HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 89-116RFSOlC�TTICN NU. 89-116 A RESULUTION OF � CITY CX7UNCIL OF � CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFt�RNIA, APPROVING A PRECISE PLAN AI�ID PARCEL MAP TO ALLOW aONSTR[IG'PION OF A 40, 000 SQUARE FOOT OFFICE RETAIL COMPLEX AT THE NORTHEAST OORNER OF HIC�iWAY 111/POR'POLA AVE�V[JE Ai�ID ALESSAImRO/PO�LA AVF��JE. CASE NUS. PP 89-19, PM 25018 WI-�:RF'AS, the City Cau�cil of the City of Palm Desert, California, did an the 14th day of September, 1989, hold a duly noticed public hearirx3 to aon..sider the request of OLIPHANT/LIZZA ASSOCIATES for approval of a negative declaration of enviromiental im�act, a precise plan and par�cel map for a 40,000 square foot officejretail canplex at the r�ortheast conier of Highway 111/Portola Avenue and Alessandro/Portola Avpnue; and W�, said applicatioci has cat�lied with the requireme�lts of the�"City of Palm Desert Proc��edure for L�lemeritatioaz of the California �nri�ne.ntal Quality Act, Resolution No. 80-89," in that the director of oamnuiity develapnent has determic�ed that the pr�oject will not ha�re a significant adverse impact on the enviro�mental and a negative declaration has been prepared; and WI�REAS, at said public heax'ing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arg�mients, if ariy, of all interested pez�sorLs desiring to be heard, said city aoui�il did find ttle follawing facts to justify their actions as described below: Precise Plan 1. The precise plan design complies with the intent, purpose and standards of the G1 and O.P. districts of the Palm Desert ZoniuxJ Ordinance. 2. The project specifically implements land use and circulation reaanneruiations of the Ccamex�cial Core Area Specific Plan. 3. The project will not depreciate property values or restrict the lawful use of adjacent prryperties rnr will it threaten public health, safety or general w�elfare. Parc,el Map 1. The prnposed paroel map i�lements the precise plan arzd is oonsistent with the Palm Desert Subdivisian CrrYiis�zce and State Subdivision Map Act. M7W, TfiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVID by the City Council of the City of Palm Desert, California, as follows: l. That the abave reCitatians are true and aorrect and oonstitute the fi.r�dings of the coi.ulcil in this case. `�.�: • • :• • 2. That a Negative Declaration of Emri�_ntal Lr�act �hibit "A" , PP 89-19 arxi PM 25018 on file in the depaL-�nent of aamnmity develo¢nent are hexeby appz�aved. PASSID, APPRC7Vm and ADOP'I'ID at a regular meeting of ti�e Palm Desert City Council, held � this 14th day of September, 1989, by tiye follawing wte, to wit: AYES: F�LY, SNYDER, WILSON NOES : BENSON, (�iITES ABSII�T : NONE ABSTAIN : NCfl� ATTEST: /' ' � S ILA R. GILL , City City of Palm D�sert, Cali rnta PD/tm � 2 RFSO�.LTPIQd ND. 89-116 •• 1 • . �;• . •••,� . v�� �. � • :}�L•�i����E:3 �_.. .� _ . •.� � � �_ .. �: 1. The �lapnent of the prc�perty shall oceifoxm substantially with exhibits on file with the departrrient of oomrnuzity dev�elc7pment/plaruiirig, as modified by the follawing oaxlitior�s . 2. OorLstructiori of a portioan of said project shall oannence within oa�e year fran tY�e date of final app�aval �uiless an extension of time is granted; otherwise said approval shall become null, void and of no effect whatsoe�v�er. 3. The developt�t of the property described he.rein shall be subject to the restrictia�s and limitatiorLs set forth herein which are in addition to all municipal ordinances and state and feaeral statutes rx�w in force, or which hexeafter may be in force. 4. Prior to issuance of a building permit for oa�stxuction of arYy use vaztemplated by thi.s apQroval, the applicant shall first obtain pezmits and/or clearanr,e from ttya fallawir�g agencies: CoacYiella Valley Water District Palm Desert AYr,iiitectural CoRmission City Fire Mazshal Riversicle Coturty Depart�rent of Health Palm Desert Water ar�d Sexvices District Et�ideryce of said permit or cleara��r.e fran the abave ager�cies shall be presented to the c�epartrn�nt of buildir�g and safety at the time of issuance of a building pezmit for the use contemplated t�erewith. 5. Trash pmavisions shall be appY�av�ed by applicable trash crn�any and city prior to issuance of building permit. 6. Ap�licant shall pay scY�ool in�act fees as arrar�ged by the Desert Sarids Unified Sc,iyool District. 7. Pro j ect shal l be sub j ect to Art in Public Places fee per Ordinarx,,e No . 473. 8. AppllCant agr�ees to maintain the lar�dscapi.ng requ.ir�ed t� be ir��talled ptus�uant to these oocxlttioa�s. AppllCant will enter into an ag��ent to maintain said landscaping for the life of the pmoject, which agreement sh,all be notarized atxi which agre�nent sh,all be reoordeCi. It is the 3 RF�O�,ITIZCN PA. 89-116 specific intent of the parties that this oonditicn and agre�ient nm with the land and bind successors and assigns. 9. Ap�licant shall arqahasize cfiaight resistent and water ooc�,servirx3 plant matarials ar�d irrigatiori tec,hr�ologies into landscape plan. Deparht�ent of Public Wo��s: 1. Drainage fees, in accordance with Secti� 26.49 of the PaLn Desex-t Municipal C,ode, shall be paid prior to issuance of a gradir�g pennit. 2. Signalizatioci fees, in acooz�aix�.e with City of Palm Desert Resoluticn Nos. 79-17 and 79-55, shall be paid prior to issuance of a grading pe�cmit. 3. Any storm drain oa�structiori shall be ooritingent upai a drainage study prepared by a registex�eci civil engir�eex that is revieFred ar�d apZamv�ed by the depar��ent of public work.s. 4. FL11 public imprav�nents, as required by Sectia�s 26.40 and 26.44 of the Palm Desert Municipal Code, shall be installed in accordance with applicable city standards. 5. As required under Palm Desert Municipal Cbc�e Section 26.28, and in _. acaordar�ce with Sections 26.40 and 26.44, oanplete inq�av�ement plans and specificatiaLs shall be submitted to the direct.or of public w��ks for checking and approval before construction of any improvements is aam�enced. Offsite imprr�vement plans sizall be rgvie�red and ap�prav�ed by the direct,or of public works and a surety posted to guarantee the installatiai of all required offsite i�a�nts prior to issuanc,e of a 9rac1i�Y3 Pennit. "AS-tuilt" pl2ins shall be SuY�.cnitted to, and aP'Px�� bY. ti�e director of public works prior t� the acceptance of the imp��avaneiits by the city. 6. All private driveways and parking lots shall be inspected by the �9�'�9 �t and a starx3ard i.rLspectiaz fee paid p�-ior to the issua:yce of a gradir�g permit. 7. Landscapi�g maintenance cn Highway 111, Port.ola Avenue, Alessandro Driv�e, San Mari.rn Circle ar�d t2�e prr�posed rnrth/sauth street be respo�lsibility of the pr�ope='ty awr�er. 8. As required under Sectioci 12.16 and 26.44 of the PaLn Desert Nhmicipal Q�cle, all existing utilities shall be placed underground per each respective utility district's recommendation. If detennined to be unfeasible, the applicant shall sutxnit to the city, in a form acxeptable to the city attorney, surety in an amount equal to the estimated oorLstruction oosts for the subject 4 •�`'�; • • '• • 9. In acoardar�ce with Palm Desert Municipal t`,a�e C��apter 27, ocn�lete grading plans aryd specificatia�s shall be sut�cni.tted to the directior of public works for checkir�g and approval grior to th�a issuacx:e of any permits associated with this project. 10. Any and all offsite i�ra�rements shall be prec,ecied by the appraval of plans by the director of public works and the issuance of valid encroachment pern�i.ts by the depaz�,nt of public work.s and the State Departrnent of Transportatiai. 11. A complete prel�minary soils investigatian, oor�ducted by a registered soils er�gin�ee.r, shall bs sutrnitted tio and approved by the depattment of public wr�rks prior to the issuarx� of the grading permit. 12. Prior to the approval of any plans or the issuarx� of ar7y permits as.sociated with this proposal, applicant shall secure the vacatian of the frontage rnad right-of-way and that portirn of Alessandro Drive identified as "Lot D" on the tentative paz�cel map. 13. Lan�dscaping, walls and other site i�r�av�ients within a 40-foot "clear sight triargle" for all intexsectior�s shall be no highar than thi�ee feet abav�e tap of curb elevation. 14. Traffic safety stripix�g on Highway 111, Alessandro Drive, Pbrtola Avpnue and the proposed north/south street shall be provided to the specifications of ti�e director of public works and State Deparbnent of TraiLsportation. A traffic orntrol plan must be submitted to and be approv�ed by the director of public w�rks and Caltrans grior to placi.r�g arYy pavement mark.ings. 15. Applicant shall prr�vide for the design ar�d aor�stnict3ai of State Highway 111 i��nts to State starxiards. The High�way 111 cross-sectiori shall be desigried to provide for three thraigh lanes, an exclusive left and right turn larye all to Caltrans standard.s. Sufficient right--of-way to acooRmodate this crr�ss-sectiori shall be dedicated on the par�cel map. 16. The City of PaLn Desert "Superblock Cbnc.ept" shall be closely acIl��ered to as a design guide for Highway 111 ir�rvv��ents. Applicant shall work closely with adjacent pro�pex�ty awryers, the city and the state to im�lanent the elimination of tt�e existing "slip ra�" located easterly of the px�oject site and modtfication of the froritage road circulatioci as may be nece.ssazy. 17. Right-of-way at 50 feet (half street) on Pbrbola Av�nue, 55 feet (fuil str�eet ) az Alessan�dro Driv�e and 36 feet ( ful l street ) on tiie proposed mrth/south street shall be c�edtcated to tY�e city on the parrsl map. 5 R�TIZ�1 AU. 89-116 18. Gtxnplete parcel map shall be sutrnitted to the director of public works for checkirx,� ar�d app�vval prior to the is�uatre of any pezmits as.sociated with this project. 19. Waiver of access to all public str�eets except at app�aved locations shall be granted cn the parcel map. 20. Finist'�ed floor ele�vations as stxxan on the plot plan for tentativ�e par�cel map 25018 are subject to review and modification in accordance with Secti� 27 of the PaLn Desert Municipal C,ode. 21. As a miniirnnn, the d�esign of the final e�ir�eered st-reet i��avecnent plans and site grading plarLs shall inoozporate the follawing: A. Relocation of existir�g traffic signal facilities as may be ryecessary for z�e,quiY,ed str�eet wic�ening. B. Widening of Portola Avenue betw�een Highway 111 and San Marirb Circle to aooarmoclate twc� through travel lanes, center turn lane and r�orti�bo�u�d right turn lar�e at Alessandro Drive and San Mari.r�o Circle with p�ovisia�s for transition to existing width at San Marino CirCle. C. Rec3�.sign of the existisyg barrier island in Portola Avenue ta allaw � for left turn movements for rbrthbound to westbound traffic at 7 AlessandYn Driv�e. � D. Lnp�ac�ient width of Alessarriro Drive to be 38 feet, curb to curb. E. Alessandro Drive access, north and so�uth side, shall be limited to either a�e two-way or twc� oc�e-way c�ives and shall provide for openir�g aligrment. F. Safe trash d�.at�ster loCatiocl with the SubjeCt site. G. Deletion of tt�e prn�os�ed San Marir�o Circle access. Tl�e above site specific design oa�.sic3eratia�s are in addition to all oti�er .00cxiitions applied to this project as well as arYy and all city star�dards as may be appliCable. Riverside A�ty Fire Depar�t: 1. The fire department is required to set a mini�rnnm fire flow for the r�iodel or ooc�structicn of all oormiercial buildir�gs per Uniform Fire Ciocle Sec. 10.301C. C� '�.�1 • • '• • 2. A fire flaw of 3000 gpm fos a 3 ryour duration at 20 psi residual ape.rating p�essure must be available before any oanbustible material is placed on the job site. 3. A canbination of on-site and off-site Super fire hydrants, (6" x 4" x 2- 1/2" x 2-1/2") will be required, located not less than 25' r�or m�re than 150' from any portion of the buildiix,�( s) as measured alcx�g approved vehtcular travelways. The z�equireci fire flaw st�all be available fr�an arty two adj acsent hydrant( s) in the systsn. 4. The r+equired fire flaw may be adjusted at a later p�int in the peimit p�ocess to reflect cizanges in design, oonstxuction type, area separations, or built-in fire protection measux'es. 5. Prior to the application far a b�uilding pexmit, the d�e�velaper shall furnish the original and two oapies of the water system plan t� the Clx.urty Fire Department for review. No building pennit shall be issued until the water system plan has beeri app�ved by the Uaurty Fire Chief . Upon ap�p�+orval, the oY'igin3l will be retunyed. Odne c�y will be Sent to th�e respaksible ins�ecting authariiy. 6. Plans shall c�onform to fire hyc�ant types, locatial and spaci.r�g, and the systen shall meet the fire flvw ts. Plar� shall be sigryed by a Regists,red Civil Dngineer and may be signed by the local water oo�t�arYy with the follawir�g certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in acc7ordar�ce with the requirements p��e,sc�sibed by the Riv�eisic3e CXxulty Fire Depaz-tment. �� 7. Install a oa�lete fire sprinkler system per NFPA 13. The post indicator v21ve an�d fire d�eparbrient Ooru�eCt.ion Shall be loCated to ttie frorit, tbt less tizan 25' fran the buildir�g and within 50' of an appraved t�ant. 8. Install a fire alazm (watexflaw) as required by the UnifoYm Building C,ode, 380.3, for sprinkler system. 9. Install tac�er alaYm az supply valve for sprinkler systens. Ta�er switch must also ri.ng wate�r flaw alazm. System must be mociitored. 10. CsY'ta.in dBsignated areas will be required to be maj.nt3ined as fire lane,s. 11. All buildings shall be accessible by an all-weat',hex' roadway extending tA within 150' of all portions of the exterior walls of the first story. The roadway shall be rnt less than 24' of width ar�d 13'6" of vex�tical clearance. Where parallel parking is allc�aed, the z�oadway shall be 36' wide with parking on both sides, 32' wide with pasking on cne side. Dead-end roads in excess of 150' shall be pravided with a mtninn.an 45' radius tunz-ara�ryd ( 55' in industrial develognents ). ? RESO�,iTi'ICN ND. 89-116 12. Fire flaw requi�.nts will be in tiye area of 2250 to 2500 gpm ba..sed upon 'I�pe V sprrinklei�ed a�nstruction. Check with Palm Desert Water and Services district to see if the.se flvws are available in this area. 13. Install panic izardware and exit sic,�s as per CYiapter 33, sections of the Uniform Buildir�g Orx3e. 14. Ctntact the fire deparUn�nt for a final inspection prior to oc.cupanc.y. City G�ax.il Q�nditiorLs: 1. Building pad ca�ditions oci Nighway 111 shall r�ot exoeed ti�e existing average curb height at the north side of the frontage raad. 2. The landscape plan shall oanply with the August 24, 1989 parking lot tree master plan pr+oposal. 3. Applicant shall execute a c►aatual access agreement with the narth side Alessar��o praperty awryer to the east of the p�ject to allow for a possible futvre ocamr.� use parking lot. 4. The city supports and shal.l assist in the discussicn with Caltrans to gain app�aval for the proposed Highway 111 access, frnntage road direction _ reversal ar�d rec�esign. PD/trn ,;� RESO�ITIZCN PA. 89-116 D�IIBIT "A" Pursuant to Title 14, Divisian 6, Article 7, Section 15083, of ti�e California A�cYninistrativ�e (',ocle. ��r• : �:a• • • C�SE N06: PP 89-19, PM 25018 : �� r: ►1 I�:�• I�w ti_�..�� r � - - -- Oliphant/Lizza Associates 77-900 Avpnue of the States Palm Desext, CA 92260 �-T �'iZ(N�'ICN: A 40, 000 squai�e foot office/retail oariplex at the r�artYYw�est oorne.r of Highway 111/Portola and Alessarx3z�o/P�oz-bola Av�we. The Dir�ecto� of the Deparbn�nt of Ccmrnmity Develop��ent, City of Palm Desp.rt, California, has fauxl that the de.�cribed pr�oject r„�ill not have a significant effect on the e�nt. A c�q.�y of the Initial Study has beeri attached to cloc�.IInent the r+easa�.s in sup�port of this finding. Mitigation measures, if anY, incluc3ed in the project to avoid potentially significant effects, may also be faurxi attached. � �:�'%% � RA[N�IJ A. DTA7 DIRDC,'POR OF �NN[]NITY PD/tm 09- DATE � 0