HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 78-016RESOLUTIOPJ N0. 78-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF APPRAISING CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City of Palm Desert proposes to acquire certain real property; and WHEREAS, the City desires that certain appraisal services be furnished in connection with such property; and WHEREAS, there is a certain Agreement described as Attachment A, which will serve as the basis for the provision of such appraisal services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the City Council of Palm Desert, California that the Mayor of the City of Palm Desert is hereby authorized to execute such an Agreement for Appraisal Services. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTEO by the City Council of the City of Palm Desert, California, on this 9th day of Februa following vote, to wit: 1978, by the AYES: Brush, McPherson, Newbrander, Wilson & Mullins NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None -'� ,� %.��� . �% ' � �%l � i;' � �.! ��� I ;,v-''.. -�,;' EDWARD D. MULLINS, MAYOR � ATTEST: i` / • 1 '`�, , ; /�i � �t��" .�.� :C� � � � SHEILA R. GI " GAN, CITY ERK CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALI RNIA 78-16 0 rn;-F!+�. nrr r r c r G- � ._ ,:_ !T FOR r,��� ;1.� S;,L SE '�`IC�S TuT� .,�'4�"��;T, ertet'ed in�o this Qti� day of FF��,,r�,�r >>'1� ' ` � � � -x--: ---- -- _,,, "� dr1Cl '' i,;�;'C�n t'1� �li,j� of Fal�il D�S�!'i;, C:>> i tot�r,ia, 112Y'�ltici �E1" 1'�l�t'Y'���' LG d5 ti��� "Cit., ,,�d _ RO'�+'LAf,D F. S':10ET, 73,535 Pinyon, Palm D�Sertz_C�lifoY'�ii�� _ hereina��ter re;er,i-�-d to as ti�e "Appraiser� I�:E1���AS, th� City �roposes to ac�uire certain real oroperty (more particularl�i - descrik�ed in Article 1 of this P,nree!i,ent) and desires that the P,or�raiser furnish the City cer�Nin ser��ices t�rith respect to such [�rorerty, includinq an a�r�raisal of each parcel, and the Aporaiser re�rese��ts that he is fullv qualified to perforn sucl� services and �-�ill furnish such services�personally. �•!�!•J, THE�EFO^E, the fity and the {Iporaiser, for the considerations and under tl�e conditions f�ereinafter set fortfi, do aqree as follo4��s: AR�ICLE 1. Pro�erty To Qe llpprais�d. Descriptions of the real orep�rty to 5e appraised are set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and here5y made a oart of this Ac;reement. A separate anpraisal is to be furnished for each "parcel", ���hich tet-m, as used in this Agree�ent, means a sinc;le-family subdivision lot. f�n eas��ert, se�arate o�vnership of mireral riq'r�ts, or other senarately held interest snall be considered to be a seoarate parcel for aporaisal ourposes and an excnpt?on to the title to the �arcels so en�u�bered. Each parcel, rer,ardless of hov� described, shall be corsidered to include all ric�ht, title, a��d interest o� the ot��ner thereof in or to any adjacent or abuttinq streets, alleys, or cther public rights-of-��ray. . ARTI�LE 2. Puraose and BUsis of b`aluations. 2.1 Purnose and Siqnificance of Appraisuls. The aporaisals to be furnisned und�r �i�;.s F�areemant are reauired by the City for its guidance in makina fair and im�ar�tial determinations of fair market value and the just co��ensation to be ofr"ered to each property o���rer. The Appraiser shall be ��uided by those - obje�ti:�� of the City �•�hen estimatina values and ���hen makinq his investi�ations and siu�;�s and anal�zing each property and the evidences of its value. Appraisal r=ncr+s a;i11 be reviev�ed carerully 5y the City. Accordinqly, the text of each a�prais�l report must cover all matters germaine to the required valuation rird;nqs ard r^ust provide a full explanation of tne Aopraiser's reasonin� and and his �.r;alyses of the evidences of value, so that a reviewer will be able to fa11c4•� the finpraiser's analyses and understand ho�� he reacned his valuation ccrclusior,s. 2.2 A�ara�sal Standards. In making his appraisals, the Apnraiser shall be eui���c c�v �r.��^t�r lb, Sections 726!1 tnrcuqn 7275 of the State of California .ri0'JE'�'Clf'?li� �,0'��'. Res. 78-16 Attachment A ,..-_ ...';� r��� n?P�:,?cri �E''.�:IC�S ��„= 2 �.` r�;nCn��� �f 11��� i,`i'� i�.ii�)1�c1iSE=1'�� :��!iC11011 0� �}'? 1d1Y' ,,..�r;Ft Vi:ili�_ S^:i�� b? lr c�CO!'i1�1��C �•lltf? tli� derir�ition d�ld COnCEnt Of Vu�U? �1'.�i i,f!e Y'u1�S On LI;•? d�,"15S1Dl�lt�/ cf evidence Of Vd�U� lin�pl^ i;�l� �i'�;111�I1t t�C�l.'.ill �oti•! Oi �i.!1� Si.�',�. ?' Dat� of 1�aluation. The P.�����a;�:��i�'s �✓alu�tion shall be as of a da�e con- .� � cur��en� ��ilLh tfl�' r.�"a�GY'dt1011 of hi; rencrt. 2.� Influ�n�e of Pro.ject on Prooerty �Jalue. In formin� his o�inion o� tne {d�Y' �l<rF:et value 0` d qT�operty, i.�lle �1,�Gt"d1S�t" shall disreqar� dfly d�?CY'�;;SC� or inc,�ease in the fair market value o` the real nroperty to `:,= ac�:��ir�,:�� �rior to tne date of valuation caused by the p:�bl ic iicpro�:e:��.�n� �:- oroject for ��:hi ch the pr�operty i s to be acqu i red , or by the 1 i�;el i hood tn� t tne pre:�e,�ty �-�ould be acquired for such i�provemen� or project, o�iier than tnUt due to ;,hysical deierioration within the rea�onable cortrol of the ot�;r�er. If recocnition or nonrecognition or the r^anner of considerinq chanqes in vaiu�� c:.used b;� the project is a proble�, the A�araiser's r����rt shall cite ti�e rul ; ng `cl 1 oti•�ed and i ts source and shal 1 e>�.;�1 a:;� the appl i ca bi 1 i t/ and e��e��� of the rulinn on the A�praiser's opinion of value. Af�,���L� 3. Scope of Fopraiser's Services. The Aopraiser agrees to oerform the �cilo�;:ir,g sei,�,ices:— � 3.1 ,��praisals. Appraise each parc�l described in Article 1 of this Ac:r�e; ;ent and orepare and del i ver to the Ci ty wi thi n `;��) cal endar days after the date of this Agreer�ent, ap�raisal reports in triplicate co�;�arri��g to the provisions of this Aqreement. 3.2 Prooert�� Inspection. Personally inspect each parcel, includinq im�rove�.�.ents, otr=r eie,;,ents of value thereonor belonging thereto. The Aaoraiser shall c�ive tne Gl•:nE?1" an opportunity, by reasonable advance notice in writing or other���ise, to acco�n��ny the A�!�raiser, or to have his desiqnated representative acco���any tne A�?�,aiser, durinq his detailed inspection of the propertv. If an o!�rner c� a comaensable interest in the property or a representative of such o���ner do=s not acco�pany the Aopraiser during such inspection, the Appraiser shali inci�,�!e in his aporaisal report a copy of his notification to such o�,vner of suc� opportunity to accompany the Ap�raiser, certified by the A��raiser to have �een delivered to such o:rner personally or by certified or registered mail not less thun sev�n (7) days prior to his inspection of the arooerty. In the process e; insrectina the oroperty, the Appraiser shall, to the extent practicable, a���rl}in tne ri�hts of all parties in ocssession. If another aporaiser is al�e �o ap;�raise tne same pro�erty, the A�praiser may make his ins�ection �•�ith suc;� o��er a��raiser, but must other��;ise �reoare his aopraisal reoort indeoer�dently. 3.3 `�alua���n Data. f�1a{:e such investi�atic;ns, studies, and property insoections z� are �r�aroa�,iate to erable the Ao!�raiser- to arrive at sound conclusions and to p��=�ure th� a�praisal reports to be furnished under this Aqreer�ent. Sale or sa��s cr the property appraised and all recent sales oF other properties that �r= suf`iciently co:-!narable �o �he prooerty beinn ap�raised to be considered by ��e A��r-aiser in formin�7 his opinion of fair marl:et value shall be verified in��;ar as �ractical. Res. 78-16 Attachment A r,.��..-__ ��_�� I t�� �.n�a;�i?.C.,".,� Sr�?�;rir.�s �'��c� �j 5.=1 I�'i�l!�011'J lfl JIIC�IC1<:� nl'OC.^c:'{i(1'1`. TE'S�lf�/ c?S c�ll ex,�Prt ;;1tIlC'�S lil bf_'�'i` ��' „����_, 1i;' lIl dn`/ )UC11C1J) �l'!;rr�".'.;Il";� irvol`1111�J ��Il� orcr,��rty �I;DY'dl«� Ur1Cie1' tf11S P,�r�eeir;ent. Such S('I�V10E'S shall 1tlC�uc��� �;iC�l Y'`d�C?Cli�f��� tlf'�P d5 i;'.'/ i;� rey�.iir�d i0Y' reins;iection Of the C%Y'U�E't�t)/, U�iutlflCl tllC �,[��7Y'c315�i"�S •✓aluation, �ar�ticipation in ,�retrial cor,f�rences �•:ith counsel for the City, 4 a�;d tes�ifyin� in the judici;;l nr��ead',�1�, � �.5 '�cditicati_on of Celi`J�T"Pd A{)OY'd1Sd�_G�?^ort.s. �'odify or furnish sup�ie�r:�r��s � �o any a�::ra �sal re��ort iurnished hereunner,, ��rithout addi �ional cost to the City, i f (a ) a:-nl i cabl e pri nc i pl es o f 1 al•� �::i th resnect to the val uation of the :�ro�e,�ty re^uire the r.�o�+iFication or su�nl��:,er,tin� of such aonraisal, (b) r^�aterial c�issions, in�ccuracies, or deTects in ti�e appraisal report are discrn�ered ar"�er d�l'iVery ar�d �cceptance of the report by the City, or (c) the Ap�raiser 1"CCE'.1��5 or becomes a�•rare of relevant additio�ial a��raisal inforn�ation in er,is�ence prior to the date tne Ap�raiser sinned the re�ort. If there is a 5i�ni=�cant d�lay betv,�een the date of valuation and the dat� of acquisition of ar�i ��r�el or ;f tne �re;��rty �,as been materially altered since �he a�oraisal, a revised deter��- r��:tion of tre boundaries cr tne interest to be acauired, or otner cause, the �;n^r�i ser shal 1, i f reeuested by the Ci Ly, rurni s}� the Ci ty a suppl e��;er�iary r����or-t upd«tir,�, his valuation and the su�porting data and analyses to a curi,ent dute. T,*;� co�::pensation for such updutinq of an appraisal shall be det�r��ir�d in acc�r�,=nce 4�riih A�,ticle 6 hereof. 3.0 ���L�n�ion o` A�nraisal Records. Retain a copy of each appraisal reoort ard all ro�es and records geriraine to tne a�praisal for th•ree (3) years a�t�r de',i��erinq tn� a��praisal report to the City or until the pro�erty is acquired by the City or i�s pro?osed acquisition of the property is abandoned, ��hichever is the later. F,�T:CLE 4. Cor�tents of A�praisal Renorts. The ap�raisal reoort or re�arts to be ��irni s ned by the P,pprai ser to the Ci ty i n accordance a�i th thi s Agreement slia i 1 ccntain cet�tain inTormation and the A��raiser's conclusions and o?inions, tec�ther �•;i �h �h� data and analyses by G•rh;ch they 4•rere derived, as set forth beio�a. A seav��ate r�aort sha11 be submitted for each parcel as defined in Article l. N�o�v- e�:��r-, if the r.aoraiser is to ap�raise several parcels in the same qeneral area, he r..�y also pl�epare and sub�it a se�arate overall report and date volume and use �t as a data source and reference in the senarate aonraisal re�oris on the ir,�ivid�i�l oarcels. The appraisal reaort on each parcel shall consist of a co�rer sne�;, as orovid�d in Paraqra�h 4.1, follo�.�ed by a report furnishinq the P,o;�raiser's ouir�:ic��s ar�d conclusions and �he data and analyses on �•�hich they are based. The a:,;�rai sal report on each parcel snal 1 i ncl ude the fol 1 oti•,�i nc� : G.1 I',��r�;sal Su��,^ar��. A cover sheet headed "Aopraisal Re�or-t for (ra^�e cf the Ci �� "}, �.iii ch r:ay be a pri nted form, co�,,pl eted to pro�� i de the fol 1 o�-�i nq : a. Prcj�ct name. b. �ate of �he report. Res. 78-16 Attachment A rr��_ ^.r r nr� � ni �i ^� r', ._� i���T r�1R r�rF�r�'Si•,L J����CtJ �� _ u .1 r.: ,r i��, �ur...uw� !G�nti�tu,�^� C. ��'.t"Ct_'l number� ud•�!"PSS OF tflE.' ^t"vDP1�t)�, brief 1;.,��'!'�l'1Cc �1Jfl of �he i��t�rest in th�� ^ro�cr;:v a:,praisr�d, and the nar�e c` thh o�•�i��r or 0';lS1E:1"S. d. Date or dat�s of the /;�r�r�aiser's �r,spection of the rro���r�y �;ith tfl�? o��rner, Ol-�ners, O1" tll�' 0'�JII�Y'�S �E3S1Gfld�°� re�resentatiV(�� 111C�':�lil� tf�e name Of C� Cil 0'�!!1Q!" Ot' 1"�=';;"�;�f1tdtlVe, OT dr 0'�;7i'Y' �•:ho uccomparied the Apnrais��r durin� his ins.�ecticn and the in�erest neld in tne ��ro�erty or re���esentative ca:,acity of eacn suci� �erson. Identi fy any o�•�n�rs of a co;urensabl e i nterest i n the property vrho �rere not pr�2sent or re�resented duri na the F,��raiser's insoection, includirq identification of the interest in the pro;�erty held by each such c�;iner. For each unrepresented c��;i;er, ir�clude in the nar,rative portion of the aonraisal report the evidnnce of notification rec;iired b� Faraara�h 3.2 0� this Ac�reen�ent and any further ex�lanation dee�ed aqpropriate. e. The Appraiser's estim�te of the fair market value of the pronerty and the fair market value o� the same interest in the lar�d, if ��acant. f. Tne limitinq conditions of the a�praisal, v�hich may include d55U!!:�L10n5 (1) that the title is c�ood and marketable, (2} that no responsibility is assumed by th� Aooraiser for le�al matters, eSPnCially those affec�ing the title to the oroperty, (3) that the legal descriation of the prooerty and the interest therein to be ap�raised, fur•nished to the Fopraiser by the City, is correct, and (4) t}�at no survey of the oroperty has �een r�ade. Any other approoriate assumptions or limitinq condition rray b� a�ded. q. Th-�e certifications of the A.ppraiser (1) that he !�ersorally made a thorouqh inspection of the property, (2) t!�at, to the best of his knowledge and belief, everythinc contained in the reoort is true and no relevant ard important fact has be�n omitted, (3) that neith�r his employr�ent nor his co;�pensation is continnent on the valu�tion reported, and (4) that he has no past, oresent, or prospective interest (including tf�at of real estate aqent or broker) in the eroperty, the parties involved, or any other �nter�st that would ccnflict in UnJ �•�ay �•�ith the services pe��;orrned or the rakinc� of an impartial report. h. r�i C�Y't1flCdtlOtl thd�� Vd�U� or tiie aro!�erty valuation determined A�re�^�.ert. in the A.o���aiser's opinion, the fair r�arket is a certain value amou;it as of the date of in accardance ti•;itn Paraqraon 2.4 of this ine sinnatur�e of the r,:�oi•aiser. Res. 78-16 Attachment A .��.-__ _ �� r�i� C.?�?,i�.i�t..�_ S�;�.'L'IC�S _ , �, - .� �,�nershi.�. TnL 11:3r;;<� and ad��i�ess of ti�e u�-mer of the 1�!�OC1EY'.� and �ne �,:.:C' �I��. ii;;�T'i_'SS� lf i:?101•JII� Of dlij/ Ot�iCY' ;)c:l'�j/ i:f10'„!1 OY' hF_'� 1P`/:'� �0 i10�� :� SA"�'I�c:�� C0�'n��15d`��e interest 111 �ile pro�?rrty. For dI1V ndrty �1St�'C� dS h� i � i,�,; a�,r:���;� i��.� �e co.�,oens ,�l e i nterest i n thc {�r^r�crty, furn i sh a de�c�i �- `ior� o` the i��terest �;1hen providing tf�e �rooer-ty delineatien in ��ccorc;ance � .ri �h r`arac��aniti 4.3 h��reof. �.3 �'�linr`:tion of Pro;?erty. The street a,�c;ress o�' the ��ro�erty and an ��ccu�ra t� 1 eq::1 descr � nti on of the rr-�;1 property and the i nt�rest t!�erei n a;,�r4ised. The pronerty description shall identify all cc�nditions, rest��ictions, easer,�nts, servitud�5, �nd reservaiions affectin� the title, hut nOt fr01"t�c?rns, s��cial assessment levies, or other liens securin� the 7ayment of in�ie�tedness or clair�;s a^ainst the o�•�rer. The nre�erty delineation shail specifically �;:cl�,�+e and d��scribe any seoarately held interest in the real pronerty, ��,hich u��c!er the definition of "parcel" in Article 1 is to be aparaised and acc;uired �i�ner senGrately or as an appurter�ance of another parcel to be acquired. �:ne �escr���ion shull also specifically exclude all affected advers�ly by th�� ;ity's �ro;ect. If there are any separately held interests in a �arcel, ��:hi�n are to be acqui��ed �;ith other interests in the sa�e parcel, such as �G?SGi'�Ci��S, t�!l�llt-0`,•!rpt" im�rove�,etltS, �1�� 2S�di.ES, ease��ents, dlld 1�ld+�Y', c��, oil, or ����neral rignts, furnish a description of each seoara�e interest co� �r ; s i nr �Grt of tne pr�operty ap�rai sed and the nar�e of i ts a�•�ner. �� �rr_n��crd Title Infar�nation. In�or�ation with respect to outstandin� in�ere��s or irstrur�ents arrecting the ti�le, but not of record, such as l�as�s, contrncts of sale, and other interests or ri�hts of �arties in � possession. Such inrormation shall be reported, and if the facts obtainable b:� in?uir� and inspection are sufficient, tne Apnraiser's renort shall be b:s�� on such additional title in�orrr�ation ard so noted in the appraisal r��cr�. Cth?rt��ise, the Fp�raiser shall re�er the r�?atter to the Citv and ��=er, co���leti�n of the anpraisal until the c�ues�ion is resolved. 4.5 H;anest ard Best Use. The Appraiser's opinion as to the highest and best -.:se �ot= th� prorerty. The aopr�aisal report sliall also include the Appraiser's o�inions as to any variations of such use and ar�y o�her uses or kinds of use �or ;:hicf� the pro�erty is reasonably suitable or adaotable. Any diTfer�nces bet�,�r��n the P,p�raiser's estimate oT hiahest and best use and the actual use of tr�� ^��op�rty at the ti�� cf valuation shall be exalained. If the hichest and ��s� use is s�i�-evident and not r�aterially different from the actual existinq u��, a s�ate���ent to tnat eff�ct �•iill suF`ice. Ho�:ever, if the property is u�,.;;� d�,�arant land or the highest and best use is found to differ si�ni � ic:ntly ;r:�.:� �he ��resent use, the appraisal re�ort shall contain the analyses by ��:hich t��� r,:r.,���s�r r�acn�d his conclusions as to tne hi�hest and best use and as to �n� relG�ive suitability or adaptability o` the proaerty `or any oti,er available u��s �or a;nich the pro�erty could reasonably be conside►-ed to be suitable or ,:,��;�a�l��. The analysis of a potential use shall include consid�ra�icn of r::�a�r=nt ^�,a�t`rs, such as the suitabilit/ of the location, the enviror���.�ent, Res. 78-16 Attachment A ., i^._���_�i � F�J"� !i�h �.iis;5� S�t,. . �_C . � ' � C� .J �il�hi;'S� dr:� :J���� �!.JC ;��l�il.�r�Ji:i:� :II'_! 'hE �C'�c:l ��nd �hVS�C�� dttl'l��u�e`; 0` �.ili� n�-nnc�rty FO1' SUC�1 tlSn, +t?c S�'i�� i)l�10E' �C'V�'�S� d�iC�i 1"��d�1VP dt'ill'G�Jl� �}i,� Or ll'.Ilc�l' �)1"J��'!"�VnS �`13t '�'10iJ�`� C��';[;��� � ut' i:hE' Sd�le k i�id Of 11SE�'. u2�.uUS�' '.;!li_ r+ �:�;':i i S:.'t" � S i 1(1:�111�7 dS i3O ttli� hl �7n� 5 � r.�i� GE'St USC' IS d C�!1C�ilSiOl1 t!l�i. (,f1C'. r11'0'•'�t't,;j� (�GCS IIOt �ld`!� t3 hiCJher �t'f5C'C�� _ �;�11ue �ot� any otf�er use, the ar,,�lysis o� t��e �rc��ert_,r for tr�� �uture use or J�.`�S i�0�ind to be �fl� I?1Clhf?�L �fl�`� h�S � USC' 1 S '.�ut�t OT t`12 �1"OCp55 Of d;1�Y%:1 $? r'i �'i� Dt'�DC1�ty dllC�, therefoi'e, fi'.�y t�e lI1C�U��;� ln til�' valuaticn LIIG�`JS1S �uY'- nished in accordance ��;ith Paraqraph 4.6. =;.5 Prone��ty �!aluati�n and ,h�nraisal tln�lysis. The su��ortinn data an:,+ Gr.alyses furni shed i r� th� a;;�rai sal repor,t Ysi�al 1 i ncl ude, amonq ot'r�er thi n�s, �ne foll0',ring: a. An an::lysis of �f�e property, as ��er±ified and descri�ed in accord�nce t,�ith �h� preceding pa��agr,aphs of this Article 4, from the poir�t of vie�•� oT evaluating the erfect of its ci��racr�ristics and attributes on its value for the availa5le use or uses for �rnich the prot�eriy is best suited. Particular atttntion shall be given to tne cnaracteristics of the pron�rty �r;;st relevant to its vU'ue. b. Evaluation or in+crm�tion �vith resoect to previous sales of tne pro�er�y a��raised and any recent offers of the ov��ner to sell the pro�2rty. c. T�,� data and the analyses that constitu+�e the princioal basis =,r the Aparais2r's ooinian of th� fair ir,arket value. Infori�a- �-��n snall be furnisned ti�ith resoect to recent sales of o�her -�:,rerties �,�hic� are consitlered by the .4�;�raiser to be conparable ,_:��, and ta provide useful evidence of tne value of, the 'nerty a?�raised. The infer�.;ation furnished with respect � �ach such co���parable prooerty ard its sale shall include, .:�,� any otner oertinent facts, the na�es of the grantor and ��tee, the da�e of the sale, th� sale price, any s�ecial �:. �,�s or conditions or circur�s�ances of the sale �i��t affected �: transaction, and a description of tne property and its c�.•��ition at t;��e of sale in su`ricient detail for use in �� � oari na i t ��,i th the prc�ei�ty a��rai �ed. Tne apprai sal r-e�crt s�'�all ccr;�3in the Appraiser's ar�alysis of each con;�arable �r���:�rty Gnd its sale in relati�n to t'r�e prooerty aCpraised. T��� ;.p;�raisei�'s an�lys�s in ea�n case, snall reflect considera- t;�n o`, and ap?ropriate allo�;;r.�es for, thp ���ieY�nI�CC�S �i� the u�ility, desirability, and pro�uc�ivit.y of the proper'ties tf�at ur� peri�nent to �heir relative vulue. The d�p�'aisdl reoort si�all con�ain a valuation data ;�.a�� shoarina the location o` the pY'^�'?1"t� a:�orai SeC� d(lC� i`,f1P COi'iDuY'd�J� E 0?'Cj�`�t�t1Q5 re`erred t0 1Cl �tl� d[��t'd �5::� CQ�IOt"�. Res. 78-16 Attachment A •... :_- _'�r ro? �.�� �r,.s�� st��� �c: s �� ;� � � -_ ��;-i--a-----1 ��` ��Y "� � f,'��-�'^-���--r-�----�-,�- �'��1�{�1 J/ . � _�' _ `f � Uc. �,: i i r,.li ;`)_ , �•.rlr 1 v"' , ; n;, �':,. ci. All 0�`.�1C1" 1!1i01':"�dt'.00I� �ru�j/S�i� <tfl�.� E��1'�dtn5 CO!151C'%•rr,� V�� *��n r,ii�:l�ulSL1" `i.0 bP_ Y'P_}��':'�`l+ i,a �f1C: E?�t'lll'dtlOfl 0T ��lE i:lil" f`:;:I�Y.�i. val u�� of the �ropc�rt� . ".7 L�:nd '�,'�;_�ue TIl" epinioi; o` th� ��.�-�4;r�aiser as to the r"air �:;arE:��t �r:lue - cf �i�;e ia��,d. The valuation s'�all be roi, �he s�,r.;e intc�rest in the la,.d � s 1� 'o t�e acc�:;ired in tne re::l �ro,,�r�y. Tne re�;�o�,� �hall con�ain inror;�;;�ion .;'�}rl 1"E:�1Ei.'�i. �0 i,il� dV;31�c�:b�c..^- USC' CY' JS;'S '-0!' l'1�11C;�1 �hP f11C�il�J.�.� �Il� i:i�'�r U�" d!1�� �hE'. t�.D;)Y';1S-^_1^'s analysis of t!��e E'VI��IIC`'S Of Vc3iU� dnCj OF the US? '�'JL�'_rLld� b�:J �•;'r,ich he re�che�� his cor�clusions as �o t�ie hic�hest and best use ar,d the � ;r� Vu 4 U2. �.� P,�ditio���1 Findin�s in Cer-tain Casns. /'�d:.+itional corclusior,s, if a�;: i ic�:;,le, as fol lo�•�s: a. Se��� ratel y Hel d I nteres �s . I� t��ere are se�ara tel y hel d i nteres �s in the real property to be acquired, such as ease,rents, lease- holds, air ric�hts, life estates, and oil, oas, or n;ir,eral riarts, and tne division o� o�;rlershi? is not of such chai-acter as to d�stroy tne p�,actical unit� of the property, the Aooraiser shall �r.:�or�ion his estir�,ate of �he r"air r^arket value of th� aro�erty (a�l interests therein to be acquired) to each separately held ii;���,est. F.?�'CL� 5. Services To Be Provid�d h� City. Tne City aqrees to furnish �he ^;,:;,���ais�r the r"ollot��irg: 5.1 Parcel '�'ao. A r�ap, based on ofricial records, of the property described in r.r�icle l�rereof, sho!,�irq the boundaries and dir�ensions of the �arcels to be a�prais�d. Each �arcel shull be d�sianated by a number, and the aarc�l r:;�:�-�r�s sl,c�,�n on the r;r�praiser's reaos�ts shall correspond to the parcel nunhers sn��:;n on ti;e r�G�, except that adritional oarcel nur�bers may be assi�ned by tne �.�_,�-a=se1, rcr �ase„�ents a�praised separately or for additioral parcels revealed t�rhi � e r�a'r.i i;g tiie apprai sal s. 5.2 0.;�,er�hio �ata. An o��;�nersnip data report for each parcel, which re�ort �•r; ll �sho�;i a i 1 estates and ir�terests in the parcel as shoam of record and C�r�2�U�!l��V Sf1c1�� rOt �E d55:1I'l�d �0 ��i1t1P ttle interest to be db�Y'd152� OY' ar�i ;enara*ior� o� interests for ap:'?"dlSal purpeses required by the de�inition o� "�arc�l" ir A,rticle 1 hereof. T!,� o�,rr�rsnip data reqort on each parcel a� sh�.�•;.,: on the parcel r��a� ;hall �r��l;�de. a. Tne n"�"e (�:nd, if I;nor;n or s�c:rn of record, th� address) of the oste",ible c,•m�r as it appe�rs of record; b. T'r�e i��al descrip�ion or tne parcel as sno�;�n by the conve,ancn cr cc�,ve�.xnc�s or otf�er in�tr-ur���`;;t by rrnich the r�ecord owr,er cCC�I;' Y"^t� tl �� e; Res. 78-16 Attachment A �` "��'?°'S"' ^':' '��S t.� ..__ ._':' F. . -,, .,�.. ��.� � J�,. -, _.' C. .'1 7 J �,'i��.._ U. t�';��I,')11� lll c:r,nsid�Y'�t.11f1 Gf t�?� U'i'�F�1"tu�;ln�'S r?n�'j d^.}'P�';^Cr=_` �n +'':, ' Or i.�,E' D'll'c�l S '+ �� rnr.�,;��- _" r� '� ,. ?; _, ,�:r,, .!' � er cor,�,:ir,ed in this f�.�. _. �t. �i��� ,,� �, �:re to �i�.: i:� ;!%1,�1'.:n!1 i`,S ',`.0 i.{l� r�,.'1;)Y'11 StY' U:Ofl CO!�'.:'; I-��� ;011 Fij/ t�lE? "���,1"u 1 SEI" 0� Sel"'d i'.:f'S .. `� �rc��i�;c:! h��reun�ier Grcl ti�e subr,ission to ti�e City of pro�erly rnr�jj}F�; 'n�':'�iC�'S �f-�C1��i01", dS TQi10;�lS: � �..1 'OI' 3��1"%i�„' �����viCeS and rr,-�orts.`u!'nishecl by the A.pnrai;�r in U�cor-��n�e 1•11:.!1 �ari::,l"i]i7i1 3.� iie��eof c1CiC� dCCeD�E'd �'iy t�ll' �lt`�, cltlCj i01" d�� 0��1�'Y' �Gy"✓irrS iul�'";', �`1F'�J 1C1 accerdance 1^ilth �rticle 3 fl�'1'��Of, exce��t SCY'V1C!'S fur'ni�il;�� lfl c�nr�ction 1•�ith judicial proceedincs �s nrovided in Par��ra�h 3.4 hereo�, and �!�e �?;;: tirc� o� a�±�raisals �s provided in Parag!-a�al� 3.5 hereof, an ar�:cunt n:;t i.0 ��:CG�d ^-:� 7s ` n �-._ 7 �1i4%f%LG%� t�N, :i�=�;� •G���c? ���-/LiJ/GJ /. iL , � v �� �i�=_ v � --- - -� ----- _ 'r':�i.^� �El•� ��13� cl!11�UIlt t0 be dete���^ired by COIiI��U�II"1CJ dCtild� �'i0Y'KIIiCJ tl�i�� dl�, ::";.' Y' �-� OT '� ��t•' ''= ��=Y' h0::1"> ;:�;ch s!��11 corstitute full cayment to �n�� i�,�nriaser ro�- all o� s:id services ar.� rcr all s�ap�lies, materials, and eq��i��nent used or furnished 5y th� Aareaiser a�,� ail ex�enses incurred by the Appraiser in or in conn2ction 4rith th2 oerfor��ar:�e o` s:.id ser�vices. 6.2 Far services furnisi�ed by the P,pprai��r in connection ���ith judicial p�,oceedirc;s as �+-oviced in Para�rapn 3.4 nereof, (exce�t services as an expert witnes� in such a�r�ce�din�), and for the cuatinq of appraisals as orovided in FarUgrapn 3.5 h�r�of , `�__�r' x==� oer hour or r'r�c�ion tnereof actually enqa�ed in eerr"or�inc; t►�e services, includinq travel �;,���. h.r�y and all ex�enses of the A?praiser, includinq travel exoense and subs�ster�ce, shall be borne by the Aopraiser. 6.3 ier services as an exnert rritness for the City in 7udicial proceedin�s as rrori�ed in Paragranh 3.4 hereof, ���ith res�ect to any pro�erty appraised by tf�e P.�;�r : i ser �ur,suant to thi s Aqreeir,ent , the ApD!"u� 1 SCr and the fi ty hereby a�ree irw. the rair and reasonable co��ensation for the Appraiser's services shall be ti��.?: ���=_�?L� /�_.li�� �,;;/�..G.V Y��c'�/Ljir...s '.�..�'� %JiGx for each day � S d �tencar;c� �in ccurt. ��� A� �:�L� 7. P.e�resentations and ^,areer�er�ts of An�rai ser. As an i nducen;ent to tne e>:e��.�tion of t'r�is Hc�reement by tne City and in consideration of the aGreements to be �-�rrc�r;,ed by the City, the .�poraiser represents and a�rees that: 7.1 Oualiricalions. The F�pf�raiser is �;u.:lified to perform the services to be �urrisn�,� under this Ae�ree^ert and is culy authorized or permitted by or ur�der ia�;r �o rerfor,� such services, and all �ersonnel enc�aqed in the work snall be c:;�-i �`i�d �.n� so authorized or permitted to do the v,orE; they perforr�. Attacned i;�r��o as Exri�it °, and hereb� r,�ade a pat,t of this �qree��ent, is a state�;�ent �y ��,e �-,;_�prais�r, certified by him to be true �nd correct, set�inq forth his ��� .:�c�l :;ualifications. 7.2 Sclicitatien or Procureme;�t of A�r�ee�:�ent. Tne Appraiser has not er.»leyed a,;; �'!"�011 to sol icit or procure this (;r,ree:nent and has not made, and ti�ill not r.::;:�, ar� oay,�erlt or any aqr�ee��,ent for the �ayment of any com��^ission, p2rcen�a�e, �`"U�'.:Y'3'j�', contii�gent fee, or ati�er cor:;, ensation in connection �•;ith the procure- r�.rn � o � thi s Fti�aree�ent. Res. 18-16 Attachment A „-.__ �'�T , �� �p�,;^?S,°:.L S� :'i��S , -: � l.. Ir.te�-e�'i. Of !�\.^..DYc?1SC't� Th.e �.G�lY'� �S�Y' (jO�S !10�`, fli'.V� dtl`/ 111�F_'rE'�� �lf?Ci'i��i!l� `!'.=:� 0� 1'f?�� P_S�cl.rE d(;�'I'ci. 01' FJ1"OE:C'T"�� Ci',1'`?L't OT' 111CI]1"�'Ct� nY'C�^'l� OY' �t'0=�?��`.i�,�c•� ,I'� :.'l� �,}'O;�C1_�/ C��C1"lb��j 111 r.f'i`.1C�F? � h�1"�bf U1, 111 thE' S���P t11�t��Gf� Or i:!l,� _ �:��:.r ir�te��est, �;rn�thcr or nct in conne��i�n �:�i;:h said property, �;;hi;:h �rlJUld C`�!�'� ii,i, 1!1 :Cl`J C�dlillt::1” Ot" C1E"71"C'E' 1•.'1 *�l thC' :�CY'`orr;<ince of thC S�'Y"J1CeS d(I'..� tii� S'�`_.-,'�SiOfl Oi 1��;)<iY't�cl� Y'E;;O!"t5, lfl CCCI!lc.''.Ci.l011 `rJlt�l $c�1C{ ht"QOr•!"+�� 1•'h1Ch 'r.'�Ui�j �0.^.' ; j C � 1 r, d!1`.� manner or de;ree 1:1 �n i.hi� ^�Y i OYf�IuIICC' Of the SGt"V 1 CGS c;il'j +C:C' su�����ission of imnartial reports. The F.,��r�iser �•�ill not acq�.iire any i�`cres�s �r,� :;ill not, rOt� Il1S o���n account or fer o�her th�n the City, ne�<o*ia}� for an��i OT Sd1C� CT'0���1'L;/� �er*orm SE'1'V1C�S lll cenne�tion 4Jlth Sc�ld �ropert'�/� Or tpSt �'y :��';u�,�ai�ily as a�•.itness in a condemnation or other proceedin�l �•;iti� res�ect �� suc � a�-ope�� �y. 7.� ��,-:�ic�s To 3e Con`idential. A,11 s�rvices, includin� re,orts, o�inior!s, vnd ;� �-�r;�.a�ion, to �e furr�ished under this A�reement are con�idential and sr�;l ro� be divul�ed, in 4�:hole or in part, to any nerson, other tiian to duly au�^�ri=�� re;�resen�atives of t�i� City, r;ithout crior �•�ri�t�n a��roval of thQ C� �;, exc��t b�l testir�ony und2r oath in a judicial proceedin� or as o�h�r:�is� re���ir�d b�� la�,��. �iie P,opraiser shall ta'�e all necessary stens to ensure that r� ���:-���1, of f;is sta�f or or�anization divulnes any information concernin� s::�:�� a��ruisals or services excent as orovided above. 7.� �::cil;�ies and �ersennel. Tne Aa�rziser has and �1i11 centinue to ha•de pr��_r �?�;11ti�s to perTor^� the services and ��;crk aqreed to be perFor~ed ri?',"c_ I�::�r. _ 7.6 S�.��_cn�ra�tinq. ^lone of the �1ork or servic�s ccvered by this A�ree��nt sh:l i b� s:,bcontracted. 7. 7?��co�-�+s . The P,:�^ra i ser t�ri 11 mai n �ai n re�ords of al l detai 1 s vri th resoe;.t to ��e ser�,ices to b2 aerformed hereunde�, includinq one comolete copy of each r�!;�,"+, �OY' �f1t'�A �,5� years atter d2�1Ve1"111�j SUC�1 report, or until the 'JrOp�Y'�y co��=:�-�d by the re�ort is acauired, or its accuisition is abardoned, by tne City, �,;�,;c�,�,��er is later. 7� "� �; d�vi ts of Com�l i ar:ce. The A��r•a i ser �•ri 11 , i f rec�uested by the Ci ty, fi;r�'i'Sh th� Cit/ af�idavits certir"yirq as to comaliance wi;h any or all ar the oro�,�sicns Gf �his �rt�cle 7. �°"~"L= �. !;h,r,��s. The City, at any ti���e be �•�ritten notice to the F,o4raiser, ,;-. , . ., --- ,-, ��:�iry ti�e sco�e or quantity of th� services to be furnisned under, this r.='±��=_"��!'��. If such chan��s cause an incr2vse or decrease in the amourt of �er�.�� c,es �� b� �rov ; ded by the A:ppr�a i ser or i n the time provi s i ons of thi s r,^'-�•= "l�tl �'^r •:yr��n �s t0 �rE �, ��rai ser Ct' �OY' t"iC' tlf?;? i OY' DEi�formance OT Res. 78-16 Attachment A , ��.__ '�_.�I r��= r�.r�r��i�'.:r.r� S��-,:�,��J n - ,. :"? i 0 : v.. i r�•..�.:'.� C_ i�. C�..!1�'riS �rOfi+.:lllU�..i) ��1;'' S��1'`.'1C'?S i)1' �GY' %i;l�`l� c?fl:j tfll.�i �•,rjt�C'nil!f:l�t SF���� �n r'�oaifi�d ('�:� canl^a.�:'='l,}. ,r� ...e parties ac��o��din��.ly. . ,r�r%-irLr g. Tnr:��ination of i"�,n���r�r:;?nt for Cau;�. If, throu��h ar.v cause, t��e -� . , — — - . ,-.;:':?-d15•�1' 5�1::;� rul� �0 `ulfill lil d i.l'�G'�% drld p!-Oi��Y' ^l.nner h1S ��„� ic:::��?rr,; 'J!``{:�'' til1S i1�!f�'�'i�lCilt� O1� 1F t�1L ���?�71"dI�CY' .�i�lu�� V10�dt�_' d!lj/ (lr i,,flt? Ci':'�!i<)fi�S GI' ;areei"ei1tS tFi�'?"�0�� the �lt�✓ fncy, unon l•lritten nCt1C� i3O tllE:' �r�.��Y'c?1S^Y', `_�Y'��,1 ila �? i fl� rl C7�1 � 0� �!1�' F.:?j 1'7 7 S�?, t0 �;roceed UII:��'Y' t!11 S�^T"��1;?Ilt Or 1�l1 til s.,cn pai�t or ; arts t��ereof as to ti�lhich there has t1C��n de`ault, and �;�ay h�:.ld �iie �.?��1�ais�1� liable ror �ny �a!�a�es caused to the City by reason of s:�ch deruul� %�fl� �('1'�^1 rc� tion. In th� EVeilt Oi� SUch terr�i nd �1011, dn;J CO!Tl� �('t�C� Y'�=;)Gr"tS Nl"G- p::��ed by the A;�praiser under this ,4gree�;��nt si�all, at the op�ion of the Cit;�, „�::o�:� i �s oro��rty and the Ao�r�i;er sl;�i 1 be enti �led to receive ec�uit: ble ce�,-_nsation r�or any �•�ork ce�:,o'e�ed to the satisfaction of th` City. T"e ;=.:;�,���i ser, ho,�.ever, shal 1 not inere�y b� rel i eved of 1 iabi 1 i'y to the �i �y �c�• ��. ��es s��stained by the City by reason of any br`ach of the A�r�e���.`r;t ��•� �.".e ,�;p����ais�r, ar�d the City may ;�rith!;old any oaycnen�s from the ,�araiser � or �i�e purpose of se�off unti 1 such tine as tne a�,�ount of dar.�ac�es due tne Ci i�i Fre� �he A;�pra � ser i s d�`erm:i ned. 7f;e ;1�rrai ser snul 1 not be he i d 1 i aU i e tor dar��nes un�er this Article solely for reasons of delay if tne delay is du� �o causes beyord the control ?nd �:!i t!�out the faul t or ne�}1 i�erce of the A�t>r� i s�r, �ut ��is sh.�ll not prevent the City rroi�� terminatina thiS Ac;reer�ent becaus� of �, � -y su . �_, ;`,?`:CLE 10. Interest of �'��:,hers of ^,�ency. f�;o meMi;er of tne City shall partiC���3tE in any decision re�ative to t�is A�ree�ent affectirq, dire�tiv or i���ir'�CL��, h�s personal interests. �lo such �lE'_r'ber and no other or�icer, a�en}, er e��plovee of the City havinc� any resoensibility or function in con,�e�}ion t•�ith �his F�greemert snall have any private interest, direct or ir;;rect, in tiiis Aaree~ient or the nroceeds thereof. A`??:�LE 11. rdotices. Any action, notice or re�uest taken, c;iven, or r.�ade by �:�e City rereunder may be taken, qiven, or made by the City h?ana�er, or sa�" o�h.r aerson or persons as the City �:av, by written notice to th2 r.�prais�r, desic;nate for such �J?"pose. All notices �iven or made to the F.�:;raiser hereu��der shall be ��nmP� to �e duly and oro�erly qiven or made i��;::: ;? �� to �f;e ad�'ress speci ri ed bel o�;;, or d�l i vered personal ly to the �;;.:,r-a i se�,. A,l 1 noti ces or oti�er papers � i ven or del i v�red to the Ci ty hei,e- u,n4�r s!���1 �e d��r�ed to be 5����C��I�I.�}� qiven or delivered if mailed, ����aae �re�aid, to �•'artin J. Qou�an, C�ty "?:znaqet-, City of Palm �esert, Res. 78-16 Attachment A ... _��r., �- � a7nnniC`P. SLrll'v�� , ' _�.,�:iT C':, �•, ,`.iJn�_ .. �... ����;� 11 , 0 0 ,.. :�� � ('l. ��:i.11,�5 �CGiI�`,l(lU:'�� �. '.i. 'i)?; I'�i; ,{�� i� ��35�1"t, �c��1TC1'!112, ������, OY t0 SUCh 0�}':�'1^ Y'GD1'�S''ltc:�l\�n �r ��+ure;; ��; tF;e City may d�sic;nate to th�� P;o:�raiser in r;ri �in�. ''�='�=�' a� Fal;�. ���sert, Cal i forni �; , thi s i_�:�. �)th _.day of Fc!�r�,iar`- , r.-r—�•-T, � � . , � , _ J . . - \ � I r, i / � i �� % �`/� 1 /// , ,� � � � �i J � �` / / . / � f . ,� �r . �ti. �. %. _/ v ' ' yc�,� _ ' l � w/ � -=- = � 17-�✓{, � �' Y' }: � . � V .,� . _ � .�� � r'�-'�� J�': �� CITY �r P;;Lf�1 D��StRi , C;tiL�`�°';:n 1 ' - _J�j' �� J/l� _ � Eti`::(aRD D. 1•iULLIl�S; �iAYGR A?PRAI �: , p`/r 'l .�LG�-'���! >',7''.�E.-t-'`n---' L ` Res. 78-16 Atiachment A -_.. ._'�i ;''r'ri ri?R�7n;sr,� CJL���iC�J _ ,� �i;��?:;: � A r 0 �. LOL �;0. � Or ��d�l''�l ���i��iir,� �Ili� �'�2 !!.ss��s�i;�n� ::�27-O�1 -0�11 C�,�;n��r oi R�cor�: �ar�,�; of' ���.i�e��ic� 'lutional Trust '� Savir:as and ��7^1�S ����fl'uil - P. 0. 3ox 1, Palrn Sprinqs, C�1 i � ��rric� �2?-�?_ 2. tot ,�o. 7° of Palma Village !�rlit ==12 �',ssessment ��6?_7-0?1-022 O�,�rner of Record: �3ar,r: of Ac��e�•ica 'Jational Trust & Sa�✓in�;s and James Gallr;an P. 0. 6ox 1, Palm S�rinqs, California 972c2 3. Lct P,o. 79 of Pa1�ra Uillaqe Urit �=12 r'�ssess�;eni ='627-022-001 O;:�n�r of Recerd: Ro�er Lurtse;�a and Frailk Stainetie P. 0. Sox 1235, Studio City, Califot�nia °150�+ 4. Lot �+o. 15E of Palna ��illaae Unit '=12 ".ss�ssment =�627-022-022 C��•;�7er of Record: Ecvrin C. '.�!ecker 195�6 �ryant Street, �dorihridae, California p1324 5. Lot i;o. 157 of Palma `�`illa�e Unit �12 /',ssessr:�ent �`027-031-001 Oti•�ner of Record: Katherine L. Day 436 5el 1 fl o�:;er ; 306, Long �each, Cal i forr�i a 9C��1 � 5. Lot ^Jo. 234 of Palma Villaoe L'nit �12 P.sse�sment ='6?7-031-022 J 0�:,�rer of Record: Franklin P. �o�es P. 0. Qox 1136, Kar�uela, Hati•raii 967G3 7. Lot No. 313 of Palma �y�i 11 age Llni t-12 ;=,ssessment �G27-033-�01 0��•.rer of Record : John P. Ki 1 core 10��62 Tennessee Avenue, Los An�eles, California Q0054 Res. 78-16 Attachment A