HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-042 ESOLIlTIOl1 77-42 A RESOLlRidl Ot !HL C1TY COl!lICIL OF THE CITT Op p1 LM DESEST. GLIfOWU ARRWIlIC A tEIfiATiVL MAp I'0 Ai,1,py FOR pg ypp 0 A 193-UNt? 00lfD0l lINIUM tR0.1ECT pN ;3.6 AC1tES OF U1Np GENERAIr 1,T LOCAT D 1.S MTLE3 SQJ'[H OF STATE RLClIWAY 111. 0!1 771E HES7 SID 0! STA'1'E RIANAt 7i. CASL N0. TRAC! 9377 NIL lJIS. the Cit Council of the City of Pal De ert California. diA oo the 2ath d of April. 197 , hold : dul noticed Public Hearing [o con- aider • verified applicatioe fto dIDOLE DEVELOPI lR INC. for M 6 T INC. requestins appcov l ot a?eretative ir ct Jiap for a 191-ualc condo iniue pro ect 00 33.6 acres of l nd located La the PR-8 Zone Oietrict and situated 1.5 miles wu[h of State Hi hvay I11 on the veat slde of Hiqhvar )4 and sore particularly descrlbed as: Deing portlon of Coverneent Lot 1 in the 21ti of Section 3l. and a portion of the 1 of the NE' of Seccion 3l, TSS. R6E. sBB a h WltEREAS. said spplication vaa exempt frae the requirements of the "City of Pal De ert Environsental Quality Procedure Resolutlon N ber 77-7^ in that the project vas initieted prior to the effective date of the California Environ- sental Quallty Act and is therefore considered to be exe pt as an on-going project; and, iiiIERFJIS. [he Citp Council dld take into coneideration the Tentative I7ap as sub itced. and the repor[e of the various revieving agencies; and. 1:FIEREIIS. the Ci[y Council upon hearing and consldering a21 [estlmony and ar eents if aar. of 11 inteceated persone desiring to be heard, did find the folloving facts and reasons to eaiat vhich make approval of the above-described Tentative l ap aecessarr: 1. 'it e ?a tative Tract lfap doea substaotially coaply vith the cicr of Pa L Desett Code and the State of California Subdivision !!ap Act, as anended; 2. 'il e tentative iract tisp does coeQly vith the adopted Pals Deaert Ceneral Plan. I ON, 21[EREFORE. E Ii RESOLVED b [he Cit Council of the City of Pal Desert, Californ L. u follovs: �J1�T 9371 ItPSOLUTI� 7J-42 �'�;�:�'�;: 1� '►1�at tl�a �bow recit�tioes are true �nd correct and constitute � �{�diap oi the COYRC�i ill this c��e; 2. lAat thf •ppliunt is required to co�ply to Article 26.15 oi the Citr'� S�bdirision Ordinaact and to par � fee as specified tiy teco�aended Sundard Ca+dition ot Approval Ib. 17; and that the Citr Couacil hereby agrees to utilisa �aid �oner for park purpoaee vithin five (S) yeats of recordation of the flnal �ap; 3� TIN t it doe� hereb� �pprove said Tentative Tract No. 9377 for a 19}unit condoalniu� develop�ee[� subject to fulfillsent of the at[ached conditions of �ppro�al; on the ba�is of revoc�tion of the previous action on Tract No. 4442, PASSED. APPROVLD, and ADOP?ED a[ a regular mee[ing of the Pale Desert Citp Co�cil� held on thls 28th day o[ April. 1977, bq che follovi�g w[e. to vit: AYES: Brush. McPherson, Nexbrander. b Mullins xoEs: none �asExr: None ADSiAIIIs None J � _ � � �\ ARD D. hi'LLINS. J., MAYOR A'fiEST: SBEILA R. CILL GAN. CLTY ER� CITT OF NW1 DESEB'f. CALLFORlIIA —2— CITT GOfJ11CIL _ RL30[,UTION 77-�2 AFRIL 2a. 1971 00lIDITI011S OP APPRpVAI, GS� 110. 1'RACt 9377 I. STMMRD CAIDI'iA1S 1. �ull public iapto�e�enu includia6 pavin6. curb. autter� pedeetrian and bicycle ���ter� street landscaping, etandard street signing, •treet 11aht�. �ever. vatet and drainage facilities, and necessarr appurteoanct• �hall be iastalled as required br ordinance. these coaditioeu. aad the Cit� Ln6ineer. 2. 7r�et �hall Se proce�eed !n accordance vith all applicable provieions of Otdinance 125. the Subdivialon Ordinance. 3. Acees� ri�hts on the co�on lot abutting Highva� 74 ahall be offered to the Citr u a dedication on the Pinal lSap. i. Prios to •ub�ittal of the Pinal Map, the applicant ehall provide the Clt� vith a list of propoaed itreet nases vi[h at leaat three alterna- tive�. The appcoval of the final street namea ehall be sade by the Director of Enviroo�ental Servicea. S. 'Rte develop�ent of the ptopert� deacribed hereio shall be subject to the reatrictiona and lisitations set forth herein vhich are in addition to all the require�ente, liaitationa. and rescrictions of all municipal ordlnance� and S[ate and Federal atatutea nov in force. or vfiich heceafter aay be ia force. 6. Prior to approval of the Final Map and inQrovesent plans� a grading plan of the Tcact shall be aubmitted to the C1ty Engineer foT approval. including divereion aethods propoaed for exiating irrigation channels. 7. The C. C. i R's for this development shall be submitted to the City A[torney for reviev and approval priur to the issuance of any building pec�eits. Said document shall include provisiona for �ein[eaance of the front yard areas of all lots and cov�eon maintenance oE all landacaped ereas. B. In order to �aintain reasonable fire protection during the conatruction period, the subdivider ehall anintaia passable vehicular accesa to all buildings. and adequate fire hydrants vith required fire flws shall be installed u recossended by the City Fire Marshal. 9. The vater syste� shall be aigaed by a regiatered civil engineer and approved b� the va[er cospany, vith [he folloving certification: "I certif� the design of the vater syetes ia Tcac[ 9377 is in accordance with the nquireaents prescribed by the City Fire !larahal." 10. Lproveaent plans for water and sever systes shall aeet the requirements of the respective service districte. 11. All on-site utilities. iacluding cable N, shall be placed underground and ahall be co�pletel� coacealed froa viev except certain appurtenances u ti� be approved b� the Director of Environaental Services. 12. Co�lete plans md apecifications ehall be aubsitced as reVuired for c6eckins and appraval. before construction of an� isQroveaenta ia co�enced. 11�e �ubdivider shall sub�it the original dravings revised to reflect s�-built coaditions. ptior to acceptance of the eubdiviaion 1�rvteaent• b� the Cit� or Special District. -1- � �� " '�.. f.v � 3�p�X �� " CITT OOUIICIL RESC :Ott 77-`2 �`:'y:;�`�"y` '. OONDITIGNE Of Alt1�i�AL PJ►CB 'l1i0 s�;?� TRAR i10. l977 13. All dedicated l�d �nd/or ease�en[s required b� thla approval ehall b� �rant�d to the City of Pal� Desert without cost to the Citr and fre� ot all li�ns and encu�brance�. 14. All required public i�Qroresents and dedic�tions shall be �ade aa a part o[ aa� Final 11�p oa �11 or a portioa of the property ehovn aa Traet !b. 9377� escept th�t the project �a� be developed in a�axi�us of ftve (3) pha�es �ubject to the li�i[etion specified in the condi- tions oE appro��l of Case lb. DP 03-7). 1S. Area shall bt �ne�oed to I�prove�ent Districts Ho. 54 and No, 80 of the Coachella Valle� Countr Yater District and the Coachella Valley S[orr M�t�s Oi�trict. 16. Inatall full public l�prove�encs aa required by Ordinance and the City Enaineer. 1�. In co�qliaace vith Article 26.15 of che Cit7's Subdlvision Ordtnaace. the public facilities [equlre�ent ehall be aet by the paying of a fee !a an asount deter�ined under the Ordinance proviaion. 18. All requireseat• of the Planning Commission action on the Development Plan knovn as Case No. DP 03-77 shall be set as a part of chia Tract. II. SPECIAI. CANDITIOIiS: 1. Aa a part of the developmen[ of thls tract. any exiating overhead utilities elther on the pcoperty or in the Highvay 74 right-of-vaq adjacent to the subject propertr shall be placed underqround fron [he neares[ poles not abutting the eub�ec[ p[operty. Said undergrounding shall be done as a part of the first phaae of the Tract. 2. The applicant shall confocm [o all requireeaents a�d lmprovemente as deemed neceesary bp the City Fire f7srahal. 3. Install Riverside County auper fire hydrants located at each atreet lnter- sec[ion (a) but not greater than S00 feet apart !n any direction. A. Exterior surfece of hydrant barrels and head� ahall br painted chTome yellov, and the tops and nozzle caps shall be painted orange. D. Cutbs shall be painted red 15 feet in either direction fron each b�drant. 4. Priot to cecordation of the final sap. the developer shall furnish the ociginal and three (3) copies of the vater sys[em plan to the City Fire Marehal for nviev. S. Correct soning indicated on the aap [o PR-8. 6. l�e possible coaflicts with the existing vater facilities shall be resolved prios to recordation of the final taap on the affected phase. 7. All i�prove�eots ahall confor� to the requiresents of the City Standard Spe¢ifications aad the Cit� Engineer. 8. All prirate streets shall be lnspected by the Engineering Departsent and a Stmdard Inspectioa Fee shall be paid. 9. Prm►ide turn acouads at the end of all cul-de-sacs satiafactorT to the Cit� Eosineer. CI'R CDl1MCIL R�SOLIi?a.... 77-42 pONDITiONS Of Alt104'YAL GSE M0. l�JI�.? f977 PAGt '1HREE 10. Flood protectiott sati�factoq to the CicT Ensineer and the Coachella Valle� Count� M�ter Di�trict shall be pro�ided. This vill lnclude hardtnips of a portion of the tal� Valle� Ston Channel. 11. braioap �h�ll be ktpt on �ite and couducted to the PaL Valle� Stots CAanael. 12. Pro�isiona •ati�tactor� to the Cit� �hall be rde for pedestrians and bicptle� vithin a�2' parkva� along the Highvar 74 frontage. 13. Street 116htiaa •�tisfactorp to the Citp Engineer shall be provided alons 8lahva� 74. 1�. Parkins shall be ptohibited on all streete lees thao 32' in vidth and on one •!de of all 32' streete. 15. Desert Elaves Drive �hall be paved to Nighvay 74 in Unit No. 3 as part of the fitst unit. 16. A public accees easesent along the full frontage of Nighva� 74 to provide the equivalent of a 32' parkvay shall be offered bq the applicant to the City of Palm Desert. 11. Appllcant ahall provide an acceRe eaeement to the dertrand propertv aa generally ehovn on Plat Y1C-1G� and the deyl property to replace or confor� to existing easeaents and auch ocher eaaeaienta as may be required by the City Council. M offer of dedication for public etreet purposes shall aleo be made for said easements plus a� ad- ditional five (5) foot on each eide. ACREEi'�? I accept and agree. prior [o use of this permi[ or approval, to coeply with all the conditioas aet forth, and understa�d that the Department of Building t Safet� will not lasue a building persit ot allw occupancy on the uae per- ■itted until thia sianed coafiroation hea been received by the Department of Enviroaaentsl Services. � (Date) (Applicant'e Signature)