HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-089;'µ.��.: �;}
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GISE N0. TT 5565
1�IEREJIS. the City touncil of the City of Pal�n Desert, d1d reuive � verified
�ppTiutfon fraa SILYER SPUR ASSOCIATES rrquestlny approval of a Tentative Map to
�itow tor developn�ent of a 217•l�it Condanfnlun Project on spproxl�nately 62 acres
of l�nd. qenerally louted southerly of and Mesterly of lrontree Drire and De1ng a
portion of IronMood Cour�try Club �nvre partltuler]y destrlbed as:
APl1 631-250-002. 008. O11
APtI 631-270-008. 018
WHEREAS, said application has cortqlied with the requirements of the "City of
Palm Oesert Environrtiental Quality Procedure Resolution Nun�ber 77-7" in that the
� Direc:or ot Envlronmentai Services has determined that an Environ�nental Impact Report
:' is unneeded to �eet the requir+anents of CEQA as the proposed t�act is pari of an ongoing
� projett end thert has been no substdntial chanqe in either the project or the tirtum-
; star.ces u�der which the project is to be unGe�taken. artd;
� WHEREAS. the City Council Qid take into cortsideratfon the Tentative Map as sub-
,� �nitteE, and the reports of the varfous rerieaing agencies. and;
� NHEREAS, the City Council dfd find that the subject TentaNve Map does sub-
.� stantfaliy comply wlth the Cfty of Palm Desert Code, and the State of California Sub-
dirislon Map Act. as amended;
WHEREAS, the Pianning Commission did find that the Subject Terttative Map dces
ca�qly Mith the adopteQ Gene�al Plan;
NOH. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOCYED by the City Cauncil of the City of Palm Desert
as fottwts:
1. That the above recitatio�s art true and correct and cortstitute the findinqs
of the oanuission in this case;
2. That 1t does hereby approve the above desc�ibed TenW tive Map No. 1T 5565,
subject to fulfill�nent of the attacfied co�ditions:
PASSED, APPROYED and ADOPTEO at a regular meeting of the Paia� Desert City
Councfl held on the 25th day of August. 1977, by the folTowing w te, to wit:
AYES: MtPherson. M11son b Mulli�s
NOES: NeMbrander
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AESpLIl�1p1 N0. 7�- 89
fJISE N0. TRACT 5565
August 25, 1977
1. All i�prorewents sMll contonu to the requirenents of the City Standard
Sptcitiutions and tht Ctty E�gtneer.
2. Tract sMll be processed 1n acwrdance wlth all applicable provisions of
Ordtn�noe 125. the Subdfvislon Ordinance.
3. Ikuss rights to Portola Avenue shall be offe►�ed to the City es a dedica-
tion on the F1n�1 Mep. accept at the intersection of Irontree Drive.
4. Prior to sub+�ittal of the Final Fkp, the applicant shall provide the City
N1th a list of proposed street nan�es with at least three alternatives. The
approvel of the final street names shall be made by the Oirector of Environ-
�ental Services.
S, The developnient of the propertr desc�ibed herein shall be subject to the
rest�ictions and 11�nitatlons set forth herein whlch are 1n addition to all
the requiren�ents. 11Tttetlons. and restrictions of all municipal o Minances
�nd State and Federal statutes now in force.
6. The C.C. 6 R's for this development shall be submttted to the City Attorney
for reviea and approval p�tor to the issuance of any building permits. Prior
to recordation of the final subdivision map� the applicant shall submit to
the Director of Environmental Services the followin9 documents which shall
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Pla�ntng Commission that the total
project rill be developed and maintained in accordance with the intent and
pu►poses of the approval:
�. The docu+nent to convey title.
b. Covenants and restrictions to be recorded.
c. ManagenKnt and niaintenance a9reement to be entered into with the o�mers
of the units of the project.
�. In order to malntain reaso�able fire protectio� du�ing construction period,
the subdivide� shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildin9s,
and adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows shall be installed as
recoamended by the Fire Department.
8. The Nater system shall be signed by a re9istered civil engineer and approveQ
by the xate� conpany, with the follaving certificatio�: "I certify that the
design of the Mater systeni of Tract No. 5565 is in accordance with the re-
quirert�ents prescribed Dy the City Fire Marshal".
9. Improvement plans for Mater and seMer system shall meet the requirements of
the respective service districts.
10. All on-site utitities, including cable TY, shall be placed under9round and
sh�ll be caiqletely concealed fran view except certain appurtenances as may
be approved by the Director of Envlrona�ental Servlces.
11. All dediuted land and/or easement requlred by this approval shall be granted
to the City of Pal�n Desert. Mithout cost to the City and free of all liens and
12. Area shall be anne�ced to the Coachella Yalley Storm�ater Unit of the Coachella
r�»ey cow�t�► wate� oist�ict.
13. All requir�ents of Case No. CUP 1382 shall be �et as a part of the develop-
�ent of th/s trsct.
1�• T1ie constructlon of all private streets shall De inspected by the Engl�eering
Departwent and a Sta�d�rd Inspectio� Fee shall be paid.
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�;:::: � USE M�. TT 5565 Page Three ,
�i, coFctll� CQIOITIa1S: (Continu�d) '� �
i�, Inst�11 Rirerstde Count,�► supe� fire hyd�ants so that no polnt of aRy buildin9
ts �on tMn 250 teet fro� a tire Aydrant weasured along approveE vehicula� '
tn�l w�►s.
A, I�Mnnts sh�ll not be located closer then 25 feet to any Duilding.
e. Extertor surfaces of hydrtnt barrrls and heads shall be painted chrome
yella+ �nd the tops and no=zle caps shall be painted green.
C. Curbs (if installeE) shall be painted red 15 feet 1n either dlrection
fro� each hyd�ant.
15. Prior to issuance of a building per�nit, the develope� shall furnlsh the
origineT end three (3) copfes of the Mater srstem plan to the Ffre Marshal
for revier+. Upon approval� one copy wtlt be sent to the Building Deparbnent,
�nd the original Mill be returned to the developer.
16. Appliunt shall camnit in w�lting to dedicatio� to the City a lot of o�e
acre �in1a� size for the pu►pose of constructing a fire statlon in the
future at a a�utually a9reeable location to the City of Pal� Oesert and the
epplicant. Such committn�ent shall be a�ade prior to submittai of the Final
Tract Map and transfer of title shall a cur tn co�junction M1th the recor-
datioe of the Ft�al Map o� at a later date to be specified by the City of
Paln� Desert.
11. Storage space fo� a�inimun of eight (8) autonabiles shall be provided on
Irontree Drive betwee+� the Irontree entrance gate and Portola.
RESOlIRIOM 110. �I-89
�1�11�pN5 OF�APPtb011A1
�, STANOARD CONOIT10115: (Ca�ttnueA)
Page Two
15. Instail traftic s�tetr llqhtinq �lon9 frontage of Portota as approved by
the City En4ineer.
1, TNe total nuwber of �elling untt lots shall De 11�n1teE to 217.
2. In order to weet the ne�ghborhood and pubtic facilities require�nent of the
Subdivision Ordlnance, appllcant shall co�nnit in x�iting to dedication of
requir� perk land for tAis phase of the Aevelopnent 1� the future at a
�utwlly �greeable lx�tlon to the C1ty ot Palw Desert and the appllcant.
Such co�nitt�ent shall be n�ade prior to sub�ittal of the Final Tract Map
and transfe� of t1ta1 shall occur in conjunctlon Mith the recordation of
the Final Map or at a later date to be specified by the titr of Palm Desert.
3. ApDlltant shall ente� lnto a Future I�nprove+nent Agree+nent to pa�ticipate i�
the signalization of the Irontree Drive and Portola Ave�ue intersection on
the Dasts of up to one-third participation in the cost of installation of
the signal at such tinie as traffic signal warrants are met.
4. Existing on-site overhead utility distribution lines shall be undergrounded
per the requirenients of Articte 25.32-6 of the Palm Oesert Zoning Ordinance.
5. My and all on-site storage yards shall be eliMinateG at time of completion.
6. Pl�ns for the Seturity Gate Complex at Irontree Orive and Portola Avenue
shall have the epprova) of the City Fire Marshal.
7. Orainage facilities shalt be sufficient to maintain at least one la�e of
traffic frep of water on local st�eets i� a one-year storm and tno lanes
for collectors. Mate� shall not be allo++ed to Lop the curb5 in a ten-year
sto� and shall not be aiic�+ed to flood any buildfnq pads in a]00-year
stonu. The developers shall install drainage facilities satisfactory to
the City Engineer to ca�rr runoff from Orainage Area No. 5. Said drainage
area is describeG in the Proposed City Master Plan of Drainage dated June,
1976. This schedule for const►vctio� shall be subject to approval of the
8. Applicant shall fully improve Portoia Avenue on the south side between
Mariposa and Irontree Orive. From the outset of construction of the tract,
conQlete dust co�trol shail be maintained.
9. landscaping alon9 the south side of Portola Avenue bet►+een Mariposa and
Quereus lane shall be coaipleted before any occupancy per+nits are issued
for TT 5565.
10. Fencin9 along the south side of Portola Avenue between Irontree Drive and
Quercus Lane shall be subject to the Design Revie++ Board process.
il. Sidewalks shall be the subject of a Future Iiaproven�ent Agreen�ent executed
prior to approval of Final Tract Map for their installatioo within a period
of five (5) years if deter�ined by Council to be necessary, and subject to
revie++ in all events ay the end of five years to determine if installation
is necessary at all. The Future Iaiproveaient Agreeme�nt shall be subject to
approval by the City Attorney.
12. Approval of each f1na1 ianp Mill require certificatio� from the C.Y.C.M.D.
that the tract is safe frow exterior stone water risk.
13. Instal) a water systew capable of delivering 2000 GPM fire fla+ for a two
(2) hour duratio� in addition to dan�estic or other supply. The coMputatio�
shall be based upon a winiiwwi of 20 psi residual operating pressure in the
supply �ntn frow nhich �he :la� 1s weasureQ at the tinie of ineasuren�ent.