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PL�'1\iQII�i(� CO�I�.ISSIO?�Tl� Tqrr��j�t�
FEBPU�r.Y 11 , 197�i
i' I . C11LT, TO ORDER
� The meetii�g of the Pal� �esert Planning Commissi.on was
called to order by the Chairman at 7 : 06 P .�i. pm FeUr.uzry 11 ,
1974 at the Paln Desert '��i!ldl.e School .
PRESENT : Comnissioners Aston , Benson, Brush , Mc�'herson ,
Others Present :
E. R. Asmus -- City �tana�er
David Frwin - City Attorney
Jerry Dupree - Senior Flanner , Indio
Keith Downs - Assistant Planner , Indio
Commissioner Aston moved , Commissioner Benson seconded
aad �otion carried that the minutes of the regu].ar mee [ing of
, January 21 , 1974 be approve? as submitted .
�irr. Cor�missioner Aston moved , Commissioner �iensan sec�n�ecl
and motion carried that the minutes of the adjour.ned �eeeting
of Janeiary 28 , 1974 be approved as submitted .
A. CUP Of3-73-PD - Lyr_ian �lartin (Sunshine '_�?eat & Fish)
ConditionalUse Pernit to allow a commercial parl:ing
lot in R-3 zone (r;F corner of Portola & Alesandro Dr . )
Chairnan opened the hearing.
Planr.er Dunree briefed the ComMission or_ t►_iis request
which is a 60 ' x 1�J0� lot which caould be used by natrons of the
restaurant . Mr. Lyman T�Iartir_, o�•rner , said his restaurant had a
seating capacity of 220 and th�.s WOlIJ.a keep the cars of f the
street .
Chairmar. closed the hearing .
Cor,tmissioner P,rush maved , Cor.�inissioner penson �
seconde��l that ttiis rec;ucst be approvect , sub,{ ect to conditions
contained in the Staff report . Tiotion carried tina�ti*nously .
�,► B . CtIP 13-74-PD - Home Business Developrnen[ Gorporation
(I•lest side of Deep Canyon ; '�lorth of Drift��lood) ('L`P
to a11o�L convE:rsion of 22-unit anartment com�lex to
a nl�nned residential clevelonment (condor.�it-:iums} .
Ct�airman onened the hearing . '
Planned �unree stated tt,at the Coiinty reco*:���ended
clenial based on inadequate water supply �or �ire nrotectioa
re�ui_rements .
� , /
T�ir . �?arolci Housley? engineer representin� t!�� owner ,
stated tfze fire hydrants coulcl be changec� ta carry 175�J CPPi
Planner Dupree recom�nendc�d the request be continued until
a tir.in that the anplicant can present evicience that the w�ter
district can supply the necessary �aater nr_ essiire .
`i�rrn Chairman closed the hear. in; . •
Attorney Erwin asl.ed that it be noted in the recard tha[
Cor�ta_issioner Benson resides iti this apartment comnleY .
Con�missior.er Aston r.iovec� that the hearing be rco�eced and
the n�atter be continued to i:arch ].l , 1971f on the basis of.
co-nplying with the fire reqnirem�nt . Commissioner Bcnson
seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
A. P. P . 1050-PD - Sun I,odge Com�er.cial CE�nter. , Sun
Lodge & E1 Paseo (Smith King)
City Manager Asmus explained this project consis�s of a
major coatnercial develepment involvirig a lan�1_ area of �_9�: , �00
sq . ft . , and providing off-sCreet parlcing for 221 cars .
County has recommended approval subject to conditio�� .
Robert Ricciardi , architect , di.splayed a m.ip showing
tiie deve�op�ent and providin� four�way � access in and out
of the paarki.n; Iot , plus lanclscaping; .
;� Gi�y rqanager said one �aa�r.�o��aZ condition shoulc� be
incor�orated in that a gate for the loading area should be
included in the conditions.
The question oi an environnental imnact assessment was
raised . Roy Carver, developer_ of the praject , i�lanted to knocr
w};o would do the study and w�en it �aou7d be done . t'].anner
Dupree said there is a minimu� of 22 days from the time at�;
environmental assessment is submitted until it can becor�e '
�inal , if it is determined to be a negatives �iecl_�x��tioi� .
Attorney rr�,�in stated positively that an environriental
assessment is required .
Meeting �aas recessed at S : 10 P .r�1.
:leeting called to or. der at $ : 2� P .'�t.
Cori:nissioner Brush movecl that the Plot P1an be a:�t�r.ovel
subjeci: to City :•lanager letter of Februar.y I? , 1974 and in
adclition, condition 9 . "Gate or gates to shi.eid lo��in� dock
when not in use" , and condition 10 "Apnrov� subject to the
preparation and filin� of an environmental assessr^e:nt renort
and the sar.�e hein� negat-iv�" , be added . �.'.otion seconded by
Commissioner Aston and carried unanimously.
B . P . Y . 1032-PD - Pranlc Purcell (I,�ooden P:ail Etome
Improvement Center) �td cori�er of. 4�cth � Toshua licl .
Applicant had been asked to Prov:ide r.more detai.?.ed iniorma-
tion , and by letter dated Fc�hrtia*-y 7 , 1Q74 appl icant as1•ed.
for at least 30 days to pr�vi.:ie such inEorma �ion . [:omriissioner
r�cPher>on move.d , seconded by CoMm_issi.otier �'lston ttiat this matter
be continued until �Sarch 11 , 1��7!� . P�totion carricd. un�ni.riouslv .
2/ 11/74
� �
C . C. P . S . I555 - HiUou Cornoration - Cor.:mercial
residential structure (continued f.rom 12/1�/73
meetin� to allow apnlicant to revise plans by
deletin� residential use on second floor) .
P10 r.evised plans have been received to date .
Commissioner Aston moved , Cor�missioLier P,enson seconded that ,
this matter t�e continued until plans are submitted. liotion
�''"` carr. ied unanimoiisly. �
A. Tentative Tract 5291-P.-PD (reversion to aczeage)
Planner powns stated tliis is a request to :nalee two
lots into one lot . A CUP has been approveci on the nronerty
for a 4-unit condominium. .
Commissioner ricPherson moved , Commission.er Aston �
seconded that this request be approved subject to sra�f
conditions. �Iotion unanir.iously carried.
B . Tentative Tract 5110-PD {Sun Ring *iobile Home Parlc
Subdivision) North o.f T,,;hitewater P.iver , ?s'ast of
Portola Avenue)
' County Planner advised the .C�mmission that the
proposed tentative tract had been approved Ly the County of
P.iverside urior to the city ' s i.ncorporation and prior to the
city ' s initiation of anne�ation proceedings. He recommended
that the tentative tract be approved subject to t}�e conditions
• as outlined in the Subdivision Committee meetings of December
'�' 3 and 17 , 1973 . . -
The engineer for the project , Frank Fta;nerschlag ,
reqiiested Commission co�lsi�eration of rnodifi.catior.s to the
conc?itions � outlined as follows :
1 . He requested that condition ?_ . b , (3) �: ' ._ .
be modif ied to read" �tandar.d c�:l-de-sacs and Icnuckles sha�l be
constructed throughout the seibd.ivision uc�less otherwise approvec
by tlie P.oad Department" . '
2 . Condition 4 be modified to e�.iminate either
the construction of a 6 ' G�aZl along the north hounclary of.
subject tract or the pl�nting of the tamarisk z•rindbreak be
eliminated .
3 . That tl-►e Co�mission considers nermit ti.ng the
relocation of a 6 ' wall along the south�•iesterly boundary oi
the tract running from Quicks:�lver Dri.ve s�uth to rtic tr'hite-
�aater River along Portols Avenue .
4 . That L'ranium Drive, Platinum l?rive , Gobalt
Place , Pewter Drive , Patina Drive and Diadomite Place be
approved as sho�an on the tentative tx'act as 5Q ' �Yi1e private
�rr. streets . �
rlr . Hamerschlag advised the Comtnission that these �
moclific_ations he was requesting had been approved by th�
County of P.iverside at their early approval af t?li.s tr. act .
2/ 11/74
_ �
After considerable discussion by the Commission of
these various requests , the City ?�lanager stated ttlat it
aPpeared the Commission desired to approve this tentative
tract but cer[ain basic decisions had to be made resarlinc
three or four of. the requested �odi�ications to i.he concti_-
tions of approval . Ht� indicatcd that it appeared legally
possible for the Commission to allow relocation of the fecice
along the southwesterly boundary of the tract ; that it was
entirely up to the Commission i.f i� modified the conditions
� requiring a taal.l an�l tamari.sk nlanting along th� nor. tl�erly
boundary of tlie tract ; that it taas nermissible tor the
Comm:ission to allo�a 50' wide private streets �•�ithin th�
tract and that it apnearel ttia� 50 ' acces�� at the locations
shown :.on• the inap . wou_ld' be sufficient to handle the tra�f:ic .
The engineer for the developers indicated to . the �
Commission that he was agreeable if tlie Comr.tission �aantecl
to require the construction of the wall and the planting, �
of tamarisk along the north tract boundary.
Commissioner 1lston move� that tentative tract 5110-P�
be approved subject to the conditions of the nlanning staff
with the modification as proposed by the Planning staff that
they be allowed to construct rolled curbs . Motion died
for Iack of a second . _
Comnissioner Benson moved that this �atter be continued
until the next meeting for .further study. ?4otion d?ed for
lack of a second.
Commissioner ylcPherson moved that Tract 511Q-PD be
approved subject to staff conditions with modif_ication to
` condition 2 .b. (3) to read "Standard cul-de-sacs and knuckles
shall be coi�structed throughout the subdivision unless
� otherwise a
pproved by the County Road Denartment"and Lhat
relocation aad construction of the �aal1 running southerly
along Portola Aveniie from Quicksilver Drive south to the
idhite��ater River be allowec� at a . location as approved by the
County Planning Director . Motion seconded b} Comniissioner
Brush and carried unanimously .
C . Tentative Tract 43E�-PD (4 Iot "Statutory"
subdivision plus 10 individual Iot subdivi.sion
on h'est side of ��ighc•�ay 74 and �Test side of
Shadow ?�:t . Dri . , consisting of 354 units)
rfr. Phi.11ip Abrams , civil engineer for the developer ,
stated there �vere 22o proposed units and he caas asking for
approval of a tentative map which had been approved by the
County. Density has been reduced to 4. 5 units �er acre .
County Planning recommended approval subject to
conditions . �
Commissioner Aston moved , Commissioner P,rush secondeci
that tract be approved subject to County �'lanni.ng conditions .
I�Iotion carried by the following VOfiE :
�"' AY�S : Aston , Brush , Clark
NOES : Benson ; i-:cPtierson
2/ 11/74
_ _
D . Tentative Tract 56$2-PD - Shadow Cliff Col.ony Club ,
Ntd corner Shador,•� PIt . Dr . & San Luis Rey
1)on Shayler , engineer for Pacific Rim, sYated tb.is
is an existing apartment house which is to be converted to
a condominium for resale , plus the addition of t�•ro units .
� This matter created a question of substantial.
construction .
Chairman Clark rzoved , Comriissioner McPherson
seconded that Tentative Tract 5682-PD be approvecl suhject
to the City Attorney ruling on whether substantial con-
struction has occurred and suUject to the Staff conditions , .
rlotion unanimously carried . -
E . Tentative Tract 49E0-PD - Euclid Ball . South side
of Aaystack bet�aeen Higt��aay 74 & Silver Spur Trail
(42 unit single family subdivision)
P14nnin� Staff recomr�ended approval subject to
conditions imposed . �
Comr�issioner �IcPherson moved , Commissioner Brus'i
seconded that Tentative Tract 4980-PD be approved subject
ta City Planning conditions . ?�Iotion carried by the ,
following vote: ' � -
AYES : Aston ; Brush; McPherson; C�lark
NOES : renson �
F. Tentative . 'Pract 5277-PD - Palm Desert I�acquet Club
five lot "Statutory" st�bdivision, S_r eor,n.er San
Luis I:ey & Shadoc,� Lake Dr . . . -
City Manager recommended approval subject to the
approva2 of a Plot Plan prepared anc submittecl to conform
to the requirements of Ordinance fr12 of the Cityo uf Palm�
Desert . .
Commissioner rlcPherson moved , Commiss�ioner Brush
seconded that Tentative Tract 5277-PD he approved Sllh'1�'C�
._ to City Planner rec.om.mendati.n^ anrl su'hjec�t t.o' submiss'a.on ancl.
approval of a plot plan. Motion carriect unanir.!ously . �
�ieetzng c•�as recessed at 1� : 05 P .A1.
PTeE�lilg cras callecl to ordef at 1Q: 15 P .M.
G . P .r . 1046-PD - Jenson, Johnson & Ritter - Carousel
Resort Hotel Apartmenrs , �T5-64Q Highc�ay 74 .
Approval of � new 1 , 2 �: 3 bedroom apartments in
two separate 2-stor.y structures .
County h�s revie�aed the plan for off-str. eet parkin�
"�+ as �aell as lanlscapin� and recommended approva_1 subject to
the conditions. of ttie Fire Depar. tment under datc of Jant4ary
22 , 1974 . -
Commissioner Benson sa�id since. there is a Citizens
Advisory Committee formed to give recommenc?ations re-
gar<ling two story structures , that not�iing shatild be �lone
on this matter until the Committee has a chan�:e to make
their recommendations .
2/ 11/74
� � � (` �
Commissioner E�enson r.iove<1 that tteis matter be continued
until recommendations are recei.ved frort the !:itizens Advisory
Committee regarding buil.di�tQ height ar.d ar.ea zoning. �iotion
died for lacic of a second .
Commissioner `1cPherson moved for approval subject to
�"' the City Planning Staff recommendation and subject to an
environmental impact assessment . "otion secoi�ded by Gom-
mission.er �rush and carried by the following vote :
!�YE� : Brush ; '�fcPherson ; Clark
PdOES : Benson; A.ston
The belo�v listed mat+4ers �oere cor.sidcred to he
routine by the Planning Commission and �.�ere appro��ed by
one r.:otion.
I . P .P . 1051-PD - '�eil1 *ieon Inc. - Perr.iit to
' construct 2 on site su��iivisian signs , one
at �E corner of High�,�ay 74 & Haystack an�1
_ one at Nta corn.er of �Iaystack & Silver 5pur .
2 : P..P . 1056-PD - Carriage irail Developers -
on site subdivision sign - �:ast side of
uigh�oay 74�, 775 ' north of Carriage Trail .
3 . n. P- iQ55-pD - ttiomas �toreland - �;arage
�r adclition, 14-44� Acacia Dr . -
4 . P . P . 1�4�-PD - Char. les Gerjets - ]_5 x 20 room
addition, 74-031 ;rin
5 . P . P . 1�52-P3) - Theodore Pierce - 13 x 2�l rooni
aciditior., 74--310 Galeta Ave . _
6 . P .P . 1�53-PD - Press & Yress Inc . 1258+ sq . ft .
dweZlin� plus garage - South side of Govered
T,lagon, t�est of Panorama
7 . P . P . 1057-PD - Fred Rice , Gen ' 1 - 2Q00+ sq. ft .
single family dwelling - Bursera Lyay '
8_ P . 0 . 1058-PD - Fred Rice , Gen' 1 - 2450-F- sq. ft .
single family d�aelling, 72-899 Grapevine .
Com�aissioner. �'�ston moiTed. , Commissioner '4cPherson
seconded that the Consent Ca�.endar be approvecl sti�iect to ar_
eiivironrnental i�Fact� assess�?2eat . :`lotion carr. ie�i unani_rnouslv .
I . nlanning �o�taission determination oi "reasonable
value" of destroyed 16 unit apartment struc �ure
� on Candlewoaci as per Section 18, 8 of 7.oning
prdinance . t:e : James T3rown
Co:�niissi.oner F>rus�i movect , Commissioner F3enson
seconded that the meeting hc adjourned to rxf�c�itive Session
b�for. e consideration of this iteM to r�ceive. rePort on
liti�;ation sLatus . Adjourne�l to I�xec:�ti_ve Session at
1C) : 40 P . 2f.
2/ 11/74
. � `
Tle�:tino called to oraer at 11 : 2.5 P.M.
City ltttorne�� I:rtain advisect the Cc�mmission tl�at undr_r
Sec �ion 1� . f3 or OrdiLzance 348 of the ��unty of r.iversi.cie ,
basic determination of reasonable. va?ue musL be macle . tie
inciicateci tliat consiclerable bacl�ground in�ormation had �;een
fil.ed witii t}te City Cl.erl: to assi.st i.n thi. s regarcl . I-Ie
indicated that preliminar.y figures sY�owed a construction
value of appr. oximately S1;? , 271 at the time of destruction .
James £r. o�an, builder , informed the Commission that
ther. e were four separate lots involved� aud tnat }�e was in
desperate need oL a determination in this matter since he
i.s faced with several ].a�v sui.ts if h� cannot proceed . F?e
reported that he had gone into great detail. cvith variotis
subcontr. actors to determine the er.act cnsts at the time oF
destruction and that the S132 , 271 figure was the amount o�
money that haci been spent up to the ti.me of the fire , He _
said that new bids had been obtained from the various sub-
contractors which �vould indicate that today ' s cost to
reconstruct to the same point as when the builling caas
destroyed t��ould be 5102 , 609 . 36 . In a�iditzon , credit �or
useable structures or ite�s not destroyed by the fire
consisting of septic tanks $u, 150; water meters S900; masonry
work $1 ,500; and 3 carports S5 , OU0, broUght the total reason-�
able value inclucling these items up to $132 , �71 . 62 .
� City Attorney suggestecl that he �voul.cl Iike some time
to review the variou> subcontractors bi.rls for reconstruction
before r_taking a recommendation to the Gomr�iss:ion . ?ie al.so
requested oi th� builaer that we be supplied �✓ith the names
of all the subcontractors froni whort he ��ac� received bids .
�, '�ir . Erown stateci that the builc.i_ngs containec�
?2 , 8J0 sc� . ft . area which did not include the area oF the
S carports , 5 of which taere destroyed in the firc .
Coa� Tnissioner �rush moved , Commissioner !lston
seconded that this matter be continued for two weeks in
orc?er for the staff to study and review the matter and �
that a recon�aendation be made to the Commission Zt i_ ts
regul_ar nteeting . :�iotion carried unanimously.
VII r . URAI. CO��fil�ti��ICATIO'JS
7�• CO�I�,:E`?TS BY C0�1�fISSIOA;ERS
rleeting ac�journed at 11 : 45 P .*i.
�� � ��.� ��_��,_�
_��;;;�.c._c�L. f/ �'�...�.,_.�%y_��..
�far}� Pai:�� - Secretary
�, ATT ST :
!�'---�f — -- r'r _ __-- •
Henry � lark, C airman
� 2/ 11J74