HomeMy WebLinkAbout0216 T'IIIV[Ti'FS PALM DFSF�2T PL�IVNaFG OONP�SSIO�I MEErING ZLTFSDAY - F�RX 16, 1988 7:00 P.M. - CIVIC C�IVVTgt 00[�VCIL C���IIt 73-510 FRID WARIlaG DRIVE ""' � * � * * * * * * * * �r * * * * � �e * * �r * �r * * * * NO STUDY SFSSION WAS F�LD. I. CAL�L TO ORDgt Vice C��ai�z Ric,hards called ths meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. II. PI,IDGE OF ALLFJGIANCE Catmissioner Ladlaw led in the pledge of allegiarice. III. ROLL CAI�, N[embers Present: Jim Richards, Vice C�airman Faith Ladlaw Car�ol Whitlock M�nbers Absent: Rick Fswr�od Bob DaHn�.s Staff Present: Ray Diaz Kan�dy Allen � Phil Joy Joe Gaugush Tonya Nbnroe N. APPFLWAL OF I�TPES: • Consideratian for appmval the minutes from the Februazy 2, 1988 �� � meetir�g. Action: Moved by Commissioa-ier Whitlock, seconded by Camiissioner Ladlaw, approving the February 2, 1988 meeting minutes as submitted. Carried 3-0. V. S�[�T'�RY OF C�0[�'CIL A�CTI0�1 Mr. Diaz swmiarized February 11 oouncil actions directly effecting previaus plaruiim� catmission decisians. VI. QOd�iSENT C�LII�ID�R A. Case No. PMW 87-18 - DII�INIS GODDCi�, Applicant Request for approval of a parrzl map waiver to .... I�IIIV[T�FS PALM DFSERT P'LAI�TING C7Ct�'IISSI�I F'F�tY 16, 1988 ..n oanbine twr� lots into one located at Deep Canyc�n Road and Alessandro Drive. B. Ca_�e No. PMW 87-21 - ERNIE �50�1�, A�pplicant Request for approval of a parcel map waiver to allow a lot line adjustment oa� San Gorgonio Way and San Beizito Circle. Action: Moved by Commissioner Whitlock, ser�onded by Catmissioner Ladlaw, appro�ving the consent calendar by minute motian. Carried 3-0. VII. PUBZ.IC � A. Continued Case No. TT 23151 - TfiE VILS�S AT DFSF.RT FALLS, Applicant Request for appr�aval to re-subdivide a portian • of Tract 150Q1-1, Desert Falls Cauntxy Club at the nQrtheast conier of Cook Stx�eet and Cauntxy Club Drive. �.rr Mr. Diaz reminded cazmission that at the last meeting sane questions arose involving a dispute with land awned in canron by the property c7wners association. He suggested that the applicant address thi.s matter. Vice C��a.irmari Richards a ied the public testim�zy. MR. MARK TII�LE stated that they are basically ,just requesting appraval of a redesign of the tract and although currently cxaned by the association, the will sign off on the tract map. Mr. Diaz asked the applicant if he wrn.ild object to having that placed as a condition of approval that the property owners association sign off on the tentative tract map. Mr. Temple ooncurred. Mr. Diaz recc�rnended approval of TT 23151 and ac�optian of the resolution as ameru3ed. N�. T�nple thanked catmission and staff for their support. Vice C�airman Richards asked if anyr�ne present wished to speak in FAVOR or OPP06ITI0� to the proposed. There being no one, the public testimany was closed. 2 �,nn �'�[T�FS PAIM DES�T PI,�IaiIlV�G 00[�T'iISSIO�I F� 16, 1988 "'� Action: Moved by Commissioazer Whitlock, secorided by Catmissio�er Ladlaw, adoptirig the fis�c]ings as presented by staff. Carried 3-0. Moved by Commissioner Whitlock, seconded by Conmissioner Ladlaw, adr�pting Plaruzing Camussion Re�olution No. 1277, appraving TT 23151 subject to �itions as ame.nded. Carried 3-0. B. Coritiru�ed Case No. TT 23148 - SEiAOO INC., Applicant Request for appraval of a 15 lot residential subdivision located on the w�est side of Edgehill Drive south of Pitahaya. Nfr. Jay reviewed the background of the case and autlined the salient points of letters that had been received frcm Mr. Henry and Ms. Allison. Vice Chairman Richards requested clarification regarding the previous letter frcm N�. Fox. Mr. Gaugush explained that staff has been workiux3 with both N�. Fox's and N�. Wooden's separate projects. I�. Diaz stated that the matter was between Mr. Fox and N�. Wooden and � n�ot the city. Vice Chairman Richards o�ened the public testimony and asked the applicant to address the aatnussion. N�2. BILL M[JFtFtAY, 49630 Paradise in Nbr�go Valley, stated that they had atteinpted to resolve cancerr�.s expressed at the last meeting regardirx� sto�aater channel and information had been distributed to them. Cannissioner Ladlaa asked for and received clarificatian regarding the wall, right-of-way, and fence height and placesnent. N�. Murray also indicated that the pad height will be one foot above the lawest point of curb where it fronts the property and mted that the water district would be constructirig the fence. N�. Murray also addressed the issue in Ms. Allison's letter regarding rx�tification and shawed the acamission a pict�u�e of the sign posted on the property, which was in addition to the 300 foot rx�tification by mail. He stated that they were sensitive to the request for a continuance, but felt that ample time had been given for them to respond. He indicated th,at any continuance would be a hardship, but 3 .�. D'IIIV[TPF� PAL,M DESF�2T PZArII1Il3G O�'II�iISSI�I F�t 16, 1988 � that he would be agree to a two-week continuarice if this was requested by the acmnissi�. Nfft. BOB MELF]G, Coachella Valley Water District, stated that the district is preparing to make improvements to the inlet • stxucture, which would go to bid after sane legal issues are resolved and he felt that w�uld be sanetime this week. He explained that this Prnperty was rr�t damaged in the previous storm and felt there was a good amo�urt of land between the channel and their right-of-way. Canrdssioner Ladlaw asked if building or excavation wauld undermine the channel and Mr. Njeleg replied nc�. Vice C�iaizman Richards thanked Mr. Meleg for attending the meetirig and asked if anyo�ie wished to speak in FAVOR or OPP(�SITI0�1 to the proposed. NIl�. C��ARLES LIDERMAN, Shaco representative, requested that this matter not be oontinued. arry lcmger and indicated that eight houses front Fdgehill of which most have high walls and noted that he had pictures. Cam�issioner Whitlock requested to see them. � Cannissio�er Ladlaw requested further clarificatian by I�. Meleg an previous storm damage. Nfr. Meleg indicated that rb damage had been cbne to the channel lining and after resolution of legal issues wauld like to make improve��nts before the s�ex storm season. Vice Chairman Richards closed the public testimony and indicated that he was not in favor of a continuance and felt that his cancen�,s had been addressed and that in the event of damage, he felt there was no question as to wt�se insurance catq�any would foot the bill. He indicated apprwal of the pro�ect. Ccamissioner Whitlock stated that after seeirig the pictures, she had no objections. Action: Moved by Commissioner Whitlock, seconded by Cam�issioner Ladlaw, adopting the findu�gs as presented by staff. Carried 3-0. Moved by Commissioner Whitlock, seaonded b�y Catmissioner Ladlow, adopting Planriisx� Cccmtiission Resolution No. 1278, appraving TT 23148 subject to conditions. Carried 3-0. 4 �, NI1IV[J�FS PAIi'I DFSgtT P'LADIIIING �P'iYSSIO�i F�RY 16, 1988 �... N�. Diaz indicated that staff shauld be instructed to inform the pers� wh� sent in the letter of oaimission's action and suggested that the applicant meet with the individual ar�cl txy to address oo�ncerns. Vice (fiaimtian Richards felt the good neighbor policy would prevail. C. Ca.s� No. PP 87-36 - MR. RI(�-�FtD OLIPF�NT, Applicant Request for appraval of a precise plan of design and negative declaration of envirorYnental i�act to construct a 2182 square foot commercial buildirx� at 74-200 Highway 111. Mr. Diaz outlined the salient points of the staff report and explained that the applicant wishes to demolish the existing stxucture. He r�e�annended appro�val of the proj ect subj ect to the �iti�s. Commissioner Whitlock asked if the building had already been demolisY�ed ar�d N�. Diaz replied that it had been, just this morning. ,�„ Vice C7iairman Richards opened the public testimony and asked if the applicant wished to address the cannissi�. MR. RICI�ARD OLIPHANT stated that the buildiu�g would appear to be an extension of the existing buildiuzg and the parking lots would connect. He informed carmission that his previausly approved application's parkuig problems had bee.�� resolved. Vice C7�a.innan Richards asked if anyone present wished to speak in FAVOR or OPPOSITI�I to the proposed. There being no one, the public testimony was closed. Action: Moved by Commissioner Whitlock, seconded by CaTmissioner Ladlaw, acbpting the findings as presented by staff. Carried 3-0. Moved by Commissioner Whitlock, seconded by Caimissioner Ladlow, acbpting Planning Ca�mission Resolution No. 1279, appravi.ng PP 87-36 subject to conditions. Carried 3-0. 5 .... N�� PALM DFSERT P'LArIIJING QOr'A'IISSI�i F�U�t 16, 1988 � D. Continued Dis�vssion oai th�e No�th Sphere S��ecific Plan and Draft �riviraYt�ental L�aCt R�eport - CITY OF PAI�I DFSIIZT, Applicant Request for c�oalsideration of the North Sphere Specific Plan and Draft Envirorvnental Ir�act Report for the area generally located sauth of Interstate 10, west of Washington Street, r�orth of 42nd and the Whitewater C�annel, and east of Nbnterey Avenue. N�. Diaz stated that he would like all the catmission members to be present to review the plan and reaatmended a tw�-week aontinuarice to Mam,�z 1. Vice C7�ai�i Richards r�ted that a letter had beP.n reaeived frcm Geon3e Berkey regarding east/west traffic, Havley Lane, an�d the Post Office. He asked if �he letter had be�n taken into c�Lsideratian and N�. Diaz replied yes. Vice C7�airmari Richarc7s opened the public testimarYy and their being no comments from the audience, asked for commissian cxcnnents. Ccmnissian c�ncurred with the oontinuance. Action: ""�' Moved by Commissioner Whitlock, secxu�ded by Caim.issioa�er Ladlaw, oo�ztinuing this matter to Marr.tz 1, 1988. Carried 3-0. VIII. A. C�se No. TT 22712 - SAM ALAQ�I�FD, Applicant Determination of substantial consistencies with approved Tentative Tract 22712 for proposed revisio�s for Tract 22712. N�. Diaz explained that under the subdivision map act an applicant has the right to apply for a final map, which this applicant would like to do, but changes have been made. Mr. Diaz stated that the changes consist of lawering the approved 100 lots and 3 recreational lots to 90 lots and no recreational lots. He also explained that all the conditions would remain the same and recommended to cannission that this map is substantially alike. Ca��issioner Whitlock asked why the recreational areas were being el�minated and Nh�. Diaz explained that carnr�n recreational areas are r�t being used. 6 a,r �� PAT.,M DESFRT PLArII�ING OQ�'IISSI�i FE�Rt.�RY 16, 1988 ... MR. MARK MORAN, 78-635 Bottlebn�sh in La Qui.rita, stated that they eliminated recreational lots because of past experience and recerit studies. He indtcated that the la�ger lots would allaw property awners to install their awn private pools and spas and at the individual's cost, not the homeowners association. Commissioner Whitlock asked if the hat�mers association would still maintain the roads and Mr. Nbran replied yes. CamLissioner Ladlaw requested cost figures and Ntr�. Mpran replied that the lots would sell between $140,000 and $195,000. Vice C�airman Richarr]s requested and received clarification an N�. Diaz's interpretation of what coi�,stitutes no substantial chariges. Vice Chairman Richards stated that he had rx� problem with the changes. Carmissioner Whitlock concurred. Commissioner Ladlow stated that she had a problem, but not at this particular price range. ACtion: Moved by Chairman Richards, seconded by Commissioner Ladlow, ,�,� detennining by minute motion that the revised map is substantially the same. Carried 3-0. IX. ORAL O�VICATI�IS I�Toale. X. 00[�R�NNPS N�. Diaz inforn�d oamtission that the two radio statian mentioned at the last meetirig (KFAC AI�ID KK00) will soon be back on the air. Vice Chairman Richards requested that staff prepare a letter thanking Palmer Cable for their 000peratian. N�. Diaz stated that two planning crnmtssian m�nbers were needed to sit on a cannittee to evaluate the Villages of Bella Vista plan. Vice Chairman Richards stated that he wc�uld like to be on that catmittee. Canmission indicated that Cannissioner Daar�,s would be • the other member. 7 ... �F:S PAI�i DES�T P'I�ArII�TIlVG 0�7ISSI�1 F�RY 16, 1988 ��rr XI. ADJOURPII�IVT Nbved by Vice C�lairman Richard,s, seoonded by Comnissioner Whitlock, adjourning the meetirx�. Carried 3-0. The meeting was a '� at 8:09 p.m. ��y'L�7' • R11N1JN A. DIAZ, Secret A'PI'EST: JIM I , (�airman /� � 8 �