HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-038LSOIdlIIOli 77-38 'F A RL .fRION O 11IR CI?t COU[tCIL OP tfiB CIT! OP PALM DE36R7. GI.IPORNU, AP OVIlIC A TFJfTAiIVE !!Ap 'i p ALI,p{ F' R DeVELOP- !l1fT OT A SO-LO? sl1SDIVI3Ldi ON a.94 ACRES OP IJ1IiD CEZIERALLT `,, . + W '/1TLD 1fORT11ERLT Ot AtID ADJACENT 'I 0 tHE INTERSECTIQI OP PARIC LW Dltltl Al1D TAIRNAVFII DRIVE. GSR N0. Ti ACT 9396 , s HREREAS, tbe Cit Couacil oE the Cit of Pal• Deaert, California, did receive a erified applicstion fro PRELWE DEVELOPt ii INC. requeating approval u( SO-lot condo iniu subdivision on 8.94 acres of land located in the PR- S.P. District and situsted northerly of and adjacent to the interaection of Park Yiev (lriye aad iairhaven Drive, and sore particularly described as: A portioa of Parcel 1. as ahavn on the ap recorded in dook 51 Page S7. of Record of Survey Rivec ide County Recorda NFIERF.AS, said application haa coeeplied vlth the requiresents of the "Clty of Pala Desert Environ*en[al Quslity Procedure Resolution N ber 71-7", in thac an Environsental Asseseeent hae been oade, a Nega[ive Declaration tias been issued aad [he appeal petiod has e:pired; and, fiHEREAS. the C1ty Co mc11 did take into conslderation the ?en[ative Hap as subsi[ted, end the reports of the various ceviewing agencie ; and, bMERFJI5. the City Council did find that the subject ?entative Hap does complq vith the adopted Pa L Deeert General Plan; and 6MEREAS. the Cicr Comcil did find tfiat the aubject tentative Map does substantLll cospl Mi[h the Cit of Pali Desert Code, and the S[ate of Califocnia Subdivision Map Act. as asended. NaiT 'ItiBREF'ORE. E IT RESOLVED by che City Council of [he Citp of Palm Desert. Celiforn L. a follovs: 1. Tfiat the above reci[ations are true and correct and constitute the fiadinas of the Council in this case; 2. li at [he above-described Tentative l ap No. 9396 is hereby approved. " s ject to the fulfillaent of the attached conditions of approval. Y[1R'[BER, E IT RESOLVED that the Conditians of Approval do include a re- quiresent af coaplLnce to Article 26.15 of the City's Subdiviaion Ordinance by } ; ; the p + ent of a fe as peciEied b reco oended Standard Condition of Approval llo. 17. Tbe Cit Council hereby agrees to utilize said fee for Park Purposea < 1 vithin fi e (S) ears of recordation of the Final Iiep. r. 1 Re�olution 7 v �I�SID. AttROV�D. �na ADOp'Y'ED �t � regular �eeting oE the Pala Desert ��� ��cll. held on thi� l�th day of April, 197T, by the follovin6 vote, to vitt 1►Tts: 8rush. MtPherson. Meabrander � Mullins 11oL3 s None AbSpR s None AES?AIN t Nof�! / � (� ' � .� � ! �,; � r. , -, C�� i��. � �[XiARD D. !tU'LLINS, �R), W1YOR A'i'TiST: n • SHEILA R. CILL GAI�I� CI CLEWC CTT4 Of PAL?I DESERT, CALIFOFWIA � k t _Z. • CIt'f COUiCIL �ffiQLiTiI^y )7- 3� �2li0M� 0/ A�11L Gat I�D. 1'1tA�T l396 I. STMDA1tD C0l1DilIAIS s l� Ali laprovwe+it� shall coafor� to ths requireaents of the Cit� Studacd ipeelEicati;aa ad tbe Citr Ln`ineer. 2. tlnet shall Se processed in accordaace vith all applicsble provi�ions of Ocdiwecs 125. cba a+�divislon Ordiosnc�. �. Aet�ss si�ts os lati� Via► Dri�� �hall be offesed to the Cit� aa a dedi- eatioe oe the tiaal Map. 4. hlor to subaittal of tl�t linal llsp, the applicant shall psovide the Cit� rith a 1Lt oi ptaposed •trtet nase� rith at least three �lternativea. Zbt apptaval oi the final stseet nases �hall b� �sde b� the Director of san►iro+�eatal Sestices. j. lf�s de�elop�ent of the pmpert� described hereia shall be subject to the seatrictiona and Iiai utions set forth htrein vhich are in additioa to all the requiteaents, lisi4tions� and restric[ioas of all �unicipal ordinaaces and S[ate and lederal statutes nov in force, or vhich hereafter way be in iotee. 6. hioc to appro�al of the final �ap aad laproveaait plans, a gradirg plan � of t1�e trsct ahsll be sub�itted to the Cit� Engiaeer for approval. _ 7. 7he C. C. i R'• tor this developseat shall be subaitted [o the Cit� Attorney for ra►le�r and approval prior to the iasusnce of anr building pecaits. Pcior to secordacioa of the final subdivisioa map. che applicant ahall sub�it to the Director of Eavirnn*en[al Servic�s the folloving doc�ents vfiich ahall de■onstrate to the satiifaction of the Planning Comission that the [otal ptoject vill be developed and a�inttined !a accordance vith the intent and purposes of the a}�proval: ' a. The doc�t to eon�re� title. b. Coveaaat• and reitcictions to be recorded. c. Macuaeaent aod �aiatenance aaremeat to be eatered into vith the ovners of the uaits of the ptoject. d. In osder to �tintain reasonable fire protectiaa during the coastructioa period. the subdi�ider ahall �ain ula passable vehicular acceas to all buildiag�. aad adequate fire h�drants vith required fire flovs shall be �nstalled u reco�cnded br [he Fire Depsrtaent. 4. 'Ihe wter s�stes slsall be signed b7► a registered civil eagineer and approved b� the vater to�pan�, vith the follovina certification: "I certif� that the desisn of the vater s�stea of Tract t7o. 9396 is io accordaace vith the require�ents prescribed b� the Cit� Fire Narshall.". 10. Iapro�e�ent plaas for vater a� sever a�atea ahall �eet the requirseats of the respective seroice districts. 11. All on-site utilitiea, inclnding cable 2Y, sl�all be placed �derground and shall be co�pletel� COnClilld flOt Y�N accept cercain appurtenances as �a� be appto�ad b� tbe Director of Enviroa�enul Services. 12. Coaplete plans and specifications shall be subdcted as required for cheekia6 and approval� before coastruction of an� Laprove�enta ia co�eaccd. !he subdi�ider shall sub�it ti�e orisinal draviags revised to reflect as-built caditiooa. prior W acceptaace of tba �ubdivLLoa iaprova�eat� b� the Cit� �i iMeLl DistHet. A�"TL 14, 1977 i, CITT l:OUNCIL R�SU[.i N 1)- !8 CONpIilONB OP ARRI —' CAS! N0. T! 9396 -- ,'Ay APRIL 14 � 1977 ��• ; ..;"�!••'• t3. Qll MlieatM ld «itlec Ms�aacs r�iss� y cits •pra►a1 .hail e� �t� t+� trt Cit� •i hl� O��srt� �itbotit eo�t to tM Cit� aad ItN et all li�a� �ed eac�ta4e�s. !4. All rpuir� pdblic iap�tsents and dedicatioas shall be rde as a part oE d�e *iAal M�p on th� prop�rtr shoMn ai Tract lb. 9396. 1S. Atea shail Se aasesed to i�pro�re�eat Dutricts lb. 5i and !(c. a0 of che Coaehella �allry Counq Hat�r District. 16. Iastall tall �lie taproteaent� u required b� ordinance and the Cit� La�ineer. 11. In co�plisece vit6 Article 26.15 of the Citf's Subdi�ision Ordinaace� the publie fatilitia teqaiTe�ent ahall be �et br the paying of a fee in an u�mt detes�iaed mder the Ordinaace pro�isions. la. All =equireaeat� of t6t llaanina Co�aissioa action oa the Develcpaent Plaa knorn u Ca�e lb. DP Oi-77 rhall be �et a� a part of the develop�ent of this ttact. !9. Drainaae �1u11 be sub�ect to approral of the Cit� Engineer. Applicant shall Proride enslneerins dau a� reauested. 20. All private �treets shall be inspeeted b� the Engineering Depact�ent and a Standard Inspection Fee sball be paid. 21. Initall �treet liaht• aloos Erontase of Park Vier as approved b� the City Enaseeer. II. SPECIAL C09�DITIaiS 1. 'fie total n�aber of dvellins �mit lot• sfiall be li�itod to fift� (SO). 2. lro�ide additional ri6ht-of-wa� on [he northerlT side of Part oiev Drire u follovs: 6Z' total halE vidth easterl� of Fairhavea S2' total half vidth vesterl� of Fairhaven Deneloper shall in�tall i�proveaenta fos pedeitrian. bicrcle. and land- scape purposes as required by the Cit� and ahall be responsible for the rintenance oi aa� landscapin6 approved for said arw. 3. Iastall a wter a�stea capable of delivering 2.250 CPM fire flov fros an� fire hydrant for a tw-hour duratLon in additioa to domestic aupply. The co�putatioa shall be based upoa a ainism of 20 psi residual operating Pseasure in che tupplp �sin fro� vhich the flov ia �eaaured at che tiae of �wanreieat. i. Install Rirerside Comt� super fire b�draats located at each street interaection (a) but oot 6reater than 500 feet apart in an� direction. A. Ezterior •urface of h�draat barrels aad heads shall be painted e6l� �ellov. aad the top� aud nozzl� caps shall be painted oranse. f. Curbs sl�all be Paioted red 1S feet in either directioo fro� each h�drant. S. ttio� to cecosdatiaa oi the liaal 11ap. the dereloper stull furnish the Ki�irl �i tis� (�) coPip oi t6� wtes Rsta� pLn to tbe Tire llasslull tK l�1w. x� '� t,." CI1T ODI�ICI6 RaSOLUt-��Jl1 7�- 3a OOIfDITIafS 0! I1RlROYAL + CAS� p0. T[ !3% APRII. li. 1977 u. �_c0�'ttloli iea.cs...�t) i. te�riA� a��coed eatrance tor use b� earrj�ncp Khiclss �ad r�aident, !a wes�esc� sitwtioas. �. �e propo�td aort�sl� portion ot the pri�ate roadval ahall ba�n a �dslsu� niAth ot tve+�tr-ti�ht (2e) ftet. ACRtO'dlft �____.- I accept aad aaree. prior to nse of thi• perdt or approval. to ccmqlr vith all the conditions set fortl� �nd imdetataad that the Departaent of Building and Safety rill oot issua a buildins pet�it or allov occupancy an the use pereitted until thia si�ned confir�ation hai beea receired br the Deparcmeat of En�iron�eetal Servicea. (Date (Applicant s Signature) �: . < , .�.�;: � :�.» � � i , '� � :v�; �. . �.,;,�Q�.. CIT1' COUICIL RiRSOLtRIQF77-3e �pIfDITIAIS 0! AP!'ROYAL GSE 110. Ti 9�96 Cir1, ol� �t�.' �esrr . D�P'' OF �i�V/re�+ �+e�rtil►�, Serv�c.es : Tentative Tract No. 93 96 A the follorting fire protection in accordancc: APRII. 14, 19T7 s��� �, 0 . Ins[all a Nater aqstem capnble of deliveriag,2 250 GPM fire flav fror� •n� fire hydrant for a two hour duration in a �i� [o domestic supply. Th� computation shall be based upon a miniaum of 20 nsi residual oF�r:�Cir,g pressure in the supply main from which the flow is .^.�easured a[ th� ti�� of ineasurement. . �. Install Riveraide County super fire hydrsnts located at each street intersection (a) but not greater than SOp feet apart in any dire�tion. A. Exterior surface of hydrant barrels and heads shall be painted chro�e yellow. and the togs and nozzle caps shall be painted orange. B. Curbs shall De paiated red 15 feet in either direction from each hydrant. � . . Prior to recordation of the final map. the developer shall furnish tt�e original and three (3) copieE of the water system plan to the Fire Marstial for revieW. . The r�ater system plan shnll be aigned by a registered civil en�ineer at►� approved by the �rater co:apany� with the follor+ing certifica�ion: "I certify that the design of the Water system in Tract I�o. 3�f� is in accordance irLth the requirements prescribed by the Fire I�Iars a�� Upon approval, the original plan will be returned to the developer. Very truly yours. REC�I��D FEE3 2 213'; ��. � David L. Flake Fire Chief O b� �'�l/r'j �C - Fire liarshal , cirr anu�ctL aso�.utioR ��-3a , = n� coKntTioxs or �o�N. — ! � � " C�S� N0. i't 9996 : MRIL 14. 197J � � � ';+ ' 4 ; ,� : �i ��+N �� �MM N N!� M A �K �7 • �, it ~`T"`� COACNELLA YALLEY COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ` �. IOR ONRt 14t NM •� GIUFORl1{A 122J� • �R�qON[ vtw aN�91it �.c+�ar � �a..a+ a �� w��w ew� wo� a wio► w� w�� �ew� a�� a� w.a.� w�r A1 A �� a�r C! ��O/ �Ll�l l w�. riwq �Yt �� �YI� l rl�� �t MA f�L� M1rws .... Febrwry 18, 197� � file; 016;.11 pepartwent of Environn�ental Services titp of �al■ Desert �.0. saoc 16�8 ��lw Dasert. Callfornt� 92260 Re: Tract 9j96. Sec. 18� T55� R6E Centlenen: 1hJs a� lies on the Mhitewatec River flood plain a�d is protected fra++ stonn�+ater flays bp the Nfiitewater River Storm►+ater Channel ana dikes buiit and �aaintal�ed ay this Olstrlct. This area mary be considered safe from stoem+ate� flows except in �are instances. The Otstrtct will furnish danestic wate� se�vice to said area in �ccordance with tfie cu�re�+tly prtvai{ing �egulatio�s of this Dist�ict. This area shsll be annexed to Inproveeent Dist�icts Nos. 54 and 80 of the Cwchells Ya11eY tountp 1later Oistrict fo� sanitation service. Yery t yours� % r �.. /�f4.��// � � . .t� �... lowel l 0. 11eek Cet►eral Ksnager-Chief �fngineer KEH:od cc: Riverslde Count�r Dept. of Public Heslth �6-209 Oasis Street ledio. Cal ifornia 92201 RECEI!/ED FES 2 f� !':'' �n� �uNoes an a► w� ocior�