HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 88-148MEMO TO: FILE
DATE: JANUARY 16, 1989
The City Councll of the City of Palm Desert, Californla, does hereby
That it intends to, and by this resolution does, initiate proceedings
under the provisions of Ordinance 416, more commonly known as the Keliy
Ordinance, to widen the north lanes of Hovley Lane between Monterey Avenue and
the west property line of Monterey Meadows l[ an additlonal ten feet of asphalt
cement and base material, all in.the City of Palm Desert, California, more
particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. The Public Works
Department is designated by the city as the responsible department for answering
all inquiries regarding the hearing.
That the hour of 7:00 p.m. on the 12th
Council Chamber, 73-510 Fred Waring Drive, Paim
fixed as the time and place of hearing all persons
the proposed Kelly Ordtnance widening project.
day of January, 1989, in the
Oesert, Callfornia, is hereby
interested in or objecting to
That the City Clerk is hereby fnstructed to publfsh notice of said
hearing in the Palm Desert Post once at least ten (10) days before the date of
the hearing, and the city officials of the City of Palm Desert are hereby
instructed to post notice of such Kelly Ordinance improvements, as requtred by
law, at least ten (10) days before the day set for hearing.
PASSED, APPROVED. and ADOPTED by the City Council of the C1ty of Palm
Desert, Callfornla, on this 8th day of December , 1988, by the following vote,
to wit:
AYES: Benson, Kelly, Snyder, Wilson
NOES: None
ABSENT: Crites
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i': ' �.c��C�.t� , � � ✓"
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Dece�oer 29, 19�8
City Clerkts Office
City of Pa�.m Desert
73-510 r^red '�ar�ng Drive
Pa?m De�ert, �A �i2?.60
StJBJECT: HO�TLr,i TI�T� K�,L�: '`f�DI:L�::C'� WID�.,iI.JG �� :"���!T ;REY
�ir�F�lC3: Publ�c Hearin�; to oe helci January 12, 1989 at 7; 00 p.m. in the
Council Char�bsr s� ?a1�� Desert City gall
This written correspondence is here�y submitted for ths record in conjunction
with referenced Public Hesr�ng.
I a.r� tl�e property owner of Parcel Pdo. 622-z90-0o1 which is undeveloped wherein
the Cit-i of pa1r� Desert ;a �roposing to inc�.ude an additional lane of travel in
front of said prouert;�. I oppo�e being assessed the cos�: and any lien against
�y property for subject construct`_on for the reaect� set forth beloW.
(1) At present I have no �lans to develop � propert;�, but have Made efforts to
sell the �roperty.
(2) Adherin� to the �re::,ent stsnd�rds and requirements that regulste the use
of this proaerty by tha City of 2�aic; Desert, it is not economically feasi-
ble for develonment no� or in the future. The uses permitted in the cur-
rent zoning rem�atiorls and corn�lying �r�th it� speci�ica�tions r.laces an un-
reasona�J.e burder. for econoraic and cowpetitive develo�ment in v:;.aw of the
reduced size and location of ��roperty precludino ar�y us� fo= the arop�r�y
in the future.
(3) I�posin� the conditions set forth �n the Kell;� Ordinanco in this ca�e on
�y propert� forco:� :�e alone to bear t::e puUlic burdens ;�hich in a.11 fair-
ne�s and just�.ce should oe borne oy the public as a whole. Further, the
Kelly Ordinance in tY:is case forces a aro,;�rt;� ownor �uch a:; ��Ly s�lf to
bear tha egpense and to, intended or not, correct rnistakes caused by City
Planner � s�.�;�rovals to acco.1miodate nrevious older ciovelo; wents.
(ti) It �s illegal to raqu�ra me to �olve trai�ic ;roblena, if any existy, tha.t
r.{y undeveloped parcol_ did not cauae and to cure th3 inadequacies of those
:�ho developod their �ropertie� :n the past. A recent Orange Coun�;� Super-
ior Court ruling iry Jud�e John C. �ioolley :-u�ports m� ;�osition.
(5} The additional objoct�.ons consist of the econor�ic hardshi;� it ;;ould i:ar�ose
upon �e and reUult:� in no benefit to �y p.:.rcel but ,rovides u d° s1�ro,,or-
tion�:,te benef:�t to dev9lopod parcels �n �he Hovle�� Lane tract to aerve
their =nterests.
t.� �o�ition in t:, _.. :u:;tter _�_:: :�3�ti .�upporteu and reprasa�tQd, ati ?art of t�is
subni:�sion, by tho in��or--.•.�ion con�ained _n the below listied docw-aents a.nd .•;ews
Article Opinion.
On Septe��er 15, 1987, �..y ;ro��rt;� :ta� ;u�raitted to �he City oi Pal::i Desert
Plann�n� Cc�n:aission for �av�alop�ent under Caso :;os. GPA �7-4, CZ d7-6 and pp o?-28
and danied that. ::,�LZe d�te under ;;'�::se r•1�. GP� 8?-4. Th_�� denial a.� the City
•:rou'_d hava inclu�e�i str�et �und ��._).1 o��sita iL��rove:zents o� _-Iovl��;� Lane ar.ci t-;on-
terey Avenue at L'ne developer�s e:c�anse.
�Z� �:���.r-�'� ---
�'9Y� ( �'�PI�O ) F`A�'F'
i301 �. LUC�t�:� BL'TD.
L0� �.�G�,�S, CA. 90Q05
��L: (;�13) i37-�,.b.39
4 Encls:
1- Ltr dtd 11 '13,'88 �ro:: Christ T. T2�cupis, Attorne� � Counselor at Law
2- Tnput re rdo='tY: p�l�i Desert Develo�,�:�ent Study dtd 8/26/8b
3- Ltr dtd 7/I.?/�'7 re Case Tios. GF ::3?-!+, CZ 87-6, PP Q7-28
4- News nrticle dtd 7,�7i'c37 by Lynn D, Cor,pton, Ju:=tice of Court of �ppeal
November 18, 1988
Richard J. Folkers, P.E.
Assistan� Citj� blanaqer/Public t°Iorks Director
City of Pa1M Desert
73-510 I'red Waring Drive
Palm Desert, Cl'1 92260
Re : I�ir . and I•?rs . Raf f/Hovley Lane Widening
Dear P�ir. FolY.ers:
Please be advised that I represent P•ir, and tirs. Raff
with respect to the abo�ze-ca�tionecl matter. I liave reviewed
corre�pondence fror.l you to them dat�d October 4, 1988, and
Ilovember 8, 1988. There is reference to a letter dated October
31, 1988, �•�hich my clients did not receive.
Additionally, I have reviewed a form of preliminary
agreer.ient drafted by the City and a copy of Ordinance r1o. 416,
tne Kelly Ordinance.
I!y clients do not consent to execute the preliminar�
agreement as prvposed. Their land is undeveloped. The�� made
efforts in 1987 to develo� it, but ��ere refused permission to
do so. �1t present, they have no nlans to develop it, k�ut have
r�ade efforts to sell the property. It ma� not be economically
feasible for them to ever develop it.
�iy reading of the Kelly ordinanc� draws me to tlie
cc�nclusion that its enabling nrovisions authorize the City to
restrict development of a parcel unless and until the owner
pays for certain improvements. Ttiis appears to be the ir�,00rt
of Paragraphs A and B of Section 1. Paragraph C a��ears to
set conditions precedent to development of unc3eveloped areas,
including resolutions prescribing amounts to be paid by respec-
tive property owners. However, I do not find any autliorization
in the ordinance which allows the City to assess an owner of
undeveloped land for iriprovements, until:_the owner decides to
develop the land.
`'`�� r' �
C:f IFZlS"I� "I�. "1�R()l,`Pr�'.
Page - 2 -
iir. Richard Folkers
November l�, 1988
I�iy clients have objections to the proposed asses�rient r�hich
necessitate this action in not agreeing to execute the
proposed �reliminary agreement. They are the following,
among others:
(1) That the or�inance does not authorize assessment
as to undeveloped Lroperty until the landowner
decides to develop it.
t�� Tild� SuCil ar.. as�es�m.".:7� COI:S+'1}'.1t.2.^_- 3^ 1M Prm1SS1h1P
r _._ _..
tax in violation of the provisions of Proposition 13.
(3) That they have not been given adequate opportunity
to voice objections to t;Ze Proposal, since the notice
they received of the hearing was posted t�•�o days
prior to it, and received by them on the date of the
liearing .
The additional objections to the proposed assessment
consist of the economic hardship it would impose upon m� clients,
the lack o� benefit to tlieir parcel, and dis�r�portionate benefit
to develo�ed parcels in the Hovl:ey Lane tract, and due process
I would be hapPy to confer with you or the City Attorney,
or to review documentation and/or applicable la�•� respecting the
interpretation of the ordinance in an effort to resolve our
differences in an economical and expeditious r.lanner.
Thank you for your courtesy in this regard.
Very Truly Yours,
Christ T. Troupis
cc :!-ir , and I,Irs . Raf f
IIIP[TT TO TII� :t.�?OriT 0�; i?�:� �'�:I P.�L:' �.�:�:�.T D�;J�,OP: y.:T 3TUDY
�R C;:�::3IJ:��_1iI0:; 3Y
Tli;; PAL:_ D���T FL�L'�:;�.:.r� C�,�1�ST�i; ��i1J CITY Cl7Ui+CIL
I;; _ � :�.'�.:�,i:C.�. TO
P�L�C�. ::u':".:�:; 622-U20-008-b
i1TJVVtJ1 /�rV 1`�VV
1 �
801 S. LUC�18 HLVD.
LOS ANGr�,�S, CA. 9000�j
( 213) 937,4.439
1��� �Z �
SUSJ�CT: Input to tho :ie�ort o�i �l�e Plorth pal� Desert Developnent
R::F.�.::t;CGs Econo:iic 3tuc�q of Sub,j�ct ,�rea �y ',�illia��s-Kuelbolbock and
Associates 1nd S�ocific Aro^ Plan to be SZzb--Ltted by
Wallace, Roberts �.• Todcl, Inc. of Sa.n Franoisco
I�ua the ori�in31 �roport� o�rn�r, Lor the past tl:irty-threo ��oars, of
parcal ;?u�ber 622-020-008-6 loc�ted on th� northel�t corn��r �� ::�ntorey
r�venue ar.d Hovlsy r�an,e which is part of the roforencod studios, iiy
;arcel is presen�Iy zoned �it-�, ��11�J�J�ir.g c� ap;-.r��:�.::;.:����_„ �.-;:; =��r��,
= uith upproxi��tely 627 feet on :':onterey Avenue and 276 Peet on Aovlay
Lane. Upon acquisition oP �/ property the size was ap�roxi:.iatelq 5
aerss. Ia order, throughout the years of possession, to aeet the re-
quireaeats of the various Gover�raent agenoies Por i:zprovoaent of road-
�� �.1_'llit � 1�..� O_11 � ���5 �_1�' �1 ' �L' ' _J�
lc�J "_illl l.lti__ll•1'..�� VLt7 1V11V1Y:lt� 11QU_lr-U1Vi1J Vl :.�/ _'1VL•Vl Vy '.Y717 1LLLLt1�
ineltiding the sharing oP costs related tahereto=
(1) The reeta��lar 54 feet b� 660 fset on the we�terly side ot
the property Por the is�proveaent of *�ionteroy $ve� (Calen�dar
ye�r i97z).
(2) The re�tangular 33 Peat ty 276 feet on the soutl�erly portion
oi the property for the i:xproveaent of Hovley Laz� (Calendar
year 1974).
Ths pr�sont 3.96 acre size of spr proparty (n�ot including 11 b� 276 ioot
additional. dedicatioa to cottplete the Width of IiovlBy Lan�e) reduces th�
araount of allowahls chtelling . nits considerabl� eo�apsred to tnoso pro-
perties east or �e on botl� sidas ot Hovley Lane which are �lso zoned PR-5.
Aacordingly tl:o ::o�sibla :�r�.:�t=:.; of .�orQ dansit;� �c-,tia1. to those nro-
rertios �zs� Jf :.^. '.��� :��t '�e ��:�� :.olut_ n ^: to t'�o �.�^st �.nd :�ost �ro-
ductivo use of iy pi•o_��rt;� ^nd :;•��otin, t'_zo �re�ont �.nd futuro naeds o£
the co��unity, Accordii��l� t�:� =�ilo:a:::� �-u�.r.i�sions �.re ..�de to oe
considered in conjuncta�n �.rith ro£eronced studie:� `n ord��r to d3v3lop
the .zp �ropri�.te zonin� Por � ;�arcol in �ccord�nce ;rit'� a.11 �rovailin�
�ovnr:Ling ru' Q:. .,nd ro�ru.'�1ti�ns.
Ti�'i1�:2�:. COi;DIi��:;S
(1} '.dith the operin� oi I-ll: to ��ontaroy �vonuo, tr^ffic on :'on-
t�rs� �v�::u�� .rou'.� ccn:.ist of �11 t� i�Q:; of , , ' . ._�;
� �CS:J _II��lll'.1_ll
trail�r ri.;s, and :�ssoi:;er vohiclos to su;>>ort tne follawing;
(�) Pl�za do `;cntero� Shop�ing Center on the southeast corner
oP ;;onterey Avenue a.�d Country Club Drivo :Jhici� contains
the Lucky ;iarYet, ;`obil gas �tation, and rot�zil e�tab-
(b) Tha Colle�� of the Desert
(e) The Bob ?iope Cultural Center witla a 1,200 ;�eat theater.
(d) Palm De�Qrt Tocm Center, whiah in itseli has over 1.4A
shops and resta:�rants, 4�ajor depart�ont stores, in addi-
tioa to the Robinson�s �Jepartr.�e:�t Store noW in construotion.
(�) Thst retail and service area that surrounds the palm Desert
Town Center.
(2) The intersaotion oP :`.onterey Avenue and Hovlay Lane, in �ddi-
tion to the preceding cited conditions, will also be aff3cted
by the Pollaring;
(�) The t�'.arriott aosert �rings Resort
liLl.�:l'�.J 1�����.�Tr.l�:�J �C�iit�
(b) ilio L�t.�urQ dovvlo,,::�nt o� re:,'_de:�� �,�� •�rop•�rtias on both
�_�.do ; oi 'T�vl�� L:::a �ro ;� ntoroy :,f:::�uo to Cook ;;tr�et
(c) 1'�e c:c�.st_:�; �v�::y.1_..:1 ?r�o ;,:�urc:; :�it:i �.n .t�tatu;^�co
oz :i00 au: '_n� se� ��c:-�
CQii�_TiT:`:,',� P?�J:1I' I;icr U:,-,J.�.: P1t:::i.::= 1 Gu:;-:;G ��. ��,'V:�OFt�:::iJ'P
(1.) T'�e :�re:��:it rcaucoh size of . J �ron��rtiy :rouid �iiow LVj� J.C:iJJ
u:toll:n:; units p�r ,�re t!::�n th_:t .1� o•:;od on t':os�� pro��rtio�
.liruct'.-Y •�n�t o1 ::,� ;;rop _•rt� on ?Tovl�;r Lane und�r '�r.o P�-5
'LUii_:�i ;.
(2) The locat'_cn oi' �:�� �rup�:rty, oi °.laicil a:�1jor portion of u2�
faat front� :�:cnteroy dvor. o, an artorial h:ghw3,y, � nd that
portion of y prop�rt;� consisting of 276 �oet �n Hovla� Lane,
;�o•,i:.3 '�e :;•.:'�jseted to hewvy tr3�'�ie flatir a.�d noise conditions
�L.. i. .,� .7 »..� .. n+ O�w +1�ea r.wi...r».i�i n n �Fn +i�n o� a+.
:t� . ,',�. ., ...,.. .... ...... �..� ....... � ..��... '- '�� -�- _•
NSTI?IC:II'IOP� Ft�R �fiai�U:; I:i Z�IuI:+G ui+�:�i i.un�i� i�iu�i�.i
(1) If �y �ropc�rty had the density oY tre proparties to the east
under the p'rt-5 zoning, the access :�eces:�ary to the dwelling
units bacause oP the f�ont�ge on ;'ontoroy Aveaue and tro iront-
age on Hovl�o;� Lane, could be considerably :.:ore difficult and
less efPicient�
('2) If � parcel rr��s the :,� in size as the �ropsrties to the
east of z:ine on govley Lane and thoretore co:.;petitive Por de-
velo��ent �nd �sle, I believ�e o� its location arld atoreaen-
tioned conditioas, that a b�yer oP a dwelling unit Would opt
for interior locat�� ons, if availa9le, r�ther thu.a be s�.ib joetai
to the above cited prevailin� and flitur� conditions.
' i�ECO.=':�1DATI0?�S FO:�. OiH� U>� iILli: PT�-5 ^Oi P:l:'.C�, C22-0�0-008-6
(1) A chanr;e of �onins t� Op 2oni�g (OfPice ?roiessio�al), . In
tho OP roco.:. .endlt =cn, u.~:�ha;i s woii�.d �o _,ut on �.:od � c:1 c� i ico s
sueh ns do�t�; s, ,�er.ti::ts, opto: ;etr � �t: ,:nd rel�tod i�c :. _itios
to supoort t`�o noods und the ci .y to da;/ c�.ro tha.t z v`'_:�Ul•�
co::•.::unit,-,� �rou'd roq�a;ro. TrQ �usinos� hours rol�.tod to tl:a
precodin� :�cu'.d '�e z factor in li-:itin� th3 tr:i'�ic ��nd ;�ctiv-
ity in tho �-ubjoct �.ro� as re�atod to ot�i�r ;�roj•�et�,
(2) A r�ortion of the frontage ,�n :'ontoray �venue ^nd ::�.1 t�io �ro:zt-
3d9 OA 1jOV1 ��J L�i10 :J.;1Ji1 'v71'.l = 3�t'fi �C:i. ��'_@ +�v� �:al O ' 11__ _ - -� � v -
parcel, to bo pp snd the balance tm be zonad to allow th�
best and �ost �rodnctive usa of the property. If a co�bina-
tion ot QP plus other zoning is �grsed u�oa, then a doter`tina-
tion has to be �ade as to siz� in order to :ioet the nseds of
iL _ ! _1 _
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change to accomriodate the faciZi�y subQitted ia subject Case tlumber bq
Dr, snd Mrs. David A. Stalizman.
I�y property xas one oP the p�,ain playars�, ii� tl�a d�rly yerirs, in dedicaiing
a substanti�l l.�ortion of land Por the opening of bionterey A�enue, allowing
accese and develo�aaent,
Zoaing in place for approximately eight and a ha1P years� esteblished in Ds-
cember 1978, affects �► property dramatica�L.y, The uses permitted in the cur-
rent zoning reoulations and complying with its apecifications places aa unrea-
sonahle burden for economia and competitive deveiopments itt viaw o� the ra-
duaed size and location oY the property.
In order to dev�elop this property for its �� ��+ use for residential purposes,
t,wo etory atructurea would be neceasary. Tha neceasary acceas because of t.he
reduced size of the property xould be less ePPicient and diPiicult. Meeting
th�e proper sight line that w�?uld be agreeabl.e to the et.d jacent res3�ences in
order to elininete viewr obstrnctione waald requirs grading the property in a
gulll-like pro£ile. The contiguration Prv� an architectursl approanh and in
contrast to Iav profile s3.ngle story residences voe.ild mQke a project of this
nature non-conforming to adjaceat residencee.
The additional coat for the installation of curbs, gntters, sidevalks and tie-
in paving along the siz hundred sizteen (616) toot trontage ot Monterey Avenue
xould place thia project in a non-caaapetitive a.nd unmarketable position in con-
traet to thoae reaidences available in the area that are not subjected to costs
oY this type of improvemente.
I eID the origina'. owaer oP this property. The cc�'.tioas Por Qe to acquire this
barren parcel in 1953, ap^rox�_�aate Ly t�rty '�».;r ( 3!.) years ago, was to provi3e
improvet�ents of a structure (`�uitding) on the prcnerty. Thie parcel uas one of
thirty tuo (32} pa,rcels svailable for sale in t.he tract and 3ubject to the same
improvement con3itions in order to efPect posses�ion� This parcel had no access
to it, except by foot over sand dun�es f'root the r.ssrest noint being Clancy I,�z�a,
t.he paved road. To r�eet the req_uirer.;entG £or t�e acqiiisition of these proner-
ties, on �.rhich a time licut vas placed, the pro?�+crty applicants of this tr�ct
established a joint venture to f�iad the costs tc establish a road�ray which co�n-
�enced .Crou� what is now ?".oaterey 4venue to �.�ha� i� nou ?ortola Avenue, `i�At
roaclve�y bec.ame uhat i s now ka�rn as Hovley I,a.ne,
Ia 1963 I granted r�a easement in Yav�or of ti:e Coe.chella Vslley County Water
District for a pipeline in order to bring Water to the area.
�hen rig�t ci �.�ay Iines ::ere a�+�,a;,�i�had b-� tho Cc�ty cf :.iv�r�i�o '��� t:: _t
portion of Moaterey Av�eaue betveen Clancy Lane ar�d Country Club Drive in 1972,
I entered into an agreement to share the cost and dedicate the required land in
aesociation with the siz (6) property arn�ers fronting *�onterey Avenue between
Clancy Lane and Country Club Drive and with the County oP Riverside to accom-
pli�h that atiait�a road construction.
The Couaty oP Riverside required a dedication of Pifty Pour (54) Paet in depth
and siz hnndrsd siaty (660) Peet in length f�roa� a�r property aad only thirty
�'o�' (34) leet in depth froai the Rancho Mfraga 3ide oi propoeed �ionterey Avenus
resulting in a roachray .conPiguration ot si�rty eight (68) Peet. Ot the sirty
eight (68) teet oP usable roadtira, m�y dedication amounted to Porty five (45)
Peet and the Rancho �Iirage side aaounted to tventy three (23) Peet, vhich in
eYPeat nforcing sor��e Feople slorie to beas pnhlic `utu•�ie:::. vhich ia a7.1 £airness
and justice, should t�e borne ��� the public ss a.ahol�3�, The opening oP ;:ontar-
ey �venue bet�teen Cl�n�y r�r_e snd Countxy Clnb �rive afforded access to those
property awnere �ont.� ri� Hovlay I,ane between `:cnterc�y �.nd portola Avenues at no
expense and no land d��'icEt3on f5rom tbem.
��y narcel in �rder �� ���et req�;� rements for dev�ei.onmsnt Will have a net di�en-
sion o�' six hundreci := ixte-: n( bld) Peet on t�'onterey Avenue and iwo hunareci seven-
ty one �2i1 j ieeL on r ovi_ay Lane, resuitiing in a re�;�.tci,icn iroru a�i•o::s i� vd � j j
t�1:TlY � ti(1 fl 11V V l I�1`Ct! 1 i 1 • �_ t n_.. � n I
,*p_il� Al• i:� 1vuT' >.or+% �Ci6S.
My evalt�ation oP the chan�es uhicr have taken pZrsce in this area was the govern-
ing Pactor to market ��roperty at this apvro�riate time as be3.ng cowpatible
xith the establishmente �ong the Monterey Aveaue corridor, the adjacent area,
and llrturs planned projecta in the City o� palsa Desert as set forth on Eaclo-
sure hereto.
In vier�► ot ths format that irYvolves the ov+erall pla�ing of the city to includ�
lav coat housing snd senior citizen housing, s caatpatible feature rrould be that
ot pa�oriding heelth care on a day to dqq basis. Uecentralizing medical care and
serricea ia the manner uhere Pa1m Desert pi�ysicians provide local care reduces
ths elnborate need Por ho��itals aad other costlq facilities. The need Por hos-
pitala ^.aimot be diaiaiabed, hw�srr� the proposed Montereq Medical ProPessional
Plesa caa serv�a ths neede of the aommunity on a daily basis where haspital care
is not required.
The presence of a health care f�cility such as the proposed *4onterey Medical
Professional_ ?laza �till ^rovids £or :uec'� cal �ervi.ce^ ��.r.�-? costs in cor^et� t�or
aad in c�ces�t to thoae Pacilitiea that exist in neaxby cities.
geeping in tuae and f? ar of ;�rofessi onalism ne?�?ed noMr �n�i its availability
thst can be produced �n tho near future, that a�:ofe�sional and u�er o£ this
property such as represented :ry the �ro�ose�i "ontorey t4edi�al Professional
Plaza, with the credentials and a.�uccessfl�l pructice, is an opportunity a
progressive city shculd encourage and welcome.
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List of Sstablishments Along
Monterey Avenue Corridor,
Ldjacent Area, and Future
Plaaned Projects
CC: Mr. Dav�o �xi.n, City Attorney
Mr. �amon Diaa, Plunninb �irector
' LIST OF ESTABLISEI�...:�TS ILOftG :'DM'�.�,�'Y 4'f.::�'J'� CORRI;uc3. AD.7AC�iT AFtF,A. AND
�4TUR8 P7..�.*�1�A PFtO .��To --
� (1) The opening of I�1.0 to ttontere� �venue
(2) Plaza de ;',onterey Shopping �enter on tY:e Got:theast coraer of Monterey
�venue and Country Ciub �r�v9 crhich c�nta'.ns the T.ucky "ar'r.et, `�05�.1
Gas Station, and nw�nerous retail establ��hl�nts
(3) The College of' the I?esert
(4) Tha Bob Hope Cui�urst Cantar w_th a 1,2�0 �eat th3uter
(5) Pa�a De�ar� ;�;tn Cau�ar, vhioi� i� itsa_�_i nas over �.40 �nops and restau-
rants, 5 wajor dapart.:,aa� �*�ras
�6� T�lBt, retai'_ '3P_(j carq=no or.3g f}+Yo* .,.,i.�....���nA,� ��'2'J na;.:': ,riv:�it. �ii�vtTl "�=i+i.�r
(�} The 512 apart:�3nt uaits a� ,^,an Tropez 7illas
(8) The ',•;ariott �esart Springs Re�ort
(9) Tibe �'vangelica? ?rse �hur ;h �.rith an att,ondance oF 400 dur�ng �eason, and
the �l.ttur�e addition of schoal and recreational Paailities.
(10) 62 acre Civic Center Acquisition for dev�elopment purposes that may include=
(�) Caunty Sheriff substation
� 1�� T.1 hn��v
( o ) �SCL
(d) Parl�
(]1) City/xedavalopsaent �lgenc� 133 acre Aoqnisition in 8orth Sphere for develop-
purposes that m� inclu,de�
(a) Siorld Class Coaference Ceater
(b).Hote.ls with up to 1,500 roams
(c) 100,4�0 sq ft �� comweraial space
(d} 50 sore la]a
(�) 1.4 aor� park
(Yj Public Golf Caurse
(g) Use as a Mland banlc• to ezchan�s for other property in North Spbera as
an alternats
�NCL03QRB (1)
• LIST �F �'S?'�BI,I�c�. S AI,:`?�1G f�r.i�T�. �Y AV::JU:; ;,ORRIU . AJ.i�C�iT ^� A�YD
F'UTU�'us PL..1t�^.�.D PT'cOJ:r.`C`C S i C ont )
' (12) North S�here proposed Developc�ents to include;
(a) 76 acre regionrsl shopYing center :�ith tr,ro or thr�9 �a.jor a.nchors,
mix of othor stores and s total of ab�,ut one �illion sq ft of rs-
tail space
(b) 12,886 homes of various types
(c) Hotels :�ith s to+,.wl o'_' "?,5^Q roc�s
\dl 5�3 '�i1.��4.^. <`n Ft �P ir��leM�tri3� w::'� .^.�:;.^.� :.i��i@
" "Y
(e) Acres oY �ai•ks �nd opaa �pace incltidin� 7 �olf courue:�, one f�r
Sr. �oliers
( f) FreeWay or� ��nteci re �ta.urant
(g) ;�00 rlobils ho�e units
�CIA S[TR8 (1 } ( ooat)
_.---�__ —.
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Tuesday, July 7, 1987 / Part II 5
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Restor� R� ts to Pro er �wners
� tY
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Supreme Court Curbs Abuses by Planners, Zoners, Regulators
",.. Nur shall private prnperty be
taken for public use without just compen-
sation." That seldom-ciiscus.9ed clause in
the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitu-
tian, a part of the Bill of Rights, has finally
been given the effect and respect to which
it is entitled.
In two recent opinions by the U.S. Su-
preme Court ( First English Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Glendale vs. County
of Los Angeles and Nollan vs. California
Coastal Commission ), the rights of individ-
ua! property owners have been vindicated,
and, one hopea, the overreaching and
abuses of the planners, zoners and regula-
tors like the California Coastal Commisaion
will at least be modestly curtailed.
Dunng my 17-year tenure on the Cali-
fornia Court of Appeal I have been shocked
at the frequency with which regulatory
agencies have visiteci injustice and hard-
ship on individual citizens in the name of
planning and land•use control. I have been
equally. shocked by the fact that in n�
singie case of which I am aware did the
American Civil Liberties Union, with its
charter for the vindication of conetitutional
liberties, appear to champion the case of
the victimized pmperty owner.
In fact, the organizatione and individuals
who are generally in the iorefront of the
battle to protect individual liberty in the
areas of freedom of speech aed presa (Firet
Amendment), freedom from i�nreasonable
searches and seizures (Fourth Amend- tion of private property to the public in
ment) and freedom from self-incrimination exchange for a permit to perform these
(Fifth Amendment) seem to take the modest improvements. Tragically, the
position, when the right of private property commission was successful.
contained in the FSfth Amendment is at The publicity given to these disputes
issue, that individual rights should give has tended to characterize chem as pitting
way to a"public right" This latter notion the "greedy" property owner against the
stands the Bill of Righte on ite head 't'he need for recreational facilities, the need to
entire thrust of that venerable document protect our precious natural resources or
that individual rights and libezties are the need to preserve open space.
to be pmtected againat the government's What has been overlooked or ignored is
�ertion of a public need wtrich impinges that the state, through its power of erru-
o those rigbte and libe�rties. nent domain, has always had the ability .
The constitutlonal guarantee that pro- to accomplish these worthwhile goals. Of
tects private property from governmental course, the exercise of the power would
confiscation is the one guarantee that most mean that the public would have to pay for
dramatically sets our country apart from the land acquisitions. It is simply unfair,
the socialist states that recognize no indi- however, and, as is now clear, unconstiw-
vidual rights and that subordinate individ- � tional to force individual property owners
ual freedom and property rights to the to bear the full burden of'.he public benefit
elfare of the state. Md while so-call I can't help but note the comparison be-
land developers have been made the bogy- tween the trend in this country of vigor-
men in many of these casea, the fact is that ously protecting individual rights vis-a-vis
in muet of the cases that I have seen in the police in the enforcement of criminal
which the regiilatory agencies have over- aw and the opposing trend of denigrating
reached, thevictim was an individual stnall individual rights in the area of planning,
rty owner. . zoning and land-use regulations.
Witness the case of Whaler's Village The criminal law in this country is de-
Club vs. California Coastal Commisaion, in signed to protec: an individual's nght to
which individuals sought nothing more life, liberty and property aga�nst the preda-
than the ability to shore up their sea walls tors aznong us. Theft, rape, robbery and
to prevent storm and tide daruage to their murder are not "political" crimes. Yet we
homes. . The statet through, the Coastal often hear the statement that unless the
Comariseion, attempted to extort dedica- police are restrained in this endeavor, we
will have.a "police state."
' If a police officer in a uniform and
wearing a badge were to trample the rights
�� � of citi2ens in the same manner as those
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