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ZUESCI�Y - J� 3, 1989 . �
7:00 P.M. - C1VIC CII�TPII2 �L C�1�NB�IIt
73-510 FRID �RII� DRIVE •
* � � � � �r � � * �r �r � * * �r * * * * * * * * * * � * *
Chairman ���od called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Catmissioner Whitlock led in the pledge of allegiance.
Members Present: Rick ���od, C7iainnan
Faith Ladlaw
Jim Richards
Carol Whitlock
Members Absent: Bob Dawns
Staff Present: Ray Diaz
Kandy Allen
Phil Jcly
�•• Joe Gaugush
Tonya Nbnr�oe
Consideration for appraval the December 20, 1988 meeting minutes.
Moved by Commissioner Whitlock, secor�ded by Carrnissioner Ladlaw,
appraving the minutes as sutrnitted. Carried 3-0-1 (Commissioner
Richard..s abstained).
N�'. Diaz stated that rx� meeting had bee,n held since the last plaruzing
caimi.ssion meeting.
JAMTAFrY 3, 1989
. ;
A. C�se No. QTP 88-13 - OOLDS SC�DOL, Applicant
Request for approval of a conditional use permit
to allow a vocational scYx�ol to occ«py a 980 �
square foot caimercial space at 73-851 Highway
Mr. Diaz outlined the salient points of the staff report and
conditions then reccnmended appraval. He noted that if the scYx�ol
beca�es a problem, it will cane back for re-hearirlg.
Chairman Erwood opened the public testimony and asked if the
applicant wished to address the ccmnission.
Nfft. DAVE BENZIL, the applicant's father, stated tha� most
students are welfare recipients who take the bus and did r�t
feel there would be a problem with the parking.
Chairman Enaood asked if anyr�ne present wished to speak in FAVOR or
OPP06ITIOrI to the proposal. There being rio one, the public testimony '
was closed. �
M�ved by Cainu.ssioner Richards, seconded by Ccmnissioner Whitlock,
adoptirig the findirigs as presented by staff. Carried 4-0.
Nbved by Cannissioner Richards, seconded by Carmi.ssioner Whitlock,
adoptirig Plaruzu�g Cannissian Resolution No. 1326, approving GUP 88-
13, subject to conditians. Carried 4-0.
B. Ca,.� Nos. GPA 88-2, C/Z 88-2, PP 88-10 AN�I�IP 1 - RAY Atm
NF�EtC�1REP LACF�R'I'E, Applicants
Request for approval of a general plan amenc�nent
fran open space and law density residential to
office professional, a zone change fran single
family residential to office professional, a
precise plan to allaw construction of a 21,450
square foot professional office building and
negative declaration of environmental impact
located southwest of San Luis Drive and FYed
Waring Drive.
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JANUAItY 3, 1989
Mr. Joy outlined the salient points of the staff report and
reca�nended approval. He rx�ted that a letter had bee.n received from
N�. George KYyder that expressed concenz with traffic i�acts on F7ed
Waring Drive and the intrusioaz of the office zazirig or aatmercial
zoni.r�g on the neighborYr�od.
Commissioner Whitlock requested that staff address the fourth
paragraph of Mr. Kxyder's letter dealing tl-�e codiversations with staff
regarding the wall and lancLscaping. N�. Jay read the paragraph that
stated that instead of a placing a high wall at this point, that a
landscaped berm might be better. Mr. Joy did not recall the
conversation, but indicated that the intent was that rather than
having a wall separating the buildis�g fran the street it would make
more sense for the builduzg wall itself to be the boundary between
San Luis Drive and the building, rather than creating a double wall
situation and thereby allowing more open space. Commissioner
Whitlock indicated that Mr. KYyder was also requestirig the planting
of trees and bushes and asked if this was part of the aanditions.
N�. Jay replied �hat the applicant had not presented ariy type of
• landscape plan at the present time, but stated that it would be
reviewed by the city's architectural cc�rnu.ssio� and it is oalditioned
that they preserve the existing tx�s alang San Luis Drive.
� N�. Diaz stated that staff could also see to it that since Mr. Kryder
has indicated an interest in the landscape plan that when the
landscaping plans are submitt,ed to the arr,hitectural oamiission for
review that he would receive r�tice when the plans are available and
he c�ould inspect them. It was also rx�ted that the applicant had gone
to the adJou�xJ ProPertY awners and neighbors and talked to them and
the process would continue thraugh the architectural review proaess.
Carmissioner Ladlaw requested information regardirx� the Palma Village '
Specific Plan. Mr. Diaz stated that it was appraved in 1985. ,
Catmissioner Ladlaw asked why they wish to cl�iange the plan rx7w. Mr.
Diaz replied that this particular area was of concern at the time as
to what exactly one could do and there was a situation of where one
property c7wner has put all of his lots �ogether so �hey have a large
erlough site that if developed properly, it could take into account
the vacant county area that was sold to each of the property awners
inr3ividually and make it into a good buffer and transitional
develognent. At the t�me of the Palma Village Plan 1) staff did no�
l��aw what was going to happen with that county land, if the city
w�uld buy it and plant it, and 2) there were all of these individual
single family lots. He explained that one of the problems at the
t�me when the plans came through the first time was that there was rw
ca�nii�.nt, the city had four or five individual lots with three or
` 3
JAMT�FiY 3, 1989
. �
four individual awners and the city wanted to make sure that it would
all be canbined and merged, so that the situatians are different rx7w
frcm when the city went through the process tt��ee years ago.
Ccnmissioner Ladlaw stated that she wished N�. Kry�der were present to
discuss the "piece meal" appraval of projects a�txi the four hanes.
I�. Diaz stated that the four har�es are in different states of
aesthetic acceptability in the area. There would be an elimination
of four dwellirig units, but these units are not necessarily being
maintained. The issue before ccnmission would be to determine if
. this project is a good transitio�al land use and if the land use
questions were to be answered affirnlatively, is the plan before
camussion the way to execute that land use. When the matter was
appealed to city council, there was concern about the land.scape
buffer and traffic, which have been addressed. Nfr. Kryder's concern
with regard to present traffic situations should be referred to the
city's traffic oatrnittee for a report because that problem exists
naw. Mr. Joy also mted that when N�. Kryder referred to the piece
meal develognent along Fred Waring Drive, that this p%ject would be
an extension of the e.xisting office project Chazan constructed on
Fairhaven and FYed Waring Drive and rx�t oaze that stands by itself.
Chairn�an F���od opened the public hearing and asked if the applicant �
wished to address the camiission.
MR. CHARLES MARTIN, 40-840 Thunderbird in Rancho Mirage,
indicated that when they were before the aarmission previously
they had only four lots, a vacant one on the cozn�er and then
three hanes. The new awnex has pur�chased the next lot, on which
there is a residence. The plan is to clear the property and
they are waiting for the civil engineer to give an exact
location of the existing txees for the site plan. He explained
that when the it�n went before the oouncil, they indicated that
there should be an office professional use alo�ng this corricbr.
Council felt there shrnild be a real developer and an actual plan
to car� back to plannisx� catmission. N�. Martin stated that the
property was purchased by N�. Lacerte and then they reviewed the
hearings of both pl�nnuzg catmission and co�.uzcil and concerns
expressed by residents, with this plan being the result of that
input. He stated that there w�uld be rx� irx�ress/egress on San
Luis Drive to mitigate traffic and has turned the building with
the back to the residential area and has left a blank back
bem�d up to the building up to six feet tall, with arbther
eight feet to the top of the building. Regarding the wall
referred to by I�. Kryder on the south property line he did not
feel the condition to build that wall w�uld be beneficial since �
4 �
JAN[JARY 3, 1989
it would be benned and the lot to the south is residential and
they wr�uld look at a 20' benn up to the side of the building.
On the west side adj acent to the Chazan parkiuig lot there is a
. six foot high block wall rxxa and the bermtng w�uld be six feet
high with the building ar�ther eight feet abave that. He
;n�;cated there is a zero lot line situation. He indicated they
had discussed with the fire department the parking lot
modifications and they also have trash oaz each end of the site
and have tried to keep a law profile and as law an elevation as
possible on San Luis Drive. He felt t1�e residents address
whether they wr�uld like an intexiuption or rr�t in the building,
but they w�uld prefer to keep it clear ori the back side. The
police department rgnarked that they woK.�ld like the benn kept
law for them to see into the parkiuzg lot. He r�ted that no berm
was proposed between FYed Waring and the parkirig lot, o�ly small
planting. He felt they addressed the c�cerr�.s of residents by
turning away fran the txaffic and giving a gree,n belt along that
piece of the street. He ryoted that a model was made of a
portion at a quarter inch scale to deimrLstrate the relation
between the building and N�s. Courts, who lives across fran the
old driveway. Her house and property was also measured and a
model made at a quarter inch scale.
,,,,., C7iairman �ti�od asked if anyone present wished to speak in FAVO[t or
OPP06ITI0[�T to the pro j ect.
MRS. OOURTS stated that after to talking to everyone and seeirig
the proposal she was not particularly opposed any more. She
i nr�i cated that from sources that she has that the permits were
already pulled and was sure that the project was inevitable, but
stated that her two main concerns were night lighting and
traffic because the C��azan project on Fairhaven. She noted that
people cbn't use the parkirx3 lot, they parkirig alang F�Yed Waring
and go up around the street ancl felt that to 9olve that problem
the stxeet wr�uld have to be closed. She stated that to be
canpletely happy, the project would be aoR�letely separate f�cn
the neighbortx�od and close the street to make no access at all.
She stated that three to four people per day cat�e cbwn her
street, realize they have missed in the entrance and turn around
in her driveway. She felt that if the closure were possible,
she woulc�'t mind driving around the corner and caning out on
Fairhaven. She felt this would be practical, especially if
cannercial was designated all the way to Nbnterey and she would
like sane say as to the lighting that would shine into her
JAN[JARY 3, 1989
CZ�ainnan �w�d asked about the lighting and Nfr. Jay stated that
lighting plans had not been su}�cni.tted as of yet. I�. Martin stated
, that the only t,hing they would do can the back of the building w�uld
be if scn� of the large trees were saved they would light them, but
not the back of the building. Any oth�.r lightiryg o�n the pro�ect
would be for parking.
Chairmari �woc�d closed the public testimo�y.
N�. Martin stated he had a oouple of items for discussioci on the
conditions of appraval. Or1e was the recorcled scP.nic eas�ment with a
25' setback fran San Luis I7rive. Mr. Joy explained that along the
southerly wall of the buildizx� the applicant was proposing a six foot
berm and that would be ad�acent to a vacant single family lot, and
the city wr�uld rx�rnlally require a six faot high wall � that property
line so that a cbuble wall would r�t be created, allawing the c�aner
of the lot to tie his fr�t yard wall directly to that building and
would eliminate the alley-way situation, but we�uld be up to the
discretion of that a,mer. Mr. Martin indicated that would be
acceptable. He mentioned a questi� on it�n 13 regarding art in
public places and sctr�ol fees; school fees he felt were okay, but
questioned if the applicant cauld camussion a sculptor to do the •
w�rk. Mr. Diaz replied that yes, that oould be d�ne if a�r�xre� t7v �
'ii�e -cidic arts c�.nmit-tee. �Mr. Martin's other question was regarding
public wr�rks requesting that the driveway be c�peried up to the west
into C1�azan's property. He stated that if this was do�ie Mr. Chazan's
side wr�uld lose approximately five spaces, and they c�aulchi't work
that out and requested that they rx�t have to cor�nect into the Chazan
parkirx� lot. Mr. Jay did not krxxa if the city aould actually require
him to get an easemen� with the adjacent office buildir�g.
Catmissioai Ladlaw asked about the aarment by Mrs. Caurt regarding
permits already being pulled. Mr. Diaz stated that an application
had been submitted, no pennits drawn at a11 to cb ariythuu.J except
perhaps a demolition pe.rnLit, but he did mt think they had beeri
secured yet. The applicati� had beeaz filed and that is the hearing
before the camussion.
CamLissioner Richards felt that this was a tough pro�ect for the
cannission to h�nd.le because it inwlves a sensitive area and they
took a lot of time doirig the Palma Village Plan a�d felt that the
proposal was too much. He was ryot con�elled that the project met the
need.s, wants and concerns of the area, although many improvernents had
been made frcm the previous plan. He was opposed to the building, it
was toa much building and m�rx�torx�us, like the one across the street.
He did not like the intnasion into the R-1 area. He did not feel
6 �
JAMTARY 3, 1989
""' that closi.ng the street off w�uld be possible and did rr�t feel that
this project was appropriate. He indicated that it was an werly
ambitious use of the land utilizing all of the square footages
possible and gave little consideratio�n to the aesthetic arneriities.
He felt the.re were a lot of good tl�ings in the plan, the parkirig in
the front and other concerns that had been mitigated, but felt that
this building was too much for the area. When discussing office
professional, he felt that with the oombination of lots created a
strip situation that he did rx�t envision in the PaLna Village Plan.
He stated that he was opposed to the project for those reasarls.
. Cannissioner Whitlock agreed with Caimissioner Ric,hard.s in that there
was too much building and aat�limez�ted Mr. Martin on the land berming
and felt that the plan had some attributes, but not enaigh to
convince her to approve the amenc�nent as requested.
Camussioner Ladlaw also agreed with their c�nents; her ooncern was
the r.��anging of zones after one-three years and with 50 to 60 zone
changes and plan amer�ients every year, that if this much problem
exists, the city should take ar�other look.
Chairman F.rwood crn�plimented N�. Martin on the design, but agreed
with the other camussioners. He indicated that when they were given
� a description of office professional and what it wr�uld entail, it did
not take into consideration the consolidation of the lots and huge
office buildings being requested. He� felt that it was too much for
this area and, therefore, ii��atible with the surro�ndings.
Commissioner Richards mted that there have been several recent
builduigs on Nbnterey and felt that the Holden and JohrLson building
was a goad example of office professional use--freestanding with
parking in the rear and entrance ways for access; he did rlot feel the
building on the corner of Nbnterey and Fred Wari.ng was appropriate
for office professional and was an obtru.sive use of the ordinance. He
indicated the ordinance should be handled with care when dealirx� with
buffer areas that back into residential and indicated that staff
should take r�ote of these carn�nts to give them future direction.
Nbved by Catmissioner Whitlock, seconded by Ca�n�issioner Richard,s,
instzuct.ing staff to prepare a resolution of denial. Carried 4-0.
JANCTIIRY 3, 1989 �
C. Case Nos. GPA 88-4, C/Z 88-9 and TT 24149 - R�P I�1YER
�RPUF2ATIC�I, Applicants
Reques� for approval of a general plan amenc3nent,
change of zone and tentative tract map for a 73
lot single family subdivi5ion and 16.6 acre
district cannercial center an property za�ed PR-7
(planned residential 7 dwelling units per acre)
located at the northeast corner of Monterey
Avenue and Country Club Drive.
N�. Diaz explairied that the applicant was requesting a continuance to
allaw him to prepare a precise plan applicatiari to acca�any this
Commissioner Richards asked for clarification regarding the
catmission's prerogative. Mr. Diaz stated that oarrnission could
conduct the public hearing, oontinue it, or take action after the
public hearing is opened.
Qzairman Er��od asked about the length of t�me requested for the
oontinuance. Staff did rwt 3u�xxa. C�zainnan �worxl ed the public
testim�ny and asked the applicant to address the cannission. .
GORDON PAULUS, 37-711 Peaooc�.k Circle in Ranct� Mirage. He r�oted
that when the application was first initiated, a study session
was conducted with the oarirdssion. At that time a general plan
amenc�ment and zone change and conceptual plan were discussed,
then ewlved into more of a precise plan. He noted that at the
first study session Cam�issioner Ri�r7s stated that he wished
to review the entire aoncept in totality before asking the
aarmission for a decisioaz and reoarmendation to council. He '
stated that a precise plan study was being cione, as well as a
traffic study; the results of that study were sutrnitted to the
city and would b� an ultimate part of the proposal. Mr.
Mike Smith would be finalizi.rig the precise plan study and would
require 3-4 weeks to sutrnit all the infonnatio� at that t�me.
He requested a continuance and rbted that staff indicated they
would require 6-8 week.s to study all items before a staff report
could be produced.
Mr. Diaz indicated that the hearing would be re-advertised because it
would be a different project with the precise plan. He understood
that the traffic information became available on the 26th of
8 ,,,,r�i
JAN[TARY 3, 1989
�"' N�. Paulus felt that based on what was previously said at the study
sessions, that in ordex to properly con.Sider this proposal, the
precise plan should be reviewed and include a ca�lete site plan,
txaffic study, and elevatioai builcling plans.
Nfft. MIF� SMITH, 73-080 E1 Paseo, explained that they were taking
the north ar�d south halves of the piroj ect, which were designed
by two separate land planners, and turning this into a precise
plan, which w�uld take approximately twc� to thr�ee week.s.
C7iairmari Fsta�od asked if any�ne present wisYied to speak in FAVO� or
OPP(�SITIC�t to the proposal. There being no camients, Chairn►a�z EY�x�od
requested carcn�.nts frrxn the oatmission.
Catmissioner Richards indicated that this pro�ect or projects similar
in nature have been before the camiissi�n at least three t�mes and
felt that city and staff have spent a lot of time evaluating the
possibilities of oannercial develo�zts on that intersecti�. He
rx�ted that at the Lucky center a traffic engineer was rx�t r�eded to
prove that a problem exists; that opposition had been r�oted by staff
and by the adj oining neighborrx�od (Ranctx� Mirage); that the nr�rth
sphere cannittee was opposed to any develapment at this point in
time, and did rx�t feel the city needed to spea�d more tame giving
direction to the developer, who has sperit a lot of time before the
°"" camdssioa�. He felt that a denial was appropriate. He stated that
there was no cat�elling reason at this time to change the zone frcm
PR-7 to anything else.
Gatmissioner Ladlaw concurred.
Chainnan Erwood felt that the applicant should be given the
opportunity to present his best case so that the cannission has all
the facts before them when making a decision. He did r�ot }axxa if the
applicant could avercane the issues presented in the staff repoz-t,
but felt �.hat he should be given the oppoY-tz.uiity to txy. He would
riot oppose a oontinuance and rx�ted that he did rx�t hear anyone obj ect �
to a continuance from the audience.
CamLissioner Richard,s felt that the applicant has had sufficient t�me
before the cannission. He indicated one session was at least 45
minutes to an hour with the roan packed with all kinds of consultants
and he spoke at least 15 minutes giving the city's point of view. He
did not feel more time was appropriate. Nothing new had been
� sutrnitted and the developer has had his day in oourt; the previous
proposals were for commercial on the corner and some type of
residential in the back. He felt the whole project huzges on the
JANCIARY 3, 1989
cxcnnercial oaz the corner and that was the probl�n--the mrth sphere
camLittee was opposed to catmex�cial at that locatioa�. He felt that
ex�ough time had been given.
N�. Paulus addressed the oannission statirig that they had oaze study
session with the aonmissioaz. He indicated that �z the ccmnission
was referririg ta many plans being submitted, he had stxx�m preliminary
plans to staff in private meetings trying to get direction, but took
exception to the comment that they have taken up a lot of
cannission's time. He stated that the content of the study session
before catmission took approxunately 30 minutes and that was all.
CaYmissioner Whitlock felt that I�. Mayer had be�xi before cannission
prior to Mr. Paulus' involv�nent because the cam�issi� has had
discussions on this property. N�. Paulus disagreed. Mr. Diaz
recalled approximately three sessions, when aparbn�nts weY� proposed,
etc. Mr. Paulus stated that he was �t going back that far, anly to
when the oatmercial development that is naw before the ocnmissio� for
consideration was prnpo�aed. N�. Paulus felt that they cb have a day
in court.
Catmissioner Richards stated that he addressirig the basic use of the
proper-ty on the northeast corner of Nb�te.rey and C.auntry Club as a
ccnmercial use and that thP,re had be�z at least thr�ee study sessions �
with Mr. Mayer oorrurig before oannissi� with marYy ao�iltants and
they were given aa�ussion direction.
Carinissioner Richards moved for approval of the findings as presented
by the staff for denial.
NIl�. GARREP LEFELT, 73-450 County Club Drive, awner of Suncrest
Countxy Club that borders this project an the r�orth and east.
He supported the positicez that the meeting should be oontinued
to allaw him to hear what was being proposed. He indicated that
he had never received notification of any of these mee�ings and
he has cx�med the property since 1986.
Ca�missioner Whitlock stated that before votizig on a motion she w�uld
like to state that she had been part of the committee that
Camtissioner Richards referred to and going aver the plans for the
rlorth sphere it had beezz clear that the city is not interested in
changing the zone, especially knowing the oppositian of Rancho
Mirage, and with the cannercial ca�lex on the opposite side of the
street, but felt that the applicant shQuld have an opportunity to
present their plan.
10 �
JAN[J�RY 3, 1989
rrn. •
Carmissioner Richards withdrew his motion.
Chairman Erwood stated that he would make the motion for a
continuance and Mr. Diaz stated that the reoord slx�uld stxxa the
applicant's concurrence to the continu2nce.
• Action:
Moved by Chairman Erwood, seconded by Commissioner Whitlock,
continuing this matter to March 21, 1989. Motion failed ori a 2-2
vote (Cannissioners Ladlaw and Richards voted r�o).
' After further discussion, staff indicated the matter should appear on
the January 17, 1989 meeting agP,ru�a and each ao�.secutive agendas
until a definitive vote oould be given.
D. Ca,� No. ZCaA 88-5 - QTY OF PALM DFSIIZT, Applicant
Request for approval of zoning ordinance
amendment creating section 25.58.313 praviding
for the inclusi� of oa�act parking spaces in
required off-street parking lots.
N�. Diaz outlined the salient points of the staff report and reviewed
the Tcx�m Center agree�nent. He explained that this amerx3nent was to
pravide clarification of tY�e policy that the city is currently
Commissioner Richards reviewed the history of oor�act cars beir�g
allowed when the 'Ibwn Center was proposed; he was also against
canpact cars stalls then. He noted that car sizes charx�e from year
to year and felt that it was irrq�ractical to oom�ai� one type of
parking space versus another. He irxiicated that if there is a
problem with what has bee,n created in the city, then the camtission
should be conservative and let what is be, but mt make future
mistakes. He felt the city should be con.sistent and asslmie that
r�othuzg stays the same in the autarobile indlLstry and clean up the
ordinance so that it is all the same.
Mr. Diaz indicated that compact cars stalls are allowed by
resolution, subject to apprr�val at the t�me of the precise plan
design. The city has the right of approval and the ordinance
amendme.nt would just codify the city's right to allow saneone to have
a cal�act car stall. He indicated that the normal size is 20 x 9 and
J�zY 3, 1989
. � �i
the e7a�act stall size is 17 x 8 and the caty would have' ti�e right to
designate where the cC��act car stalls oaul�d be placed; ; �
Catmissioner Rich,ards asked. about the neo.e�sary steps tci eliminats
c�anpact car stalls in future develognents.. � i�. Diaz repl3ed that the
ccnmission should instruct staff to prepare an ordinance saying that
all stalls stx�uld be 20 x 9. N�. Diaz felt that the city might have
specific cases when they might want to grant t,h�ose sma�],er stalls:
CaYntissioner Richards r�oted that oompact caxs dr.�'t r�cesSarily park �
. in canpact car stalls and cited- the parkiryg �problem aver the holidays � :
, � at the tawri center �nd he felt that it ci�.d :nat matter �wYitch spaces .
. were ca�act, cars were parking in available spaces. � -
t�. Diaz ind.icated that the oatmissian coul�i.instruat sta�'� to revise
the existing. ordinances allowing compact c�r stal.l�,• with the
understanding that existing sta�,ls .wc�uld• be grandpa�'en�ed into . the �
: • ci.ty�and nc�. futur•e ca�act car stalls wauld.Ue allawec�: '��Ie indicatecl- , .
�. fhat i2e wrnild� like to retain in the' parkicig ordinars�e�,.;�, srialler
. , ' . stall £oF assi9ned.Pa�:kuxJ due to. a.lc7w�ar tuxra�aver' ra,�, ;iah�re th�re
� . is 'assigned e�ip�.ayee parkirx�. Ntr�. �Diaz �elt tha�, aai�ac.�.'��x�s �talls . '
� • ` shou].d be allawed when they are in additian to� the requi���ntm�er
of spaces. . . .
�annissionex Ladlaw rx�ted that �n the VA Hospital in �I,ana. Linda the '�
parking lot Yias, compact spaces and they require considerable '
�:nforcement there. Anyone parking on a white line, or• a s't�rid�rd car
� � in a ca��pact space is ticketed. • ,
Chairn�ari EYw�od,o P�� the public testinbny.� � , �
� . �MR. SANDY BAUM, 45-800 Deep Canyon, felt the ca�s ate get�irlg •
� shorter, .not n�nro�wer and agreed with� the,aaiinissi�n;.s ocRments. •
Chairman Esw�od closed the public testimony. . He alsa �gr'eed w3th the .
ccmnetits of the other ccximissioners. � � . . •, :. • ' •
� • Action: • , , � '
� , -Moved by Commissioner Richards, seaanded t�y� Cocinus�ioner Ladlaw,
ccxitinuing this'mat�er to January. 17 ar�d instxucting staf� to� delete ,••
canpact car stalls fran the o�e. Carried 4-0, ',. ' ., . •
12 • � � . url .
_ _ _
JAN[]ARY 3, 1989
A. Cbntirnied Ca.9e IJ�. ZCIA 88-4 - QTY OF PAIM DFSF�tT, Applicant
Adoption of the resolution reaarmer�dir�g de.riial of
an amer�hnent of Chapter 25.100 of the PaLn Desert
Muriicipal Code relating to t�meshare projects.
Mr. Sandy Baiun, 45-800 Deep Canyr�n, spoke at ler�gth in fawr of
allawing tameshare pmjects in the city.
Carmissioner Whitlock stated that in the esser�ce of moving this item
up to council she would make the motion.
Nbved by Conmissioner Whitlock, seoonded by Catmissioner Richards,
ac3Qpting the firldings as presented by staf f. Carried 4-0.
Nbved by Cannissianer RicharcLs, secorx3ed by Ccmnissio�ier Whitlock,
acbpting Plannisx� Cannission Resoluti� No. 1327, reoam�exycling to
city aouncil denial of ZQA 88-4. Carried 4-0.
""' SANDY BAUM, 45-800 Deep Car�, stated that based on the agerida
worduig, the oral ocmmunications stx�uld be placed at the beginning of
Maved by Camussioner Richards, seax�ded by Catmissioner Whitlock,
adjourning the meeting. Carried 4-0. The meeting was �ourned at
9:02 p.m. �;,,�lyy� �`°�� N�•
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RANI�N A. DIAZ, Sec et
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RICi-1ARD ERWOOD, C7iainnan