HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 89-011,. . . . . •4 RESOLUTION N0. 89-11 � RE$OLUTION OF THS CITY OF PALM DE$ERT OF POWERS AGREEMENT PALM DESERT AND THE AGENCY CITY COVNCIL OF THE APPROVING A JOINT EXFRCISE BETWEEN THE CITY OF PALM DEBERT REDEVELOPMENT RECITALS: � A. The� Jo1nt Exercie• or Pow�rs �ct, Calirornia Gov�rnm�nt Cod• S�ction 6500, ��., provid�s that public : aqanc�.�s by agreement mey jointly •x�raisa any power common to � th• contracting partiss. � 8. Tho City and th� Aq�ncy ara ��pubiic ag�n�i�s�� � within th• m�aning of that t�rm und�r 8sction 6302 of such Act. ; C. Amonq tha cammon pow�rs o! th� City and th• AqQncy � are the power to borrow mon�y by th• isauanca ot bonds, noter or oth�r obligntionst th• pow�r to ��11 such bondr, noLas or oth�r � ob2igationst th• pow�r to puz'ch��� such bonds, not�a or othar � obliqations� and th4 pow�r to acc�pt �inancial a�aistancs from various public sources. Th• city and th• Aq�ncy desire to jointly �xorcie�e certain pow�rs common to thant, inoludinq th• foregoing paw�rs and includinq the expenaion, up qradinq and ' improv�mant ot public c�pital improv�m�nts within thQ City. � D. ey addinq the provisions o! Artici• 4 to such Act, th� Stst• Leqislatur• hns provided assistance to reduco local � borrowinq coats, to help aocoloret• th• construction, rapair and mainten�nce of public capital improvamants, and to promoto i grsater usa o! sxisting e�d nnit financial instruments a�nd , m�ch�nism�. E. Thort ia a n��d within ths City, consistent with th• n��d d�scrib�d i3� tha daClaration o! th• State Leqielature a�t iorth in l�rticl• 4 0! such Act, to axpand, upgr�do and oth�rwis� improv� th� publio oapital faciliti�s o! local gov�rnmant n�aeseary to �tuppart th• rihabilitation and construction ot r�sid�ntial and •conomic dsvelopmant. The nesds of local qovvrnment !or �inancinq these Lacilitias greatly excesd tha �mount o! tunds availQbla from sxistinq atate, local and federel sourcas. F. Pursuant to Article 4 0! such Act, an authority cr�at4d purauant to ArtiCl• 1 ot th� Act may ie�sue bond� and may purchase bonds issu�a by eny laoel ���r�cy •uch as th• City or the Aq�ncy, at e publio or private sal• and �uch bonds may b• h�ld by th� authority or avld to public or privata purchae�ers t�t public or n�qotiated salas. "' ' -' � -. n�... - .. . . � _ .. ... . .. . , � . ' RESOLUTION I�. 89-11 a. Th� city and th• Aqancy d�sir� to �nt�r into txii� Agream�nt in turth�ranc• of such Act, including Article 4 thereaf. NOW�THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PAIM DESERT HEREHY FIND3, DETERMINES, RLSOLVES 1hND ORDERS AS FOLLOWS; Section i. The Joint Exorcis� o! Powers Aqreemsnt, dated as ot January 12, 1989, by and betwean ths City o! Palm Desert and th� Palm Dssert Redev�lopm�nt �qancy, which has ba�n pr�s�ntod to ths City Council at thi� mooting and which is on filo in th• ottica ot th• City Clark, in heraby approv�d, and the Mayor ia hereby authoriz�d and dir�otad for and on b�hal.! of the City ot Palm D��ert, to �xecut� and d�liv�r such Aqr�ement for and on bshalt or th• City. S�ation 2. Th• pow�r• con��rr�d upon th• Paim D�s�rt Financinq Authority doscrib�d by such Aqr��m�nt and by Articla 4 of th• Joint Exercise of Powars Act, Calitornit� Gov�rnmant Code Seation 6500, �#, �,q., will provid� signilicant public b�n�f3ts, includinq th� tollowing: � �. Demonstrebi� savinqs in af�ectiva i�t�r�st rato, ; bond pr�paration, bond und�rwritinq and bond printinq co�ts, by ` p�rmittinq th� �luthority, in a'�propriat� circumstanc�s, on its � own b�half or on b�hal! o! ths City of Palm D���rt or th� Palm Desart R�d�v�lopm�nt Aq�nay, to s�l�ct an und�rwrit�r to purchase bonds at a n�qotiat�d �nla. Such appropriats circumstanc�s may ' inaluda, but era not limit�d to, circumatanc�s wh�r• any or the ' aourc�s ot rapaym�nt tor ths bonds are uncommon�and bonds oacursd ' by and payable lrom such sourcee ara rfot brd3narily sold at ; public esl�r B. Siqniticent reduction in •ltectiva usor charqos l�vi�d by �he Cfty o� Palm D�s�rt through coop�rativs •rtortd with th• Palm D���rt Rod�valopm�nt Ag�ncyi C. Employm�nt b�n�lits lroza undertakinq projeot4 in a tim4ly fashion, inclu8ing, but not limitad to, indtract �mployment ben�lits which may arisa or which may b� accaleratad by und�rtakinq a public capitai improvement proj�ct; and -Z- ; . , . , � . i i RESOLUTION N( '9-11 D. More etlici�nt dalivory o! sarvices to r•aid�ntiai er►d comm�rcial d�v�lopn�ant by th• C�,ty o! Palm D�ssrt thtough coopar�ttiv� •�lorta with th• Pa12o- Des�rt R�dovalopnt�nt Aq�ncy. pAbSBED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, thi• 26th dtly o� January �� � 989 , AYEBt I NOE�: i ABSENT: � AHSTAIN: I I I ATTEBT: II � !�.' '� � � City Cl � I I i � 0104�9.6Z(1) BENSON, CRITES, KELLY, WILSON NONE SNYDER NONE ; Z� -3-