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C�I.SE NiO: CUP 87-10
Wi-�tEAS, the City Co�uycil of the City of Palm Desert, California, did an
the llth of Feb�uazy, 1988, hold duly rr�ticed public hearing to consider
r�e.scindir�g Resolution No. 87-115 and app��aving of a negative ci�eclaratioci of
envirorn�ental in�act and oor�ditionai use permit to allaw oazstrv�ction of a m; ni
market and gas station at the r�orthwest oorner of Portola Avenue and Highway
Wl�RF'AS, said application has oa�lied with the r�equirements of the "C3ty
of Palm Desert Procech�re for 7mplemeritation of the Califo�nia F]nvirormental
Quality Act, Re��olution No. 80-89", in that the director of oa�nunity develap-
m�t has deteYntined that the p�o j ect will r�ot have an adv�arse im�act an the
ernrirorment and a negative declaration has been p�epaz�ed.
WI�REA.S, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all
testin�ony and arg�m�ents, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be
heard, said city oauicil did find the follawing facts and reasoczs to exit to
justify their actioc�s:
1. The pz�q�osed use and locatiori is oonsistent with the gc>als of the
ger�sal ocamexcial zone, general plan and the Commercial Core
Specific Plan.
2. Ttye proi�osed use ar�d location will not be detrimP.ntal to the public
h�ealth, safety and welfare mr will it be materially injuriaas to
pi�operties or i�rovgnents in the vicinity.
3. The p�ed prnject will replace an existing substandard facility
ac��oss the street. The new site is better svited for the proposed
gas statiori use and will allaw the redevelopment of the existing
site for more appropriate retail/office use.
Nl7W, TI�REFURE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cair�cil of the City of Palm
Desert, California, as follaws:
1. That the abwe recitations are true and cozrect and canstitute the
findings of the oouncil in this case.
_, � ,
RE90I�[TPI�J PU. 88-29
2. That Resoluticn No. 87-115 is hereby z�scirx3ed.
3. That a negative declaration of tal impact Exhibit "A" is
he�rebY app��av'ed •
4. That approval of Ca�d.itiazal Use Pezmit 87-10 is hereby granted
subject to the attacxx�d ocnditia�.s.
PASSID, APPF�OVID and ADOPTED at a regular meetis�g of the PaLn Desert
Ci.ty Qo�a�cil, held on this 25th day of February, 1988 by t2'�e followiryg wte, to
AHSETfP: I�7[�
RESOLiTTIO[d NO. 88-29
C�1.SE N�: WP 87-10
De�par�tm�it of Comnmfty Develap�nt:
1. Prior to the issuance of a builciis�g permit for oonstructirn of any uses
oante�lated by this apprr�val, the applicant shall first ornq�lete all the
procedural requ.iresn�ts of the city which include, but are nvt limited
to, arr,hitectural review and builcii.ng pennits.
2. The develapment of the pra�erty si�all oaLfozm with all a�pi�oved exhibits
an file with the d�arbnent of oo�mity developnPnt, to all m�aiicipal,
state, and federal statutes naw in force or which he,r�eaftes nray be in
3. Prior to issuance of a building permit fo� oon,�truction of any use
oontesnplated by this apprwal, the applicant shall first obrtain pezmits
and/or clearar�ce from the follawing ag�cies: •
Rivpx�side Catu�ty Nealth Departn�t
Palm Desert Water ar�d Sexvices District
Gity Fire Marshal
Cbar.t�ella Valley Water District
Sauth Gbast Air Quality Management District
4. Location arx3 design of trash enclosures shall be coordinated with Palm
Desert Disposal CanpaiYy.
5. Prior to the issuanc.e of the occ��pancy permit for the project, AFt00 shall
abancbn the existing statio�n at the southwest aorner of Highway 111 and
Portola, d�n�lish all structures re[naving tank.s.
De�partmazt of Public Wo�ks:
1. Drainage and signalization ftmd fees, as required by c,ity o�citnance,
shall be paid p�ior to grading permit issuanc.e.
2. Drainage facilities shall be pravided, per Ordinance No. 218 and the
Master Drainage Plan, to the specifications of the director of public
wc�rks .
3. StoLm drain oo�nstruction shall be oontingent upcxi a drainage study by the
private er�gineez that is approved by the depaitnent of public warks.
4. F�.ill public imprr�vements, including traffic safety lightirr3, as required
by ordinanc,e ar�d the director of public wr�rks, shall be installed in
accordance with city standards.
itESOLLTPIQN N0. 88-29
5. Complete impmvement plans ar�d b�ecifications shall be sutrnitted, as
required by o�ciinanoe, to the director of public. works fo� ��g ar�d
approval before construction of arYy i�rove��ents is oam�es�oed. The
engineer shall submit "as-built" plans prior to the aooeptaryoe of the
ic�mvanents by the city.
6. All private driveways and parking lots shall be inspected by the
�9�T��9 �Parime�t aryd a standazd inspecticn fee shall be paid prior
to gradir�g peYmit issvance .
7. Larxiscapir�g mainte.nance on Fort�la Avenue, Aless�dto Drive end Higtaaay
111 shall be pm�vic3ed by the pmoQexty vwr�e,r.
8. Existing utilities shall be ed per eac,h r�espective utility
districts reocannerx3ation. If determined to be unfeasible applicant shall
agree to patticipate in arYy future utility tax3e dLstrict.
9. ZYaffic safety stripis�g on Alessandro Drive, Po�-bola Avecxa�e and Highway
111 shall be provicied to the specifications of the directo� of public
wnrks. A traffic oontrol plan must be sulmitted t� and arpp�t�ed by the
director of public wo�ks befora placir�g pav�anent markings.
10. G�rn�lete gradir�g plans and s�ecificatior�s shall be sutmitted, ae z�equired
by ordinar�oe, t� the director of public wo�s.s fo� �heckiryg and epp�vval
prior to issuanoe of ariy pennits.
11. Dedication of 50 feet of right-of-way on Foitola Avenue shall be d�a�e
prior to issuanoe of any psnnits and apF�raval of plans.
12. Installation of curb and gutter, matching paving and sidewalk on
Alessandro Drive, Fortola Avenue and Highcaay 111.
13. Close urnised driveway with full height curb and gutter.
14. Off-site irtQ�ient plans to be ap�oved by public wc�rks depaz-tment and a
surety posted � guarantee tY�e required off-site ts prior to
grading pe=mit issuar�oe .
15. Traffic analysis to be prepared for ths paroject tao address the specific
�npacts on e�cisting networks ( stxeet and intersectians ) aryd the proposed
mitigation measlses reoam�...nded for appraval by the city.
16. Size, rnmiber ar�d location of driveways to public worlcs specificatia�s
with anly two driv�eway approaches to be allowed to seive this proper'ty.
17. Grading pesmtt issuarice shall be subject to tl�e -waiver of pSrc'.el map
.first being apprwed and record�d.
18. Any and all off-site impr�avemants shall be p�eoeded by the appanoval of
plans and the issuanoe of valid er�croachment pe�rmits by the depaitn�,nt of
public wt�its.
19. A complete preluninary soils irivestigation, oaxhicted by a registered
soils engineer, shall be sutrnitted to and app�v�ed by the departrne,nt of
public works prior to issuance of the graciis�g permit.
20. All i�rr�venents with the state right-of-way shall be in �e with
Caltrans standazds ar�d be oonstructed uncleY' appropriate state peimtts.
21. Direct access to Portflla Avenue is disoauraged. If ultimately pe�ntitted,
positive oontr�l (ie: raised curb ci�annel, raised medtan islaryd) shall be
oonstructed as nece.ssazy to minimize traffic oonflict.
22. 'I'he pra�osed frorrtage road/FiigiYcaay 111 entxy shall be desig«ed in slich a
manne,r so that vehicle cx�nflicts are miritmized. Any design shall be
sub j ect to the review and app�r�val of both the director of public wo�rks
and Caltrans.
23. The project shall be aFP�'�. �9ineered plans sutandtted and a�pp�i�ov�ed.
and all r�ec�essarY, requiled pernuts issued p�iar to any street vacation
24. Portola Avenue will be cor�structed to a wiclth of 42 f�et frcm center lin�
to curb f2ece.
25. The specific design for tt�e bus tunya.it shall be subject to re�view and
appraval by Su�line Transit Agency, Caltrans, and the City of Palm Desert.
City F•ire Marshal:
1. Install a water system capable of deliveriryg 3000 GPrt fire flaw frcm any
fire hydrant fo�' a 3 hcwr duration in addition to dan�^tic supply. Th�
ca�utation shall be based upon a mi.rLinnm� of 20 psi T. PSilillGl operating
pressure in the supply main fr�an which the flaw is measured at the t3me of
2. Install Riv�exside Coiuity super fire hydrants so that na point of any
builciing is mr�re than 200 feet frcm a fire tYydrant measured along apprwed
vehicular travel way5.
a. exterior surface of hydrant barrels and heads shall be painted
chrane yellaw and the tops and mzzle caps shall he painted green.
b. curbs shall be paiulted red 15 feet in either direction from each
RESOL[TTIOt1 N0. 88-29
c. hydrants shall not be located closer t1�an 25 feet to any buildir�g.
3. Prior to issuar�ce of a builciirrg permit, the develop�xx shall furnish the
original and three oopies of the water system plan to tha fire marshal
for review. Upon approval, one copy will be sent t� the building
department ar�d �e original will be returr�eci t� ti�e dcyveloper.
�. The water systen plan shall be si��ed by a registered civil e�gineer and
apprw�ed by the water oon�any with the following certification: "I
certify that the design of the water system in GUP 87-10 is in ecooYdarice
with the requis�ane.nts prescribed by the fir�e marshal".
5. Prior to delivety of canbustibie materials to the buildis�g aite, the
required wate,r system shall be i.nstalled, o�perating and cieliv�e�ing the
requi.red flaa.
6. Additional fire protection requirements may be necessary wh�n the
applicant suimi.ts speci£ic p1arLs for oazsic�eration and apparoval.
City Cotaicil Qond.itians :
1. Additional landscaping, berming ancl construction of wall shall be
ir�.stalled setfo�tii in appll.cant's diaqrams on file in t�e city cle�ks
2. A cooperative arrar�gen���t between S�..uzlirx� Transit, tlie City, and Arco
shall be executed relative to tt� loc�3tion of a shel�-�red bus stap a��d
waitir�g az�ea adjacent to Highway 111.
3. A water feature to be appzr�veci
oar�stnicted ai the corner prior
by the CiviC Arts C'c�m�ittee Shall be
to the issuance of Certificate of
A divider to be installed on Portola Avernie between Alessandro and
Highway 111 to p�vent left turns into and from the project.
Security shall be provided with a direct line to ti�� law eriforcement
agency "panic buttai".
6. The pmject shall r�ot proceed until apprr�ved by the DF�artinent of Public
Worlcs as to annunt of needed rights-of-way and setbac:k^ detennit�eci to b�
necessary and sufficie�it for the ultimate wic�en.ing of Foitola fran
Alessandro to Highway 111.
7. The station shall remain apen 24 hours per day with the tuxlesstand�ing
beer and lic�aor will r�ot be sold betweeri the hours of m�.cini.ght and 6 a.m.
8. Shall install non-corrosive tanks for eventual use of inetr�i gas.