HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-032RESOLUTION NO. 77-32
t.vrta or raa cmr oon cn or xa cnt 3 ► r u szRi.
uu.v oenn. a tn a ron irs rixni s Mn nnroovinc - ,
R SIDATI/1L aOWIilISI011 QI 5.67 ACltE.4 I.OG?m ClifERN,LT S01lM- ,;
eR1.T 0 AND ADJACEIf! 'r0 C ArE tINE S?RLE?, {iF.St OP lORT I.A AVE-
Miil. -
GSE 110. T? 9129 ' , `
iilI6REAS. th tla aina Co i ion of the Cit of Pal Qesect Glifornia
1 tt oo e4d approtal b TLm ias Co iuion Resolutio4 !b. 216. of an applica-
tiaa fro MARRA1 t! SOILODIC i OOt1lR1tT CWd for a Tentative Map for a 26- it
*iam d naideatial detelop ent on 5.67 acres located in the PR-3 sone district.
and sitwtsd outherl of and ad aeeot to Crapenine Street. vest of Portola Avenue.
and ore p rticularl deacribed a :
A portion of the liw 1 of the
SE t of Sectiaa 29
TSS, R6E, S. .d. M.
IiHl.'REAS. said applica[ioo has co plied vith che require ente oE the
"Cit of PaL Dessrt Environ ental Quelitr Procedure Resolution No. 77-7", in
that the project va laitiated prior to the effective dste of the California
Fadroosental Qualit Act and is therefore considered to be e:mpt as en on-going
pm ect; and.
f ElERGS. the Plannln6 Co ission did conduct a Public Hearing on [he
propo sd Tentative llap and has recos ended by Planning Co aiesioa Resolution No.
216. approval of uid Tentative ltap by the City Couacil; and,
WHPRPJIS. the City Council hae conducted a Public Heariag on the proposed
lmtative !! p at their regularly scheduled aeeting of llarch 10. 1977, and at the
request of the applicant, a continued Public Hearing at their cegularly acheduled •
seetins of llarch 2i. 1977; aad, j
HHERPIIS. the Cit Co mcil. after taking into consideratioa the cosments
reeeind fro tl e applicant and other persons in attendance at the Public Hearings.
after re iw of the teotative ?!ap as •ub itted, and after revieving the reports
recei ed fros the asiovs revieviag ageacies did find that [be subject Teatative
llap hould be appro ed subject to conditioas for [he folloving reasoes:
1) ZUe proposed p la consiatent vit6 the Ci[ 's adopted Ceneral Plan;
2) 'L7 e dul.an os i pro e eat of the proposed •ubdivision as sodified by
the teoo eaded conditions ►ill be eoasistent vitb the General Plaa;
3) !he •it is php icall auitable for the t pe of develop eat proposed;
i ucion No. 71-32
_� sX 3
�) TAa •itt ia pl�ic�ll� suited Eor the proposed deasitr of the , �i� .y
dr�relop�enc i
S) !M desi� oE the subdi�ision a� aa�ended b� the reco�sseaded condi-
�i�s ied the propo��d laptovsmt• are not likel� to cause sub�tantial emiTon-
�ental dw�� or w�batanti�ll� endan6er an� vildlifc of their habitat;
6) !7M desian of cM proposed tubdivisioa and related lmprovementa are
pot likel� to cause �erious health probless;
�) The propo�ed �ap confor�s to both the Subdivialon Ordinance oi the
Citr of Pa L De�ert aad tbe State ltap Act, ae asended.
liOW, THERETORE. 6E IT RESOLV£D b� the Cit� Council of the City of Palm
pesert, CalifornL, �• tollw�:
1) That the aDo�e recitations are tue and correct and constitute the
tindinq• of the Council i4 thi� caae;
2) That it doe� hereb� approve the above-described Tentative riap Yo.
9129. �ubjcct to tAe condition� attached hereto and made a part of this Resolu-
3) That the tequired aeighborhood and cotmunity facilitiea fee requireJ
b7 Cooditioa No. 1T vill be utilized to ptovlde Park and Recreation fac111ties
in close proaisity to the subdivision vithin five (S) yeare of recordation of
[he Yinal ?tap.
PASSED. APPROVED. and ADOPTED at the regular meeting oE the Palm Deseft
Cit� Council oa tb L 24th dar of March. 1977. by [he folloving vote. to vit:
AYES: drush. !{cPherson, tievbrander. Seidler 6}fulline . _i
NOES: None
MSEIiT: llone
ASSiAIII : lione �
�� � / �
� ; � �• v
. •
HEIL1 R. GILLICJIl1. Cit� C rk
Cit� of !aL Dessrt. Califotnia
�;ty Cpuntll Resolutlon !1 '�-32 March 24, 1971
�, A11 t�prore�ents shall conforwi Mith the City's Standard Specifications and the
�itp Engineer•
2, A11 dr�lMqe sMll be tontained on-site and conducted to Portola Avenue or
h�ndltd 1n ��anner acceptable to the City Engineer.
;, tomkct west d�ainage channel to �a�a�isk cul-de-sac and +nake prorisions to
Mndle �ter tlowing onW property fro� aest in a manner satlsfactory to the
Citr En9lneer. Capacitr of channcl shall confor� to preliminary Pa1M Desert
Master Oralna9e Plan. datcd August, 1976.
1. Provide a second entrance for use by e+nergency vehicles and residents in
en�erqencr situatlon. Details shall be satisfactory to the Police Chief�
Fire Mershal. and OtsaSter Preparedness Officer.
S. l�stall trafflc safetr 1lghting satisfactory to the City Engineer at Portola
Avenue entrance.
6, Owner shall 9rant to the City of Palm Desert all access rights to Grapevine Street
and �djacent to Tract Mo. 9129 except at approved entrances. or provide other
access tontrol niethods as approved by the City Enqineer.
�. Ihe conGitions of approval of all pfio� tracts shall be completed prior to
acupancy of more than 75� of the d�vellinqs in this tract.
8. All private st�eets shall be i�spected by the Engineerinq Department and a
Standard Inspection Fee shall be paid.
9. Street names for the proposed subdivision shall be subject to approval by the
�irector of Environ�nental Services.
10. A water and seae� srstem shall be installed in accorda�ce with the provisions
set forth in the Riverside County Health Department lette� dated January 11,
1971� a topy of rfiich is attached.
11. prior to recoMation of the final subdivision map. the applicant shall subinit
to the Director of Environmental Services the folloairtq documents which shall
Ednonstrate W the satlsfaction of the Planning Commission that the total pro-
ject Kill be dereloped and maintained in accordance witfi the intent and purposes
of the approval :
�. The daunent to convey title.
D. tovenants and restrictions to be recorded.
c. Managanent and iaaintenance agreement to be entered into Mith the owners
of the units of the project.
11. The approved docwnents shall be recorded at the same time that the subdivision
.ap is recoMed.
13• The homeormers associatlon with the unqualified riqht to assess the o�+ners of
the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs shall be e5tablished
+nd continuously �aintalned. The manaqement company shall have the riqht to
lien the u�its of the o►R►ers who default in the payment of their assessments.
Such lien shal) not be subordinate to any encumbrance other than a first deed
of trust prorided such deed of trust is made i� good faith and for value and
is of record prior to the 11en of the management company.
Cit,� Gouncil Resolution . 17-32
MarcA 24, 197�
14. TAe subAivlder :h�ll provlde Schedule A fire protectlon. The City Fire Marshal
sA+ll revtew and approve the rate� plan w�p reletive to locatton, settirg,
spactng. and Installatton of ftre hyd�ants prio� to recordation of tAe final
suDd1v1s1on w�p. Further. all r�equtre�ents as speclfied under the Fi�e Marshal's
nd�o datea Janu��y 12. 1977. attached hereto, shall be wet.
15. All requirewents of �nr appticable law, ordtnance. o� regulation of the State
of Glifornia. C1ty of Pal� Desert, ana any other applicable governnent entity
sh�lt be ca�plled rlth �s � part of co�struttton.
�6, Cpnpli�nce rith A�ticle 26.15 of the City's Subdivision Ordinance, the publlc
fuilities requirdnent shall be met by the paying oi a fee in an amount deter-
�ined under the OMinance Provisions.
1�, pesign reviea of proposed units and grading plan shall occur prio� to issuance
of 9rading pe►�it.
I accept and agree, prior to use of this permit or approval. to comply with all
the conditions set forth, and understand that the OeparUnent of Building and Safety
will not issue a building pennit o� allow occupancy on the use pern+itted until this
signed confi►matfon has been �eceived by the Depa�tment of Envlrormental Services.
ate p cant s Signature
C01�OItIONS Of IIPP1t011� TRACT 9124
cltr COUNciI RESOLIIT. N0. 77-32 MARCH za. 1911
- ' �
. . . . .. . _ . _. , . . '
� . ATTAp�IENT 1 OF 2 �
: •• � .
1�Ot 1�t. tsal Villia�s� Director of La�risotaeatal Ser�iee•
Citr oi !aL Dcsert
fRONs Llo�d ii. Ro�ers, R.S.� Svpet�risiag S:nitarian
. tt�erside Casmty Bealth Departsent - Desert District
O�ATEs Jaanar� 11. 1977 -
SODJECTt Tentati�e Kap t9129
tba Depart+acnt of ?nblic Hcalth of lti�eraide Count�
6as reeei�ed the application filed b� ?isrrakesh for aa additioa
to theit planned vait development ia the Palta Descrt ar�ea�
Sontb of Crape�iae and East of PorioL.
?his Depar[merit has o0 objeetian the approval of
Casa i Z? 4129 ss se++age aad vater aill be provided b� the
CoachelL Vallep Count� Water Disuiet.
Liat: j • .
. . ' i
� . i .
' • ..
• . ... • __. . . . . • . .
•, f . .
. .
ATT11C1#�NT 2 OF 2 �
liarch 24, 19�7
City ot Palm Oesert � '
FROA1: �p �L� llRt }WtSi111L � .
$(lBJECT: �ATIVE T;WCT 11D. 9129 DA�: Januarr 12, 1977
rsa►ide the tollovinq fire pzotection in aecordanco:
i, Install a water systea capable of deliverinq 1500 Cplt fire flw trow any fire
hydrant for a tvo-hour duration in addition to dor.+csiic supply. The cor.rpvta-
tion shall bn based upon a minic�� of 20 psi zesidual aperatinq pressure in
thn supply main irom rrhich the flw is oeasured at the time of �easurement.
2. instell Aivesaide Covnty saper fire hydrants located at each stzeet inter-
section (nI but not greater than 250 feet apart in any dizection.
11. Facterior surface o! hydrant ba�rels and heads shall be painted chzame •
lrellov, and the tops and nc+xsle cap9 shal.l be painted ozange.
d. Curba shall be painted red 15 feet Sn either directi�m fraia each hydzant.
�. ptior W reCotdation of the tinal eap, the develo�cr shall furnish the original
and three (3) copies oi the watez system plan to the Fire Harshal for revirv.
{. The water systen plan shall be aiqned br a reqistered civil engineer and
•ppzoved Dy the water company, with the followinq �ettifications 'I certify
tLat t6e desiqn of the vater systes in Tract No. 9129 is in accordance with
tba requizesents preaczibed by the Fire Marshal.' Opon approval, the oriqinal
.plaa vill be seturned to the developer.
/�"r !
tire lsarahal ' .
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