HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 89-090'�.?:• • • i• '� A RF�OLUTZCN OF 'I�iE CITY C�[RVCIL OF 'I� CITY OF PAIM DFSERT, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A PRECISE PLAN, HEIC��'I' �'ARIAI�KE AIm PARC:EL NAP TO PIIa�IIT A 47, 340 S�E FC)OT I�ICAL OQ�LEx. CASE NOS. PP 89-11, VAR 89-3, PM 24630 Wf�RF,AS, the City Ca�u�cil of the City of PaLn Desert, California, did az the 20th day of 3uly, 1989, hold a c�u1.y noticed public hearir�g to oa�sider the request of DAVID AI�ID N�RY STOLT'!�N for a p��ecise plan, height variarr.e and par�cel map to permit oaLstructicn of a 47, 340 medical catQlex on 4. 08 acres on the east sic3e of Portola Avecw�e, 700 feet no�t]z of Qxmtry Club Driv�e; and W�REA..S, said applicatirn has oatq�lied with the requir�nents of the "City of Palm Dese=t Procec�ure fo� L�lecnentatirn of the Califo�nia �rira�cnental Quality Act, Resolution No. 80-89," in that the director of camnuLity cievelopn�nt has detennir�ed that the p�o j eCt was a.S.Se.ssed in vOnryection with GPA 89-2 ar�d C/Z 89-2 for which a Negativ�e Declaration was a�ved; ar�d 4�k�RFAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimaYy and arg�m�er�ts, if arry, of a],�,f int.erested persons desirir�g to be h,eard, said city oau�cil did find the follavir�g facts and reasazs to justify ap�oval : PRDCISE PLAN. 1. Th�e precise plan and proposed use is oon.siste�t with the Gene,ral Plan and office pmfessional za�e. 2. 'I'he pt�oposed mediCal faCility will p�cNide Palm De.�t resici�nts with n�eeded services presently lacking in the city. 3. The project will not dep�eciate p�operty values, restrict the lawful use of adjaceait properties r�o� will it threaten public health, safety or general welfare. VARZANCE. 1. That strict application of the 25 foot h�eight limit wauld make caLstructiai of a tw� stoYy surgical facility i�t.ical. 2. 'i"t�e space requir�zts of a surgical facility mandates the 30 fart height, Z7�ese s�pac�,e r�eeds are rnt typical of pz�ofessional offices iase.s in g�'al. 3. Pn7perty vwi�ers in ti�e ad j ac�nt PR zor�e en j oy a 30 foot h�e.ight 1 imit . 4. The additia�al fiv�e feet in height will r�at be detrimental to the public health, safety, or w�elfare. '�?. �; • • • • • � PARCEL N�►P . 1. The paz�cel map is crn.sistent and i�lenelits the requir�nents of the Gity of Palm Desert Subdivision Ordinance, State Map Act and oaxiitions of approval for the pr+ecise plan. I�7W, T�F��ORE, BE IT RESOLVID by the Plannit�g Ocnmission of the City of Palm Desert, Califo�nia, as follaas: 1. That the aborve recitations are tzue and carreCt ar�d �stitute the fir�dis�gs of the oam�i.ssion in this case. 2. That Ca..�e Nos. PP 89-11, VAR 89-3, and PM 24630 are he,reby anp�oved, sub j ect t�o atta�ci'�ed aa�ditiazs . PASSID, APP'ROVID ar�ci ADOPTID at a regular meeting of the PaLn Desert Plannir�g Oannission, held az this 20th day of J�, 1989, by the follawing wte, to wit: AYFS : NC�ES : NC ABSII� : ABSTAIN: ^ /" �?5�,1! % Si�ILA R. GI: City of Palm PD/tm �� BIIdSCN, CRITES, F�LLY, SIVYDF�t, WIL.SCN Ia,''� TK�� I�IE u� v�-� � . CitY Cl • � '1�► �; • � : • • � [��_� � YM .�.. •:� ; �.: �.l: C�SE PA. PP 89-11 I� :�_. �Ilril s�� �1 �� �i ii_ �� A I_a,.c_ �.� ii a�t ,--: ��� 1. The dev�elq�ient of the p�opert.y shall oonform substantially with exhibits on file with the departrnent of aanm.u�ity c7�evelapttient/plac�ir�g, as modified by the follawir�g oa�ditians. 2. Qonstructiaz of a p�rtion of said pro j ect shal l vamierre within ane year frcm the date of final app�aval imless an extec�sion of time is granted; otherwise said approval shall become null, void and of no effect whatsoevpx. 3. The c1ev�elognent of the pro�perty described ia�rein shall be subject to the restriCtions an�d limitations set forth her'ein which 8re in sdditiGn to all namicipal ordinances and state and fedexal statutes r�aw in foYce, or which Y�ereafter may be in foz�ce. 4. Prior to issuance of a building pennit for oonstzuctirn of arYy use c�onten�lated by this app��oval, the applicant shall first obtain permits and/or clearance frcm the follawir�g agencies: Coachella Valley Water District Palm Desert Arrhitectural G1am�ission City Fire Marshal Riv�erside Ciauity Departinent of Health 5. 6. 7. Ebidex�ce of said pernLit or clearaiyce frcm the ai�vve agencies shall be p�ted t� the cleparhnent of buildir�g and safety at �a time of issuance of a building permtt for the use oonten�lated her�ewi�. Trash p�wisions shall be apQa.�ov�ed by applicable tra�h.-�ca�any and city pri� t�o issuar�ce of building peimit. _-. Applicant shall pay scstr�ol i�act fees as azrar�ged by the Desert Sand.s Unified Sctyool District. Project shall be subject tp Art in Public Plaoe.g fee per Ordinazyce No. 473. 8. AppllCant agz'ees to maintain the landscapiryg requir�ed 'bo be installed pursuant to these cor�ditions. Applicant will enter into an agreen�t to maintain said larydscapir�g for the life of tha p�ject, which egreecnent shall be r�otarized aryd which agreene�t shall be reoo=ded. It is the specific intent of tiye parties that this aaxiition ar�d agreemPnt run with the land and bind success�rs ar�d assigns. f � '�.�: • • •• �� 9. AppliCant sh311 ec�hasize drvught resistent and wate�' ccc�,seiving plant materials and irrigation tectux�logies into landscape plan. DepartmaYt of Public Wo�ics: 1. Drainage fees, in accordance with Secticn 26.49 of the Pa]m Desert Municipal Cbcie arri Palm Desezt Otdir�anoe N�mber 507, shall be paid prior to r�eoort3ation of final map. 2. Drairsage facilities aoc�struction shall be vontingent upaz a drainage study p�epaz�ed by a registered civil er�ginee�r tisat is revie�aed and app�r,yved by tiye depari�nent of public wo�ks paciar to start of oarLstruct-,icn. 3. Signalizatiai fees, in acooidance with City of Palm Desert Resoluticn Nos. 79-17 ar�d 79-55, shall be paid p�io�r to reoordation of final map. 4. F1i11 publiC i�roveR�ents, as required by Sections 26.40 ar�d 26.44 of the Palm Desert Municipal Code, shall be installed in accordance with appliCable City st,andartis. 5. As required under Palm Desert Municipal Cbc1e Section 26.28, and in ac,c�ordan�ce with Sections 26.40 at�d 25.44, vrniplete t plans and specifications shall be sutmitted to the direcbar of public work.s far checking and approval before construction of any improvements is oatmerx�.ed. Off-site impr�ov�ement plar�s bo ba appx�ar�ed by the public works depar��ent and a sur�ety posted bo guarantee the installation of r�equired off-site imp�wpments p�io� to z�eooa�dation of final map. Such off-site �mprr�vements shall include, but nat be limited to, curb and gutter, asphalt paving and concrete sidewalk,in an appropriate size and oonfiguration. "As-btxilt" plans sh811 be submitted to, ar�d aPP�'o'�� bY, the direcbor of public wnrks priar to the aaoepta�e of the irt�rove�ients by the city. 6. plans far water and sewe�r systans shall be app��or�reci by the respective sexvioe districts with "as-built" plans subsnitted to the depart�nent of public works p�ior fio p�+oject final. 7. All public and pacivate i��nents shall be inspected by tfie cl�epar��ent of public work.s and a starx9ard inspect.ion fee shall be paid p�ior to issu�x� of grading permits. 8. LarrLscaping maintenat�oe on t�e pmapes'ty frocitages si�all be pmvided by the Px'cype.r'tY awr�ex' . 9. In acco��ce with Palm Desert M�micipal Cbc3e Section 26.44, oor[q�lete grading plans and specifications shall be sutxni.tted to the direct�or� of public works for c.heck.ir�g and apprvval p�ior to issuance of arYy peimits. 4 I: �. �; . Y • ► ► • L� �.�� 10. As required by SectiaLs 26.32 and 26.44 of the Palm Dasert M�aLicipal Gode, and in acoardanr.e with the Circulation Netwo�k of the City's General Plan, dedication of half-street right-of-way at 30 feet on the pi�oposed east/west stz�eet aloc�g the r�or'�e,rly p�operty lina sh311 be p�avided on the final map. The im�ar�e�'it width of the p��posed street shall be 20 feet fran centerli.r�e to curb. 11. Size, nunber ar�ci location of �iveways shall be t�o the specificatian of the director of public works with only tw�o driveway access points pexmitted for this pm� j ect . 12. Traffic safety stripi.ng an Pbrtola Avecuse and the p��aposed eas-t/w�est stz�eet shall be provided bo the specifications of the director of public works. A traffic vontrol plan must be sutYnitt.ed to and a�vv�ed by t�'�e direct� of public works p�ictt� to the placgnent of ,any paveneszt markir�gs. 13. Cat�lete tract map shall be sutimitted as required by ordi.t3ai�Ce to the direcfio�� of public works fo� ci�eckii�g and app�aval and be reoozY3ed before issuar�oe of any permits . ,� 14. Any and all off-site i��ts shall be p��ecec3ed by the a�pp�val of plans ar�d the issvar�ce of valid en�achmecit pexmits by the department of public worics. 15. A complete preliminary soils inv�es�tigation, oaYhicted by a registered soils er�gineer, shall be submitt,ed to and a}�u�ov�ed by the dgparbnent of public wori{s pariar to the issvarr.e of a gradii�g peimit. 16. Pad elevations, as si�awiz on the tentative map, are subject to review and modi.ficatiaz in a000�dacre with Chapter 2? of the Palm Desert M�urtcipal C',ode. 17. Waiver of acces�s to Poxt�la Ave��oue a�d the pxopoeed east/west street e+xoept at apQ��ed locatioc�s sha].l be granted rn ti�e final map. 18. Public st.reet i�xvv�iecits rn Pb�t�la Aver�ie shall ir�clude p�avisia�s fo� v�ehtcular c3eceleratiai lai�es desi��ed to the satisfaction of the director of public wo�k.s at botii the pm�ject esYtry and t3�e pz�x�sed ea..4t/w�est street. 19 . The Portol a Avenue pro j ect acoess shall be =+eetrict.ed to right-turn irr�x�ess and ri�t-t�un egr+e�s rnly. Subject restriction shall ir�clude raised meciian curbing in Pbact�la Avernse, as well as raised ci�ar�elization c�.ub fo� t�e p�oject entiy. 20. Applicant shall agree to participate with the project to the south, oontributi.ng half of the oost of oa�struct.iai of a p�rotected bus stap 5 '1�.`'�: • • • � • � si�elter. The desic� of said shelter shall be subject t� the review and app�aval of the City of Palm Desert. 21. Prior to issuarioe of any pezmits associated with this p�oject, applicant shall pmvide a minimum 23 foot wide easement for landscaping and pedestrian access ala�g the Po�tola Avgw�e p�+oparty frcntage. 22 . Prio� to is..suar�oe of arYy penntts associated with this paro j ect, applicant shall secure recip�ocal i�r�ess aryd egress ea_�ertierits frcm the awr�e.r( s) of th�e adjacent pzo�pezt.y to the south. Rivez'sirle G1o�aYty Fire Departmec�t: 1. Provic3e, ar st�aw there exists, a water system capable of p�widing a potential fire flaw of 3000 gpm �d t3ye actual fire flvw available frcm any an�e hyr�ant aormeCted to any giv� water main shall be 1500 gpm for 2 ho�u s duration at 20 psi residual operatir�g p�a�e . 2. A fire flaw of 1500 gpn for a 2 hau��ration at 20 psi resic�ual o�erating par�essur� tnu.st be available befo�+e any oombu.stible material is plaCed on the job site. 3. A arn�Uinaticn of cn-site and off-site Super fire iYydrants ( 6" x 4" x 2- 1/2" x 2-1/2" ) will be r+equtred, located not les.s thai� 25' or more than � 150' fran any portion of the b�uildii�g( s) as measur+ed alor�g appr'av�ed vp.iLtculaz' trav�elw'dys. The requir+ed firg flow �hall be available fxrm ar►y adjar.,ent iYyc�ant(s) in t3�e systen. 4. The r�ec�Ltred fire flaw may be adju.sted at a later p�int in the pesmit grocess to refiect charx,�es in deei�, oor�stxuction type, area separatia�s, or built-in fire p�otection mea.s��es. 5. Prior to the application fo� a buildirr3 pazmit, the cievelaQer shall furnish the o�iginal and two a�iee of the wafie�� sysbem plan to the Uo�uity Fiz�e DeQai`biient fo�' retriew. No building perntit shall be iss�ied tmtil the watet syst.em plan ha�s bee�z a�p�mred by the �ty Fire Chief . Upon appro�val, the o�igir�al will be retxaciti9d. Qne Oopy will be sent to the r+esponsible inspectiry3 autho�'itY. 6. Plans shall oonfo�m to fire hyc�'atit types, loCation and spacitr�, and t1�e systen► shall megt the fire flaw requiremerits. Pl�s shal.l be sig��ed by a regist,ez�ed civil ec�ginee�' ar�d may be sic,��ed by tha local water oanparYy with the followiryg oe�'tificatirn: "I oe�tify that the deeign of the water system is in acoo�dat�oe wi� the requit�ne�zts p�esc�'ibed by the Riverside Camty Fire Dgp2itm�nt. �� � I: �. �; M • . . � :L '.� 7. Install a oc��lete fire sprinkler systen per NFPA 13. The post ir�d.icator v31ve at�d fire department ootmeCtion shall be loCated to the frocit, r�ot less than 25' fran the builcling and within 50' of an app�r�ved hcydrant. 8. Install a fire alarm (waterflaw) as required by the Uniform Buildir�g C,ode, 3803, for sprinkler systeln. 9. Install ta¢t�er alarm cn s�upply valv�e far sp�inkler syste�s. Tat�es switch must also rir�g buildirx,� water flow alazm. 10. Certain desic�nated areas will be r+equired to be maintained as fire lanes. 11. Install panic hardware and exit signs per Unifozm Building C.ode and/or Uniform Fire C'.a3e. 12. ZrLstall portable fire extinguishers pe.r NFPA, Paciphlet #10, but mt 1P�S than 2AlOBC in rating. 13. All buildings st�all be accessible by atz all-weath�r roa�aay extendit�g to within 150' of all partials of the �cterior walls of the first sfio�y. �e roadway shall be mt less than 24' of width and 13'6" of vertical clearar�ce. Where parallel parking is a1loRaed, the roadcaay shall be 36' wide with par}cing cn both sides, 32' wide with parkir�g on one side. Dead-end z�oad.s in excess of 150' shall be p�ro�vided with a minim�an 45' radius turn-arau�d ( 55' in irx�ustrial cic�velo�pnetzts ). 14. W�he.nev�e.r access into private pmoperty is oontrolled through use of gates, baiz�iers, guard hau.ses or similar meai�s, p�ovision shall be made to facilitate aooess by elneig��cy vehicles in a maimer ap�r�ved by the fire departrnent. All oontrolled acce.ss cie�vices that are po�wer oQerated sha11 have a radio-oaztrolled wer-ride system capable of op�trx3 the gate when activated by a snecial tran.�mitter located in anergency vetLtcles. Devices shall be equip�,�ed with backup pow�es facilities tn operate in tt�e event of powex failure. All vontrolled aooess dwioes that are mt power c7perated shall als� be ap��oved by the fire 3e�arbnent. Minimun operiii�g width shall be 12' , with a minimm v�artical clearar�ce of 13' 6" . 15. OcCuparx,y sepal'ation will be required as pe,t' the Uniform Build3r�g Gode, Sec. 503. 16. Cbntact the fire depas�ne�nt fo� a final inspec�tion p�ior to occl�pancy. 17. This project may require licensir�g ar�d/� re�vi.ew by state agerycies. Applicant shauld po�epa=�e a letter of intent detailir�g the p�.ro��ed usage to facilitate case =�tview. Qxitact shaald be made with the Office of the State Fire r��sh� ( 818-960-6441) fo� an opiniai a�d a classificatirn of occupancy tyne. This information and a oq�y of the letter of intent st�ould be submitted to the fire departrneait so t3�at P�ro'Per r�x�ents maY 7 I: �.`'_�; . /M � ♦ �� �> '.� be specified. c�urir�g the review p�ooess ( d�e to question of altp.rnative .. surgesY svites and their use ). •. . ��