HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 78-089RESOLL'TION �0. 78-89 A RESOLUTION OF T�IE CITI' COU?�TCIL OF THE CITY OF PALb4 DESERT, CALIFORNIA, SETTING FORTH ITS FINDINGS AND APPROVING A TE\'TATIV� MAP TO CREATE 101 SINGLE-FAD•IILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND 3 LOTS TO PROVIDF FOR A DISTRICT COI1ini�RCIAL CEI�'TER, A CO?�1D10N RECREATION AR�A AND OPEN SPACE FR0:11 A 40 ACR� PARCEL LOCATED AT THE SOUTIIEAST CORNER OF COliNTRY CLUB DI�IVE AND 110NTER,�Y AV��'UE . CASE Iv'0. TT 11791 jti'HER�l�S, the City Council of the City of Palm Desert did hold a duly noi;iced Public Hearing on Jul�� 13, 1978, to consider an applica- tion from the 114CBAIL COD4PnNY, requestin� approval of a Tentative Tract "��ap to create 101 single-family residential lots and 3 lots to provide for a District Commercial Center, a common recreation area and open space i'rom a 40 acre parcel located within the P.C.(2) (Planned Commer- cial, District) and R-2 8,000 (Single-family residential, 8,000 sq. ft. of site area/du) zones, Upon Anne�;ation, at the southeast corner of Countrl� Cl.ub Drive and blonterey Avenue, more particularly described as: AP?� 621-190-045-8 AP'� 621-150-002-9 �1'IiEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of the "City of' Palm Desert Environmental Quality Procedure Resolution No. 78-32" in that the Director of Environmental Services has developed an e�panded initial study on the pre-zoning Case No. C/Z 01-78 which in- cludes the subject property and weighs the environmental impacts o� said project, and this consideration has been determined to be an on- going project; and, i1'FiEREAS, the City Council did take into consideration the Tenta- tive ]iap as submitted, and the reports of the various reviewing agencies; and, �YHEREAS, the City Council did find that the subject Tentative :�tap does substantially comply �rith Chapter 26 of the City of Palm Desert 1Sunicipal Code, and the State of California Subdivision Diap Act, as amended; and, �tiHER�AS, the City Council did find that the subject Tentati��e �,Iap does comply «-ith the adopted General Plan and the Palm Desert Zon- in� Ordinance; and, i1'HEREAS, the City Council did iind that the site is physically suitable for the type oi development proposed; and, �tiFiL•;REAS, the City Council did find that the site is ph��sically su i.tc�cl f'or• the proposed c�ensi ty of the de�-elopment ; and , itiiiF.REAS, thE� Cit,y Council did f�.i nd that th� df�si�n �f th� sub- c;i�-isi�r. and the proposed improvement� ar� nc>t. 1 i.k�ly t� eause substan- tia.l en��ironmental damage or serious iieaith problems. NO�ti�, THEREFORL, 13L IT RESOLVED b�� the Cit�� Council of the Cit�- o; Palrr� Uesert. , as follows : 1. That the abovc: recitations are true and correct and consti- tt:t<; Lhe finclin�;s of the Council in this case; 2. That it does hc�reb�� rec�uire that the applicaiit pa�� a fee in ar amotint dF�t.c•rmined under thF Ordinance prov�sions in order to �ompl�� ��:ith ArticlEr 2G.15 oi' t,he Cit��'s Sul�di�-isi.�n Ordinance regardin� the ni;blic facil.ities rec�uirement: RESOLIITION NO. 78-89 � Page Two 3. That it does herebS� appro��e the above described Tentati��e liap '�o. 11791, suk�,ject to fulfillment oi the attached conditions. PASSED, �1PPROVEll, a,nd ADOPTED at a re�;ular meeting of the Palm Desert City Council held on this 13th day of' July , 1978, bT- the f�llo��in� vote, to wit: �I E S: �rush, McPherson, Newbrander, Wilson & Mullins VOES : None ti ABSE:�T : ;Jone ABSTAI\: None � � �� I i � ) .J� i: i 1 i^ i : �t y �.3�--. �- �I7�tiA D D, b4ULLIi�TS, nlayor ATTEST: �'' � .. , f � � ,{- � . �'����__<���..�.�,� -_,�___. �. 1. _t-�.� � .L_ , SHEILA R. GILLIGAN, City Clerk � City of Palm Desert, California r�SGL� : IO'; `;0. 78-89 CO.`;J I T�[)'�;; i)F� :ti �I:��" iL C:1SI_' \U . TT 1 1. ;� i S L.�:�d�i rc1 Cc�nc.i i t ions : Pa�;e Three � l. Ttie dE:���elc���r:c�nt of the �ro�,��t•t�' d��seribed h�rc�in shall t�F� subj��c:� to the restrictions and lir�i.t.ltions 5et forth hF�rein �.�hi<.;1, :.tr�� i:: addition to ail muni�i�a,1 ordina.nces and S�:�te �.nci Fc��a�ral st�taT�S notti� in force, or �vhich hereaf�er ma�� he in force. 2. Full public impro�.emc.�nts includin� traffi� saf�t�� li;;i:ti.r.;; as required b5• Ordinznce a.nd ti�e Dirc�ctoi• of Public ��tior.,s, sizzii ��,- installed in acc.ordance with City st�.ncla.rcls. 3. The C.C.�.R's for this dc<<elopment shall be sub�ittFd to the D�r��r_t�r of Public Lt'orks for re��ie�.�• and a�nr��•�al prior to the issuance of an,: buil�inS perTits. Prior t� recorclation of thc, f ina� subd� CZJ1Ji1 �:.an , the anplic�.nt shall submit to the Director of Public S`,'orks: a. The docur.�ent to con��ey title. b. Cotienan�s and restrictions to be recorded incluuin� a s�-!,�e story- lir�itation for build;n�s. c. ;.Sanagement and maintenance abreement to be enLered into •.���t:� the o«�ners or the units of the project. 4. I^�pro�-ement plans for �vater and se���er s��ster:� shall meet �he r��u�.re- ments of the respecti�•e service districts. 5. Area shall be anneYed to apnropriate Impro�e�r,ent Districts ha�: i:�:= jurisdiction over the subject area. ' 6. All dedicated land and/or ease^�ents required b5 this 2..pCJ2'o�'�.`�.1 s:a? � � be granted to the CitS- of P�lm Desert, �cithout cost to �he Cit�- � and free of all liens and encu�brances. 7. r�ll on-site utilities, includin� cable T�", shall be plw�ed ur.4'er- ground and shall be completel5� concewied from ��ie�v e�cept certain appurtenances as rna5� be appro��ed b�- the Director of r�nriror.:.^.e^tal Ser�•ices. 8. Complete plans and specific�.iions s::a�l be subr,:itted as requ�red b; Ordinance to the Director of PuLlic ;'�orks for checkin,� and ap^ro��a? before construction of an5� imrro�-e:�enis is com.:^enced. TY�e sub- di��ider shal' sub.^.:it "as-bt�ilt" plans prior to acceptance o� �:.e subd��• ision ir�pro��emen ts by the Ci t y . 9. In order to maintain reason�.ble fire protection durinb the c:;:,str•ac- tion period, the �ubdi��ider sh•�11 m�intair. passable ��ehicu�a_• ��cc-ss to al'1 buildings. An adequate nur,�ber of fire hyc�ran�s ��:iti: �'.:e re- quired : ire f lo���s shall be inst�ll l�cl as recomT���nded b�- the Fi�-e '.i :�- shal. 1p. A1' r�nuirr_rrent� of thc City Fire ilarshal sl;wl: Ue :^et a5 a n'�.r� o� t1iF.; d�-��-c�?.��pr-���lt af thi� tr:tc.t �c�r atta.�•h�cl me,,:�,r,tniiu^�. 1' . Ur� inaY �� sl;a� i be suhjc�ct to z�:_�: o�.tl o i' th� Di recto:� of Pu':���i� j'<<�rl:s. _�L,l�lica�t St17.11 pI'r)`:lC�t� 1�11 �i?7(�t,'I'E'(i C��li`,:i 1S 2't:'c',l'.!�ST;C.'l�. 1� ,�1i I-�.,r�Lir•��;'!:�:"�CS ��f Ltl(; k�lann�:;:; C��f'.l.'.;i�51!)I1 a.Ctic�Ci t�li rt'.1�L'':.� (.,:Lj? DI> �o`' "'�� •.� ' �_ , a;�:�2•t o_`� t:1� de`•�lc�,�r���n� of th'_s t:..c' . �c.; . .,- � sh� � � b. mc t a:; . - �:,. T;��.- t�>�:�: ni.:•�.i�f-�r of lot:� ;4i.�11 t�F� l.ic,it.ed t�; lf)I. 1:. T��c anr'i�:�nr. sn: 11 h.���c� t�.����l�:e (1`'j m��n�;is frorn th«� d��te o` ci�.� n[ r �., , i�_�1:.; a:,•.. � a� <�1• cncic:l�tic�r.al aF>;;r���.•:�� of t!lc� tent:iti�•L� rnr�i; 20=' ' of t'.�+: .'; :�•al ir,an �in! es_� an e::L��c�:� ion o' time oP uc� t�.� ei�,htte:� ( 1=; ::71:,.L}:: 1� c; ,.�!:L�:.� �y �l fi�'•�OiU,.1C�I1 Of tt1F_ �.'ltj' CCiI:�:��ll. � Page Four ���OL� �': �:: :0. 78-89 �:i. TI�r� :lj:t)11�.:1:. �I1:1� _ _ :1: i 't'� ;)�i. "�(i:l!1L .i? .�I'L � _ � ' '�(�. ��,i � -.. . C 1 t ti �.��)li . . lti � �1: �iI'�: . il�lil�' . , . ":l I'.� � !1� �i.Il( '1!:!. . i�� : :.1(:. 1 . . 1 _ � :'�)(� ii 1 i �,n;t:'Il L . s � r S��eci11 Conc?i�ic�r,�: l. B1o�v-sand nrotection sha.ii be pro�-ic�ed on ai.l side� of the rr�,;e�t. 2. The necessar�• ri�ht-of-�ca5- dedicatior. shall be ci`edecl at rec�~�a��on. 3. �. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. all ie:�ro��ements shall be constructed in accoi�dance ���ith �!:e rw�m: Desert SuUdi�-ision Stwndards. Side:i:al�cs shall be Pro��ided on '�,Icntere�: and Countr5� Club D� i���. Side��•alks adjacent to the com^:erc�al area, shall be 10 foot in •.:wc:t:�. � decorati�-e block ��� 11, 6 f���et in hei�lit , as sho<<n on Sh�et 4 of the p�a.:.� , s: wll be reauired adjaceni to LoLs 13 tc 20, LoL 102, and Lots 36 to il. ?�o in�r�ss or ebress to an�- of t!�e lots s�iall be pro�, ic:n�� fY'cm: tiSonterey� ��•enue exce7t;ng at "�" Street . Traffic safety ligiltin� shall be prorided at "a" StreeL �Lt bc�.". er.cls tnereof . -- Applicant shall ma�e a�1�,OQ0 contribution ton�ards the si�::w�'_zation of the intersection at Countr5- Club Dri�-e anc� `,Iontere��. All clraina7e shall be en;ineered and appro�-ed b5- tl�e Direcror �_ Public j'�orlcs. l�. Apnlicant shall dedicwte sufficieiit land alon� �,Io,:�et•e�� �-.�er�e to pro��id� for a 34 foot half «idt'.z a.nc? a 1G �ooi p,:�rl::�a�- «��lich �:.a' 1 i �clude an b' sl i�htl �• meande�•inb bilcE, p,lth atid ir.ter.si�.�e lw^::�.�ar- 1lln. __. C.ui-dc-�ar, ;�t th�� enc: of� "3f" Sir��«-�t sL;ill be shortc�nf�cl tc� prG�.���'r at lc��:st �:� �����t of frunta��� fc�r L;�ts -17 C 4S. LotS -�u - 50 �::a�l b�� ��d,jtist�.�? to inc:c�rpr>>•,tt:c� t.he adcl? ti���i:ll larcl ar�a �c� th��� n:::r ��'_ t4:<: lots sii,�.l 1 bf� lE�:��� tili;in S, On0 scl . f T. i�'. :'�11 r��sici��iti,:.l lot�; sl�,�11 1��� a mi►limwr. t�;� 3,O��0 sci. ft. ar.�: �___ ur_.c�•�,.1 i:�,^,'l��li'. S;!:LI 1 CC�fl �C)I'�;; LC) al 1 T'f?t�L:ll'E'::1�_'I1tS Oi 5:1i(1 Z��11t• ��;�` i i�,t . L' i ; � �_ 1... cL'f�JCrC, t!; :1^�):'(:`::L� C�� i.�1�) r1iT'C'Ct�)I' (�i Pll���ll: �'t�:�rl�S, �1���•t'!.l:i;,C? C:':::� ic s:�:._ ;::.,.i.�i�,r.:� sfl:.�:� }:>�_ .,,:�;1�_ cii�;? r.;utf�r,tis c�� i. _�ro�•i�:_, t::�"_.. cir- CU1�L1%.''Il lIl CiiC? �'�C1C;1' j S�l�lli �E� �T'O�:1C�1?(.i �t t.11r 1L1L�_'.'Si�.'C�i'�.. O° '.i:,n ~�: r�-�• :�r� � Cc�u n t r;• C i�.!; . 1:. P:an 31I6 sr:�1l bE= dt:if>tc�•d. 0 RESOLUTIOtiT N0. 78-8y r�.�ri, 2�, 1_%� Paul �. ',ii 11 i ams ''; r��`^,r of Envi ronr�`nt3 i Servic�s Citv of Palm :;esert '�-�7:, ?ric':?;� Pear Lane rairt ��es2rt, i,a. 92%5� �,�.?+�''?RC?: {�!l�dtl`!� Trac� ��0. �il�� �R�S1�2fl�ld� dl"23 0^Ij�,� �r�'J1`�? t�� 'C�iO'.�llf!^ `l;^� �1"vCc��lOr: Pa�e Five 1. Ir,st�? � a�:later s,�s;.em capa5ie o- d_'ivarirG l��fl G�'., fi�� `lc�:r r"r�,:� ?r�� fire h;��rant `or a t:�;o hour curation in ac�'�ion te cc��2s�ic su�:;ly. The C�f'iGU'C�IOr 57d�� be based U�OII c f�lirl�U:�l Gi ZQ QS1 1"�S1G�Ud� O��T'��irC rY�S=,:•-� lfl �ii? SU,�i��f rr�ain fr0(11 �•li11Ch �l12 r�C:J 15 �Cc�uY'p� dt`, tilE' t1T2 0� fi?c�SUr`�-`r;�, Z. Ir,s�3� i Riversid� CO;,'Cl�y SUCE'1' iliE' h,�dran�� �CCd:Q'� di`. E3C'l ��f?�'� 1���!"�?��1�" , ,a) bu� r,et graG��r t^an 5�0 _ re_t aaar� ir, a�y d'rec* �on. r;. �X�?Y'^�Y' SUr�dC� 0� }1��Y'3�� hdY'r?�5 ard hew�'S S�dl� �? ��1^,.�� �^���'.2 ���'�`,v, and ire teps ard nezzle ca�s sra?1 be pair,��� qreen. B. Cu!"C,5 s'�all be pair,ted red 15 feet ir ei �hpr direc�ior, from �ac� h�;�rar��. 3. Frior t� recor�ation o` th� finai �;,aa, the de�:elo��r shal i furr.;;�� �;�� cr�,: ^vl a^d thr_� (3) ce,;ies of the �r�a�er sys�e^� pian to the Fii,e '�?arsr,�i `cr re•i��,,. 4. Tne 'r13�='!' S�/�re!�l D��'.,'1 S}lL�� fJ? Sl�fif�� FJ� d t"?�:15�?'"=G C!Vi� �f:^ r::�," d^C � „.-.. �if ��? �i1u..i�� �v��.�-i�.��if � �i��'r..�i tne I�I�ll,�iili�lr Cl:�~`��t.�:.IV:I. ��1 l.nl ..I �� ..�...y ..�� �e�ign o` �^e �r�a*�� s��s�em in Tract ';e. 11791 �s in accorc,:nce �.yi �„ y�� 1'�.'iUl 1"P'"n'1 �� prescri b�� b�/ t!1P Fl T'' i•�dt"5;13 ;.�� ��G!1 a�D1"0`;3� , t!'? Or! �' �� i D� ?.^. �r�i 11 b� returr,ed te tn� de��el c�er. ';��r,i �rul� yours, C�:,;.; L. F? ��:� Fir�� Chic{ �- �.. ��- ��- '� .�-r�"`�� : _� `� � .... r' : . � �' _ : . . ......� � i, _ ..... ��;.