HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-110RfSOLUTION N0. 77-110 A RESOIUTION Of THE t[TY COlA1CIl OF THE CITY OF PAIK DESERT. CALIFORlIIA. DECLARING INTEMTION TO OROER THE COIRTRf1CTI0N OF CERTAIN Il�ROIIEMENTS TOGETHER M1TN APPURTENANCES AMD APPURTENANT WORK IN COMMECTION THEREMITH IN A PROPOSED ASSESSMENT OISTRICT PURSUANT Tp SNE TENRS ANO �ROYISIOltS OF THE "MUMICiPAL IMPROYE- I�KT ACT OF 1913"; DECLARING THE MORK TO BE OF MORE TFIAN LOCAL OR ORDINAR� BENEFIT AND DESCRIBING THE DISTRIC� TO BE ASSESSEO i0 PAr THE COSTS ANO EXPENSES THEREOF= ANO PROYIOING FOR THE ISSUMICE OF BOMOS. MHEREAS. tht C1ty Council of the C1tr of Palm Desert, California. does hKep�r resol ve �s fol l a+s : SECTION 1. That the public interest ar�G convenience require, and it is the intent o—in �th1s bodr. pursuant to the prorisio�s of Division 12 of the Streets end Htqln+ers Code of the State of Callfornia (the "Mu�icipal Improvement kt of 1913") to order the construction of certain public Morks of improvement, together with eppurtenances and appurtenant work in a special assessment district known anE Eesignated as: ASSESSMIEffT DISTRICt N0. 77-1 (PORtOLA/FLAGSTONE) (hereinafttr referred to as the "Assessment District"). OESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT A. The construttion of cerW i� public Norks of improve+nents. to9ether with appurtene�ces and appurtenant work in connection tAere++ith in certaln public streets a�M riyfits-of-way in the Assessment Distrlct and fo� further pa�ticulars, reference is hereby made to Exhibit 'A' attacheQ hereto. incorporated and so refere�ced. For further pa�ticulars. �eference is hereDy made to a map of said Assessment District previously adopted by this Body and on f11e in the Office of the C1ty Glerk. 6. Said streets and highways are mo�e pa�ticularly sho�n in the recoM s in the Office of the Cou�ty Recorder and shall be shown upon the plans he�ei� refe��ed to a�A to be filed with these proceedin9s. C. All of said Mork and improvements are to be co�structed at the places and in the particular locations, of the forms, sizes. dimensions and materials and at the lines. qrades and elevations as sfw�m and delineated upon the plans, profiles and specifications to be made therefore. as hereinafter provided. 0. The descriptlon of the improvements and the te►mini of the Mork contained in this Resotution are general in nature. All items of work do not necessarily extend for the full length of the des- criptfon the�eof. The plans and profiles of the work as contained in the Engineer's Report. shall be controlling as to the correct and detailed description thereof. E. Mhenever any publlc way is herein referred to as runninq bet++een two public wars. or fran or to any public ti+aY. the inter- sectlons of the publlc ways �efe►�ed to are included to the extent that rork shall be shoNn on the plans to be done therein. ►+ge 1 DESCRIPTION OF i1�PR0YEMENT (Continued) F. Notict is hereby given of the fact that 1n inany cases s�id Mork •nd t�provewent Mi11 bring the flnished wo�k to a qr�dt difttrent frow th�t for�erlr extsting. �nd tAat to said atent said 9r�des are hereDy chenged ard said �rk wi11 be done to said ch�ng�d gr�des. DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMEtIT DISTRICT SECTION 2• Th�t said 1�proven�ent and ++ork ts of dlrect benefit to the properties— +�i Tnd MitAin the assess+n�nt dlstrict arM the City Council of the Citr of P�1� Desert Aerebr iaakes the expenses of said work and improve�nent cMrge�ble upon a 41st�ict. whfch satd assessment district is hereby declared to pe the assess+aent dlst�ict benefited by said uork anE in�provement and to be �ssesseA to par the Costs end expenses thereof, including incidental ex- penses ind costs. and which is described as follows: All that ce�tain territory situated in the CITr OF PALM DESERT� RIVERSIDE COU!rTr, STATE OF CAI.iFORNiA inctuded Mlthin the exterio� bvundary lines sFw�m on the plat exhibitinq the prope�ty affected or benefited by or to be assessed to paY the costs a�d ex- penses of said Mork and iaiprovement in the Assessment District, said map titled and identified as: "PROPOSEO BOUNOARIES OF ASSESSMEN� DISTRICT N0. 17-1" and Mhich said map Mas he�etofore approved and wfiich said map or diagram is on file in the Office of the Ctty Clerk. EI(CEPTING ffom the area shown within and delineated upon said map or ptat hereinabore referred to, the area of all public streets, public avenues, public lanes. public roads. public drives. public courts, public alleys and all easeme�ts a�d rights-of-ray therein contained belonqinq to the puDllc. For all particulars as to the boundaries of the Assessment 0lstrict, reference is hereby made to said descriptio� of the said Assessment District, the said plat and Qroposed bou�dary map on file shall govern. REFORT OF ENGINEER SECYION 3. That this proposed improvement is hereby �eferred to HU1tTER T. CQOK the appointed Superintendent of St�eets and said Superintendent of Streets is hereby diretted to make and file the report in �iting containinq the following: A. Plans and specifications of the proposed improvements; B. M esti�aate of Lhe cost of the proposed works and improvement, includSng the cost of the incidental expenses in connection therewith; C. A diagrani shoMing the Assessment District above referred to, rhich shall also sho++ the boundaries and dimensions of the respective subdivisions of land within said Assessment Oistrict. as the same existed at the ti�e of the passage of the Resolution of Intention, Rewlution No. 77-110. each of wfiich subdivisions shall be given a separate r�unber upon said Diagram; 0. A proposeA assessaient of the total amount of tfie assessable tost and expenses of the proposed improvement upon the several divisions of land in propw�tion to the estimated benefits to be receired by such wbdirisions, respecttvely, fran said i�nprovtment. Said assessment shall refer to such subdivisions upon said diagram br the respective r�bers thereof; v�ge 2 t � REPORT OF ENGINEER (Gontinued) E. The dest�lption ot the �+o�ks of i�nprove,nent to be constructed �der tAese procaa�ings and acqutsltton. where necessarr. Hhen �ny portion or percentage of the cost and expenses of the lmprove- �ents is W De p+1d trow sources other than assessn�ents. the �nqunt of such p�tlon or perce�tay� sMll t1�st be dedutted fro� the total estl�aated cost �nd apenses of s�id work and i�proveeents. and satd assessnKnt shall lnclude pi�y t� �inder of the estl�ted cost and expe�ses. Sa1d assessment shall nfer to s�id wbdivisions Dy their respective nunbers as assigned pursuant �o S�,bdi�lston D ot thls Sectlon. BONDS SECTION 4. TM t it is hereby determined anG declared that serial bonds sMll be ss� u�fe a�cordance with Divtsion 7 of the Streets and HighMays Code (•i�prorement Act of 1911"), to represent each assessment of Fifty Dollars (S5p,00). or �o�e. rdneining unpald for thirty (30) Eays after the date of the rccording of the dlag�am and assessment for this improvement and acquisition. 1he serial bonds shail extend over a period of NINE (9) years from the second day of Januery. next succeedinq the next eptem er lst following their Eate. The prtncipal suin shall become due a�d payable in equal annual parments on tach Ottober lSth succeeding the September lst followinq the date of the bonds until fully patd. The first interest payment shall be payable on the April 15th next sutteedin9 the March lst or the October 15th next succeedinq the Septembe� lst. as the tase may be. next followin the date of the bonds. The follo+ring interest pay�nents shall each be for six (6� months interest and shall be payable on each fifteenth (15th) day of Ap�il and October. the last interest payment coming due tAe October 15th 1nn�iately preceding the last an�ual payment of the principal of the bonds issued to represent the unpaid assessment. The bonds shall bear interest at a rate to be determined on the sale thereof. provided. however, that said rate shall not exceed the maximum rate of EIGHT percent (8�) per annum. Pursuant to the provisions of the Streets and Hiqhways Code of the State of California. specifically Section 10603, the City Treasurer is hereby desiqna- ted as the officer of said City to collect anE receive the assessments, durinq the cash collection period. Said bo�ds further shall be serviced and collected by the Citr Treasurer. "MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1913" SECTION 5. That except as herein other►+ise provided for the issuance of bonds. a�sa�d improvement shall be made and ordered pursuant to the provisions of the "Municipat Improvement Act of 1913". beinq Division 12 of the Streets and Ri9hMays Code of the State of California. SURPLUS FUNDS SECTION 6. That if any excess shall be realized from the assessment, it shall De use�.� such aa+ounts as the City Council may determine. in accordance rith the provisions of laN for one o� more of the followin9 purposes: A. Transfer to the general fund of the City provided that the amount ot any suth transfer shall not exceed the lesser of One Thousand Oollars (S1.000) or five pertent (5X) of the total amount expendeA from the I�prove�ent Fund; or. 8. As a credit upon the assess�aent and any supplemental assessment; C. For the waintenence of the i�aprove�nent. F+9e 3 - so�ctk Funo - SECTION �. lhat the leglslative bodY he�eby establtshes a special fwd des19^+�� "IMPROYElIEN7 fUNO FOR ASSESSI�N? DISTRICT N0. 77-1" i�to MAich tunds �r bt t��nster� •t eny tlaie to expedite the ��aktnq of the ir�ro,re�ent herel� autho�lted and said tunds are � loan and shall be repald out of the Dr'aeeds ot the s�l� ot �ssess�nents �s authorized by laM. PatvArE cohrw�cr SECTION 8. Not1Ce 1s hereby gtven that, in the opinion of the C1ty Council. the�ic lnterest w111 not be served by allowin9 ihe Droper'ty owne�s � t�ke the contract for the construction of the improvements and that, pursuant to Settion 10502.4 ot the Streets arb H19hways Code, no notice of award of con- iratt sh�ll De puDl ished. GRADES SECTION 9. That notice is hereby glven that the grade to which the �ork sAall one s to be ShoMn on the plans and profiles therefor. which g�ades nbr vary from the existinq grades. The aork hereln co�templated shall be Eone to the grades as indicated on the plans and speciflcations for a descrip- tion of the grade at +fitch the work is to be done. Any objections or protests to tAe proposed grade shall be made at the publlc hearinq to be conducteA urMer these proceedin9s. PROCEEDINGS INQUIRIES SECTIOPI 10. For any and all infornw tion relating to these proceedi�qs, including in or�Tmat on �elatinq to protest procedure. all notices, resolutions. affidarits and/or certificates, your attention is Airected to the below desiqnated person at the agency or department indicated: MR. HUNTER T. COOK CITY OF PALM DESERT 45-215 PRICKL� PEAR LANE PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 TELEPHONE: (114) 346-0611 COt�ITRI Bllr I OM SECTION il. The City Council does intend at this time to provide a contribution to pay the costs and expenses of certain pavement tie-in aork ahere tAe property owners have p�eviously paid for anG/or constructed curbs ard qutters fronting and abutting their properties. The E�ginee�'s estimate for the City contribution shall be as set forth in the Engineer's Report. as required by law. PETITION SECTION 12. The proceedings for this special assessment district have been in t at y a petitfon signed by property o�mers representing more than 60i of the assessabte a�ea witfiin the bourdaries of the Assessment Oistrict. Should �ny person M1sh to object to the forn+ or contents of said petition, said Drotest or objection should be presented to the City Council at the time and D1ace for the public hearin9 on the Enqinee�'s Report as specified under the provisions of the "Munitipal In�rove�nent Act of 1913". Ptqe ; � ���.� �. %.�;.J, � ��3�. .;5.. ' . ,•'.l..� ,..I.'R4'ia ,� . ; .,� _. r . . ...� , i'�..��:��. �&►.t��l,"�'i_.1 BOIID REDEMP? I011 ` �',� � SftTI011 13. The leglslative body further elects a�d declares that 3 � ����� p v�lons of satd bonds w111 provlde a prd�ium of five percent � (Ss) on the enwtu� printlpal. ;' Y� PASSEO. APPROYED. and ADOPTED by tlk City Council of the tity of 91�. � he o11ar1n9 vote.ttosr+ �'i��` day of October ' ' AYES; Brosh. McPherson, NeMbrander, Mitson 3 Mullins ; z� MOES: llone �,- A9SEIIT: Noee 'i ABSTAtn: none / r G � . LL !1 . Y ATTEST: , . � . L , K �JTr OF PALM OESERT. CALIfORf1IA A ': ` :1: .,+ �. � ' RESOlUTION N0. 77-110 CITY O! PAU4 DESERT 11SSESSMFltT DISTRICT NO. 77-1 [ POA?OI.�/!'I.J►GSTON E j EXHIBIT 'A' The �+orks oi improv�ent for ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 77-1 [pORTOLA/FLAGSTONE) in the City of Palm Desert, California, qenerally consist of the followir�q: The conatruction of certain side++alka, curbs, gutters, croas gutters, driveway approaches, storm drain improvements, qrad- inq, evcavation and tie-in pavinq on the west side of PORTOI.1� AVENUE frae Plagatone Lane to Grapevine Street, and GFAPEVINE ST�EFT fran Portola Avenue weaterly 1,100 feet, approximately, and FI.�IGSTONE LANE from Portola Avenue westerly to its teneius; and i�iHITESTONE LANE 100 feet northerly of Shada�+ Lane, all in the City of Palm Desert, California. !or iurthez particulars, reference ia made to the boundary �ap of said Assess*ent District on file in the Office of the City Clerk of said Citp. -7-" � R�rr.. -- --- ,_ . . _. . . . ._-- - i