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Chairman ( rite, cal led the me(-t.ing to order at 1:02. p.m.
Commissioner Downs lead in the nlfudge of allegianre.
Memher,; Present: Buford Cr i t(�s, Ch,a i rm.3n
Bob f)c)wns
Rirk-.3rd f.rw(-)o(y
.;i m R i rhr7r(i5
Ra I Fah Wnnd
Mrmber-; Absent: None
Staf f Prec•ent: Pay [.'i i az
Dick Folkers
w. Joff Patterson
Stan Sawa
Phil Drell
Phi I Joy
Jnnya Monroe
Request for approval of Augw;t 20, 1985 minutes.
Moved by Commissioner Onwn-:, :(,conded by C.nmmission-r Richards, to
approve the Augu,t 20, 1985 m i nut es as submitted. Carr i e(i 5- 0.
Mr. Diaz explained that nn city counciI meeting had been held since
the la,it planning commission meeting.
RequPst for approva I of a conditional one F,rrm i t
and negative declaration of env i ronmont,=a i impact
to allow conct ruction and operation of a private
whool (k through iSO grade. 528 student; max. )
(preschool . 170 children max. ) in t hr- PR-5 7one
ior;ate d on 4. 15 acres on the south side of
Hov 1 ey I r=a"P, :approx i m:atr,i y 160(i fret west of
Portu 1 a AvPni O.
Mr . Diaz st.aterd that the applicant was roqupst i ng .:a one month
Chairman Critpq noted that the rnmmissinn policy was to grant two
continuances. and fN 1 t that the applicant snow i d he notified that
rh i s was, the qpronrl one. Staff i nrd i ratpd that this would he done.
Moved by ('.ommiss,inner Downs, seconded by Commissioner Ricnard`, to
continue thiq erase to the meeting of OctohPr 1 . 1985. Carririd 5-0. %WNW
B. Continued Case Nos. GPA 85-4 and C/Z 85-3 - BIRTCHER-DUNHAM,
Request for approval of a gPnra l plan land use
element change from mwl i um deny,i ty reb i Amt i•a I
f5-7 du/tarre ) to core area commerr.i.jl and a
change of zone from PR G. (planned residential ,
six dwelling units per :acre) to (.- I (genPrai
commercial ) for approx i rw3t e l y 1 0.3 -wre,s and a
negative declaration of environmental impact for
l anr} hound(,d by El Praneo. Shadow Mountain Drive,
Son Pahln Avenue, and l arkrpur Lang.
Mr , Diaz stated that the applicant was requesting a one month
rant i na a,anve and indicated that he would notify the applicant of the
p I.:)nn i ny r•naram i s i on po 1 i cy of gr a nt i ng two coat i nu anceq.
Art ion:
Moved by Cnmmissioner Downs, seconded by Rirhards, to rontirnue GF'A
H5 4 and (.// H5-3 to October 1 , 1985, (.3rried 5-0.
C. Case No. PP 14-83 (Amendment #I ) - ViP ADOBE AND SHAHIN IKEZAWA,
INC. , Applicants
Request for approval of an amendment to a
previously approved preris,n plan to allow
ron�trurtion of a new 748 room hotel with two
re st:arirant-. and he;a l th e l rib on 6.9 in thf,
PC (4) S. P. (hlannrd re-;ort romrnercial 7nne,
srenir_ preservr-atinn overlay) zone located inn
feet south of F i Pa-.eo, hetween Highway 74 ..and
Ocnt i 1 1 o Drive (area i nr I ud i ng and hetween Adohe
Garden and Carousel R^sort hotels) .
Mr . 5awra out- lined the Asa 1 i eat pni nts of th( ;tuff rPpnrt 1-vid
rernmmended approva' .
Cnmm i ss i nner Down; asked -ihni,it t ne h i ggest change being m,ad(-.
Mr. Sawa repl ied that tsar rrloc;At ion of the tennis r_cnarts was the
higges;t change, building height i�- the same or lower than previously,
and noted that the 3ppl irant had received homeowner- rand prel imiriary
architr-ctrrra1 approval from the Palm Desert Property Owners
Association prior to cominq to planning commission.
(nrrim i s;s i nner Erwnod inquired if the open space being provided w,_a�.
the same ._a-; prev i ous I y pronosf-d. Mr. Sawa t-Pp 1 i erd that it •;t i I 1 mt"t
tho requirement of 409.. Commi ss i onpr Erwood asked if the bu i 1 d i rigs
covered more ground than hefnre. Commissioner Richard,; felt that
it was less hpcarise of it being two story. Mr. Sawa concurred.
Commissioner Richards a,.ked if the home owners were aware of ;any
rhanges and inquired if residents were shown the rendering of thN
view from Ocotillo. He asked about the higher window height: and if
the homy, owners were made .:aware of the rhanges.
Chairman Crites asked ;ahout sidewalks being mandated along Highway
Ill . Mr . Diaz replied that there was a sidewalk shown on the
plans. Chairman Crites noted that on the ori❑inal proposal a green
belt was proposed with fountains and aske(i it that was gone. Mr .
5aw;a rep 1 i ed that i t w,va . Chia i rm in Crites i nd i rated that prev i nr i
home-owner rnnrerns wero with preserving the old trees on the site in
the Adobe Garden area. Mr. Sawa stated that if they were eliminated, WM10
a condition of approval could he added that they be repl,1cPd with
tr eP�, of equal stritr_rre -romewherP on the site.
Chairman Crites asked about previous .access. concerns on Highway 74
with a traffic signal or entrance at one end and exit at the other.
Mr . Sawa replied that as a result of previous discussion, staff
imposed a condition a, required by public work,, subject to pro ji,rt
completion. traffic analysi, on site to be conducted on Highway 74
to determine if a signal was required to align with Pitihaya - the
,turfy was to he done as part of the project completion. Chairman
Crites asked if the resrilts of the study could have impact: on how
the rommi,sion would like to see the traffic moving to and from the
project . ns osr s;ihle ramification or modifications (noise factors,
trucks stopping up hill ) . He questioned when the traffic: study
,�houlri be conducted, either prior to the project or after.
Mr. Diaz repli,,d that: the access would want to be aligned across
Pitihaya creating a four way intersection which would not move.
The need for traffic signalization could be determined at a later
date. He stated that thr noise factor generated by traffic stopping
and starting uphill would he less if a traffic_ sign.:f1 was installed.
Commissioner Richards noted that the change in usage for the land as
it now exists is about three fold in occupancy, then with the two:)
restaurants and two smaller hotels. He noted that if the projert
was being used for the Same purpose, it w.-)s ju,t being expander,.
Chairman Crites opened the nub l i c tP,t i many and a*Pd they app 1 i rant
to address the commission.
MS. SHERRY iKEZAWA, applicant, indicated that the change from
the previous plan way because of not having complete homeowners
association approval . She indicated that they now had complete
homeowner, as^,car i.3t i nn approval before ram i ng before the
planning commission. She proceeded to address the specific
conrern, of the commission reg<rrding height and Ocotillo
exposure, c)he stated that the previous building (poked like a
solid wall .and needed to he broken up. She indicated that the
windows werf- not a problem because of the sPthacks, carports,
,)nd planting. She explained that there was a lot of water
treatment and green area between tile work and that the roof
lines extended down to give the impression of two story. She
noted that the open =�pac.e was the same or more. She noted that
the previous parking was, rlroppPd four feet and tucked under the
huiIding. Ms . lkezawa ,tat.ed that the landscaping was an
integral part of project and that bids would be taken to see if
the, retention of the older tree; or new trees would he the most
eronomira11y f ran ible. She indicated that the entranre from
Highw.3y 74 wag exactly thr same and that the higgent change w.r
the relocation of the tennis rourt.
Chairman Crites asked if anyone present wished to speak in FAVOR or
OPPOSITION to the prnjert.
MS. ,IANiCF WRIGHT, IZ unit apartment building owner hehind the
tenni courts, Spoke in opposition to the high elevation and
lights shining into the apartments. She suggested dropping the
courts so that the lights weren't so visible. She ;also
expressed opposition to the three story aspr,ct of it and wac;
roncernpri .about rreating a preredent for three story building'F.
and higher. Shp felt that the traffic from the nervire entrancr
from Ocotillo, which would align with Tumbleweed, was congested
already. She suggested moving the ,ery i re ent ranre farther down
to avoid conge,t i on from F l Paseo to Ocot: i 1 1 r; .and Tumbleweed.
HFr main objection was the location of the tenniq courts. Khe
stated that she was never rnntacted regarding re l orat: i on of
tennis courts.
Comm issinner Wood asked staff to explain about the lights to Ms.
VAMW Wright . Mr. Sawa explained that two !�tand.ard rond i t i on': had beer,
imposed: first, that the tennis rourt lighting can only be on until
10 p.m. ; erondiy, lights can he no higher than 15 feet and (]own
shining box type with shields faring residential areas.
Ms. Wright asked if Char meant 15 feet above underground parking or
=,trpet level . Mr. Sawa indiratpd 15 feet above playing ,urfare,
which was probably 10 to I2 feet above grade. The orrhitect
indicated 8 to 10 feet with slope. Chairman (.rites noted that the
rrk3ximum height of the pnie would be 25 feet high with 1 1ight on top
of it . Ms. Wright felt that that was quite high.
Commissioner Richard, exp 1 a i npd that the height at 50-100 yards up
would cause the height to be 35 feint with lights somewhere npar the
top. The tennis court, where they are located are 10 feet lower than
they would be at the administrative building level . M,. Wright felt.
that: if the tennis rourts were at ground level they rnuld bu,
camouflaged with landscaping. Commissioner Wood explained that the
type of lights being used ware typical and asked Ms. Wright if -.he
was a member of a homeowners assoriation and if she had attended any
of the meeting to express her concern,;. M,. Wright rNplied that-
she attended the ones she knew about.
Chairman Crites closed the public testimony. �1
Commissioner Rich.jrri�. felt th-it it was a better project with impart;
on Mr, . Wrights tenants less in ''.heat location them previc•usiy.
He noted that the residents most effected by windows had :_agreed and
that the lower building height from 32 feet to 30 feet would he
benef i c i•,l a 1 onq with seven buildings instead of twelve. He f el t.
that it was time to begin nn the project . Commissioner Wood
Commi c.s i over Frwnnd pointed out with the same or lower height 1 eve 1
and additional setbacks it appears to he a better plan. Commissioner
Dnwnc; concurred.
Chairman Crites expressed concern regarding having the t.raffir
study conducted half way through the project and felt the lower
height was better. He was concerned about Mrs. Wrights pnint about
?5 font lights near property if any additional shielding would
he I p. Mr . Sawa indicated that shields were required on her side of
the property with a landscaped strip between the tennis coa rr t:s and
street . He suggested that within that area it could be required
that the tree•> being planted be fairly big and grow to 30 feet within
a year or two to help shield the light and poles themselves.
Chairman Crites ,asked the applicant if there would be a nrohlem with
planting trees considerably higher than 1.andsc ip i ng. Mrs. I kezawa
replied no. Chairman Crite-, added a rendition for dense planting of
trees to shade lights. Mr . Sawa concurred.
Moved by Commissioner Wood, seconded by Commissioner Down•, approving
the findings .as presented by staff. Carried S-0.
Moved by Comm i s,.i oner Wood, seconcind by Commissioner Downs, c,rinpt i ng
Planning Cnmmi -•Sion Resolution No. 1078, :approving PIP 14-83
(Amendment #I ) a,, amended. Carried 5-0.
D. Case Nos. GPA 85-5 AND C/Z 85-5 - ARTHUR BAILEY, Applicant
Reque•-�t for approval of .a general plan :.amendment
From park to medium density residential , 5-7
dwel I ing unit,.,. per arse, a change of zone from
open space to PR-7 (planned residential , 7
dwelling units per acre) , deveiopment agreement,
rr.. and a negative derlaration of environmental
impact for 58 acres located on the south Side of
Hovlcy Lane, between Portola Avenue and Eclectic
5t rept.
Mr . Sawa out I ined the regue�t and stated that it waj a pcj1 icy
decision for planning commission to determine before forw•nrrling it
to city council for review and action.
Mr . Oiaz explained that if commission felt there should not, hp :j
change, it should instruct staff to prepare a res,n 1 ut-i on of den i a I ;
if commission felt them should be a change, instruct staff to
prepare a resolution of approval ; or request snmr• kind of c i ty
rouncil c I ar i f i rat i on prior to making a recommendatinn.
Commi s�i i oner Richard- requested a synopsis of the b:ackgrnund of the
property for the last seven years. Mr. Sawa indicated that one had
not heron prepared. Commissioner Richards felt that the history of
a project or development of property when a major change is to by
made was important. Mr. Diaz indicated that there was an rxtpnr•ivp
history behind this parcel and that staff would prepare a report on
the background with any minutes.
Chairman Crites felt that the case should be continued, since thr,
Year 2000 committee on open ,pace had prepared a report that has not
been given to the Commis-.ion or made public and stated that my
examination of land was premature until that report was srjbm i tt furl.
He stated that the Living Desert Reserve is not similar in operation
and scope as the sand dung` park. He recommended postponing thi
case until the rommission knew the master plan for the open spare.
Mr. Diaz stated that in regard-; to sand dune parks and the desert
reserve there is similarity in the type of natural :area heing
preserved. He also ,tated thzit sand dudes cannot hp pre•;erveri in 120
acres and questioned the original intant : maintaining open space or
sand dunes. He felt the sand dunes were stab i 1 i zed hf rt not ed that
eventually would completely hlow away. Chairman Crites noted that
the Living Desert Reserve had an .active sand dunp they will Pr(—'ervr,
For the npvt 100 years.
Commis�:ioner Richards indicated that the dove1nper would he advised
to wait for the report from the open space committed and h•:fd heen
circulated throughout the community.
Mr. Diaz suggested continuing the caso and referring the matter to
the open ;pare commi tide and ra 1 1 a special meeting and at the srimr,
time nt.aff would prepare a background report for the meeting of
Uri-oher I . Gnmminsioner R i chard:: concurred that that would help t hi. �.rrr►
developer .
Chv i i rm,nn Cr i to; open the public testimony and asked the app I i cant to
address the cnmmi=sion.
J 0 H N CRISTE , Iand planner for the applicant , expressed
understanding that the open space issue was important from a
city standpoint . He indicated that with him was Dr. Lawrence
iruprey, who was a consultant on fringe-toed livnnd hahit3t
issue. He suggested holding the dr,ve 1 opment p 1•-.rn until the
zoning issue was resolved, but approving the general plan
amendment and five units per acre zoning. He felt that there
w),, no long tf:?rrn v i ah i I i ty for a ;and dunes park herau,:e sand
dunes move approximately one mile 7t year, noting that in good
conditions half would be lost in l 0- 12 years with a total lost-
in 25 yearn. He stated that the city has had the property Toned
open space for 10 years to develop park, ,and felt that it was
time for change. He indicated the project should be looked at
only from a general plan and zone change character and empre sed
a willingneno to he hound to a quality senior housing project.
Commissioner Richards responded that as a former county planner Mr.
C:r ,i to would under stand that changing zones to planned res i dent i, 1 �
de,ignation of .any number was a major change. He noted that the dune
park area was zoned open space and that the dune park was added as an
afterthought. He started that open space has a great number of u>eq.
Mr'. Sawa named some of the uses for onen space ( i .e. b<a 1 I fie 1 d-,,
picnic area,. hospitals, post nfficeq, churches, rerneteries, eta_. ) .
Chairman Crites ewp1ained that anything that falls under the umbrella
of park could he allowed.
Mr. (--'.ri,,te indicated that in general planning principals, roughly
60 acres of park lend would handle 50,000-100,000 people in a city
,and that a great deal of opportunity and re5oorces were available and
felt that the Ksue should he resolved or clarified.
Commissioner Richards explained that was the reason that a more
extensive background was needed and that the history has a lot to A-)
with the future of the land.
Chairman Critrs asked if anynne wished to speak in FAVOR or
OPPOSITION to thiq case.
rnr l_Ei AND HFNDER�iON, 74-?88 Angel; Camp Road, hacks up to property
in question. He stated that the ;and dunes are not stab i I i zed
and that any wind brings sand into his backyard. He i nd i rated
that the primary use ha-, been for dune budgies and ,tatod ho
would be in favor Of Rclme type of development to restrain sand.
He noted that as developments ncrur changes are made to adju,-A
to them. He felt that time had come for development nn this
piece of property.
RRUCE. H 1 1.l_ , Angel Camp r es i dent , endorsed comments tiv Mr.
Hendprsnn and expressed concern ahn+.rt the typrr of development,
but that reading the staff report he felt e35ipr ahout the
type of development proposed. He indicated he under-.tool
(_nmmissioner Richards concern about open space, but tnat
speaking for 40-SO rp�-Jdents, they would not he against
development as long as height, noise, and light weren 't
(ommissioner Richards noted that a committee formed to study Open
space would 1 i ke to hear -,nme of his comment-, for the futurn of th it
the development and indicated that those were the type of r<,mrnent<.
rnmmi ss i on needed to hear . He Suggested that Mr. Hill hc,acl .a group
from his park to speak for all the residents. Mr. Hill replied th.-it
he would he glad to coonerate and he contacted at any time.
Cornmi ss i oner Downs asked Mr . Diaz if there was any rer3snn for an
environmental impact report on this property. Staff did not: feel an
environmental impact report shnuld he dnne at the present time, but
that if the property were changed, it could be required at that time.
Staff recommended waiting tint i 1 other information wac. ,-Iva i l oh i e.
Chairman Crites asked staff to direct the 2000 committee to fnru�, nn
that issue as well . Staff concurred.
Commissioner Richards felt that if commission didn't require in
env i ronmenta l impact report for the Marriott or, any other project
(Lake--i, Desert Fall ,) it wouldn't he fair to this. developer.
Commissioner Wood concurred. Chairman Crites indicatt-d that. it
was not a rteci;ion to he made at this particular time. Comm is,ioner-=,
Wood and Erwnod clarified the prncess and requirements for an
environmental impact report.
Mr. Critte agreed to a 30 day rontintianre.
Commissioner Richards indicated that the applicant should by granted
the right for a further rontinuance if those rppnrts were not
:ova i 1 ab l e prior to Ortober I . He f e l t a spec i f i c study of that ;i to Iwo
shnu l d pertain to the u,r' that it i-, now currently designated.
Mr . Criste indicated that the report need not he in the context of
the Pritire rity' s open space. Commissioner Richard-, concurrent.
C.ommir,sioner Wood requested that the report on the background on the
property also hF, provided. Mr . Diaz indicated that the report from
the open space committ(-e ,and .a repent on the barkground of the
property wnuId be provided.
Mnved by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner Wood,
continuing GPA 8`)-5 ;and C/ 85-5 to October 1 , 1985. 1f further
time is needed to complete the required report;, applicant shall he
granted /a further continuance. Carried 5-0.
E. Case No. C/Z 85-7 - CiTY OF PALM DESERT, Applicant
Request for approval of a change of zone
implementing the Palma Vi1Inge Specific Pi<an
recommendat ions for the area generally bounded
by Fred Waring Drive, Catalina Way, San Pablo
AvF,nufr and Portol::, Avenue.
Mr. Drell outlined the request and showed the are,.3 with the usF• of
the video monitor and recornmonded approval .
Commissioner Richards commented that this amendment was a rNsult of
an extensive study from cornmi ttPes ,and r i t i zf.,ns and that the
commission would not be voting hastily.
Chairman Critfs opened the public testimony ;and asked if anyone
wished to ~peak in FAVOR or OPPOSITION to the zone change.
BiLI_ WHiTING, Fred Waring property owner, indicated that he has
tried to come up with a plan for development of hi property
that would be acceptable to the city for developing multi-family
units, He felt the zoning has been restrictive in the past and
reque,ted thr, city's intent for the south side of Fred Waring.
Commissioner Wood calked Mr. Whiting if it wa•--: economically feasible
to build a single family unit or one story apartments. Mr. Whiting
replied that with property values rising it would bp very
r... restrictive to al low only single f;ami ly units: or single story
,apartment s.
Chairman Crites closed the public testimony.
Commissioner Richards commended ,toff and the committees that worked
on this study and moved for approval .
Commissioner Wood spoke to the motion, emphasizing that his. own
view print was that on Fred Waring's south side, if commissinn could
not zone R-3 two story units, it would remain unimproved,
unattractive vacant lots.
Chairman Crites requested Commissioner Richard's comments thanking
staff for time and excellent work on this project be noted for the
record and that a letter be sont to each committee member in thanks.
Moved by Commissioner Richard;, seconded by Commissioner Downs.,
approving the findings as presented by Staff. Carried 5-0.
Moved by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner downs,
adopting Planning Commission Resolution No. 1079, recommending to
city council approval of C/7 85-7 Fxhibit "A." Carried 5-0.
Chairman Crites recommended that the agenda be su->pPnded to conaider Item
Moved by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner i= rwood,
suspending the agenda. Carried 5-0.
G. Case No. PP 85-22 - HOVLEY GROUP, Applicant
Request for approval of two buildings totaling
27,000 square font including a 3,000 square foot
restaurant ( with the remainder office and
warehouse space) located in a service industrial
;,one at the northwest corner of Fc_ lectic and
lennon place.
Mr. Joy outlined the staff report and recommended approval subject
to the addition of a condition requiring the applicant to provide
sidewalks upon further city r_ouncil direction.
Chairman Crites asked if staff's concern regarding landscaping in Mimi
the north parking area outlined in the staff report had hPen
addressed. Mr . Joy replied that the applicant had provided
acceptable landscaping.
Chairman Crites opened the public testimony and asked the applicant
to addre,s the commission.
MR. BOB RITCHEY, architect: 45-120 San Pablo, stated that he
had no problems with the landscaping requirements.
Chairman Crites a,,ked if anyone present wished to speak if FAVOR or
OPPOSITION to the request. There being no one, the public testimony
was closed.
Moved by Commissioner Downs, seconded by Commissioner Erwood,
approving the findings as presented by staff. Carried 5-0.
Moved by Commissioner Downs, seconded by Commissioner Erwood,
adopting Planning Commission Resolution No. 1080, approving PP 85-22
subject to condition, as amended. Carried 5-0.
F. Case Nos. PP 85-18 and PM 20573 - CARVER COMPANIES, Applicant
Request for approval of a 10 lot parcel map in
the PR-5, PR- 10, and PC-2 zone, precise plan of
design, and negative declaration of environmental
impact to permit the development of a group of
hotels and retail commercial complex. The site
encompasses some 81 acres at the northwest corner
of Gook Street and Country Club Drive.
Mr. Diaz explained that the applicant needed certain approvals to
proceed with development, and indicated that the applicant did not
want to be so specific as to development standards that would make
the commission feel that what is shown is exactly what will occur.
Mr . Diaz reviewed the staff report with the assistance of the
development guidelines. Mr. Diaz explainers that parcel seven was
propo,.Pd aG some type of public element and that the applicant may
wish to delete parcel seven until a proposal comes in for parcel
six, and that if approved, the parcel map would require the
improvement of Country Club Drive and Crook Street. He Stated that
the applicants intent was to develop a north/south entry corridor as
rn.r we I 1 as the ease:/west, wh i ch wou 1 d he deve 1 oped pr i or to .:any e,t her
construct i nn. He indicated that the ;i ze of the parre I (>ii) ,nrrf ,1
necessitated a unified development. He indicated that the r1evr,1oiler
wa,, proposing temporary off i re far i I i ty, but wnu l d he approved .-A- a
-.taff level .
He indicated the applicant 's general acreptance to the prnpo�,r�d
conditions with a modification on the drainage fee requirr�ment for
payment prior to construction/development approval on a given
parcel . Mr. Foikers felt that this should be referred to council for
fees. collected at the time of development. Mr. noted that the
drainage feet; wou 1 d amount to approximately $400,000. Un 1 e„ need(-d
at the present time, fee-, could be paid a certain date or prior to
sieve 1 opment.
Mr . Ci i az i nd i cated that on rond i t ion #15 the app 1 i cant wa-, requP-:A- i ng
the option of pre-.tinting to public works directors plans for
additional median opening~ at a later date, which would mean delerion
of the word "only" in the condition. He indicated that if warranted.
additional median openings on Cook. and Country Clot) sou l ri orcur , and
the planning commission notified to eliminate a public hearing
Mr. Diaz clarified condition #18 and indicated the 12 foot land,:capP
easement was for ded i ration on final map on Cor rnt ry Club Drive and
that the lanri,raped area would be same width as desert falls.
He stated that in regard to height concerns. the applicant wou10 be
-.uh jert to the height 1 i m i t set in the FIR zone, a 1 though a wn i vr,r of
height might be requested imi1ar to Marriott. He indicated that
commercial useF, would not he permitted north of the mini acres-. ro:-jr-i
and that all future deve'l opment required pub l i r hegr i ngr for each
item, and shall be ron5istent with the development griieieiines.
He stated that Country Club Drive shall he constructed and iandsc•ai,ed
prior to development of any phase and didn't feel any control wacc
being lost.
Commissioner Down, asked for an additional condition that the
applicant join an asse,;sment district or redevelopment distrirt for
the improvement of Cook Street , Cook Street hr i dge, and overpa-,s to
the freeway, a-. determined by council .
Commissioner Richards indicated that for this type of development
some, detail is needed to det erm i nr,d if the rpgtjest i-, warranted.
l �
Commissioner Wood regrested r l ar i f i ration regarding l i nr' of site when '
a building exreeds height limit and the distance from the highway. 400
It was mentioned by staff that almost 1 ,0n(l feet was needed.
Chairman Crites asked that the r_ommission/staff to consider a
condition for a setting forth a procedure to insure maintenance of ;.a
project. He also commended the developer for coming in with only two
openings onto the street. systems, but the number of openings he
settled now instead of being informed of openings later. Mr. Diaz
replied that commission could require approval , but that there was
not a need for a full public process. Chairman Crite^ requested
that any median ruts come before the commission prior to approval .
Staff concurred.
Comm issic)npr Richards explained that the development sits next. to
Desert Falls, which went hankrupt. He noted that the l,rndscaping
strip has deteriorated and that the commission wo:r I d 1 i ke to i nr,urP
thrit if thi occurs on any future development that the city will have
the ability to place a lien of sorts for future maintenance. He
suggested the city could require a bond for a rertain number of
years and felt that a condition should be worked out beginning with
t h i -, development . Mr . Diaz indicated that Cori 1 d be done, but
indirated that applicant might want to address that matter.
Chairman Crite, opened the public testimony and ,asked the applicant
to adclress the commission.
MR. BILL. CARVER, ar>plicent, outlined the proposed concept. He
explained several asperts of a possible development, which
would utilize retail shops and sports facilities, with emphasis
nn olympir sports.
MR. CA�)EY CONRAD, previously with the president's council on
fitness and ,ports, felt that this project was needed and
summarized that with his background and input, he felt very
comfortable with the success of this project.
Commissioner Richards felt that the disr_u,sion should he centered
around the proposed project.
Chairman Crites indicated that the commission would be approving a
parcel map and precise plan and that the approval requested was not
tier to a partirrilar development that might occur.
Commissioner Wood concurred with the -tatements from Commissioner
Rjrhards and indicated that he had some questions.
rr.. Commissioner Richards asked if Mr. Carver might have ,anyone elso
present that could speak regarding what was tieing discussed. Mr .
Carver replied no.
Commissioner Wood asked Mr. Carver about the building height. Mr.
Carver indicated that height was not an is,ud' at this time.
Commission concurred.
Chairman Crites asked if Mr. Garver agreed with the requirement ern
join an assessment district. Mr. Carver replied that he would
like to time to think ataout it . Chairman Crites asked Mr. Carver if
he agreed with the comment regarding bonding to maintain landi;caping.
Mr. Carver agreed. Chairman Crites asked about the status of parcel
#7. Mr. Carver replied that he would amend the map and eliminate the
parcel . Chairman Crites noted that this would delete the public
park access area.
Commissioner Richards asked if retail was planned for parcels `, and
6. Mr. Carver replied parcel 6. Commissioner Richards a,kedi Mr.
Carver if he thought the major rises of other- parcels would draw the
retail he would need. Mr. Carver replied yes. Commissiond•r Rich"3rd,
commented that there was an assessment district for Cook street now
in force and asked if there was a major problem with him joining an
assessment district for Cook Street. Mr. Carver explained that [if,
had contributed a lot in the past and referred to hic involvement art
Monterey, and that he was not prepared at the present time to commit
himself to contribute money without more research and exact figurr-,
Chairman Crites asked if staff had objection to the deletion of the
public park access area. Mr. Diaz replied no, since commission did
not know specifics or size. Mr. Diaz felt some kind of entry
statement would be made there. Chairman Crites noted that a health
facility would not guaranteed by the passage of what is proposed at
the present time. Mr. Diaz replied that the plan and criteria hefore
commission would give the applicant the right to do that, and
specific plans would come before the commission later.
Commissioner Erwood commented that it would have to comply with the
guidelines. Mr. Diaz concurred and expl.=:pined that it was the
underlying document. Chairman Crites asked if public works had
reviewed traffic and circulation patterns. Mr. Folkers replied no.
Mr. Diaz replied that the circulation in each site area would be
evaluated at the time of development. Mr. Folkers indicated that the
entry ways were acceptahie as shown. Mr. Diaz commented that the
amount involved for the bridge over the channel and extension of
Interstate 10 would depend on the size the assessment district would
he, what will it include, and understood the applicants concern.
He suggested continuance to study this.
Mr. Carver explained that he understood there would be a complete
realignment of Interstate 10. He indicated that he not protest
an assessment district, but felt he needed the exact figures involved
before agreeing to join it; he felt the commission was asking to
Commissioner Richards stated that when commission is in a position
to approve major projects that have a tremendous effect, the
commission should have guarantees that say that when the funds are
needed to help that site with access to the freeway and all the
other things, the resources should be there. He indicated that he
would like to see Mr. Carver come hack with his agreement to join the
assessment district.. Commissioner Downs explained that this
condition came about from a letter from the Desert Sands Unified
School District.
Chairman Crites asked Mr. Carver if he would be better able to
address that issue with a two week continuance, and that at the
present time several commissioners feel that its essential for
approval . He felt Mr. Carver deserved an honest chance to be 400
able to make a decision, and asked if he would to have this issue
continued. Mr. Carver explained yes.
Commissioner Wood concurred with comments from Commissioner Richard-,
and stated that he could not express any opinion until the matter of
the assessment district was settled.
Chairman Crites indicated that because the applicant wished to
discuss the concept of which there were certain issues of concern,
those issues were not before the commission at the present time for
review. He asked if the commission would be willing to make a motion
to continue to a time certain. Mr. Diaz replied two weeks unless a
further continuance was deemed necessary, and indicated that he would
he contacting the school district regarding the bridge.
Commissioner Richards felt that the applicant was misled with regard
to what should be presented to the commission. He indicated the
commission would be glad to hear any of Mr. Carvers speakers when the
actual project is before the commission.
Moved by Commissioner Richard-;, seconded by Contmi ssinnFr We)od,
continuing this case to September 17, with the under-stand i ng that
further cont.inrrance may he requested. Carried 5-0.
Commissioner Frwood stated that while the commission retluirr-F,
certain specifics for a proposal , too much detail presents a problem.
Commissioner Richards suggested with significant projects it r,hould
he tackled piece by piece.
Mr. Dial stated that some study session items have gone too far the
other way regarding speaking to developers ahead of time and felt
that it would he better discussed across the table.
Chairman Crites felt that on items of this type, commi=.lion only
needs a general idea of whet i, proposed, no reason for more details
because it is not guaranteed. Mr. Diaz stated that the commission
could tie down specifics with the approval of the parcel map.
Chairman Cr ,i t e, felt that a development agreement was not needed for
a mini zone change, but to just have it spelled out on the parcel map
what the use would be.
Commissioner Erwood suggested that for projects of this magnitude
they he scheduled for day meetings to a 1 l ow more d i scuvss i nn t i mf.
without worrying about the lateness of the hour.
Commissioner Wood spoke regarding specifics outlined in a project
that could not he discussed ( i .e. height) . Mr'. Diaz noted that
commission was only compelled to approve a height of 5 feet.
Chairman Crites asked about aerobics, stress testing, etc. Mr. Diaz
stated that it could he included in the guideline,.
Commissioner Richards did not approve of the format of the guidelinf-,
and felt that they should have come from staff, not the deve i oprr,
which added to the confusion. Mr. Diaz indicated that it provider] a
foundation on whet the criteria was going to be.
Chairman Crites felt this was the time to resolve issues of whether
the commission wanted to impose a procedure for setting forth a
procedure to allow city maintenance of landscaping for a project in
the event of bankruptcy or changing of owners. He felt that this was
a place to start. Commissioner Wood concurred.
Moved by Commissioner Downs, seconded by Commissinner Wood. to
adjourn the meeting. Carried 5-0. The meeting was ad 'ourned at
10:25 p.m.
AT1 E ST :
BUFORD C. S, Ch, 1 rman