HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-041`RB90U1TION NO. 77-41 ` A RB90UJT I O!1 O! THE C I TY CO()NC I L OF TH E C I TY OF PALY DESERT. CALIFORNIA, CALLIHG FOR PR01tPT AND EFlBCTIVB ACTIdN POK 30LUTION OF THE C01q10N FI.00D CONTAOL PIiOBLE113 IN THE CITIE3 OP PALII DE3ERT� IIfDIAl1 wELI.3. AND RANCHO IIIRAGE. �HERFA3, a disastrous flood inflicted severe damaqe to the Cities of Raecho Yirage, Palm Deaert, and Indian �ells in SPptember, 1976; and �ftEEtEAS� it muet be considered fortunate that no lives were lost io the diaaster; •nd MHEREA3� a recurrence ot such flc�oding is a constant threat to the afiected cvmmunitiea; and �HEREA3� tde Coachella Valley County lfater Uiatrict. as the officislly and legslly constituted flood control aqency for the area, has undertaken an engineerinq study of the problem and its pogsible solntion; and IIHEREA3� input to such study has been pro�•ided the District bv the affected Cities; stad ' xHEREA3, the affected cities are eaqerly aw•aitinq the final resulte of said study and are looking to the District to undertake an icti�•e and aggressive plan of action to correct the situation; and 1�HEREA3. long-range solutions, althou�h vitaliy necessary, a•ill be costly and time-consuming in implementation so that consideratlon must be qiven to immediate step� which can oifer a reasonable le�•el of protection; and �HEREAS. the City of Palm Desert reco�ni�es that th�re exist4 an area-wide flood threat �vhich can only be met throu�h an understandin� by the affected agencies that there must be a ccxnmon and unified ap��roach to the problem and its solution. N01I, THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED bs� the Cit}• Council of the Citl• of Palm Desert� California, that the C.V.C.1�.D. is hereb}• requested to make kno�vn at the earliest possible moment the tindlnRs �f the com- pleted Bechtel study toqether witt� a breakdoA�n of the companent costs of the various alternatives and preferred solution of the C.�'.C.Ii.D; and furt6er That the C.V.C.w.D. is hereby reyuested to determine and initiate an interim solution(s) to protect life and property and minimize the present risk within the City of Palm Desert in the e�•ent of floodin� prior to construction af the permanent systetn; and further That the C.V.C.M.D. is hereby requested to make kno�n its comnitment to the Yanager in �nhich a financial plan �ill be undertaken for implementing a permanent flood control system; and further T6at tde C.V.C.N.D. is hereby requested to seek fieancial and techeical assistance irom the U.S. Corp ot Engineers, and to that end, t6e City of Palm Desert will support tbe C.V.C.1►.D. by sendinQ a repre- sentative to washiagton with any C.V.C.�.D. led �roup; and further -1- Resolution IVu. ?7-41 TDat tRe C.V.C.M.D. ie herebp requeated to eRtablish a precise routiag ot cdanllels ae aoon aa possible in order that all concerned cities cao seek to preserve needed riRht-ul-�ays through proper planninR. p�gggp� AppROVED, and ADOP'fED this 14th daY of April, 1977� b� tbe following vote: AYE3: NOE3: AB3EN'f : A83TA I 1� : 8ruab, llcPhereon, Newbrander. � Mullina Itone None None _ .< � �`� ��i��'�� , iG: �IiARD D. . i:LLI'�S. uAI'OR aTf EST : ,� - ' SHEI R. G LIGAN. ity Clerk City of Palm Qesert. Calitornia -2- r':L'4� f �