HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 75-085j �� :� � -� � j „ �'�,���_ � � , a � �� � �°; � 3 � ;� s , � ��'� : � : '� ` "� � �.� � Rfi30LUTION NO. T5-85 A@830LI1TION OF TBB CITif COUNCIL OF THE CITif OF PAIJI DESSRT, CALIFORNIA, AGREEING TO PAR- TICIPATB IN TE� CALIFORNIA DI3ASTER AND CIVIL DBPSNSE YASTER AND WTUAL AID AGREEIlENT �REA3, EARL 1fARREN� Govenor of the 3tate of California, on the 15th daq ot November, 1950, executed the California Disaeter add Civil Defense Master �tutual Aid Agreement on behalf ot t6e 3tate of California and all its Departments and Agencies; NOw, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Citq of Palm Desert does, by resolution. hereby approve and agree to abide by said California Disaster and Civil Defense Master Yutual Aid Agreement; and the Clerk of this Council is 6ereby authorized and directed to send a certified copy oi this resolution to the California Emergencq Council for filing with said Council. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the Citq o! Palm Desert, Califotriia, oa this the llth day of September� 1975� by the following vote: AYES: BENSON. BRUSH, 11cPHERSON AND CLARK NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST : �ir•� � . � R EY L. HU Y, City Clerk City oi P�lm Desert, California s• V h s �� � � � F. . '' � �� ...<�,.t.�����s��,.-,�����-rrR����'�r:�rm��f .�r'�a�-'��' .�'`�t"','�m��`"�"�'�'��'�`"rr����i'�"`�=�'�"� '�� W�: . �.,�.._s., � � a . _ _ . . � ___ _ I� � )3 ! � `+ , } � ' � ���i {� `� OFfICE Oi k .t �� � �_ �,� �•n��xrr � f�� _ r -� �+^�t" MVt.'RSl6 \~ � �s �ISASTER PREPARCDNESS �O I�MON STRECT, SUITf • RIVERSIOE, GALIFORNIA 9290i TtLE►NONE (�IO 7t7•2�t1 ROBERT J, NORRIGAN awecrow DONALO N. EOM/A17b5 �ssur�r.t ouccTow JOMN !I. JACOAS HAROLO R. VINSON o�cw���oMs orsitcws u �� igrs l�r. I�arroY L. AurlturE, City �na�er Citti�r of pa7x Dtisert 73-021 $1 Paseo Pala Dbsert, Calitornia 922G0 Dnar 2'Jr. Eurlburt t Attached is a copy of the Master ?futnal Aid Agreement and a sample of a resolution to be approved lry your City Cauncil. Have one oxo- cuted just like the aa�ple ar►ci send a cerLified copq to the Office of i�nergency Ser�rlcea 3n Sacramento. 8 e � ' .. .r'1":-r+r�,• i,��i 1 "' `"" „- \ '�" tto�� �ox�cnrr /:!i,; z 'I �9�S �irector S1Htndh f rf f't` '.: �::7.::'L $cl� I�4ater Mutual Aid Agreeme�t Sasple Resolution 0 �. 1 . . _ .,, . �. . ; .� w,� „ ,R._-- ..,_ , _ : � ,, f . , �+�''�?�'i . �`�: fi, � ��`-�'..�_�,' �`,* � , . , � �,�..�. :a� �� r� � ; �� , . '� � � � . ,� , , �6 . ` i : t, � �ALIRORTIIA DlSAS?eR AND CIVtL DEfBNSR 1fA8t:R NUTUAL AID ACR66MBIf? 7bi� pewwtat ��ad �ntemed into bp �od Mtwrn tbs StA� OI► CALI- l�IIf1iA, it• wriou� d�p�rt�rst� �nA �qeacies, �nA the v�rions political �ab- di�isims. �nsicipai �or�tims. �nd other public apeacies o! th� Stat� o! hlilosel�i M I 2 N t S S B T H t 0 III�RRAB. It i� neoessary t2Nt ali of tl�t re�ources �nd faciiitie• of tf�t Btate.'it• various dcpartwsnts a,nd agencies� ana all it• politic�l subdivi- •io�s, �unicip�i eorporations. and otlwr pnblie wyencies D� rde �v�iLble to prtwnt and eo�t tb� •fteet a! disasters whicA iar re�nit froa such calawities a� flood, tirt. eactbqwka. ptstile�oe. w�r, sabotwqe� �nd rioc; and MFIBNSAS, Zt i� d�sirsbls t4�at eaeA o! th� p�rties t�reto should volun- tarilr •id �nd assist e�eh other in the rvent tbat a disaster ahould oecur, by tl�s inte=cLanq� of �ervid• �nd facilitias, ieeiudinq, bnt �wt liwited to� tir�, poliw, sdieal �nd Aulth, eonsunic�tion, anE tzansporutim serviees and f�cilities, to cop� witb tht proble�� of re�ew � reliet� �v�cuacion. ntwbili- tation, and t�eanstrvetion ++hieh would aris� ie tbs evees o! a disasteri and Ni8116A5, It is necessary ae+d desirRbl� that a cooper�tive sqree��ent be e�eut�d tor the leterehao9� ot ane6 �utnai aid oe� a 1oca1. county-widr, ze- Oloa�l� stat�-wide. anA interstate b�sis; }qN. �tBRBFJRB, Ii IS i�i�BY Ac�88D by az►d D. tweco �ach and R11 0! tbe parties 6ertto �s toilarss � 1. Raet► party �6ai1 dewlop a plan �prwidi�+q for ttr etfeetive eobilis�- tim ot �11 ita resources and facilities� botb public and private. to cope with .pr t�. ot e��r�u:. 3. Qach p�rty apre�s te turnish rasources �nA tuilicie� and to render s�r- viees to e�ch and tveey other pnrty to this �qzetaent to prevent and conbat ary typs o! disaster in accordancv with dulv adopced putual afd operatioeal plans, Mbettrr h�r�tofor� or here�fter adopaed. detailin9 the sethod aad ieanner by Mrhich sueh sesoarces, t��ilities� �r+d services aze to b� a�d� avai2able and furnisMd� whieh oper�tional pL►ns aty inciude prwisi.ons fos trainir+q and t�st- inp to salo� sucb wtual aid eitectit*e; prwiCeQ, 1+uwcwer. tl+at no pestr *ba12 bs required to deplet� uareasoawbly its o�+a zecources. faeilities. and services !n furnishicq sucs wtual aid. . 3. It is �xpzeasiy nnd�crctood that this apree�ont aed tbt vperatianal pLn� adopted purswat tlar�so shail aot supplanc e o= i�;9���s�=taiA ty-p�s o! tAt parti�s bereto providinp for tk exe!►anqe t�ciliti�rs and Krvices oa a rai*bnr�able. sxchan9e. or otlkr basi�. bnt that tM wtv�l aid exbndsd m�dez this aqseement and the operatiae�i plaas �dopted purswat thereto, s6a11 be rithont reisbnrsearnt unless otM:e►ise expre�slY pcovided !or b�r ths p�zties to this aqreement or •• P=wid°d in =�etions 13�1, 1506� aad 1507� Militarr and Wtesan• C',ode: and t!�►t snch satv�l aid !s .ntendrd to be avaiLble ia tl�e ev�nt o! a disaster al snch �agniiod� that it ia, or is lilaely to be. eeyw+d the a�otrol of a sinqSe p�rty and re4nire• u'* �°��d toras ot �ewr�l os all ot the parties to this aqrN�e�t to eosbat. �. It L ea�rtssl� te�esstood that ,tb� aotwl aid e�tan�ed aed�t this ps�aeat �ed t!r op�r�tioe�l pLas �dopted porsnant tb�seW sh�ll be availabl� TAR? 31�t8B Yaq� 3S �. 1. ..,�_._�;'; ., n;; � �, � , ' ) � � r r`.,. . k „�rt. . . . .'s" , , 1 a , �°� , , r � ., „ . . ..,,., t � . � .„ . •,�€ t�.','we,As.x � i $ �. �' � ' . . �nd t�reisAed ia �11 a�e� bas �b�ae� psoeLio� � ana in �11 aw� !n �bicb • StAa OR sxTiQl� S. It !s �xp�'t�sly w+d�rsto°d tbat aoy mtwl •id ext�nded ander this K�t �ud t}it op�s�tion�l p1�� aaoPted P+i=�a+nt tlwreto, i� tarniehed in ac�cord�ow witA ttr "G etbot�ise 1pco�►idrd bY Lw tb+►t sr '+T1w responsib �ilocal of la+� � t�pt otflcial fs wAost joris 'is �sueD wioeident tneludiaqithe�dizeetioc� ot auch per� shali r�ia in char� `��1 ����A� prov14ed hiw tbroaqh sAr operatioo oi such wtuai aid pl:uss." (Slo. 1Sbi� Militarr �ad Vrt�rans Oo6e.) 6, It i� •xpr�sslY rr+de:�tood that oben �nd ar tf� Stete o! Giiiornia entRrr into �:�io �his4�9ras�e+e*►t~shali abidetby sueh wuta�lFa dr�9reement�s in that t2� pas ateord�na with Lr. �, �.� �p�p�ov�l pt ��atcution of this �9reenent by tl+e Partir• hereto �11 �utval �id opas�tiac.�l plan� 1+eTetotore approved by the Stau Disaster Coue�cil, or its pr�dew��or�. w�+d in tffect ' ws to so�e of the parties 1»reto� shall res�in ie full forc� �++d eit�et as to she* us�til the swne way be arend�d. z�- vised� or wodified• Addition�l sutwl aid operatio4al p:ans +v�� ���C°��� tevisions. or sodiflc�tions o! e�cisting or hereaitsr adopted aivtusl aid opera- tfo:►al plans, �h�ll b� �doPud •• follonss . (�) Countr-wid� �� loeal wtual aid aperational pLns shass ie de o== � br th� J»,rties thereto �nd �_� �ational,s lans.sen5uch o�er�tiaoal p�ans d�nce wl.th th� provision+ of •uch ope P ahall be suba�itt¢d to �he St�te Disaster Couneil for approval• ihe Sute Dis- ��tar Cauneil sha�ll notify e�ch p�sty to such operatiot►al plan• ct its ap;+zwal, and sh�ll •lso send eopies of such operationa= tior+al lansttand �/ho��rctinttt�e �9zeenent who did not participats iational�ans. Su:.l+ operae:oe�al plans shal.l s�ne are• Rnd affeetsd by such ope be c�par�ti��e �s to sueh othec par2ies 20 datys wlter receipt thereot unless within that ti�e tht putr bY ��lution or noticP qiven to ihe State Disnster Council. in the sast uura+et �s Q°ti� °f u��lar operatitooalip�lwn� in thfs �yreesent� decline• to pa�ticip�t� in the pa (b) St�tQ-�rid� and cepional �utaal aid operatian�i plans shall b� ap- prored bp the Sutt Msasur Co�a+cil and ccpfei �ianalf pl+asi f Sue�operatim+al to tach and evesy p�rtY �leCted byrYief ��ted thereby 20 days aiter n- pl�ns shail bs �r�tive as to ti�e p� st b resolution or notice 91ven oeipt tDereof nnless within that tiae the ps Y Y to tM State Disaster Council. lu the saae ��eLtic_�te io f the pa=�icuiar prtieip�tioe� in this a4reeee�t• declines to pa i`� op�ratiaaa�l plan. - (�) il�e deelinatioe� ot o� or �or� of tbe p►rties to partieipate in a p�rticnlar opgr�tio�+al plaa or �ny aa�n�'+�nt+ reviaion.oc sodifiectian thereof. stull aot affect tl�e ope:a�ioa at tbis syreeeent +nd t� othes o�sratioaal pUns adopted putsuant tAereto. (a) enr wnr �►1 �t anr tis� bl► rswlutioa or notice qiven tio tl�s Stat� Dis�ater Lbue�eil. in t2ye sa�e s�aes*xr as aociee of un���°^o�=�i�ai plan�, in this �qre:saot, declins �o p�rticip�q � i°Y � rf►ieh deelination ahall becase sffectiw ZO saya afu= ti1�9 Mith the Stat� Disaater Council. (�) 1!r Stat� Mssster Covncil sball senQ eoPi�s oS all opezatio�i pians to thos� atat� dep�rtseets and �9e�ies desiynated by tbe dovernor. T!� ��� �' � ��u �' �� �p�rtseut or aq�ac� qiw *wtio� tlut soeh d�p�rta�n! or �qeoc� declines to pastieipatt in a p�rticwLr op�ration�l plan• *ARt !f/� �W� 'i� - . _ . .. - �� � � '' . ., _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ : .�., ....,�, �.,_�_ �.._.._�,..,�,�.,,.,ti,.a. .� aro.�, � „ .. . _ �, � ..� ti� ���� �,�n . � » , . . �_ �, ., ., ;�_ .. . , �,h , .a � .. . n ��,..��.. � � a ;�i `� �. � .. , ' � (� ��taq Dis�st�r Council, in sendiny copf�s of o�peration�i p2ans � ott�s netie�� �nd intorw�tioe to t2re p�rtlea to ehis �qsc�sent. shall xnd coples te tM Oswteor �nd �ny d�W=t�en� or �9en�f Ae�d desiqnated by hia; t� �lu,ir�sp oi tAt �oaed o! ��swi'ors� the el�sk of tl» board of snpervisozs, �nA C�o�otr Disase�s Oow�eil. and �er other officer d�siqn�ted Dy � countqi th� ��5� tlw elealc o[ tA� eitr eouneii� tM Gitr Dis�at�r Council. and any other oftLA[ Otsi9wteA M t cisr� tbt exetutiw he�d. tM elerk of the poverninq bodr� or otMr oitlur ot ot?�tr politieal subdlvisiona and p-ablie aqencie� ws deslqnat�ed bp soc4 Parties. e� i�is �qt�at sh�il �ecaw effeetive as to each party when approved or e�sc�t�d pjr tht p�rty, and shaii reain operative and effective �s between each ���r p�rtr that has fwr�tolore or hereafte: approved or exxcuted this aqrttf�ntt. antil p►stitip�tion in this aqress�er+t is terwinated by the partr. 1T�e ter�ioatiot� bp o�e or sor� ot the paztics of its p�rticipatio� io thia �qre�aent ah►11 not �ffeet tbe operation of this aqreewent as between the other parti�• thereto. Upon •ps+rowl o! e�orcution of this aqreesent the State Dis�s- ter Co�ncii ahall �end capiss o! �ii approved ■nd existinq isutual �id opera- tion�l plans �ffsttinp •ucb p�rtr whicA shall becoae oper�tive as to sueh partr 20 day� ait�r teeeipt thereof uhless within that tine the party bq resolution or aotic� 91wn to the Sute Dis�st�r Couneil, in tt�e saae nanner as notice ot tenainatia� ot p�rticip�tiw� in this aqree�ent. declines to participate io any p�rtitnlar oper�tional plan. 11:t State Oisaster Co�.+ncil shail keep every party eurtentlr advistA o! who thit other patties to this aqzeement are and Rhether �nr oi tbe� h�s �elined to partieip�tt in any particnlar +�pezational plan. 9. Approvai or ez�cution o! this �qreeacnt shail b� as follows: (�) 2f� (',o�vtrnor shall e�oeeute a eopy of this aqreenent a� behalf ot t!� State of Glifornia and the v�rious depaztwents and aqencies q�eteof, Upoo szeeution by the Govrrnor a siraed copy shall fortMritd be filed rrith the Suu Disaster Counci�. (b) Covmties. cities� and other politica2 subdivisio�s and public aqtneie� bavinq • le9islative or poverninq body shall by tesolu- tioe approvo �*+d a4zee to abide by this aqreen^nt. M}►ich aay be desiqaatcd �s "CALIF'07tNU DISl�SlER AtcD CIHIL D�'.,FG.`d53 MASIER NUNAL AID ACnEBM�.`f2•^ UPot+ +d�Ptfon ot such a rosolution, a cestified copy thsreof shall forth.rith be filed +itA the State Oisaster Counell.• (c) 2f�e e:ecutiw �d ot those politi:al subdivisions and publie a�eneits havinq eo leqis Ltive or povernir►q bodY shall execute a copy o! this apree�ent �nd forthwitA file a si9rxd co�y witb tM btatt Disasur Councii. 10. 2lerxination oi particip�tian in this ayreewent �ay De etfeeted by anY pattr u lollo��t (a) tfis Gov�rnor upo� be wlf aE the Suu and its varions depiztaents and aqencies. and tlre e�oecutivs head of those politieal eubdivi- sion� �ad publie aqencies havin9 no leqis Ltive oc 9overnfng bodY. shall lile a�it ua notice of terwinatioo of puticipation in tb!• �pretwe�t witb the Stat� Di 2O �� � ur � tilizq9ol�such i, teswie�aua .s co such party " ootioe. i�i a�M� es�baviinp a Lqislativ� orli�rniA�bodvrsshall �bp resolnC • i� tM�olytioe of ltatifieatioe oi tAe ltaster Mnttial Aid ���t •- P. 79. P11R? '�B Paq� S7 . . s: �� � � .:. �. .,�:�.,,,..uF-� t'u�,: . �,,,..���;.�, ry,,..p;... , y���.:. ..�:-. .t', � ` ... y i. � . - . ... . , . . � � � i � � �� � � i i F d . � � , ; � . ��; � � i tiae piw wotia e! t�nis�tl,oe o� partieip�tia+ in ehi. �p+c�e- ' S ;� wnit �ad ti L� a=tititd oopp ot sveA n�olution wicA �he Stwte � �pis�sbr Council� ��!• weee+w+t !• t�rnina��d �s to sucb 4 i p�tr =p da�n dbt tt� fi1Lq o� wch r�wluticn. ; j. -, �� ?ll MIaRSS M�t�iO� tfis �p��nt lu� �en rx�eateA �nd �pprowd and ' f !� �tt�etiw �nA a�prnsiw u to �a�ch ot tl� p�r�i�� �� t�rrin provid�d. . /•sqn.a/ eaa. N�a� . oaysara� ap yehalt of tAt St�M ot Glitosnio • �nd ali its Departaents and Aqeneia� AZ'!85? t Ilovti�s 1S. 1930 (Q16A? iRALi •I N N I� �� �� �� M •� •• �• �� �� �� . tq{ai �ben �re r�ter�++eks in th�e toteqoieW a9=eewent to tl+e Gliforn:a Disaster Aet, State Dis�ster Council, and variow seetioas o! the Military and V�tes�ns Code• fiftectiv�s Novcab�= 2�. 19�0� b�► �^�et�snt of Chwpt�r 1454, St�totcs 1970, tho California Di�a�t�r Act (Seetioes 1500 ff., Milit�ry and Veterana Code) w+►s �apessed�d by tM California Ewerp�ecy Ssrviee• Aet (5ections 1550 1f., Ga+�e=^' �t Codt), and tM Stats Disastec Council was sup�rseded by the Gliforni� Ewerqtner Couneil. Se:tion a66e of tM 4litornia 8*er9eney S�rvices llet providess (a) Anr disut�r oouneil P:'�vlously R� Ce ��na�� tCPlan�the Sta:e � Disaster Pl�n, tM State �i9��r evi- Firt Disaster Plan. the Stat� Lax Br�iorctin�ent Mntual Aid Plan. ail pr ousir �pproved tivil def�ase and disaster plans. all autw l a�d aqree�nts� �nd all docua�nt� +u�d �9m*��t• existinp as oi the effeetiw d�ti of this r�wkRd�in a000rdance witA4thefprovi Sons•ofcthis�chaptervised� asenEed, ot In �dditia�� Sieetion eSbl oS tlie neM +ct specitically providrs: �'Il�sttc Mutaal Aid Aqte�t�t« �+�s �M California Disasttt and Civil Oe- ftese M�ater Mutnal Aid Aqreernt. aad� +nd entered i^cies,I aed tbe�vuiow Stab oi Glitornia. its vuious deWstae�+ts ��'�' psiitical anDdivi�ioas o� t!� state� to i�eilitau i�mle�eutation � t� puspwts o[ tliis cAapter- sioos as previooslr eontained in Sectims lul. bMbstantiallr the •ar p�►1 �uras+s Code. refersed to in the fore- 156�. 1566 and 1Sl7 0�l tA� 14ilitatp and 8652 and b653, se- �� �M�t� � � �t�ined ia Sectims d633. a618. apectiv�lr•'ot tlr Ooreto�ent Cod�. • �AR? T1�e ►q� S� ; . . /siqned/ lRI1Nt R. .xXtDINt s.ercc,:r ot scaa 1971 .. �. ,_� t•