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Chairman Erwood called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioner Downs led in the pledge of allegiance.
Members Present: Rick Erwood, Chairman
Bob Downs
Jim Richards
Carol Whitlock
Members Absent: Faith Ladlow
Staff Present: Ray Diaz Gregg Holtz
Phil Drell Kandy Allen
v.. Steve Smith Tonya Monroe
Catherine Sass
Consideration of the SepEember 6, 1988 meeting minutes.
Moved by Commissioner Downs, seconded by Commissioner Whitlock,
approving the September 6, 1988 meeting minutes as submitted.
Carried 3-0-1 (Chairman Erwood abstained).
Mr. Diaz summarized. pertinent September 8, 1988 city council actions.
SEPTEMER 20, 1988
A. Continued Case No. TT 23681 - CHAZAN DEVEMPMENT COMPANY,
Request for approval of a tentative tract map
subdividing 11.2 acres into 36 single family
dwelling lots on the south side of Skyward Way,
west of proposed Arrow Trail and north df the
Monterra Development.
Mr. Smith reminded commission that the matter had been continued from
the August 16, 1988 meeting because of the unresolved issues outlined
in the staff report. Mr. Smith's responses to those issues are as
follows: (i) Mr. Smith stated that the change of Chia Road not
connecting through to Silver Spur had been made and was reflected on
the revised plan. Homestead and Chia Road now connect with each
other, but do not connect through to the street in the Silver Spur
Ranch area. (ii) The change for Barberry Lane to be extended through
to the proposed Homestead Road to provide through circulation has not
been provided. (iii) That the pad elevations of the lots adjacent to
Homestead be lowered to reduce impact on the Monterra development;
the elevations shown on Homestead are the same as the earlier plans.
(iv) It was the request of the area residents that the lots be err
increased in size to 13,000 square feet to be cccmpatible with those
on the north side of Skyward Way--camnission had indicated that the
applicant should get together with the area residents to show them
how the hones would work on the lots in the range of 11,000 square
feet. (v) As indicated in the report, public works department was
going to meet with the city attorney to determine the status of the
connection of Chia Road through to Haystack Road not be a condition
unless the notice of hearing was expanded to include property owners
300 feet from that area.
Mr. Smith stated he received a petition signed by 20 property owners
primarily residing on Somera and sane on Skyward to the effect that
preservation of peace, tranquility and safety of the neighborhood be
of utmost concern to city officials; that Yawners in the area
south of Haystack and west of Chia Road are concerned that the
proposed extension of Chia Road north to Haystack and south near
Arrow Trail will result in an intolerable increase in traffic and a
severe reduction in safety in this family area; and for the foregoing
reasons, the proposed extension of Chia Road should not be allowed.
They requested that should the city require the extension of Chia
Road to Haystack, the city cul-de-sac the east end of the streets
connecting with Chia, including Samera and Skyward. (vi) Mr. Smith
2 a.r
SEPTII� 20, 1988
stated that since there no longer is a connection through to
Buckboard Trail in the Silver Spur area then there would be nothing
to preclude Chia Road being relocated westerly so that it would not
infringe on the city park site. Mr. Smith indicated that commission
should direct staff as to which conditions they might wish to
Chairman Erwood opened the public testimony and asked the applicant
to address the ccnvdssion. `
MR. MIKE SMITH, 73-080 E1 Paseo, addressed the six conditions
referred to by staff. He noted that (i) has been taken care of.
(ii) He stated they weren't comfortable with Barberry Lane being
extended through to Hcmestead and providing through circulation,
but noted that the easement for Homestead Road goes all the way
to Alamo now and at such time as the westerly property develops,
they will be required to continue it. He indicated they would
provide the temporary turn-around for the fire department in
that interim period. (iii) Mr. Smith stated that pad elevations
have been lowered on three lots. He noted that Mr. Dunham
expressed concern at the last meeting, but felt that his
concerns had been addressed. Mr. Smith noted that pad heights
are set fran Mr. Dunham's back wall with curb elevation and
building pad to city minimum above the curb grade. (iv) He
stated that the property is zoned 10,000 for lot size and they
are proposing 11,000. (v) He indicated agreement to eliminate
the connection of Chia Road to Haystack. (vi) He stated that
Chia Road along the east limit of this property already is
constructed on the park site, but they pulled the right-of-way
over another 10 feet'-off of the site giving the city 3/4 of the
right-of-way out of their track along the northerly lots. He
stated this was a planned road, which is why it is being
constructed, and will provide a frontage on the park and a road
to the park.
Chairman Erwood asked if anyone present wished to speak in FAVOR of
the proposal. There being no response, Chairman Erwood asked if
anyone present wished to speak in OPPOSITICN to the proposed.
MRS. BONNIE BOLAS, 73-182 Skyward Way, expressed concern
regarding (1) increase in traffic--most people in neighborhood
have three cars per household plus 36 more houses would generate
110 cars racing through the neighborhood; (2) Size of lots is
very upsetting and 11,000 square feet is totally unacceptable--
responsibility of the city to see that it doesn't happen and
hoped the lots were not to scale because they appeared to show
SEV1EMBER 20, 1988
two lots across from her one; This has been a quiet
neighborhood that they've lived in almost 15 years and greatly
deplore the loss of wildlife and vegetation that has brought joy
and contentment to so many in the neighborhood.
Conaissioner Richards noted that this property has always been zoned
for development and has previously been da n-graded. He indicated
that any development would increase the traffic, and the size of the
lots at 11,000 square feet versus 13,000 is only a difference of 10
to 10 1/2 percent.
MR. RANDALL WHITE, 73-186 Somera Road, spoke in favor of the
project, however, he felt several changes were needed. The
issue of Chia Road had been addressed and he presented additions
to that petition and indicated that if the city decides to put
Chia Road through, then to improve the circulation in the area
it seemed logical that it should also go through to Broken
Arrow, and Homestead to the west; the proposal by the city to
have Barberry going through to the north and south doesn't make
sense with available access from Homestead and why penalize the
developer who is trying to develop the area and cut out one or
two lots when it is not necessary to do that. With respect to
the size of the lots, he agreed that it is a concern to many.
Lots at 11,000 square feet would support a rather nice home, woo
however those homes would have to be closer together and the
developments in the area would not be separated by large spaces
as could be and he would like to see them as open as possible.
There was earlier talk of building a park and he requested that
the city use the funds contributed by this developer for the
park to be built as soon as possible.
Cannissioner Richards asked Mr. White what he meant when he said the
lots were separated by large spaces. He replied that of the existing
houses in the area now, there are many homes separated by fairly
large spaces. Mr. White also stated that there was an open house by
the developer last Saturday at which some of the proposed plans were
shown; he felt those homes would be adequate, but if they were built
on the lots the setbacks required by the city would require that
those houses be closer to one another than the existing ones in the
MR. ROGER HORSWILL, 73-610 Buckboard in Silver Spur Ranch,
stated that Thursday was their board meeting and they were in
favor of the change of the Chia extension, though the park was
still a concern. His major concerns were not extending Chia,
traffic circulation in Silver Spur Ranch, and he informed
SEPI'EMER 20, 1988
a.r conudssion that there is a So. Cal. Edison Power Plant at the
end of Buckboard Trail. He indicated that right now at the edge
of the Monterra wall they are currently working on a curb and an
improvement of that street and proposed that Buckboard terminate
into Arrow Trail because they have a problem with an unimproved
road in Silver Spur from the end of Little Bend and would like
to see Little Bend cul-de-sacred. They currently have a barrier
at the end of Silver Moon Trail where cars come up to the
barrier and have to turn around. He indicated that when there
are park improvements, the Silver Spur Board felt that the park
should be maintained in a natural desert state or improved with
nature trails similar to the Living Desert Reserve.
Mr. Diaz informed cannission that the city does not have a specific
plan for that park and this was the first time anyone has asked for
that park to be developed. He indicated that in-lieu park fees
generated from this development would be utilized for that park.
Also, the plans for the park would be done by the city in conjunction
with meetings with neighborhood residents, which would require lots
of money and several years in the future.
Commissioner Richards stated that the city does not have a lot of
experience in building parks and there is usually lots of opposition
"MV from area residents. He asked for public works' position on the Chia
Road. Mr. Holtz stated that they are favor Chia Road being extended
through to Haystack, based on the assumption that there would be a
MR. HENRY WHITAKER,_73-237 Somera, last house on the east side
of Scmera on the south side of the street. He stated that he
was opposed to the park due to the fact that it would take away
their view of the natural area and was concerned about traffic.
He felt that coming from Skyward around Chia and down Somera
formed a loop where traffic can obtain high speeds. Also, a lot
of small children play on Scmera. He did not feel Barberry Road
was necessary due to the size of the blocks of homes and noted
that it cuts one section right in half. He suggested that
Barberry Road be eliminated and Mr. Chazan's development be
moved a few hundred feet further west, which would allow him to
build a little larger lots. He was pleased that Chia would not
open up to Haystack and felt that a park development would be
detrimental and indicated that right now the area is used as a
motor bike trail.
Commissioner Richards asked public works why Barberry Road should be
extended. Mr. Diaz stated that Barberry Road already exists and
SEPTEMBER 20, 1988
where it exists between Bel Air and Skyward it breaks up the blocks
and could be extended there. He stated they are proposing to extend
it to Homestead to end the long cul-de-sac at Homestead Road. The
city does not have the right-of-way to the west and if the developer
were to acquire the right-of-way and construct Homestead out to the
west to connect to its present terminus at full width, this
particular alteration could be modified.
After determining that a dirt path exists where the right-of-way
would be needed, commission discussed the easement and the
possibility of improving circulation by moving Barberry Road.
Ccmlissioner Richards suggested that if Silver Spur has the easement,
the developer and Silver Spur might wish to discuss this. Mr. Diaz
indicated that Homestead is shown as going through and would be a
private street, but if the developer were to acquire the right-of-way
to connect Homestead to Alamo, then the city would re-evaluate this
and it might also solve some of the drainage problems and lower lots
36 and 35 even more.
MR. TOM FARRELL, Skyward and Alamo, asked if the fire marshal
holds a separate hearing and Mr. Diaz explained that the fire
marshal reviews all proposed tentative tract maps and precise
plans and makes comments; in this case they felt that Barberry
Lane should be connected. C mTtissioner Richards clarified that r
the fire department looks for effective turn-around area. Mr.
Farrell felt that the traffic on Alamo was dangerous and noted
that less than a year ago there was a school bus accident at the
corner. He said that some stop signs and speed limit signs were
posted, but indicated he would like a stop sign at Alamo. Mr.
Farrell indicated he liked the idea of having some structure as
to what would be developed later, but didn't like the request
for a substantially smaller unit of 1800 square feet to be
Mr. Diaz explained that it is not a request, but under the present
zoning ordinance the nirumm dwelling unit size is 1200 square feet
and the developer can do that or exceed that size up to 30% of the
lot, but felt that the price of the lot would warrant a larger house;
he noted that the city cooperates with CC&R's however, it can't
enforce them.
MS. DONNA PEAK had questions regarding the existing water pipe
on Somera Road being enough for the new homes and asked if a
light would be installed at the Intersection of Alamo and
Haystack. She also wondered why at Chia and Haystack they put
curbs in if they were going to be replaced again. Mr. Holtz
SEP'IUMER 20, 1988
stated that water main capacities are handled by CVWD and any
new developments are required to have adequate water flow and
pressures and he would not be aware of any traffic signals being
installed until a specific design is submitted; and he stated
that the curb was removed for storm drain construction and had
to be replaced, otherwise potential damage could be done to
property down the street. Ms. Peak commented that several years
ago she was told that within the next five years the park would
be developed and indicated that there are 21 children in the
neighborhood that congregate there. Mr. Diaz stated that at
that time he thought it was a possibility. Ms. Peak also stated
that she would like to keep the density down.
Commissioner Richards indicated that the city welcomes input from
private citizens. He felt that if there was enough support, a
unified group from the neighborhood should approach the city to
develop the park. He commented that he would like to see the rest of
Haystack developed.
DR. HURLBERG spoke representing Dr. Eugene Kay, property owner
to the east of this development. He indicated that from Alamo
to one portion of their property is private property and a
private road and felt that Dr. Kay would not look forward to any
kind of easement from Alamo through their property and rated
their difficulties from the Monterrra development. He expressed
concern about the traffic circulation and felt traffic was
already unbearable.
MRS. BETSY WHITE, 73-186 Sommera, felt that the lot size was too
small and access from Haystack up Chia would create too much
traffic because of the many children from Chia and Skyward that
play there and felt something should be built to protect them
that would be aesthetically pleasing.
MR. TIM SKOGAN, 73-102 Skyward, spoke regarding lot sizes and
minimum square footages. He felt it was the same distance west
of Alamo to the Frontage Road or Highway 74 as from east of
Alamo to Chia. He asked about Chia going through to Haystack.
Mr. Holtz stated that it was public works' reconvendation that
Chia go through to Haystack to relieve traffic congestion. Mr.
Skogan felt a trade-off of the park land to a developer would be
a good idea, leaving 1 or 2 acres for a passive park. He stated
that he would like to see something compatible to the
neighborhood built.
SEPIEMBER 20, 1988
M. CHARLENE McCLAIN, 72-730 Ironwood, spoke representing Mr.
Chazan. She stated that the zoning for the property is R-1,
allowing a minimum 10,000 square foot lot sizes and they were
proposing 1200 square foot homes. She indicated that of 152
homes in the neighborhood 54 of them were under 2,000 square
feet, per tax assessor records. Ms. McClain stated that the
setbacks were the same and that they were willing to work with
everyone. She indicated that a 60 foot easement already exists
on the property, which should explain the location of the road.
She also indicated that the economy would govern the unit sizes
and the development would be compatible and contiguous with the
rest of the neighborhood.
MR. DON BOLAS, 73-182 Skyward, agreed with the majority of the
property owners who spoke. He expressed concern regarding
traffic congestion, noise, and retention of quality of life. He
also indicated that he has lived in the desert for 16 years.
Regarding traffic flow patterns, he felt Chia should be open to
Haystack and discussed density. He requested that ocYmtission
make a conscientious decision.
MS. DIANE MANNIS, 73-085 Skyward, stated that she knew that the
land would eventually be developed, but hoped it would be high
quality. She indicated that children need a place to go and
hoped the park would be built.
MS. DIANA JENKINS, owner of the last house on Scmera, informed
cccmtission that her main concern was to protect the children
that play in that area because of dangerous traffic.
Mr. Diaz suggested that Ms. Jenkins talk to her neighbors, since it
would be them or people visiting them that are creating the volume
and speed of the traffic. He stated that speed bumps couldn't be
placed on public streets, but suggested that Ms. Jenkins contact the
public works to discuss the problem and possible solutions.
Chairman Erwood closed the public testimony. He asked for a
clarification of the statement regarding the city attorney's opinion
of the Chia connection. Mr. Smith explained that it was of concern
that the connection of Chia Road through to Haystack Road not be a
condition placed on this map unless the notice of hearing was
expanded to include property owners 300 feet surrounding the effected
area and public works deparbment was going to meet with the city
attorney to determine the status of that condition. Mr. Holtz
indicated that per Joe Gaugush, it was determined that notification
to owners outside the 300' limit was not required.
SEPIEMBER 20, 1988
Commissioner Richards felt that everyone in the area should be
notified. Chairman Erwood agreed and questioned the matter of Chia
to Haystack being heard at another public hearing and Mr. Diaz
indicated that Chia opening for mitigation measures to the traffic
should be all heard simultaneously. Mr. Diaz indicated that property
owners within the 300 feet from the project and 300 feet down Chia
should be notified with the applicant providing the city with
property owner labels and then both issues could be resolved.
CamLissioner Richards felt there were unresolved issues regarding the
easement and the park (Commissioner Richards suggested that a poll be
taken of the neighborhood to see if they want a park), but did not
feel that traffic was an issue, nor the lot size differential of 10$.
Chairman Erwood felt that Homestead was a problem and scmething
should be done.
Mr. Diaz recaimended that the public hearing be reopened and asked if
the applicant concurred with the continuance. He stated that sane
type of grading plan should be submitted for evaluation so that this
matter does not have to return at a later date. Commissioner
Richards asked what direction would be given to the developer. Mr.
Diaz stated that if he has the public right-of-way, fine; but if city
has to utilize eminent domain, staff would not recommend approval of
that to city council.
Chairman Erwood reopened the public hearing. Mr. Chazan agreed to
the continuance to October 18. Mr. Smith stated that renotification
would be done.
Commissioner Richards felt good input regarding parks had been
received and suggested that people be sure and make their opinions
known. He noted that park development required city funds and
recc miended that they speak to the city council. Mr. Diaz also
stated that he would discuss the park with the Palm Desert Parks and
Recreation Commission.
Moved by Commissioner Downs, seconded by Commissioner Richards,
continuing TT 23681 to October 18, 1988. Carried 4-0.
SEPTEMBER 20, 1988
B. Case No. PM 23798 - S. JACK KESHI'IQ1R, Applicant
Request for approval of a three lot subdivision
north of Silver Spur Trail and Sun Corral Trail.
Mr. Diaz stated that the applicant was requesting a time extension to
October 18 in order to work out drainage problems with public works.
Chairman Erwood addressed the audience and asked if anyone wished to
speak regarding this case. It was the consensus of those present to
return on October 18, 1988.
Moved by Commissioner Downs, seconded by Commissioner Whitlock,
continuing PM 23798 to October 18, 1988. Carried 4-0.
C. Case No. PP 88-13 - RICHARD OLIPHANr/1MY LIZZA, Applicants
Request for approval of a precise plan of design
for an 18,984 square foot one and two story
office building at the northwest corner of
Arboleda and Monterey Avenue.
Ms. Sass outlined the salient points of the staff report.
Chairman Erwood opened the public testimony and asked the applicant
to address the canni.ssion.
MR. WES OLIPHANT, 77-900 Avenue of the States, stated that he
reviewed the conditions of approval and found them acceptable.
Chairman Erwood asked if anyone present wished to speak in FAVOR or
OPPOSMON to the proposal. There was no one. Chairman Elwood
closed the public testimony.
Commissioner Richards did not feel this project was not at all
similar to the previously approved project.
Commissioner Downs noted that the new proposal fell within the
Moved by Commissioner Downs, seconded by Commissioner Whitlock,
adopting the findings as presented by staff. Carried 3-1
(Commissioner Richards voted no).
SEPIEMBER 20, 1988
Moved by Commissioner Downs, seconded by Condssioner Whitlock,
adopting Planning Commission Resolution No. 1309, approving PP 88-13
subject to conditions. Carried 3-1 (Cc nnissioner Richards voted no).
D. Case No. TT 23929 - TEMPLE OCWTm=ICN, Applicant
Request for approval of a tentative tract map for
custom hone lots on the Cook Street side of the
Desert Falls project.
Ms. Sass outlined the salient points of the staff report and noted
that the project would on 13 acres, not 10 as stated in the
resolution. She indicated that there would not be a transfer of
density, similar to the approval of TT 23723 on June 7.
Chairman Erwood opened the public testimony and asked the applicant
to address the cannission.
MR. MIKE SMITH, 73-080 El Paseo, stated that he had no problem
with the conditions and indicated that the lake would provide a
nice view for units not on the golf course.
tum Chairman Erwood asked if anyone present wished to speak in FAVOR or
OPPOSITION to the proposal. There being no one, Chairman Erwood
closed the public testimony.
It was noted that signalization was approximately 3/4 of a mile away;
that the Cook Street D:Cension plans would not interfere with the
project's designation; and that in condition ##16 the applicant agreed
to join an assessment district if one was formed.
Moved by Commissioner Richards, seconded by C miiissioner Downs,
adopting the findings as presented by staff. Carried 4-0.
Moved by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner Downs,
adopting Planning Commission Resolution No. 1310, approving TT 23929
subject to conditions. Carried 4-0.
A. Case No. PP/CUP 86-22 and DA 86-5 - USA/FA1RF ELD REALTY,
SEMMER 20, 1988
Review and comment of modification to development
agreement and precise plan conditions lowering
minimum age to 55.
Mr. Drell explained that the city council concurred with planning
commission's recommendations, but noted that the developer requested
the lower age limit of 55 and added the additional 34 parking spaces
required for that lower age.
Ctnuassioner Richards asked about the density bonus and Mr. Drell
replied that the bonus was five to twenty units per acre, similar to
One Quail Place. Commissioner Richards stated that he did not like
to set a precedent with lowering the age minimum, but Mr. Drell
explained that the ordinance, adopted in 1986, defines the parameters
for this age limit.
It was pointed out that all the units would be age controlled and
that the commission had reviewed and approved this project at their
August 16 meeting. Mr. Drell clarified that no change in density was
taking place with this age limit request.
Moved by Commissioner Downs, seconded by Commissioner Whitlock,
recommending to city council approval of age 55 minimum. Carried 3-1
(CaTudssioner Richards voted no).
1. Commission discussed the memo from Mr. Folkers regarding Parcel
Map 22767 and Precise Plan 86-44 on the southeast corner of Mesa
View Drive and Highway 74. Mr. Holtz indicated that based on
their records they did not identify any discrepancies on the
grading plan.
Mr. Diaz suggested that for all precise plan tentative maps,
rough grading plans be submitted and final grading plans should
not vary more than six inches, higher or lower. Commission
concurred with this suggested.
`. Action:
Moved by Carndssioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner Downs, that
for all precise plan tentative maps, rough grading plans shall be
submitted and final grading plans shall not vary more than six
inches, higher or lower. Carried 4-0.
2. Ccnnissioner Richards stated that he would like staff to get
together with Parks and Recreation to study the Silver Spur Park
and, for the city to take a small lead and cane up with a time
table for capitalization of that project.
Mr. Diaz indicated that he would have a report for the next
Moved by Commissioner Downs, seconded by Carmi.ssioner Richards,
adjourning the meeting. Carried 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at
9:18 p.m.
�... ! RAMON A. DIAZ, Seclll'�W