HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 89-125RFSC]LITPICN NU. 89-125 A RESOLUTION OF TEIE CITY aC7UNCIL OF TI-lE CITY OF PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA, APPI�C7VING A PRECISE PLAN OF DESIGN, NDGATIVE DDC��FiATION OF IIV�TIRC�N�ITAL IMPACT, Alm PARCEL, MAP 'PO CbNSTRUC'P A SIX ACRE, 56, 942 SQUARE FCX7r RETAIL PRCa7ECr AI�ID RESTAURANr AT TI-IE S�7f1I'�IEAST C70RNER OF HI(�iWAY 111 AI�ID F'RID WARIIVG DRIVE . CASE NOS. PP 89-21 Aim PM 24794 WI�RFAS, the City Caur�cil of the City of Pa]m Desert, California, did � the 12th day of October, 1989, hold a duly rnticed public hearir�g to oa�.sider the �equest of BIRTCf�R-DUI�i�M for the above mentiocied p�oject; and �. 4JF�RF.AS, said applicatiori has aac�lied with the requiz�nents of the "City of PaLn Desert Proc.edure for Ic�lementation of the California Enviro�mental Quality Act, Resolution No. 80-89," in that the director of oanrn�tty developnent has deteimiried that tY�e project will rnt have a significant impact on the envizncmPntal and a negative c�eclarati� has been pr�epar�ed; and Wf�RFAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimocYy and argum�zts, if ariy, of all interested persaLs desirir�g to be heard, said city ca.u�cil did find the followir�g facts to justify tt�eir actions, as described belaw: 1. The parcel map is oor�,sistent with and i�lements the requir�nents of the City of Palm Desert Subdivisiocz Orciis�ance, State Map Act and oorxiitiaLs of approval far the precise plan. 2. The design of the precise plan will rnt substantially depreciate property values nor be materially injurious to properties or i,mpr�ovements in the vicinity. 3. The precise plan will nDt unreasonably interfe.re with the use of and enjoycrient of praper�iy in the vicinity by the occupants thereof for lawful p�uposes. 4. The precise plan will r�ot erydanger the public peace, health, safety, or ger�era]. welfare. NCJW, Tf�REFiORE, BE IT FtFSOLVID by the City CoLu�cil of the City of Palm Desert, as follaws: 1. That the abave recitations are true and oorrect and ooa�.stitute the findi.ngs of the oouricil in this case. 2. That the city vourbcil doe.s he.reby apprave PP 89-12 and PM 24794. RFSOLiTPIQ[�1 Nt�. 89-125 PASSID, APPROVID and ADOPTID at a regular meeting of the PaLn Des�x�t City Couricil, held on this 12th day of October, 1989, by the follaaing vote, tA wit; AYES : C�2ITES, F�LLY, SNYD�t, WIL.SO[J NI�FS : BIIISON ABSFN!' : AANE ABSTAIN: NUIVE ATTFST : ^ ,� � ,. SHEILA R. GILLIG�, City City of Palm De_�ert, Cal. CS/tm 2 IC�.� • • I• •• 1 • . • ' • •.• C�1SE N06. PP 89-21 A1�ID PM 24794 I�,,�n• �i'_ i��� � � n u � • .� � _ _ �. � i i�� �i 1. The developnent of the property shall aanfonn substantially with exhibits on file with the depar�nent of ocmrnuLi.ty development/planning, as modified by the following ooriditions. 2. Coc�stnactioaz of a portian of said pzvject shall oamience within one year frcm the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted; othezwise said approval shall become null, void and of no effect whatsoever. ,• 3. The c3�velognent of the property described herein shal l be sub j ect to the restrictions and limitations set forth hexein which are in addition to all municipal ordinances and state and fedaral statutes r�aw in force, or which Yaereafter may be in force. 4. Prior to issuance of a building permit for oa�structian of arry use c�te�lated by this apprwal, the applicant shall first obtain pexnuts and/or clearance from the follaaing agencies: Coachella Valley Water District Palm Desert Archttectural Qortmissicc� City Fire Marshal Public Works DepartrnPnt Palm Desert Water & Services District E�idexx�.e of said permit or cleararyce frcm the atx7ve agerycies shall be presented to the d�epa=-�nent of building and safety at the time of issuaryce of a buildir�g pexmit for the use oontec�lated herewith. . 5. Access to trash/se=vice areas shall be placed so as not to oaiflict with parking areas. Said placement shall be appz�o�v�ed by applicable trash oa�arYy and departr��ent of oarRn�nity c�ev�elapne�zt. 6. All future occupants of the buildings (pad 1, 2 aixi 3) shall canply with parking requirements of the zoc�ing ozdin�arx,.e. 7. A detailed parking lot and buildiryg lightir�g plan shall be submitted to staff for apprwal, subject to applicable lightiryg starx3ards, plan to be prepared by a qualified lighting er�gir�ep.r. 8. All side�walk plans shall be reviewed and appz�ov�.�d by the depar�trnent of public works prior to arc.hitectural review cam�ission sutYnittal. 3 RFSOLUPICN N0. 89-125 9. Project is subject to Art in Public Places fee per Ordinance No. 473. 10. The a��chitectur� and lar�dscape plans for the buildir�g on parr,el 3 shall be submitted for approval to the azriiitectural review oatmissioci. 11. Approval of PP 89-21 does r�ot include signage. 12. Final landsCape plans shall oatq�ly with pra�osed August 24, 1989 paz'king lot tt�ee plantir�g master plan. 13. AppliCant agr�es to maintain the 13ndscaping required to be installed pu.rsuant to these oocxiitiazs. Applicant will enter into an agree��ent to maintain said landscaping for the life of the p�+oject, which agreanent stiall be notarized an[i whiCh agi'eem�_nt sh�311 be reoO�rded. It is the specific intent of the parties that this oondition and agree�ient run with the lan�d anci bind successors arxi assigns. � . 14. Applicant agx�ees to provide their fair stLaz�e to the oonstruction and ope.ration of a proposed peonle maver systgn. 15. Applicant shall establish a oam�er�cial Y�ecyclir�g program to be revieti�red and app�+o�ved by the Envirocmental Canse,rvation Manager. �,y s•i� c�� • • .��.•: 1. ArYy drais�age facilities ooanstructiai r�equ.ired for this project shall be oociti.ngent upori a drainage study prepared by a registered civil er�gineer that is revie�red and appr�aved by ti�e d�eparunent of public works prior to start of valstzuctiosi. 2. Siyr�alization fees, in acoozdar�ce with City of Palm Desert Resolution Nos. 79-17 and 79-55, shall be paid prior to recordation of final map. Signalizatiaz fees shall be paid in oanjunctiai with the appraval of par�cel map 20894 shall be credited against fees due for this p�oject. 3. �11 public i�rnv�r�nts, as required by Sectians 26.40 and 26.44 of the Palm Desert Municipal Code, shall be installed in accordance with applicable city and Caltxar�s standards. Lnprovements shall include, but rnt be limited to the followir�g: Phase 1: a. OocLstYuctioci of a deceleratiori/right turn lane for the Highway 111 Pro j ect entry. b. C�structioai of a deceleratioc�/right turn lane for the westerly Fred waririg nriv�e entYy. 4 RFSOI�TfICN N0. 89-125 c. Irx;rease in ttye width of both FYed Waring Driv�e entry points as stxx�m oci the precise plan. d. Pravisians for the installati� of a raised chanr�elization median island at th�e easterly FY�ed Waring Drive entry. e. Cor�.struction of any sidewalk morlificatioci as may be nece.s.sary. Pha.se 2: a. Nbd.ificati� to the w�estesly curb line of the High�way 111 project entiy ( widPn the entry ) . b. Median island design to prahibit left turri egress fran both the SubjeCt site as w�ell as the p�nperty to the mrth. `' Pha.se 1 imprvvements shall be oonstructed as a part of the initial pmject ccnstLvctioci. Pha.se 2 im�vements shall be urx%rtaken whe.li ao�struction of a traffic signal at the Highway 111 project �try is urx3ertaken by othexs. 4. As required under Palm Desert Municipal Cbcle Section 26.28, and in acoordance with Sectians 26.40 and 26.44, an�lete irrg�ravement plans and specifications shall be suUnitted to tiye director of public works for checking and approval before construction of any improvements is cannenc,ed. Offsite improvenent plans to be appraved by the public caorks depaY-��ent and a surety posted to guarantee the installation of required offsite im��tients prior to reoordation of final map. 5. All public and private im�rwenents shall be inspected by the department of public w�orks and a star�dard inspection fee shall be paid prior to issuar�ce of gradir�g pe=mits. 6. Lar�dsCaping ma.intexi3ixae oR ttye ptoperty frocit3ges sh311 be pravided by the �Y «�-i'• . 7. In accordanae with Palm Desert MurLicipal Coc3e Secticn 26.44, canplete grading plans/site imprv�nent plans arxi s�pecificatioc�s shall be sutmitted to the director of public works for ch�ecicis�g ar�d appraval grior to issuar�ce of arYy perndts . In addition to all standazrl er�gineerir�g design parameters, tfie plan shall address appropriate circulatian-related issues. 8. Traffic safety stzipi.r�g on HigYiway 111 and F`red Waririg Drive shall be prwided to the specifications of the director of public works and Caltrans and shall include the use of approved the.rniaplastic paint and raised paveinPnt markers. A traffic c�trol plan �nust be subrnitted to, and appz�oved by, the director of public works prior to the placenent of any pav�nent markings. 5 •:�.• • � •• 9. Applicant shall provide for the design of a raised, landsc�.aped median island in FYed Warir�g Drive. The design shall be to the specifications of the director of public works. 10. Cat�lete p2rr.e1 map shall be submitt.ed as reqUired by ordinaryce to tt�a director of public works for chec,kirg and appa�oval ar�d be reoard�ed before issuarx�e of arYy petmits . 11. ArYy and all offsite i�rvvements shall be prece�ed by the app�oval of plans and the issuance of valid encroac,iYnent peYmits by the departn►Pnt of public works and Caltrans. 12. Pad elevatia�s, as st�aan cn the p��ecise plan for tentativ�e par�cel map are subject to review and mociification jn acaordance with Ct3apter 27 of the Palm Desert Nhuiicipal Qode. 13. Waiver of access to Highway ill ar�d FY�ed Wari.r�g Drive except at appraved locations shall be granted on the fi.rzal map. RivP.rsic3e Gb�aity Fire Depar�t: 1. 2. Street widths-ail of those that are less tizan 28 feet wiii requii�e some kir�d of fire lane clesignati�. Parking island/medians-may require additional cut/set backs to allaa adequate access of ecnP.rgency vehicles. 3. The fire departrnent is required to set a minim�an fire flaw for the re�rodel or oocLstruction of all ocamer�cial buildings per Unifoim Fire C,ode Sec. 10.301.C. 4. Provide, or show ther�e exists a water system capable of prwidit� a p�tential fire flvw of 3000 gpm and the actual fire flaw available finm any on�e hydrant ooru�ected tA any given water main shall be 1500 gpm for 2 ixxirs duration at 20 psi resic�ual q�eratir�g pres.���r�e. 5. A fire flow of F�res-�ue must the job site. 1500 gpn for a 2 Yyour c�uration at 20 psi residual aperati.r�g be available before any oanbustible material is placed on 6. A aanbinatian of on-site ar�d off-site Super fire iiyrlrants ( 6" x 2" x 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" ) will be requir�ed., located r�ot less ti�z 25' or more tizan 150' from any portion of the build.ing( s) as measur�ed along appraved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. � RF50LVI'ICN I�U. 89-125 7. The required fire flvw may be adjusted at a later point in the pern�it process- to reflect changes in d�esign, oaLst�i.iction type, area separatia�s, or built-in fire protection measures. 8. Prior to the application for a b�uilding pennit, the develc�.r shall furnish the original and tw� c�apies of the watex system plan to the oaurty fire departlnent for review. No building pennit shall be issued taitil th�e water systeln plan has been appraved by the cauity fire chief . Upon appraval, the origina.l will be returned. Orie c�o�y will be sent to the re_�por�sible ins-pecting authority. 9. Plans shall oonform to fire hydrant types, location and spacir�g, and the system shall meet the fire flaa requireme.nts. Plans shall be signed by a registei�ed civil er�gineer and may be sig��ed by the local water vor�arYy with the follawir�g certification: "I certify that the design of the water systgn is in acxordance with the requir�nerits p�escribed by the Riverside Cotanty Fire Depar'bn�xit. �� 10. Instal]. a oomplete fire sprinkler systen per NFPA 13. (Ordinazy Hazard G'Y�oup IZ -'Poys R Us ). 'I'he post iixiicator valve and fire depar��ent cac�r�ection shall be located to the frorit, not less than 25' from the builditx� and within 50' of an ap�raved iYytlrant. 11. Install a fire alazm (waterflow) as required by the Unifoim Building Ooc]e 3803, for sprinkler systen. 12. Install tat�er alazm � supply valve for sprinkler syste�ns. TAN�II2 ALAFd�I Ni1ST AL.SO RING BUILDII� WATER FL,OW AI�P►RM BELL. 13. Certain designated areas will be required to be maintairied as fire lanes. 14. Inst311 portable fire extinguist�ers per NFPA, Pa�cq�tLlet #10, but t�ot less ti�l 2AlOBC in ratu�g. 15. All buildir�gs shall be accessible by an all-weather roadway exter�dir�g �o witiiin 150' of all portions of the exterior walls of the first stoYy. The roadway shall be not less than 24' of unobs�txucted width and 13'6" of vartical clearance. Where parallel parkirx3 is allchred, the roadway shall be 36' wic3e with parkir�g on Uot�i sides: 32' wide with parking on a�e 5ide. Dead-end roads in excess of 150' shall be pravided with a minim�m 45' radius tuni aro�uxi ( 55' in industrial dev+elo�pnents ). 16. �r access into private propert.y is oontzblled thirough use of gates, bazriers, guar�d houses or similar means, provision shall be made to facilitate access by emergec�cy vehicles in a manner approved by the fire departrrient. All coc�trolled access devices that are po�w�er operated shall hav�e a radio-c�trblled ave,r-ride system capable of openis�g the gate whP,n activated by a s�ecial trar�nittes located in emergei�cy vehicles. Dgvices 7 RFSOLiTPIQ�1 ND. 89-125 shall be equipped with backup paw�ar facilities to aperate in the �zt of power failure. All oaitrolled aoce.ss devices that are not powex aperated shall also be appr+w�ed by the fire departt�rnt. Minim�an oper��g width shall be 12', with a mininnan vertical clearance of 13'6". 17. Fire lanes: Fire access must be mir��n 20 feet to allaw adequate irygress/e9rass. 18. Cbntact the fire department for a final inspection p�ior to oacupaiycy. CS/tm � 0