HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 75-057�
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• RsaourrtaN ot � citr oovuctL or � cirr o� r�w nessur,
cni.iroRxL►. ��rc � ianaN a► nas�r nxxn noc�nrrc
'!8i D�DICATiOM O� '1710 ADDI?IOMAL tOR?IONS OT ?gE 6AlQ l�OPE�lT,
nr rns NORrsd►sr oon� a rnu� oesmrt n�vs �n ns �► WST.
iibE�EAS. a petitioo wa r�c�i�nd to abaadon � portioa o! tba nostlr
�ut cor�r of !aL De�ert Dri�re and D� Msa Wq. �or� particulasly described ass
?hat portion of Lot D(PaL Desert Dri�ra). fanerl� part of
Lot la. of iala� Villase tTnit !b. 11, u ahowa b� �ep on file
!a Soot 21. pase 96 of �p�. record� of the Recotder of Riverside
Comt� Glifornia= Desinnias at the �ost aortherlr corner of
said Lot D; Thence S. O1°, 31• 30" N. aloa6 the ve�terlr line of
said Lot D� distence of 65.36 feet; Thmce S. 29° 08•. 14" 6. a
di�tance of 20.2a iett; Tfience S. 76° 35'. 18" E. a distmce of
60.63 feet to a point of non-tangency ia the curved southerl� line
of uf,d Lot 18, said curve being concave aortheaaterl� and having
a radius of 100.00 feet; Theace nortMresterlr and aortherl� along
tl�e arc of said curve fro� an initial radial line bearing li.
19° 11'. 00" B. throush a cmtral angle of 72° 20'. 30" a distaace
of 126.26 feet to the point of besf.nains.
NHERF.AS� • dedication of nro portioae of property offered at the
northeut corner of PaL Desert Drive i De Msa iiay (Msessor's Parcel f627-154-01),
�ore particularl� described u:
Coesenciag at the southeaat corner of said Lot 18;
Thence N. 89°17'SO" W. aloag the southerly line of said
Lot 18 a diotauce of 10.64 feet to the TRUE POINT OF
BEGINNINC; Thence continuiag N. 89�17'S0" W. along eaid
southerly line of Lot 18 a diatance of 12.72 feet to the
beginning of a tangent curve ia said swtherly line, said
curve being coacave northerly and having a radius of 100.00
feet; Th�ce weaterly along the arc of said curve through
a central angle of 18°28'SO" a diatance of 32.25 feet; Thence
S. 76°35'18" E. a distaace of 1.89 feet to the beginning
of a tangent curve concave northerly having a radius of 193.50
feet; Thence easterly along the arc of last said curve through
a central angle of 12°42'32^. a distance of 42.92 feet to the
true point of begianing. Containing 29 square feet, �ore or
Be�ianing at the northeast corner of said Lot 18; Thence S.
00 42'10" il. aloag the easterly line of said Lot 18 a distance
of 5.01 feet to a point vhich is 5.00 feet southerly, seasured
at right angles fro� the northerly line of ssid Lot 18;
Thence N. 89°20'00" W. parallel vith said aortherly line of
said Lot 18 a diatance of 110.01 feet; Theace S. 46°OS'45^ W.
a distance of 18.25 feet to a point of non-tangency in the
curved northvesterly line of said Lot 18. said curve being
coacave southeasterly and haviag a radius of 20.00 feet; Theace
aortherly, aortheasterly. and easterly along the arc of said
curve fro� an initial radial line beariag S. 88°28'30" E.
thrwgh a central aagle of 89°08'30" a diatance of 31.12 feet
to a point of taagency vith said aortherly line of Lot 18;
Theoce S. 89°20'00" E. along said aortherly liae of Lot 18
a di�taace of 103.06 feet to the point of begianing. Con-
taialag 615 square feet, �ore or leea.
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RHSOLIRIQl1 N0. 7S-S7 ; i
1 ; • Fa�e T. � �
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,� i HNE�EAS, tM Plm►ins Co�is�ion did f ind that tM abandocuent �
,� ;� � �
;� � vas in confot�nc� vith tM Ceneral Pl�n of the Cit� of PaL Deaert; and �
� �
i - WHEItE�As, after • pubiic hearin� wa� held on June 26, 1975 vhere
� �
� �, pertiaeat it�iot�ation wa he�rd.
� ! lION. TNE�POItE� EE I? RESOLVED b� the Cit� Co�mcil of the Cit7► `
� a of ?al� Desert, California as follovs:
�1. That the above recitatioas are true and correct and conatitute
� the fiadiags of the City Council la this case.
? 2. That the Cit� Couacil does approve the abaadon�ent of tl�e above
�` described propertr to EOn CIOGA AND DOROTHY !1. CIOCA.
, `�
�. That the City Council does accept the dedicatioa of [he tvo
above described Parcels fro� EOB GIOGA AND DOROTliY li. GIOGA. '
� 4. Thet the Citr Clerk is inatructed to record all necessar�
� docu�ents to couausste this setter.
+ S. That 80B GIOCA AND DOROTHY M. GIOGA are responaible for all
� fees incurred in the transfer and recording of the above described transaction.
x�� PASSED, APPRC7LD, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of
Pal� Desert. this 26th day of June , 1975. b7r the folloving
vote: �
•z� N06S:
`'.;`� ABSENT:
:. � A1TlST:
Cit� of ?aL Deatrt, Califorais