HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 75-126_, .. . . ..� ; ,; i i ;4 i � � ��i t <� �� � � � :s <; �' � . t , '� � �. �� :" . . � � � �� �� �f� � �, ;: R, �4: c� � `� � �' � '� � ,r g ; $ °� � , � . �� : ;'; , � ,-� ; , �� . RElRO�,ITTIOlG IIO. 75-126 A RZgOUfTION O� ?� CI'R O! PAi�I DESE1tT. C/1LIF(XiNIA, DL�T8�R11I11G ltEYAILIIIG WA�CE ltl►TES FdR PlTnLIC MORIC, JANUAtT. 1976. Tbe Cit� Council of the Cit� of Pal� Oesert, California, DOES �RE�T RESOLY� u follayss Section lt Tbe Cit� Couneil of the Cit� of Pal= Desert, Calif- ornia. hu deter�ined the prevailina rate of per diew vagea (the pec die� tate bein� d tiaes the hourl� rate) for each craft, classification or c�pe or wrkaan needed to ezecute the �arioua contracta for public rrork in their respecti�e localities, including the rate for holida� and overti�e vock and lacludins e�plorer paysenta for health and velfare, pen�ion. �acation and si�ilat purpoees. to be as foliows: CIJISSIPICATIONS HCKJRLY RATFS esaEsros io. sa DOII.ERMAKER AIiD EU►CKS![IT!! 9.95 Bourlr ttate Changess b-1-75. 10.55 S-1S-75. 10.85 aRIC1QJ\YER. STONE NASONS. CONCRETE E1.UCR U1YER 9.20 �I��� 7.05 S ELECTRICAI. tiO�RS Jouraepaan vireaan 9'�' Journep�aa velder 9.66 Equip�ent operator 9.66 Crane operatoc 9.66 Journepaan technician 9.66 Aru lightins e�ste� installec 9.66 Cable splicer 9.96 Electric storekeeper 6.46 After 1 �ear 5.95 �I� 9.46 �� 9.75 ��I� 8.85 ?AINTF3S 8.23 Journe�ra�n - brus6 8.68 Jourae�aan - brush, svin8 stage 8�73 Paperhae�er� 8.23 Paint burner 8,68 �ournep�an - spra� 8.73 Joarneran - sp�a�. swina staae 8.73 Sandblas[er 8�98 Sandblaster, sviag atate 8��8 Iroa, steel i bridge paiater (grouodvo�k) g.73 Iron. steel i bridge painter (svina ataae) Iroa� steel i bridse painter, spra� (aroundwrk) 8•73 Iron, steel i bridge painter. svins stage (apray) 8•98 9.b3 Steeplejack g��g Riggers, cliabi�a ateel 8�73 Jouraepaaa bTwh. cliibing steel i bcldge 8.98 Journe�n spra�. cli�bing steel i bridge q,24 ?aper 11.95 � 8.68 P1J1STP1 TP�DERS Page 1. �' � ; � i � ! � � ,�,', �� � CIASSIRCATtO�f (eont imwd) NOIIRLT RATES ry,�!/iS i lITt15RS 10.24 R�'FRICl�ATIOl1 7.30 �ESILtENT �IAOt i D0001A?IYE OONT.1tIlIG 8.70 �ppp� 8.15 ge�' lI�tA1, 110R1�RS e. 7 S 1'ER1tl►ZZO ' Tertatw S�tt�r 6.55 6ase Mschiat Oper�tor i Helper 6.30 ►loot 11�chiae Operator i Uelper 6.28 tii.E SdrfER ttEt.tERS tile Setter Nelper %•215 Certified ?ile 8elper 7•d9s Iae:perieaced ?ile Belpers 3.855 TILL SERERS 8.�5 QTILIIT 9.35 Wertiie is double for each of the foregoing, except for the folla�ina: Glasiersi Ti�e and one-half for first 2 hours. Saturday first i hours. thereafter double; Paincers: Tise and one-half, except holida�s at double; ttesilient Fioor i Decorative Covering: Tise and one- half i:30 P.�. to tidnigh[ and Saturdap to G:30 p.e., all other double; Rooferst ? Le and one-half; Utility: Time and one-half, except Sunda7s and holidays at double. Foretsn and aasistants maq receive sore than Journeran rate for above classifica[lons. pursuant to Collective Bargaining Agree�ents. In additioa to the foregoing prevailing vage rates. the follwing "fringe^ paymenta are appiicable: CLASSIFICkfIONS H�'� �pR' WELFARE VACATION PE1dSI0N F1.�iD Asbestos f�torkers .80 .7S .045 Savings Plan -.67 Occupational 8ealth Fuad -.07 doiler�aker and nlacks�lth .6S .SO 1.00 .02 drickL�er, Stoae liasona. Coocrete Elock Layer .6S .50 .70 .07 Trust Fuad for (1ac1. Eond Deposit - .50 in vage Pro�ctton Fund - .20 rate) Ericktender .65 .35 1.35 Electrical Horkets •� lZ Retire�ent - .40 Educatioa Puiwd - .04 .95 .04 Clasier� .SS Pa� Check Insurance Tnad - .10 � ��S .03 Lat6ers •� • Trade Tro■otion - .12 �qs .O1 Millvright• .74 .70 Pat� 2. J � � CLASSiI►tCATIOMs ,i (eoncianee) � ��tater� � Llfe Iasnraoc� - .10 ; p�es CMck-ofi • .10 � Ad�iai�trati�e � ?siMmal lred - .09 � �lasters � �Sx puc� Cbsckroff i Ptaster tenders � �l�ber� and titter� A i J iund - 3/4x � Industtry► � Pra�otioa - 1/2Z ; Contr�ct # Ad�n. Tw�d - .03 � Refriaeution � trainina i Industrr ,� Pro�otion Fund - .13 j tesilient Floor � ;� Decorative Covering ,F Roofen �Adsin. Trust - .O1 , Industrial �Trust - .10 � Shcet Metal Workets Traieins i � Prosotion Fund - .26 Terrazto Tile Setter Helpers Disabilit� - .345 Education !'und - .11 Tile Setters � Apptentice and Proaotion Trust � Fund - .OS Otility tR.ALTN APPtt. YELTARE V/1GTI0'N FENSIOl1 lU11D .64 .60 .64 .04 .75 .60 1.50 101 oE 13x of 16x of sross 6ross aross pa�toll parroll payroll .60 .SS .SS .SO .SS .50 .76 Check- off of toz .30 .70 .435 .50 .65 .SO (incl. in vage rate) LOZ of 11Z arosa payroll .60 .50 .03 .40 1.20 .SO .70 16x of grosa payroll CABPEIITERS. CQ4�.NT !lASOliS, IR02i MASONS, LADORERS, OPERATING fliGINEERS Alm TFJ1l�STERS. These va6e rates a�e as aaTeed in Collective dargaining ASree�ents sE1TiE0Q Aswciated Ceneral Contractora of California, Inc., and others, AND Onited Drotheriaod of Carpenters and Joiaers of Aserica, and others. Said Collective Earsainins l�greementa are collectivel� referred to as "Southern Glifocaia tlaster Labor ll6ree�ent For the Constructioa Industr�", and is on file vitb Associated Geaeral Contrsctors of Califoreia, Inc., 22406 dtrtoa toad� Colton. A schedule of the various vage rates is on file vit6 the /lssociation. vith 1luilding and Con$triction Tradea Council � Paac 3. � j ' _ __ _ --- --- -..., �._._�... .�,f.. _ , ., .,..�..,�,.. yw ` y' 4� oE Sas t�r+�atdi»o a�d Ri�►ersid� Ca�aties. 107i La Cadena dri�e, Ri�erside, and Cletk of tbt bttd of Super�isor�, Roa� 116, Riverside Couatr Courthouse, 4050 ll�la Street, Riter�ide. S�id llaree�ent includes provisioms for bolida� aod ovecti�e wrk� a�d pro�risions for e�ployer pay�ents for healtb. v�alfaTe. penslon, �ac�tion� �pprenticee and sf�ilar purpoees. ?ra��l anA subsistence pa� shall be in accordance vith Sec. 1773.8, e�plorent of indeatutcd app[entices shall be in accordanct vtth Sec. 1777.5, aod the esplo�er a�d an^ lebor union shall cospl� vith Sec. 1777.6, of the Califoroi� Laboc Code. pAS3ED� APPItOVED and ADOPT� by the City Council of c� ctcy of Pa L Desert, Califoroia. this llth dgr of Decesber , 19f�, br the folloving votet AYEss ASTON. BEMSO`I, BRUSII. McPNERSO"1 6� CLARK rtoEs: yONE �as�rti': NONE � � .�� `��. �� HENRY B. . Mayor Citr of Pa� Desert. California ATtEST: BAB L. BUR , i y Clerk Cit� of paL Desert. CaliEornia Pate 4. ► . � ;�, ..... _ .�_ .__..,..�. i r ., . ., _ , . BB IT ltJ� R830LVED, tbat copies of t6le resolution slauld be wb�itt+ed to t6e United 3tatea Conference of 1[ayors, Ratioaal Lea�ue of Citiea, Ifational Aasociation of Couatq Officials, Congreesional Bepresentatives in the 3outhern California Association of Govermoents region and local grnrernments within the Coachella Valley. pA33BD, APPR0�/ED, AND ADO'PTID this llth daq of December, 1975. by tbe following voLe: AlB3: ASTON. BENSOM, BRUSH. McPHER50!1 6 CLARK xoss : narE �as�r : nonE AB3TA IN : NOME ATTEST : EY HU � . City Cler City of Palm Desert. California