HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 75-129� .i �rm,;v;�.ne�G�TiSF���rt��'�''�¢��e^s�':,z'..z8«�F...'.'.'ai&7'S'ii'.�;d�.�9P'i'TAW`.'iFi[i+'�� . , r,: , � +���''�_{�['' _._. ..�'`��� � . ' ._._._ - .._,.. ..__... _ . —_ _ __ � .,:`k ..'�"�'on'Y7rkY�i�:<i��'i'1'�' ..":�e {'"�,.-. � . � .,�, . .. ��W��akt�vlz... . 7 �- a � ry } � RESOUITION N0. 75-129 A RESOlIRiON OF THE CItY COUNCIL OF THE CIT1► OF PALM DESERT. CALIFORlIIA, CALLIN6 AND 6IYING MOTICE OF ?HE NOlOING Of A 6ENERAL MllIICIPAL ELECTI011 TO BE HELD IN SAiD CtTY Op TUESOAY, THE 2HD Dar OF MARCH. 1976, FOR THE ELEC7ION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS OF SAIO CITY AS REQUIRED B� THE PROYISIOMS OF tHE LA115 OF THE StATE OF CALIFORNIA REUITIMG TO 6EfERAL LAM CITIES MIEREAS. under the provistons of the laMs relating to General Law Lities in the State of Caltfornia, a reguta� general municipal election shall be Aeld on the 2nd day of March. 1976, for the election of five (5) menbers of the tity Council of said City for the term prescribed by law; NOM. THEREFORE, THE CITII COUtICiL OF THE CITIf OF PALl1 DESERT, LAl1FORNIA, OOES HEREBr RESOLYE, DECLARE, DETERf+IINE AND ORDER AS FOILOkS: SECTIOM 1: That pursuant to the �equiren,e�ts of the laws of the State of California relating to General Law Cities xithio said S W te. there shnll be. and there is hereby ca11eG and o►dered. held i� the City of Palm Oesert. Countr of Riverside. State of California. o� Tuesday, the 2nd day of March, 19�6. a regular general !!runicipal election of the qualified electors of said Litr fo� the purpose of electing fire (5) members of the Citr Council of said Lity for the term prescribed by law. SECTIOti 2: That the ballots to be used at said electio� shall be. both as to fone a�d matte� contained therein, such as may be required by law to be used the►'eat. SECTION 3: That the City Clerk of said Citr is he�eby authorized, instrvcted and directed to procure and furnisfi any and att official ballots, notices, printed matter and all supplies. equipme�t and paraphernalia that may be necessary in order to prope�lr and lawfully conduct said election. SECTION 4: That for the purpose of holding said regutar qeneral ■unitipal elettion, there shall be and are hereby established seven (1) voting precincts tonsisting (of consotidations) of the regular election precincts in the City of Pal• Desert established for the holding of state ard county elec- tions. �s said �e9ular electio� precincts exist on the date of adoption of this nwlution. TF� t the polling places for the respective precincts shall be the P1+ces hereintfter designated; and that the persons hereinafter named, bein9 .. ,�cti-; ,aa,k:. -,.,m..-„-.,.,.. ..-,.�....,.,,,.T,�,e,.a...9.,,..��.�sw�,d,aaa.��.�sa, .,....uxaar�.-rr�r�: "�'A°+�k��r i'f��"":;�i�"vF. •{��.u, N tq . F. . .. - . � . h� t : ����� .. i�9c 2" Resolution yo, 75_»g i � • � i d ' �p,p�tent �nd qwllfied tlectors and �esldents of said Cftr and of their respective rot;nq prttintts. are herebr appotnted officers of election for their respective rotfng prtcintts and thqr Shall hold sa14 election and make return thereof in � Mnner prorided by 1aw. Ilotin9 Prtclnct 1. ta�prisfng regular election precincts 43-401 R 43-402. Poliing Ptace: College of the Desert. Faculty Dining Room 43•500 Monter'ey Road, Palm Desert Inspetto�: E�ily Niatt Judge: 114a Mellbauw Cierk: ElitaDeth Carvos Clerk: Marion Rfzzo Yotfng Prectnct 2. canprisi� regula� election p�eci�cts 43-403. 43-408. 43•415. and 43-411 Po111ng Place: Lois E. Shope ResiEence 74-OB1 San Marfno War, Palm Desert InspecWr: Lois E. Shope Judge: Ann Gordon Clerk: Florence Hafer C1Frk: Jeanette Heinga�tner Yoting Precinct 3, comprisi�g regular electio� precincts d3-404 3 43-416. Polling Place: County Fire Station 72-860 El Paseo, Palm Desert Inspector: Mild�ed Be�ninghoff Judge: Jean Shank Clei-k: Faye Kennebeck Clerk: Jo. J. Matzen Yoting Precinct 4, comprising regular election precincts 43-405, 43-410, and 43-411. Polling Plate: Santa Fe Federal Savings 6 Loan Co�nnuni ty Roan 72-795 Highway 111 Inspecto�: Mne MacAilister Jud9e: Ha=el Moore Clerk: KAthleen �lesson Clerk: Ma�ie ShaM ��';s � � � ; �, � t �. . � , � � e i . u .. , -�z�tt�ro. �a�.�p%'��:�uro�a��,�+rsra�mc-. arcatitsm�'�tm�r.'�..�'�,�a7 �ar�+i��Me��Girm3�4�1��1'�}�fl',s,�,..� �a �a.: q . . � � ,6rk,�_ . ... � a i ,'�"+w2iwia.+.4��.: ! � � ►�9� 3 Resol��•{on Mo. 75-129 t r. � . a � p ��� �: Vot1n9 PrlCtntt 5, td�prisfnq ��g��ar election precincts 43-406 3 43-413. � � � ' � Potlfng Pi�ce: Real Estate Office (Horwrd Futmer) � � � 73-650 Ironwood, Pal■ Desert � � � Inspettor: Brornell Bradstreet � � Judge: Eileen 1k11s � ; ,. ,,. Clerk: Ilefnon Barton C1eMc: Doris Mallen Voting Pre�cinct 6. co�ising �egular election p�ecincts 43-407 6 43-412. Polling Place: Joan My�an Restdence 74-313 Chicorr St�eet. Palm Oesert Inspector: Marie Aielllo Judge: Florence Hofa�eister Clerk: Ralph Afello Clerk: Helen Milson Yoting Pretfntt 7. canp�isi�g regular election precincts 43-409 3 43-414. Polling Place: Silver Spur Mobile Mano� Clubhouse 50001 Highway 74. Patm Desert Inspector: Eda E9new Judge: Joseph Herman Clerk: Dorothr Romer Clerk: Mathew Miller SECTION 5: That the compe�satio� of the persons hereinbefore named as election officers is he�eby fixed at the sum of S29 (Twe�ty-Mine Dollars) for i each Inspector and S24 (T�re�ty-Four polla�s) fo� each jud9e b clerk of said election. The �ental for each of such polling places, wrhere a charge is made, ihall be the su� of S15 (Fifteen Dollars) for said electio�. Yhen required, the compensation of the Custodian of a buildi�9 shall be S10 (Tes� Dollars) for said election. SECTION 6: That the polis for said election shall be open at seven o'clock A.M. of the day of said election and shall remain open continuously fran said ti�e uMil seven o'clock P.M, of the same day ahen said polls shall be cicscd. except as provideG in Section 14436 of the Elections Code of the State of Glifornia. SECTION 7: That in all particulars not �ecited in this Resolution, s�id election sMll be held and conducted as provided by law fo� holding awnicipal el�tions 1e said City. �m.;,- ;Yxi�- apr'r �'�i"�K'�''i� �f " � , :.�s ,: . .. ewxt», �.�,i �.� ;:�,r�.a:"�i , ,e`v. ,Lip' . . { 4. � i+,�..�..�u.�� .�' j � � � ' ` �� 4 ResoluL�,,n No. 75-129 i ," � i j � �� � SECTION �: Th�t the City Mwt�istrative Offices are es W blished as � i ;� � �centr�l counting center for w�chfne counting of votes. � SECTION 9: That notice of the tiine and place of hol4ing said election is hereb�► ytven an0 the, City Cierk is hereby authorized, instructed, �nd directed to 9ive wch further or additional notice of said election. in time, for. �nd �nne� as required br lew. SECTION 10: That the City tlerk sha11 certify to the passage and �doption of thls Resolutton; shall enter the same in the book of original Resolu- tions of Said C1ty; end Shall iaake a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the reourbs of the proceedings of the City Council of said City. in the minutes of the neeting at ahfch the same fs passed and adopted. SECTION 11: That this Resolution shall take effect i,m,ediately. PASSEO. APPROYED, At10 AOOPTEO this llth day of December. 1915, by the City Council of the City of Palm Desert. California, by the fotloMinq rote: AYES: ASTOPI. BEMSOM, BRUSH. McPHER50H b CLARK NOES: NONE ASSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE � . �, 1 T! r . ��� � �l� 1 . � ��... City of�Palm Oes�c;t, Califo�nia ATTEST: L. . er �ih� of P�1• Oese�'t, Cal ifornia �