December 9, 1974
MIDDLE SCHOOL - 7 : 00 P .M.
The Special meeting of the Palm Desert Planning Commission
was called to order by the Vice Chairman in the absence of
the Chairman, at 7 : 05 P .M. on December 9 , 1974, at the Palm
Desert Middle School .
Present : Commissioners : ED MULLINS , WILLIAM SEIDLER,
Absent : Chairman: C . ROBERT HUBBARD
Others Present :
Director of Environmental Services - Paul A. Williams
City Attorney - Dave Erwin
Associate Planner - Freeman Rader
Assistant Planner - Sam Freed
Wilsey & Ham Consultant - Larry Morrison
The minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of Novem-
ber 18, 1974 and the minutes of the Planning Commission
meeting of December 2, 1974, were approved as submitted.
Mr. Williams stated the only written communications were
those that related to the items on the agenda and would
be discussed at that time.
A. Case GENERAL PLAN EIR - Consideration of the final
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on the Palm Desert
General Plan, December, 1974.
Vice Chairman Seidler stated that State Law mandates that
the City' s EIR report and proposed General Plan be dis-
cussed in the order presented. He indicated that the
evaluation that the Planning Commission must make with re-
gards to the EIR was to determine whether the environmental
impacts of the report were adequately expressed within
the report. He stated that the Commission would recommend
to the Council either certification of the report as sub-
mitted, as modified as a result of the hearing tonight , or
defer action until the revisions are made. He stated that
the firm of Wilsey & Ham, Inc . had prepared the Draft EIR
and the General Plan. He then introduced Mr . Larry Morri-
son of the firm of Wilsey & Ham and stated he would be
available for questions on the EIR. He then explained the
low public hearing procedure and declared the public hearing
open. He then asked the Staff for the report on the EIR.
Mr. Williams presented the report on the EIR which in-
cluded the agencies receiving the report, some 33 in num-
ber, and included the staff responses to the comments
made by some 9 of the agencies receiving the report . Mr.
Williams went into detail as to the content of the EIR
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and summarized the major points of the EIR. On comple-
tion of the Staff Report, he inquired as to any questions
of the Commission.
Being no questions , the Vice Chairman asked if anyone in
the audience wished to be heard regarding the EIR.
Mr. Lloyd Wiggins , 72-919 Bursera Way, Director of the Palm
Desert Property Owners Association stated that the Palm
.. Desert Property Owners Association does not feel that the
document is adequate, and that the citizens were asked for
input before the document was prepared and the input is
opposed to the output . He stated that Palm Desert would
not want to become the shopping center for the Coachella
Valley or to have Palm Desert become the convention cen-
ter as indicated in the report . They do not want high
density and that the Association represents a considerable
portion of the population of Palm Desert. He explained
the present density is 3 units per acre in the Property
Owners Association area, and that we are not asking for
(in 2 cases) 18 per acre. He explained they would like
to keep the present appearance of Palm Desert as a desert
village. He then read a letter, dated December 5 , 1974,
from the Palm Desert Property Owners Association and stated
that the letter was the feeling of the property owners
(copy attached. )
Mr. Charles Root , 45-860 Ocotillo Drive, stated that he
and the home owners all want low density and therefore,
he supported the comments made by the Property Owners
Mr. John Scurry, Sands and Shadows Apartments , Highway 74,
stated he also was in favor of low density and less smog,
and said he backs the Property Owners Association and in-
troduced a letter to the secretary which more fully stated
his position on the EIR (copy attached) .
Mr. Lyman Martin, 73-218 Fiddleneck, stated in looking
over the EIR, he had questions to ask of the secretary.
What was the decision on the date palm groves , are they
to remain as groves? [That about the increase in traffic
and humidity? He suggested that we not grow so fast , slow
down, and gather more citizen input , and to hold off on
this certification. Mr. Martin asked the Commission to
review page 14E with regards to the adverse impacts of the
General Plan and inquired whether the Planning Commission
wanted these changes made to Palm Desert .
The Vice Chairman asked if anyone else wished to speak re-
garding the EIR.
Mr . Dave Bond, 44-532 San Pasqual , stated he was in com-
plete approval with the speakers before him and added the
majority of people do not want what is offered to them in
the EIR. He requested that since the Chairman has retired,
that he have no vote on what is before the Commission to-
The Vice Chairman asked if anyone else wished to speak
on the EIR. There being none, he declared the public
hearing closed. He then asked if the Commission had any
questions to ask of the Staff on the issue.
Commissioner Wilson stated he read the EIR several times
and could find no reference to Palm Desert becoming the
shopping center or hotel convention center for the entire
valley. He asked Larry Morrison, of Wilsey & Ham if this
was spelled out in the report , to which Mr . Morrison re-
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plied there was no such indication in the report .
Commissioner Mullins stated that the EIR was a document
which was not supposed to be beautiful but to bring to
our attention that there will be some adverse impacts
and that the document is well done, and its contents are
what we can expect to see happen as a result of growth
and development .
Commissioner Van de Mark stated that while population
can create part of the environmental problems , all the
things that brought everyone here will still remain the
same if we can minimize the adverse impacts .
The Vice Chairman then entertained a motion to certify
or not to certify the EIR as complete.
Commissioner Mullins made the motion, Commissioner Wil-
son seconded to certify the EIR as complete and send 'it
to the City Council including the statements made in the
Staff Report and at the public hearing tonight . The mo-
tion was unanimously carried.
Vice Chairman Seidler recessed the meeting at 8 : 00 P .M.
for 10 minutes . The meeting opened again at 8 : 10 P .M.
first General Plan prepared for Palm Desert covering
a planning area of approximately 82 square miles and
extending from approximately Interstate 10 on the
north to the San Bernardino National Forest on the
south and Bob Hope Drive on the west to Washington
Street on the east .
too Vice Chairman Seidler made the statement of what the
item was regarding the General Plan. He gave an in-
depth introduction to the General Plan with regards to
what had occurred previously as to previous public meet-
ings , CAC input and City Staff input . Finally, he in-
dicated that the Commission could either approve the
General Plan as submitted, approve it as amended, or de-
fer the matter to provide for additional input . Vice
Chairman Seidler asked the Staff for the report on the
General Plan. Mr. Williams indicated that Larry Morrison,
of the firm of Wilsey & Ham would present the introductory
remarks which would put the General Plan into perspective.
Following those remarks , the Commission should consider
the General Plan on an element by element basis . The
Commission concurred with this approach.
Larry Morrison then spoke and indicated that he was
pleased to be presenting the summary of the Plan which
was a culmination of 9 months effort , aided by inputs from
the Citizens Advisory Committee, sub committees , Planning
Commission, City Council, City Manager , the Staff, College
of the Desert and other consultants . He stated the docu-
ment is not a static document but a plan that reflects
a series of cycles , and looks 30-50 years into the fu-
omm ture. He then proceeded to show slides of the Plan and
explain its development .
Upon completion of the introductory remarks , Mr. Williams
then read a letter from George Berkey, Chairman of the
Citizens Advisory Committee, which recommended approval
of the General Plan subject to some 6 changes . Mr . Wil-
liams stated that the recommended changes of the CAC
would be discussed where they would be applicable in dis-
cussions of the specific elements .
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On the Land Use Element Mr . Williams proceeded to sum-
marize comments from several letters received on the
General Plan. The letters received were from the fol-
lowing: Joseph E . Young, Mayor of the City of Indian
Wells ; D. H. Mitchell, Mitchell Management Service;
Cartwright Hunter, Sr. Warden, St . Margaret ' s Episco-
pal Church; M. D. Jayred, Vice President Environment
Development Co . ; Larry Morrison, Wilsey & Ham, Inc .
regarding the Charles D. Taylor property; D. H. Shayler,
Pacific Rim; Barbara Reynolds , Secretary of the Palm
r.. Desert Property Owners Association; William E. and
Dorothy L. Beck; Bradley A. Walker; a resolution, from
the Concerned Citizens of Palm Desert; George Schulte-
jann, Department of Fire Protection, California Division
of Forestry; Jim Chapman, Bekins Management Company.
Mr. Williams stated that the recommendation by the CAC
to change the land use designation of the Point Happy
area to low density was not supported in that the Staff
and Wilsey & Ham felt the need for specialty commercial
in that area.
Mr. Williams pointed out on the land use map the changes
that were requested by these letters and indicated those
that Staff would recommend and those that Staff would
not recommend.
Vice Chairman Seidler stated that he had a question
with regards to the proposed densities on the land use
map and how they related to existing development in the
City. He then asked Mr. Williams to point out some of
the existing development in the community and their ap-
proximate densities which Mr. Williams proceeded to do so .
Mr . Williams then went to the aerial photo to point out
the areas of low density and very low density stating
that Sandpiper has 3 units to the acre , Fiddleneck and
south of Shadow Mountain has 2-3 units per acre, east
of the school along Peppergrass is 52 units per acre.
Within the Property Owners Association area, some areas
are as low as 3 and as high as 62 and that the highest
density in the city is around the Deep Canyon area.
Being no questions of Staff from the Commission, Vice
Chairman Seidler asked if anyone from the audience
would like to speak.
Mr. John Scurry, Sand and Shadows expressed his feelings
about the density and height stating that the beauty of
the area would be lost with high rises , or buildings
over 2 stories , and stated we should not make an L.A.
out of Palm Desert .
Mr. John MacDonald, 2215 West Broadway, Anaheim, Real
Estate Investor, spoke regarding the road system stating
we have a cobweb of roads . He indicated that the roads
seemed not to go in the direction where the traffic
would want to go. He was particularly concerned with
the fact that 42nd Avenue was no longer shown as a through
street . He stated that he owned a 40-acre parcel at the
southeast corner of the intersection of Portola Avenue
and 42nd Avenue . He stated that after a thorough analy-
sis of the area he had acquired this property as a long-
term investment . He stated an additional objection re-
garding the present designation of this present 40 acres
as a Sand Dune Park .
Mr . Ron Gorman, Verba Santa Drive, stated he was sur-
prised at the low number of persons attending the meet-
ing and he thought the hearing should be postponed until
Special Planning Commission Meeting -5-
December 9 , 1974
the meeting received more publicity. Since the resigna-
tion of the Chairman, he thought it would be better to
have input from the new Commissioner as well. He in-
quired as to the proposal by St. Mary' s Church. After
an explanation by the secretary, he stated he was not
in favor of the proposal on the basis of the increased
traffic of the project. He went on to indicate that he
fully supported the resolutions of the Palm Desert Prop-
erty Owners Association and he requested that greater
consideration be made of these statements than given by
" Mr. Enos Reid, Attorney, 3800 Orange Street, Riverside,
spoke regarding Ironwood Country Club and indicated that
since the country club has an approved Conditional Use
Permit he would request that the property be given a
designation of medium density residential . He went on
to indicate some recommended wording to be added to the
text of the Land Use Element which spoke to the situa-
tion where development has approved Conditional Use
Permits .
Mr. Scott Biddle, 1970 Placentia Avenue , Costa Mesa,
developer of Mountainback, stated that since Mountain-
back has an approved permit regarding the medium density,
he asked that it be continued on that basis and not re-
verted to low density. He recommended that the Commis-
sion follow the Staff recommendation and indicate the
Mountainback property as medium density residential.
Mr. Lyman Martin, 73-218 Fiddleneck, once again asked
how much of the date palm areas would remain as a pro-
tected area and urged complete preservation.
Mr . Larry Morrison indicated on the aerial photo the
existing date groves and pointed out the date grove to
be preserved.
Mr . Martin stated that developers come in and cut down
everything and these date palm areas are precious and
should be left alone to die a natural death.
Mr. Robert Chaplicki, Thunderbird Country Club , Rancho
Mirage, stated he wished to see the home for the aged
go into the 5-acre parcel between St . Margaret ' s Church
and Palm Desert Community Church. He requested that the
St. Margaret ' s Church property be designated as high den-
sity residential to allow for this development. He stated
that the architect was in the audience who could better
describe the proposed project .
Mr. Robert Ricciardi , 73-700 Highway 111, stated the home
for the aged would be financed by HUD, built by 100% fed-
eral monies , and that the idea is to provide minimal hous-
ing at low cost .
The Vice Chairman asked if anyone else wished to speak re-
garding the Land Use Element , there being none, the next
element discussed was the Urban Design Element .
Mr. Williams stated the CAC recommended some changes and
that Staff concurs with those changes .
The Vice Chairman asked if anyone else wished to speak re-
garding the Urban Design Element , there being none, the
next element discussed was the Population/Economic Ele-
Mr. Williams recommended adoption of the Population/
Economic Element as written with no changes .
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The Vice Chairman asked if anyone else wished to speak re-
garding the Population/Economic Element, there being none
the next element discussed was the Housing Element .
Mr. Williams listed the changes in the Housing Element,
recommending adoption of the Housing Element with those
changes .
The Vice Chairman asked if anyone else wished to speak re-
garding the Housing Element, there being none, the next
too element discussed was the Circulation Element .
Mr. Williams listed the changes in the Circulation Element ,
recommending adoption of the Circulation Element with those
changes .
The Vice Chairman asked if anyone else wished to speak re-
garding the Circulation Element , there being none the next
element discussed was the Environmental Element .
Mr . Williams read the changes to the Environmental Element ,
recommending that the comments be located in the Public
Facilities Element and the Sheriff' s comments in his let-
ter of November 27 , be combined and relocated to the Pub-
lic Facilities Element. He recommended adoption of the
Environmental Element with those changes .
The Vice Chairman asked if anyone else wished to speak re-
garding the Environmental Element, there being none, the
next element discussed was the Public Facilities Element .
Mr. Williams read the changes as spelled out in the pro-
posed resolution and recommended adoption of the Public
Facilities Element with those changes .
The Vice Chairman asked if anyone wished to speak regard-
ing the Public Facilities Element to which Mr. Enos Reid
asked that some changes be made in language on 7 .P . 1 , 7 .P .
2 , and 7 .P . 3 stating that the words , "the City shall" is
in front of these paragraphs . He suggested that Staff
be given a little more time to work this out in some way
so that mandatory provisions can be treated with more
flexibility, stating that Ironwood facilities do not fit
in the framework of the text . He said he would like to
work with Staff regarding the language.
Mr . Williams thought that on page 7 .P . 2 line 27 , the fol-
lowing changes should be made: Delete the word "above"
add the word "herein" after the word standard; and on
line 29, after the word"acreage" add "and design" , and
change "village" to "neighborhood" . In addition, on page
7 .P . 3 , line 22 , the word "shall" be changed to "should" .
The Vice Chairman asked if anyone else wished to speak re-
garding the Public Facilities Element , there being none,
the next element discussed was the Implementation Element .
Mr. Williams recommended adoption of the Implementation
Element as submitted. The Vice Chairman asked if anyone
wished to speak on the Implementation Element.
Mr . Dave Bond, San Pasqual Avenue, asked that we defer any
action on this since there seems to be quite a few con-
troversial items and that in the interest of the City we
should not implement this plan at this time.
The Vice Chairman asked if anyone else wished to speak re-
garding the General Plan. There being none, the public
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December 9 , 1974
hearing on the General Plan was closed. He suggested
that since there were several changes to be made , that
when reviewing the General Plan and the proposed reso-
lution, that the Commission review those with the addi-
tions made by the Staff and those made tonight, and ad-
dress ourselves to the Plan as revised. He then asked
if any of the Commissioners wished to make any comments .
Commissioner Mullins suggested taking the Elements one
at a time from the back forward since the heaviest Ele-
ment was the Land Use Map, which was at the front. This
being done, the Elements were reviewed one at a time by
the Commissioners who made changes which will be reflected
in the revised resolution. Except for the Land Use Ele-
ment, it seemed to be the concensus of the Commission
that no additional changes other than those recommended
by Staff should be made.
A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the staff-recommended
changes for the Land Use Element . With regards to the re-
quest of Ironwood to designate all the area south of Hay-
stack as medium density residential , it was determined,
after opening the hearing again to allow Mr. Reid to an-
swer some questions regarding their request and closing
the hearing again, that an additional change should be
added to the Land Use Element to replace the changes #3
and #4 recommended by Staff to indicate that the property
south of Mesa View Drive extended from Portola to High-
way 74 and to the southerly city limits be designated as
medium density residential .
Commissioner Wilson brought up a proposal to change the
Land Use designation of all property shown as medium den-
sity south of the Wash, west of Cook Street , north of
Highway 111 to low density residential.
After a lengthy discussion and analysis of alternatives ,
it was determined that the medium density designation of
this area should remain and that in the development of
neighborhood plans , this alternative should be carefully
In addition, the proposal by Staff to change the Land
Use designation of the property between Haystack and
Shadow Mountain Drive extended where it parallels El
Paseo and Portola and Highway 74 be changed from medium
density residential to low density was reviewed, and
the concensus of the Commission seemed to be that it
was appropriate .
Vice Chairman Seidler asked if there were any other com-
ments by the Commissioners regarding the General Plan.
Commissioner Mullins indicated that this General Plan had
been developed over 9 months with sufficient amount of
public input and he was of the opinion there was no need
to continue the matter.
Commissioner Wilson, in response to the statements made
by the Palm Desert Property Owners Association with re-
gards to the General Plan stating that Palm Desert was
to be the shopping center of the valley and have a large
convention center, did not seem to be true. Neither Staff
nor any of the Commissioners could find those statements
within the General Plan.
Commissioner Van de Mark stated that there had been in-
numerable public meetings on the General Plan and that
Special Planning Commission Meeting -8-
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she could see no virtue in extending its consideration
any longer.
There being no other remarks , Commissioner Mullins
moved and Commissioner Van de Mark seconded a motion to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 23 as amended.
The motion was adopted by the following vote :
A. City Staff - None
B. City Attorney - None
C . Planning Commissioners - None
Commissioner Mullins moved, Commissioner Van de Mark
seconded the meeting be adjourned. The motion was un-
low animously carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12 : 00
PAUL A. WILLIAMS , Secretary