HomeMy WebLinkAbout0127 , `�,' *�r� AGENDA « SPECIAL MEETING PALM DESERT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY - JANUARY 27, 1992 7:00 P.M. - CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBER 73-510 FRED WARING DRIVE � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � * I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. MISCELLANEOUS A. Temporary Use Permit Request - MCCALLUM THEATRE, Applicant Consideration of an appeal to the decision of the Zoning Administrator denying a temporary use permit request to allow a ten day carnival at the College of the Desert/McCallum Theatre on February 14- 23, 1992. Staff Recommendation: By minute motion deny the request for a carnival on February 14-23 at the College of the Desert. IV. ADJOURNMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Tonya Monroe, Administrative Secretary of the City of Palm Desert Community Development Department, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the Planning Commission meeting of Monday, January 27, 1992, was posted on the bulletin board by the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 73-510 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert, on Friday, January 24, 1992. Date . January 24, 1992 TO YA NROE,���m�is�ive Secretary � Department of Community Development CITY OF PALM DESERT � DEPA�MENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPM NT ' MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Ramon A. Diaz, ACM/Director of Community Development DATE: January 24, 1992 SUBJECT: Special meeting to consider an appeal of a temporary use permit for a carnival for the College of the Desert and McCallum Theatre. Attached is a report given to the city council outlining what has transpired with regards to a proposed carnival to raise funds for the McCallum Theatre. I continue to recommend denial of the request for the reasons set forth within the staff report. C ON A. DIA ASSISTANT CI Y MANAGER, DIRECTOR O COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/PLANNING /tm * RIVERSIDE COUNTY �AUFONNIA � �,r,.,, � � FIRE DEPARTMENT � ob.pef\NEMPROT��p�� „ - IN COOPERATION WITH THE , ;�3 C UNTY��� CAUFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY C ' ' "` "% `�= � AND FIRE PROTECTION R/VF.RSID�1 r�r m� ' � ,�, F GLEN].NEWMAN �� . `'�' F1RE CH1EF RIVERSIDE COUMY FiRE 210 WEST SAN JACIM'O AVENUE ���g��Hpj, PERRIS,CAUFORMA 92370 10-801 HWY 111 TELEPHONE:(114)65?•3183 RANCHO MIRAGE,CA 92270 (619)346�1870 l/'� ���-1 vm ��42nIi�/�l /^2�-� � �p . T A � E�YE�1T� �..�� ��,������ ,�� c�-�, y�� ��,� �f,��;,�- ���,s ,�� �� �� �����z General Conditions for Approval o� Conventions, Assembles and Special Events ( including tents, apecial effect devicea, smoke machines, pyrotechnics and fireworks) . At leaet 3 sets of plans must be submitted to this office 30 daya prior to the event. Plane must include: � ��-t� PL.A� ��.1Gl,U�ir.SV- Au, R�cEs �-�S �'A�,K��' �- 1. Date of Event i � cr� ��� �--+��lEs � �--LT' 2. Location � 3. Number of people 4. 5pecial Effects used 5. Electrical required 6. Exiting 7. Stage or Platforma 8. Curtains, drapes and or Booth 9. Seatin8 and table setups 10. Food aervice areas (open flame ) 11. California State Fire Marshal Flameproof certificates ��. SLSC3M�i Pc_A►J c��.1 i�Oi�J `�OcJ w�t..1� C..n�57Ro[._ PF+�'K I rJ Cr 1 J.J �'l{�E ��5�5 lAnst� RFv C�112,� A � At the time of plan check a�'l�s� of special conditions will be provided to you. These conditions must be adhearded to. Respectfully, . Clyde Chi�tenden Cove Communities Fire Marshal ,,r��aon,.�,a.da.P«� RIVERSIDE COUNTY �Al►FOANIA ° �,w,r, ' � FIRE DEPARTMENT �'' dc�F�l►E��TECj�AY - s f-. _ IN COOPERATION WITH THE COUNTY�,.�rx� '' CAUFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY C ,� . ��---�;. ,� � AND FIRE PROTECTION � p ' �.R/VERSlDE ��� .1��; ='c '`` F -' GLEN J. NEWMAN f F1RE CH1EF RIVERSIDE COLJIVTY FIRE Z10 WEST SAN JACINTO AVENUE COVE F1RE PREVENTION BUREAU PERRIS, CALIFORNIA 92370 44-900 EL DORADO DR1VE TELEPHONE: (714) 657•3183 1NDIAIV WELLS,'CA 92210 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TENT� All t�nts and canapy setups mu�t mEet tY�e requ:irement� vf khP 1988 Uniform Fire Code . I�OCA�'ION Q� TENTS UNDER 15000 S U �'EET Tents must be separated froni any� property line , bui lclir�g, other ter,t . canopy . or temporary ri,ernbrane �:tz�uctur t� by a mir��ii7�um di:;tance of �Q feet . A fire acces� roadway � feet wide mtist be provided . Tl�e minimum clearance of 40 feet must be maintained from the par)<ing af autorr�obi les or other inter-r�al c�mbustian enginEs . For the purposes of required di�;t:dnces , support ropes and guywiras are to be con�idered part of tr,e tent . �TRUCTURAL STABIL�TY Tants and canopies shall be adequately roped, br�oed and anchored tu withstand tl-,e elaments of wzatt�er againti�t collapsing . � ' , _. `� y,,,r� �' ameproo f i ncr - Tt�e sidewalls , drops and tops of all tent� and canopies shall be of flame-retardant material . All decorationa used rnust be flarne retardant to the satisfactior� ot this departm�nt . This includes all paper, �ard:�ourd , c_vth , plastic, or othzr rnaterials more than 1/4" thick, used Lor the purposes of decoratior� or display . This does not apply t��� �arnple merchandise on display or beir,g =�f. fered for �ale if amounts exhibited are within reasonable lirr�its and is �atisfactory to this department . Materials used for table coverings shall be noncombustible or the er��tire ty�ble cover�ing must b� flame retardunt . • Hay bales, straw and other flammable ni�terials shall nat be within 30 feet af any tent or canopy. Hay bales, etc . if placed inside or on top of the tent , must be flame retar�dant . Balloons or other similar devices that ar�e filled with taxic or flammable gases are not permitted . Automobiles used for display must hav� the batteries discor,nected and les� tharl one gallon of fuel in the tank . Al1 flame retartant certifications shall be retair�ed on the prernises . All flameproofing is subjec•t t�:; testir�g ar:d �Zpprov�l frorn this deparr_ri,ent . �.4�I.� �11� 9�'.F� FLANlE �moking shall n�t be perrr�itted in any tent or canopy or in ar,y ,�dJacent ureas where hay , straw , �,:�wdust or any other cornLust ible rnatei- ia l:� are st ared or used ur,l e;s a�,prcvea b; the fire ir�spec.taz� . NO SMOKING signs shal ! be postt�d wher. required . No fireworks , open flame , or any device ernitting flame or fire or creating a glow capable of igniting combustiblas n;aterials shall be u�ed in or ad�acer,t to any tent . PORTABLE FIRE �XTINGUI��,iERS The minimum fire extinguisher cc�verage shall be provided in every tent and canopy as per the following : A . 200 to 500 square feet of floor arca : One 2A-10BC . $. 501 To 1000 square feet of floor ��rea : Two 2A-10BC . C . Each additiunal �Q00 squaYe feet �..�r floor art�a or fractian thereof : One 2A--10BC . D: At least one 40BC type fire extir��u�sher �hall be provided for each kitcher, , n�es5 hal l , »�wer ger,ei�ator ar transforrner and at location� wherF flammable or combustible liquids are stored or di:;pen�ed . . � , �rr+ � All firefi�hting equipment �hall b�: pr��vided and maintained at a height of 3 to 5 feet from the floor in a visible and acces�ible location and rnay be required to be posted with designating signs . Qualified persons necessary to safeguard the premises shall be providecl a� required and approved by this department . � �� Exits shall b� spaced at approximately eq�zal ir,tervals around the perimer_er of the tent and ;�hall be so located that no pvint i� more than 100 fee�t from and E�;it. . A minimum of 3 exits shall be provided for tents h�ving a capacity of up to �99 persons . The minimum width of each exit shall be � feet . Exit openings from any tent shall remain open or may be covered by a flarne retardant curt,air, . The ��:rtain�� shall b� Pree sl iding on a metal suppar�t at a rc,ir;irn�uni of 8 feet frorn floor level at the exit . The curtains shail be so arranged th,�t when open , no part of the curtains �hall obstr�uct the exit . Said curtains shall be of contrasting color with the color of the tent . Aisles having minimum width of not 1 ��� than �4 incl-,eti shall be provided fram all seating area� , ai,d tt,eir widtl�, shall be pragressively increased in width to provide at all points not less than 1 foot af aisle widtr, far eact� 50 per�ons served by such aisle at that point . The arrangement of ai�les shall be approved by the fire in�pector . The �pacing of rowa af seats sY,all pr�c�vidE a s��ace o* not less than 12 inches from tY,� bacl< �f or,e seat tc� the front of tr,z other� . Aisles shall be so lc�cated that there will be no more than six intervaning seat.s between any �eat and the nearest ai�l� . NlAIN�'ENANCE Q� EXIT WAYS The required mir;imum clear width of e:•:its , ai�le� :ar�d passageways shall bE maintained at all tirr.e� to a �ublic way , Na yuywire , guyrope or other support members shall cross any mear�s of egres� at a height of less than 8 feet . The surf ace of exi t ways sha l l r�e ma i c�,*a i ned i r, a ri�ar>>�er approvea by the fire inspector . i • .. ' . . v �'� . . � � • i FLANII�ABLE � COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS �N I UID PETROLEUM � No flammable or� combu�tible liquids �hall be �tc�red inside or witr�in 50 feet of any tent . Liquid Petroleurn Gas (LPG) shall not be used or stored i n conr:ect.ion wi tr� any tent or canopy un 1 e=��:; t.he fo 1 1�wi ng requirements are �trictly adher,ed to . 1 . All storage container�s , equipment , fitting� and appliances are listed and approved for use af LPG . �2 . All tanks , hoses, fittings and appliances �hall Y�e protected from physical damage of any type . 3. All tanks in use must be secured to prevent them from tippiny over ar�d must be located a minimu;n distar�ce of 5 feet frorn any tent , vent , flue or an;� openings . 4 . All spare tanks must L-e stored 50 feet froni the tent �r-,d �Yiall be protected from darnage . Th� st�.�rage are:a mL,�t. be frEt of fl �rrunabl� or corr�busti�;le I]1atEY'lal�: , 5 . The tatal arnount of (LPG) on sitE+ �hul l be 1 irnite�l to 60 U . � . gallor,s . 6 . All areas w�re LPG is stored n�,ust bE free of Combustibles . 7 • No Smoking sigh must be po�ted in stor� areas . NOUSEKE�PING All weeds, and flanunable vegetation �hall be removed from the area occupied by any tent ar:d any �re�s wit.hin 30 feet uf any �uch �tructure . The floor surface inside and the grour,d� adjacent to or within 30 feet outside of tents or canopies Srldll be kept free and clear of cornbustible waste . Such wa�te shall be stored in approved containers until r�emove�l from thr premises . ELECTRICAL All extension cords shall be over current protected and or grour�d fault interrupter prc�tected . No adc�itional taps are tc� b� in any device . (NO �:ctopus , 2 way or 3 way t���pe" cube adaptors or :��u 1 t i-p 1 ug extens i on cc�rd.-, ) . Quad bo>;e� are appr.o�.��d if. wi:•�ed witl-� 12/3 g�::�,gE wire• ar .;���•ater . A? 1 exten5ion cords �l�all be of 12/3 gauge wirc. c�r greate� witt, approved connectoz-s . , .� • � � _ , E�T ILLUMINATION Exits shall bE illumir►ated at ar,y tirn�: the structure is occupied with light having an intensity of not less than one faotcandle at flaor level . Exit �igns shall be installed at required exit^ doorways and where atherwise needed to clearly indicate the direction of . tr�ave 1 when the exi t serve� 50 or� more ��eap 1 e . Exit sign� in tents with an occupan�y load over 100 people shall be of an approved self luminvus type or shall be internally or extez�nally illuminated by fixtures supplied in the manr,er specified below. 1 . Two separate circuit� , one of whic:t�, _.l�all ��e �eparate from all othEr circt�its , for occ�:aant loacis uf 3Q0 or less . 2 . Twa separ�ate sources of power�, on� of which shall be an approved emergency �ystem, shall be pravided when the GCCt:rc�.t':t lOdd exceeds 300 . Emergency �ystems shall be sup�liEd from storage batter�ie� or on .�itF ��enerator set ar�c� kh� :�,:�tEm sr,al l be in::t�l led ir� acc��rdar�,c� � witr� th� requirements af the National Electric� l Cod�: . HEAT� g�1 COOKING E4UIPMENT ALL heating �nd caokir�g equipment shall be in compliance with tt-le 19£�8 Uni forrn Mechani ca 1 Cude or st�a 1 1 be approved by the fire inspector . Gas , solid, or liquid-fuel-burning equ�pn:Ent shall be vented to the outside air by the means of approved ver�,t or flue in such a manr,er that n� portion of tt��e tent or canopy is within 12 inches of the flue or vent . Vents for solid fue�l burr�ing equ� ��ment �hall be �rovide with spark arreu�tor,� having openir;ys no larger thdn 1/4 ii',cl�i wii��� rnesh , Heating and cooking equipment shall r:�>r be located within 10 feet or exits , aisles , pas5�xgrw��ys �r cornbustibl� materials . C�oking equipment autside the t�nt shall be at lea��t 30 feet away from ai��y �tructure . . ; � �� � � GENERAL All City requirements mu�t be met pri��r� to the conditional approval from this depaz,tment . This departmer�t will do a follow-up/walk through both the morning before operations begin �rid or:e while the event i:� ��oing an . We wo�ild appreciate yaur cooreration in tY,e:�e rnatters by furnishir:g this inf��rmatian tc� all par-tie�.• who may be involved in this exhibit . If you t�a��r _�ny questi�r.s , please feel free to cor�tact me at (61y ) 34G-1�70 . NOTE: TENT SETUPS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE I�PGN INITIAL INSPECTION DUE TO SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES NUTED AT THAT TIME , Respectfully, � Fire Systerr:�� In�pector • CITY OF PALM DESERT • DE�2TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELC�IENT , MEMORANDUM T0: City Manager and City Council FROM: Ramon A. Diaz, ACM/Director of Community Development DATE: January 23, 1992 SUBJECT: McCallum Carnival On January 22, 1992 at a meeting with representatives of the McCallum Theatre, Palm Desert Police Department and myself, the McCallum Theatre representatives were informed that as zoning administrator I would not approve a temporary use permit for a carnival. A great deal has been said concerning previous city commitments to this event. For the record some items require clarification. On ,7uly 9, 1991 a letter was sent to the city manager requesting a meeting to discuss a fund raising carnival for the McCallum Theatre. The city manager and myself inet with Ms. Nancy Trapnell on Wednesday, July 17 at 2:00 p.m. At that meeting the carnival was discussed. At that time the city was under the impression that we had no jurisdiction in the matter. Not knowing the size of event, or realizing that it would conflict totally with the dates of the National Date Festival, no opposition was expressed at that time except for not permitting carnival employees to park their trailers for ten days on Magnesia Falls Drive (this is prohibited) . We did ask that we be kept involved in the process. A subsequent letter was received dated July 19, 1991 where the city was thanked and told that it would be kept appraised of the event ' s progress. This was the last communication received on this matter until January 21, 1992, when the city contacted the McCallum representatives. Since July 1991 it has been determined that the city has jurisdiction over non-educational events at the College of the Desert. Further, the processing of the Street Fair application and its growth has necessitated specific conditions including on-street parking restrictions to accommodate the weekend traffic generated by this weekly event. The city became aware that the carnival was going to occur from an article in the Desert Sun' s January 20th edition. On January 21 a meeting was requested; in attendance were representatives of the McCallum Theatre, Police Department, City Manager and myself. At that meeting information relating to projected attendance was requested. After that meeting I received a call from Brad Hudson of Riverside County' s Administrative Office and informed for the first time, by anyone, of the county' s (National Date Festival ) concerns. I questioned • CITY MANAGER/CITY CO'"TCIL � MCCALLUM CARNIVAL *� ''+�' , JANUARY 23, 1992 if these concerns had been voiced to the McCallum and was informed that they were, and received copies of letters dated December 18, 1991 . On January 22, 19�2 at the meeting mentioned at the beginning of this report, I concluded that the carnival request could not be approved for the following reasons: 1 . Such events are only permitted for a maximum of seven consecutive days--Section 25. 64.040. 2. The presence of the street fair would generated intolerable volumes of traffic and parking problems both on the campus and in the area if both events occurred simultaneously. 3. The elimination of designated street fair parking areas for erection of the carnival facilities would violate the conditional use permit granted for that event. 4. The sheriff' s department would have undue difficulty in providing necessary manpower to secure the event because of its commitments to concurrent National Date Festival operations. 5. The potential conflicts with student parking and evening events at the McCallum could negatively impact city streets and neighborhoods. It is unfortunate that the city has been placed in the position of playing the "heavy. " However, there are serious concerns which prevent this department ' s authorization of this event. �� . `---_- MON A. DIAZ ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/PLANNING /tm Attachments: l . Chapter 25. 64 Permitted Temporary Uses 2. McCallum Theatre Carnival Time Information 3. July 9, 1991 letter to Mr. Bruce Altman 4. July 19, 1991 letter to Mr. Bruce Altman 5. July 19, 1991 letter to Mr. Ray Diaz 6. July 19, 1991 letter to Lt. Gayle Janes 7. December 18, 1991 letter to Ms. Nancy Dolensek 8. December 18, 1991 letter to Dr. David George 2 � 25.64.010 . � � � Chapter 25.64 C. Construction of buildings and storage fac�lities. Temporary structures or facilities for the housing of � PERMITTED T'EMPORARY USES tools and equipment or containing supervisory offices in connection with major construction on major con- Sections: struction projects may be established and maintained � 25.64.010 • Purpose. during the progress of such construction on such proj- 25.64.020 Temporary use permit required. ect;provided,that such temporary facilities may not be 25.6d.030 Application and filing fee. maintained for a period to exceed one year, unless a � 25.64.440 Uses permitted subject to new permit has been obtained from the zoning admin- temporary use permi� istrator. 25.64.050 Decision. D. Real Estate Sales Office. One temporary real 25.64.060 Appeals of decision. estate o�ce may be located on any new subdivision in � 25.64.070 Conditions. any zone;provided,that such office shall be removed 25.64.080 Revocation. at the end of one year, unless a new permit has been obtained from the zoning administrator. Said real es- � 25.64.010 Purpose. tate office to be erected only for use in sale of the The purpose of this chapter is to permit and regulate subdivision in which it is located. uses which by their nature are for temporary periods E. Promotional Event-Cultural. Promotional � and are not detrimental to the health,safety and public events of any educational,civic,cultural nature,may be welfare of the communiry.(Ord.256(part), 1981) permitted without time restrictions except as fixed in the conditions of approval. � 25.64.020 Temporary nse permit required. F. Such other uses as the zoning administrator may No use mentioned in this chapter shall be pernutted, consider to be within the intent and purpose of this commenced or engaged in until a written permit there- chapter. (Ord.372§ 1,1984; Ord.256(part),1981) for has been obtained from the zoning administrator. � (Ord.256(part), 1981) 25.64.050 Decision. Application for a temporary use permit shall be 25.64.030 Application and filing fee. reviewed by the zoning administrator.The zoning ad- � Application for a temporary use permit may be ��trator shall approve,conditionally approve or dis- made by the property owner or his authorized agent. approve such application. Said permit shall be ap- The application shall be filed with the zoning adminis- proved only if it has been found that such proposed use, � trator who shall charge and collect a filing fee for each under the conditions imposed,will not have a substan- application, as determined by resolution of the city tial adverse effect on the use or enjoyment of property council. Said application shall be filed at least fifteen �the neighborhood of the proposed use or upon the days before the date of commencement of the pro- � posed use.(Ord.256(part),1981) public health, safety, or general welfare. No formal public hearings need be conducted nor any notice given 25.64.040 Uses permitted subject to temporary except to the applicant in connection with the granting � use permi� or denial of such a permit.(Ord.256(part), 1981) The following uses require a temporary use permit: A. Carnivals, circuses, special private or public 25.64.060 Appeals of decision. � events, for a period of ten days in any calendar year, �e applicant may appeal the decision of the zoning and such activity may be�permitted for up to seven administrator to the planning commission within fif- consecutive days at any one time. Certification of the teen days after such action or decision in which case the safety of rides and all pertinent equipment for the Planning commission shall have the power of denying � carnivals,circuses,or similar events,shall be made by or granting such permit and setting forth any applicable a professional engineer registered in the state of Cali- conditions relating thereto. fornia,with such certification being given to the build-. No formal public hearing need be conducted nor any � ing department prior to the commencement of use of notice given except to the applicant in connection with the equipment. the granting or denial of such a permit. (Ord. 256 B. Christmas tree sales. (part),1981) � 435 � ' u.�a.o�o . � � Zs.6a.Q�o cona�c�ons. The zoni.ng adn::nistrator may impose any condi- tions necessary to assure that said temporary use per- mit will not adversely affect adjoining properties or the public health, safety, and general welfare. (Ord. 256 (part),1981) - 25.64.080 Revocation. The zoning administrator may revoke a temporary use permit for violations of conditions of approval or, if it has been found that the continuance of said use is a nuisance or a danger to the public healch,safery, or genezal welfare. Said revocation may be appealed in the manner prescribed in Section 25.64.060 of this chapter.(Ord.256(part), 1981) 436 ,/�\ � � . . , i ,' THE BOB HOPE CULTURAL CENTER THE�tcC�LL��t THE�TRE FOR THE PERfORn11NG ARTS �3-000 Fred�Caring Dri�e.Palm DeseR.California 92260 Ezc�evtie�e OKice(619�396-6�05 Box Orn��e�619!33Q?�67•F,4Y18191 341-9�08 \ancy-Dolensek .J1.11}� 9� 1991 E.ecurire Director Board of Trustees Of{icers Mr. Bruce Altman `Ernest W.Hahn PresidEn� City Manager "��'illiam P.Teanity City of Palm Desert Ezetutire l'ice Preside�nt "«'illiam Bone P�jr] �e$ert� CA 92260 ' l'ice President .� *�1rs.Elizabeth V�'illiams t:ce President ��r B�C�. 'V�'avne Prim 1'ice Prtsidenf ���ar�hall Gelfand Nancy Dolensek and I are currently planning our fundraising events for the Treasurer 'Thomas A.Paulson 1991-92 season. Due to the kind generosity of two of our Founders, we have S��rE�°ry the exciting opportunity to hold a Carnival here in February 1992. Trustees 'Slrs)oCarl,ton Beal �?Y �d JoAnne Davis, owners of the renowned "Carnival Time Show", are '�1rs.John Conte giving us the Carnival for 10 days, from February 14-23. Dr. David George �iichael Fedderly �d the College of the Desert are allowing us to use 2 sandy lots on the Aml,:csudor Leor.ard K.Firestone President Gerald R.Ford Monterey side of the campus for the Carnival which will be completely fenced Dr.Da�id 9.George in lighted, and have full-time security. Parking will be at the McCallum lot. >farc Glassman � 11rs.James R.Greenbaum 1;rs.Clifiord R'.Henderson I would like to meet with you concerning the necessary permits and etc., as Rabbi Joseph�f.HurK•itz 'Ra�mond J.Kaiser well as talk to you about the possibility of using the strip of land on the road txe�Fn w.xorman behind the collepe next to the fence /7�,{apnesia Falls Road for the Carnival Dr.\�'illiam R.Kroonen b \"• b � Hoti ard P.'�4arguleas trailors. These trailors are home to the Carnival employees. They are Ernie�loreno com letel self-contained as to lumbin electricit�/ and etc. The would line Ted Operhall P Y P g� J Y Car] D.Pearl up there in a single file row along the fence. Of course, we would need the Re�erer,d J.Rollins,Sr. Clty Of P�ITI DeSelrt's approval and support for this. *1'Irs.Sanford B.Schulhofer Don F.Se�'ferth Lione]Steinberg The Carnival Time Show is one of the elite of Carnivals and would be a �4rs.��'illiam P.Tennity Harold S.\���tor Wonderful attraction for residents and visitors to the desert during the month •lr�n;n<,.£rE�ut;����mm;<<fe of February 1992. You can be assured that it will be handled most Officers Emeritus professionally. R"illard�V.Keith Past President az;�hae� w.:��carthy Could we set up a convenient time to get together and discuss the details. Pas� �,�ePresident your ideas and guidance would be greatly appreciated. Gordon Metcalf Past President lfitchel]J.Simon Sincere� Past President � �"---�" J i � Trustees Emeritus � c � � � �Srs.Adolph Bolz `��� ' � �'-��" � \1rs.George Randolph Hearst,s�. Naney Trapn 1irs.Bob Hope Director of evelo men Ra�mond E.Row�la�d P Joseph D.Shane ?v:rs.Frank Sinatra Dr.Fern D.Stout James E.Thomson Charles Gioia Di*�ctor oJ Operaiions tiancy Trapnell Dir�-etor u/Development • � � . McCallum Theatre Carnival Time Information presented to. . . Bruce Altman Ray Diaz :-� --1 Captain Bloomquist , �`== Lieutenant Janes �l � ;-o c� 1. Carnival Attendance Expected/Estimated. . .Mr. Larry Davis expects that we will attract approximately 2 , 500 to 5, 000 people per day - with maximum attendance at 25, 000 to 35';000 people for the 10-day Carnival. Carnival Time Shows estimates that mosts days we' ll have from 2 , 500 to 3 , 500 people. -`_ 2 . Security. . .Carnival Time Shows has planned at least 3 uniformed security guards for the carnival lot. Plus, they agreed to pay 2 additional full-time sheriff ' s deputies as suggested by Lieutentant Gayle Janes. They also will hire as many uniformed security as needed to direct traffic, etc. The exact number needed will not be known, until the carnival is underway. The Carnival lot will be fenced and lighted. The McCallum Theatre is hiring additional parking lot/valet attendants during the Carnival event to assist with theatregoers and carnivalgoers. 3 . Games. . .There will be approximately 30 games at the Carnival. Mr. Davis will be happy to remove or change any games that the Sheriff ' s Department feels are not appropriate. They have planned to bring the games that are most family-oriented, since that is the theme of this carnival. 4 . Nature of the McCallum Theatre Carnival. . .a family-style carnival featuring 30 of the Carnival Time Show' s best rides from around the world. . . 18 main rides, 16 kiddie rides. . . featuring a one-of-a-kind million dollar ferris wheel made in Italy, a grand carousel that is a museum piece of famous carousel horses - both of these rides have been presented less than 5 times. The Carnival is aimed at families and youngsters in format and promotion - tailoring the carnival lot in this way. 5. Fire Department. . .Clyde Chittendon will be meeting with Larry Davis before he lays out carnival lot to set up a site plan that allows for safe and easy entrance and exit of fire equipment in case of an emergency. . �� � � � r i � THE BOB HOPE CULTURr1L CENTER THE r.�cGALLUM THE.�TRE FOR THE PERf-0RMING,ARTS -,3.ppp f}��t'aring Drive.Palm Desert,California 9�60 Ez�nctive 0,(fue I619)346&505 Box Gffiue 16191 34Q2787•FAX 16191 341�9508 • Nancy Dolensek Ezerut+veDi�ector July 19, 1991 Board oi Trustees Officers � • 'Ernest W.Hahn Presidcnt •R'illiam P.Tennity j,/�, gruce Altman £xecufive 1 ue P+taident •R"illiam Bone City Manager VicePresideni �•lty Of Palm Desert � •A4rs.Elizabeth R'illiams , VicePrcridcnt palm Desert, CA 92260 •R'a�•ne Prim l'ice Prraident •?vlarshall Gelfand Dear Bruce: Treasurcr •Thomas A.Paulson se�r��a,� It was a pleasure meeting with you and Ray at City Hall Tr�<tees on Wednesday. Your enthusiastic support and ideas Don Alexander concerning our Carnival next season were greatly •ASrs.Carlton Beal Mrs.John Conte appreciated. A4ichael Fedderly .9mb2ssador Leonard K.Firestone President Gerald R.Ford I Wl l l keep you llP t0 date 017 our progress. Dr.Da�•id A.George A7arc Glassman !�Srs.James R.Creenbaum Again, thank you, from dll. Of 11S at the MeCallum. ?�4rs.Cliffo-d W.Henderson Rsbbi Joseph M.Hurw�itz •Ra�•mondJ.Kaiser Sincerely, •Helen\V.Korman Dr.V''illiam R.Kroonen HoWard P.T4arguleas Ernie Moreno Ted Operhall Csrl D.Pesrl Nan y Trap 1 Re��erend J.Rollins,Sr. Dl ector Development •?�4rs.Sanford B.Schulhofer Don F.Se}�terth Lionel�teinberg A'Irs.�1'illiam P.Tennity � Harold S.�'ictor `Mem6er,Ezeeutive Commiitee OHicers Emeritus Willard W.Keith Past President Michael W.McCarthy Past i'ice Preaident Gordon A4etcalf Pa<t Prcaident T4itchell J.Simon Past P�esiden! TfU62!!6 EIDt�1�U� Mrs.Sdolph Bolz '�S-s.George Randolph Hearst.Sr. Mrs.Bob Hope Raymond E.Rowland Joseph D.Shane Mrs.Frank Sinatra Dr.Fern D.Stout James E.Thomson Char]ea Gioia INreetor oJ Opemliont Nancy Trapnell Director oJDcvclop+rrnt � _ ---�� , ,` � . : \ � � ; 1 :` THE BOB HOPE CULTURAL CENTER THE,ti�cCSLLUM THEATRE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS ��-000 Fred Waring Dri��e,Palm Desert.California 92260 Ezecutii�e OJ,fice 1619)346bF�05 Box GJfue�619)3442i87•FA.T 1619)341•9508 . '�ancy Dolensek Ezeeutive Di*ector Ju ly 19, 19 91 Board of Trustees Oifi�ere 'Ernest�V.Hahn President •R'illiam P.Tennity �, Ray D12Z Exetutive L'ice Pre,�ident 'R'illiam Bone Assistant City Manager `'"`P"``a"`` Director of Community Development & Planning •A1rs.Elizabeth�i'illiams Y'icePresider,t City of Palm Desert ' •WaynePrim pd1TQ Desert CA 92260 l'ice Prea:dcnt / "�larshall Gelfand TTQO�"�" Dear Ray: 'Thomas A.Paulson Sccrcfary Trusteec It was a pleasure meeting with you and Bruce at City DonAlexander Hall on Wednesday. Your enthusiastic support and ideas •11rs.Carlton Rea1 �Srs.John Conte concerning our Carnival next season were greatly �Sic};aelFedderly appreeiated. .Smbassador Leonard K.Firestone President Gerald R.Ford Dr.Da�•id A.George I Will keep you up to date on our progress. Marc Glassman h4rs.James R.Greenbaum Mrs.Clifford W.Henderson Again, thank you, from all of us at the MeCallum. Rabbi Joseph M.Hur��itz •Ra�•mond J.Kaiser We look forward to seeing you next season at the •Helen w.Korman theatre. Dr.R'illiam R.Rroonen Hou•ard P.A'farguleas Eraie?�4oreno Sincerely, Ted Operhall Car]D.Pearl Recerend J.Rollins.Sr. •Mrs.Sanford B.Schulhofer Don F.Se}•ferth Lionel Steinberg Nane Trapne 'vIrs.4t'illiam P.Tennity HaroldS.�'ictor Dir ctor Development •,4femGer,Ezecutive Commitfee Olfiteri Emeritua R'illazd W.Keith Past Preaident Michael W.N,cCarthy Paaf l'ica Preaidenf Gordon Aietcalf . Past P+erident Dlitchell J.Simon Past Prc.•idrnt Trustees Emeritus Airs.Adolph Bolz '�1rs.George Aandolph Hearst,Sr. Mrs.Bob Hope Ra�•mond E.Row•land Joseph D.Shane Mrs.Frank Sinatra Dr.Fern D.Stout James E.Thomson Charles Gioia IN+eetor oJ Operatiora !�ancy Trapnell Di+eeto�oJDcvelopment � Amarii;a's Mo.st 1:'xotic f"ounty !'atr . r T� Stag�d i1 r:nually i+s A1id•1'ebruary • � � , � �ic�trtQ�de (,>au��ty�. � c�t�at�a�*,�a�'e *�e��i�Ai � wF3ERT fk�0 CEN�RQ .10�550 A't��A 91REC1 �,�p';7,rq�1FURNin 7220', ,� ' (S'G)3n2.A9�7 December 18 , i99�. l��s . tvancy D��ensek , Exe�cutive Direct�or McC�l,lum Thea�tre �or the� Perfozm�ng Arts 7300 Fred Warfnq Drive F�lm �eaert , CA 922G0 Dear Ms . Dolensek : It has come t�a the attention of my Baard a� nirectars th�,t Mr . Larry Davie of Carnival Time Shaw� , Tna , ha� propo��d �o prnduce a fund-r�ising carnivm� for th� b�nefit o£ the McCa�l7.um �heatrc �eginning an or abvut February 13 , 1992 . while my �oard is suppoxtive of fund-ra�.$ing �f�ort� to support the pergorming azt� i.n the CoacheJ.�a VaJ.ley, and wish the McCal].um Theatre every succes� in that endeavar , lease be advised that the timin of th� ro osed �arniv�l wou�d be devas � n o e succs�� o e Na� on;� �.e e� va R v+�zs� e Coun Fa r w C w e �e�d in In�'i'v;�zuary - , . P'ar your infvrmation, Caunty F'�irs suck-� a� the D�te �'estfv�►1 derive much of �h�it a�erating revenue from the carnlval poction af �he event , and a serfou� decline in revenu�s could pu� th� Festivnz at jeopardX . Thece i� n,o canceivakale w�y that twa ma�or carnivals can operbte in the gbms market ezea� simu.�taneausly wit �ut s�er�.ouBly affecti.ng each other' s attendance. xhe National D�te �'estiv�l is � 46-ye�r institution in thfs Valle�, with. annu�i 10-day attendance in the 270 , OQ0 guest rang� . It is a major winter touris� atrra�ctian �+Zong with �he Bob Hope classic . : t would be , we thi.nk, very �hortsighted �or the McCa�Llum Theatre to sponsor a fund-rai�f.ng t�ctivit�y which, due to its timing , would threaten the fin�ncial v�.ability of one a� this Va11ey' s most _ev�zed everits . We wou�d suggest� that thfs conflict cou�,d be resolved by moving the date o� th� fundra�i�ser to a �ime slot afte� the Da�e Festival is �on�l,�aea an P'ebruary 23rd. In fu�ure years, if �nis fundraisec i.s to b� repeated, it wouid be more prafit,a�a�e faz al�. �oncerned to s�par�te l��pr�n ted o^rc,;y�rr,r pAJ,�� /�� ' �,I . ' � �r` ' THE BOB HOPE CULTURAL CENTER THE��cC4LLl,"�1 THEATRE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS "3d00 Fred R'aring U.i�•e.Palm Desert.California 9`1�0 Execuiive Offue 1619)34fr6�05 Box Off�ce i6191 31a2'87•FAX l6191 341-9508 . `�ancy Dolensek Ezecvtive Director Boud ot Trusteee JlllY 19� 19 91 Officers •Ernest��'.Hahn l�rEititient 'V�'i:l:am P.Tennity Excn:ivt Vice Presider,2 •w•���iam Bone Mr. Gayle Janes lue Prcridcnt Lieutenant •Airs.El?zabeth W'illiams ' l�icfPTf6idETt Riverside County Sheriff's Department • •«'a�•ne Prim palm Desert Station i ue PrEsidcnt •�:a-<hallGelfand 73-520 Fred Waring Drive T-eatirEr palm Desert, CA 92260 •Thoaas 9.Paulson Scc-etary Trustees Dear Gayle: Don 9lexander •'�::s.Carlton Beal �:rs.JohnCor,te It was a pleasure meeting with you on Wednesday at the ASichael Fedderly Sheriff�s Department about our Carnival next season. I Amb<ss>dor Leor,ard K.Firestoae President Gerald R.Ford appreciated so very much your thovghts and advice Dr.Da��id A.George concerning th� security of the Carnival for all of our D:arc Glassman '�4rs.JamesR.Greer,baum C1t1ZeT1S. `�4rs.Clifford W.Henderson Rabbi Joseph?�4.Hurw•itz 'Ra�•mond J.Kaiser Z talked with JoAnne and Larry Davis, owners of the 'He1enW.Fiorman Carnival, yesterday. They agreed to pay to have a Dr.VCiliiam R.Kroonen IioWardP.T7arguleas uniformed Sheriff's Department officer at the Carnival £rr.ie Aloreno during opening hours, with additional coverage at Ted Operhall Carl D.Pearl night. The Carnival will provide security at the gates Reverend J.Rollins,Sr. OnlY (one gate fOr each sandy ZOt� . •Mrs.Sanford B.Schulhofer Don F.Seyfer;h Lionel Steir,berg I �rill keep you posted on our progress, informing you 91rs.w'illiam P.Tennity Harold S.�'ictor as to the hours of operation and etc. . We are •.Afember,£zeeutive Commitfae eonsidering 3pm - Midnight, weekdays and l0am - Oftiterc Emerituc Midnight weekends. R'illard W.Keith pastPrcr;dc+•t As to eoneessions, there will be approximately 35. Diichael��.A4cCarthy Paat 6itt Preaident Gordon D7etcalf I look forward to talking to you again and to seeing Past Pxsident ?�Sitchel]J.Simon you at the theatre next season! Pas1 Pretident Trueteec Emerituc Sineerely, D4rs.Adolph Bolz '�;rs.George Randolph Hearst,Sr. . Airs.Bob Hope Raymond E.ftow•land / Joseph D.Shane Mrs.Frank Sinatra Nan y T nell Dr.Fezn D.Stout James E.Thomson D1 eCtO� of Development Charles Gioia Direc:o+oJ Ope*atiosa `�ancy Trapnell Directo+oJ Devckpmea! ' Arnerica�S 1�IOVL ExOLiC G;}unty 1'ai► , . ""�,� Stapod fiiirsur,lly iri A1td•1�aUruury � r��t�e�tdti'c�e �4u��c��aL . ��iana!*,�a►�e *�e��'i�o►t - c� DE5E+Z1 txM?CEN't2E A6-,160�RAHI�5'��ET INDIO,C,A'.iFOi7N'�A 0?20� ;�ioj 3n2•a��s7 ���� Dacember :.8 , 1991 �r , �avid Gevrgs , t�resident college a� the Desert 4350� Mor�tezey �venue �Pa7.m Desert , cA 92260 Deaz Dr . Gearge : It has come to the a��.entiar� o£ my Soazd of 1�izectors thaE Mr , L,arxy �avis of C�rnival ai.me $howe , Inc . has pra�aoe�ed �o produce a £und-raising c�rnival for the benefi� of the t4cCal�um Tt�e��re beginning on or about February 13 , 1992 . z� is aur understanding that no� only do yc�u rep�re�Pnt �he landlord ?n this proposed ac�.ion ( Colleg� of tre Dee�ert) , but that you �re �+loo � mem�er of the Bor�zd af '�zustees o� �.he McCallum Thetttre . P1Pase be advised thr�t �.he timi��� the ca ased carnival would be avas£a��n o _ e succe��s o e a ana.� ��►�e F�g �va vec�s e` Ceun y a r , w c wa,�. e e n r. o , F� �ue►ry - , F'ar yaur !nformation, Cacanty P'airs such as the D�te �'e�tiival derive mu�c�� of thsir o�era�ing revenue �ram trYe carn�val portion �f the ev�r,t , and a seriou�s dec�ine in revenues could put the Festival �t jeo�aardy. Theze is no conceivabl.e way tha� twa major carnivals can operate in the same market area sin�ultaneousXy wi�haut seriously a��ecting each ather' s attendance . The rsational D�te �'estSval is a 46-ye�X ins�iru�ion in this Val��y , w�th �,nnut�l 10-day at�endance in the �`�0 , 000 guest cange . Tt ie a m��ar Winter touri,st ���.ractiion alorag with the Bab Hope Classic . Zt wou�d be , we tihink , very ahor�sighted for tihe McCallum The�tre to spon�sar ( and the Col].ege of the Desert t� suppor�,, in any �+��ay) a fund-raiging ac�ivity whi.ch, due to its timing , would threaten �he financial viability of one of ;his val,tey' s most zevered eventa . Fr� would sugges� that this con�lict cac�ld be resolved by mnving the �3a�a o� the fundcaiser to a time s�ot a�ter the Da�.e �e��3v�1 is ronc�uded on February 23rd . zn future years , if this fundraiser �. s to be =epcated, it w�uld be mcxe pro�i. t�ble f�r all concerned to separate the two events by a minimum �t 60 days either before ar a£ter the Dt�te ��Arinred a��recyc/edn,,�P� - � � � /����'��r �a l/ �, 8'+�*°- Fesnceato rehlenighlatslmonetarycreaourcd�arket ( i . e . teenage youth) a ch� 1� If it iec�Lu11.��r�au�sC�thateyou�bzing �histmmtterCugQfoxdimmediapitan , we reep Y' � considera��.on. ' Thank you �or your assis�.a�ce ar�d su�ap�rt af the Riverside County Fair �nd Na�I.onal Date Fe�ti.v�+l . Sincecely, � Crai Manning Lx�c tive nirectar ccr Superviso� Fatrici.a "Corky" :�arson . �oard of Dirrctozg , C .O.D . . . . � � ' �,, ths �wo •v�nt� by a minl�mum of 6G d�ys eith�r before ar �fter the Date �'eetiv�l , Th�,s would e�llow ths ce�rniv�l mt+cket ( i . e . teene►ga youth ) � c�cance ta repleni�h �.C.� monetary resvurcgs . y� i� is not tao �ate to recon�icler your p?an, we respect�u�.J�y requ�st tht�t you do �o . Th�nk yau for your �houghtfuJ. consi.derat�.an . Sincerely, Craig Menninq Executi-ve t�irector cc : Su�erviser Pr�tric3.� "Carky" La�-son CITY OF PALM DESERT ' DEPF�MENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELO�NT ' MEMORANDUM . TO: Planning Commission FROM: Ramon A. Diaz, ACM/Director of Community Development DATE: January 24, 1992 SUBJECT: Special meeting to consider an appeal of a temporary use permit for a carnival for the College of the Desert and McCallum Theatre. Attached is a report given to the city council outlining what has transpired with regards to a proposed carnival to raise funds for the McCallum Theatre. I continue to recommend denial of the request for the reasons set forth within the staff report. C ON A. DIA ASSISTANT CI Y MANAGER, ' DIRECTOR 0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/PLANNING /tm T'/�