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CC RES 88-041
Lr , �� Ca1 i forni a Stai:e Departmeni ��eneral Servi ces State F�ency for Surplus Pr��;erty 140 Conmerce Circle, Sacrameni:o, CA 95a15 V SASP Form Plo. 20Z (4-32) RF��LU�I'i�I� .; =' NO. 88-41 r "E3E IT RESOI.VF.0 by the Governing Board, OR by the Chief Administrative Officer of tfiose �,r�sr.iza!ions wl�ict� de not }iave a governing board, and hereby ordered tliat the official(s) a�id/or cmployee(s) �vhc,se name(s), titic(s), and signature(s) are listcd below shaU be and is (arc) hereby authorized as ow representa:ive(s; to acqi�ire federal surolus property from the (:alifornia State Agency for Surplus Froperty.unJec the 7'erms and Conditier.s li�ted on tl�e re�erse side ot this form." • NAME (Print ur type.) A. t Richard J. Folkers 1'IiLE ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/ PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Crai� Stull ACTING MAINT. SUPT. John Wohlmuth • ADl4INISTRATIVE ASSISTANT S:GNATURE / i PA�SI��7 �NU Al7UP'fF�� th�s 28 day of�_ APRIL ..—•-_�, i�'..88 _,:•,�, :ii� �;=•••;�niine t;,�.,,;i uf CITY OF PALM DESERT by ttte foilotiving vot�: �yes:�_; Nces:�_; /�:�sent: _1_�. AYES : KELLY, SNYDER, WILSON, BENSON A.BSENT: CRITES �,y,_ 1, SHEILA R. GILLIGAN-- ---.---- --�_�_.. Clc'►'k �.f liiP �<<r�!'�•►��t✓ ..��•u.-.i :•! - Y. CITY OF PALM DESERT + ---�Jn i;ercf�� !il't!)l' fJ'<:1 ','ie Ji�rr�c-�r:r:. rs ,, ;u;l. 1►i�;. �:,..r '�.{i'�'OY/PCi CU�7j� Oi G/P.COj!l:Iil17 Rlt!��IPt� i)1' i�1:' I:C)Uf� C: �7 , _ f�1P:fl�t�! i��'!'!�U{ f[C;!.' �lf cl'i �:f?.'%C! f•iil[( r".! .;�;i��' Iti�-efing p! llte t�.]JF o,tid by the s'G!(' �1?_)1'E S!QJP(�, W'%:fC�7 :PS(lit:li�Jl7 :S l�rt f(1(' li1 li:,' r'l;iC'P JI IiI.^ liUJr!!. .;i� � �`.,'' �� CITY OF PALM DESERT ` J Ntcic ul ar�;ani'�uur, ' � —' /� . 73-510 FRED WARING DRIVE / • - N�[linti �Jdrcss � :' PALM DESERT RIVERSIDE 92260 (_itnrcfi �__ __ ���.� �t,.J, City ('uurty Zfi' ccde �C/�� OR C. AUT}iORIZED this _day of N�me of cFief �diniru�l�atire ofi�cer Name ol o!g�nn.atiun , . � ' MauLr�R ��]dre�s �y Cily Cuunty ZIF colr — , � `� —. by: --- �—.__--.i ;���' rl"tP.(i � ( - J� • f�:1iE: IF Yt�U iil�Vi_ r1 G�1VEKf�1i�(; ��/14;G, �LCTI�JiJS "11" nh;(i "�,:;" il':7i'1 il C�E C':.'(II'LF►E,i. ZF� Y�)U �U '!')i i111'�1` !1 GOV�;t'li�;f; �SUI',ftC►, SCCiif?'•JS "1'," i1f;i, "t;" ;lil)�Ll� li� C�,;�'�'L'=1��1). � J .. TERI�TS ANU CUNDIT[CNS (A) THFI�ONEECL:kTIF1ES'1H,�T: . t # (1) itisapublicagcncy;oranonnr�,(�tinstitutionororE;nir.ition,c�cm,!fro�ntax;itionundcrS:ction501ciU�; I;�;rrr,.;lltc�cn�::C'o�;co!(9`��.crthicthr. f ntcaning nf Scctic+n 20?(j) ol'thc Fr<'� r:�� Fcr�perty and �'.Jministrati��c Servirei Act o( 19•l9, as smcndcJ, :tnd ti;: c_r.,': 'c•ns cf thc .1:l:ninistr: �.�i c�i L.�u •�:�I `. Ser iiccs. � (2) lia publi:-aFcney, the property is nc�r'cri and ��•ul be us_d by the rccipicnt forc�rn ing uut or prninotinr: for thc resid� n�ti c�t :+ ii:e�� ;�uiit��_al ai c.i �,�.: ur �: ��s. �ublie parposcs. or. if a �onpro(it tax.-rr:ript instituiiun or orc.uii�auor.. thc �mperty is nc�d.d for a+id Ki�l b:^ ��.:d �•� ;'� c iec��i: rt for r,!�:catiorn� c,� ;�,":,: hcalth�,�rposcs.incluJingresearehfc,rsiuh��urnu�c.urforpropramcforoldcrir.dn•iJual��. Ihcpn�pertyisr.•�t�:�,.:�rni�,re�:for.:•iynr;�•�r,uc:,rpurre:,c. ,ri�•• s:ilc or other distrinu►iun; or 1'or perm: ncnc usc oultiide the statc, l'!CCC�I KIII7 �[I0� JPj1fUJ8I O� l}iC SIflV• egrn;y. (:, j Funds are a��ailablc to pay all custs , nd chargcs incident to donation. �4) TFistran�actionr.hallhesubjecttothenur.discriminatienre�•ula;i�nslovernint:thedon�tionefi,irplr,;��cr.;on,il�;c�rect.•is��.r�•��r-rl t!���'lo,`tt:�r<i�-il Riphts Act of 1964. Title VI, SectionEOb, ef the �ederal Property znd Adr:tiristrati�c Se.nices Act oi 193�. �s an:r..,:�. �• ��ion 5'; ���f �ix it:h�h�li• •'�ou Ar: of 197�, as amendeJ, Tnle IX of the Education Arr.endn:ents uf 1972, as amcn3ed, and Scction :iO3 0( the �'�^.r. J:v_rr:i:��.i:�•m Act of lti-i. (Ii? TFIF. DU\EE AGRFES TO THL' FULLU1VlKG FL•DERA1. CO�DITlOtiS: (�1 A!1 items of prn�e; t}• :hall be placed in use (orthe purposr(s1 for �� hich acquired a•ithi� one �ca; nf rceeir: ��r.l i'i�'1 I,c =unii:::i. d ir .�•e frnacii ru�n�� :;s) f:� • ��c y�car fron �h_ da:e :he prope� t� µas placcd in use. In tf:e ctcnt th: pr�;�r: ty is not so p!aced in usc, �r �nntir u:d ir �:_, t!�c dc�;-e �.h.�i! i:ic�: �i� ,:c:y ;+��Uiv cltestatracertc��ano, atlhr, don^e's rx��emh, r.tu;n such pr��pert��to the state zrcnc�:, orotherwise r.�ske!h�� rropert_: ;. 'ai;ab!�r lurtr;�nr;:i or �.t��ci c'ispu>21 �: th. ctate a@ct�cy, ��ovide:l ine pranrrty is �t�ll u�able as Cetcrmined by the statc aFency. 12) �uch spccial hal�li�; nr use limit�ti,as as art imposed bp General Sen ices �\dmir.istration (GS�j or, aa� i�-s:� c: .;f p: �� cr�_� !��„d !-:rton (+) 1� threvcnt th_ pruperty is not so n�cd �r h�n�t'cd a5 rc-auircd b} (A)( I Ianc (2). titic and ri� ht to th� pr�s�^. �i.^n ni <<,-', �.r��r..r��•:�,li ?t ^:c r,�•�i••,� r,f':c.� tCVCit IO tll: i.'•tli[CcI S.1te. ot America an4 uoen dcmaed th� donee shall rcicase soch propctty u� such �rr>.ur ; s�;� '. ��r ��, <I._::ici��•: �'�,i, ,iii�•ct. (C) �(.F[�O\fEAG�EI?STOT1(fi'r�t:Ll_U�ef\!�COvC>ITIO\Si�1PnSF.L`I�Y7.`fE �(ATF.,^,('�E�;r=�'.:\i'�".!(.�HI.!:'�?I'!!_.`!'.>`:.I�ft/�l .'=1f ,�C.^,L'1�:fiC)�l:(`STOI�c?.p�?OOR.�II`?E:1�UI",'�:i}_,"�<iLIC�t�"fGK'�'EHILI.LS.I;LGr1F.11lFS:�l1F ',+'��'i'itil1�:)'`;(:;;' :.!:.��� �'.I ..FS::1'•_.`_ :,U �l'�Z�')� �4URE I' 1J=.��I�TH �\�� AIRCRAFI: (11 'lht p,-opert} si�s�l ��� Utictl Ji1Iy' t�'f (h= purpusc(s) !or uhich acyuired an�� fur no oth.:r purposcl'1 i<i [i�erc aliall bc a p�iioci of rrst�;�t��i, wt;ich u�II c�, ire a(tcr :u^i� pia�crt�• h:�s bccn u•, �i r<�r th� ;�,rpe,c� :) i��r �. .'�•{� .-�;,,: :.: (,•: a m�:i�d ��f I;,' ^:.���:�r. �tOT �I7� i:: i� lhC �COF)��IV l5 }1�3CC:� iQ US�, CrCcpl Ic� SUC!1 t'�:r�� ctl f.,�1J: t•�i � .�."f. ��5td.; �iCrc'^f1. 0:1 :i �i..tl I.'-: I. ... :i�:^_:�..:: 4': Gli•:� L��'ll�'.• �'."���r �;_�i . LL'o(C.� IiU�� • : Ot [ntheeccntthcpr•?p�c�tyisr•ot�i��l<C���sr�:i��:�:::lh•�f�:!rl�;��•Jt7)an;r..l.i:�;r-.tric�i���.•�ts��ll:�n�(t'��a•, ..�,� ;,I•,^:�:i�� .�n•f; �i�ct�thr.,•.,,.:,:cn ` cf such pru};crt}•shallat thc ^��tion u! ;'�c st.�t�: a�:cncq rr�:crt tc tiic ��: t•: o� �_aiiic:i r�ia �r�.; ;1ir c:un:r �h ii� r� ��...,_ ;i;:. �,-��r�:•i;�, .��;rn �� t�_c>; i� i� t�•c �c�'�: �:� •, .�. " shaii dircct. (Ii) TF:E DUVEG AGRL=ti" "f0 TliL• t'C11.L(�1`: (\G iFl:�1S. P.LS::I:�. .+.1 I��."S .`.�1) �'• F.`:I'Y.ICfI:�'�• � I1 Frem tllC i�1CC ll fJCC�t�S t'•1C DCU ,M.�TV' ��:fCl �� �•.'��q 1�f� l�L'Our;. �I�., n.•fC'��':) �'l 'il^C e!;�• CO!1�If�CR° If::..".•_C� �": r��)'. :.: 1('� .�-. ^_ ICR•.+t'� i:� CI1,�,;:. :�". d:�•,r,; �!„It n��t .�i, cr.��:e..:a:.. I��n i, b�:il. c.:rnih::!ii�, c;icar. „� � or ;i�.,�r•t� . �,i.�,,... �,j •n.:l� r�r .�._�.. : . _. �n.. �; . . ... . �1� ( I . i•.- n,r� ir ;h�= , .•n• �.�i�hont tbr �•r"u ::rFro:al n1 IiSA �.iad:r 1!?I nr ti:c �1.:'.: :. .::i:•:• .�.•:{: � ;;�•. I'.. :•r�.:c.;:.; I:��::� �m• �,. . .,. _ ri.••:. . .r. ��a:: :�cr, eu,_�,,,..h� n•:, .,r � '! rr oitq�salof!hapro�:ity.v:hcn�.uchc.ion . �� � . .::.. cc�i; _,_riu•e�.:r:. , .. �.,�c�.......u•.:�-',� _.i, ... .. i:a�:hurt ;Jo� ;J, 0!5�[':- �ti�r,c�• �rtn::ts, �tha eas_ :na�• be. (1) �n�i,���••.�,�,�,�•„r�:��r.����rn�'i�1:ul�Crcn�it. .c��•I.:r.:�i,�� �..� �1.'c.;c,..� },:�il•�t.c ,•��....r�' •:n��i,.:'� _•i �.�,•i, „�i �•-l�.n,,,.�lu1:-�lr•d�,.•c:° �.�i, tl�t �.:r il �c�:i�c� th: �n�tr.•rt� ,hrou! ;� :� ;� •rc.,'� ..�; rn:: tl: � c< .,1���0 �. r.r.n�. •d :�� I �:�:��,�' �i , ��•�•r,in n .. . t. . ,. � ,. . .. i ��or..n�.in:.,t ( �;.,�, or rc .➢IJt:��_!tCt,th�c'.mi•r.��th:O�.DUnr,S���'.\��ltl'..:!.J�C� ...._..�ti11�.'�..��:i.,���c',-('.. .,.. _.C::j.a�� :r�_._Ll:.•. .. ;i�,�.....:i��...:(�:;�.,�:..:ft�-.1.ti: :nar;:rt �a;�c rr thr fair renwl �•ali:c o! �;�e F,�i��rit� at t;r_ tim�� ,,! < c:� �!i;,�c�,:,'.::, Jct�� �.i�r.�:: � � (�' '. r � ,i � .• :� : . ��: .. {3) Ifatanctiai:.lrr�nit!icdi�►itrcccr.;sthcpr.�orrtpti,•.��:f•t'�• ii.<'„_ :(ti�-ictl• �i,."•;;,�r�-:,;!,�•�', .�';��1r�i,�...���i.'�c..... o''�li.��•��:�,��rc�. I��tedhercuricno!oneer��itat!:.us:itle,^•fu�the::n.�;'_.'��•t;edo..•!�-<i�•�:ci�,:..cic�(o�,r�.,ei: ., r:�I. F_•��,,:_c t-'r:,^�,r:��i:i}ii.,.:�t•.�e:-:_}. �n�shall.�<direr.iedbc:tiestateaeer.:v,�tturntheF,iat+r.:�•�ot:�•:•t,��:.�cr.:�. n^Ir..>..tee�.rrr.r; �:t�:,her:ii•��::rr�.r.,i,,cr�'�.�;:�:.rr,c���r:�;.�,,..,in•r;.�r a��nc�' e: th: Ur�tcd S;�tes. sell. or o�lier:•, i::c disposr cf tl��: propcit�. t he p:.�cecr!, IrO:n ��, .�.. :,I:cli �^c r., :�� .� r „.!' !�� t:�c �J�n: �• to th^ •..at�• ., .. _. 14) Ti��dn�:e�ii:.,le:a.ltrcpertsto:h^st:,te��enc�usitheuse.e��;ditie.t,ar,dlccation.�ft��;:�u,•^rt:i:stedh:i�un..s.,�, ,ac.r`;erprr!+ner,.�:.•R:...:may`r rcyuu;d L•.r.a ;imr to timc by thc statt �r-•:ic)'. (51 �1ttt�eup��nnufthestatea��e:net•.tLeden�ernayahroir,uetheronditio�ssrtf��rth�nl('j;+r,dtlitterms.res:r•�ae��iis.ar.lrc.tnctior.sp::rtinen.!herctoin(U) by paymcnt of an �mau�t as decer:t:i:�rd h� thc s;ate a�rr.�y. (1:1 Tilk C(,'\FF. P.��k1 E$ l'O TF?L• tL'i_�.(111'I:�Ci CO'�Dll 10`:5. �\I'YLl(:,ii:LE TC) .•.:.I..' [ 1�.'�I�: UF 1';•'r�l,' k,:- ,.l51'I.11 ?1ERr.0`;• f!) tT:e �ru,:cr.y :��!;�r[ed M' thC dUr�C. �s on :in "as i�;•..«hcre is" b i:i;. u•irhrnrt �+��rr:,nn ��i ar.•� P.ind. (2+ ��'hercado�ccc:rriesinsur:�ncr.a;�:in�t!a�nas�cst�iorlossor�r"r�.�!}�or,t�.ifre��•�th_rl�,i;aut:.i��.l��t��rrl�...oCnr,'.;v:��•�.tudomtc�';•r,�ar�t},��th �rnrxrrr.:u tcnn:, r.:•::c�!i,,:i�. rr�cnat�„•��. or rc,u�icti�;nc o::vrs, th: stat�• ;;�r �r;c} •.��I� �,r: �I�t:r•: ;,• r�iir;�urscment from th: cl�nrcuut �•f:h� in,ur.:r.;�� pru••rcdc, o��.,n arr��uat :;;�a'. t:� tLc u:;�n:crtir.:c� r�,rtinn ot thc ;air �•alne ci c,r: u ir: ;�pi� nr 7�str �::,1 cl�,na;ed itcrns. (P) 1':F,"1���\I�C':l.'�I�IIIU\S.1i'j'll/::\I'Lf•.11,1i1i'f?U�,LI�(i�(''! .+I!Z�'I:'�;1�\\DYl'.S�[L5150('EEfUR!,IOfZCI.`:lF\Cifll�fl�-.�'i.`�<i ?.\;,C'(IUI�i11U\C(11TUF:;>,�10��UP.:,t��b:!� RHC,r;ltUl.�:�':t11 11!I I'1.'i:f'�itil'1(�R�lf?i(')I 1;'l?il4?f�` 1 hc •li��,a�i�in s�m!I be ;uLj �ct to (.'�C .i�f1�J. C:)G:i�l.�y��. rexr�•,riur,�. an� rrti�� �c;inn � sr•. torth i•, th: :.����,n;i��� .:, ! r:�a•l:r, U��c�i:u�nt c�.rr!i;^d i�y thc zvtn,iiiz�d dcr.�c re�rescnl:�n�c. � 'L325 ��i00R� AVc., FULI_ERTON, CA 92633 .=' •- ti . Sa that r�e..cdn Lorr�ci:ly i.�terpr your intentions in submittin: he �tta�i�ed new resuiut�ion, in cdr�;���tinn with information previousl.y suppiied, will you please make a ct�eck in the appi�cable space below and return this form to us with yo�r coin��leted resolutipn. ' The attached resolution is intended to: _.__ _ Rescind all previous resolutions. Add names to list previously autfiori�ed. x Delete the follo���ing persans previously authorized: GILBERT RAMIREZ � GEORGE RODGERS , + > > CITY OF PALM DESERT Name of Organ�z�tion-j- ' 73-510 Fred Waring Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 riay 5, i9ss Address � (Date) . , ,�, � �