HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 78-105WHEREAS, Article 34 of the California Constitution requires a local referendum before any state or local public agency can develop, finance, con- struct, or own housing for lower income persons within a particular jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that such a referendum, if approved, does not obligate the City financially, nor does it require the City to proceed with such development at any specified time; and _ RESOLUTION N0. 78-105 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE PLACEMENT OF AN ASSISTED HOUSING REFERENDUM ON THE NOVEMBER BALLOT FOR THE CITY OF PALM DESERT. WHEREAS, the referendum process by the County, and the city of the County, offeres an opportunity for the County of Riverside to avail itself of additional state and federal funds to use in housing assistance programs on a County-wide basis; and WHEREAS, regardless of what the City Council perceives to be the merits and demerits of the issue, the matter of publicly assisted housing within a community is one of such magnitude and importance that the citizens should be given the opportunity to make their wishes known at the polls. NOW, THER�FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that,the City Council of the City of Palm Desert, California, does hereby authorize the placement of a referendum on the 'November general ballot for the City of Palm Desert, said referendum to read as follows: "Shall rental housing development as defined in Article XXXIV of the California Constitution for low and moderate income, elderly, and handicapped households be developed, constructed> financed, or 'acquired in the City of Palm Desert, subject to the following conditions: Housing built or rehabilitated pursuant to this measure shall not exceed 51 of the total dwelling units within the City of Palm Desert. Any development proposed pursuant to this mea- sure shall be subject to all zoning, permitting, public hearing, and City Council review procedures that apply to any development in the City of Palm Desert." This measure does not extend permission for expenditure of City General Fund monies for such houSing." BE IT �URTHER RESOLVED that any costs incurred with the subject referen- dum shall not be borne by the City of Palm Desert. � \ PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Palm Desert, California, on this 24th day of Auqust , 1978, by the following vote, to wit: AY ES : NOES: ABSENT: A6STAIN: Brush, McPherson, Newbrander None None Wilson & Mu]lins ,� �� i , � ,',J . �; -EDWARD D. MULLINS, MAYOR ATTEST: • j � � 1 � i �/ �J� ; '� //f�i�l t, .�v � .. i-��-� .f'�'�'C_� SHEILA R. GILL"IGAN, CIT�Y" LERK CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 78-105 MARK (�) BALLOT ONLY WITH MARKING DEVICE; NEVER WITH PEN OP PENCIL (ABSEIYTEE P^' tOTS SHALL BE MARKEO �VfTH $TICKERS PROViDED' ballot to this line, leavinQ top marpin axoosed.l Please See Reverse Side OFFICIAL BALLOT SAMPLE BALLOT 37th CONGRESSIONAL, 38fh SENATOk1AL, 75th ASSFMBLY DlSiRICT, RIVEASIDE COUNTY NOVEMdER 7, 1978 'OTfRS. �Wo;' l0 1h� riyhf ef fh� nom� o( Ihaf candidaf�. To vole fw any a mark f�l in Ihe roting sqvar� fo th. rtght of fba nam� of Mat o�h�r mndidua of your s�I�ceion, tla�np a mark (�I In fl�� voNng condidal�. Yeur vol� wllt �of b� counled unl�ss Ihe marking devic� :� af Call}or- squw� lo fh� riqhf of Ih� tandidofi s nam�. Wl��n two or mer� ia �s�d (n marking fha bnllof wh�n wriling In a candidafe'f name. rtI r�.`i�^ candidat�� for th� �am� offlc� are to b� �I�ct�d, damp a motk (�1 To vof� en a�y m�asun, slomp a mark 1�1 In Ih� voting squar� 4 afl�r ih� nam�f ef all candldaNa for Ih� oHic� fw whom you da- ahN fh� word '•Yss" or oh�r th� wwd "No." All dislinyulshing :o�rt o( Ap' �ir� to vol�. �of fo �:c��d, hew�v�r, }FI� IIYTb�f O� eandldal�f lo word "Y�t " ���e���d. Ta vof� fw a qualtN�d wrlf�-in tandidat�, write fh� morks or �ra�ure� are forb)dd�n and mak� N�e baUo1 void. li you ayaln�l fhot pHson'i nam� In th� blank �pat� previd�d foi lhat purpofe aH�� wroeyly slemp, t�ot, er defac� Ihit ballof, r�eurn if te th� pr�cincf ter tb� wwd th� nam�s ef ehs e�h�r candtdaf�s for fh� �o�ne offlc�, and afomp board m�mb�t and ohlaln anoth�r. STA7E 1E613LAiURL . s.noro� eth OlaMlct ver. h.0�. IIAA( A. "BILL" CRAVE�7, RepuWian uM. CWfinel� WUYufs x�� A�E�.aN�r 1E�W..��atic e�f. ntrer e} t!r Asa��nbly Sfh Olstrlct v.r. h lD G. KELLEY, Rcpeblinn ' W A1e[M : SUITT, Demorntic n0u at IIN A�Ey • 7JN DIwe1R JUDICiAI Chief Jusflc� of tali}ornia YFS pOSF fLIABEfH BIqO E� uuta6 to If�n far tM hrm Imaihed E) In+T NO As�acluts Jv�the o(fhe �upr�tn� Ceurf YFS WILEY W. NANUFl M Weted to tl� e Im tM tum prasaiE.d 6r lawi p0 Asfo�lah Justic� of th� up�.m� Gourf � � FRANK C. NEWMIIN b� d�Gd to tde � 1a tM bm p�xr(b�d !y Invi 110 A7fodaf� Jaftk� OI 1h� uDr�m� Ceurt YES nunK K xicxertoson e..�ea �o �tfia la th� tum prMcAbW b� I�wt NO A�aadaf� JusHc�, CouA ef App�al, °ourfh A �Ilat� DtaMcf, Dtv. 1 YFS 80EEAT 0. STMIFORTN M ebM( le �fflp Ior tM hrm pnaaiAed hy I�M7 Ho AsrectaN hrtHn. CeuAef Appsal, 'ourfh Appe11W� Disfrld.Olv. 1 YE4 MOWMD B. W1ENF8 De dui�d lo th� � br tM hm pncrl0�d b I+wi NO Aaaodan Juatk�. Ceu►t of App�al, 'wrth ApP�llate Di�hfct, Div. 9 YFS i. OOUGLAS YcWNi� ee �wa�a �o �ffin for ih� term prautiEM hp bwT t10 A��xlme JusNn. CouA ef App�a1, r_...r�..'__��_._..e....s� ..s., n COUNTY tourry SupKvtsor 41fi DtafrM v.�. �., a.. NOHLBAUSH Drhmwn - Cilr Cowtl�m�e iAL McG1NDLE5S . . ��v..we.. �m nawn, co�n d w..,,ie. � Dlsfrlct Attorn�Y ... — V•1� IM OM �BY&ON G MORTON DbeMt Anama) JOHN B. MORGAN Attomq' �t 4� SF1KiTf V�N fee O�� _ . BE� K MICHAEL A. (MIKE) VEGA i.. eeror��r.�a eee� �.e..�« DISTRIR Dirotlor. DosKf llo�plMl D41rIct v.n Ir w. iur. fM� T�o . )OH�I E PdENTI� � Rs�4or Aawcl��e MACCOLM GA7E5 DENNIS M. GRAHAM 1teqMntay TTv�pin JAMES H. GHURC711LL O'CANNOR ►hplN�n �'� 6 �DUKE _... PHIL[P B. DREISBACH P�niclan - Hem.mlodrt - OewM�lu BEA WOLP Bud.e.. �.n�a ROBERT 8. WATEABOR Ih7fld�n - famY Mdldm HOWARD H. WIF.FEI.S IeWeeCsel UNDA M. CHAMDERS R�Nn�raa Nuns BERYL SCHWARTl Pu�v�olef�loe�l Caumeld - Hau�awife MEASURg SUlMRTED TO VOTE OP VOTERS VF.TERANS BOND ACT OF }978. Provide� (ive hun- PoR �dred million dollata (i500,000,000) for f.�m ud Rome aid (or Califomia vctenn�. A6AINST PU6LIC UTILIT'IPS COMML4SION--I.EGISWIZVE yy+g 2 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMEN7'. Aek�a u� thoriution [oc PuWic Utilitiu Cwnmi'rion member to hdd Eearingi or uwe orden. Financid imp+«� NO No dirtct e7ect on snte fpcndinS or ievenua; how- evcr lyi�laurc i�uplwentation of thi� mumre mig6t mu�t in rtlatively minor increa�e in rtate �pending. STATE SUAPLUS COASTAL PAOPEATY. L.EGLSLA• Y� TIVE CONSTI7VTIONAL AMENDMENT. Albvn 3 46idature w authori:c iale o[ mte .urplw cwrtal pruperty [or nviroamental Purpaa. Fin�ncial im- p�ce Depend� on legulative actwn. Any p�operty YO xdd 6clow turrtat mukct value would `esult in rev- cnue loo eo Snle Trwportation Fund but propor- tionate �avings to purc6apng aaenry. CHIROPRACTOAS. LBGISLATIVE INIT[ATIVB 4 AINENDMENT. Speci[iea e6iropractic �ehool a � YES crcditation procrdurts. Pertniu inercs�ed licuue fee, Eapandi �ound. to dee}�,.u�pend, ievoke licmw+. Financial wpact: Imigni(ie�nt (ual effect on �tate NO and Ixal sovemmcnti. REGULATiON OF SMOKING. INITIATIVE 5 SiATU7'E. Maka �uroking un4wful in eeroin m- clo'cd �rca�. Requirn: iy� a dni6n�tiu6 nanaroitiug irea; ruuu'ant uommoking �ettion�. Financiil im. Y� pact: Modat cac to nate and m individual br�i �ov mmem� for Du.ehue� in�411uion of NO SMOK• ING u6n� le yublic buJdingt, Minor enfwewent cnu. Po»iAle cat to dter publlc emDbyec workin6 NO facilidn eo accom�nodam wakins emPbyee�. I( pivpon tion kadi to �ign)ltani reducdon �m m�kin6 could rwlt in euMtantial reductim In healt6 and other �mokin6 eeia�cd sove�nment cwt� and wwld rnult in io&mtial reduction in rtate ind bcd ulc�, cigarttte tsx �nllecdon�. SCHOOi. SMPLOYEP3—HOMOSEXUAI.tTY—INI• VES s7iATiVE STATU7'E. P�ovides ��y�tem far deten mining [itncn o[ �chool empbyee� tn�aged iw acci.a. tiu mla�ed �n homn,eauality. Flnanaal imp.er. Vn. NO known but potcnti�lly wMuatial co�U �n Statc coun. - tin and �chool diurieq depeedins on number of u�n whicA rcceive +�� adminirtnaive hnriog. MUADER — PENALTY — INITIATIVE STA'1'U'IE, YHS 7 Chanrei ud exya�d. nte`oHes o( fin[ dcg�ee mur, `_ der. Cy� ea peodtie� for tint and .econd de6ree murder. t"inancid �mpaee Indetermieable (at�ue NO irtcaaie in �ute ewb. PROPER7Y TAXA770N LEGISLA77VE CON577TI1- �s 8 TIONAL AAfENDM�YI'. Providu for valuation of rcal pmpertp aftv deciine in wlue Or rtmrotruction dter d'uaaeer. Financid imyct: In t6e ab.ence a( � major dinater, the adoption o[ thi� propwl would NO have a minor impact an lor�l Property tu rcven�e� �tatcwide. It 'Aould havc no ugnifiunt imp�cl on Ita4 tevMlM or tdb. ary M�►s�e HOUSING FOR LOW OA MODEAATE INCOAfE, 1 ELD¢RLY OR HANDiCAPPED HOUSEHOLDS, "i� Cil'Y OF PALM DESERI'. Shall rcnui hou�ina de. elopme � u defined in 4rtide XXXIV o( the Cali• . Comu Corotiwtion for low .nd modente inmme, eldcdy, and Aandiupped hou�ehold� be dweloyed comeructed, (imneed, or acquircd in t6c City of Paim Desn� .ubjeet m ehe (olbwin� candieiom: YES Housing boil[ w rehahiliuted punu�nt to thi� mea- �h.11 noi exceed 5� ( the mval dweiling unita wi�Ain �he City of Palm Deurt. Any �I�.<loPment tip propmrd punuant m Ihii meaure �hail be �ub�ect to all :onin6, permittinR. P�blic hcaring, �nd City Coun• cil evi w procedem that aDPly to any developmrnt in �he Ciry o( Palm Dexn. 'fhi� meawre doa not eztend permiuian for cxpeadi• �. �ure d Ciry Canenl Fund monin for �uch ho�nin6. ''t C � � .� CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CLERK TO RESULTS OF THE CANVASS OF GENERAL ELECTION RETURNS State of California) )ss. County of Riverside) I, DONALD D. SULLIVAN, County Clerk of said County, do hereby cer- tify that, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 17081 af the Elections Code, did canvass the returns of the vote cast in said County, at the General Election held on November 7, 1978, for the elective public offices, and for and against each measure submitted to the vote af the voters; and that the Statement of the number of votes cast in said County, and the whole number of votes cast for each candidate and for and against each measure in said County and in each of the respective precincts therein, and that the totals of the respeciive coaumns and ihe totals as shown for each candi- date and for and against each measure are full, true and correct. WITNESS my hand this �day of November, 1978. DONALD D. SULLIVAN, Co Clerk s B en , ones Assistant Registrar of Yoters , I' � (� i._._.__ . ... . . . � � ��a� 6ENERAL ELECfION ►' �b► , 1978 • . I L' � oc 6 � Y N P1GE y Y y� � 6 J � I TOTALS •a o u°Ci o o W v '" � '" s �s � } � � ,. � � ,. � � > � � y � + W } O O O O � � s � � � � i ItK�P[TUL+1Ti[N � H u u u u � 1ST SUiERV[SCRiAL._ _ �24� ..33G16.-- ----- -.- -.- . -- .. l04a. .,_44 _..�SI 123� . I --.. __. � � - - - - - - --- - --- --- -� -- - -- - --- _ _ - - -- - _ . ..._ . .. . . . . I `. 2N0 SU�EIIYISC81Al- --.. .462T 9212 -�- -. ----- --- .- -. - - --.-- - -. . 1J96 ._26I?I _ i _ . _ 1 .,- ---- - . _. . . _ _. . _ ; �. . . ... . . _ 3aD SUPERV15LAiAL _._ T54.1 .3.�25 _7i ___�3 _6056_._269. _ _ _ - � I _.. 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A RESOLUTION OF TtIF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORI7_ING TtIE PLACEMENT OF AN ASSISTED HOUSING REFERENDUM ON THE NOVEMBER BAf_I.OT FOR Tf1E CITY OF PALM DESERT. �� WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that such a referendum, if approved, does not obligate the City financially, nor does it require the City to proceed with such development at any specified time; and � WHEREAS, the referendum process by the County, and the city of the.County, offeres an opportu�ity for the County of Riverside to avail itself of additional state and federal funds ta use in housing assistance programs on a County-wide basis; and WHEREAS, regardless of what the Ci.ty`�Council.perceives to be the merits and demerits of the issue, the matter of publicly assisted housing within a community is one of such magnitude anG importance.that the citizens should be given the opportunity to make their wishes known at the polls. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th�t•the City Council of the City of Palm Desert, California, does hereby authorize the placement of a refererRlum on the November general ballot for the City of Palm Desert, said referendum to read as follows: "Shall rental housing development as defined in Article XXXIV of the California Constitution for low and moderate income, elderly, and handicapped households be developed, constructed, financed, or acquired in the City of Palm Desert, subject to the following conditions: RESOLUTION N0. 78-105 Housing built or rehabilitated pursuant to this measure shall not exceed 5% of the total dwelling units within the City of Palm Desert. Any development proposed pursuant to this mea- sure shall be subject to all zoning, permitting, public hearing, and City Council review procedures that apply to any development in the City of Palm Desert." - This measure does not extend permission for expenditure of City General Fund monies for such housing." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any costs incurred with the subject referen- dum shall not be borne by the City of Palm Desert. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Palm Desert, California, on this 24th day of Auvust , 1978, by the foilowing vote, to wit: AYES: Brush, McPherson, NOES: Newbrander ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None A7TEST: , ��� -� . �� " SHEILA R. GILL GAN, CIT LERK CITY OF PALM DESERT, CA IFORNIA Wilson & Mullins �1.�;, ; ( � EACH DOCUMENTTO WHICF�TH IS CERTIFICATE IS ATTACHED, IS CER7tFlED TO BE A FULL, TRUE A��:� CORRECTCOPYOFTHEORIGINALON FILEni�D •"„v :�ECORD IN MY�FFICE. , Jated: / / SHEI . GIL IGA , City Cleric Ci of Palm , Calitpmia n._ a .� .��i�✓__ �. - 78-� Q�J