HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 76-125�
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RE30WTION NO. 76-125
�BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Citq Council of the City of Palm
Desert, California,� hat an of the three —
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HIINTER T. C R, City Engineer
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<,� . B E S� irector o flanagement ery ices
is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of the City Council
of the City of Palm Desert� California, a public entity established
uader the laws of t6e State of Calffornia� this application and to
file it in the appropriate State Office tor the purpose of obtainin�;
certain Federal financial assistance under the Disaster Reliet Act
(Public Law 288.93rd Congress) or otherxise a�ailable fram the
President's Disaster Relief Fund.
BB IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City Council o[ the City ot
Palm Desert. California. a public entity established under the lawx
of the State of California. hereby authorizes its aRent ta provide to
the State and to the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration (FDAA).
Department of Housiag and Urban Development (HUD) for all matters per-
taining to suc6 Federal disaster assistance the assurances and a�ree-
ments attached hereto as Exhibit "A".
PASSID, APPROVID. and ADOPTED this 14th day of October, 1976,
by t6e following vote. to �vit :
Ay�• HcPhersoa. Iflullins. Nexbrander. Seidler & Brush
NOES: None
A83Er1T: None
A1'!'EST ;
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HEILA B. G LLIGAN Acting City Clerk
Cit� oi Pal� peaert, California
Resolution N�, T6-125
�, T6e fute �r�e� to tak� oec«�ry kti� ���io s�te G�bilities to reqnire
ca�li�aet vit� tbt�t a��uraoces bJr the �pplicant or to •asu�e responsiAilit7r
to t6t t�dtral so�rse�a�ent for �ap deficiencies not reaol�ed to the satisEaction
of tM Rqioaai Director.
TAe 11pplieaat GrtiEi��:
s. That (to tbe besc of 61� knovltd6e aod belief) the diaaster relieE wrk
describ�d on ach �ederal Dipster Assiataoce Ad�inistration (FpM) proj�t
AppllcatLon for ohic6 �edersl fioaacLl as�istance i� requeeted ia eligible
Ln ucord�oce vith the criterL cootained ia 2i Code of Federal Regulatioas.
and EMA (NUD) Haadbooks.
C. th�t it i� the lesal entit� responslbie uoder lav for the perEot�ance of the
rork detailed or accept• suc6 responsibilit�.
D. Tt�t the esergency or disaater relief v�ork thereia deacribed for vhich Federal
usistance is requested hereunder doee not or vill not duplicate benefita
received for the saae lo�• fro� aoother source.
That all infotsation given by i[ herein is� to the beat of ita knovledge and
belief� true end correct.
That •11 financial asaistance received under thia application vill be. or
bas been eupended in accordaace vith applicable lav and regulations theceunder.
G. To (1) provide vithout coat to the United States all lande. easementa. and
righcerof-vay necessarr for accompliahment of the approved vork; (2) hold
and save the United States free froe damages due to the approved vork or
Federal funding.
H. To comply wi[h Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 196G (PL 8R-352) and all
requirments imposed b� the Federal Disaster Assiatance Adniniatration pur-
suant to that Ti[le [o the end that. in accordance vith Title VI of that
Act and the Regulation. ao person in the United Statea shall. on the ground
of race, color, celigion� nationality, sex. age. or econoeic status. be
excluded fr� participation !n. be denied the benefita of, or be o[hen+ise
eubjected to diecriaination under any progra�a or accivity for vhich the
Applictnt received Federal financial assiatance froa the Agency and HEREBY
CIVES ASSURANCE THAT it rill inrcnediately take any neasures necessary to
effectua[e this agree�ent.
I• ihat if any real property or structure thereon is provided or improved vi[h
the aid of Federal financtal assistance extended to the Applicant by the
Federal Disaster Assiatame Adainiatration, this assarance shall obligate
the Applicant, or ia the case of any transfer of such property. any [ransferee.
for the period during vhich the real property or structure is used for a
purpose for rhich [he Federal financial assiatance is eztended or for ano[her
purpose imolving the provision of siailar services or benefits. If any
peraonal property is so provided, this aseurance shall obligate the Appli-
cant for the period during vhich it re[ains o�mership or possession of the
proper[�. In all other cases, this assurance shall obligate the Applicant
foc the perlod during vhich the Federal financial assistance is eatended to
it by FDM.
�• Thst the assurance is given ia consideration of and for the purpose of
obtaining aa� and all Federal gran[s. loans, reiabursesents. advances, con-
tracts� propert�, discounts or other Federal fiaancial assistance ex[ended
after [he date 6ereof to tbe Applicants b� FDM.that such Federal financial
aasistance yi11 be q�tecded in reliauce on the repreaenta[ions and agreementa
■ade in [hls assura�e acd that [he United Sta[ea shall have the right to
seek judic L1 enforcesent of this assurance. This assuraace is binding on
the Applican[. its successors. transferees, and assignees. and the person
or p�rpp� �}qse signatures appear on Resolution Ro. 76-125 are suthorised
to �isa thii assurance un behalf of the Applicant.
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Rer�olt n Nv. 7(i-125 �
� ? E:KHIBIT "A'" (Cont'd)
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, �, 70 obtaln atd wintain �nr flood insurance aa nar be required for the life of
'� p the projec[(�) for rhich !'ederal financial aesietance for acquiaition or
� i construction purposes tor buildings or �obile hosea vae provided hecein; and�
to obtain and �aintaia an� othec insurance as �r be reasonable, adequate
±� aad aecdpt� to ptotect �gainst further loes to an� propetty vhich vas
replued. cettored, repair�d or constructed vith thi• aaeiscance.
� L, That� aa a eondition for the grant, any repairs or conatruction financed
i herevith. shall be in �ccordance vith applicable atandards or safety.
� decenc� a� sani[ation and in confoc�![y vith aPplicable codea. epecifi-
� cation� �nd standarda; and, to evaluate the natural haaarda in areae in
� vhich the proceeds of the grant or loan are to be �sed and take appropriate
� �ction to titigate sueh •[andards. includinq safe land vae and conatruction
; pru t ices.
, !L To defer fundiog of anr projects imrolving flexible funding unde� Sec[ion
i02 or Section i19 until FDM �ekes a favorable emirorosental clearance
;'� drtenination, if this !e cequired.