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ZtJESOAY - �RY 21, 1989
7:00 P.M. - (;IVIC CII�fl�t Q7[IlVC�L Q�NBIIt
� 73-510 Fit�D �1RIl� DRIVS
` i
� * * * * * * * * �t * * * * * * * * * �F * * * �t * * it
6:30 P.M.
C��airman ���od called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. r.
CamLissioner Whitlock led in the pledge of allegiarbce.
Mr. Drell noted that Commissioa�er Ladlaw had resigned frcm t.t� ;
oannission. f.
Me�nbers Present: R.ick ���od, Chainnan �
Jim RicY�rds
Carol Whitlock
Nlembe,rs Absent: Bob Dawn.s �
Staff Present: Phil Drell
Steve Smith
Catherane Sass
� ��� �
Joe Gaugush �
Tonya Moa�roe �
Consideration for approval th� February 7, 1989 meeting minutes.
CamLissioner Richard.s abstained due to his abse.nce fran the last
meeting and it was detennined that the minutes aould ryot be appraved �
with a 2-0-1 vote.
Moved by Commissioner Whitlock, seconded by Chairman Erwood,
�tinuirig approval of the February 7, 1989 meeting minutes to March
7, 1989. Carried 3-0.
No sumnary was given.
FID�RiTARY 21, 1989
vz. aors�xr c�r�R "'�
A. Case No. PP 86-37 - �J[INPRY Q� (�ZE (FNI�t/RIQ�� OLIPi�NP,
Request for approval of an additional six-moa�th
time extension for a nursing/congregate care
facility north of Co�txy Club drive between Cbalc
Street and Portola.
Request for appraval of a oaze-year t�me extensioci
for a mixed use professional office ar�d apar��nt
project on the r�rtheast corner of Cook Street
and Hovley Lane.
Mwed by Carmissioner Whitlock, secoa�ded by CamLtssiane.r Richards,
adQpting the consent caletuiar by minute motion. Carried 3-0.
A. CXntirn�ed (`,ase Nos. C/Z 88-9 and PP 88-20 - NiIR�I,FSTE INVES�TP
Q�., Applicant
Request for approval of a cY�ange of zo�e f�ccn R-3
(4) multi-family (one unit per 4000 square feet)
to R-3 (one unit per 2500 square feet) for the
r�orth side of Alessar�dYn between Deep Car�a'i Road
and Cabrillo Avenue and a negative declara�ion
and precise plan for a 13 unit one-story
apartment proj ect at the rx�rtheast corner of
Alessandro Drive and Santa Ynez Avenue.
Mr. Drell explained that the applicant was requesting a one-manth
Chairman Erwood opened the public testimoriy and asked if anyane
present wished to speak regardirx� this matter. Tt�ere was no o�e.
Nbved by CaTmissioner Richards, seaonded by Cannissioner Whitlock,
continuing C/Z 88-9 and PP 88-20 to March 21, 1989. Carried 3-0.
2 �
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NIIN[A�'S �!''
F�RY 21, 1989
B. QT1t1.I10.]�C� Ca..99 NO. PP �-� - � FI$��, A�1jC�lt
Request for approval of a 3,755 square foot
aatmercial building oaz Palm Desert Drive South.
Ms. Sass explained that previaus cannissioaz ooricern related to the
shared parking situation. She indicated that an agreernent in writing
had nQt been received, but the project was conditioned under
community development condition numb�rs 6 and 7. She also
recannended a condition that the applicant agree to repave one-half
of the alley, rx�ting that the alley is private pr�perty. Ms. Sass `
stated that of further aoricern was additioa�al landscaping to be
pravided in the parking lot, and noted that this would be included on
the final drawings to the architectural commission. Ms. Sass
informed commission that three letters had been rer.eived; one
expressed con�enz by ttie adj acent property awne.r (N�. Daugherty) for '
installation of a ten�orary wall during the coa�structiori phase of ;
this project, which wo�xld be the length of the proper�ty - a ten foot �
width, and this could be added as a amditian. She indicated that �
the shared parking was with the Par�ard buildirig to the east, and !
staff put a aonditiosn that the awr�x�s of the property not deny an �
aisle or reciprocal access to the Heruzy Peruly lot to allaw shared
� parking if san�day they wish to develop.
Chairman Erwood o ened the public testimony and asked if the �
applicant wished to address the camLi.ssion.
NIR. BOB RICCI�E2DI, 45-275 Prickly Pear Lane, stated that he was
in agreement with all the conditions and felt coazfident that in ;
one-three weeks the conditian allowing access through the � ,
property wr�uld be signed so that when they come back with ,
wr�rking drawings, it wauld be worked aut. '
Chai�l Ez`�n�od asked if anyone present wished to speak in FAVO[t or k
OPP06ITI0[�i to the proposed. There being r�o one, the public testimoriy • �. '.
was closed.
Commissioner Whitlock stated that in view of the stipulations
� imposed, she would vote in favor. Cumussioner Richards cor�curred.
Moved by Cannissioner Whitlock, seconded by Carmissioner Richard,s, �"
adapting the fiiu3ings as presented by staff. Carried 3-0. ;.
�... � '
F�RY 21, 1989
� �
rilavea r�y ca►missior�x wnit].ock, seeaor�aea t�y cannissioner Fttcharas,
adr�pting Planning Cannissioa� Resolution No. 1335, appraving PP 88-
23, subject to conditions as ame.nded. C�rried 3-0.
� C. Case No. PP 88-2�4 - BCB IUTCf�EY, Appl..ica�t
Request for approval of a negative declaratioaz of
ern�iro�mental ir�act and a precise plan of design '
to allaw coa�,stxuctioci of an 8371 square foot
office, wareYx�use, shawr�oom building � a 23,000
square foot lot ori the east side of Melanie �
Place, south of Merle Drive, east of Ooo� Street
in an area to be z�ed S.I. (Sexvice Industrial)
upo�� annexation.
Mr. Smith outlined the salient points of the staff report and !
reaannended approval.
Cannissioner Rir.hards requested clarification on parking requirements E
for shaarnans and the use of glass in the front. N�. Smith explained �
that the parking ratio for shawroatis was 1/500 and that the front, as
well as along the side, would be glass. � �
� �
Chairman Erwoad opened the public testimony and asked if the
applicant wished to address the camussion.
NIl�. BOB RITCHEY, project architect, stated that �he front •
building facing the street is the shawroom with parking at
2/1000; sales at 4/1000 and office warehause at 2/1000, which
averages out to 3/1000. He stated that he had no problem with
the conditions.
C��ainnan Es��od asked if anyone present wished to speak in FAVCIt or .
OPP06ITI(�1 to the proposal. There being rx� one, the public testiYrony
was closed.
Camtissioner Richarr7s stated that in spirit of the fact that this �
developer is first in this area, it would be prudent to mave it '
r�bvea t7y cannissianer Rirazaras, seoonaea t7y carrnissioa�er whj.tlocac, �
adr�pting the firidings as presented by staff. Carried 3-0. �
4 �
. �
�� ;.
F�1RY 21, 1989
�""' Nbved by Commissioner Richa�ds, seoonded by Catmissioazer Whitlock, �
ac7�opting Planning Cannissi� Resolutioaz No. 1336, appravir�g PP 88-
24, subject to conditioa�s. C�-�ried 3-0.
D. Ca_�e Nos. GPA 89-2, C/Z 89-2, PP 89-1 - Q'PY OF PAIM DESE�t'P,
Request for approval amer�nent to General Plan
Circulation Element creating an internal
circulation system for the southwest quarter of ;
Section 4 T5S R6E; amenchnent to General Plan Land
Use Map �edesignating the rx�rtheast oorner of
Countxy Club Drive and Portola Avenue frccn law �
density residential to office professional; a �
change of zone totaling 23 acres at the rr�rtheast f
corner of Country Club Drive and Portola Avenue f
fran PR-5 �to O.P; a precise plan of design for a E
46,000 square foot office oca�lex on 4 acres at ;
the nortt�east aorner of Country Club Drive and .
Portola Avenue; a Negative Declaration of
�virorunental Impact as it pertains to the abave
cases. •
�. �Mr. Drell explained that the application imrolved the r�ortheast
conzer of Cook and Portola. He stated that the road would access
Portola and pravide access to all par�cels � the third raw of five
acre parcels. Addressing the general plan amen�nent and change of
zone, N�. Drell explained that the proposal would be from law density
residential to office professional; 23 acres and six different i
property o�ariers of which all are smaller, except the six par�cel site '
awned by United Savings and Loan, the south half would be office f
professional and the remainder laa density residential. The property
to the east was cx�med by the Maix�r Care. He indicated that regarding
the precise plan application, the proposal was for the builciing to be
oonstxucted diagonal to the oorner. The view fran the corner af
Portola and Countxy Club would be principally sirigle story elevation �,
going up to 25 feet. The interior would be pr�edominately tw� story. '
Setbacks would range for first story, 35' fran property line and 47' k�,
fr�m curb on Cauntry Club, 100' at the corner itself. Setbacks for
two story would be additional, totaling 70' . In additioaz, a proposal
had been made for a second office project on the n�orth. This project
would be designed with sidewalk and inter-circulatiori for parkiux� and ``.
a requirement of all projects w�uld be added that they have inter- �
circulation in the parking area. � driveways would pravide access F
on Country Club and one driveway onto Portola. Mr. Drell explained
F�RY 21, 1989
that the site to the riorth w�uld also have access � the interior
road. He stated that the purpose of this public hearing wauld be to
take testimony and for commission to express opinions, and a
resolution w�uld be presented for ado�ptia� at the next meeting.
Chainnan Erwood opened the public testiirony and asked if arryr�ne
present wished to speak in FAWR or �'P0.SITICN to the pro�osal.
I�t. CGP,UDE HI�UGAN, Palm Desert Gr�ns General Manager, Board of
Directors, stated that he wo�ild hav�e liked to have seen the
precise plan applicatioaz. He stated that he wo�ild like a aopy
of the staff report when it was prepared.
N4Z. WARD THOMA,S, 36 Acapulco in Silver Sands Racquet Club,
stated that by rezoning this property, txaf f ic ar�d mise wo�ild •
be ir�creased and they were opposed to a chacx3e.
N�t. WRIGHT GARY, 10 Galacia in Silver Sands Racquet Club, stated
that they were plaruLiryg to be full-time residents within the
year, and e,xpressed opposition to inareased traffic and noise
fr�an the standpoint of children arLd grandchildren in the area.
He stated that at the annual associatioa-i meeting, they were ,
almost unar�imously opposed to the proposal because of increased '
traffic. He stated that to make a left-turn naw was very �r1i
difficult and with additional traffic it w�uld be in�ossibl.e.
He indicated that they purchased their hr,x��e because of the law
density residential zoning and a business complex was a
MR. GERALD FnREST, 10 Las Cxuces in Silver Sand.s Racquet Club,
stated that he came to city hall and was told that there was rr�
plan for any charige frcm lc�w density zoning to anythirx3 else.
He indicated he would not have bought in this location
othezwise. He was apposed to traffic and rloise and felt that
the zoning was to protect laa density and should r�t be changed
because saneone wishe.s to build. He r�oted that there were three
corners at Nbnterey and C',ountxy Club that is already oarmercial
zonirx�. He stated that he was totally opposed.
MR. PETER DELUCA, Bermuda Dunes, stated that he was in fawr and
asked about the street widths. Mr. Drell stated that 60 feet of
� right-of-way and 40 feet of pavement and twb lanes, but the city
w�uld rx�t build the street. The street would be constructed by
the developer or property cx�mers could set up an assessment
district. Upon questioning by Mr. Deluca, Mr. Drell stated that
6 �
N1INIli'FS c
Fk�tY 21, 1989
�"' a site plan of the project aould be picked up in the depart�nent
N�2. BOB LII�ION, 2 Zbluca Way in Silver Sarlds Racquet Club, stated �
that he seconded the previaus r�narks made in appositi�. He
i n�i cated that he had lived here sirlce October of 1986 and he
purchased because the area had residential zoa�ing and felt that
the residents should be able to rely ori that. He felt that
clzanges sYx�uld be made in advarice.
MS. GLORIA M�ITZ, Silver Sand.s Racquet Club, agreed with the
other speakers and stated that this has been z,or�ed residential �
all along. She iruiicated that she ba�ight a house 5 1/2 y�ears
ago, which was before the fire department and Marriott � '
oonstructioaz, as well as the gr�ocery center. She stated that if
the property was r�ot fawrable for residential, why did the
awners buy it and felt their motives for �sing the prvpezty
stwuld be examined.
Chairman Erwood clarified that the Lucky Center was never zoned
residential and residents were notified of that fact when they
Ln�'chased ProPertY•
�, MRS. PANIELI� SMALLWOOD, awr�r of the property on the oorn�er of
Portola and Countxy Club, stated that she did not feel the
project would create a negative an the quality of life on the
surrounding neighbors. She in�dicated that traffic woa�ld be less
than for single family hanes, and th�ere would rnt be any traffic �'
after 6:00 p.m. or before 7:00 a.m. She stated that careful "
attention had been given to the architectural design to create a
project pleasing to the entire oanrn�n.ity. She also indicated
that it was an established fact that this is a bu_�y st.rc�et and F'
she felt that snall residential parcels were ryot appropriate. ;',
N�s. Smal l�x�od in�clicated that Mr. Lee Hutchtso�► and N�. Harold !
Housley were present to answer architectural and er�gineering �
Chairman Ertiaood asked for and received a s�.urmary of project the
layout as depicted on various drawirx�s. �
Commissioner Whitlock asked about the secorxi story height. Mr.
Hutchison stated that the height was 25' on the street and 35' fmn
propert,y line startirig from 14' and sloping up to 25' and would be ;
70' from the back of curb. He indicated that present zo�ing wruld �
allaw for 30' in the residential zoniux�. He stated that ryo parking f
w�uld be seen frrxn Portola or Countzy Club except of a slight space, �
7 �.
FIDR'[7�1RY 21, 1989 '
and the parking would be 60'-70' fram Portola and screened by •
laridscaping and a wall. He irzd.icated apprnximately ten spaces might
be seen. He stated there would be rx� access frccn Cauntry Club Drive
and oa�e driveway from Portola.
M5. JOAN SPIDGEL, homeaaner diagonal to the rear P�P�'tY. �� -
if they wr�uld be lookirx� into the parking lot. Mr. Drel l
explained that for the particular property in question, a �
particular site plan was not before the c�nissi�. Mr. Drell
stated that there would be a stxeet between the project and the
residents. Ms. Spiegel also expressed oor�cern regardiix,� being
bill for any additiorial assessme�its. N�. Drell clarified that
residents benefiting fran the extension of Portola would be '.
assessed for that i�ravement. Ms. Spiegel dtsagreed and did
not feel that she rer.eived direct berbefit and felt that the t
peaple building sYx�uld be respor�,sible.
Nfft. JULES MAFtKOWITZ, resident of Silver Sar�c7s Racquet Club,
suggested that the small parcel property cx�n�ers get together and
build. f
Cannissioner Richards reviewed the history of the area, rx�ting the
year-lorxg moratorium and meetings that took place reqarding the north �
sphere. He stated that on the five acre paraels t-.oday, it w�uld �
aL►mst be ampossible to develop as single family housing, especially �
on Countxy Club.
N�S. MARY STOLT7�N, 74-055 Highway 111, stated that she was the
property aaner to the north. She indicated that they would
provide a nice greer�lt and landscapirig � Portola. She ryoted ��
that this was a heavily txaveled street and wnuld aontinue to
Dinah Shore in the future. She also stated that they have
wr�rked with the Smallwood.s to reduce the niunber of curb cuts.
She felt that the project on the corner was attractive and wauld �
provide a nice contribution on Portola. ,
A gentleinari in the audience suggested proviciir�g signed petitioa�s for �
the cannission if it would be beneficial. He reiterated that the �
Silver Sands Racquet Club Association voted almost unanimously I
against cam�ercial for this location. �
Chainnan EY��od stated that there was a difference between canner�cial �
and office professional z�ing in the uses allowed. Mr. Drell k
int�icated that typical uses would be medical, legal and insurance
offices and not zoniux� for retail or super markets. C�ainnan E7�od
3 ,
� '.
8 �
r �.
: �
F'�RY 21, 1989
"" clarified that sirLce thexe was not resolutioai, the actioci of the
oam�ussion wr�uld be for aoantinuar�ce. Staff ooa�curr�ed.
Camtissioner Ri� noted that the major aor�cenls wer�e aver noise
and traffic. He indica�ed that the input from tYye resiclents was vPxy ,
inrportant. He stated that Cbuntry Club is a heavily txaveled road
with a 50 mph speed limit and felt that with the amenities praposed,
the project would nc�t differ much fran a residential development.
Commissioner Whitlock concurred with the comments made by
Camlissioner Rich�zrcls. She rx�ted that a great deal of tjme had been
spent studying this oorne.r. She stated that she was rx�t happy aboKit
the sec�ond stozy even tYxn�gh it w�uld be 25' . She also noted that a
decisi� �n the project would r�t be made until the next meeting, and
indicated that input fran the audier�ce wo�uld make their decisioci
N�t. FOREST again addre.ssed the catmission and asked wt�y the city
planni_rig did not te11 him about the ct�x�e arid felt this was �
remiss on the city's part. '
C�airman �ti,�od that since a resolution was n�ot before the catmission
adoption, this would give the prnperty awners a chance to meet with
� the developer.
MRS. SMALLWC)OD addressed the catmission and r�oted that Silver ;
Sands was contacted but did not respond to the request for a ;,
meeting. She stated that in the present zoning, a pro�ect could !'
be 30' or tw� story hanes. She reiterated that an att�npt was '
made to meet with them.
C�ainnan ���od stated that he had n� problem with the height because �'
of the setbacks and roads and felt that this type of developne�zt
wr�uld blend in with the area.
At this point a person frccn the audience spoke up and asked if they �',
could have any assurance that future develapment wr�uld be limited in
height. Mr. Drell explained that the height limit was 25'; he
;n�;cated that in the PR-3 zoa�i.ryg, 30' single family, tw�o stozy hanes
could be allaaed, the sarne z�ing as Silver Sands. The person frcm ;
the auclience asked about irnrasion of privacy fran the two story ,
windaws. Mrs. SmallFn�od stated that r�o seoo��d story windaws faced •
the street, only sirigle story. Th�e per�on frrm the audience asked �
about some people receiving nr�tices and r�t others. Nh�. Drell
explained that individual property c�mers within 300' were r�otified,
as well as the t��mers association. �
�., 9 I
�� 1�.
F�I�1RY 21, 1989
C�ai�z ��,�od informed the audience that the meeting wauld not be
re-rx�ticed and stated. that the meeting date was March 7 at 7:00 p.m.
Action• '
Moved by Commissioner powns, seaanded by Camiissi�ier Whitlock, i:
continuing this matter to Nk�rc1� 7, 1989. Carried 3-0. `
A. Desert Sands Unified Sc,hool Distxict.
Cor�.sic]�xation of a proposed expa��.sioai of the Palm
Desert High Scl�yool.
Staff explained that the Desert Sarxis Unified School District planned �
to expand the high scYx�ol facility and wistled tha support of the
carmission prior to their reqtzest to the state.
CamLission agreed with the proposal but felt that the issues of dead-
end parking, and traffic ooritrol (i.e. possible sr.�eed btmrps) on
Phyllis Jack.son Lan�e were needed. They stated that as p2rt of their
minute rmtion in ooncurrenc,e with the exparLsioaz they would like the .r/
scYx�ol distxict planriiix� representative to work with public wr�rks
staff on these concerns.
Nbved by C.amussioner Richar�c�.s, seconded by Camlissioner Whitlock,
reaffirmirxJ by minute motion the technical detail of the high sc.hool
expansion and directing staff to meet with the school district
plaruzir�g representative to discuss potential speed control and
parking design.
X. �fI'S
Cannissioner Richards rx�ted that at previaus meetings the property at
Highway 74 and Mesa View had been discussed regardiix� added land
fill. He inforn�ed cannissioaz and staff that it might be possible to
determuze the extent of the addition fran early aerial pYr�tographs.
10 �
F�RY 21, 1989
'�'' He requested that staff check into this and N�. Gaugusti ac}�xxaledged
that he w�uld look into the matter.
Mc7ved by Camiissioner Whitlock, seaonded by �annissioner Richazrls,
adjourniizg the meeti.ng. C��ried 3-0. The meeting was ad�aurned at
8:45 p.m.
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RAM �A. DIAZ, Sec#�t `
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R CZ�FtD ERfn100D, C�airmari '
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