right now. All the existing homes will not be affected in any way. If you are interested in seeing what we are doing to beautify the area and to plan a really first class devel- opment please feel free to stop at the office from Monday through Friday. If you would like to meet personally with me please make an appointment . We have plans that can show you what the project will look like when complete., Don' t forget , if you have any questions please do not hesitate to meet with me personally or give me a call. Very truly urs, YZ Curtis G. Dunhafn Birtcher-Dunham CGD:bc Enclosure C.O.DUNHAM 73.080 B Passe,#1 Palm Desert,CA 92260 (619)346-0690 July 19 , 1984 Herbert L. Elkie 72-445 Cactus Dr. Rancho Mirage , CA 92270 Dear Mr. Elkie : My name is Curt Dunham and I am a developer that has built many of the fine buildings on El Paseo in Palm Desert . At the present time I am working with Birtcher Company to masterplan the property on Highway 111 and Parkview. Our planning will involve the abandonment on some streets that are on the existing map. The access to your property will remain exactly as it is right now. All the existing homes will not be affected in any way. If you are interested in seeing what we are doing to beautify the area and to plan a really first class devel- opment please feel free to stop at the office from Monday through Friday. If you would like to meet personally with me please make an appointment . We have plans that can show you what the project will look like when complete. Don ' t forget , if you have any questions please do not hesitate to meet with me personally or give me a call . Very truly yours , 4,�ur �unh Birtcher-Dunham CGD:bc . Enclosure I 9 -- C.G.DUNHAM 73.080 0 Peseo,81 Palm Desert,CA 92260 (619)346-0590 July 19 , 1984 Thomas Wayne 72-435 Cholla Dr. Palm Desert , CA 92260 Dear Mr. Wayne : My name is Curt Dunham and I am a developer that has built many of the fine buildings on E1 Paseo in Palm Desert . At the present time I am working with Birtcher Company to masterplan the property on Highway 111 and Parkview. Our planning will involve the abandonment on some streets that are on the existing map. The access to your property will remain exactly as it is right now. All the existing homes will not be affected in any way. If you are interested in seeing what we are doing to beautify the area and to plan a really first class devel- opment please feel free to stop at my office from Monday through.- Friday. If you would like to meet personally with me please make an appointment . We have plans that can show you what the project will look like when complete . Don' t forget , if you have any questions please do not hesitate to meet with me personally or give me a call. Very truly y rs, Cur is G. Dunham Birtcher-Dunham CGD:bc Enclosure C.G. DUNHAM 73.060 4 Passe,p1 Palm Desert, CA 92250 (619)346-0690 July 19 , 1984 Sarah Miller 72-440 Cholla Dr. Palm Desert , CA 92260 Dear Ms . Miller : My name is Curt Dunham and I am a developer that has built many of the fine buildings on El Paseo in Palm Desert . At . the present time I am working with Birtcher Company to masterplan the property on Highway 111 and Parkview. Our planning will involve the abandonment on some streets that are on the existing map. The access to your property will remain exactly as it is right now. All the existing homes will not be affected in any way. If you are interested in seeing what we are doing to beautify the area and to plan a really first class devel- opment please feel free to stop at my office from Monday through Friday. If you would like to meet personally with me please make an appointment . We have plans that can show you what the project will look like when complete. Don ' t forget , if you have any questions please do not hesitate to meet with me personally or give me a call . Very truly you ur is Dunham Birtcher-Dunham CGD:bc Enclosure Bh" � ` Io { I i 1 i ` � fo !cy �`S p � • I VIEW- 03/� — CHOILA DR r a I Og CACTUS .•,. _ ---�- � � I 1 t v l.Y a •� I O 04 -V 74 r .uac 0 a \05 r �• 3,1 � 3 2 A w a u 4n (032) !9 lA !F x I n ,,� •"! ` ..1./. 1 ,�. BRUSHWOOD DR 0 72 • t 579 - { 4 I x t r2V� CACTUS Lo? T VO 3, 3a js (�04� 74 66 4c c 33 74 (0,32 I L 7,? BRUSHWOODDR Lof 4e; 70 al Ir 53 .......... 6-9 L 7c ------MAAk7 AAYTA—. 68 A9 Fo (72) 6, r-4 r- 65 44;rH- - AVE R D _j /00, . Soe fly 3Y7 3571 F4- oY' S3 Sf/c/2i�i- S 1 r� i RIVERSIDE COUNTY //�� BERNARD J. CLARK, SHERIFF PHONE 787-2444 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA September 18, 1984 Ramon A. Diaz Director of Environmental Services City of Palm Desert 73-510 Fred Waring Drive Palm Desert CA 92260 RE: Case No. P.P. 84-43 Dear Mr. Diaz: Per the request for comments and conditions of approval, Case #P.P. 84-43, the following items are noted for discussion. The plan indicates a high intensity retail, office and restaurant center, that would have the capability of drawing a heavy traffic flow. For this reason it is recommended that the major entrance to the complex be located on Parkview to lessen potential traffic hazards on Highway 111. In response to relocating the major entrance, it is recommended that Parkview and Highway Ill be signalized and left turns from the complex be prohibited from the Highway Ill entrance. It is also recommended that increasing and decreasing speed lanes be provided for the Highway 111 entrance. The center itself, coupled with the Rusty Pelican/Rubens complex across Highway 111, may generate substantial foot and bicycle traffic. It is noted that a pedestrian/bicycle path is provided on the south side of Highway 111, and it is recommended that the example be followed on the north side. It is noted that there are 753 parking units provided for within the complex. It should be noted that should this amount prove to be insuf- ficient, a street parking problem may be created along Parkview. The architecture and design of the complex with courtyards and alcove areas may be conducive to burglary, theft, and assaults. Many of the buildings appear to have easy roof accessibility. Several areas inside the complex are hidden from Parkview and Highway 111, making complete observation via patrol car impossible unless the patrol car is driven through the parking lot. Because of the nature of the businesses and ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE SHERIFF Page 2 Letter to Ramon A. Diaz Sept. 18, 1984 the design of the complex, five to ten footcandles, minimum-maintained, crime prevention, vandal-proof 'lighting is recommended.throughout the complex. The Sheriff's Department appreciates the opportunity to become ;involved in the conditions of approval for new construction. As further plans for construction become available, we feel we can provide pertinent recommendations in reference .to crime prevention within the complex. It is our understanding that this project will be discussed at the Land Division Committee Meeting after September 21, 1984. We respectfully request to be included in this discussion. Any questions or comments regarding the information herein should be referred to Lt. Mike Lewis. Sincerely, BEN CLARK, SHERIFF A. Q. Renney, Captain Indio Station gt 73-510 FRED WARING DRIVE, PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 TELEPHONE (619) 346-0611 NEGATIVE DECLARATION (Pursuant to Title 14, Division 6, Article 7, Section 15083, of the California Administrative Code). Case No: PP 84-43 Applicant/Project Sponsor: BIRTCHER-DUNHAM 73-080 El-Paseo, #101, Palm Desert, CA 92260. Project Descri tion/Location: Approval of 165,000 square foot one story commercial center restaurants, retail uses and offices) on 13.7 acres located at the southeast corner of Park View Drive and Highway 111. The director of environmental services, City of Palm Desert, California, has found that the described project will not have a significant effect on the environment. A copy of the initial study has been attached to document the reasons in support of this finding. Mitigation measures, if, any, included in the project to avoid potentially significant effects, may also be found attached. RAMON A. DIAZ DATE Director of Environmental Services RAD/tm ti y R 6 E � 0 k 7 / a /r pAlnrEl PATh � La � O � Z O _ JOSnUA RD. IM A- ALL EY STORM CNAN/VEL V 'V I r. r t0 W T(� v) 1 i �J c NO QINOOr a n T � n i — ya O n � ro � T o 0 �. w o2i-5 � POP N1/2 , SWI/4 SEC. /8 T 5 S. R. 6 E r R.A. 17// 6/8 - 29 POR. C/TY RANCHO MIRAGE 26 F1/ v Q a v \ 5 0 �,- 211 • � _ IOC, 91, 93 94 95 0 O J 3n © 0 go � sa �0 /O 0 89 o a 4 p PC 109 108 107 106 30 BK \ b 6 44 ` o 0 ° wX _e � c• 55 � � -mac /2C - o '05 cal H ./L r2.-91 * 0o /I4 /15 a � / w h III G63 Ace rrwa 1 CITY RANCHO MIRAGE p LIMITS NB• F L CITY OF PALM DESERT V LIMITS -- OSIE OLDNO NEM'NO II/B3 79/_/ 6•SL {G \\ 28 M B 20/92 Roncho Mrroge Annex A/c 2 ASSESSORS MAO 8K6/8 PG 29 R/VERS[bE CG TY, CALIF RG ✓ULY ' 80 - 6/8- 3P POR. SW. 114 SEC. 18, T5S.,R6E TR. 0/8- 006 640 - O3 O/8- O/9 LY8- m/ g O/8- 036 018- 056 ° H ^ m e I Cc b Q \ sS.0 T'J TRd1B36 IR4./8,36 IRA 1836 fRA 60/ x„ Do 76 IRA./BO/ TFA/856 c•b 4o 74° TRA/BO/ TRA,/B3F• TRA /BO/ vs sa B• yL5 el 2681 AA a L.31If L-31,11 T".�B 80.21 2ris� / N ti: ti goo oe 25 K TRA. 06 TRA.c9/9 V• V I TRA./B rn° TRA 1856 TRA cam/ $RA b19 I R y° TR A/B19 y fR4/B3/ M ITR4./BOF b \ Q. W h O I °I ITR4./B3/ o O �� IO _ M I i • I" h �� 9I� h �I - - - - � Q I I I ` I `j_ el n b -7. V OIn I"It lz -yam — ry —— O b • et a ^ I �n cy s M (0 � °6�� ♦ 6y.7o Bx � m /�i �`\ /�o C3j'4 r�,3��� S' Illy / SO r r+ Il Ov I �� i , h �a �..� /sa.15 I ^ /i 3f.Jy pl`I e Oh 40 �e ^ iROP y qV 9 il.SD /23.If. ¢6.3b �� / I � 13 � 01 TE GYDAb.IR[1YAb re0 n3.A0 /K.36 � ♦3 vu DATA: Z5-8-80 CVC.KO I .8 38/24 Deser; Pavdise ASSEMOP'S MAP SK 640 PG 03 AOr� RIVERS/DE Q?'"/TY, CALIF �� C} , i 11i r. r•Y q I li A� I. i BUJ ry `.r' o� ij i _ � I i I CJ i I r le S O w �n c� 'D h r-u r-- ! IIII II � � �° �a �I 62/ - 54 T R Al /Ill POR. NI/2 , SW I/4 SEC. IS T 5S. R 6E. POR. CITY RANCHO MIRAGE 25 Lot a Q O �1 /2p /oo LD /3G 9a v �o° q.00 Oia he h � 96 97 98 99 0 /00 0 /23 © n O l24 v � OO O 4O SO 30 30 imp ;55 �s 300 o " h /O O O O © , /22 O h : /0 /25 0 29 v /05 /04 /03 /02 /0/ Dg sue. s 0 to 4^ p 1 /Q -zo ✓ I N /26 G Lot H y m 046Ac f -61APBA ALA o V p 0 /16 0 117 //8 m h 30/ ZE /27 ® ® ® ® N z: Nf% SW!1c RNIP /2a P Q CITY RANCHO ` MIRAGE LIMITS — �,.. TARE' CIT Y OF PALM DESERT LIMITS Qµ DArE oLDNo. NEMNo. G 589' /5'l✓ 301 30 i ASSESSORS Mir BK.6/8 PG-30 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIF M.B20192 Rancho Miroge Annex No.2 1 • 0 a444 1 0 1 a4�a t { 4 iY a O r r moo r SITE o. o acres 13,7 U-���`► building footacyc> 165 ,000 s. f. ,. rparking' 701 req. 753 provided r t_ '00 anchor (a) 20,000 s. f. retail (r) 709000 s• fo ` office (o) O 45,O 0 s. f. r restaurant. (rt) 30,000 s. f. 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