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JANUARY 24, 1978
1 . The meet7ng was called to order at 5:35 p.m. in the Council Chambers of
the Palm Desert City Hall , after an hour study session.
Members present: George Minturn
Frank Urrutia
Phyllis Jackson
Eric Johnson
�""'' Bernie Leung
Jim Hill
Paul A. Williams
Staff present: Ralph Cipriani , Associate Planner
Clyde Beebe, Director of Public Works
Kathy Shorey, Planning Secretary
It was moved by Minturn, seconded by Jackson that the minutes of the meeting
of January 10, 1978 be approved as written; carried 4-1 (Minturn, Jackson,
Johnson, Urrutia-�1YES; Leung - abstained).
2. Case No. 71C - LAUREL DEVELOPMENT C0. - Preliminary site, floor and elevations
for a commercial structure to be located on the west side of Highway 111 at
the Rancho Mirage City Limits. Applicant present.
It was noted that the mass of the building and the architectural treatment
of the front of the building is still the main concern of the Board. Marvin
Gibson representing the applicant, RB Furniture, noted the revised plans,
stating that this is what he interpreted the Board's suggestions as being.
Mr. Urrutia stated that the Board had intended for something more major be .done
to the front of the building and that these revised plans did not show any
major revisions. Some discussion followed regarding the cosmetic element
�""' of the front and how it shauld be changed to soften the massive impact of
the building. Mr. Urrutia noted that the front, back and side treatment of
the building did not blend and that it still had an industrial appearance.
Mr. Leung further explained the the Board was not looking for as strong an ele-
ment as presented or an advertisement �form of archtecture, they would like
a passive type of facade. Mr. Urrutia noted that his main concern was the
height of the building. Some discussion followed with regard to the height
an d how it could be treated. Mr. Gibson stated that he could not make any
decision for RB, but he would like to make an alternative suggestion if the
Board would not accept what had been presented at this time. Mr. Williams
indicated that they would gladly listen to alternatives, but that the Boards
main concern was still the height. It was suggested tha� the front portion
of the roof line be moved back 25 feet.
Some discussion fallowed with regard to Condition No. 6. Mr. Gibson pointed
out that RB is very opposed to a ground monument type sign as it is not easily
seen by traffic going by. Mr. Williams reviewed the Sign Ordinance and noted
that the applicant has a choice of a ground monument or fascia sign and pointed
out that the Condition states "applicant shall consider" , which gives �he
applicant the choice of the ty�e of sign he desires.
Mr. Minturn made the following motion clarified by Mr. Williams, approved sub-
ject to seven conditions, the 7th to read: "Applicant shall submit revised
front elevations and revised side and rear elevations if changes in the front
�, elevations necessitate such modifications. One suggested alternative is to
relocate the mansard roof 25 ft. from its present location. These revised
elevations shall be submitted to the Design Review Board for approval prior
to submittal of final construction drawings for consideration by the Board" ,
seconded by Mrs. Jackson; carried 5-0 (Minturn, Jackson, Johnson, Urrutia,
Leung) .
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P.:�1 m Desert Des i gn Revi ew Board
J�nuary 24, 1978 Page Two
3 Case No. 80MF - ALVIN JOHNSON - Final construction drawings for 2 duplexes
to be located on the northwest corner of Shadow Mountain and Ocotillo. Ap-
licant present.
Mr. Johnson indicated that some landscape changes had been made on the
plans. Mrs. Jackson moved that the case be approved subject to the
revisions noted on the plans, seconded by Mr. Leung; carried 5-0 (Minturn,
Urrutia, Jackson, Johnson, Leung) .
4 Case No. lO1MF - LEONA GERTZ - Final construction drawings for 3 apartment
units to be located on the northeast corner of Sunset and Abronia. Appli-
cant not present.
h1r. Cipriani noted that Special Condition No. 5 had not been adhered to as
yet but that it would be brought to the attention of the applicant and would
be complied with.
r1otion by h1r. Leung, seconded by Mr. Minturn to approve the case with the
noted conditions; carried 5-0 (Leung, Minturn, Jackson, Johnson, Urrutia) .
!i Case No. 66MF - AMERICAN WEST DEVELOPMENT - Preliminary site, floor and ele-
vations for a 6 unit apartment to be located on the northwest corner of
Fanorama and Candlewood. Applicant present.
h1r. Cipriani noted that it would be stressed with the applicant that this
is a preliminary approval and that landscaping plans must be submitted with
the final construction drawings.
h1otion by Mrs. Jackson, seconded by Mr. P�linturn to approve the preliminary
site, floor and elevation plans; carried 5-0 (Minturn, Jackson, Johnson,
Urrutia, Leung) . �
F Case No. 87MF - ROBERT H. RICCIARDI - Final construction drawings on a duplex
to be located on the northeast corner of San Luis Rey and Alessandro Drive.
Applicant not present.
Mr. Williams noted that the landscaping is incomplete and that it should be
noted that this can be approved at staff level prior to occupancy. Mr. Hill
stated that this was too late, that it should be prior to issuance of per-
mits. Mr. Williams agreed.
On a motion by Mr. Leung, seconded by Mr. Urrutia the case was approved;
carried 5-0 (Leung, Urrutia, Jackson, Johnson, Minturn) .
�' Case No. 67C - HUGHES INVESTMENTS - Applicant requested verbally that the
case be continued to the February 7th meeting, written request sent to the
Planning Commission.
f3 Case No. 61C - BERNARD LEUNG for GENERAL TELEPHONE - Final construction draw-
ings for a commercial addition located on the north side of Highway 111 ,
west of San Luis Rey. Applicant present.
On a motion by Mr. Urrutia, seconded by Mr. Minturn, the final construction �
drawings were approved; carredi 4-1 (AYES: h1inturn, Urrutia, Jackson, John-
son; ABSTAIN: Leung) .
9 Case No. DP 01-78 - HMS GENERAL CORP. - Conceptual consideration of a restau-
rant complex to be located north of 44th Avenue, east of Painters Path, south
of Highway 111 . Applicant present. ��.
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Palm Desert Design Review Board
January 24, 1978 Page Three
9. Case No. DP 01-78 (Cont. )
Mr. Cipriani noted that this is just a conceptual consideration and that
the recommended conditions will be incorporated into the Development Plan.
There was some disucssion with regard to the landscaping treatment on the
exterior of the south easterly corner and the location of the restaurant
in that corner.
,�,.,, On a motion by Mr. Minturn, seconded by Mr. Leung, the conceptual plan was
approved and the two special conditions forwarded to the Planning Commission
to be incorporated in DP 01-78 conditions; carried 4-1 (AYES: Minturn,
Leung, Jackson, Johnson; ABSTAIN: Urrutia) .
On a motion by Mr. Urrutia secorded by Mr. Leunc�, the meeting was adjourned at
6:30 p.m. ; carried unanimously 5-0.
KATHY SHOREY, Planning cretary