HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-079RESOlUfION N0. �1-79 A RESOIlRION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM OESERT. � CALIFORIIIA, APPRDUIN6 A TENTATIYE MNP TO ALLOM FOR OEYELOPl�ENT �! Of A 216-UIIT rLANNED RESiOEMTIAI DEYELOPlENT ON 4�.05 ACRES OF �, � LAND 6EIIERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF DEEP CANYON ° ROAD AND 44TH AYENl1E. � � CASE N0. TRACT 9144 (REYISEO) , �. �. INEREAS, tAe Citr Gwncil ot the City of Paln� Desert. Callfornia. d1d on '. tAe 28th Oay of July. 1977, hold a duly noticed Pub11c Hea�ing to consider a � ��.' verlfied appttution fro� DEEP CAl1Y0N. LTO. requesting approval of a Tentative ' Tract Map for a 216-unit Planned Residential Developnient on 47.05 acres of land, � laated in the PR-5 2one District and sltuated at the Southeast corner of Deep Grl)►on Rad and 44th Avenue. and more parttcularly described as: ` NN �S of the NM � and the NM +� of the SM �C of the NM �S of Set. 21. TSS. R7E, SBB�I except for the northerly 40 feet and the Mesterly 30 feet. MHEREAS. sald appllcatlon has complted with the requirements of the "City of Palm Desert Environn�ental Quality Procedure Resolution Number 71-7", in that a final Environmental InQact Report Mas certified for a steilar project on the site known as CUP 1493E and T�act 5075 and the proposed project has been determined to have no greate� envlronmental impacts pursuant to Section 15067 of the California Administrative CoAe by a Ne9ative Declaration whose appeal has expired; and WHEREAS. the C1ty Council did take into consideration the Tentative Map submitted, and the reports of the va�ious reviewing a9encles; and, MHEREAS. the C1ty Council. upo� hearing and considering all testinany and arguments. if any. of all interested persons Aesiring to be heard. d1d flnd the follo++ing facts and reesons W exist �rhich make approval of the above-describeG TenLative Map necessary: '� 1. The proposed map is consistent Kith the City's adopted General Plan. .� � , 2. The design or iniprovement of the proposed subdivision as �nodified by i. the recam�ended conditions Mill be consistent with the General Plan. 3. The slte is physically suitabte fo� the type of developn�ent proposed. 4. The site is physically suited for the proposed density of the development. 5. The design of the subdivision as a�ended by the recoeniended conditions and the proposed improvements are �ot likely to cause substantial en- vironmental damage. 6. The desig� of the proposed subdivision and the related iniprorements are not likely to cause serious health proble�ns. 7. The proposed �aep confonas to both the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Pal�n Desert. and the State Map Act. �NOM, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOIYED by the City Cou�cil of the City of Palm Desert, California. as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Council in this case; 2. That the applicant is required to conqly to Article 26.15 of the City's Subdivisio� Ordinance and to par a fee as required by recan�+ended Con- dition of Approval No. 23; and that the City Council hereby a9rees to utllize said aioney for park puryoses within five (5) years of recorda- tion of the final �ap; TRACT 91�4 (REtlISEO) RESOlUTION N0. 77-79 �. TMt tt �s Aereby �pprove said Tentatire Tract !b. 9144 (R�vised) fo� • 215-tintt Pl�m+ed Rtsidenti�l Oevelop�nent. sub3ect to fuifill�ent of the •tt�cMd oondlttons ot approval. PASSED. APPROYEO, and ADOPTEO �t a�ul�r weeting of the Pal� Desert City tcunctl. held on thls 26th d�r ot July. 19TJ. br the folla+ing rote, to Mit: AYES: B�^ush. McPhenon. 1i11son and Mull ins NOES: Ilone AgSEfIT: Newbrander ABSTAtN: athsT: _i� _�-l—�' _ --� � ,.� ;. � :-,,., ;.�• ,.*.. . � , .�;�,f -: .s� :. � ,�r�. ,:, , � � '., •. �,.: �,,., �r.�i:a� 1 ' 1 1 � ... .: ryh.. -i�.,�2...0y;` r�.s��•` . r .w 4 CITY COI�ICII RESOlUTION N0. �7-79 JULY 28, 1917 ; CONDiTIONS OF APPROYAL � TENTATIYE tRACT 9144 � �' h k 1. Full publlc t�pro�►ewents includln9 pavin9, curb, gutter. prdest�lan and �, bicrcle srstews� street landscaping, standard street stgning, street lights. sewrr• M�te� and dr�inage faciltttes. and necessary appurtena�ces shall be �. instatled as required Oy obin�nce. these conditlons, anA the C1ty Engineer. �� 2. Oraln�ge facilitles satisfactory to the C1ty Enginee� shall be provided. ; These shell be suftictent to �aintatn at teast one tane of t�affic free of water on lxal streets in a one-year stona and bro lanes for collectors. ' Mater shell not be allo�ed W top the burDs in a ten-year stona and shall not be allo++ed to flood anr building pads in a 100-�rea� storai. 3. Design shall confonu to City desiqn triteM a and standards. � 4. Appticant shall Aedicate a 15-foot easement for Erainage purposes along the easterly tract boundary. 5. Mini�nun curb-to-curb width of "B" street shall be 40 feet. 6. Cul-de-sacs shall have n�inimum curb radius of 40 feet. 1. Lot 123 shall be deleted and replaced with a� emergency access a minimum of 14 feet Nide as approved by the City Fire Marshal. The r�emainder of the lot width shall be dispersed among Lots 100-130 as approved by the Citr. 8. Applicant shall provide puDlic access to the prope�ty east of Lots 95-112 or demonstrate to the satisfaction of City Engineer that access is available. 9. Final section of Deep Canyon and Avenue 44 shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. An 8 foot P.C.C. sideaalk shall be provided along Avenue 44. 10. The location of «J"� "M", b"N" streets shall be aadified to satisfaction of the City Engineer to eliminate blind approaches to the intersection on the insiEe of curves. 11. Access rights on all lots abutting Oeep Canyon Road and Avenue 44 shall be offered to the City as a dedication on the Fiaal �tap. 12. The proposed street names are not approved. Prior to submittal of the Final Map. the applicant shall provide the City with a list of proposed street names. with at least three alternatives. The approval of the final street �ames shall be made by the Oirector of Environmental Services. 13. Improve+nent plans for Nater and ser+er system shall meet the requirements of the respective service districts. 14. The subdivider shall enter into a Future Improvement Agreert�ent with the City to participate in the signalization of the Deep Canyon Road and Avenue 44 intersection on the basis of up to one-fourth participation in the cost of the installation of the signal at such time as the City Engineer determines that traffic si9nal warrants are met. The actual amount will be based on the ration between the traffic from the develo nt contributin to the warrants a t tota tra t us nc the ntersect�on uring t e warrant ours. 15. Street lights shall be installed o� all streets. The lighting level shall �neet traffit safety standards on Avenue 44 and Oeep Canyon Road. Interior streets iaay be illuninated to a lesse� level. Precise details shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Resoluttan Ib. 77•79 Gs� Ib. TT 914�1 (�e�rls�d) P�g� TMo 16. [f deMetopwe�t ts don� in ph�ses. tl�ing of the con:tructlon of publit t�prove�ents and interlo� str�eets sh�ll be subject to the approral ot the Ci t�r En9ineer. 17. Construttlon of prlw te streets sha11 be lnspected py the Englneerin� Departs�nt �nd a standaM tnspection tee sna » e� w�e. 18. Appltuet shall agne to wluntartiy participate in any assesswent district fon�ed to fnstall dnlna9e f�c111ties to serve the drainage �rea Mhich in- cludes t1�is tract. 19. PeEestrlan M�1kMays sMll be proviAed along •11 streets subject to the ap- proval of the C1ty Englneer. 20. Deep G�yon Road and 44th Avenue shall be dedicated and cp�structed as half st►�eets to City Standa Ms, as approved by the City Engineer, i�cluding but not 11�n1ted to: a. 46' wide travel way and a 12' wide parkway o� peep Canron (toad. 40' Mide travel way and 30' wide pa�kriay o� 44th Arenue. b. 8' M1de ineandering pedest�ian and bicycle path of not less than 4" thick concrete. c. Curb and 9utter to Clty Standards. d. Landscapin9 and sprinkle� systeni as approved by the Citr Engineer. 21. Al1 lots shal{ be a n+inian� of 4,500 square feet. Any nqdification of the proposed lot pattern that results fran any condition attached by tAe C1ty shall not be construed as a right to reduce the square footage of the lots to less than 4,500 square feet. 22. In tonpliance wlth Article 26.15 of the Cfty's Subdivision Ordinance, in-lieu fees shall be paid as a part of the approval of the Final Map. 23• The development of the property descrtbed herein shall be subject to the re- strlctions and limitations set forth herein which are in adGition to all the requiren�ents, limitations. and restrictions of all mimicipal ordinances and State and Fede�al statutes �ow in force, o� ahich hereafter �nay be 1n force. 2b. The C.t. b R's for this development shall be subn+itted to the City Attorney for review and approval prior to the issuance of any building per�its. Said document shall include provisions for maintenance of all lots and caman areas and a provision assuming the responsibilitr i� perpetuity the responsibility of maintenance of the parkNay areas on 44th Avenue and Deep Canyon Road. 25. in order to maintain reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the subdivide� shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings, a�d adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows shall be installed as recan- n�ended by the Fi re Deparbnent. 26. Install a �rater systeni capable of deliverin9 2,500 GPM fire floM for a two- hour duration in addition to doniestic or other supply. The conputation shall be based upo� a winiaiu� of 20 psi residual operating pressure in the supply �nein fro� rhich the f1oM is �easured at the ti�ne of neasureme�t. 2�. Install Riverside County super fire hyErants so that no point of any building is �ore than 400 feet fros a fire hydrant measured along approveG vehicular travelMays. a. The lxatlon of all hpdrants shall be approved by the City Fire Marshal. b. Exte�io� surfaces of hydrant barrels and heads shall be painted chra�e yellor and the tops and no=zle caps shall be palnted green. � c. Curbs shall be painted red fifteen (15) feet 1n either directlon fro� each hydrant. Resoiutlon No. 7T-74 Case No. TT 9144 (18erise�) Page Thre� p8. Prior to record�tlon of the Fin�l l4p. the developer shall turnlsh the or191na1 ��d tl�� coples ot the �+ster syste� plan to the F1re Ma nhal fo� rtivieM. TAe rate� s�rstew sh�ll be s1ynM DY a reglstered c1r11 en- ylneer Md �pproved by the �w ter co�piny. with the tollawtng tertittutton: •I ctrtltp the dtslqn of tht water syste� 1n Trect No. 914� is 1n accor- dtnte Mith tAe rlqYlre�aentt preSCrlbed by the City F1►ti Marshal". Upon •pprov�l. the o�iglnal plan r111 be returned to the developer. py, Caiplete plans �nd specitiu tlons shall be sub�itted as requlred for cAecking anA epproval . befon construction of any i�nprove+n�nts is cort�nenced. The subdivider shall sub�lt the original drawings revtsed to ►tiflect as- built co�dltions. prior to eccepUnce of the subdivision i�prove�ents by the City or Speclal Otstrict. 30. All dedtcated land anA/or ease+�ents �eQuired by this appro�al shall be qrant- ed to the C1t�► of Pal� Desert, rithout cost to the City and free of all liens and encu+iDrentes. 31. Area shall be annexed to I�nproven�ent Distrlcts No. 54 a�d No. 80 oi the Coechelle Yaller County Mater District. 32. Entrantes to t�act equlpped card key ope�ated ba�rier or vther restrictions to free fla+ of traffi� shall be provided with stacking space outside the traveled way of the ad,joinin9 public streets. for 8 vehicles. 33, Any derelop�nent sha11 confor�a to the requirements of DP 02-77 (Revised). 34. All curbs shall be vertical rathe� than rolled. p cant s gnature Dated: , g. � � � . � i ►_ t ; tr t 4 D ! ( � � �