HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 73-22RESOLUTION NO. 73-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A PALM DESERT CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE T9FIEREAS, the ef ctiv ness of local qovernment in meeting new community needs in changing timns depends upon the active participation of citizens a d upon their know- ledge and understandinq of programs being undertaken; and WHERFA , there is nee to establish a means for wider citi ens participation in the processes of local government, for study of nroblems and opportunitiss relating to the future development nd vaell-being of the corr,rlunitv, and for application of community talents to communitv probler.is; and idFiEnE ' S, a Citizens' Advisory Committee could. and would for the purpose of general nlanninq, provide com* uni- cation between the citizens of the entire cor mu ity and i . in establishing desirable goals for development for the comr.iunity as a whole. NOW, THEREFORF, the Citv Council of the Citv of Palm Desert, California, DOES ?rERrRY RL;SOLVE as follows: SECTION l. That tnere is herebv establis e in the City of Palm Desert, California, a Citizens' Advisory Comr.tittee to be known as the Palm Desert Citizens' Advisory Committee. The Mayor of the City of Palm Desert be and is nereby authorized to apnoint member.s thereto, subject to confirmation by the City Council. SECTIO? 2. The Palm n sert Citizens' 11 ivisory Committee shall consist of an executive cor,unittee comnosed of not more than fifteen (15) members and various sub- committees that may be established from time to time. P embers appointed to various sub-cor.unittees shall e and 1 tne Mayor of the City of Palm Desert be an� is hereby authorize� to appoint said sub-car.unittee members in the sam� manner as provided in SECTI0�3 1 above. Any person having a p�rsonal business, professional or cultural inter�st in the City of Palm ��sert shall be eligible for mer.ibership on the executive com.^�ittee or sub-committees and r�sidence within the Citv of Palr.i Desert is not a prerequisit`. SFCTIO�1 3. FUNCTIOr1S A. to serve i� an advisory capacitv to the Palm Desert Planning Commission and Citv Council on matters relating to the Palm Desert General Plan, but not to supplant the functions of existing boards, aqencies, com- mission, or conunittees. B. mo serve as a Medium for abvlvine� private and public resources of the community in the identification of cor.imunity goals. C. �o assist in achievina wid.e public un�er- standing of community aoals and implementation of those goals through community planning. SECTION 4. O_T?GANI?�'�TInr7 The Palm Desert Citizens' Ad��isory Comr.iittee shall establish their own rules and nroce�ures not inconsistent with the intent of this Resolution anci may determine terms of inembers, officers and such other organizational r�atters as may be necessary. SECTION 5. MEETIPI�S The Palm Desert Citizens' AdvisorV Executive Committee shall hol�i at least one r�eeting in each month of the calendar year. It should he arranged, noticed and scheduled at the discretion of said committee. � SECTION 6. CITY TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE The City of Palm Desert through the City Manager sha11 provide the Palm Desert Citizens' Advisory Committee and sub-committees with such nrofessional clerical assistance as may be necessary within reasonable limits on the allocation o` officials and employees involve�.. Appropriations for necessary supplies, materials and other operating exAenses May be made from ti�e to time by the City Council. SECTION 7. TERMINATIO� The City Council May terminate the Palm Desert Citizens' Advisory Comriittee by rescind.ing tiiis Resolution and all authority granted thereby, whenever it shall �.eem advisable to do so. PA5SFD, APPROVFD and ADOPTED t;zis 2�th day of December , 19 73 by the City Council of the City of Palm Desert by the following vote: AYES: CouncilMan Aston; Councilwoman Aenson; Councilrnan PYush; Cotincilman ^�cPherson; "4avor C].ark NOES : rlone ABSENT: None � � �iFNRY B . C1�{1RK , Mayor City of Pal�t.��esert, California ATT�ST: �•_ , �- � ` �.<.X�..� L �-.a i- z- ��---" Eli�ENE ASD4US, City Clerk City of Palm Desert, California 3