HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-0331tas0l.(RIOl1 77-33
A R�d1d1Rl� 0! TBE CI'R COI�ICri 0! 2gE CI17 0! tAL![ DESEtt.
00!lRS�ta! 1T-iJ1:tS AND TER?B OT OTlICE. AS SUdMI'ReD �Y ?HE
R63a.lRIQ! 76-145.
HRERlJIS� th� larb and Rtcrqticn Co=ission of the City of Pal� De�ert,
Califotai�. hu da�tloP�d ptoPo��d �r-i.a+ra aad ba� �d� a teca�endation regarding
tM Tet� ot Oifice of th� �aiber� of the Coaission; and.
11Ht�l11S. tbe Co�i�sioe•• Chaictian hu fo=varded these reco�endatiaas
to the Cit� Couuil Mw have revie+red the� at thelr regularlr �cheduled �eetiag �
of ll�rch 2�, 1977. '
110M. 'iHEREP�ORE, nB I? RESOLtIF.D br the Cit� Council of the CitY of Pals `,
Desert� Califotnia, that it does hereb� coacur vith che recos�endatione of the
Part• �ad Recreation Co�issioa regacding ics Ey-Lays and Reco�ended 'fersa of
Office for the �e�ber� of the Cotoission vhich vill be ae follors:
VIC C[ARlC 3 Years ,�
SZEVE FI.ESB!lA1t 2 Tears
JOlQi flILL 3 1leacs
PASSED, 11PPROVED� and ADOPTED at a regvlar �eeting of the Pals Desert
Cit7 Council, held this 2ith da� of ltarch. 1977, by the folloviag vote. to vit:
��� Brush, McPherson. Newbrande�, Seidler 6 Nullins
t1oES s None k
AESENT: None `
MS?Alli: None �
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3. oo�otsuioit o� �ea�a
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3. �tQE?Axi
7. 1�TII1t�
RKolar Me�tia��
Idjoura�d Meetinp
Ep�eisl lt�etin��
btice of Meetias•
Mre[ia=� To l� toblic
�. O!fl'6� Of b0.SIlflSS
I,jenda Deadline •
�oll Call
Ap�pso�al of Minute•
lreaenution Dp Iie�bers of the Co�ais�ion
hetidina Officer
OalA to Order
Tartieipatia► of Presidiaa Qificer
Qvestion 2o Ee Statcd
Eisain= of Doeis�ntt
llaiat�o�ee of Qrder
10. Wi.LS, DECO�UlI, AI�D OItDE1
loinU of Ocder
D�eona and Oraer - Co�aissianers
Datotta aad Otder - L�lcl'�e•
D�totta aod Order - Tublic
tersoaal TTirile�� ,
l�rsooal Inter�st
Liaitatioa oi Debata
Dissest• and lroteits
tsoc�dust� in �b�eoe� of Rulas
10 .
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!�►1� ot Contqt• (ca�tiuwd)
11. �DDItES=UC t1[t OOI�QS3I011
lrawrr ot Aids�raint th� Co�t��ios
Ai�ewsis� tM Co�at�sioo ait�r Ibci,oa i� l�da
•rltt� Oosr�poairee�
12. 10rlZom
troauta; oi Motioas '
lbtiaas Art et Ordar
D��isioa oi Qw�tioo
tr�e�d�nee of lbtiau
lbtlas to Adjoaz�
M�1aa to ?'is Hour oi Adjounreat
lbcioa to labl�
Motian for tsa�rioaa Qw�tion
lbtiaa to Arnd
lbtioa co Continw
1�. P0�lTlC
vocs� rso�.a�m
bll a11 votin�
Tailnre to vote
14. �LSO'i.UlTQ1S
L�olutioni trepared ia Advanee
�esolntLons !bt Ptepared !a Ad�aac�
is, iu.Es � �cu�.r►rioErss
Minot�• aad Eeeord•
�al�� of Proeedure
Ar�wa t �
Ooado�ct of bwiaes,
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1. CQA1.S A1f0 OdJECTIVES 0� ZNE TAItlC3 +11fD 1tECRlJI220If COMfISSIOl1
�M Citr Qo�a�eil of ?al� Duert b� Rewlutioa 76-145 ha� er�ated th� ParY�
aad R+�cr�ation Co�i��ioa u aa adviwr� bod� to a��ist th� Cit� ia developin�
pwitih r�co�aodatioa• to M�t th• n�ad� oi th• co�mit� in th• ar�a oi larb
aod R�erutloa. Ia order te provide for so� s�ns� oi dirsction aod purpo�e, th•
tasb aaA Ltrtatioa Co�i��ion ha� bem requesced b� the Cit� Couaeil to prepsre
ib Er-Lavr to iaelvde. asoss other thina�. Coala and Objeeti�s. Thetefore, the
follo�ria� repteseata the initial 6oala and ob)eeti�es of tha park� and A�crea don
Co�aist ioa t
OoaL s
a) Reeosai:in� that one of che basie needa of che citizear of the
co�it� L for recreation. [6e Parb and Reereation Co�ission
proposes to advise [he City Cotmcil on che best possible �ethoda
t�at tbis n��d ean be set,
b) ro �ake s�eo�eadstiona [o the Cit� Couacil that are no: onl�
teLted to t6e eiti:er�' needi, but are econoaieall� fa�ible.
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� 0l��eti�t
� a) =e �ri�� eM Cttl► Council of th� aetual� iodi�idual �arks aad
R�cr�atian e�� ot th� co�ioit� aad to r�co�od tM ptioriii��
ta rhich tfHa� aNd� �Muld D� �et.
1) To ar�iat tb� Cit� Council ia ch� co-osdlnatioa ot tb� T�riu aad
Vetytioo acti�iti�s o! otbtr sp�eial di�tsiets and lublie I►sa+cies
ie aed td��c�at to ts� Cit�.
e) !b obbin coatiaaow eiti:ea input a� a s�aas to qnaatii�in� ci.�
t!� tariu and l�ereatim need• of tba eo�nmitT ioT the Comneil.
1) Ib a�dae tb� Co�a�il ai to approprLt� le�als and �undard� ot ia-
rrv�eaat• and s�creatioo�l facili[ies !a th� eo�uait�.
•) To �d�ise th� Cit� Caundl u to the appropriate locations of pariu
' taeilities chroushout t6e co�mit� to Qu�rsatee eoa�eaieat acceas
�nd asabilit7r b� all tbe citiseaa of th• coa��ait�.
i) !b a�si�t othez Cos�is�ions. Doards. and Staff of t6� Cit� in de�elopins
plaa� aAd prosra� rhieh Lnclude Tarks aad Reereacional faeilities.
�?o da�elop anZ recoseod to the Ciq Cameil a co�rehensive P�rts and
t�crr ticn Pro�na vhicR eould De adopte�' b� trR Ci[� u a!lester Plm
of Fac'u •nd Opea Spae�.
h) To u�i�t aad advis� the Cour.cil and otb�r a6eneies ia de�►elopiaE
capital Sapro��nts in the azea of pazi�.s for t6e co�mit�.
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TM hrk• �nd Rece�ation Co�ia�ion �t.all con�i�t o( five weab�r�. Meab�r•
�r� aPOolated ►r tA• q�rot aod •pptowd b� the Citr Couneil. Of tl�e se*ber•
oi tM Co�+��ioe fis�t appoiated by Re�olutlon 76-145. on• �hsll be foc �
ttt� oi tous rras. tvo sAall De for a t�n oi three year� and tw �hall be
fes • ttrs of tvo rar� a� d�t�r�iwd b� the Citr Council. Cxpiration ot
terr ahall b� oo Septewber l�t ol the appropriac� �ear. 'ffieir Rucc a�on
�hall b� �ppoiet�d (or tb� t�tr of four �a�c�. If v�canelQs ahall occi•r
otbec�is� 2han b� �zpiration vi [he ter�� ther •hall be filled in the sas�
fa�hioa •� tA� orisinal we�bers vera appointed.
3. Ca'�flfSAT'I0:1 Ot l�ERS
�+e Taska anE teercation Co�ission xhall act e� such vi[hout an� conpeneatlon.
i. Ri11IQIAlt
T�e •ppotnt�d se�ben of the Parks aod Reer�etton Co�is+ion shall eleet [heir
aw� C6aic�ae, vho shall preside at all �ee[Snqs. Y1�e Chairasn and Viec-�ainun.
a• elected b7r the ComiRsion. �ha'.1 hold office for a ter� of one 7rear fros a�d
atcer hi• dat• of election. Thereafrn � rvcc�ssivic electione shall eIect a nev
C�irtin aod Vice-Cha!!ean at e�ch suc�.eedinR �ear. 'i't�e Chairson or Vice-Chairsn
r� aer�e for wore than one succeseire ter�. The tir�t cera ■hall e:pire Sep[es-
bn t. i9�a. •
S. SEt7l[TA1t?
Tt�e Tark� wd Itecreation Co'issian Secre[ar7 shall be � Cit7 •t�if persao,
u tablisbed by the Cit� �4a�sa�er. to record the ■inutc• of the Cooiesion
�t i,e��.
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�. DIRI E.!
1'f�� larb �nd R�cr�ation Cowi��ioo �hall haw the pover. and it •hall be
tM dutr oi tM Co�+i��ioa, te �ke rnawend�tions to th• Citr Council and
to �i�e th� Council !a �att�r� p�rtsinir.6 to the creation. operation. �tia-
teaauc�. �na��eat end eootsol of eo��nity seereatioa proer��. o! play-
�c�omd• aed indoor �nd ovrdoor reessstiona, �eti�ities, and facilitie�.
1. I�rl�lcs
*sftnlar `leetinss
!1t T�rk• aod Reereatian Co+�is�ion of the CitT of Pal� Desert shall
bold resuL r seetiass in the Coua+cil Chambers in the Cit� Hall. bS-27S
triekl� Pear Iine� Pal■ Desert, Califo�uia, oa the last lionda� of the
�onth, ifies the da� for an� regular �eetios of [he Co�isiion falls
oe a leaal hilida�, no �eetin; shall be held on auch !w lida�. but a
se�uLr scetins shall be held at the sa�e !�our on the ne:t succeedina
lboda� thereafter tlut is eot a holida�.
�dlo�ned Meetinss
�n� �eetin�s �� be adjourned to a tiae, place. and date cer[ain, buc
not be�ond the ne�ct reEular aeeting. Qnee adjovrned, th� �eeting ary
oot be recon�eeed.
Spee ia 1 lieet ins•
Special l�eetings rr De called b� the Chairsao or a ��orit7► ot Co�ais-
�ion se�bers af 2t-l�our ootice. Ool� rtten contiined in tbe ootiee �a�
b� coa�idered.
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MO�l�• Oi Mlftillj/
No ea tica ot r��ulas �eetint� i� s�auired. 11�iled or p�r�onally delivered
�otie• i� r�auis�d ot •p�eiai �tin��. IS�iled acid po�ted notie� i� r�—
�tlr�Q ot N�tin�� adJourn�d b� tAe S�er�t�r�. to�ted notice i• required
oi all otMr ad�ournad se�tia��.
ltktinss W De tublic
All re�nlar. adjousned, �tud� •es�ioe�� and epseia2 �eetinge of tb� Co�is—
�fon �6a11 b� opee to che publie.
e. o� o� aysn�css
!be Otd�r ot Snsines• ot each ■eetin6 ehall be as coatained in che Agrnda
preparcd b� the Secretar�. The AEenda ahall be a ll�tin6 D� topi� of
•abja ts �rhich vill be takm up for consideracion and disposlLion ia the
follovin� ocder, ezcept vi[h [he unanlsoue consen[ of the Co�i��ion.
tteas aa� be taken ont of order:
Oall to Order
toll C1I�
Appratal of ![iautes
Oral Co�m icatioas I
ifrittm Cosmicatioas ,
Old �usine�s
llev •uaiacs•
Oral Co�wiution• 2
Ca�enci .
�d jotu�ent .
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' llt�nda De�dlln• •
M� �r�os vi�hln� to plac• an lt.a on th� A�enda eAall ptovide •ufi!-
ei�nt intorw tion to th� S�cretarp ��raa (7) dar� prior to tF►� next
�eMdul�d �eetia�. Ib �tter• otMs tlun tho�• oo th� A�eada ah�ll b�
iinally aet�d upoa b� the Coai��toa= pso�ided. hove��r. that �att�r• not
o� ts� ll�eada Sut that anr W�ai�sioass dee�s ntce���r� to be di�ew�ed b�
�s� Co�sl�tiae �e�es, the Cit� Il�n�ser. eecretatp. or City Attorae�. �ar
i� �ab�itted fos Cot�is�iao coo�ideratioo and aetion.
bll Call
ktoze proeeedin� vith tl�e buiin��� of the Co�is�ion, the Seesetar� �hall
c�ll th� coll of t6e Co�ii�ioner� and the na�es of those present shall be
�etetcd ia the ainate�.
Approval ot l�inutes
Ilale�e th• readin6 of t6� dnute• of the prnrious Co�ais�ion �eeting is
seqveoted b� a�jorit� oi the Cosissioners� •uch ■loutes r� De approved
�ritlwuc readin� it the Secretary has previousl� furai�hed each Com�iseioner
vith a eop� thereof.
Ptesentation b� llmbers of tfie Co�ission
11�e Chait�an of an� Cosis�ioaeT �a� bring befote t�e Co�ti�sion an� nev
Dwiaess �des the Co�ents portion of [Ae Agenda.
Tr��idin� Officer .
'!t�• Q�aira�n �hall be the Presidin� Officer at all m�ecings of th� Co m i�aion.
Ia Lhe aDsenee of the Q�ireaa, [he Vicr(.i�air�an shall preside. In the ab-
�oe• of both the t3air�an •ad the Viee-(hair�sn. che Cosais�ion �hall elect
� teaporar� Presidia� Officec [o set�re u►til the arrival of the Chairaan or
Yit�-Ctu ir�aa or m til adjournsen[.
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Call to Otd�rs
Zfi� wtin� ot th� lasks �nd R�ecstation Ca�ai�sion �hall b� called to order
►y tb� Q�aicro oc lA bi• ab�eaee b� th• Vice-Chair�an. In ths abaence ot
6oth the Cdain�aa �nd tb� Vice-C'haie�an� th� �eetina �hall be ulled to
ordtr b� tM S�cretar�. tih�reupon the Secretar� shall i:ed Lcely call fos
tb� sel�ctiou ot a te�porar� lresidin� Ofiicer.
Tasticipation of PtesidinR Offieer:
T!�• hesidin� Ofticer r� �ote. •eeond, md detate froa the Quir, sub�eet
vnl� to snch lid utioa• of debate as are lapoted on all Co�iasiooers,
�od be �hall aot be depri�ed of :a� of the rights and privileges of a
Co�ais�loneT b� reasoa of hls �cting as Presiding Offieer. Hovever. the
ttetiding Officer ia prJ.a�ril� responsible for the conduet of the �ee[iaa.
If 6e deeire• to personal2� engage in e:tended debate on qvestion• before
the Co�ai��ioo, he should caaaider turning che Qieir over to another se�ber.
Question To ne Ste[ed:
'fie P'teaidias Officer ehall verball� testate m ch quention i�media[ely
prior to ealllns for the vote. Follaving the vote, the Preaiding Officer
�hall �erball� aanounce vtuther the question carried or vas defee[ed. 2he
Pteiiding Offieer shall also publicly etate che effect of the wte for
t6e benefi[ of the andieace Def,ore proceeding tc zhe oezt it s of business.
$lReing af Docsaxnts:
Ee�ject to Comis�ion polic�, the C� airman ahall sign reaolutione and
atQutes approved b� tbe Coaission a[ seetinga at v4►leh he is !n a[[mdance.
In tse e�ent of hL absmce. the oicrChairmnn ehall eign all rvch doe�e•ts
e� ti�� beeo adopted and approved b� the Ccrmisalon, In the abaence of [h�
mairaan and the Vice-(riair�an. the teaporary Presidiag Officer ahall aign
all such docuoeflt• as ha�e bee�n approved and adopted duriag the neeting ac
r61eh he presided.
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=isht of �a� seaber to appeal co che Co�isaion. Ii aa� appeal i� caicen�
tbe qvestlon shall b�, "Sfiall the decision of the tresidia6 Offieer be
s�staincdT^ in vhich event a sa�orit� rotc shall aovern and conclusivel�
detersine �uch question of order.
Decorua and Order - Cos�issioaers:
a) Ever� Ca�issioner desiring [o speak �hall addresa thc Chair aad, upon
recoEnition b� the Presidir.g Officer. shall confine hi�elf to the quea[ion
under debate. b) Ever� Co�issioner desiring to qucrcion the addnietrative
�taff ehall addreas i►ia question to the Seeretary vho ahall be cntitled ei[her
to anewer the f.aquir� himself or to desi�.ace sone neaber of his •taff for
tlut p�pose, c) A Comissioner. once recognized. shall not be interrupted
vhile epeaking �mles� called [o order b� the Pteaiding �`.'ficer. ualca� s
Point of Order is rai�ed b� another Co�lasiot�er or unleas the speakcr
eboose• to �ield to qvestions fro� anothcr Co�iesianer. d) If a Cot
aL�ioaer is ulled to order vhile he is �peaking. he ehall cease ■peaking
S�ediatel� u�t:l the question of order L determined. If ruled to be ia
order. h� ehall be p�raittcd to prxeed. If rnled to be not in order� he
sball rwin sllmt or •hall alter his r�arb so u to coa�ly vith rula
ot ts� Co�i�sion. a) Co�issioners shall accord the utsost co�ates� to
• •
��lICM�M• O� �Td!!1
!A• CA�irrn or lrt�idins Oitieer i• re�pon�ibl• for tha �intaunee
ot ord�r �nd d��.oru� at all tiae�. llo penoa �hould b� allowd to �peak
�rM hai not tir�t beea r�copiis�d b7r the C�air. All qve�tioa■ and rer�rk�
�lwuld M �ddre��ed to tbe Q�is.
loints of Order:
lt�s Pre�idin6 Officer �hall deter�ine all Poiats of Order eub�eet to the
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MtA otb�r. to Cit� Raplo�ees, •nd to th� public •F�earin� befor� th•
Oo�i��ioa, aad �hall retrain at all tiies iro� rud• �nd dero=�tor�
r�arka. reilsetioas a� to late�rit�� abusiw eos�ent� and •tatrsent•
u to �otiw• and persooalicie�. f) M� Co�ittione: �t� �mra to Yequirc
tb� Tresidiaf Ofticer to tnforec th• rule• aad the atfin�ativ� wt• of
a tajorit� of tAa W�ala�ion �hall reQuir• hL to •o aet. ;) Meaber• of the
�b�iuian �hall oot lea�e [heir �eats �urins a�eetina vithout the coneent
o! t!� tresidias Officer.
Deeotnra and Order - Eaployees:
Ma�bes� of tbe Adainittrative Staff and eiployees of the Citr ahall observe
the sase rules of ptocedure aad decorus applicable to �esbers of che Parka
and Becreation Co�issioo. The Secretar7� shall inrure that all Citp Eaployees
obs�r�e such decorm. AnT •taff e�ber includins the Se�setar� des iting [o
addre�� t6a Go�iistoo or uembers of [he public thall first be recognized
b� the (�siz. All rmarks atull be addressed [o the Chair and eot to an�
ooe ladiiridual Co�issioner or public aember.
Deeons end Order - Public:
tublle sesber• a[:ending Commiseion Y^etings shall observe the same rules
ot oTder and deconm applicable to the Co�la�lon. Aa� perion �eking ia-
pertiaeat or alaaderou• remark.e or vho becomes bo:s[eroue vhile Addreaaing
tbe Co�iesian or vhile attendir.g tF.e Co aissic� Meecing ahall be Tt�oved
fsoR tbe roo� b� dlrection of the Preaidiag Offlcer. and such pereon ma�
�a barsed fro� further audieace before th� Coeaiss:on. Cnaucho:ized remarka
��� ,�j, �' r ts'a� the audience� •ttapin6 of fcet, vfiietles. �ella, and �iatlrr demonetra-
,.. ,..
r;`i`'�'K' + tions •hall no[ be prraltted br the Presidins Officer. vho shall direct the
. •�
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"'' � saoTal oi wch offmder� fro� the roos. Aagra�ated case� ahall be pro-
,.......� .
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'* ;y�, �� _ ?. Sh, NCIILld on sppropriate tosplainc •igned b� tha Presidiaa Of f icer.
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T�r�al hi�ile��t
!M ri�6t oi a ss�b�r to addr��• tA� Oo�wi��ion oa a que�tion ot per�onal
pti�il� ah�ll be llaited to eaaes ia vhich hia inte�ritJr� chasacter,
ar �ntiws ar� usaiied. Qu�atioaed� or i�pu��d.
T�al 2ntert�t'
�O sesDQ yr�eot�d ir,a� �otie� Dy p�r�ooai inter��t �ha�l reaain in th•
ms�ber� d�aia� the debate aad �ot• on aar auc�+ s�tter. In the a+ert ot �weh
conili�t, th� seaber shall publicl7► �tate the srounds for the record and
vpoo aecepuac� b� the �air •hall leaw the Cu�bers durins debate on th�
Lisiu tion of Debates
1b �e�ber shall be allo�ed to �peak sore than onee Lpon an� one subject
mtil ener� o[her se��ez choo�in; to •pe.ak thereoa �hall have �poken, tio
*eaber �i�all speak for a lonEeY tiae dsan five ■inutes each tise he haa the
iloor� �ithout t}+e approval of the Chaiz�r►n.
Dias�ats and Prote�[s:
/�� �er shall have tha rl.sht ta e:press dissent fc�o� oc protest to aa�
action of the Cosdssion aad have the reaeon entered in the aisu[es. Such
diasent or protec• Lo ae eatered i� c�e ■lnute• ehall be rde ia the follovina
�sm�r: ^I wuld like the rinutes to •how thac I a� opposed to this actioa
fos tl�e follovin� te:�oas..•".
proc�dures in Absenee of xuler:
ia the absence of • rult to sorera a poiat or Drocedure, Roberes Rules of
Ordsr �tsall �o�rn.
l�aatr of Addres�ina the Co=is�ion:
1� persoe de�isias to �ddre�• the Cc�ais�ion ehall pro�:eed to the podiva
aad rait to be r�eotaised b� th�-Pre�iding Ofiicer. AfteT being recognised,
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M�h�ll •tate 1�ia nas� and �ddre�• fos th� r�cord �nd �hall lidt hi�
t�ska to tb� QuNtioa ind�r di�cu��ioe. All rwrk� aad question� shall
bt s�dre��ed to the Q�air and not to anr individu�l Cosdssioner, ■taff
M�b�r or otMr �rso�. NO P!Tl00 �hall enter into an� disew�ioa vithout
Mia� r�eo�nis�d b� tM lresidin` Ofiieer.
11dAttssin�th� Co�al��ion aftes l�btioe is llade:
�o ptiton �hall addtess the Coai�sion vithout tirst securin� perwission
ot tl�� Coaais�loa.
itrittea Conespondeaces
!'!�• SeereLr� is anthorised to Yeceive and open all a�il addressed to
tl�e C�iasion aa a�ole and sive i[ imrdiate attmtioa to [6e end that
all adaialatrative busineas referzed to in said coms�ieationi and not
aeee��aril� nquiria� Co�aission action �y be disf+osed of betveen
Co�issioa Meetings. An) eo�snicaciona requiring Cemaission action vill
b� reported to the Co�issioo at the nact regular xecina ac vfiich the
Secretarr cin ha�e a report snd recos�endetion on the �atter.
'.",;��""R°' 12. !�'TIONS
� t/�i t��4' .
'�' ` ?tocessin� of ?b[ioes:
�p _��
.JI+: rt �' :
-- �v Vbe� a�otioa i� sad� end ar:onded. it shall be �[a[cd b� [he PreeldlnR
��• Officer befose debate. A�otiaa s�all oot be vitrdravn b� tbe saker without
,.,,;'�, ,
•'r;;g; �,�. tM consent of che aeaber sccondias it.
'H• ^�'""''' ' lbtiona Oo[ of Order:
�� .
�p, x 1fie rre�idies Officer �� at an� ti:, b� �ajori[7 conaeat of tbe Commieeion,
3�r �, .
•�` �. Otr�lt a�esber to intzoduce a resolution� or aotlen, out of the �eguLr
r` :
-, ��nda ord�r.
r � • Mvi�iov of Question:
�., ,�;•
�''' � ...
'.ts«��`-,LL�, 2[ the questiaf cantains tvo or �or� divisible proposiciona. Ch• Preeiding
Offieer taT� aad upon r�quest of a�bcr �hall (�mless appealed)� divide
'. � .:�.� �
• � �.
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tbo �aM.
lete�d�net of ?btioast
Mus a�otioa L Mtoe� tb� Co�ai�sioa. no �otioa ah�Il b� wtartaiasd
•see�t t�� tollariai vhicl� �hall hah prec�daae• !a ttN tollarin� osders
a. �djours
�. !i� Mm of �djoura�t
e. !a►1�
�. hMow Qwstim
�. A■aad
t. to�tpone
l�tion to Adlourns (not Debatabl�)
��otioa to adjonra �hall be in order a[ au� tiae e�ccept a• follar�:
a. Wea repea[ed �rithout iatervenias bnsineis or dl�eweion�
b. S�hen �ade as ia interruption of a serbeT vhile speakina�
e. Hh�a che pre�iou� Qve�tion t�a� bees� ordeced. and
d. tihiJe a wte ia beina takea,
��otioa to �d�onra "to aaot6er tise" •ha.Ll be debatable onlr as to the tiae
to e�aich th� seetin� ia ad�ourned.
Motion to tis Hour of Ad�oursment:
Sveh a�tion shall be to �et a defintte tise at vhich to adjovrn sad shall
be mdebatable and tnaaendable eecept as to tiae set.
1lotion to ?able:
' A�otioa to tahle shall be used to traporaril� b�-pa�• the �ubjeeL. A
�oti�n to table shall be ua�debataDle and ahall preetcfde all a�cndaents or
deba[� of the �nb�ect vader consideratioa. If che socion ahall pre�ail.
tb� �atter a�� b� "taken fro� tAe table" �t ar.� tiae prior ta tl�e ead of
tb� ae:t resular �eettnt.
Ibtion for Trevioa� Que�tian:
Sncs a�ocioa d�ll be u��d to elo�• debate on tbe �ain �ocioo aod shall
'� �,� ._�� ; ... ;; .
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� f . . . . ;". .
. -�
N �uM�tabl�. It tl�� �otion tail�. debat• �hall Da r�opened; !i th�
�otlon p�t�H. a�rot� sA�ii b� tatea oe che .ein .ocioe.
144ttoa te 11Mewt
��otioo to ��nd �hall ba debauble only u to �aendsent. A�otioa :o asend
p�t �hall b� iu ord�r� but aa aree�dsent to a�ead an a�end�ent ahall
•st S� 1a ordtr. M a�ead�es+t �odifyiag the iat�ation of a�otioa ��all be
ia otde�. but an a�end�ent relatint to a differenc �atter shall not
M ia ordtr. A tubstitute sotioe cn tha sa�e subject sf�all be aceepuble.
�od �ntad on before �oce on the :aeadaeui, 11�er�dsents shall be wted fisst,
tn�n th• �ain �otion u a�ended.
lbcion co Concinue:
lbtiona to oon[inue to a defiaite tix shall be •aendab2e and debatablc u
to yropriet� of postpcmesent and tLe •et.
1�. �0'fIliC
:--'.-:� Vot ina Proeedure
� ..nn.
'�. On the passa;e of ever7 �otion, the vote �hall be tatcn b� wice or roll
; �t• .
�N;�t_ call as�d mtered ia full upoa the record.
i Loll Call Vocins:
�, An� other que�tion before the Co�aisaion sha11 not require a roll ull vote
'" mleas derndrl b� anr amber before the ncgati�-e has been pvc. It ahall aot
D� in order for sesDers to e�+lain their wte durin� roll call. An� �eeber
r�.c3�aa�e 6i� �ote before the nezt order of busineas.
Tailure to Vote:
E�er� �sber should vote mless disqualified for cause accepted b> >rote of
tM Go�ai�sion. Self-disqualificacion, vithout appcoval, vhich ce�ult• in
a ti• wte shall be avoided as thwartiag Co�iasloa action, but no Co�ission�s
•hall be foreed to wta. A Comis�ioner vho abscain� shall in •i:aet cosueat
that a tijorit� of tba Quorwa �a� act for hi�. Ti� votes siull b� lost �otion�
:_ ..
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asd �a� !� ncoa�id�nd.
4� �e�b�t v4a noted vitA the �ajarit� s�r �mre a recoa�ideration oi sny
aetiea at t!u �as� w��tia�. Attes a�otion for reeon�ider�tion has onee
��n �et�d on. no other �otioe for a seeoniideration thereof ahall be �d�
vitboot �aniaons consent of th� Comis�ion.
tloraall�, th� Co�aissioa's bwiaes• vill b� condueted b� sotion. Hove�er, fros
tiae to tise. it �a� b• juittfied to act br rewlution. In that ea�a� th• follovint
procedurea stu 11 appl�:
Resolu[iau lrepared !n Advance:
N6ere a tewlution has been prepared in advaace. [he procedura rhall Ltr
�otion. •econd. diacuszion, v�oice vote� and result deelared. It •hall not
be AMlIY� to read a reaolution ia full os b� ticle aeept to ideetif�
it. Anr sesDer �7 eall for a roll call aote or require that [h� rtsolution
be read in full.
B+eaolution Not Prepared in Advance:
Where • te�olu[ion ha� n�t been prepared in advance, the procedur• �h�ll b�
to instsoct the Se�retar� to prepare a re�olusion a• tollays: �otioe�� ��coad.
"no objections? - w ordered!^.
IS. tU.Ls AND RECO'tAiIolts •
Tl�e Mrector o! Eavizo�sental Serriee• for th� Cicr or hi• •��ian�d r�pre-
smtatir� shall f�etion u the SecTetar� to tl+� Cooai�sion.
kievte• and lteeoids:
It �hall be cse dut� of the Saer�tar� to k�tp tA� of!lei�l doutt• oi all
�;: { . : ;; � �'� ��::� i �."''
�. y� .
' . : .' � •
�tiap oi tAe �b���ion and to �intain all ot'�er otiicial seeords pur-
�u�mt to Iw includic� ea�pleta file• of all procsedlns� •nd action� t�ken
�� th� Co�iuioa in coaaeetioa theswith. and ta forvard reco�endations
te tl+� ^it� Council. !M Secsetar� shall traa�ait to eaeh �esib�r of th�
Qo�is��oa a full sad eoapl�te eopr ot t?�e sinute�, not �ort thm tvent� (20)
dar� follovio� a� r��nlar retinR.
�al�s ot Proc�dure:
A11 �eetinp of th• Tarb and 1t�creation Co�i�iion shall be coaduc�ed and
_ •:� :.>.,
�o�erned by the�e E�-L:vs and tbe latest edition of Robert• Rul a of Order.
Tb��• E�-I.av� �� b� aaended at aa� seetin6 of tbe ?arb and Recreation
Co�isiica uipon ita orn �ction.
Conduct of nuaines�:
Tha purpos� of seetinss is for the Parks and Recreation Co=ission to deba[e
openly on particnlat �atters. co hear publie ezpreasion tbereon, to iafor�
tbe pciblic oi vhat the Comiseioo L doing and to focvard reco�endations
to the Cit� CowULl. llo Conni�sion ie infallible and it i� proper that
public opinion Le sought, but no Cosmiasioner can yermit his judgment to
becose st•�!��ieat to the critici8a of Commiasioe eeetlnE attm dan[s. Con-
�rrsel�� t6� Co�:seioners ehould _rmember that the� are not free agente
isi rnoeeadlnE the admis�istration of the affairs of government.
It is the responslbili[� of the Qsairmsa to control deba[e so thac repetitive
or irtelrrant reaariu are not aede, and 6o tha[ e�eryor.e has had a char.ge
to tpeat before others speak for � second tise, and to apedite [he busir.eae
at band.
iba reaponsi�ilit� o: �akina recomendatic+na is not eas7 nor vithout its
problms, bnt it ia [6e respoesiblli[y of Co�iiiionets to wte and recc�amend
Lanes. reprdles• of personal hesication. Tbe purpose af ;ovetvsent is to
pal�aee. 1e6a11�. fairl� aad vi[hout fawr, c6e lisitationa, restsictions or
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4eratiea Coa�a�aaio4 �ball
1� !a aneto�� �rtcR cM oeo.tsioes of eh• �1,� K. aRo�l�tlr ,�cr oi ct�•
ltae� et Calttorata. '
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