April 14, 1975
Middle School - 7 : 00 p .m.
The regular meeting of the Palm Desert Planninv Commission was
called to order by the Chairman at 7 : 00 p .m. on April 14, 1975
at the Palm Desert P�iddle School .
Present : Paul Williams - Dir. of Environmental Services
Freeman Rader - Associate Planner
Sam Freed - Assistant Planner
Bill Garrett - Wilsey & Ham Consultant
Commissioner Berkey moved, Commissioner Mullins seconded the
motion to approve the March 17 , 1975 minutes as submitted.
The motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Seidler explained the public hearing procedure.
A. Case No. PUP-Ol-74 THETA LOGAN : Consideration of a
request to exten t e approva of the public use permit
previously ;ranted by the Commission to enable the
applicant to operate a preschool center in a residential
district. (R-2)
Freeman Rader presented the Staff Report requesting the ex-
tension of approval of a public use permit previously
g�anted by the Commission to enable the applicant to operate
a preschool in a residential area; and also increase the
number of children permitted to attend to not more than 15 .
Paul Williams then indicated that the public use permit
would expire on April 14, 1980.
After reviewing the report in detail, Mr. Rader recommended
that it be moved by Resolution No . 43 that the Planning
Commission approve the request for extension of the public
use permit, subject to the conditions of approval, extending
the use until April 14, 1980 .
Chairman Seidler then opened the public hearing. First to
address the Planning Commission was :
74-081 Guadalupe Avenue
Palm Desert , California
Theta Logan expressed her appreciation with regards
to this approval and felt it was most appropriate to
continue this preschool, as it was a needed and worth-
while type of facility for the city of Palm Desert .
Commissioner Van de Mark moved, Commissioner Wilson seconded
the motion to approve Planning Commission Resolution No. 43
with all the conditions as stated. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Adoption of the Redevelopment Plan for Project Area
No. 1 , setting forth the basic powers and planning
guidelines pertaining to the Redevelopment Project.
Paul Williams presented the Staff Report regarding the
adoption of the Redevelopment Plan for Project Area No. 1,
and briefly discussed the basic elements . He brought
to the attention of the Commission, some minor wording
changes the staff felt were appropriate . After these
changes were discussed in detail, Bill Garrett, Wilsey &
Ham Consultant , was asked to speak on behalf of the Plan.
Bill Garrett then addressed the Commission. 'rie felt that
the Plan had been explained in great detail at previous
Planning Commission meetings , and therefore, had only a few
comments to make . First, he stated that the word "adoption"
had been used during the meeting. He emphasized that the
Planning Commisssion was not being asked to adopt this
Plan, but approve and refer it to the Redevelopment Agency
and the City Council for finalizing. With regards to changes
recommended by the staff, Mr. Garrett said that Wilsey & Ham
could see no problems with the recommended changes .
Paul Williams then suggested revised wording for Resolution
No. 43, deleting the word "adoption" and amending it to read
"approval of the Redevelopment Plan. "
`""""" Commissioner Berkey moved, Commissioner Mullins seconded
the motion to approve Planning Commission Resolution No . 43
as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
At this point in the meeting, Freeman Rader requested that
Case No . Tract 6602-CHESTER ANDERSON be reviewed at a later
time durin� the meeting, due to the fact that certain
citizens , who had expressed concerns regarding this project
and wanted to address the Commission, were not yet in
attendance. There being no conflicts with this request,
the Commission then began review of the next item on the
B. Case No. lOC - ROY CARVER: Consideration of a request
or plot plan approval for Phase III of the Palms to
Pines Shopping Center, located west of Plaza Way,
between State Highway 111 and El Paseo. (CPS)
Freeman Rader presented the Staff Report . He stated that the
applicant is proposing to develop a nortion of what will
eventually be a large expanded community shopping center.
The portion proposed for development at this time is a com-
bination shopping, eating, and entertainment facility.
;,,,,�, He explained that the proposed project appears to be the type
which is most suited to the approved and projected use for
the area.
Since this project would be a part of a much larger project
when the area is fully developed, Mr . Rader explained that it
is essential that proper provisions for handling circulation
be incorporated at this time. He stated the staff had pre-
pared an overall circulation plan for this area to accommo-
date projected auto and pedestrian traffic. Both the County
and the State had reviewed the master circulation plan and
found it effective in dealing with current and future
traffic requirements .
3 .
The applicant had adapted his plans to conform with the
master circulation plan.
Mr . Rader stated that since this project is but one part of
a larger development, it is likewise necessary that it
effectively integrate with existing and future development.
This project conforms with this requirement , both in archi-
tectural design and in flexibility to connect with future
development via plaza expansion, pathway extension and
structural extension. The adjacent property owner (thru
�., authorized representatives) had reviewed this proposed
project and had indicated that every effort would be made
to integrate future development in with it. The adjacent
property owner (who owns the remaining land scheduled for
planned mini-regional development) had also reviewed the
master circulation plan and indicated willingness to conform
to it.
Mr . Rader indicated the overall architectural quality of the
proposed center was quite hibh and provides a high standard
upon which future development within the vicinity should be
Adequate parking would be provided by means of on-site parking
and adjacent parking from other areas . Provisions were being
made to provide for any overflow parking which might occur until
the remainder of the center is completed.
In summary, Mr. Rader stated that the proposed project met
with all ordinances and General Plan provisions . It conformed
to the overall circulation plan for the area and provided
for attractive ways of integrating in with future development .
The quality was of a desirable calibre. Therefore, he felt
it appropriate to approve the plot plan and architectural
�... concept of this proposed project. He indicated further in-
depth reviews of this project would continue as plans are
finalized and the Design Review Board would be able to
closely monitor every aspect of the project as it undergoes
Mr. Rader concluded his report by recommending that the
Commission concur with the staff' s recommendation and approve
the project by Resolution No. 45 , subject to some 38 conditions .
The members of the Planning Commission sought clarifications
from Mr . Rader on several items and then the Chairman asked
for comments from interested parties . The first person to
address the Commission was :
P.O. Box 408
El Monte, California
Mr. Carver indicated he had read the conditions under
which the staff and the Architectural Review Board had
recommended approval; and took exception to a couple
of the conditions .
Condition ��25 bothered him with regard to the marquee for
"' the theater . He then went into an explanation of several
modifications they had to make in their plans to merely
locate the theater in an appropriate section of the
center , and now were concerned with the proper signage
and exposure .
Another exception was with Condition ��36 . He didn' t
want everything in the shopping center to look the same .
He felt that the Spanish theme and design carried through-
out the center was harmonious with the rest of the
community. He did agree with the reduction of the
height of specifically the Carrows Restaurant . However,
he didn' t want all the buildings to become bland and
monotonous .
He summarized by stating that he felt it was not staff' s
'""" perogative to make recommendations regarding archi-
tectural plans . He then wanted to speak about another
matter. He stated that for several months he had come
before the staff to develop this proposed plan; and
elevations had been changed a dozen times in order to
come in with what he felt the staff was going to recommend
to the ARB. He said he was disappointed and surprised
that they had 38 conditions of approval for their plans .
He stated he hadn' t just thrown the plans on their desk
and asked them to approve them. He expressed his con-
cern that during that time, some of the final conditions
hadn' t been mentioned.
Chairman Seidler then made comments based upon the remarks
made to the Commission. He said it was not staff ' s intent
nor did he believe it would be the Commission' s intent to
disapprove any marquee, and that all signage including the
marquee would be worked out at one time so that there would
be an integrated theme of all signage.
After considerable discussion, Freeman Rader wished to state
that the conditions as submitted were restatements of the
facts which were discussed previously with the applicant.
He stated the staff had not waited until the last moment to
�'"' make these changes or conditions of approval.
8383 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills , California
Mr. Stein was a representative of the proposed theater
for this shopping complex. He gave a brief background
regarding the theater construction, the types of movies
to be shown, and specific reasons for approval of a
marquee and the proper signage for his business .
10960 Wilshire Boulevard
Westwood, California
Mr. Jorge spoke on behalf of the McDonalds facility
proposed for the new shopping complex. He explained
McDonalds ' concern with the appearance of the building
and how the McDonalds could be an attractive facility
and would contribute to the city.
San Pasqual
�,,, Palm Desert , California
Mr. Moorhead asked how many parking spaces were going
to be provided for a McDonalds .
Mr . Jorge informed the Commission & Mr . Moorhead that a
total of 60 spaces would be provided.
The Commission then reviewed the parking situation as it
related to specific uses during various times of the day.
5 .
Chairman Seidler said it should be noted that when you
take the buildings individually, with regards to parking
spaces , it could make a big difference. The theater is
located on a separate parcel and during 5 days of the week,
those parking lots don' t have too many cars parked in them
them during the day time . Fven if you took them individually,
those spaces would not be needed from 9-5 . At ni�ht is
when the theater, with its large seating capacity, would be
utilizing the spaces . When analyzino the parking needs ,
consideration must be given to the time that these spaces
would be used.
A lengthy discussion then ensued with re;ards to regulations ,
ordinances , and other parking space considerations .
73-690 El Paseo , Suite ;�4
Palm Desert , California
Bernie Leung outlined the parking requirements at
Safeway as approved under the County' s jurisdiction,
in comparison to the proposed shoppin� center parking,
stating that the new requirements were even more
stringent than previous requirements .
Construction Supervisor , McDonalds
10960 Wilshire Boulevard
tiJestwood, California
In response to comments on the roof design of McDonalds ,
Mr . Goodman stated that the height of the roo_f was
required due to the amount of airconditioning equipment
housed on the roof in order to adequately operate their
specific type of operation. There had been a question
�"" raised with regards to the beams on the structure.
Mr. �oodman said McDonalds could see no problem with
deletin� the beams , however, they must have adequate
space to house their airconditionin; equipment .
Commissioner Berkey moved that condition �k36 be modified to
(36) Roof lines on structures C,D, and E shall be
be as shown on the ori�inal plans ; and the roof
lines on buildin�s F and G shall be as shown on
the applicant ' s revised plans with the exception
of the beams on buildin; F; and that all materials
on the roof and sides shall be similar .
Commissioner Mullins seconded the motion. Motion was unanimous-
ly carried.
Chairman Seidler moved that condition y�35 be modified to
read as follows :
(35) An additional row of parking spaces shall be
provided along the west side of the project to
provide for additional parking. Sixty (60) of
�,,,,, these spaces shall be permanently retained in
order to meet current ordinance requirements .
Landscaping on the west side shall be provided
as approved by the Director of Environmental
Services .
Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion. Motion was
unanimously carried.
After further discussion regardin� the landscapinj
described in condition ��35 , it was agreed by the Commission
to amend their motion to chan�e the sixty (60) parking
spaces to fifty-five (55) as the first motion did not take
into consideration, the landscaping space requirements of
the parking spaces . Commissioner Wilson seconded the
amended motion made by Chairman Seidler. The motion, as
amended, was unanimously carried.
Discussion then ensued with regards to condition ;�11 , si¢nage
approval. Commissioner Van de Mark moved that all si�nage
"""' plans be brou�ht back to the Planning Commission for final
approval . Commissioner tJilson seconded the motion. Approval
of this motion was 4-l.
Commissioner Wilson moved that the Planning Commission approve
Resolution No. 45 , subject to the attached conditions as
amended. Commissioner Mullins seconded the motion. Motion
was unanimously carried.
C. Case No. Tract 6602 CHESTER ANDERSON: Consideration of
a request or an approva o a Parcel Map to change the
side lot between two (2) existin� parcels . (R-2-8000)
Freeman Rader presented the Staff Report . He stated that
the applicant was proposing to resubdivide an existing area
of land into two (2) separate parcels . The existing area
of land was currently divided into two (2) parcels (as was
shown on P�ap ��l) . However , the applicant wished to chan�e
the size and shape of those parcels in order that the land
could be suitable for development into two separate lots and
dwellings . He also stated that the proposed parcelization
(as was shown on P�ap �k2) conformed with the required lot
sizes ; and development if properly planned could be carried
� out effectively.
In summary, Mr . Rader stated that since the property in
question was landlocked away from any public ri�ht-of-ways ,
special approval must be acquired in order to obtain access
from the privately owned road which abuts the property to
the south. If this provision and other conditions were met ,
the proposed parcelization would be compatible with the
existing development in the area, and was there.fore, appro-
priate. Any further attention which must be accorded to
the development of this property could be handled throuah
the Architectural keview Process .
Mr . Rader concluded his report by recommendin; that the
Commission concur with staff' s recommendation and approve
the project by Resolution No . 46 , subject to the conditions
of approval .
3800 Oranje Street
Riverside, California
Mr. Reid, representative for Silver Spur Associates ,
wanted to bring to the Commission' s attention, a legal
problem that existed with the proposed lot split . He
� stated that there was no recorded legal access to any
public street or highway concerning this property; and
since there was no such access , he felt it was mandatory
that the �ommission see that a public access is pro-
vided before the division can be approved. He explained
the legal ramifications of County Ordinance 460 , Section
3 . 2� with regards to requirements pertinent to this case.
He also stated that Silver Spur Trail had been offered
as a legal right-of-way, but it was never accepted by
the County.
7 .
73-610 Buckboard Trail
Palm Desert, California
Mr. Peck explained problems which had occurred over
the past three years in trying to straighten out the
matter of a private road versus a public accessway.
In summary, Mr. Peck recommended that the Commission
take no action on the lot split since there anparently
was a question of legality involved which had not be
resolved in the past. H felt that perhaps the process
"�"' before the Commission may be a vehicle for solving the
Chairman Seidler suggested that since there was a question of
le�ality involved, the Commission should turn the matter over
to the City Attorney for review and opinion. Then, if the
staff feels that it is legally proper , the matter will be
taken up by the Planning Commission at that time .
Commissioner Wilson moved, Commissioner Mullins seconded the
motion that the Commission disapprove Planning Commission
Resolution No. 46 . Approval of the motion was 4 in f avor
with Commissioner Berkey abstaining .
D. Discussion of recor�nended chan es to the Palm Desert
General Plan as pro�osed by the Re erendum Committee .
Paul Williams presented the Staff Report. He stated that by
Planning Commission Resolution No. 47 , it was recommended
that the Planning Commission report back to the City Council ,
that the submitted document would be utilized by the Commission
as a part of the Study Sessions on the Zoning Ordinance and
Zoning Map . He also stated that the document would be con-
� sidered as a part of the amendment of the General Plan which
may be necessary as a result of the development of the imple-
mentation tools to the General Plan, particularly the Zonina
Ordinance and Zoning Map .
The Commission felt that the document submitted by the Referen-
dum Committee expressed concerns other than just with the
General Plan, and therefore, the City could consider it only
as additional citizen input.
Chairman Seidler stated that it should be noted that the
Commission did not have before them an amendment to the
General Plan and would not be making revisions to the General
Plan without following proper procedures .
Commissioner Wilson commented that as he read through the
Committee' s report, he consistently found it addressing the
Zoning Ordinance, which the Commission had worked on for many
hours . He was very disappointed that members of the Ref_eren-
dum Committee had not shown up to give the Commission their
input in person. He suggested that more citizen input be
given in the future.
Commissioner Berkey moved, Commissioner Mullins seconded the
motion to approve Planning Commission Resolution No . 47 .
,�,� Motion was unanimously carried.
8 .
E. Case No. Tract 6229 MARR.AKESH: Consideration of a
request to revise a previously approved tentative map
for the final portion of the Marrakesh project. (R-1-10, 000)
Freeman Rader presented the Staff Report. He recommended that
the Planning Commission approve a revision to the previously
approved tentative map for the final portion of the Marrakesh
planned residential development, subject to conditions of
approval. The only effective change that would occur from
the approval of the revised map would �ue ttie change in the
� number of phases in which the project would be completed.
Commissioner Berkey moved, Commissioner Mullins seconded the
motion to approve Planning Commission Resolution No . 48 subject
to conditions of approval . Motion was unanimously carried .
F. Polic Statement on Whitewater Channel: Request by the
Coac e a Va ey Association o Governments (CVAG) for
City Policy Statement on the use of the Whitewater
Channel as a public pathway and recreation reserve.
Paul Williams presented the Staff Report. The staff requested
that the Planning Commission endorse a Policy Statement by
the city to outline its policy regarding the development of the
Whitewater Channel as a possible "regional public reserve. " He
concluded by stating that staff recommended it be moved by
Resolution �o. 49 that the Planning Commission recommend to the
City Council , approval of this Policy Statement .
Chairman Seidler recommended that Exhibit A, ��9 be modified to
read as follows :
9 . Future housing or commercial developments located
on the Whitewater River are to provide rights-of-
ir way for the trail system.
Commissioner Mullins moved, Commissioner Wilson seconded the
motion to approve P anning Commission Resolution No. 49 as
amended. Motion carried unanimously.
A. City Staff : Paul Williams informed the Planning Commission
that his office would soon be sending out the
particulars for a seminar to be held in Coronado,
June 30th and July lst , which he would like
the Planninb Commission to attend.
B. City Attorney - None
C. Planning Commissioners - None
The meeting adjourned at 10 : 20 p .m.
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