October 14, 1974
The regular meeting of the Palm Desert Planning Commission
was called to order by the Chairman at 7: 00 P.M. on October
14, 1974, at the Palm Desert Middle School.
Present : Commissioners : ED MULLINS, WILLIAM SEIDLER,
Absent : Commissioners : NONE
Others Present :
Director of Environmental Services - Paul A. Williams
City Attorney - Dave Erwin
Assistant Planner - Sam Freed
A. Commissioner Wilson stated that the Minutes of the
September 30 meeting were incorrect in one respect .
In referring to Case No. P.P. 1073 - Destination Re-
sort Corporation, the Minutes should read, "Shadow
Mountain Golf Club" , not "Shadow Mountain Country
Club" .
Commissioner Van de Mark moved, Commissioner Seidler seconded
the motion that the Minutes be approved as amended. The mo-
tion was unanimously carried.
Chairman Hubbard then stated that he had been advised that
the Shadow Mountain Golf Club had full knowledge of the
plans regarding P.P. 1073, and are in favor of it and their
interest was thoroughly protected.
Mr. Williams read letter from the Palm Desert Property Owners
Association, dated October 10, 1974, regarding the K-Mart
Chairman Hubbard stated that the record should show the
letter was received.
Chairman Hubbard explained the public hearing procedure .
A. Case No. Variance No. 948 (Amendment ) - MARRAKESH BUILD-
ING & COUNTRY CLUB - Consideration of a request for an
'"A" amendment of Variance No. 948 to permit a reduction
from 500 units to 366 dwelling units for a planned resi-
dential development known as the MARRAKESH COUNTRY CLUB
to be located at the southwest corner of the intersec-
tion of Grapevine Street and Portola Avenue - R-1-10, 000.
Planning Commission Meeting -2-
October 14, 1974
Mr. Williams read the Staff Report and outlined the 10
recommended Conditions of Approval.
Mr. John Dawson, Executive Vice President , Marrakesh Coun-
try Club, P. 0. Box 1143, Palm Desert , stated that Marra-
kesh has reduced the number of units for the betterment
of the project and to give more open space. Also, he wished
to clarify Condition No. 4 regarding the planting of full-
grown trees.
After some discussion, it was agreed to delete the senten-
ces in Condition No. 4, "The landscape plan shall include a
substantial number of full-size trees . A minimum of one
tree per unit , no smaller than the height of the unit adja-
cent thereto, shall be planted and maintained" .
It was decided that the decision on the landscaping be left
to the Architectural Review Board and that Mr. Williams
should discuss this with the applicant .
Chairman Hubbard asked Mr. Dawson if he was satisfied with
all other conditions.
Mr. Dawson replied yes , and brought up Condition No. 9,
the problem with the landscaping on Grapevine. After some
discussion, it was decided that Condition No. 9 should be
reviewed with Mr. Williams.
Mr. Brian Jones , Vice President , Marrakesh Country Club,
P. 0. Box 1143 , Palm Desert , stated that within Marrakesh' s
private streets they have curbs but no gutters. He won-
dered if it was feasible to continue the rest of the project
with the streets as they are now. They would like to finish
.. up the same way.
Commissioner Van de Mark asked if this would in any way af-
fect the drainage system and if gutters would be desirable
in certain areas .
Mr. Jones stated that Frank Hamerschlag would comment on
the drainage, and if gutters were necessary.
Frank Hamerschlag, 577 E. Sunny Dunes Road, Palm Springs ,
stated that the ability to carry the water is not impaired
by leaving off the gutters. The design concept is affected
somewhat , but the immediate efficacy is not any different
without a gutter.
Mr. Williams asked if asphalt holds up well carrying the
Mr. Dawson stated, that as long as they are private roads,
it is the obligation of Marrakesh to take care of them.
Chairman Hubbard asked what happens when the property goes
to the association, and whose responsibility is it then.
Mr. Williams suggested that since the roads all slope to a
*MO single side, it would be appropriate to require gutters on
the down-hill side of the streets simply for a saving of
expense to the property owner for the repair of the asphalt .
Mr. Dawson stated that they will put gutters in on the low
side, it would save a lot of future hassle.
Planning Commission Meeting -3-
October 14, 1974
Mr. Williams suggested that Condition No. 6 have a sentence
added to read that gutters shall only be installed on the
down-hill side of the streets .
Commissioner Wilson moved, Commissioner Seidler seconded
that Resolution No. 14 be passed subject to the amended
conditions . The motion was unanimously carried.
B. Case No. ICAP Amendment - 02-74-PD - H. McCORMICK -
r.. Consideration of a request to amend the Interim Palm
Desert Core Area Plan to delete a pedestrian walkway
indicated between E1 Paseo and the park area in the
rear of the proposed commercial building thus permit-
ting applicant to construct commercial stores along
the full frontage of Lot 21, Block S , Palm Desert sub-
division. Property is located northerly of and adja-
cent to intersection of El Paseo and Prickly Pear Lane -
C-P-S .
Mr. Williams read the Staff Report and also showed the area
on the wall map . He stated that Staff is recommending that
the Commission recommend to City Council the deletion of
the pedestrian walkway by Planning Commission Resolution
No. 15.
Chairman Hubbard asked if anyone wished to speak for or
against this case.
With no one wishing to speak, Commissioner Mullins stated
he felt that with the pedestrian walkway through the build-
ing that is now existing, and the development of the bank
on the corner would be sufficient , therefore, the walkway
through Lot 21 should be eliminated.
Commissioner Seidler felt that we should be concerned about
making any changes or modifications to the Core Area Plan.
However, the proposed deletion appeared logical .
Commissioner Van de Mark agreed.
Commissioner Wilson also agreed with Commissioner Seidler
that we need to exercise great care.
Chairman Hubbard stated that the subject was covered thor-
oughly and that when the Core Area Plan is approved, it
will be a guideline.
Mr. Williams then read the second letter received from the
Palm Desert Property Owners Association stating that a reso-
lution be adopted indicating that no changes be made to the
Palm Desert Interim Core Area Plan until the total General
Plan was adopted.
Commissioner Seidler moved, Commissioner Van de Mark secon-
ded the motion that Resolution No. 15 be adopted recommend-
ing the deletion to the City Council . The motion was unan-
imously carried.
Now C. Case No. ICAP Amendment - 03-74-PD - H. McCORMICK -
Consideration of a request to amend the Interim Palm
Desert Core Area Plan to delete an indicated automobile
driveway connection from E1 Paseo to the rear parking
area thus permitting the applicant to construct com-
mercial stores for the full frontage of Lot 29, Block
S , Palm Desert subdivision. Said property is located
northerly of and adjacent to El Paseo approximately
400 feet easterly of the intersection of San Luis Rey
and El Paseo - C-P-S .
Planning Commission Meeting -4-
October 14, 1974
Mr. Williams read the Staff Report and proposed that the
Commission recommend to the City Council the deletion of
the indicated driveway from Lot 29 by Planning Commission
Chairman Hubbard opened the public hearing.
Mr. Harold McCormick, 45-800 Cholane, Indian Wells, was
representing another person, since this second lot is ac-
tually a lot owned by someone he is doing business with.
Chairman Hubbard asked Mr. Williams if this matter could be
put off for two weeks or thirty days to allow Staff time
to discuss the development plans for Bank of America with
their representatives.
Mr. Williams stated that he would have to meet with the
Bank of America and determine whether they would be pro-
viding an alternative access point .
Mr. Dave Erwin, City Attorney, suggested some thought
should be given to continuing this for thirty days and
leaving the hearing open.
Commissioner Wilson supported continuance of this proposal ,
as did Commissioners Van de Mark, Seidler and Mullins.
Chairman Hubbard asked Mr. Williams what the date of this
meeting would be.
Mr. Williams stated the second meeting in November would be
November 18th.
Commissioner Seidler moved, Commissioner Van de Mark secon-
ded the motion to continue the matter to November 18th and
the motion was unanimously carried.
Consideration of a tentative map for 100 dwelling units
on approximately 27 acres located southerly and adja-
cent to Grapevine Street approximately 1500 feet westerly
of the intersection of Grapevine Street and Portola Ave-
nue - R-1**
Mr. Williams read the Staff Report and the recommended con-
ditions of approval.
Mr. Dawson, representing Marrakesh, stated he does not agree
entirely with the sewer connection requirements of the Water
District .
Mr. Williams st ated that it is a requirement of the Coach-
ella Valley County Water District that the matter should
be discussed with the Water District .
Mr. Dawson stated he expected to bring in sewer service, but
wanted to know if he read Condition No. 11 correctly.
Mr. Williams stated that we were really referring to Condi-
tion No. 7.
Mr. Hamerschlag stated that he would discuss this requirement
with the Coachella Valley County Water District .
Planning Commission Meeting -5-
October 14, 1974
Mr. Williams stated that Condition No. 3 should be deleted
since it is adequately covered in Variance No. 948.
Commissioner Van de Mark moved, Commissioner Seidler seconded
the motion that Resolution No. 16 be approved with conditions
as amended. The motion was unanimously carried.
A. City Staff - None
B. City Attorney - None
C. Planning Commissioners - None
Commissioner Wilson moved, Commissioner Mullins seconded
the meeting be adjourned. The motion was unanimously car-
ried. The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 15 P.M.
P UL A. WILLIAMS , Secretary
RT HUBBARD, Chairman