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ZU�Y - N�tC�i 6, 1990
7:00 P.M. - QVIC CII�TPgt OOUI�C�L C���2
?3-510 F� T�IZII� DRIVE
�' 9c * * �Y �c ic * �c �k 4c ic �Y �Y 7Y �k �t �t �k �k �t �Ic �k �t �k * 7k 4c
Chairperson Whitlock called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. ',
Catmissioner Daans led in the plecige of allegiance. I!,
III. 1�(JLL C�LL ''
Members Fresent: Carol Whitlock, C7�airpers� I
Bob Da�n�,s
Rick EYw�oci ,'
Sabby Jonathan
Jim R.ichards
Mesnbers Absent: None
Staff Present: Ray Diaz ,
Karidy Allen '
Phil Joy
Phil Drell
� Joe Gaugush
Tonya Nbnroe
Consideration of the February 20, 1990 meetitx� minutes. ,
Moved by Commissioner powns, seconded by Cam�.issioner Jonathan,
approving the February 20, 1990 meeting minutes as submitted.
Carried 5-0.
Mr. Diaz summarized February 22 city council actions directly
impacting the plaruiirig cannission.
vz. cx�s�rr c�
A. Case No. PP 89-11 - O�i�ZA III, Applicant
Request for apprwal of a one-year t�me extension
for an 11 unit apartrnent project on three lots on
the east side of Sunset Lane between Abronia
N�FtQ-� 6, 1990
Trail and El Camii�o. This is the first time
extension request.
B. C�se No. PMnI 90-1 - TFI�'I,E OCNSTI�CPICN Q�., Applicant
Request for appraval of a lot line adjust�nerit for
Lot 12 of Tract 23929 to increase tt�e acreage
located on Lake C7est Drive.
C. C,a9e I3�. Pf�InT 90-2 - B7RTC��t N�'SA VIF3�+1, Applicant
Request for apprwal of lot line adjustments
between Lots 1 & 2 and Lots 4 & 5 of Tract 22111
located on Terrena Court and Monterra Circle
D. C�9e No. Pr�w 90-3 - r�.�F PL110E PAR'Ii�2S, Applicant
Request for approval of a lot line adjustment to
merge parcels 5 and 6 of PM 21898 on Melanie
Moved by Commissioner powns, seconded by Commissioner �s��od, +.�rff
approving the consent calendar by minute motion. Carried 5-0.
A. Carse No. PP 9Q-2 - SMJ DEUF_GDR+1Q�Tr, Applicant
Request for appraval of a 30,000 square foot
office ca�lex on Caroline Court.
Commissioner Jonathan informed commission that he would be
Mr. Joy outlined the salient points of the staff report and ,
recatmended apprr�val.
(�aizperson Whitlock opened the public testinany and asked if the
applicant wished to address the crnxnission.
MR. ROBERT H. RICCIARDI, 45-275 Prickly Pear Lane, stated that
he was in agreetr�nt with all the conditions. He ryoted that they
designed three separate lots like one project with camion
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N�RQi 6, 1990 '
``"' driveways and parking lot easeme.nts. He stated that if it was I�
possible, the parki.r�g lots to the north and east might saneday '
flaw into the project. '
Chairpersori Whitlock asked if ar�yo�ne present wist�ed to speak in FAVOR
or OPPOSITION to the proposal. There beirig r�o �, the public
testim�ny was closed. '
Action• '
Moved by Commissioner powns, seconded by Commissioner E���od, ,
approving the findings as presented by staff. Carried 4-0-1 ';
(Catmissioner Jonathan abstained).
Moved by Commissioner powns, seconded by Commissioner F.��x�od, �,
ad�pting Plannuzg CoRnussioal Resoluti� No. 1426, approvix�g PP 90-2,
subject to conditions. Carried 4-0-1 (Commissioner Jonathan '
abstained). ',
B. Ca.se No. PM 25799 - II1PRE NOt1S, Applicamt
Request for approval of a twc� lot parcel map to '
facilitate financing associated with a child '�,
� care/professional office car�lex on 3.9 acres at
the rlortheast oorner of Country Club Drive and '
Portola Avenue.
Mr. Drell outlined the salient points of the staff report and
reviewed the conditions that wexe being required. '
Goamissioner Richard.s felt that the conditions shauld reflect a time
period for canpletion of the i�ro�veaients. N�. Gaugush stated that '
public wr�rks condition #3 c�ould be amended to add, "iir�rovecnents
shall be ccRtpleted within 24 months of the issuarx�,e of pe�mits",
which would basically relate to a six moaith aonstructioaz period and
put the beginnirx� and ending period onto the condition.
Chairperson Whitlock opened the public testimorYy and asked if the
applicant wished to address the co�rmission.
MRS. PANNIELL�A SMALLWC)OD, 71-111 La Paz in Ranc.tr� Mirage, stated
that she was present to answer any questi�s. She indicated
that she spoke cvith staff and accepted the �ttions as
setforth and had rx� problem with the amerx�ne.nt. She r�oted that
Harold Housley was also present to ar��wer any questions. She
asked if any other property awners along Countxy Club that would
N�RQi 6, 1990
be effected by the requir�ient of the median aould interrupt her �
ability to aca�lete within the 24 month period. Mr. Drell
stated that what was required for the medtan was p�yment of the
fee of half the cost. N�. Diaz rx�ted that Silver Sands had
already paid half the c�ost. N�s. Small��od asked about the
property to the east. N�. Drell inciicated that the deceleration
lane was entirely o�-i h�er pxnperty. N�. Gaugu.sh oorifin�d this
and stated that the median i.�rovements cauld stand aloa�e and
did rx�t see any in�act of the time periods with any particular
Cam�issioner Richards felt that the deceleratiori lane str,yuld be in
place when the facility opened. N�. Gaugush irxiicated that would be
cavered by the amended conditioaz to be ocmpleted within the 24 month
period. Caimissioner Richards clarified that after g� breaking,
within two years the deceleration lane would be in place and the
money for the median. N�. Gaugu.sh ar.�curr�ed. N�s, Small�n�od stated
that was acceptable.
CZzairperson Whitlock asked if anyone wished to speak in FAVCR of the
MR. DALE DYER, 1500 S. Camino Real in Palm Springs, stated that
he was representing Ntrs. Smallwood and would be doing the ,�
construction w�rk on phase 1, the child care center. He felt
that the 24 months cl�x�e sounded good, Y�aever he indicated �
there sY�uld be sane wr�rds added that if the building permit is
taken out or construction of the corner (38,000 9quare foot
office building) occurs in simultaneous ooncert with that
construction, this iirtprovement shall be done because there might
be construction thirigs takirx� place that might cause a delay in
getting the deceleration lane on Cauntxy Club. He suggested
three to four months past the 24 month period of time.
CamLissioner Richard.s noted that problems occur whP,n a simple parcel
is split and this is a aornplication that arises. He stated that the
city was lookirx� at one parcel being used for two uses and felt that
�two years to canplete the safety requireirnnts was adequate. Nh�. Dyer
disagreed. Ntr�. Diaz indicated that if the applicant was unable to
canplete the impraven�ents, tZ�ey oould approach the ocamissi� at that
t�me, but there was no guarantee that any furthex time w�uld be
Chairperson Whitlock asked if anyone present wished to speak in
OPPOSITION to the proposal.
N4�RC�I 6, 1990
"'�' MR. BOB MOONIE, 1 Acapulco Drive in Silvnx' Sands, infonned I
ax►mission that Y� was representing their boar�d and hilttself as '
an ad�acent prn�erty awner. He was ooalcerned about the zoni�x3
being chariged �r�e.ntally. He indicated tY�exe were seven
adj acent properties cn Country Club that wexe alnnst identical
in size to this one ar�d was ocx�cerned haw the city wauld derYy
them a similar lot split if this or�e was allaaed. He felt that
the zoniiig was being fragmerited and wo�uld be a bad precedent to
Mr. Drell stated that there were several public hearings and the '
seven lots were originally included in the zane change, but as a !
result of the hearings those lots were specifically deleted fran the ,
change and a single family subdivision was proceeding o� those lots. '
He indicated that tract was approved and was naw in the process of
plan check on the final map. ',
Mr. Moonie stated that he was rr�t made aware of this and ar�other
me�r�r of their board spoke to a staff mc�nbex and was present at '
the last meeting.
N�. Drell stated that N�. Gleason was at the last meeting and was '
very much aware that those lots were residential. He indicated they
spoke about it and when the day care center was appro�ved, special
V findings were made that it was appropriate for the site. He
reiterated that the area would be a single family subdivisian ar�d was
a definitive decision made by plaruzing catmission and city council.
Chairperson Whitlock closed the public testimoriy.
Camtissioner Richards felt this was a little unusual, but if they ran
into problems when subdividing parcels for public i�z�aveme�zts sake
he hoped that it would be kept to a mu�n. He felt this was a
special situation and mted that it was nonmal to ask for all the
public improv�nents when pro,jects are started. He indicated the city
was better off lookirx3 at it fran the standpoint of getting the money
set aside and the safety taken care of. He requested that staff not
bring ��irigs like this to th�n in the future.
Cannissioner I�wns noted that this had b�e.n dane before to change the
name of a facility so that it would facilitate financing.
Commissioner Richards indicated that was true, but the public
imprave��ents had not been delayed and that was his oorx•,ern.
I�RQ� 6, 1990
Moved by Commissioner powns, seco�ided by CaTndssioner J�athan,
approving the findings as presented by staff. C',a�cried 5-0.
Moved by Commissioner powns, secorlded by Camnissi�er Jo�athan,
adopting Plannuzg Camlission Resolution No. 1427, apprn�virx,� PM 25799,
subject to conditions as amP.r�ded. Carried 5-0.
C. Case No. PP 90-3 - LYI�1 TIAND ArID OCi�ANY, Applicant
Request for approval of a precise plan and •
negative declaration of envircxunental impact to
aonstxuct a 16,980 square foot auta�tive sesvice
building at 73-130 St. CYk.�rles Place.
Ms. Sass outlined the salient points of the staff report. She rx�ted
that a letter had beeri received fran Vista del Mor�tanas co��cerned
with spray painting outdoors and that had been addressed in the
conditions of approval. Staff reca�nended appraval subject to those
Chairperson Whitlock asked about the storage of chemicals.
Carmissioner powns explained that it was addressed by current �,,,�
ordinances and state law.
Catmissioner Jonath�z noted the concern raised about the height of
the buildux�s. Ms. Sass r�oted that the Yxxnes wer�e across Havley and
they were also setback withuz their pro�ect. She noted that this
buildirx� had to maintaan the 25 foot setback to be maintained from
the wall on Hcsvley. She felt it was an adequate distai�c:e for a one
story bu.ilding.
C�iai.zperson Whitlock asked if the fire exit wr�uld go thzr�ugh the
block wall. Ms. Sass stated that the fire department was requesting
a wrought iron gate or an option of a hard all weather surface in the
25 foot setback, as addressed in condition #12. Staff clarified that
it was being left up to the developer to choose. C�iairpersori
Whitlock stated that if she was a resident of Vista del Moa�tanas, she
w�uld not want to see through the wrough� iiroan fenc,e. Cannissioner
DaUnLs also noted that the property owners would not want kids
climbing wer that fence either and a block wall would be better.
Camdssioner Jonat-han asked if the 25' all weather surface w�uld be
in place of the green land.scaping in the rear. Ms. Sass co�ricurred,
and indicated that the green area was addressed by the arr.hitectural
conmission, and there was really no reasoai to have grass back there
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""" which nQ one could see. Architectural ca�nissioaz left it up to the I
applicant, but the t..re�s would have to stay. Staff indicated that '
the conditions could be changed to rx�t have the gate and maintain the ,
25' all weather surface. Chairper�ori Whitlock stated that she would
like that condition changed. N�. Diaz r�ted thex� was another •
concern in the letter about loud ringing bells and phone calls; he
asked if cannission wanted a oorxiiti� added to r�t allow autdoor
bells or intercan systems. Cnairpeiso�n Whitlock replied yes. ,
C�airperson Whitlock operied the public testinbriy and asked if the '
applicant wished to address the ccninissian. '
MR. STEVE MASON, 182 Lost River in Palm Desert, stated that they ',
put a lot of effort into the design of this auto care mall and
informed catmission that there were m back entxan�es to the '
property and the project would cater to the uppe.r end for auto '
care. He indicated that auto care malls waere a big tt�uig in
Orange County.
Cannissioner Richards asked for a more detailed descriptian of an
auto care mall. Mr. Mason replied that it wnuld be basically five or
six businesses such as motoring accessories and detailing and it '
would be upscale. He noted that the owners also owned the
� Professional Career College and they w�uld not ooa��struct sanething
that w�uld lawer the value of their property.
Caim.issioner Jonathan indicated that he was familiar with the concept
bei.ng described, but expressed concern relative to the restrictio�s,
noting that in years frcm naw the Yxxneo�wners wvuld still be thexe and
the business awners and uses might change. He stated that by adding
the restrictions rx7w, the city would protect again.st the future.
Specifically �he all weather surface, the exterior painting, and
outside bells. He asked if N�. Ma.son objected to tt�e additio� of
those restrictions. N�. Ma._gan replied that they ag=.�eed to that and
noted that it would be vexy difficult to landscape the back of that
buildirx� because of sunlight with a 16 foot building and a six foot
wall. N�. Mason reiterated that it w�uld be an upscale d�v�elogne�zt.
Coamissioner Daar�s stated that he wanted it made clear that the 20
foot road was for the fire department and not for parking of
vehicles. Mr. Mason Concurred. Ccmnissio�er Dc�wrLs asked that it be
added as a conditian. Staff concurred, rx�ting that there was rr�
access to the rear of the builclirx�.
NiARCH 6, 1990
Cfiairperson Whitlock asked if anyone present wished to speak in FAVOR
or OfP'P06ITICN to the proposal. There was m �e and the public
testimony was closed.
Ccmnissioner 3onathan felt it w�uld be a good addition to the area
and was consistent with the intended zonir�g and use of the property
and stated that he w�uld mave for appraval sub�ect to the oor�ditions
that had been addressed; the 25' all weather surface with m parkiuzg,
restriction on outside painting, and restrictioai against autside
Moved by Camussioner Jonathan, seconded by Chairpers�i Whitlock,
appraving the find_ings as preserited by staff. Carried 5-0.
Moved by Catmissioner Jonathan, seaonded by Cha.irperson Whitlock,
adr�pting Planning Catmissioa� Resolutioai No. 1428, apprr�ving PP 90-3,
subject to conditions as amended. Ca.rried 5-0.
D. Ca._9e Na. PP 89-34 and Dev�lvpmaYt Agreatre�t - RP►Y PATSCf�X'K AI�ID
BILL R06SWORN, Applicants
Request for approval of a precise plan of design, �
developnent agre��t and negative declaratiori of
environmental impact to construct an 11 unit
senior housing project at 44-211 and 44-213 San
NLs. Sass outlined the salient points of the staff report and reviewed
conditions of approval. Staff recarmer�ded appraval.
(hairperson Whitlock asked if the city had evpx audited ar�y senior
projects that had an age limit, and if so, what kiuxl of audit was
performed. Mr. Diaz indicated that to date, the city had not
perforcned an audit, but were watc.�iing projects to assure that only
seniors were being housed in those projects. He j.ruiicated that staff
wc�uld have a report for t,hem at the next meeti.ng ori haw it is doaze.
Cannissioner Jonathan asked what wr�uld hap�p�,n in th�e event of non-
canpliance. N�'. Diaz noted that we had rr�t had that problem yet, but
the on].y question that came up at one time was if a spouse was under
age 55, which they allow. He irxiicated there had not been any
problem and these projects were specifically designed for seniors.
Camu.ssioner Richard.s stated that he had voiced similar questions in
the past and was interested in seeing the report. Camlissioner
8 �
Ng1RC�3 6, 1990
`'' Richards felt that the design of the project lacked creativity since �j,
it only had stxaight lines and rb offsetting setbacks. He did r�ot
feel it was up to city standards and did rx�t want to see an inferior ''',
project just because it was for seniors. He rx�ted that the staff '�
report did riot include square footages for thi.s pro�ect and he had to ',
obtain that f�n the plans. He felt that 27,000 square feet for 11 ',
units was very dense. He inforn�ed staff that he would like to see
the aYrount of square footage on all reports. He noted that by ;'��
allawing 11 units on 27,000 square feet w�e w�ere giving the developer .�
scxnethuig and in return he felt the project stx�uld look nice, and r�ot ;'i
like a barracks. ;'
Cannissioner Jonathan asked if camtissioci w�uld eventz.ially see the I�
develognerit agree�nent. Ms. Sass replied yes, and it would be ',
eventually go to the ca�u�cil for app�val al�o. N�. Diaz stated that
condition ms. 11 through 13 were the underlying £o0.uydatic� of the
C7iairperson Whi.tlock opened the public testimaany and asked if the ;
applicant wished to address the camtissi�n.
NIl2. BILL ROSSWORN, 41-530 Woodhaven Drive East in Palm Desert,
stated that the 11 units were designed as small one bedr�oan
` units to txy to keep the rents daHm for the serLiors arld was in
close proxunity to the senior center. He stated that he was
present to answer any questions.
Cannissioner Rict�ax�ds explained his concerns abaut the aesthetics of
the buildiux� design. He suggested scme undulating setbacks and a
little more creativity in the arctiitectural design, specifically in
the outside and straight walls and give it saYie pizazz. He indicated
that he was riot talking about cY�iges that would c�ost a lot of money,
but some innavation fran an architect and el�m��te scme of the '
straight lines.
Mr. Rossworn infonned aannission that they had changed there
plan several times for the architectural ca�nission and this was
what they approved. ,
Carrnissioner Richards stated that he was reluctant to tread into this
area, but was �lled to discuss it. He felt that when the city
enters into a develognexit agreement, they are giving up sanething.
He suggested that N�. Rossw�rn look at the s buildi�igs and ,
the senior center for ideas and bring back ar�other set of plans. He
indicated that staggeririg would help and cY�lging the roof line.
r�RQi 6, 1990
Mr. Rossworn 3ndicated that he did not want to s��erid a aouple of �
months getting sanething appr�ved and suggested that staff be
authorized to grant approval of the final design.
Calmissioner Richards suggested approving the findings. Ms. Sass
rioted that the develo�it agreement would be oamir�g to oamtission at
the next meeti.ng and the plan could be taken to tY�e �rhitectur'al
ccmnission before the next meeting. Nfr. Rosswc�rn indicated that he
could have the plans done in time.
Cannissioner Richard.s reiterated that he was looki.ng for a diffe.rerit
rendering that would shaw �cme creativity and pizazz. Ckxmiissi�x
E��n�od asked if the canni.ssioaz was really saving that much time by
putting in a conditi� saying that 9anethux� diffex�ezzt should be
brought back and they w�uld appzr7ve it. Catmissic��x Richards stated
that he would be aanfortable with leavir�g it with staff or the
architectural cannissian. Ntr. Diaz indicated that it wo�ild be taken
back to the architectural commission and commission's comments
relayed to them. Catmissioner Jonathan stated that he would like to
see the new plan. Ca�missioner �ti�od noted that in the past thex�e
had been a time when architectural carmissioaz kept appr�avir�g a
project that cannission clid not feel was acceptable.
Catmissioner Darrms noted that the handicap�ed parkirx� was not in a �
good location. He requested that it be moved to make it more
convenient. Mr. Rossw�rn stated that w�uld be rr� problem.
Upon questionixig by Catmissioner Jonathan, staff noted that the
parki.rig wr�uld be in garages and they would have a sec�zrity gate.
Conmissioner Ric.t�rds asked Mr. Rossw�xn if a tzao weP.k aontinuarice
was enough time and he replied that it was.
C7iairperson Whitlock asked if anyone present wished to speak in FAVOR
or OPPC)6ITI0[�I to the proposal. There was r�o oaie. The public hearirig
was left open.
Commissioner Richards recommended a continuance of two weeks.
C7iairperson Whitlock stated that she we�uld like to see an improved
landscape plan along with a better rendering. After further
discussion, catmission iruiicated that a two weP,k aontinuar�ce was in
10 �
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""" Action:
Nbved by Caimissioner Richards, secoryded by Cannissicx�er Joc�athan,
continuirx� PP 89-34 and De�velognent Ar�ree�nent to Marr.h 20, 1990.
Carried 5-0.
None. I
None. ''
X. �I'S
A, Camu.ssioner Dawc�,s asked about the status of the Roai's of the
Desert's restaurant violations. t�. Diaz replied that they had
beeri directed to get the tables cbHnz to the oode level arbd they
wauld be screerLing the air t;oncli.ticaiirlg unit.
B. Catmissioner Ric,h�rds indicated that he had driven up to the
hillside areas to observe the roads. He felt a specific set of
road standards should be developed that wrn.ild be entirely unique
` to that very small area and indicated that it w�uld have a small
amount of txaffic. He did ryot feel the same requirernents were
needed for safety and other reasons as otl��er streets in the city
and felt scme creativity was needed. Nh�. Gaugush noted that
staff was meeting with the district staff and they were
proceeding with discussion�s.
Moved by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Catmissionex Dawns,
adj ounzing the meetirig. Carried 5-0. The meeting was a aurr�ed at
8:25 p.m.
��'!/ . f:
RAMO A. DIAZ, Sec et
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CAROL WHITL,OC�C, Chairperson