HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 88-028• �. • r • : :
C'ASE N0. PP 87-20
WI�REAS, the City Ca.u�cil of the City of Palm Desext, California, did osz
the 25th day of February, 1988, hold a duly rnticed public hearirg to von.sider
the request of �IUCX STROTF�R/TRIAD PACIFIC DEVEL,OPN�IT for the above pmject;
WI-�RFAS, said applicatiori has ocR�lied with the requiresnerits of the "City
of Palm Deseit Procec�ur� for I�lementatiori of the California �viramez�tal
Quality Act, Resolution No. 80-89," in that an erYviro�mental 3n�act report has
been prepaz�ed which ooricludes that all project impacts can be mitigated.
Mitigation measures included as c�ditions of appraval; and
WI-�2EAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all
testimaYy an�d argi.anents, if ariy, of all interested persons d�esirirx,� to be
heard, said city cauicil did firrl the follawing facts and reasons to exist to
justify granti.r�g apprwal of said precise plan:
1. The design of the precise plan will mt substantially depreciate
� values in the vicinity.
2. The precise plan will mt tuzreasoc�ably interfere with the use or
enjvyment of property in the vicinity by the oc,cupants tt�,reof for
lawful purp�ses.
3. The precise plan will not end�x�er the public peace, health, safety
or genexal welfare.
IVC7W, TF�REFnRE, BE IT RESOLVID by the City Council of the City of Palm
Desert, California, as follvws:
That ti�e abave recitations are tnie and correct and oonstitute the
f��gs of the council in this case;
That appraval of Precise Plan 87-20 is hereby granted for reasons
subject to the attached ooi�itions.
RFSOLZJTI0�1 IV� . 88- 28
PASSID, APPROVID and ADppi'ID at a regular meetinq of the PaLn Desert
Gity Crn,u�cil held ai this 25th day of Februazy, 1988
wit: . bY � follawing wte, to
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M. BIIVSOt�1, Maypr
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SHEILA R. GILLI ty Cleric,
City of Palm De.sert, Califo
. 2
RFSOLITPI�1 N0. 88-28
•• i� • ti � • •.•
C�1SE NiO. PP 87-20
�t of Camamity Develaprent:
1. The develogneilt of the praperty shall oaiform substantially with exhibits
an file with the deparfiment of ocmrnu�ity d�v�elopment/planning, as modtfied
by the fol lawing oo�nditia�s .
2. Cazstructiori of a portioci of said pro j ect shall oonmenc,e within a�e year
from the date of final appraval unless an extension of time is granted;
othezwise said approval shall become null, void and of no effect
3. The c1ev�elapnent of the property described harein shall be subject to the
restrictior�s and limitatia�s set forth herein whirh are in addition to
all nnuzicipal �zar�ces and state ar�d fecieral statutes ryaw in fo�rs, or
which hereafter may be in force.
4. Prior to issuance of a building peimit for on of arYy use
�ocite�lated by this approval, the applicant sizall first obtain pesmtts
and/or clearar�ce from the follawing agencies:
Coachella Valley Water District
Palm Desert Architectural Catmissioci
City Fire Marshal
Public Works Department
Palm Desert Water & Sexvices District
Palm Desert Dis�pc�sal
Depart�neiit of Building & Safety
Evi�e of said perrAit or clearanc.e fran the abave agencies shall be
presented to the depart�nent of buildii�g and safety at the time of issuance
of a b�uilding peimit for the use ooante�lated herewith.
Applicant agrees to pay a future reasanable as�sessnerit for C,00k Street
i�mavements including bridges at Interstate 10 an the Whitewater C��annel.
Payment of lizard mitigation fees shall be paid prior to issuance of
gradirxJ permit.
All future occupants of the building shall comply with parking
requiremerits of the ordi_nance .
Project shall be subject to Art in Public Places fee per Ordinance No.
x�soLvrzac�r iao. ss-2s
9. Trash p�vvisioc�s shall be apQroved by applicable trash ca�any and city
priar to issuance of buildir�g permit.
10. Project shall pay sctyool impact mitigatiori fees as arranged with the
Desert Sands Unified School District.
11. A detailed p3rkiryg lot and building lightir�g plan shall be sutxnitted tA
staff for appivval, subject to applicable lightis�g staixiards, plan ta be
prepai�ed by a qualified lighting engir�eex.
12. All roof-croturted mechanical equi��t shall be scx�eryed frcm a].1 sides
with materials similar to builciing walls.
13. All on-site utilities, including cable television, shall be placed
ar�d shall be ooct�letely oaicealed from view except oertain
appuYtenance.s as may be approved by the director of oonm�mity c7ev�elopnent.
14. Or�ly d�elivery diesel tnicks built after 1974 shall be u_sed.
15. All mitigatioci �r�east�res identified in the FhvirorYnexital Impact Repo�'t,
prepared Nvvember, 1987, shall be met unless specifically waived by the
PlaruZisyg �ntssi� and/or City Crxu�cil.
16. Applicant shall pay fire facilities fees to offset the aosts of inerea.�ed
17. Applicant shall pay drainage fees to offset the cost of drainage
18. Z�aenty-five year stoim flows shall be retained on-site.
19. Mitigation measures for blaasand preventiaz shall be pravided.
20. Applicant shall aaztribute to signalizatiaz fur�diix,�.
21. Applicant shall prwide a bus stop with i�rovements, a waitir�g shelter,
b�.r�h and trash r�eceptacle. Design of said bn�s shelter shali be appraved
by ti�e Palm Desez't A�ccizitectural CcRmission.
22. Applicant shall provide parki_ng facilities for bicycles to meet air
quality mitigatiaz measur+es and et�exgy oocLservatiori ca�cerns and tie in
with pz�vvided bicycle path.
23. Arrhitectural treatm�nts shall be pmvided o� residential im.its to reduce
r�oise to a level r�t to exceed 65 ldn (approxirnately 195' from Cook
Str�eet ar�ci 117' frcm Hwley Lane ).
24. Water efficient landscapiryg shall be provic�ed as per apprwed plan.
25. Applicant shall p��avide an eight foot wide meandering bicycle path in the
100 fart lar�dscape setback on the rorthexn, eastexn and so0..ithe.rn perimeter
of �e p�oject.
26. Structures shall have security alarntis.
27. 100 foot landscape buffer with i�rove+meizts shall be installed as part of
any develo�nent on the site and shall be ocmplete prior to issuance of
certificate of occ.~upatx,y on acYy office building.
28. The applicant shall establish a lightir�g and lan�dscape district per 1972
Light and Landscape Maintenanr,e Act whereby maintenance of said open
spaCe area shall t7e asses.sed tA the p�Ope.rty utyder this appliCation.
Depar-t�nent of Public Wo�ks :
1. Drainage and signalizatioci fwnd fees, in tt�e amwnt set fortii by city
ordinance establishirx,� said fees, shall be paid prior to issuance of
gradi.ng pennit or appmval of final map, whictyever occuis first.
2. Drainage facilities shall be prwided, per ordir�ar�ce no. 218 and the
Master Drainage Plan, to the specifications �of the di.rector of p�.iblic
3. Stozm drain vonstruction shall be oonti�ent upoci a dra.inage study by the
private er�girieer that is approved by the c�eparbnent of public works.
4. F1�11 public i�rave�nents, includir�g traffic safety lighti.r�g as required ,
by ozd.inance arid the director of public works, shall be installed in
acaordar�c.e with city starydanls.
5. Complete improvement plans and specificatio�s shall be submitted, as
required by ordic�ance, to the city engineer for checking and approval
before ooaLstcuctiori of arxy imprwecnents is cam�enced. The er�gineps shall
sutrnit "as-built" plans prior to the acceptar�ce of ths improv�r�ents by the
6. All p�ivate sti�eets, drive�ways and parki.ryg lots shall be inspected by the
erygineerir�g departnent and a standard ins�ection fee shall be paid prior
to grading permit issuance.
7. Landscaping mauZtenarice on Via Cinta, Havley Lane and Cook Street shall be
provided by the property a�mer.
8. Traffic safety striping on Cook Street shall be provided to the
specifications of the director of public works. A traffic oontrol plan
RESOLtTrI0�1 NO. 88-28
must be sulznitted to and approved by the director of public w�rks before
placi.r�g pavenent markings.
9. Co[��lete grading plans and specificatians shall be sutamitted, as required
by ordinancs, to the director of public wc�rks for c,hec3cir�g and appraval
priar to issuancz of arYy permits.
10. Installation of curb and gutter, matchi.ng paving and eight foot wide
meaixieri.ng sidewalk osi C'.00�c Street and Hovley Lane, and six foot wicle
sidewalk on Hovley Lane and Via Cinta; and right-turn lane at the
rortheast oorner of Coo}c Street and Havley Lane .
11. Waiver of access to Cook Street and Havley Lan�e except at ap�raved
loCatioc�s shall be granted ori the final map.
12. Offsite i�rov+ement plarLs to be appraved by public works deparbner�t and a
sui�ty posted to guarantee the required offsite ts p�ior to
z-eoordation of the final map.
13. F�].1 i�ovement of interior streets based on private stx�eet star�dards as
established in aocordance with �apter 26, Section 26.40.040, C.P.D. Cbde.
14. Installation of one-half landscaped median in Q�d{ Street or cash payment
for one-half the o�st of landscaped median at the aption of th�e direabar
of public works.
15. Traffic analysis to the prepaz�ed for the project to address the specific
impacts on existirx3 networks ( sti�et and intersectia�s } and theii pir�osed
mitigation measures reoor�mex�ded for app��val by the city.
16. Size, rnYnber and location of driveways to public wc�rks specifications with
only four drive�way appr�aci�es to be allawed to seive this pra�.y.
17. Complete parcel map shall be submitted as required by ordinance to
the director of public wc�rks far c,heckirx,� and ap��nval and be z�eoar�ded
before issuar�ce of ariy pexmits .
18. Any and all off-site i�ravanents shall be preceded by the appraval of
plans and the issuance of valid encroachment penntt( s) by the depar�nt
of public wc�rks.
19. A complete preliminary soils investigatian, aonducted by a registered
soils erx,�ineer, shall be submitted to and ap�prvved by the deparbnent of
public works prior to issuance of the gracling permit.
20. Applicant shall agree to o�tribute their fair share to the assessed
oosts for the Cook Street Extensions and Bridge F�,uzd.
RESOLUPI0�1 NO. 88-28
Fire M�3z'si�al:
1. Install a water system capable of delivexir�g 3000 GPM fire flaw frcm ariy
fire hydrant for a three hr�ur duratian in addition to danestic supply.
The ocR�utatiaz shall be based upoci a mirLisrnan of 20 psi residual o�xating
pressure in the supply main frcm which the flaw is measured at the time
of t.
2. Install Riverside County super fire hydrants so that r�o point of arYy
buildtr�g is more than 200 feet fran a fire hydrant measured alor�g approved
vehicular travel ways.
a. exterior surface of hydrant barrels and heads shal.l be painted
Chr�ane yellvw, and the tops and nozzle caps sha.11 be paitited greetz.
b. curbs shall be pai.nted red 15 feet in eitiler direction from each
c. hydrants shall not be located clo�er than 25 feet to any building.
3. Prior to issuance of a building pennit, the develaper shall furnish t3�e
original and three oopies of the water systeln plan to the fire maishal
for review. Upon approval, one copy will be sent to the building
department and the original will be returned to the developer.
4. Th�e water system plan shall be signed by a registered civil engineer and
approved by ti�e water �Yy with the following certification: "I
certify that the design of the water system in PP 87-20 is in acoordance
with the requirest►ents prescribed. by the fire marshal ."
5. Prior to delivezy of canb�Lstible materials to the buildir�g site, the
requ.ired water system shall be installed, operatirx3 and delivering the
r�equired flaw.
6. Additional fire protection requirements may be necessary whP.n the
applicant sutinits specific plans for oon.sideratian and approval.
7. All builciiflgs over 5,000 square feet require an approved fire sprinkler
8. Residential portion requires 2500 GPM fire flaw for 2 haur duratian and
250 feet spacing on fire hydrants.
City Camcil Canditia�s •
1. The 100-foot landscaped buffer area to be retained along the northern and
eastern bo�uxiaries of the project.
2, The nearest orbe-stoiy builciirx,� to be at least 100 feet frcm the Lakes
property line, both to the r�orth and east, and such buildings to be
spaoed to maintain view oorricbrs fmn north to south.
3. Air caxiitianis�g units for such buildirigs withjn 200 feet of the rbrtt�exly
pro�erty lirya to be placed ori the sautherly side of those buildings to
buffer the noise.
4. The nearest tw�-story builduig to be at least 435 feet sauth of the
gr�operty line alc�g Running Sprir�g with the general grading sloping
dawsYward to the south frcm that px�op�-ty line.
5. The height of one-story apartrnP,nt buildi�gs to be limited to 15 feet and
the height of twr}-sbozy apart�npnts to be limited to 25 feet.
6. Walis ala�g The Lakes adjacent to the project to be raised at applicant's
expense to an appr�oximate height of 8 feet fran gra.uxi level on 'Ph�e Lakes
side of the wall to the top of the wall.
7. Land along ti'�e walls to be graded on the p�roject side s� as to pzwide
a i�e.ight of 10 feet from ground level to the top of the wall and
landscaped at least 30 feet sauth and west from ttye wall as natural
c'i�e_se=-t tert�ain.
8. Applicant shall install mature pyracantha alalg the wall. In the evpnt
that security pi�oblems occur within one year after oocLstruetion, applicant
shail install angle irai with three stran�ds of barbed wire per city
apprvval. Applicant shall ba�d for this oo[�dition for ocye y�ear after
fi.rLal build out.
9. Applicant shall 000�e.rate with adjacent property avnexs in preparation of
landscape plan for 100-foot apen space buffer. City staff shall vexify
said 000paration.
10. Applicant shall be responsible for installatioci of traffic signal, per
departrnent of public works approval, at the intersection of Havley Lane
and Cook Street. If the cost of signalization exc,eed applicant's
signalization fees, a reimbursgnent agx�ient at zeio interest shall be
executed to reimburse applicant.
11. If p�mject does r�ot oa�nce within oa�e year from the date of apprwal,
the City of Palm Desert may initiate proc,eedings to return the zvning to
its curzent designatian.