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, 'I[IESLIAY - M�1Y 2, 1989
73-510 F� f�ItII� DRIVE
r„ * * * * * �r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * �r * * * * *
C7iaizman Er��od called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Ccamissioner Richlyds led in the pledge of allegiance.
Members Present: Rick Ei��od, Chaizman
Jim Richards
Carol Whitlock
Men�bers Absent: Bob Dc�ms
Staff Present: Ray Diaz
Kandy Allen
Steve Smith
Dick Folkers
Tonya Nbnroe
Consideration for approval the April 18, 1989 meeting minutes.
Maved by Ca�missioner Whitlock, seconded by Carmissioner Richards,
apprvving the minutes as sut�nitted. Carried 3-0.
Mr. Diaz swnnarized pertinent �1pri1 20 city council actions.
A. Continued Case Nos. C/Z 89-4 and QJP 89-2 - H'&'E LilIi-IQi�12�1
Q([JRQi, 1lpplicant
Request for appraval of a change of zor�e frcm R-1
( residential single family ) to P
(public/institution) zone and a conditional use
MI tVVI'[5
N41Y 2, 1989 ,
perniit to allow the expansion of the present
ct�urch facilities located at the northwest corner
of Portola 1lvenue and Fairway Drive.
Mr. Smith outlined the salient points of the staff report, rioti.ng
that in condition #9 the parking would be re-evaluated prior to any
additional expansion. Staff recannended appraval.
Ct�aint�an Enaood opened the public testimony and asked the applicant
to address the cannission.
MR. }I1�ROLD fIOUSLEY, chairman of the buildirx,� carmittee, 79-508
Bernn�da Dur�es Drive, reviewed the history of the site and need
for expansion.
MR. MILT C�111P�II3ERS, 72-484 Doheney Drive in Rancho Mirage, stated
ttiat they accepted all the conditions; he also stated that they
did not iritend to have a dead-end park.i.rx� situation.
MS. JnCICIE R1�.SPINSF�1, 71-551 Bisco Road in Rancho Mirage and
president of ttle church council, spoke regardirlg current space
needs and scheduled activities and uses.
Nfft. TIM JOIiNSON, 42-643 Sussex in Palm Desert and pastor of the �
540 member church, infonned carmission that the church was
grawing at a rate of 100 m�nbers per year and was in need of the
C�aint�an Er�aooci as}{ed if anyoi�e present wished to speak in FAVO[2 or
OPP(�I`I'ION to ttie proposed. There being no one, the public testimony
was closed.
Mr. Diaz clarified for the applicant that if there is a shortage of
parking after the first phases of expansion, then staff would
recamiend deiiial of any other expansion. He stated that the parkisx�
use would be moiu.tored. The applicant concurred.
Commissiori ex��ressed concerii ttiat there wr�uld rx�t be sufficient
parkiix� pr�ovided oii-site and tt�e public hearing was reo�ened and
closed to allow discussion with the applicant for the acquisition of
the single fanLily l�aiies, acquisition of the AA building, and possibly
a joitit parkirig agreement with the school to the north.
h'bved FJ�7 COIl1111 rS10IlE.'Z" Ricllards, secorided by Ccnmissioner Whitlock,
adoptii�g tlie findirigs as presented by staff. Carried 3-0.
2 �
MAY 2, 1989 ,
Nbved by Ccmnissioner Whitlock, seconded by Carmissioner Richard.s,
adopting Plannirx� Caimtssion Resolutio� No. 1350, recanneriding C/Z
89-4 to city council. Carried 3-0.
Maved by Camtissioner Richards, seconded by Catmissioner Whitlock,
adopting the finduzgs as presented by staff. Carried 3-0.
Nbved by Caimissioner Whitlock, seconded by Cannissioner Richards, ,
ac�opting Planning Camussion Resolution No. 1351, approvirig CUP 89-
2, sub,j ect to conditioa-�s as amended.
H. CUnt.irnied (:a9e Nos. PP 87-20 Am�a�da�aYt and TT 24539 - Z�tIAD
P1ICIFIC D�7IIAR�NP �12P., Applicant
Request for appr�oval of an americ�nent from 224
apartr�ients to subdivision into 90 single family
t�� lots.
Mr. Diaz stated that the a�nended conditions of approval reflecting
c:aiments by cannission were before them and reaarmex�ded apprvval.
Chairman Erwood opened the public testimony and asked if the
'""' applicant wished to address the aamtission.
MR. BILL TAYLOR stated that they had elected to build ane story
units, and rioted that the econanics for a gated canrn.�n.ity was
still under study.
Cannissioner Richards agreed that the option of the gates and mini-
park shr�uld be left up to the developer, not the haneawners.
N�. Diaz stated that condition nLmtbers 29 and 31 shrnild be deleted
since the project would be one story.
C7�airman Er�n�od closed the public testimony.
Nbved by Calmissioner Whitlock, seconded by Carmissioner Richards,
adopting the findings as presented by staff. Carried 3-0.
Maved by Ca►missioner Whitlock, seconded by Camtissioner Richards,
adopting P1aruLiix3 Ca�mission Resolution No. 1352, appraving PP 87-20
Amenc�nent and TT 24539, subject to aonditions as amended.
Np1Y 2, 1989 .
C. Ca_�,e No. C/Z 89-5 - IX:t�IIJ 11I�ID J011NN TI-iIII1�N, Applicants
Request for appraval of a change of zone frcm R-1
(single family) to R-3 (8,000) (1 residential
unit per 8,000 square feet) to facilitate a
possible future conditional use permit
application to locate a carrnercial parking lot on
this property which would serve an office
professional developnent on the adjacent property
to ttie west; subject property being located at
the northwest corner of Garden Square and La�'ea
Mr. Smith outlined the salient points of the staff report. Nfr. Smith
noted tr�at two letters had been received; one from Charles
Sct�idier�st arid one fran Kurt Sipolski, both expressing opposition
to a parkir�g lot in t}�eir neighk�ort�ood.
Ctlairntari Fnaood o eiied the public testimony and asked if the
applicant wistied to address the ccnmission. The applicant did not
wish to address the camiissian at this point.
C�iairmar� Ervx�od asked if anyone present wished to speak in FAVt�t or �
OPPOSITION to tt�e proposal.
MR. Ff2ID 'I'fiON stated that he had lived in that location since
1962 arid fel t ttiat a parkirx� lot would be intolerable and would
mal�e liv�.rx� there totally objectionable.
N��. CIII�Ftr.�ES SC�iOENUIIIVST, 45-496 Garden Square, indicated that
he had bcen l.ivirx� ttiere since 1974 and felt that a parking lot
would be a disaster to ttie area. He stated there were problPms
with trucks parked on the corner and felt mise and traffic
c:ot�gestioii 4rould be a probl�n if ttie parking lot were allaaed.
FIe felt aiz erlvirorunental impact report and traffic study shc�uld
k�e done.
MR. F'I�RBER, 45-488 Garden Square, stated that he looked forward
to living in ttiat location 50 years ago and naw lived there
full-time. He felt there w�uld be too much traffic and rx�ise
and stated that heavy equiFa�ent was parked there now. He
presen�ed a drawing and photos that he had taken. He asked the
ca,e�ussion not to approve ttie request and felt it would be a
total eiicroac}vi�ent into txieir neighborhood.
4 �
Ng1Y 2, 1989 ,
� It was determined that Aztec Ccmrnuiications were the tenants of �the
office professional use with the tYucks. Commissioner Richards
requested that staff find out if they were cat�lying with the office
professional zone standards.
Mr. Thon addressed the commission and stated that Aztec
Canrn�nications had bee.n in violation for tw� years and a truck
was parked on the corner and never used; he suggested that
carmission drive by and look at the si�e.
C�airman Er��od asked if anyone present wished to speak in FAVI'�t or
OPP06ITIQd to the proposal.
MS. KATHERINE RI�'Y, 45-487 Garden Square, spoke agair�st the
parking lot. She rx�ted that there was a large parking lot
behind the HMS builditx� and suggested that srnie arrangement
might be made with the awner af that building.
MR. MAT�I' JOF�NSON, Bursera Way, spoke for the applicant and
stated that he helped the�n with the layout. He addressed the
traffic, noise and heavy equipnerit issues by stating that the
reason for the proposal was to relocate the heavy eguignent to
the parking lot. He suggested that the parking lot c�uld be
located on the Lantana side.
CamLissioner Richards informed Mr. Johnson that a two story buildirxJ
would not be allawed next to one story residents.
N�. Diaz felt that the applicant had placed himself at a disadvantage
and felt that a precise plan and development plan utilizi.ng access of
I-�1S and Larrea and one story might be acceptable. He suggested a
continuance to allaw the applicant and owner to work with the
residents to see if srn�ething could be worked out.
Ccamissioner Richards felt there was a problem with the existing use
at present and requested that the tenant be checked for ca�liance
and proper use for the zone. N�. Richards expressed concern for the
tv� story use, but felt that the parking lot could be acceptable.
N�. John.son felt that they could w�rk sanething aut.
Chairnlan Er�x�od stated that he liked the Garden Square area and
indicated t.�iat any proposal w�uld have to fit in and mt have an
adverse impact.
Np1Y 2, 1989 ,
Nbved by Cannissioner Richards, seconded by Cannissioner Whitlock,
continuing C/Z 89-5 to June 6, 1989. Carried 3-0.
A. c� rjo�. c/z ss-9 a� � 88-20 - r�r��s� �vFs�rrr oo.,
Request for adoption of a resolution denying a
change of zone fr�cm R-3 (4) multi-family (one
unit per 4000 square feet) to R-3 (one unit per
2500 square feet ) for the north side of
Alessandro between Deep Canyon Road and Cabrillo
Avenue and a negative declaration and precise
plan for a 13 unit one-stozy apartrnent project at
ttie norttieast conier of Alessandro Drive and
Santa Ynez Avenue.
ACtlOIl: -
Nbved by Caimissioner Richards, seconded by Camtissioner Whitlock,
adr�pting ttie find.irx3s as presented by staff. Carried 3-0.
Maved by Caimissioner Richax�3.s, secanded by CaYmissioner Whitlock,
adopting Planriing Cannission Resolution No. 1353, denying C/Z 89-9
and PP 88-20. Carried 3=0.
B. C�� Nos. PP 89-6 arxi C/Z 89-6 - I]AVE NF1t�C�QAN, Applicant
Request for adoption of a resolution denyi.ng a
zorie cha�x�e from R-3 and R-2 to 0.P., a 43,000
square foot, two-story office building and
negative declaration of enviror�mental impact,
nort:ti of Alessandro between San Pascual and San
Mr. Diaz e�lai.ned that ttie applicant w�uld like an opportunity to
revise tYle pl�i and re-advertise for a new public hearing. He rx�ted
a previous case tt�at had been appealed to council and then brought
back to plaruung carmission and indicated the re-advertiserr��t would
avoid t.�iat situation.
Connni ssiorier Ri_ct�ards felt that the applicant stx�uld have requested a
continuance at ttie last meeting. ;
6 �
I�1Y 2, 1989
'�"" ' Ca►missioner Whitlock asked who would pay for the re-mticing and Mr.
Diaz replied that it was part of the old application.
Commissioner Richards inforn�d the applicant that the aomnissi�
wr�uld be looking for a substantial r.hange.
Nbved by Caimissioner Richards, seconded by Cannissioner Whitlock,
directing staff by minute motion to re-advertise the case. Carried
3-0. �
C. Njesa View T�rmis C�a�'t Lighting.
Mr. George Nictx�las and Ntr. Bob Nbrrow, a lighting engineer,
addressed trie carrnission and explained their plan for tennis
court lighting at Mesa View and Highway 74. They described the
mitigation measures that would be placed to screen the lighting
frcm adjacent properties.
Ccnmission did not feel that this was appropriate in this location
and m�ved for denial.
� Nbved by Cannissioner Richards, seconded by Cnairmari E,Y�x�od, denying
tenrLis c�urt lighting at Mesa View and Highway 74 by minute motioai.
Carried ,.-0.
Commissior. iriformed the applicant that this decision oould be
appealed to tYie city council.
Mr. Sandy Baw,l, 45-800 Deep Canyon Road, stated that the sign
ordinance review had cane to his attention and suggested the board of
realtors be included. Mr. Diaz indicated that they had been
Conmissioiier Rict�ards addressed the issue of the aerial photo study
tie requested to be coiuiucted. Mr. Folkers stated that his concern
was accuracy. CoRmi.ss�.oner Richards stated that he was infornied of
N41Y 2, 1989 �
the accuracy acid would get the information to Ntr�. Folkers of the
people to contact.
Caimissiorler WtLitlock asked about the aaners of the camnuiity center
tennis courts. Mr. Diaz replied that the city awned that land.
Carmissioner Wtiitlock asked haw residents w�ould obtain wind screen.s.
Mr. Diaz suggested that they send a letter to the city council.
Nbved by CamLissioner Richards, seconded by Carmissioner Whitlock,
3C�JOUTTl l I1C� �1P. meetir�g. Carried 3-Q. The meeting was ad'ourned at
9:23 p.m.
♦ �
t%�.�'�'� .�'�
RI�QN A. DIAZ, Sec t
R C��D ERWOOD, Chairm
8 �