HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 86-039Calif�rnia State Depar' �t of �eneral Services =�ta�z Ac�ency for Sur�1u_ Pro�erty 140 Commerce Circle, Sacramento, CA 95815 SASP Form rJo. 202 (4=�2) RESOLUTIOti' �JO. 86-39 "BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Board, OR bj� tht Chief Administrative Officet of those organizations which do not have a governing board, and hereby ordered that the officia;{s) and/or emp�c}*te(s) whose name(�), title(s), a�d signature(s) are listed below shall be and is (are) rereby authori�ed as our representat;ve(s) to ac:;uire fede:al surplus property from the California State Agency for Surplus Prope,rty under :�e Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side of this form." NAME (Print or type.j TITLE SiGAIATI:RE A, RICHARD FOI�KERS DIRECr'OR OF PU�LIC WORKS �� �'� �ILBEF� RAMIREZ MAINTENANCE SUpE��ENDENT . � QEOR�E RODGERS MAINiENANCE LEADMAN � � o-����c.c� �3. P,4S�cD .�;�D AD{;P'i EG this 24 day e,` APRIL , �q 86 , by t7� i,ove:ning Board of CITY OF PALM DESERT by ihe following vott: .4yes: 4 ; Noes: �; Absent: 1 AYES: BENSON, SfdYDER, WILSON, KEl.LY ABSENT: JACKSON 1. SHFTI A R_ r�Tl I IGAN Cler� uj �I;e l;u�rrn:�g But;rd ��j CITY OF PALM D�SERT du hereby certrJ)• t�:at tlte �vr�guin,� is a fur;, r•:�e, v,��t cor►e;:t copy ��f a resolutl��n adr��ted by the �oard et u REGULAR mectinK thr�renf hrld .:� its ►�g�,(,�r plar� �,� n:eet�na a! ine aate and by ;.:e .�c�;e �bov� stated, wh�ch resolutiun is on Tle in the uj; c� of ti�e Bua►a. _ CITY OF PAL��1 DESERT N�rtc uC or�r,tcahua 73-510 Fred Waring �rive � Mawng aeuresa _ P�,.lm D�sert, Riverside, 92260 �'Y Cuucty ZiP arle �D R i;. AUTHORIZF•.D th�s d�y of Nrme c(ciiu! a.1.e�;v.:dan�e �•(fi:rr Narne o( erq'�mzaUan � Maa(ire� ar)dreu City County , 1 ° , by�: �[l9 f Signed� 21F code `�OtE: �F YO�� 'r'�1�1c r; Gf�'uER!JI�•;� ���+R�, S�CTI���S ";" ;1',J "B" cIIC.�LJ 3� C��t;PLcT��. -- IF YOU DQ ;lOT I-'.F,�IE F, GOVr�;'iI�G �'�h?D, S�:CTiG:��S `��1�� ,��� ����� 5H�'JLL' �� COr^,�l..F i CD. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (A) THE DONEE CERT[PIES THAT: (() It is a public agency; or a nonprofit educ�tiorwl or public heaith institution or o:ganization, exempt ftom tuation undet Sectian 501 of the Internal Revrnue Code of 1954; within thc meaning of Section 203Vi of the Federal Property and Administrat�ve Servicss Act oC l949, as amended, and the regulations of the Admin�stratot of Genenl Serv�ces. • (2) If a public agency, the property is needed and will be used by the recipicnt Cor carrying out ot promcting for the re�idents of � yve7 political area one or more public purposes, or, if a nonprofit tax-exempt inst�tution ot organizat�on, thc proper:y n r►eeded for and wilt be used by the recipient for educationel or public hcalth purposes, and including research for wch purpose. The property is nof being acquired for any other use or purpose, or for sale or othet distribution; or for permanent use outude the sute, eacept w�th prior �pproval ef the state agency. (3) Funds are available to pay all costs and charges incident to donation. (4) This Vansaction shall be wbjec� to the nondiscTimination regulutions governing the donation of surptu� persoru! propetty issued under Titlr VI oC the Civil Rights Act of 1964; T�tie V(, Section 6U6, of the Fedcral Property and Administ:ative Services Act o! 1449, :; •rmended; Section 504 of [he RehabiLtatiun Act of 1973, as amended; 7'�de iX of the Education Amendmcnts of 1972, as amended; and Srction 303 of the qge Diucimination Act oC 1975. (A) THE UONEF. AGREFS TO THE FOLLOWING FEDERAL CONDITIONS: � (I) AU items of property shall be ptaced in u�e for the purpose(s) for which acquued within one yeu of receipt artd shal! be continueJ in use for such purpose(s) for one year from the date the p:operty was placed in use. In the event the property is not se pliced in use, or conunued in use, th� donee s:�zll irr�mediate:y noufy L`�e sta!e agency and, at tbe denee's expense, retum such property io the state agency, or otherwisr make the property available for transfer or other disposal by the state agency, provided the preperty is st�(I usable as determined by the stare agcncy. (2) Such speciaJ handting or use limitaticns is are impused by G�neral Servicet Admin�tration (GS.4) on any item(s) of property listrd hereon. (3) !n the evnnt the property is not so uszd or handled as required by (B)( i) and (2), title and right !o the potsession of such property shatl at the option of GSA revert to the United States of America and upon demand the donee shall reiease such property to suci persort u GSA or its designee shall direct. . (C) THE DOHEE AGREES TO THE FOLLOW'(NG CONDiTIONS (MPOSED BY THE STATE AGENCY, APPLICABLE TO ITEMS w7TH A UNIT' ACQI;ISITION COST OF 53,000 OR MORE AND PASSENGER MOTOR VEHICLES, REGARDLESS OF ACQLTlS1TlOti COST, EXCEc T VESSLLS 50 FE£T OR MORE Iti LENGTH AND AIRCRAFT: (1) The property shall be �sed only for the purpose(s) for which acq;�'ved and for no other purpose(s). . (2) There shall be a period of restriction :vhich wi!1 expire after such property has bean used for tne p��rpose(s) for which acquired fot a period ef 18 m�r,ths From the date the property is placed in use, except for such items of major equipment, usted hereon, on which the scate avency �lesignates a f�rth�; r�riud of restrictiun. (3) In :he even: the preperty is �ot w used as rrqcired by (�';(i) and (2) anJ iedas) restr�tions �B;(I) and (=} hava expir_d i�rn iitic and right to t:�e possession of su;; property shal; at the option of tte stat� ag!ncy re�ert to the Statr of Cal�fornia and the donee shall rz!ea�e such property to s�ch person as the state agrncy s'�all duect. (D) THE DOt`EE .4GREFS TO THF. FOLL011':NG TcR'�tS, RESERYATIONS, A!JD RESTR1CIiONS: (1) Frum the date it receives the property listtd hezeon and t5rough the period(sl of ume the condi±ions imposed ty (3) and (C; abo�e remai� in efCect, tLe dunee shall not scU, trade, lease, lend, bail, cannibalize, encumber, or oth�rwise dis,�ose of such property, or remove it permanently, for use outside the scate, •+vithoit tht pnor appruval of CSA under (8) cr thc s;ate ager.cy ur.der (C). The proceeds .`rom any s�le, trade, lusa, Inan, bailn�ent, encumbranee, or ether disposal of the Qroprrty, whrn si:ch action is authorred by GSA or by tne st�u agency, shall be temitted ptumptly by the donee to GSA or the state agency, :.s the cax may b�. (2) In the event any of the proper;y listed hereon is sold, traded, ;ca�ed, loaned,'��iled, cannibalved, encumbered, or othecwise disposed of by the done� ftom the date it receives the property through the period(s} oC Lme the co�ditions impozed by (B) and (C� temai� tn effect, without the prior approval of GSA ot the state 2gency, the doner., at the option of GSA or the ctate t�ency, shali pay to GSA er the state agency, as the case mav be, th,e proceeds oC the disposal or the fair market value or tl�e fa�r rentai raWe of tne property at the time of such disposal, as determined by GSA or the state aeency. -(3) If at any time, from the date it receives the property through the period(s) of time thc conditions imposed by (B) and l� remzin in effec;t, any cf the p�operty listed hereon is no lo�ger suetabie, usable, or Curther needed by the �onee fcr the purpose(s) for wfiich xcquired, the donee shall prorlptly notify t1�e state agency, and shall, as directed by the state agency, return :he property to the state agency, teleak the pruperty :o anether donee or another state agency ot a depattmer.t or ager:.y of tl;e iinited Sta:es, sell, cr oLherw;:x dis�ese of !he p*o�etty. The procteds from any sale shall be remitted promptly by die donee to the state agency. (41 The donee shall make repurts to the state a�ency on L`e ust, con�ition, and tocation of the p:operty 6sud heteon, and on othu pertinen: matters as may be requtred from time to Itmt by the state �gency. (5) At the cp[ion of the statz ag :r:�.y, !he donee may abroFa:e the condi?ions ut f.�h in (l.'1 and [he te-ms, reservations, uid rectricti �r.s peTtinent thereto m(D) by paymen[ o► an amount as determined by the statc a�ency. . (E) T}iE DOhEE AGREES TO TFIE FOLLOWING COND[7fONS, APPLICABLE TO ALL !TE'+!S OF PRaPERTY LISTED HEREON: (1) 'The property acquired �y th� donee is on an "as is," "where is" basis, wiLtiout warranty of any kind. (2} Vb'here a donee carries insurance ag�inst damagzs :o o: loss of property due tc (ire or other huatds and wfiece luu of or �magr to donated property wi:h unexpired terms, condiuons, reserva:ions, or restrictions occun, tt�e sute agency w:11 be entitled to reimbursement from the donee out of th� inwrance proceeds, of an amouni eqaal tu the unamortized portion of the f:ir value tf ihe damaged or dtstroyed donated items. (F) TER!�iS AND CUtiD[7'lOh'S aPPLICAEL£ TO THE DONATIDN OF AIRCRAF: AND �'ESSELS (SO FEET OR MORE IN LEIvG7?-I) HAVIIvG AN ACQUISITION COST OF f 3,C�Q0 OR MORF, REGARDLF.SS Oi' THE P::RiO�E FOk WEiICH ACQULRED: Thc donation shall De wbject to �he terms, conditions, rexrva:iors, ano testrictions zt forth i� tiu Condi:ional Tran�fer pocurr c.�t executed by the auihorized donee representative, F81-1�7 DE 12667 4-82 3t�A vrr i�� �.r JUKYL'JJ I'KUNER I Y 2325 M00�?G A'vE., FULLERTO�V, C�I 92633 So that we can ccr�-�ctly int pk,et your intentio�s i� submitting tt�e attached new , re�ol��tion, '�n connection with in�ermation previausly supplied, wi'1 yo�.� olzase Take a ch�ck i� the appiicable space belo�.� and re*urn this Torm to us with yaur ce;npleted resolution. The attached resolution is intended to: � :�A �tTY BO UMAI`T CITY OF PALM DESER� Name of Organization 73-510 FRED WARING DR. 4—I-86 Address ,'�a LE ) PALM DESE�C', CALIF .( 92260i Rescind all previous resolu�ions. Add nar�es to list pr'eviously authorized. Delete the following persons previously authorized: , PAUL ��1ILLIAM5 , Pt�UL BUYERS , � -. . DEFIiJITIONS OF PERSOPJNEL AUTNORIZATIOf�� The �r�ollowing definitions apply to the designations used by this Agency to identify representatives to select, receive and sign for surplus property for those institutions that are eligible in the Federal Surplus Property Donation Program through this agency, hereafter referred to as "donees." ]. CATEGORY 1 representatives must be authorized by resolutions submitted by the ; governing boards, to select and take delivery of surplus property and to sign the certification in the lower right-hand corner of our Aqency Distribution Docu- ments, binding the ��nee to the terms and conditions governing the transfer of such property. Additions to the lisi of authorized Category 1 representatives can be made only by submitting a properly executed resolution. Copies of the required resolution form are available from our office on request. Deletions fi�orr the list of authorized Category 1 representaiives should be requested in writing, on donee's letterhead, signed by an authorized Category 1 representative. When new resolutions are submitted, information should be included if any previous Category 1 authorizations are to be rescinded. 2. CATEGORY 2 representatives must be designated in writing by an authorized Category 1 representative to select and take delivery of property and to sign the lo�rer left-hand corner of our Agency Distribution Docunents, indicating receipt oz property. Confirming signature of an authroized Category 1 representative to the certification in�the low�r right-hand corner of the is�ua document must also be obtained before the transaction can be completed. Deletions f rom the list of authoriz�d Category 2 re�resentatives should also be by letter, signed by a Category 1 reoresentative. Such letters should be sent directly to the warehouse involved. 3. CATEGORY 3 representatives may inspect and select property, but cannot take delive•ry. Selected property is set aside and is not released for delivery until confirming signature of an authorized Category 1 representative to the certification in the lower right-hand corner of the Agency Distribution Document can be obtained. Any employee, official, board member, or other agent of the donee may be considered a Category 3 representative without being specifically designated on our records by name. (However, if a donee wishes to restrict such authorizations, a letter si ned b a Cate or 1 re resentative, specifically designating Category 3 repre- sentatives by name, is required. Deletions from the list of such specifically designated Category 3 representatives should also be by letter, signed by a Category 1 representative. Such letters should be sent directly to the warehouse involved. 4. "TEMPORARY AUTHORIZATIONS" may be made by a donee for Category 2 or 3 represertatives to select and/or take delivery of property on a specific date or for a linited length of time in lieu of or in addition to the permanent authorizations defined above. Such temporary representatives must be desi nated in writin b an authorized Category 1 representative and the specific date s covered by the authorization must be stated. This written authorization must be presented at the Reception Desk by the representative designated on the date or during the tir�e specified. 5. This agency should be notified when there are any changes in authorized personnel. STATE AGENCY FOR SURPLUS FROPERTY 2325 Moore Avenue Fullerton, CA 92633