HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-049RESOLUTION NO. 77-49 A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITT OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, SETTING FORTH ITS REASONS WHY A SPIIERE or INFLUENCE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF INDIM WELLS SIMLD BE DENIED ST THE LOCAL AGENCY YpFJtF 13. tbe City of Iadi a Yells ! reque [ing a Sphere of Influence or chc7 put it a"cor[idor oi loterest"; and WRERFJIS. tbi• Ptopoied phere As been created b reducing the phere of erest of the City of !aL Oe ert b approxieacel tea square miles and that the Citr oi Indio b approxiaatel one aquare aile; and VHEREAS. thi• requdt !n conjunction vith previous action D♦ LAFCO 1Lsiting PaL Dese[t • vesteTl bouedarr to rionterer Avenue vould reducc Palm Deserc's gcoKh potential to a Lvo-+ lle vidc corridor extending northerl from the 3ltevater Cttinnel to Inter tate 10, vhich vould be too restricti e and vould be ccntrary to PaL Desert's natural gcovth pat[ern vhich !s to the northeast tovard FiI Desert Country Club; and WHERfJ1S. IndLn Well ' request is contrary [o the pattern of heree sec for Pal Springs. Rancho Mirage. and Pals Deser[ after an intensive a[udy b UFCn frc :, ae. 1913 to FebruarT, 1975; and VtiERFAS, ell such patteras are to the nor[heast so that to seriously con- sider the Ci[ of Indiw Well ' iequest wuld require LAFCO to reconsider all the spheres of influence fro PalA Springs to Indio; and G'HEREAS, based upoa total reliance on the adopted Sphere of Influence. Pala ;ksert has co pletel aster planned the area requested by Indian ells: t►aa beg n : glcal annexations tovard u id area: fias planned for major public facilities in the area auch as parb, police and fire facilities, municipal golf course, libraries and co ercial facilities to provide income to the Citr [o support municipal aervi:es; aad pHEREAS. other facilities such as the Civic Ceater, parks.blovsaad protection corridors. school• md other unicipal facilities have been planned on [he basis of the area e st of Cook Strcet so eda being in the City of Palm Desert; snd VFiERP.AS. to eliaiaate thi area vould require total revisioa co the City's Gmeral Plaa; aad MFIEREAS, ths Cit of Lodl a iiells caaaot provide any sore or higher quality serviee• than paL Daert in tl e arei: aad -1- ' F y���1S. ie ao�l�tins tM �ocLl •nd econoRic cl�aracteristics of the esi�ting ����� !a tAe ar�t. it ciw w�il� be deson�trated that atronger relation�hip !aa �o ��L ���ct thaq to Lndiap Well• on the basis of the facts that the ,ldents �o to �chool, p�ttake in iecreationa2 ectivitiee. go to church, belong ' club�. •� �r a�• �� k�ice� ia Pal� De�ert and not in Indian Yells. 1/Al. tHERL10��, a[ IT ItE.lOLVED b� the Citr Council of the Cit� of 4a1■ rrc� CaliEoraia. a� follwis: 1. Th�t the Citr of Iedian Wells ha• no foundatlon Eor making such a requeet . cd the Cit� Council of tbe Cit� of PaL Desert does hereby request that LAFCO dear che indian Yells reque�ted Spf�ere of In[luertce. 1. That as recently a� June. 1973, Lndian Yells publicly declared no lr.cerest in a•phere of influeace for their cicy� and it ia totally unfair to nov ezpect all the cities in the Cove area to adjuat all their planning eEfor[a to ::dian flells' frivilou• request. 3. Tha[ Indian Well�, a CitY �hich has no Cenersl Plan for its preeent c:t� lisics. acd vhich has no appreciable tax base to serve an area el�oat double its preeent •ise should not eeceive consideration for future annezation ove� Pal�a Jesert. vhlch has totallr planned the area and vfiich is its nw�or comnercial center. 4. 'fhat IndSen Wells has a much etronger relationehip vith the La Quinta area� and [hai if Iadian Wells resll� deaire• a Sphere of Influence. IJ1FC0 cwld conaider revieving the ares to the southeaat of Lndiart liells as itn natural grovth area and area of co�patibility. PASSED. APPROVF.D. and ADOPTED on this 28th daq of April , 1971, by the :ollwing vote, Co vi[: AYES: �rush. NcPherson. Newbrandec� 6 `lullins NOES: None ABSENT: llone ABSI'AIN: [lont �' i — i= ' �� ^ f - ^ , �• , � i �,ll �' : i�Z �� ;"�DNARD D. MJLLIWS. lSAYOR A:TEST � � • � w SflEIU R. CILLIC�IN, CI CLERx CITi OP PAU! pEgQT, G► IrOR1fIA i .i,. � �