HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-11-21MINUTES JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 2:00 P.M. - NOVEMBER 21, 1985 I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Kelly called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m. in the Administrative Conference Roorn. II. PRESENT Council: Planning Commission: Roy Wiison Walt Snyder Phv l I i •; Jackson Dick Ke i l v. M•..avor Staff. Ken We i i f:r Larry McAi!ister Steve Smith Pat (onion DICK t o I v er , II1. INTRODUCTIONS: Jim Richards Bob Downs Ralph Wood Rick Erwood Buford Crites. Chairman Phil Urell Phil Joy Frank Allen Kirby Warner Sheila Gi l I igan Stan Sawa Carlos Ortega Bruce Altman Linda Russell Mr. A It rnan stated that together we are striving for exceIienCe. Performance budgeting is a wdv of d(:n i r.,i i nc } l �t nnJ 1 . r.ity ,,t,ifr looked at current major projects and in using the scow i ng Process. have attempted to show what it will take to complete them. In turn. it wi I 1 heir, answer questions of Council in the beginning. help to allocate more resources if necessary, and eliminate unnecessary delays. The following are steps to the Process: What are you attempting to do. Masks - in sequential fashion. 3. Whom is involved. 4. Uuality Control. 5. Hours needed by each individual. When will final results take place. In addition. staff also has t'; deal with the day-to-day activities. MINUTES JOINT COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 21, 1985 III. SCOPING OF MAJOR PROJECTS A. Development_ Center - Ken Weller Mr. Weller explained the goal of this new system is to reduce the overall development time and provide a better level of service to the public by combining all departments and Forming a team for inspections, plan check, and an express service counter. This system for residential Projects has already been implemented and has proven to be very eftective in terms of time and money savings to the developers. B. Information Center - Frank Allen Mr. Allen explained the obiective of this center is r.o keen the public ana city staff informed of current city proiE'cts and activities. Tri 1 r oce' s wi I i be implemented through C i ty newsletters, quarterly periodicals, TV anc7 radii, ,.,howl. and video tapes. At this time, the Council and Planning Commission expressed their priority and purpose of th;•_ rneet i ny was to discuss the 2000 committee recommendat ions. It was Furrhe- felt: r ri perhaps some of the rna for urc> iec ,, Council ann Planning Comm i s s i en tar, could be discussed. iherer•-ire. Projects were br i of l v rev 1 ,.:weu . C. Highway 11_L Plan-_U_ick Folrs This project consists OT w r den i n o H i yhwdv from El Paseo to Hon Hone Ur i vr_ to six lanes. to alleviate increased trafr ic i-onges,ti>>n. Mr. Fo l kers es,t i m.-it ed the rot wou i r1 be approximately $1.6 mi�iion. U. Core r_r>mmerr• i._11 Area Phi ' Jr e Tni= n: i udes H i uhway ill •jnd MINUTES JOINT COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 21, 1985 between Fred Waring and El Paseo -- all commercial areas. The goal of this project is to reorganize and upgrade existing commercial areas, and promote high quality development of vacant parcels. The results of this report were in conjunction w ith the Wi11iams-Kuebelbeck study and ✓ ecommendations made on the City's commercial areas. It was the 2000 subcommittee's suggestion that a specific plan be done. E. Economic Assessment Study - Carlos Ortega The purpose of the study was to identify specific needs to meet City goals, implement those needs through other studies and negotiations, and continue to experience good upgraded growth. Mr. Ortega reviewed an outline of the Economic Study which focused on Hotel. Retail, and Office Market Analyses. F. Traffic Sigliafs_- Dick Folkers Mr. Folkers stated that the aoals of this project w ere to install traffic signals to reduce congestion at critical intersections and provide for an orderly flow of pedestrians and vehicles. Mr. Folkers indicated that in talking to Caltrans, they have established priorities and the City would have to design and install the traffic signals for left turn on Highway 74 and El Paseo. Commissioner Crites emphasized the traffic problems on Highway 74. G. B i kewav Mr. Joy reviewed the bikeway report and explained that the bike route system would connect points of educational. cultural, civic, commercial and recreational interests with residential areas. Three classes of bike paths were developed. Mr. Joy defined the classes and Commissioner Erwood asked what class he recommended for the City. Mr. Joy responded that depending on the development location, different classes will he 3 MINUTES JOINT COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 21. 1985 implemented. He noted that signs will be Posted for safety. Commissioner Richards asked if the 8 ft. wide meanderings are required by the City now. Mr. Joy responded that it was. He also noted that the master plan calls for a bikeway system on each major arterial to the highway. It was agreed that a master plan should be created now to identify all areas of a bikeway system. It was also felt that the plan might be tied in with a sidewalk system. but concern was expressed that it could be unsafe and the City would be liable. H. Access Road fo_r HighSchoo l Commissioner Richards suggested that the land across the street from the proposed high school should he looked at for better uses. A meeting will be set on this project soon. I. Portola Fire Station Bids will be going out the first of December. J. Palma Village Specific Plan Councilwoman Jackson noted that the City should be doing everything it can to encourane office profess ionaI bui Idinus in this area. :r W i l l i ams-Kuebe i heck rehor r addresses th i s i ti•;uF and if the market is right, it will be taken cart, of. Councilwoman Jackson added that houses in thi' area of the plan are suitable for relocation. The Newman Center could afford to buy them out. K. Annexation Steve Smith defined the location as the eastern sphere area, approx. 2270 acres located north or 42nd Avenue, west of Washington and south of I-10. City staff is proceeding to implement what they have received from LAFCO. Meetings will he 4 MINUTES JOINT COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 21, 1985 set. L. North Sphere Plan The purpose of this plan was to provide a guide for future development of the northern part of existing City and area within the sphere of influence. Discussion ensued regarding roads for this area. Mr. Smith noted that the 1980 plan does provide a Plan for roads and a secondary plan will be done. A brief discussion followed in regards to height limitation procedures. Councilman Wilson asked why an economic consultant is recommended. Mr. Altman responded that as a result of meetings with the committee it was felt that an economic consultant would be better than a planning consultant. M. Cook Street Extension Mr. Altman briefly reviewed this project and noted that the engineering consultant (Charles Haver) is working with Caltrans and a presentation will be given at the next City Council meeting. N. Superblocks This project is currently under construction. It encompasses two blocks on the south side of Hwy 111 frontage road. A concern was expressed that a time frame should be made available to the public. Councilwoman Jackson also asked when it would be assessed and when will they know if it works. Mr. Altman replied that this issue is addressed in the specific plan. In regards to the frontage road conversion on the north side of Hwy 111, Mr. Altman stated that it would begin at Monterey and proceed easterly. Appropriations are on the next City Council agenda. 5 MINUTES JOINT CO(JNC1L/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 21. 1985 0. Signs on_ Interstate_ 10 A temporary sign for westbound traffic on 1-10 at Washington has been provided. Caltrans has indicated signing would take place during the Monterey Avenue Extension. P. Redevelopment Agency Bond Financing Program Mr. ort_en,, explained that this program would structure an Aaenry financing plan to obtain sufficient funds to undertake Agency projects anri repay an e{ i st i na C i tv loan at the lowest possible interest ,rot. Fax allocation bond bid has been authorizecd at this time. 0. Street Widening - OrdinanceNo. 416 _SKeLty), (his corn i ect would Provide two lanes in each direr.tian on the following streets: Cook St.. Cmint 1 y t_ IErtl Drive. Fred Waring Drive. Monterey Aye., ind Portoia Ave. Counc i Iman Snyder thanked staff for their efforts in putting t!I(. se presentations together. (Copies wi I l be distribut.-d to Council members). 2000 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS A. `,fR-1FI L , REc: Street !lams were recommended at certain unspecified maior residential intersections. Those intersections w i l I he selected in consultations with affected residents. This item wa:• considered a low nriority. 5 I Di WALKS REC:_ A study wa,. r ecornmenned to create both a bikeway ana wlIereov cont I nuou ; routes will lead to MINUTES JOINT COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 21. 1985 major interests and activities. C. SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT (INCLUDING AFFORDABLE) REC: Staff is to study the possibi 1 ity of encouraging conventional single family lot subdivisions. U. ADDITIONAL RENTAL UNIT DEVELOPMENT REC: Additional rental units is desired but should be located near family orientated amenities and developed with quality and aesthetics. E. HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT RE.C: Staff is to study and give recommendations on the Following options: 1. No hillside development. 2. Annex to the ridgeline of hills for purpose of controlling development. F. HOTELS RFC:_ Discourage economy class hotel development. Ar, ordinance will be forthcoming for Council action. Encourage hotel development at specified zones in general plan. G. TRAFFIC SIGNALS WEST OF TOWN CENTER REC: It was the general feeling that ddd i t i ona l median cuts. left turns, or signals not be installed. H. HIGHWAY 111 MAINTENANCE AND TAKEOVER FROM r=ALTRANS REQ.:. A continued attempt will he made to acau i re owner sh i of Highway III and assume the maintenance. Monterey Avenue will be included into the system. This item was deferred and placed as a low priority. MINUTES JOINT COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 21. 1985 I. GATEWAY ENTRIES REC___:_ The Architectural Review Board was directed to design entries at the west end of the City, Cook Street, Portola Avenue. and Monterey Avenue with review by the 2000 Committee and Council. J. GOLF COURSE REC: It was recommended that a study be made on the idea of a junior golf course to minimize cost. This will be pursued with coordination from the College of the Desert. Hiring a junior golf course engineer might be necessary. This item was given a high priority. THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5:20 P.M. - THE NEXT JOINT MEETING WILL BE IN JANUARY. AllES1: BRUCE A. ALTMAN CITY MANAGER /1r 8 LINDA RUSSELL, SECRETARY