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I. The meeting wa.s called to order at 1:30 p.m. , after a 1 hour Study Session.
Manbers present: Eric Johnson
Frank Urrutia
Vern Barton
�r..► Murrel Cr�,unp (for Paul Williams)
Menbers absent: Phyllis Jackson
Bernie Leung
Jim Hill
Paul Williains (Murrel Cr�ump replaced.)
Staff present: Ralph Cirpriani
It wa.s moved by Urrutia, seconded by Barton tha,t the minutes of
Decenber 26, 1978, be approved as written; carried 4-0 (Johnson,
Urrutia, Barton, Cr�nnp)
Ca,se No. 161 MF - AME[i,ICAN WEST DEVEL�OPI��1T - Preliminary site, floor,
and elevations for a duple.x to be located on the south side of
Drift�od, west of Sunrise Lane. Applicant was present.
The Board discussed site plan features, with revisions suggested for
private open space/patio areas to provide a better occupant amenity
and more utility of the site. Landscape design and ma.terials were
also evaluated, and miniirnim sizes were suggested. Building colors
� and materials were generally found to be acceptable, if a more suitable
and compl�:mentary ma,terial was used for the roof.
On a motion by Barton, seconded by Urrutia, the Board approved the
case subject to the following revisions:
1. Provide private patio, enclosed by fencing, with cover, and access
through dining area for unit number one.
2. Landscaping revisions:
- Vary height of palm trees between 6 and 8 feet to provide for
a better design effect.
- Install Pyracantha, in 5 gallon size.
- Install Natal Plum 3 feet on centers.
- Specify flo�r ground cover ma.terial for Board approval.
- �i�anit revised landscape plan for Board approval if
swimning pool is not installed in the initial stage of
3. Use clay or concrete tile on building roof; sukxnit selection
in f inal plans.
4. Provide concrete driveway.
"�'�'' 5. Design and provide conveniently located four-can trash enclosure.
6. Ma,intain a minimum of 5 feet between wa.ter line of swimning pool
(if installed) and building walls.
Carried 4-0 (Johnson, Urrutia, Barton, G`rump)
� �
Minutes �e �
Pa.lm Desert Design Review Board
January 9, 1979
Ca.se No. 160 MF - AM�ICAN WEST DEVIIAPME[�Pr - Preliminary site, floor,
and elevations for a duplex to be located on the north side of
� Alessandro, east of Cabrillo Avenue. Applicant wa.s present.
The Board reviewed the site plan and noted tha.t occupant amenities
could be enhanced by designing rear access private pa.tios. Landscape
design was found to need enricYrnent and the Board offered necessary
revisions to improve the front yard/street elevation. Alternate roof
ma.teria.ls were also discussed, and it wa.s determined tha.t a revision
� wa.s necessaxy to compl�nent the building architecture. The Board had
other minor sugges�ted revisions which were included in their action.
On a motion by Barton, seconded by Urrutia, the Board approved. the
case subject to the following revisions:
1. Frovide covered private rear patios, enclosed by fences, with
dining roan access, for each dwelling unit.
2. Landscape revisions:
- Replace Bougainvillea with Pyracantha..
- Add 5 Brachychiton (Sterculia) trees to the front yard as
indicated on the plan in the files of the Department of
Environmental Services; the exact variety and size to be
approved by the Board.
3. Move carports 3-5 feet forward toward the front property line,
and provide paved axea for vehicle to back fran carports.
4. Use clay or concrete tile on the building roof; sul�nit selection
in f inal plan.
5. Provide concrete drivewa.y.
6. Lpcate airconditioner pads on site plan.
7. Design and provide conveniently located four-can trash
Carried 4-0 (Johnson, Urrutia, Barton, Crwnp)
Case No. 92C - The Board received a presentation by the applicant
of interim plans for a restaurant/cormlercial develoxcnent, and wa.s
requested to offer design comnents. The applicant received the
detailed comnents of the Board at the meeting, but for purposes
of swYrnaxy, ma.jor points reviewed were as follows:
- The architectural design of the Rubens' restaurant wa.s found to
need significant improvsnent, with the objective of achieving a
complanentary and related design to the ba.lance of the develop-
ment. It wa.s also noted tha.t the corner site area it occupied
v�uld be a focal point of the development and should, therefore,
receive special attention to landscape design.
- It was generally noted tha.t la,ndscaping would be a key elenent in
�""" establishing the overall visual appearance of the developnent.
The Boaxd suggested significant use of trees (varying types and
trunk sizes), boulder, and mounding. An increase in the rnunber
of trees was specifically noted for the paxking lot area.
�� �
r�inutes Pa.ge Three
Pa,lm Desert Design Review Board
January 9, 1979
- Color and ma.teria,ls were d�scussed, observing tha,t accent colors
could be used to canplc�nent the tan/brown tones of the buildings
and screen walls; and, tha.t the tones between walls and buildings
could be varied to produce an interesting effect. The Board felt
tha,t the ma,terials for buildings could be related by the use of
complenentaxy accents.
- Other subjects discussed included facilities for shop and office
trash containers and enclosures. The Board noted tha,t the appli-
iy,r cants should present alternative solutions which make access to
trash enclosures for these tenants more convenient.
Board Member Urrutia wa.s �cused from the meeting at 2:40 p.m.
Case No. DP 1-79 - Golf course condominium project, design input to
staff. (Applicant wa,s not in attendance. )
The Board found the project design to be monotonous in tha.t it
featured long street sections lined with garage entry units.
Reference was ma.de to sjmilar valley develop�nents, and the Board
felt tha,t alternatives should be explored to relieve the static design
N. Chairma.n Johnson adjourned the meeting at 2:50 p.m.
Murrel Crump, Principal Pl er