HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 88-021�SOLUTION N0. 88-21
undertake proceedinq� pursuant to the "Refundinq Act of 1984 for 1915 Improvement
Act Bonds" ("Refundinq LaN"), being Dinision 11.5 of the Streets and HighNays Code
of the State of California, and has confirmed reassessments upon lands Nithin a
special assessment district, said special district known and desiqnated as NORTH
SPHERS ASSESSKENT DISTRICT N0. 84-1-R (REFUNDING) (hereinafter referred to as the
"RefundinQ District"); and,
iiHEREAS, said proceedinqs provided for the issuance of bonds pursuant to the
"Refundinq Act of 1984 for 1915 Improvement Act Bonds", beinq Division 11.5 of said
Code, and it ia necessary to establish terms and provisions of such issuance.
NSEREAS, tbere has noM been presented for consideration by this leqislative body an
preliminary Official Statement contaiainq information includinq but not limited to
the RefundinQ District and the type of bonds, includinq terms and conditions
SECTION 1. Recitals. That the above recitals are all true and correct.
SECTION 2. Issuance of Refundinq Bonds. Refundinq Bonds in the aqgreqate
principal amount of $8,275,000.00 shall be issued as hereinafter
provided upon the security of unpaid reassessments levied in
accordance rrith the Refundinq LaW and under and pursuant to the
proceedinqs thereunder duly had and taken. The refundinq bonds
herein provided to be issued shall be know as "North Sphere
Assessment District No. 84-1-R Refundinq Bonds", (the "Refundinq
Bond" or "Refundinq Bonds"), and shall be dated March 29, 1988. The
Refundinq Bonds shall be issued only in fully reqistered form in
denominations of S5,000 or any inteqral multiple thereof, except that
one Refundiaq Bond shall include the amount by which the total issue
exceeds the maximum inteqral multiple of S5,000 contained therein.
The Refundinq Bonds shall be issued in serial form Kith annual
maturities on September 2nd of every year succeeding 12 months after
their date, until September 2, 2005. Refundinq Bonds shall mature in
the amouats and on the dates and at the rates of interest to be set
torth in the Bond Purchase Contract to be submitted to and subject to
the approval of this leqislative body.
SECTION 3. Form of Refundinq Bonds. The Refundinq Bonds shall be issued
pursuant to the provisions of the Refundinq Law and shall be
substantially in the format of bonds as authorized pursuant to the
terms and provisions of the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915", being
Division 10 of said Code, except as such format may vary from the
terms and conditions set forth in this Resolution.
SECTION 4. Intereet. Each Refunding Bond ehall be of a eingle maturity and ehall
bear intereet at a rate not to exceed 12� per annum from the intereet
payment date next preceding the date on which it ie authenticated and
regietered, unleee eaid Refunding Bond ie authenticated and reqietered
ae of an intereat payment date, in which caee it shall bear intereet
from eaid intereet payment date, or unleee eaid Refunding Bond ie
authenticated and registered prior to the firet intereet payment date,
in which case it ehall bear interest from ita date, until payment of
ite principal eum has been diacharged. Intereet ehall be payable
commencing on September 2, 1988, and eemi-annually thereafter on
3eptember 2 and March 2 of each year to maturity.
SECTION 5. Place of Payment. The principal and interest on the Refundinq Bonde
eha�l be payable in lawful money of the United Statee of America at the
corporate truet office of the Security Pacific National eank, Loe
Angelee, California (the "Regietrar, Paying Agent and Tranefer Agent"�.
Principal and intereet on eaid Refunding Bonde ehall be gaid by check
or draft to the regietered owner thereof at his addrees as it appeare
on the booke of regietration, or at such addreas as may have been filed
with the Regietrar for that purpoae, ae of the 15th day immediately
preceding said interest payment date.
SECTION 6. Redemption. Thie Refunding Bond, or a portion thereof if iaeued in a
denomination greater than $5,000, ehall be eubject to redemption and
payment in advance of maturity in increments of $5,000 as provided in
Section 8768 of the Streets and Highwaye Code, on the 2nd day of March
or September in any year, by giving the notice provided in eaid law to
the regietered owner thereof at hie addreBe ae it appeare on the booke
of regietratfon and by paying principal of and accrued intereet on euch
redeemed amount, together with a premium equal to three percent �3$) of
the redeemed principal amount. If leBa than the entire Refunding Bond
ie redeemed, the unredeemed portion shall be reieeued to the regfetered
owner thereof.
3BCTION 7. Tranefer of Regiatered Refunding Bonds. Any fully regietered Refundinq
8ond may, in accordance with ite terme, be transferred upon the booke
of regietration required to be kept pureuant to the proviaione of
Section 8 by the owner in whoee name it ie regietered, or by hie duly
authorized attorney or legal representative, upon eurrender of euch
tully registered Refundinq Bond for reqiatration of euch tranefer,
accompanied by delivery of a written inetrument or tranafer in a form
epproved by the Transfer Agent and Treaeurer and by the owner of said
Refunding 8onde, duly executed.
The Tranafer Agent ahall require the payment by the bondholder
requeating euch tranefer of any tax or other governmental charge
required to be paid with respect to euch tranefer and such chargee ae
provided for in the syetem of regietration for registered debt
No tranefer of fully reqistered Refunding eonde ehall be required to be
made during the fifteen (15) days next preceding each interest payment
SECTION 8. Exchange of Regiatered Refunding Bonda. Fully registered Refunding
Bonda may be exchanqed at the office of the deeignated Tranefer
Agent/Regietrar, for a like aggregate principal amount of Refunding
Bonde of the eame series, interest rate and maturity, eubject to the
terme and conditione provided in the system of regietration for
registered debt obligatione, including the payment of certain chargee,
if any, upon surrender and cancellation of this Refundinq Bond. Upon
such transfer and exchange, a new regietered Refundinq Bond or Bonds of
any authorized denomination or denominations of the eame maturity for
the same aggregate principal amount will be iesued to the tranaferee in
exchanqe therefor.
SECTION 9. Booke of Registration. There ehall be kept by the Reqietrar sufficient
booke for the regietration and tranefer of the Refunding Bonde and,
upon presentation for euch purpoee, the Regietrar ahall, under euch
reaeonable requlations ae it may prescribe, register or tranafer or
cause to be regiatered or tranaferred, on said regiater, Refunding
Bonde as hereinbefore provided.
SECTION 10. Execution of Bonds. The Refunding Bonde shall be executed i� facaimile
by the Treasurer and attested by the City Clerk, and the corporate seal
ahall be imprinted in faceimile on the Refunding Bonde. The Refunding
Bonds ahall then be delivered to the Tranefer Agent and Regietrar, for
authentication and regietration. In case an officer who ahall have
signed or atteeted to any of the Refunding Bonde by faceimile or other-
wiee ehall ceaee to be euch officer before the authentication, delivery
and iseuance of the Refunding Bonds, auch Refunding Bonds nevertheless
may be authenticated, delivered and iesued, and upon such authentica-
tion, delivery and iseue, ahall be as binding as though those who
aigned and atteated the same had remained in office.
SECTION 11. Authentication. Only auch of the Refunding Bonda as ehall bear thereon
a certificate of authentication subetantially in the form below,
manually executed by the Transfer Agent and Registrar, shall be valid
or obligatory for any purpose or entitled to the benefita of this
Resolution, and euch certificate of the Tranafer Aqent and Registrar
shall be conclusive evidence that the Refunding Bonda so authenticated
have been duly executed, authenticated and delivered hereunder, and are
entitled to the benefita of this Resolution.
This bond hae been authenticated and registered on
as Paying Agent, Registrar and Transfer Agent
SECTION 12. Negotiability, Registration and Transfer of Refunding Bonds. The
transfer of any Refunding Bond may be regiatered only upon such books
of registration upon surrender thereof to the Tranefer Agent and
Registrar, together with an aesignment duly executed by the owner or
his attorney or legal representative, in satiafactory form. Upon any
such regietration of tranefer, a new Refundinq Bond or Refundinq Bonde
shall be authenticated and delivered in exchange for euch Refundinq
Bond, in the name of the transferee, of any denomination or denomina-
tione authorized by this Resolution, and in an aggregate principal
amount equal to the principal amount of auch Refunding Bond or
principal amount of euch Refunding Bond or Refunding Bonde eo
surrendered. In all caees in which Refunding Bonde ehall be exchanged
or traneferred, the Tranafer Agent and Registrar ehall authenticate at
the earlieet practical time, Refunding Bonds in accordance with the
proviaions of this Resolution. All Refunding Bonde Burrendered in auch
exchange or registration transfer ehall forthwith be cancelled. The
legielative body may make a charge for every such exchange or regietra-
tion of tranefer of Refunding Bonds sufficient to refmburse it for any
tax or other governmental charge required to be paid with reapect to
such exchange or regietration of tranafer. The Transfer Agent and
Regietrar shall not be required to make such exchange or regietration
of transfer of Refunding Bonds during the fifteen (15) daye immediately
preceding any March 2nd or September 2nd.
SECTION 13. ownership of Refundinq Bonds. The person in whose name any Refunding
Bond ehall be registered shall be deemed and regarded ae the absolute
owner thereof for all purpoees, and payment of or on account of the
principal and redemption premium, if any, of any auch Refunding Bond,
and the interest on any euch Refunding Bond, ahall be made only to or
upon the order of the regietered owner thereof�or hie legal representa-
tive. Al1 euch payments ahall be valid and effectual to satiafy and
diacharge the liability upon such Refunding Bond, including the redemp-
tion premium, if any, and interest thereon, to the extent of the sum or
suma ao paid.
SECTION 14. Mutilated, Destroyed, Stolen or Lost Refundinq Bonds. In caee any
Refunding Bond eecured hereby ahall become mutilated or be deetroyed,
stolen or lost, the legielative body shall cauee to be executed and
authenticated a new Refunding Bond of like date and tenor in exchange
and eubstitution for and upon the cancellation of such mutilated
Refunding Bond or in lieu of and in substitution for such Refunding
Bond destroyed, etolen or lost, upon the owner'e paying the reaeonable
expenses and chargee in connection therewith, and, in the case of a
Refunding Bond destroyed, stolen or lost, hie filing with the legiela-
tive body of evidence eatiafactory to it and to the Auditor thereof
that euch Refunding Bond wae destroyed, atolen or loet, and of hie
ownerehip thereof, and furnishing the legielative body with indemnity
satisfactory to it.
SECTION 15. Cancellation of Refundinq Bonds. All Refunding Bonds paid or redeemed,
either at or before maturity, shall be cancelled upon the payment or
redemption of such Refunding Bonds, and shall be delivered to the
transfer agent and registrar when such payment or redemption is made.
All Refunding Bonds cancelled under any of the provieions of this
Resolution shall be destroyed by the Transfer Agent and Regietrar,
which shall execute a certificate in duplicate describing the Refunding
Bonds eo destroyed, and ahall retain said executed certificate in ite
permanent files for the issue.
SECTION 19. Inveatment of Refunding Trust Fund Monies. Immediately upon deposit of
the proceeds from the sale of the Refunding Bonds and the applicable
City contribution into the Refunding Trust Fund, an amount thereof
necessary to pay the principal of and interest and redemption premiums
on the refunded bonde on September 2, 1988, ehall be inveeted by the
Treaeurer in "Federal eecuritiee" ae defined by Section 9600(c) of the
California Streete and Highways Code, ae amended. Such inveetment
shall mature so ae to ensure that such monies, and any interest earned
thereon, are available for the purpose of redeeming the refunded bonds
on September 2, 1988. Monies in the Refunding Trust Fund may not be
inveated so that the interest earned thereon exceeds the "yield" on the
Refunding Bonds, as that term is defined in the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986 (the "Code").
SECTION 20. Redemption of Refunding Bonds. The Treasurer shall undertake proceed-
inqe pureuant to Diviaion 11.1 of the Streete and Highwaya Code of the
State o€ California to cause the advance retirement of the refunded
bonds on September 2, 1988.
Principal of and interest and redemption premiums on the refunded bonds
ehall be payable from the Refunding Trust Fund. Any surplus in the
Refunding Truat Fund after completion of the advance retirement of the
Refunded Bonda ehall be immediately transferred to the Redemption Fund.
SECTION 21. Coste of Iseuance. The costs of iseuing the'Refunding Bonds shall be
paid from the proceeds of eale of the Refunding eonde.
SECTION 22. Redemption Fund. Principal of and interest on said Refunding Bonds
ehall be paid out of the Redemption Fund created pureuant to Sectioc►
8671 of the California Streets and Highways Code. Accrued intereat
paid by the purchaser of the Refunding Bonda, if any, ahall be
deposited in the Redemption Fund.
SECTION 23. Covenant to Forecloee. The legielative body hereby covenante that upon
default of any reaesesement payment due, it will cause Superior Court
foreclosure proceedings to be brought within one hundred fifty (150)
days of auch default and thereafter diligently pro�ecute to completion
auch proceedings. Such foreclosure proceedinga may be deferred if
funds are advanced to the special Reserve Fund to keep said Fund
continually at the level eet forth in the Section entitled "Reeerve
Fund" eet forth hereinabove.
SECTION 24. Order to Print and Authenticate Refunding Bonds. The Treasurer is
hereby instructed to cause Refunding Bonds, as set forth above, to be
printed, and to proceed to cause said Refunding Bonda to be authenti-
cated and delivered to an authorized representative of the purchaser,
upon payment of the purchase price as set forth in the accepted
proposal for the sale of Refunding Bonds.
SECTION 25. Non-Arbitrage Covenant. The City shall not take or permit nor suffer
to be taken any action with respect to the grose proceede of the
Refunding Bonda as such term is defined under the Code, which, if such
action had been reasonably expected to have been taken, or had been
SECTION 16. City Contribution. At the time of the bond cloeing, an amount of
$1,383,386.25 shall be contributed and depoeited to aseist in the
refunding of these bonde for this refunding Aseessment Diatrict, eaid
funds conetituting funds contributed from proceeds of the original
Aseessment Dietrict.
SECTION 17. Reaerve Fund. Pureuant to Part 16 of Diviaion 10 of the California
Streete and Highwaya Code, ae amended, there ehall be created a epecial
reeerve fund for the Refunding Bonds to be designated by the name of
the Refunding Dietrict and apecified as the special "Reeerve Fund".
The Reserve Fund shall be funded as followe: The initial deeignated
amount ahall be five percent (5$) of the principal amount of the
Refunding Bonde and shall be depoeited in the Reeerve Fund out of
contributione by the City. Periodically, at euch times ae may be
determined by the legislative body, moniee repreeentinq intereat on
funds on depoait in the Reserve Fund ahall be transferred to the
Reeerve Fund, but only to the extent that auch deposits ehall not cause
the Refunding Bonde to become arbitrage bonde.
Moniea in the Reserve Fund ehall be applied as followe:
A. Amounte in
tion Fund
payment of
Amounta so
eaid Reserve Fund shall be traneferred to the Redemp-
for the bonds if, as
reassessmenta, there
Fund to pay principal
traneferred shall be
proceeds from the redemption
reepect to which an reasaesement
the delinquent reaeseesments;
a reault of delinquencies in the
are inaufficient moniea in said
of and intereet on the bonde.
repaid to the Reserve �und from
or foreclosure of property with
is unpaid and from payments of
B. Whenever moniea in the Reserve Fund are sufficient to retire all
of the Refunding Bonda outetanding, plue accrued interest thereon,
euch money ehall be traneferred to the Redemption Fund for the
Refunding Bonds and collection of the remaining unpaid aeeeesmente
ahall cease.
C. In the event aesessmente are paid in cash in advance of their
final maturity date, the Treasurer ie authorized to reduce the
minimum amount of the Reaerve Fund and increase the annual Reeerve
Fund diebursementa in the proportion in which the reaesessmente
paid in cash bears to the total original unpaid reaeseaements.
SECTION 18. Refunding Trust Fund. The proceeds from the.eale of the Refunding
Bonds, after depoait of required amounts in the Reserve Fund and the
Redemption Fund, and the payment of the coets of issuance of the Refund-
ing Bonds, and all City contributions not otherwise dedicated shall be
placed in the fund hereby created, pursuant to Sections 9613 and 9616
of the California Streets and Highways Code, as amended, which shall be
called the "Refunding Trust Fund", and the monies in said Fund shall be
used only for the purpose of refunding the bonds to be refunded, and
the funds shall applied only as permitted by the Refunding Law.
Resolution 88 �l
deliberately and intentionally taken, on the date of issuance of the
Refunding Bonds would have caused the Refunding Bonds to be "arbitrage
bonds" within the meaning of Section 148 of the Code and all applicable
regulations of the United Statea Department of Treasury ("Treaeury
Requlatione") promulgated thereunder.
SECTION 26. Arbitrage Certificate. On the basis of the facte, eatimatee and circum-
atancee now in existence and in exietence on the date of ieaue of the
Refunding Bonds, ae determined by the Treasurer, said Treasurer ie
hereby authorized to certify that it is not expected that the proceede
of the iasue will be used in a manner that would cause euch obligatione
to be arbitrage bonds. Such certification ehall be delivered to the
purchaeer together with the Refunding Bonde.
SECTION 27. Investment of Monies in Refunding Bond Funds. Except ae otherwise
provided herein, all monies held by the Treasurer in any of the funde
or accounta establiahed pursuant to these proceedings and all moniee
held by the City in any fund or account which is reasonably expected to
be used to pay, or which is pledged for the payment of, debt service on
the Refunding Bonde shall not be invested so as to advereely affect the
exemption from Federal income taxation of interest on the Refunding
Bonde. In furtherance of this covenant, City agreea to follow and
adhere to euch inveetment instructions ae Bond Couneel may provide at
the cloeing of the Refunding Bond issue or from time to time there-
after, so ae to aesure the continuing exemption of interest on the
Refunding Bonds from Federal income taxation.
SECTION 28. Covenant to Maintain Tax-Exempt Status. The City cvvenants that it
will not make any use of the proceeds of the Refunding Bonde ieaued
hereunder which would cause the Refunding Bonde to become "arbitrage
bonds" subject to Federal income taxation pursuant to the provieiona of
Section 148(a) of the Code, or to become "Federally guaranteed
obligatfone" as defined in Section 149(b) of the Code, or to become
"private activity bonds" as defined in Section 141(a) of the Code. To
. this end, the City will comply with all applicable requiremente of the
Code and all Treasury Regulations issued thereunder to the extent that
such requirements and regulationa are, at the time, applicable and in
effect. Additionally, the City agrees to implement and follow each and
every recommendation, including without limitation such inveatment
instructions pertaining to the Refunding eond proceeds, as may be
provided by Bond Counsel and deemed to be necessary to be undertaken by
the City to ensure compliance with all applicable provisions of the
Code and the Treasury Regulations in order to preserve the exemption of
interest on the Refunding Bonds from Federal income taxation.
SECTION 29. Amendment. Without tt�e consent of the bondowners, the City hereafter
may amend this Resolution to add, modify or delete provisions if the
same is necessary or <iesirable, in the ^pinicn of Bond Counsel, to
assure the exemption cf interest on the Pefunding Bonds from Federa:
income taxation.
SECTION 30. Designation of Transfer A:�ent, Payinq Agent and Registrar. SECURITY
PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK is hereby designated Transfer Agent, Paying Agent
and Regiatrar with respect to these proceedings and the Refunding 8onds
to be issued.
SECTION 31. Preliminary Official Statement. The Preliminary Official Statement, ae
prepared and eubmitted, is hereby approved and adopted, and the
execution and distribution is hereby authorized. A copy of said
Preliminary Official Statement ehall be kept on file with the
tranecript of theae proceedings and remain open for public inspection.
The City Manager, with the concurrence of Bond Counael, ie hereby
authorized to approve a Final Official Statement at or prior to the
bond cloaing, which may thereafter be executed and distributed.
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Palm Desert,
California, on this 25th day of February , 1988, by the following vote:
No�s: NONE
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